tv Right This Minute ABC April 5, 2018 1:42am-2:11am PDT
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caused the car to go over and crash down into this river. there is a driver stuck inside and now it's up to firefighters to assemble and figure out how they're going to get into the middle of this river, get her out without injuring her or any of themselves. >> it's amazing she survived to begin with. >> out of the frying pan, into the fire. >> now you see they've got a couple of ropes stretched across the river, and it's going to be up to this guy right here to affect the rescue. one solo firefighter chosen to go into those waters, and help out. this video is only about 1:44, but you got to think this entire rescue operation took hours to rig up all of that rope. these guys train for this stuff. . is their job, this is what they do. these guys will likely not call themselves hero but you can clearly see why people do. he gets her out of the car, strapped into a safety vest and flotation device and once she's on that line it's her turn and
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this is probably one of the scariest parts for her. so she safely gets to the embankment. now our hero firefighter gets back safely to the other side as well. >> he's a pro. he made it look like nothing. >> you have to be a pro. if you're going to go into a situation like this, that's life or death for yourself and the person you're rescuing, there's no other way to do it, other than to know your stuff. love triangles can get dirty and sometimes violent. unfortunately -- like you see in this video, sometimes the girlfriend goes after the side chick. >> too often, in fact. >> um-hum. >> and in this video we're seeing what reports say is a 17-year-old beating up a 12-year-old. >> what? >> because apparently the boyfriend had been exchanging messages with the 12-year-old.
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>> i'd be laying down some smack on the guy for texting with a 12-year-old. >> most of us would agree with you on that, but in this case, this poor 12-year-old girl is being dragged around being pulled by the hair, smacked, pushed around about by this 17 years old through the snow. >> people are watching, recording. >> it's bullying. the 17-year-old showed one her friends, one recording this cracking up finding this hilarious. even the 12-year-old's friend also is attacked. a teacher apparently saw the video and reported the incident. police did get involved, they arrested the attackers and questioned them. they ended up being released with warnings but told hem if anything like this happens again you may be facing time at a juvenile detention facility but you're right when it comes to love triangles like this, go after the dude, or his stuff.
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like the woman in this video, who decided the best thing to do in a situation like this was crush her husband's windshield. >> the car didn't do anything. the car's innocent. unless it happened inside the car. >> but it's going to hurt him in the pocketbook. >> her whole argument is being drowned out by the car alarm. >> what? can't hear you. what? >> at one point she's done her damage. she turns around, picks up her purse, and just walks away. >> now he'll know how her broken heart feels every time he drives. where you live in the world has a direct correlation on your level of fear of animals that could come at you. >> australia. >> yes. or russia. these two guys cowering behind what looks like a storage trailer of some kind and a large
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polar bear just checking the place out. >> is it just looking to are diet coke? >> that would be cute but no, they think food they're using to feed other animals on this property has attracted the bear into this area, but here's where they draw the line. do not go after the satellite dish and take out our television. no, no, stop. >> not listening, mate, sorry. >> he's banging that shovel on one of the other trailers there. the bear is just like -- >> meh, i got to watch this. >> the season finale, the cliff hanger. >> why don't they let it get bored and move on? >> until it does do something like tear into one of the trailer. keep in mind we're talking polar bear here but it looks like as the video ends the bear does lose interest, just like you said, and walks away. if you live in alaska, maybe your fear correlation is a little different, like these guys seeming to have no cares in the world that a family of polar bears are approaching their hunting camp. >> they're looking for a free meal.
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>> mama with the babies are hungry. >> it appears there is a carcass on the ice, not sure how the carcass got there. >> it's cool they're letting the bears do their thing, not getting involved. >> sharing the environment, both looking for a meal. >> the bears have something to eat already. maybe a different reaction if there wasn't any meat out on the ice. at least twice a day all productivity grinds to a halt in the "right this minute" studios, because of this. >> ain't no stopping us now. >> hq trivia, you can play it twice a day, a live quiz and you can win real money. we've won none. sarah is having her intro, welcoming to the game but she also has this tidbit. >> you know what else is making me feel warm and fuzzy? mcshada has a special message for gretchen hubner. >> i wonder what that feels like. >> 1.1 million people? >> yes, a whole bunch of people
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playing live at that moment. but in this room on the left, that is nick. on the right, that is gretchen. and they're all gathered around playing hq. >> mcshada has a special mess and for gretchen hubner. >> nick jumps to his feet, what is this special message? >> gretchen! >> oh my god! >> will you go to prom with me? >> cute. >> it is. >> adorable, dorky, awesome. >> you got to give him credit, clearly something, my favorite part of the video is gretchen clearly takes hq seriously because in the middle of it, she goes back to her phone, wait, what was the question, what was the question? eventually she does answer. >> yes! >> this is okay. i like this. it didn't seem to slow down the game much. that gets my stamp of approval. >> it doesn't get your stamp of disapproval. >> that's it.
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>> i kind of like this. it was kind of cute, kind of nerdy, kind of fun. he's about to slide down that handrail. >> but it's not going to go according to plan. >> see the painful sale. and this couple is about to find out the gender of their baby. >> it's not hanging above their head. that other box causes concussions. >> even though that box is on the ground the unpredictable happens. who wouldn't want to go to prom with this? here, try clearasil. pimples can form deep below the skin's surface. up to three weeks before they reach your face. clearasil! that's not the usual cleanser! why am i shrinking? clearasil cleansers go deeper than regular cleansers to treat pimples before they ever become a problem. clearasil treats pimples up to three weeks before they're visible. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together
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closed captioning provided by -- pminimizing cream. 81% saw improvement in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond. lightning round three videos the first one a tractor stuck in the ice, they have the tools to do the job though. don't you worry. >> that was crazy. >> word is that the tractor was
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plowing the road, lost control and slipped through the ice of the water nearby, when they tried to pull it out, rips the whole thing to pieces. >> they were ready to toss that one out anyway. whatever. >> wrong tool for the job? >> maybe. >> okay, right tool for the job. careful. we want this to be perfectly smooth. >> just great. >> climb inside the digger there. >> why work harder when you can work smarter. >> all this guy has to do is keep his hands steady, and voila, job done, man. >> i can dig it. >> he's got equipment. you got to use it right and make it work for you. >> i'm sure construction guy is out there, yeah we do this all the time. it's kind of impressive. i think we're back to wrong tool on this one. whoever tried to nail this oversized nesting doll down didn't do a very good job of it. 16 feet tall, got caught by the wind and cough it goes. you can see the mall employees
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running after it. >> because they had to put the smaller balloons inside it. >> maybe that's what made it float away. >> what they needed to are this one was up here. >> it gets close to hitting somebody in this parking lot but he sees it coming, hears it coming and gets out of the way. no big deal. i'm sure they did it right the next time. do you recognize that box? especially when there's a couple standing right next to it, that only means one thing. we're having a baby, but we need to find out the gender. well in this case radio executive jade rudolph is the dad to be, that's his lady there with him, and they're about to open the box. the balloons are going to come out, revealing the color. >> just one of these times i want like a surprise like someone to just jump out of the box, like a pink but scary clown. >> today it will be balloons.
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and they're having a girl! the pink balloons buzzed out of the box but it is a windy day, they just fly away. bye, balloons. >> the funny part would be if they got tangled up on that radio antenna in the background and he's the abobig wig knockin out the signal. >> well that's exactly what happens. >> what? no. >> yes. look. >> it's going to hook it. >> this goes right to what looks like a cell phone tower and they get stuck there. >> oh! >> that looks like a radio tower. >> cell tower, radio tower, whatever it is, the balloons are stuck in it. >> some poor dude or dudette is going to have to climb up and get them out. >> it doesn't last very long because the wind is pretty strong, and they just continue flying off into the distance. hopefully it did not damage the signal and everybody continued getting their cell signal or radio signal. >> hello? >> oh!
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we're at total fitness in wales, which is a nice place, our friendly inclusive approach makes us the best choice for your fitness. in this case instructor matthew inskip, the guy on the left, is about to give quite the lesson, because as you see he's having words with another fella, the guy with the blurry face. >> ooh! >> absolutely enormous head butt and the lesson begins. this is called ground and pound. this is called kneeing you in the face while you're on the ground and then this is just a little bit of grappling. >> they obviously didn't get to the defense part. >> clearly not. so he goes back in to continue the lesson, if you want. >> oh goodness. this obviously was an unsolicited lesson. do we know why? >> the thing is, that guy with the blurred face had been kicking off on some other patrons at this gym and have been asked to leave numerous times. the whole thing actually calmed down and in fact the whole thing has been settled amicably.
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everyone apologized and is moving on so lesson learned. now for our next video we are headed to mexico where a young gentleman is looking for viral gold. is he going he is going to slide down and everyone's going wow, that's awesome. millions of people will watch this and i will be a legend. >> ooh! >> oh, yeah, it's the sound of the landing. >> [ bleep ]. >> he loses his balance. >> oh, he messed up that day. >> this is where the guys go up and they're like hey, bro, did you break your arm? but 2.2 million people have seen the video so far, so i guess success! little claire has the voice of an angel but dad is putting her to the test. >> dad versus daughter to see if she it just with her memory pick the pitch perfectly for all of these songs. >> see if she's able to nail it. ♪ for the first time in
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forever ♪ >> that sounds pretty spot on. >> oh, wow. plus time to go kayaking with rafa ortiz. rafa ortiz is to kayaking like michael jordan is to basketball. and you are abeout to see why. by whole blends. a paraben-free, caring formula. blended with oat milk and rice cream extracts. gentle on scalp with intensive moisture for hair. without the weigh down. new whole blends oat delicacy. and for even more care, whole blends detangling milk. on damp hair, comb through and detangle gently to wrap every strand in softness. only from whole blends. garnier. let's talk about haribo goaloha.s. i can't stop eating this orange one. the red one is more gooder to me cos it tastes like berries. my bears are like doing cartwheels and back flips and stuff.
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and then i'm gonna fly it in to my mouth. [all laughing] kids and grown ups love it so ♪ ♪ the happy world of haribo ♪ now introducing haribo starmix. all your favorite gummies, in one bag. get what you love for less early dinner duos for $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5, monday through thursday. hurry in. it's early dinner duos, only at olive garden.
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to meet her family. this red bull video. looked like it s about incredib. >> seems like he's got a little chase t cer am earth is not flat view. >> there is an editor at red bull having a really good time with this video. >> i love those shots when they end up completely under the water, with the kayak, rafa, the paddle, everything, just waiting he be lifted back up again. t water, he goes underwater, rights himself back upo n pr thing with a smile on his face, too. >> i totally wish i could wear a
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cowboy hat whenngoi he's in the water rodeo. claire from claire and the crosbys is an incredible singer. we all know that. dad dave thinks that she may be even better than we think. >> i think claire has perfect pitch. and i want to test her out. >> dad versus daughter, to see if she can just, with her memory, pick the pitch perfectly for all of these songs. we start off with a song from ro"f n"ze in forever." >> "for the first time" what is the right one? ♪ for the first time in forever ♪ >> uhm, that sounds pretty spot on. >> wow, i think i just got chills. >> so he didn't play the clip for her first? >> no. >> he just told her the name of the song. >> and then sang is in the wrong key. she still got it. ♪ colors
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♪ i see your true colors shining through ♪ >> how far i'll go, claire goes on a tear. ♪ she's a fly with the sky that you see it calls me with the sk the sea it calls me ♪ >> you're right. >> dang, girl. perfect. >> watch all of those green ticks on the rightand they star af one tick with knocks them tight rope from "the greatest soman" but claire skills hiav e bad news and good news for you. right pitch but wrong rd oh! s.wosnap! >> dunk! >> you definitely won that game. >> claire is someone that we're going to be sg20 years.inee
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she's a legend. if you with a tant to see the e thing head to click on tv show or use our mobile app. he's a human chopping block. >> i'm brad byers, this is a razor sharp machete. this is a cucumber and i am the human cutting board. >> no, don't do it. >> watch him cut it close. >> oh!
2:05 am, click on tv show or use our mobile app. this is our good friend brad byers. he does lots of cool tricks. we have to change his name, though. >> this is athisor is a cucumbe human cutting board. >> he's got the veggies and they need cutting. >> no, don't do it. oop. >> maybe it's kind of like a blunt edge. >> it went straight through that vegetable like it was nothing! >> maybe it was just really a
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soft vegetable. >> maybe he's just got leathery, hard skin. he's the chuck norris of human cutting boards. i don't know. oh! wait a minute! wait a minute, brad, don't do it! did you have children yet? all the moil. >> his wife is okay with that. she didn't stop him >> that was scary. this is scarier i think. >> oh, crikey. jular. one the karate chop. >> he's got jokes, too, kids. >> no, wait. >> missed the first time. second time, yes. not a mark on the guy. >> come on, man. >> here we go for the guillotine finale. >> he went all ed stark on see you> next time on a brand
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>> good to hear, marci, thank you. now, to a retired fertility doctor in idaho who's being accused of using his own sperm to treat his patients. the doctor treated her parents in 1980 in what was supposed to be sperm from a young donor who looked like her dad. they're now suing him, his wife and fertility clinic for $10 million in damages. >> interesting situation in mississippi. >> some sonic workers are fed u. >> they posted this sign at the drive-through. it says, attention, if you are smoking weed in the drive-through, you will not be served. please show some common curtesy
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and smoke and air out before pulling up to order. they say the sign is actually working. >> it's manners. the store manager says fewer are pulling up with pot smoke waiving from inside their car. she says a lot of people are coming through to take a picture of the sign. >> i know i wonder or if fewer customers are coming at all. >> i can't go there to take care of my muhies mississippi is one of 22 states that have decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot. i wonder if there's a correlatn. >> good luck to you. coming up the nfl star that may have prevented a school shooting after a post on social media account. and ter thekiy nn we're learning more about carrie underwood. she is back in the studio. the country star taking a break
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to recover after an accident last year left her with nearly 50 stitches. how is she doing now? you are watching "world news now." my gums are irritated. i don't have to worry about that, do i? actually, you do. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line, and if you're not taking care of your gums, you're not taking care of your mouth. so now i use this. crest gum detoxify. introducing new crest gum detoxify... it works below the gum line and is clinically proven to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. new gum detoxify, from crest. gums are good. so is my check up! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. you wouldn't accept from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances.
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