tv Right This Minute ABC April 4, 2018 3:00pm-3:29pm PDT
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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> thank you guys. oh, my gosh. >> it's an emotialon hecomomgin as neighbors of aom wanho w finished chemo -- >>am ceog tetrhe to line the street on her way home. >> the story behind the long journey that led her back to the people she loves. >> youid d i mt,om! with a parent like this -- uyo g totoee fl bad for the kid. what led to the bizarre behavior of one mad dad. lteisn up,dv aenretu travelers, if you want to know how to finthd e fun -- >> in six days in >>ow h an "rtm" producer's trip with mom, the world's hvieaest
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gold ring. >> whose finger does that go on? >> mine. >> wvee' g cothristian, oli charity, nick and gayle breaking down the bt esonhe t w. eb including the knife show, the video creating a host of culinary conundrums. >> what if youav he a gluten free friend, nick? march 21st was a dayo t cebrleate for margaret french and her entire community. she fisinheder h last chemotherapy treaentmt. >> hi! >> thank you so much. >> she had been dgniaosed whit an aggressive form of breast cancer back in october so the last few months have been very difficult for her but on this dayhe s gset to come home. >> ok,ay we veha oneor meob j forou y. youet g t hoold this. >> okay. >> just hold this. >>oo clhe wrehe t video started outseid the c barut we get t o joinn i and go along for the ride. >> now sheet gso t rorecdll a of
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this. her husband is in the car with her driving her home. >> makeshift parade for her? >> that's exactly whast'oi gng on. her neighbors, her work family, her family fami,ly her church family came together to line the street on her way home. o>>h,ha tnkou y ysgu. oh my gosh. i can't even believe it. you guys are awomese. >> wow. >> that's great. >> that's going to make me cry. this is ridiculous. what could it feelik le for r?he >> every time she comes up on a different gupro orif dfentre person holding a sign, whoa, you're here, too. >>ha tnkou y guys, thank you. >> eventually they finally get home. >> woo! >> the journey is not entirely over for margaret. she does have a surgery to remove the tumor come up later this month and several weeks of radiation treatment. >> you guys, i can't belveie th eatveborydyam ce outnd aid d this for me. this is amazing. and i appreciate it. >> if you notice, youtube's
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"beautiful day" is playing in the background because she's a huge fan of u2, not only that she wasur spredis whit tkeicts for theicor nct erth ft aeree singhi ts pair of videos i think you'll agree peop nleee tdo take a cllhi pill. serious guy wearing ael hmetnd a rrcayi ang machete. the receptionist moves ayaw. thissn i't aba nk. this is the reception area for a hospital. hey startmp etyginiq luid all erov that reception eaar. th fenlisck his lighter, boom. theho wlehi tng engulfed in flames, completely wipes out the camera for a while andhe tn we can see roaring fire full of smoke blocksut o the camera. > heus mt be mad he didn't get eth sviercee h deserved. > he had hisau dghrte bugroht to the er. they'd been there a couple of our bsuthe teo pple saidhe t tusiatnio isn't thatse ris.ou yohau veo t itwa. afte ar couple of hours, paticeen r anout, tyhe left, then he returned.
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> you got to feelad b f torhe dki thao veo t leiv with a guy like this. >> he faces much moreer sious charsge of arson because it was obviously premeditated. if he is arrested he's facing some trouble. we head over to russia where an electronic repair shop where the two customers on the other side are a little irate. that guy in the maroon has just punched that guy across the counter, he's fallen back. the guy in blue has a baseball bat and held back by the people in the store and he opensis h owntt aack. nowt' is four on two as the four repair shop people bring the pain to the two guys who started it. >> looks like they'll fix the guys' jaws instead of the electronics. >> the woman behind the camera is like, can everybody just stop? >> no, they can't. >> and they don't. at this point, these two customers decided maybe they bit off more anth tyhe can ch.ew the story behind this, they brought a piece of electronics
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to be repaired and quoted $22. they've been told it's going to cost about $150. they're not so happy about it, but the people that run the store say if you don't want it, you can have your device back, you just have to pay the diagstnoic fee of ten bucks. >> right about now $10 doe'tsn se semo bad. o tnhe way to work just today i survived two near miss car accidents which makes you realize that people barely have a grasp on the driving experience at all. then you see videos like this, coming from the azores rally, the driver behind the wheel, chris ingram this narrow dirt path the car bouncing and wriggling all over the place. i like to point out the navigator who is reading the notes while all of this chaos is going on. watch him open up the tap on the straightaway. everything becomes a blur. here is the kick in the tuchous.
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chris ingram from man keser, england s 22 years old >> what? he's fearless. >> not only fearless. he's also a champion. two years ago when he was 20 he was the first british driver to win fia european rally class in 49 years. huge chance you'll see this guy i think soon in the world rally championship at the top of the class. it was a lucky day for tshi elkn i brishti columbia, because it was stuck in that fence. nowt' is on its side with its legs all tangled up in eth >> ist' t booad we need the fences to begin with. the animals arese ud thao ve widepe onan ld to run through and somebody sticks a fence b>>ut a cploue inhi ts jukin video who was just driving down the road, hpeapned to noteic something wasn't right. they stopped and realized ts hi poor animal needed some help. once they figured out what the prleobmwa s,he tyro dvell a the way home, gotom se wire cutters.
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>> i was about to say lucky they pphaen tedo veha tseho tools with th.em >> they came back and that's hen the video stasrtol rling because theuy g wksalp u to the fence and starts right autbo there, when they nap that last piece of rewi, eth animal gset bkac up and it starts running away. >> running offnt iohe t sunset aswe,ll ist' beautiful. >> so poetic. over to india, where the crew at animal aid unlitemid is respdionngo t this cry for help, isth proo dogegind eed up tangled in the net of what looks like a soccer field goal. >> oh, crik.ey >> hse' preytt tangled up in there. don't you worry. these guys have it all under control. >>oo lk at that. >> ty'herebl ae to bring it back to their center, where they have to treat it for mange. you ca snee it carlelyn o his skin. the cases usually have a happy ending. h w it's in the playground wit the other dsoget gting lots and lots of love from everyone there.
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following along as this skateboarding starts cruising. there are hazards and tacrehery everywhere. see how he proves he's a downhill >> a>nd auy g gives the clerk a 50. >> the girl takes it and thene h changesis h ndmi. oh ,, noi'gom intog pay with this $20 bill. w>>hy tt'has a start of a sneaky trick. you got me. . brought to you by clearacil, put pimples in their place. with this? ant m rehe, y trclraeasil. pimples can form deep bew loth esk'sin surface. upo tthe rewes ekberefo tyhe reh acyo furace. clearasil! that's not the usual cleanser! why am i shrinking? clearasil cleansers go deeper anth regular cleansers to treat pimples before they erev bomece pra obm.le clearasil treats pimples up to th rewee ek s fobere they're sivible.
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he's beingol flowed by a car, gets these incredibly cool and cleos otshs. >> are we on a closed road? >> not closed but one-way. the car will be able to stop a lot faster than he does. >> look to the left, a bit of a drop. >> the left, the right, there are hazards everywhere but cole has been doing this for four years. he's only 15 years old. he's a pro. he has a couple of clo csealls, one right about here. >> oh! >> yeah, he sees this hard right-hander coming up, tries to scrape off some speed, able to spin the board around his feet, maintain control. nothing seems to throw him off. >> obviously he's got the skills but holy smokes. >> he'sop hing topp aly t he skills on a eureaopnou tr ttha he's embarking on. heet sp u a go fund me page. he wants to join this tour and see if he can beat some of the best in the world. he knows he's good.
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that's why he's a pro. he's got sponsorship and a matter of finding a coueplxt era bucks to help the kid fulfill his dreams. >> 15 years old turning pro and traveling the world, what an experience. >> as he nears the ocean, where the road dpsum out thear c gets a little close right here, but don't worry, he pulls it out and closes off a pretty epic run. i,ol you like magic. this guy in ethid veo dsoe as well. f has one heck of a slehtig o ndha. dude walks up and is trying to pay with a $50 bill. the girl takes it and he changes his mind. i'll pay with this $20 bill and is waiting for his change and she goes off to grab whatever it is that he's ordering. he's like, where is my $50. can i please have my $50. >> did she not hand it back? >> i saw the guy with his ftle
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ha sndti sckomhietng in his pocket. >> eagle eye nick. > happens off carame, his ltef hand he's tenak it back. >> and he puts it away. >> and leaves the wallet on the coteunr, lo,ok e,se it's not in my wallet. you didn't give it to me. >> the woman is ltef confused thinking i didn't give him his money so she opens the register, and hands him a $50 blil back. this is in australia. that is roughly $38. 'rwee told the speusctas h bnee arrested. over to brazil these guys ar terygin to pull off a heist. this is a game store so they have electronics and video games siinde. t's already been hit oncend a whoever hit up the store took abtou ,0$300 wthor of stuff. now y'voue t goa sonecd atmptet. this guy has what looks like a wooden beam. the plan was tose u the car to force the beams through the door. >> nice and easy. nice and easy! >> peno, noto sic ne and easy.
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eyth bkerohe t beam,he tyha tnk didn't work. authorities don't know wheerth it's the same grpou o pfeople that hit theto sre earerli that week but at least this time they left empty handed. diy prom dress. >> andhe tre is the final product. >> see it next "right this numite." >> and still to come, wtan to head over to dubai? >> tomorrow? >> let aguess. >> how a last-minute surprise from mom made this an epi tcrip to remeermb. ho dwidou y explain this to your brothers? >> i didn't. ps,lu w thyhiads orleab little girl is just a phone call away from getting whathe s wants. b>>ut is atth really a bad inthg? >>ep dends if she can learn the credit card number. >> they have is on file. ouros . new oat delicacyouros . wbyho bleles.nd paa ran-befr, eecaring formula. blended withat o mkil and rice creamxt eras.ct gentle on scalp with teinnsive moisture for hair. wioutht the weigh down.
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new whole blends oat delicacy. d anfoevr enor me reca, whole blends detangling milk. on damp hair, comb through anded taleng gtleny to wrap every strand in sofestns. only from whole blends. garnier. les t'ta alkbo utharibo aloha.ars. i can't stop eating thisra ongone e. the red e onisor me uthagoerod tmeo rs. coits tteass keli brieres. my bears are likdoe in grtcawhlsee and back flips and stuff. d anth ien'm'goa nnfl y iitn mtoy utmoh. and back[a lllaughing]ff. ♪ki dsnd a gwnro ups lovet iso♪ ♪ thhae ppy world and back[a of haribog♪ff. now introducing haribo starmix. alyol ur favorite gummies, in one bag.
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for that first hug. colgate total fights bacteari on teeth, tongue, cheeks ndum gs r foa alhethr iemoh.ut so you're totay llrey!ad colgate total. be totally ready for life. >>pr> omiootnacol nseridatnsio provided by -- >>pr> omiootnacol nseridatnsio get your free sample at usnghi teeth - easy!br new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects vepilongee tthan, d lphes prevent cativies. new act ki tdsoopathste. >> what would you guys do if mesoone bicasal clyaldle you u p and said hey, you want to go to dubai? >> yes,ro dp >> motorr?ow >> let aguess. r> well if you're "rtm" produce ckja you go to our cool bosses !nd go, eaplse dan it turns out they actually
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said yes, and the thingis , you won't believe just how much you can get up to in six days in dubai. why should i tell the orsty? jack? not just jack, jack's mom is here as well. come on in. >> my beautiful mother,ar bba.ra >> baarrba, ce omma fkeridsen with us. >> what's going on, guys? >> the story was your m somayis havene o extra ticket to duduba. >> 10:30 at night, i have a surprise. you want to goo t dubai? ear y roueadyo t go? so we're >> h'dow you explain this to your brothers? >> i didn't. >> didou yay s hi, i'm the favorite going to dubai with mom. >> i think theyou fndut o via instagram. >> i've been toub dai a bunch of metisnd a haven't seen half the stf.uf whats ithe first thin ghe?re >> tshi is brand new opened january of 2018. witas a cteonst 090 architects created a design and they were
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ingogo t build athnoer big building. these guys saidns itead of building a big building let's build this frame and encompass a ne swid oef dub aaind the old. >> trehe's more so building a frame. >> walking on top of the glass r.oo w>>asha tt frea?ky i>>t swa so freaky. my sister walked across with her eyes closed. >> you actually got that on video. >> 8 forlos straitgh u ipn eth air looking straight down at ement, one of the scaesrit elfeings of all-time. >> you look concerned but you are a gigantic norwegian. tell us about this. > you are looking at the heavie gstol rdin ignhe t entire world. >> where is that? >> whose finr gedoes that go on? >> mine. >> 127 pounds, 21 carat gold ring with 11 pounds ofre pcisou stones. >> this was scary. he almost fell off going up and down. >>id rinthg e camels. >> the camels weerru gntgin at us. >> they took one look at you,
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like ,no. you' nreotet gti ongn me. you're too big. >> she's cool, not him. >> nori tp to dubai woulde b complete withoutis vitginhe t world's tallest building. did you hang outside like tom cruise? >> 15-foot glass ceilingsnd a 150 tourists armed shoulder to shoulder trying to squeeze their way into this tiny little window n odf urcosell a wteand stoit erthend a get their instagram shot. i ended up getting onef o the instagmra otshs. >> get it for thera gm. >>he t qstueio ins where you taking jack and his sibnglis ne?xt >> iav he to choose the sibling. >> the question is where are you tangki m enext? >> i love to travel. >>e, m t.oo >> yeah, let's go. i've got a trio ofer pfelyct adorable videos. isth fstir one is in london, little kyra, she o'sn the pneho andhe s's abouto t order some
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food. you can hear the phone ringing on the other side. >> hello? per.te >> yrou byab canak te care of tself, getts iel sfome fdoo no obprle m,win, win, win, n,wi n. >> s'she gngoi to be fine. you got to start by loving yourlfse. little annika here, i think e'shs t goitow dn. she gives herlfse ltliteis kses inhe t mirror and says you're going to grow up toe b atr song indendpeen it,ntelligent woman, but she is a twin a,nd- - >> jtus lkoo atou yr twin then. >> no, teach your twin. inac ft the'sre another vio,de where lucy, the other twin, is nowoi dng the lfse-leov praccetis. we've all heardbo authe t bond beeetwn twins. let's head over to the third vide wohere one of thewi tns has fallen asleep. the other one reaches over beuscaehe s wtsan to mak seure her sister is all right, and shoever records the veoidhi tnk that ltlite sis is just checking
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the intw's lspue. >>ay mbe she's like maybe i can getou yr toys. >> ttha tnwi i nsot waking up. that is a great nap she's havgin and eyth lk oocu dteoi ingt as well. e > it's time forhe t rmmooat okcoinshg owit wh gus. >> see ttha ltasit ltle meter of milk, dsnoe'tou cnt as theil mk being gone. >> see h simerve uphe t being gone. >> see h simerve uphe t hilarious truth with the side
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oubrgh tto u yobyuz bzfd ee nifty. welmeco to theos mt amazing eliciouslyas psive aggssreive okcoin sghow ever, with gus johnson. > welcome to the rmmooate cooking show, where we mak feood in dishes that apparently our room nates just want to leave arndou the house. josh. .> taking me bactok cleolge >> our first recipe is mill meter milk. yo uuse all of the milk, just uset i all. >> this first one i mus stay is kind of a classic. >> hold up there. see that last little millimete r of mkil in erthe, doesn't count as the milk bngei that means you don't have to clean it and throw away the g.ju you canut p it right back in the fridge, perfect for any other unsuspecting victim to come in and use the milk, josh. next side disher sial dust. take the communal cereal,il fl
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yoseurlf a bowl, stop there, leave the last third in the bottom of the bag. when you take it out,ou y sshma eth [le bep ] out of the rest of the [ bleep ] cereal. o>>nce ist' all smashed up and dusty you put it back in the box and put it ayaw. .>us jt dust, c'tan eat that tpu i itnhe tup cbodar anyway, josh, yeah. next up wvee' got ketupch chips. >> this one i never auactlly heard aboutut b itak meso s much sense. >> be sureot n to leave rfpeecytl canle ketchup. atth wldou be foolish. damp the cap completely inhe t stupid [ bleep ]. >> really jam that cap right into the ketchup. >> andak meur se tnhe stor of leave it a little half open so s.e oxizedis and rdhaen >> look at that. oozing over the side, eagrt,ho w ulwodn't want to eat that, josh? who woun'ldtan wto t eat that? riseously, i ask you this. >> to see his other roommate cirepe hsea odve tro and click on tv show. you can check it out on our mobile app. that's it, that's all. we'll see you on the next "right this m
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