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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  April 1, 2018 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> what? >> time to pick a side. depending on the kind of person you are, you are on one side of the argument or the other side of the argument. either way, it's going to be irritating. >> see what happens when the enforcement officer approaches this litter bug. >> follow the rule. >> in a sea of sea lions, rescuers spot one in trouble. how they manage to save a slippery girl with a big problem. >> doing good, right? >> the smooth talking prankster
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trying to impress the ladies. >> corny pickup lines. >> was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? >> why they're so bad they're almost good. >> i might not be a can make all your dreams come true. >> the sun is going down. it's a great time to pick up your hang glider and just jump off a cliff. this woman just slips into her pod there and settles in for a nice late afternoon flight. she's been flying for a while. here comes a friend. it's cool. cruises on board just below her. she makes a right-hand turn. looking for a little lift to keep her flight going as long as possible. however, she says she makes a very poor decision right around here. she turns back left to make another 180-degree turn. it doesn't seem to go well. she loses a lot of altitude.
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she's got plenty of beach to land her hang glider. no problem. right? >> should be fine. >> should be fine. however, against her better judgment and against training, against everything she knows, she chose to land in the surf. >> what? >> her pod that she was wearing is now very heavy because it's wet. she is still clipped into this hang glider. there's a lock that she's trying to undo with her hand and unclip and somehow get herself out of there. thank goodness a larger wave didn't come in. that would have toppled the glider, knocked her below the surface and who knows if she would have been able to get back up. >> she chose where she landed? she didn't choose do it on the sand? >> in fact, i can read you her comment. the fact that i made this stupid decision when i know better is really disturbing. what i do know and after talking with friends is i have a bad habit of flying beyond my
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fatigue level. >> was she able to pull that out by herself? >> no. >> did somebody help her? >> a couple of her friends did come and give her some assistance getting her glider out of the water. she struggled just getting herself out of the water. her pod and harness was so heavy with water. >> depending on the kind of person you are, you are on one side of the argument or the other side in this video. either way, you are going to be irritated. comes to us from liverpool. >> i get to say liver pudlian. >> she is a littler enforcement officer. she partnered up with a company to have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to littering in the city center. she's there with her little enforcement computer trying to get information from this guy who she says was throwing a
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cigarette butt on the floor. he is just straight up point-blank ignoring. >> sir. can i speak to you? >> he ends his call and he is angry. >> sir. >> one minute. >> i finished my phone call. i will speak to you. >> sir. >> the person shooting this video was a trader and he started this particular facebook group, where he tries to basically video and shame these people for preventing people from littering. they're saying this private company is taking advantage of people. on the other side they are saying, you threw a cigarette on the floor.litter. >> he walked into this mall, this shopping center.
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that's where she then abandons her pursuit. we kind of get the story as to what happened. >> was it smoke? >> yeah. >> if you are smoking in a place that's not a designated smoking area. >> it's not that they can't smoke. they can't smoke and toss their stuff in the street? >> yes. follow the rule. >> you live in the city. don't ruin it. don't trash it. don't throw your stuff on the ground. >> which is why this video is getting out there, because everyone is like, no! >> man refusing to give details and walking away. >> today we're here at penny bay. over the last week or so, we have had reports of sea lions entangled in garbage. >> the vancouver aquarium marine mammal rescue center has been called out. there are a lot of sea lions out there. but they are looking for one in particular. they are getting closer. they get out the dart gun
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because they need to get to one in particular. >> that was cool. >> you see that one? they dart that one. did you notice something? a nylon rope around her neck. they have come out to help her. >> it was darted and now jumped into the water. what do you do? >> they did not make her go to sleep. they gave her a sedative. they need to get to her to get that rope from around her neck. >> it's like, wee! >> i feel like i'm in space. >> my gosh. it's in there. my gosh. sorry. >> way worse than i thought. >> it's been there for a while. afterwards, they give her a shot. they don't say whether it's something to wake her back up or if it's antibiotics. she does recover and pep up a little bit. >> it looks worse to us. she's a sea lion.
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probably a thick, heavy coat of blubber. maybe it's not as bad as it looks to the untrained marine biologist. >> there are people nearby who were able to help her out. >> i feel awesome. this was the reason i wanted to be a wild life veterinarian. helping animals out, especially those affected by us. it feels really good. that was good. >> this is mary ellen. she's a teacher in daytona, florida. she sees it's decorated with a banner that says happy birthday and balloons. >> who did it ? >> she walks through the door. they set up a cake and balloons inside. >> this is beautiful. >> she starts crying. she's loving it. it's time to get to glass. she grabs her book, her lab coat. she walks down the hall. she's gotta walk through those double doors. on the other side, her students are holding sun flowers and
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signs that tell the teacher why they love her so much. >> that's really thoughtful. >> it really is super sweet. her bouquet keeps getting big r bigger. she's feeling the love. wait until she gets into the classroom. >> happy birthday. >> there's more people there waiting for her. ♪ happy birthday to you >> after they sing her the happy birthday song, there's another surprise. probably the icing on the cake. >> my goodness. >> through the doors comes her main. he is behind all of this. she's in tears holding her flowers. then he gets down on one knee. >> oh, man. >> smooth. >> smooth move is right. >> of course, she says yes. she said, of course. then he thanked everyone for
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having helped him pull this off. apparently, she's quite nosey. it was really difficult to actually surprise her. which made this whole thing even more special. congratulations. >> they are laughing about this stunt. they are also sinking. >> they're not done sinking yet. >> they have to get out. >> see what happens next coming up on "right this minute." you have a hungry toddler here. she's in search of -- >> where is the milk? >> her desperate search coming up on "right this minute." ♪ ♪
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closed captioning provided closed captioning provided by -- >> allergy sufferers, this is
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note worthy. get your free sample. >> every group has that one guy. >> he is fun to hang out with. even if he is a bit of an idiot. >> this guy attempted to cross the lagoon in his off road truck. this guy got in a little too deep. >> at this point, it's still kind of funny. the truck is running. >> get me out of this. >> they are waiting for some of the friends to hook up their truck to pull him out. they're not done sinking. >> they have to get out. >> crocodiles i'm worried about. >> [ bleep ]. >> that was a good idea. >> it wasn't. >> he finally caved to peer pressure after an hour and going back, challenging each other. who will do it? >> i shouldn't have done this.
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>> what are you doing? >> he is starting to freak out. it's taking too long to pull him out. >> guys. >> finally get one truck hooked up. >> they must not have thought it was that deep. that's why they thought they could drive it through. or did they think they were going to float on past? >> you are thinking think a inu thoughts. that one truck gives it -- this truck is full of water. it might as well be a 12 ton anchor in there. they get a second truck hooked up. finally -- >> yeah. >> they get that truck pulled out of the water. the adventure isn't over yet. >> look at all that water. >> it's going to stinks real bad.
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>> don't turn it off. >> it should be off. >> he turned the truck off. it's still running. there's shorts and electrical issues now. word is the truck eventually stalled out. they had to get a tow truck in to lift this truck out of there. even the tow truck was struggling. you can see they're on a beach. it was a mess. this is the worst decision this guy has made. >> there will be more. >> oh, yeah. >> so much damage. >> these are the cries of desperation coming from this toddler. this very, very hungry toddler. >> what are you looking for? >> where is the milk? the more she keeps looking, the less milk she finds. >> no. none there either. this is the worst. >> mom says they were out shopping with her family and she realized that eve was hungry.
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they were walking outside when she spotted the lingerie section. she made a beeline for it. started looking for milk through the bras. >> the baby's vegas buffet. >> she quickly ate after this. mom couldn't help giggle at what was happening. she recorded the video and decided to share it because it was so funny. >> a place of inspiration for musicians. >> out in nature playing their instruments. >> see why it doesn't always strike the right note. ♪ >> oh, man. >> this drone keeps going up and up and up. >> you also see how colder and colder and colder it's getting. at one point it was minus 50 degrees celsius. >> see how crazy high it flies next.
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and you get coverage options to choose from. you're ruining my workout. cycling is my passion. promotional consideration provided by -- >> when i have a breakout, i feel like i'm in this shell. >> gold bond, relieves five symptoms. >> my skin is back. >> allergies keep you from enjoying the moment. get allegra. get back to the moment with allegra. >> musicians find inspiration when they are out in nature playing their instruments. that's what's happening with this young lady. ♪
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>> oh, man. she had the greatest shot, too. it was so poetic. >> she was playing a popular song. she had her camera rolling. i'm sure she thought she was going to nail it. >> i'm sorry. i'm a horrible person. >> it's fine. >> i hope her guitar didn't get ruined. >> everything is all wet. >> she will never be able to perform that song again. >> when she does, she will make sure her hammock is secure. this next video has everybody on the internet amused as well. this is a chinese game show called i am the big winner. your girl is the big winner. okay? they both got their cotton candy. game on. >> no. she did not just do that. >> yes, she did. reports are that while he was trash talking her, she was
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already figuring out in her mind how she was going to take him down. she did just that. >> it make president sense. >> the contest is who can eat it the quickest. >> put the audio on this. it's the way she stands as soon as she's done. >> he has his eyes closed. he has no idea he lost. >> so bad. >> of course, it's going viral because the women are always better at everything. >> when you win, it's because we let you. >> in the united states, the faa says you are not supposed to fly your drones above 400 feet. it's a hard and fast rule. in russia, maybe the rules are a little different. this guy spent months preparing his hobby drone to fly higher than 400 feet. he goes way past that 400 feet pretty quickly. soon you see he is way up there. in cull om tkilometers you can
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far up, 4.5, and climbing. you can see how fast he is going up. 11.5 meters per second. >> do we have control of this drone? >> i believe so. like i said, he spent months prepping this so he would have enough battery and i believe so he would have signal strength to get all the way up to cruising altitude of most commercial airliners. 33,000 feet. the drone gets knocked around a little bit some of the winds. youbouncing about. you can see the curvature of the earth from the small drone as it continues to go higher and higher and higher. >> you also see how colder and colder and colder it's getting. at one point it was minus 50 degrees celsius. >> up to 10,000 meters. >> this could be the highest
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altitude achieved by this drone. >> luring ladies with his best and corniest pickup lines. >> my goodness. these are so bad. >> he is getting a reaction. >> see what works next on "right this minute."
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click on tv show or check it out on our mobile app. >> using corny pickup lines. >> i was wondering if you could touch my arm so i could tell my friends that i've been touched by an angel. >> goodness gray shous. >> you have to appreciate the corny pickup line. >> usually at a bar when people are really drunk. >> some of the lines work. some of them don't. for now, he is off to a good start. >> nice to meet you. i'm dawson. can i get your phone number? >> sure. you are tall. >> excuse me. do you know where the food area is? i'm new here. >> right in there. >> thank you so much. i would say god bless you, but it looks like he already did. >> his next attempt, he figures he would scare them. >> was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? >> my goodness. these are so bad.
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>> he is getting a reaction out of you. >> he wouldn't get my number. >> could i have your directions >> where? >> to your heart. i love you. i might not be a genie but i can make all your dreams come true. >> that's [ bleep ] right. make sure you use that on somebody. >> i just did. >> a party over here. a party over there. >> those ladies could not be less interested. >> can i get your number? >> yeah. >> cool. >> i guess i have to get your number now. right? >> i have a boyfriend right now. >> she picked up the phone. giving it back to him. she's like, you ought to pick it
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up. i'm not here. she walks off. he just continues being dramatic. falls on the ground. another girl walks up. wait. okay. >> he is like the new king of awkward. >> yes. >> thanks for watching. we will see you next time on another all new rtm.
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