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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  April 9, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." a spectacular view from wing suit legend jeff corley as a sky driver. >> comes up behind him and he holds on. >> a front air seat to a midair rodeo. >> an emotional reunion back to a little girl's birth country. >> where. >> not only did she have a brother, she had a twin brother. >> how the reunion became a healing journey for both of them. grandma, why two wrongs still can't get it right. >> c'mon. >> we got christian, oli, nikki
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and gayle checking tout best on the web, including a teen's prank proposal. how long it took her father to get her daughter's joke. >> he was out >> we haven't checkled in with our friend in a while. let's check into what he's up to. i do mean up to he's up there on a plane, then as he steps right out, holds on, you see another sky driver comes up right behind him. she holds on. >> that is because they have a rodeo planned for this jump. of course, yes. check it out. finally jump off the plane, she's holding on to his chute. >> don't take it with you. >> fortunately, these things work out pretty well. this whole thing is being
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recorded in his helmet. it allows to you record the adventure in a jump like this without using your hands. >> this is when it gets super cool. watch this you see that they're joined by two other pilot, todd davis and randy, one of those guys starts circling around. >> that is so close. >> that is unusual. >> it's a great angle, isn'tit. >> yeah. >> this over captured video was put together by gopro to show what you can do with the newest technology on the cameras. they give us this amazing small shots of their jumps. she finally says, all right, homey, you are on your own now. so she pulls her chute and, bye. >> wow! . >> see ya. >> i thought she would have released from him. >> but it was just like -- >> not bad, then you see her disappearing into the distance. it's a cool jump they are
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calling riding dragons. >> surprised i'm still surprised by these staggering stupidity of people in this world. the video here is of a man fumbling with mercedes emblems, car after car. in this case here, he pull the mercedes emblem off what does the up do at a mechanic at a mechanic shop? no just a stupid 25-year-old human being stealing mercedes emblems off as many cars he can find, because -- >> the problem is this would get him reviews and a lot of internet attention unfortunately. >> a lot of people used to steal it off the top and put it on a china. >> those emblems are going to be used for and apparently there is a rising trend in china. not surprisingly, they caught up with the guy. but when they raided his apartment and found how many he had, this could seriously add up
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to some real jail time. because in chosen, if you steal something over 1,000 yuans about $158, that could get you up to a three-year jail sentence. add up the different emplems he has stolen. >> now, this next video, well, stealing candy from a baby, that was so, you know, decades ago. >> a guy walks up, looks around and thanks a lot. thank you, kid, off he goes. >> eating candy crush for a baby. >> basically, that's what mom said, she had given her phone when this guy spotted the child. >> oh, that itself so sad. >> we want to get this in certain cities. folks don't care who has it. >> the good news is they got a good view. police are still looking for the guy. >> go fund me studios has another incredible story they want to share. they want to help azalea williams and her family.
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that's right, azalea is about to go to ethiopia to meet her family and her brother. you see, shelves adopted as a baby and that couple discovered just recently that not only did she have a brother, she had a twin brother. >> woe. >> that would be weird. >> the family thought, you know what we need to go back. this is especially special for her mom sophie. sophie and her husband had twin, but those twins didn't make it. so to find out her adopted daughter was a twin just made her heart grow exponentially better. >> you know the reaction that comes from that? now here family has grown, this is important for them. >> where are you right now? >> in hosanna. >> absolutely what are you going to eat? >> there you see her aunt, her twin brother and her dad. when they meet, it is exceptionally emotional. you see the tears the joy, and
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there was lots of that. there is something that sophie noticed, she said, he was very shy. >> testifies in an environment attached to adult adults. i saw his behavior and he was most likely hearing impaired. >> they realized she had a hearing problem. so they started another go fund me campaign. this new go fund me is to help her brother go see an audiologist, get the hearing help he needs. he's not getting the education he needs. they want to send him to school k through 12 to learn sign language and learn to read and write his native language. >> she is walking into this village getting swarld. it must be so familiar, yet foreign. >> on the flipside, it's a familiar situation it's a big
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part for her to experience that with her community and her adopted mother to be able take part in it as well. it's really special. >> why are you kicking me, mama? >> the kids mean so much. they thought they would probably never see you again. but how wonderful that beyond their $20,000 goal. anything above that will go to an ngo they partnered with. this ngo wants to help the other kids in the community. >> everybody just go, go, go, go. that's the case in china, too. this bus driver pulse up. the senior citizen is trying to make his way to the bus. he is walking slow. he had mobility issues. the bus drivers decided to close the doors. >> examine. you got to be kidding. he's right there. >> yes, but the thing your man knows in an effort to stop, he will set his umbrella out in the door, he went down. 7 million views later and people
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are fought very amused. >> that's not just your dad, your granddad. his family is absolutely saying that the driver needs to assume 100% public responsible. however, it's been ruled the senior and the bus driver shared responsibility. 50-50. the 81-year-old suffered irrepairable injuries and the bus shattered under the wheels. that led to amputation the bus driver's former employer did pay the man about $32,000 u.s. compensation. this happened back in february. the video recently has been posted. >> you said former employer. does that mean the guy was terminated in. >> no, he actually did. let's move over to russia. we have an elderly woman and her granddaughter. there is a slight problem. >> no, they're going the wrong way. >> now they have to go up the proper way. >> oh, c'mon! >> the older woman goes tumbling
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back before the security in the shopping area came to help him. they called paramedics. the woman suffered injuries to her head and arms. >> we're being so little rude, winning people's hearts as the people handle her with care. >> it's the cutest thing i have seen in a week. >> and why this head phone untangling hack has a twist you definitely won't expect. >> oh. sfx: muffled whistle text alert. brought to by -- cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem...
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. >> some people need a push. >> that is a dolphin cash. >> all they're worried about is making sure they can do something to help this doll fen so great and her husband get out the car. she's telling us, take off your shoes. go in there, pick them up while she films the whole this eng. >> i love this. go do it. go ahead. >> i got this. >> they put a lot of tear family pictures online. they are youtube bloggers. this is just another one of their things they love to travel some he carefully goes and puts it out in the watt. maybe it should be a little farther. >> they need to be in the water. a few feet in. >> easier said than done. the waves are crashing. it's obviously a rocking score. can you see those rocks crash up there. >> this time he carefully, carefully walks a bit farther out. >> examine, dolphin, you got to help yourself a bit here, too.
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>> it does, you see the dolphins, wait, there is more water. i think i can, i think i can. it keeps moving out, finally it gets back out into the water. if they didn't record this video, it never happened. >> you are right. so right. by the way, i said some animals need to push their lift. this one needed a bit more for the res can you. this is ruby. >> no, she did get lost. and she is a beautiful little joey that is winning people's hearts, you can see how cute and cuddlingy is, she's the zookeeper that takes her home and bottle feeds her. >> this is the cutest thing i've seen in a week. >> i apt kangaroo. >> i'm very good about the way i keep them.
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>> i'm careful to put them away. >> it's annoying. >> how do you untangle them? no worries. this video will show you how to get it done bless the cleaver, chop, chop, chop. >> it's may more central.l.l.l.. >> once you've anguished what was attached to that chicken. you then have to make sure you coat it properly. >> what are you talking about? i'm untangled head phones. anyway, stick with it. once you've made the stuffing, that will be going inside the chicken. but you put the head phones inside the chicken first. >> i'm hoping i become less momentarily. >> the most important part is
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right here. >> and that untangling. >> i'm done. a parking lot gender reveal the jend ter baby is. >> whoohoo. >> next "right this minute. request itself. >> little james isn't ready to believe. >> no talking him down. >> mama, look, why don't you pick me up? >> watch the hilarity as he makes case to say. >> mama, oh. >> plus the race is on, but one of the drives can't even get his driver's license yet. why age is just a number when it comes to showing off some skill. >> that's incredible. >>
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>>. >> it's so god fearing. when it's time to go, his mama
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says this happens every time. >> how about that pick me up? >> how about, no? >> mama, why you not come pick me up? is there what we love and know about little james is when he has an idea about the way something should go, he stands his ground. >> you think about it. >> what you got to think about? >> i'm going to think about, i'm going think about tomorrow. >> see that's the problem. you can't help but laugh at the little guy. >> like a rational reasonable argue, you got to expect from someone so small. >> why won't you come pick me up? ! >> things escalated. >> i'm going to give you one more minute. >> you hold on, i'll be back. >> another day, tomorrow, i don't know, i got to go home. >> why you got to say tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. >> oh, this poor woman. >> he's so cute and so sweet and
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jendle in his passion. >> how about that, why can't you say that? >> we know he has gone end of the scale together. >> another day, don't say tomorrow. >> don't forgive, mom. >> in the years, i believe that he probably got in the car because everybody knows your mama don't play that. i'm tired. >> i'll tell you how she feels. i'm tired right now. >> that's what he wants. i'll wear you out. >> it is true. >> 3:30 in the morning near las vegas, nevada, things are getting pretty wild. this is a different kind of wild. a fast and furious kind of wild the mint 400 is kicking off.
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we have a co-driver, they are off, a relapse of 111 males each. this is seth's first attempts at the mid-4 humidity. seth is an incredibly good driver. this is video put out by red bull. here's the issue. seth is racing. however he can't even get his driver's license yet. okay. 15 a sophomore in high school near the zbag i san diego area. so he's a pup. >> i want to hear that. >> this is a big miss me. there is a classic. >> you really don't need a license, right? he's not on the road. so ba da bing ba da boom. >> seth started like 80 other drivers, in total about 160 suvs in the class, in all, at the end of this race. >> we were waiting for a finish. >> second place in the class. >> that's incredible.
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>> congratulations to seth on that second place finish, finishing the mid-400s is an accomplishment. a team's plan to prank zero dads starts with -- >> the boyfriend is down on one knee holding a ring. >> what happens when she pulls it off a little
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if you live in a tiny area, you can feel like you have it. >> want to see one way to break a pan? to kill a father's soul?
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his daughter is being proposed to in this jukeing video. the boyfriend is down on one knee, holding a ring in front of dad. that's him wearing that cap right there. >> it's in the dad's face. sarah mclas vegas len. >> with every cheer coming from her, a little part of his soul continues to die. >> right now he's calculating the number of witnesses. >> right. it's all being recorded on video. i think that's mom behind the camera. well, look at his face the couple is over there, super thrilled. >> look it up. look it up. >> are you cry something. >> first of all, he can't even look at them. he has turned away from the couple. >> this guy has a blank stare, where did i go wrong? what did i do in what could i
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have done? >> while dad is contemplating where his life went wrong. he is crushed. he is in tears. then his daughter says -- >> april fool then nothing more than an april fool's prank on dad. she pulled off a phenomenal prank. she's on him to the core. she crushed him. then she brought him right back to life. >> the female idea of a joke. >> yeah. >> ha, ha, ha ha. >> that's the thing. i did this when i was 16. i got you girl, i told my daddy i was in jail. he was like, leave her there. >> it was so perfectly executed. it's one of my favorite pranks ever. >> april fool's! >> see you next time
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tonight, breaking news. the fbi raids the office and home of president trump's lawyer, michael cohen. federal agents executing search warrants, seizing documents. what they were looking for. also, as we come on the air tonight, president trump now saying a decision on u.s. military action against syria could come within 24 to 48 hours. after those horrific images, women and children in that suspected chemical attack. the president calling assad an animal. and what he says when we ask, is vladimir putin responsible, too? the deadly police shooting. the man holding a screwdriver, tasered several times, then shot and killed by police. facebook ceo mark szuckerbeg on capitol hill. what he now acknowledges. the deadly fire at


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