tv Right This Minute ABC March 13, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." an endangered gorilla cuddles a newborn. >> it's her first little baby. >> the story behind fossie's sweet bonding moment. getting rolled by a giant is part of being a big wave professional surfer, but what happens when the rescue mission goes under, too? >> oh! i worked long hours,ily' do it later. >> put down the excuses and dropped 70 pounds. >> next month, next year is coming whether you like it or not. >> meet the filmmaker who shared his inspiring choice. >> i decided i was going to change my life. >> we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web.
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including which type of laugher are you? what happens when we turn the microscope on ourselves to figure it out. nick is what we call the rich guy. bah-ha-ha-ha-ha, without the rich. >> i love this video from valencia in spain and there you see fossie and fossie is a new mommy, it's her first little baby, cuddling the baby. they don't know the sex yet. here's some pictures they have and it's a little wrinkled. >> he's cute. he has a little mohawk going on. >> i think i came out with that hairstyle, too. >> what's really cool is what this means for conservation, because the western gorilla is extremely endangered and they had success in their breeding program because you could see right here, this isn't the only baby that they have.
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they have another one who is nine months old and then there's a third baby that they have in this troop. >> so who is the dad? >> i'm going to say it's the silverback right here, because if you look at that look on his face he's a little upset that you had to ask, like who do you think it is in you see an interaction right here, where another mom with a baby comes to investigate and there's another baby looking and they have a real norman rockwell type moment when it's captured in a still image. you've got the other baby looking, somebody else is coming to give the baby a kiss on its head. mom is sitting there, you're not taking my baby. >> the babies always smell the best. the big male he's just like, oh, another kid around here. >> but he's not having to feed him. somebody else is taking care of him. i think it's wonderful to see how they interact with each other and you see the bonds that they make. they are animals but they're not that different from humans if you just look at the dna.
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off the coast of portugal are monster, giant waves that guys love to try and attempt to tame, but you see alex botelho quickly gets run down by the massive wave. now he's just a part of the surf. this is all part of the business of being a big wave professional surfers so no worry. here comes his partner, hugo. hugo and alex take turns on the jet ski. before hugo has a chance to get to alex, another wave comes by and pummels alex. he speeds in, sees alex, gets him on board. >> hurry, go. >> hugo not satisfied with just getting alex, also want to get his surfboard. >> saved a guy's life. >> i'm with you. >> goes to find the board. >> oh my goodness no way. >> flips it over, hops back on. >> this is insane. >> doesn't go well. >> oh, terrible! >> what were we telling you just
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now. >> the next rogue wave comes by and wipes them both out so now it's a struggle for survival. >> there is nothing but whitewater. >> the jet ski appears to be washed ashore. alex going pour it, the original surfer. he gets on top of the jet ski, tries to right it and just as he gets this fired up, he gets hit by another wave. >> so he's knocked off this thing again? >> yep and washed further away from his buddy. both guys make it to shore, thank goodness, giving each other hugs, thankful to have gotten out of this situation without any injuries. little bit of minor damage to the jet ski but that comes with the territory. >> who cares about the jet ski, they're alive. that wasn't i love you, that was a bro -- >> i got you. i got you. >> don't tell mom. 13-year-old vivian here is so thrilled. she's hoping to go to booker t. washington school for performing
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and visual arts, and it's been a dream of hers since she was 4 years old. the letter from the high school finally arrived. she reads the letter. >> read it. >> i didn't get in. >> that's just the worst. >> that is like, it's all right, just keep reading the letter. what else does it says. >> fully audition, outstanding -- >> what does it say? >> then she starts cracking up. >> we are offering you a position at our school -- >> her brother is like, yes! exactly what i was thinking. >> only one step below kicking out the power plug right before somebody wins. >> right about now she realizes this is a big jab her dad put together for her. >> what?
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>> when you later become a decent human being. >> that is pretty savage from dad. if i'm going to pay for all this stuff, i might as well have fun with it. >> then dad hands her the actual letter. >> yes! >> she does get to go to the school she wanted to go. >> thank you, i got in! i got in! i got in! sophie was driving along the highway in australia and like always, everything is fine. >> until it's not! what are you doing? >> gosh, that is the worst sound ever. >> that red car, at least that one is over to the side. >> you spotted it, oli, and it pulls out and takes a spin and is trying to make a u-turn. >> a u-turn to where though? >> exactly. >> it's a one-way road. >> it's a completely divided highway, the other direction is on the other side of that
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meaning of trees. where are you going to go? >> this was posted to dash cam owners australia and that driver is a 93 years old. >> crikey. >> that driver was probably disoriented and didn't know what to do. >> there's no medical report on the mental condition of the driver but the driver suffered cuts and bruises to their face. sophie was taken to the hospital and has whiplash. things could have been worse. there was a car behind her, when she got out the woman was crying because her kids were in the car. she's glad it happened to her and not in the car behind her. let's lighten things up a bit and head over to thailand. >> doesn't look light to me. >> the load is not light but the video is light-hearted. up, up, up, okay, back, back, back, back, but -- >> i hope he has another clutch. >> i think i can, i think i can, i think i can.
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all right. >> oh! >> he's bamboozled. >> whoa! a filmmaker set out on a fitness journey and today -- >> he's slicing from granite, superman there. >> tells us how putting his little executions aside fulfilled his big dream. >> this video in many ways changed my whole life. police spot a stolen car so -- the lights and sirens go on and we have a pursuit. but see why the suspect's getaway takes a cold, hard turn. >> hypothermia is going to get him, not the police. brought to you by delta faucets. see what delta can do. getting . that's what inspired the design of delta shieldspray. ♪ under a waterfall a powerful spray for cleaning. a powerful shield to help keep from splashing.
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what happened? >> i got kids. i got long hours, i'll do it when i get a break. enough. >> the situation so many people around the world have been through before or going through right now. i've said it before, it can seem hard. just take it one day at a time. >> take it one day at a time. next week, next month, next year is coming whether you like it or not. >> you know what to do. you know how to do it and the cool thing about this video is as you're seeing on the left-hand side nina doing the exercise and you see on the right-hand side day by day by day his progression. >> nothing can stop you now. >> boom. day 278, that is 70 pounds lighter. he's like cut from granite. >> superman right there. >> there's a lot more to this video than meets the eye, and tell us all about it, live via
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skype right this minute we have nino ollie. looking sharp, my friend. two things i want to get into, first the how and then the why. how did you do it in. >> i decided that i was going to change my life and i went into my dwrangarage and mapped out h long it would take and figured out the progression and set the camera and i said i'm doing this. i just kept going in every single day, maintaining a process and eventually i sort of transformed and started to ezity the individu edit the video together. >> the why is not what i expected. tell us why. >> i ultimately wanted to do it as a filmmaker to inspire an audience and i want to inspire myself by promoting my own feature film and in the end, i ultimately made that movie and took the exact same principles of one day at a time to make a movie, a feature film called "stillwater." >> was there one particular moment where you said that's it, i need to make a plan?
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what was that moment for you? >> that moment was i think when i had reached the heaviest point in my life, and i was frustrated with literally everything. i said you know what? this is ridiculous, and i want to start off my video like that. i was looking at the mirror wondering what i did, and i knew i could do better and made that change. >> the cool thing about this is your personal health journey is drawing attention to the feature film you made during your own journey. how do we see "stillwater" if we want to? >> visit it's coming out on tuesday the 13th, amazon, itunes, google play, basically everywhere on demand. it's a mystery thriller, whodunit with tyler ritter. >> everyone, nino ollie! people are desperate and their backs are to the corner, it's time to run. that's the case in birmingharmrn birmingham,enibirmingham,
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eni england here. the ford fiesta is being followed by police. you see the thing he runs over? >> stinger. >> designed to puncture the tire of suspects trying to flee. once the tires are popped, the lights and sirens go on and now we have a pursuit. >> most of time when the spikes are applied, the car stops. this person is still going. >> still going. didn't quite get all the tires but did flatten a few but doesn't seem to know this driver down. behind the wheel of the car is christopher king, he's 38 years old. they spotted this vehicle only an hour after it was reported stolen. >> we're on 60. >> only a matter of time before this guy starts to put other people in serious danger. there are folks exiting a bus. thankfully they heard the police siren, looked down the street and how this coming towards them. he was speeding but intersections, even going the wrong way through some round-abouts. >> he's going right in the slow lane. >> at some point they decide it's not worth the pursuit but set the air unit off.
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he goes off road a little bit with it before he decides to dump the vehicle and jump right into the water. this water is frigid. >> hypothermia is going to get him, not the police. >> not a very smart dude. >> that dip slows him enough for ground units to get him under arrest. he pled guilty to a number of charges, banned from driving for three years, he has an 18-month suspended sentence and has been handed 120 hours of community service. shovel up snow and prank the girl. >> she's cozy, too. >> not for long. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, a man's up high to do some work. >> and you think hey, man, stand a little more firm because you're on the ladder. >> why the way down is going to be a blast. >> whoa! >> snap! plus the slow mo guys are feeling artistic. >> ready? >> they're like human stencils. >> see the masterpiece when it's
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time to face the paint. we moved. but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? no, it's good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i'm telling you, it's so easy to get home insurance on progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. nature gives me... strength. clarity. energy. nature gives me... wisdom.
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the slow mo guys are clearly looking to start branching out. >> how about we collaborate on a majestic art piece? >> yes, for this episode of the super slow show they become artists. >> eight barrels each with half gallon paint in it. >> they're standing in front of it? >> yes. >> they're like human stencils. >> oh my god! >> you're xkly right, nick, perfect stencils. they have another stencil the sign for the name of the show comes out beautifully. >> like a paint volcano. >> piece of art. you could probably guess what's going to happen in this video because you've got a man standing on a ladder, he's doing
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some work on a heating system for a terrace in front of this pub in amsterdam. >> problems happen when you get too high. >> he's not that high though. >> whoa! >> snap! >> oh my gosh. >> they said the ground started to shake. >> a ground heave, just as that person is walking over. one more second the guy in the tan jacket would have been vaporized. >> what the heck? >> why did that happen? is he holding a live wire? >> had nothing to do with anything he was doing. it was a chain reaction. there was a digger that hit an electrical cable while excavating something. the chain reaction sparked the flame down there and that caused the explosion. he was not seriously injured but 0,000 people were without power because of this incident. >> that is insane. >> meanwhile in russia, anything can happen. >> after that first video i'm just waiting for everything to
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blow up. >> you'd almost be right, oli. pay attention to the black mer sigh daez. he goes to the front door, then watch what happens. >> oh goodness, car bomb. >> see that? there's smoke. then the guy falls to the ground, the person runs up, drags the guy away. according to police, this was a failed bomb. >> oh my goodness, somebody wanted to take this person out, blow them up in their car. >> yes, they don't know who, they don't know why. his car is a no go. a comedian calls out all kinds of laughers. >> the question is, which one are you? >> how things get hilarious, when we try to decode our own.
3:25 pm and click on tv show or check it out on our mobile app. we are all one of these. [ laughter ] the question is, which one are you? >> that was you, i thought that was you at first when i heard it. >> the heart attack? >> the ahhh! >> the trouble one. >> that is definitely bailey. >> you know what? i have a distinct laugh. [ laughter ]
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>> let's find out which one you are, mister. >> i'm like whip crash, ha! and then i'm done. >> no, not at all. instead of hands, you're slapping knees. >> it was more like a duck quacking. >> in here somewhere. this one. >> oh, you've got car troubles. >> you cry. you are like my aing rniagara f. >> all the time, i laugh really hard i cry. it goes from laughing to ugly crying. >> like that. >> yes. >> nick it's just mocking. >> nick is what we call the rich guy. bah-ha-ha-ha-ha, without the rich. [ laughter ]
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>> i don't think any of us are this one. [ laughter ] >> that's a good joke. you can't help but release all that funny energy through your entire body. >> you see this in a lot of comedy shows. >> this is e.j., she's a comedian and entertainer and she's very good at it because she had us rolling. >> i don't know, you guys are just going to have to be funny one of these days and maybe you'll find out. [ laughter ] that's our show. we'll see you next time on another brand new episode of "rtm."
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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the major shakeup. president trump firing his secretary of state in a tweet. rex tillerson is out tonight. what we've now learned, and then, the phone call from air force one hours after the tweet. also tonight, the major storm. the third nor'easter in less than two weeks hitting at this hour. the blizzard, treacherous driving, tractor trailers overturning. the deadly bus crash down a steep embankment. children on their way back to school after a trip to disney world. we do have breaking developments tonight in the case of that possible serial bomber. three bombs, two dead. and what authorities have just revealed a authority time ago. and the family horror onboard an united flight from houston to new york. the family says the flight attendant insisted that they place their dog in the
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