tv Right This Minute ABC April 12, 2018 1:42am-2:12am PDT
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nothing ahead of them but a very big bear. no. you can have it, sir. >> yes. that's not what they do. they say hey, that bear is near our camp. we are going to have to get that bear out of here. these snow mobilers decide they want to chase the bear away. >> wait a second. you're near where the bear is. maybe you guys should move. >> so one of them gets close and the bear slows down and is like this is my neighborhood. why are you chasing me? finally the bear is done. >> yes. i was hoping this thing was rear up and punch one of those guys. the bear stands up. you see that big old paw? >> that bear looks like a defense ifr li defensive line man. >> it was feeling surrounded. >> no choice but to fight its way out. this one, check which this
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out. this is in kruger national park. seven licenses roll up on this porcupine. he says it is very rare he sees a porcupine out >> they don't know how to kill it. there is a way. >> he is saying that the porcupine has had experience with preditors before. >> that's why it has its it's unfortunate but it happens way too often especially in brazil. here comes the car down the street. then it's -- >> oh, what the heck? >> oh, no. >> this is a set up, fellows.
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>> two men get out of the car with guns. >> that's all right. you had an accident and you made contact with that pole. i will stick a gun in your face and rob you. >> taking the helmet and the bike. >> these are awful. just awful. most of the law kind of awful. >> i agree. >> they take all of it. >> all of it is leadivering the street. >> he suffer add broken leg in three places but that person is recovering. >> that is cold blood. >> yes. there are no words. they just stepped out. rober says give me that. give me the cord. yank, yank, yank. >> you understand how plugs work, right? >> he heads right on out.
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>> smoking the entire time. >> they haven't been able to catch up with the man. >> he was waiting at a bus stop. the bus arrived and he took off. >> think about some of your worst days, the bad days you're like man, lousy day. it looks like the person that owns that vehicle already had a bad day. now they are towing this vehicle back up the embankment. >> it is like a 4x4 divided by 2. >> he is dividing. >> that's 4 by 4 not 5 by 0. >> everybody going -- >> all right. never mind. >> let's go home. dinner is ready. >> we got so close. it looks like the tractors pulling this thing. >> i think it's an angle change. >> things that happen that add insult to injury.
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>> it would be a good thing if you could take this out. >> this didn't go right either. >> wait. it is attached to that car if. >> now the car, trailer and boat are in the water including the person behind the wheel and the family dog. >> right. >> looks like others are scrambli scrambling to grab some ropes. what looks to be salvageable is no longer. >> honey. >> yes. >> i did launch the boat. >> oh, wow. >> the car is of course they can't leave that there. they had to call in a dive team to salvage it. it is time to check in again with one list one life. >> you remember chris has a diagnosis. they have been documenting as
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they go through the bucket list. >> we have a bunch of beef jerky, a bit of hot cheetos, stuff like that. they send us over a few boxes actually. >> this is trevor. he is coming out here with us. >> with these, right? >> giving away free food, even jerky. >> would you like free jerky? >> i'm good, thanks. >> they decide to make a sign to explain themselves.mselves. >> i made this sign. it says free jerky. >> maybe beef jerky so people don't get the wrong idea. >> beef jerky, sir? >> trying to quit, thanks. >> if someone says you want some jerky i say yes all of the time.
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>> you need some? >> hey. >> you got >> feeding people hungry this traffic. it's nice to see. >> how much is the next order? >> $6.75. >> trevor has got it. >> i have seen your videos online. keep it up. good luck. >> that's awesome. >> that's insane. >> the car in front heard what was happening behind while they were ordering. they knew them and left them a little note. keep it up. >> that's really neat. it's a new book about model chickens. >> look at the strut, time for this guy to put
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some muscle on those legs. >> ejected. game over. >> pretty sure that's not how that works. >> see how he got here coming up on right this minute. the wonderful thing about polident is the fact that it's very, very tough on bacteria, yet it's very gentle on the denture itself. polident's 4 in 1 cleaning system consists of 4 powerful ingredients that work together to deep clean your denture in hard to reach places. it kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and it helps to remove stains. polident should be the first choice of every person that wears a denture, to clean their denture. of every person that wears a denture, unexpected situation? aha. (gasps) l'oréal's magic root cover up. 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1. roots gone! magic root cover up by l'oréal paris. look for the turquoise one. ♪ when i'm gone when i'm gone ♪ ♪ you're gonna miss me when i'm gone ♪
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closed captioning provided by: ple at hitting is gym is a very different experience for everybody. you have got to stay motivated. this guy, you see that he's -- >> yeah. quite the popular instagramer. on this day challenged to lift hiss old weight. he does it. his buddy takes it all the way to the bottom. the pin is at the bottom which means all of the weight is about to be lifted. >> oh.
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>> see, ejected. >> game over. >> from that attempt to this owning of the gym. our little friend mila, she is going to go get fit. >> hey, now. >> no. >> she is not going with any trainer. she is there with alexander dank. she is quite the handful. >> i love her. >> mila is full of jokes. >> okay. let's move onto the next exercise. >> exercise? i thought you said extra fries. >> she needs to do a little bit of boxing. >> i don't think this is right. i'm a lover, not a fighter.
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>> i said you have to help your own. >> i think you better call the police because i killed the gym. >> yes, she did, girl. yes, she did. >> i know it's only the middle of the week but i think we are ready to get our groove on. >> the funky chicken. >> the funky chicken. >> this is a kick starter campaign. this is a video they made to promote it. these two guys are making a coffee table book. there were more than 62 beauties involved in the making of this. >> are they trying to convert people to veganism.
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>> i will say it's pretty cool. has anyone ever stopped to appreciate the beauty of a chicken? >> these are all quality chickens in the book. it started as a simple photo shoot and they turned it into this book, a coffee table book of high quality images of very fancy birds. you know how people go to dog shows and cat shows? they have the same thing for chickens. these have quite the look. you'll see some chickens you haven't seen before. for the person that has everything they don't have this coffee table book. >> excellent images. >> they flow on past their goal. the goal is just under $10,000. they raised 166,000. >> that's a little buck. >> you are just winging it now. >> i have to imagine the hair
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drier w drier one of your top tools. >> what else the you use it for, nick? >> i have five household hacks. you one of those phone cables? >> like a pencil or something like that then wrap your cord around that little rod. heat it up and you have coiled yourself your own cable. >> i use that one before. >> many of us know the hair drier to blow but it also sucks too. need a minivacuum? flip the hair trier around. in this case they take the top of a bottle, a little bit of a paper towel and tape it on and you have created a little minivacuum. >> this works? >> you're right. >> and let's make it blow again.
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you have one of those dirty keyboards? again, you use that bottle, put it on the front end of your hair drier and in this case they used the tip of a funnel and hold it over there and it will blow out all of the dirt. >> i will m of my blow-dryer. >> see one heck of a save next. jessica is mixing up some cream cheese. we are getting hour cheese stashes oncoming up on "right this minute". to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved
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get allegra-d, with aparates you non-drowsy antihistamine plus a strong decongestant to break through fast. get back to the moment with allegra-d. my pharmacist said, "fungi-nail stops foot fungus before it spreads." announcer: fungi-nail. kills fungus. restores skin. get fungi-nail fast. i love it when jessica gets cheesey. >> there is nothing that could make it better except cheese. >> is that a thing? >> i'm liking cheese tea today. >> this idea was inspired.
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we'll start with cream cheese. once you have got it all mixed in you add a little condensed milk. you mix that a little more. add whipping cream, sugar. keep whipping it together until it gets to a creamy consistency. >> it's a tea topping. you use tea toppings on your tea? >> no. >> you are so particular about your tea. >> you know you're doing it right when you have a cheese mustache. >> i wonder what it tastes like. oh, hey, jessica. >> so i have peach sweet tea and unsweet tea for maybe somebody that don't like anything in it except for tea. >> you have to drink it. you dripg at an angle to get the cheese and tea at the same time. >> this is like heaven in a
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glass. >> this is a thing that is popping up in the united states. it's hard to find. i'm just helping you make it at home. >> you're doing it right. you have the cheese mustache. >> that's good. >> uh-huh. >> when you said cheesey tea i was expecting cheesey tea like cheddar. >> it's like sweet and salty. >> it does actually go together quite well. quite strange. >> it is so good. zm >> it sounds weer bird but it's really good. go to her web site for step-by-step instructions. there are some great things in the world that were discovered.
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i want to introduce you to the accident of the free style rafting. guy coming down this whitewater. no. no. no. look at this. on the front of it. pretty cool trick, that one. >> he was supposed to end up upside down. >> there was so much that was supposed to go wrong. >> it's incredible. right off of the front. the crowd goes wild. >> i love the big celebratory, yes. like he planned it. >> a similarly accidental bit of awesomeness here. >> he is right on the front. that's not the epic part. this is it. >> shoot. >> holy cow. >> i know. >> where did that guy come from? that was close. >> it was probably the first
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>> not 3d printing. >> you can download the templates and try it yourself. >> it's early in the morning apand you a six week old on your chest. you, mom, having up all night because the baby's got to eat. baby who has been eating. guess who has been sleeping? dad. between feedings she decided to entertain herself. >> dad. dad. he needs feeding. >> right about here we something about right. >> what are you doing? >> you can't quite clearly see
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it in the video at first. you to much free time she decided to grow a fake nail onto his fipger. she has jokes. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> she has effectively glued his finger to his nipple. >> i don't get this. what has he done wrong to have his hand glued to his chest? >> guess what? my happeneds are tied now. >> because my nipples are getting a hammering your nipples are getting hammering. >> a nipple for a nipple. >> after staying up all night long breast-feeding their child she helped him take the finger off the nip with nail polish
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remover. she did it for 45 >> that's our show. camp us on the next fresh new episode of rtm. >> yes. >> your information. >> and the censoring of diamond and silk, zuckerberg said the company had reached out to the sisters to fix that problem. but last night the sisters tweeted that no one on facebook had contacted them. >> are you thinking of twisted. >> yes, twisted sisters in my brain.
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over to florida, where the alleged gunman in the parkland school massacre is offering to give up his inheritance to benefit victims and their families. the estate of nikolas cruz's late mother is not settled, but he could gain up to $800,000. he wants the funds to go to an organization that would help the community heal. apple has been ordered to pay $500 million. apple is expected to appeal and an appeal board has reportedly deemed the patents in question invalid. not far from where apple is located, a house has come on the market with an asking price, a steal, $799,000. >> oh. so normally, that would be a huge bargain, except, well, the
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house in san jose is basically a shell. it was almost completely destroyed by a fire. still, the listing agent says buying the burned out home and remodelling it would be less expensive than the purchase price of any new home in the area which runs closer to $1.5 million. it's a bargain. >> it looks move-in ready to me. it's all about location, location, location. this house happens to be very close to where google plans to build a new campus as well. >> it gets lots of natural light through the roof and has a nice cross breeze as well. >> exactly. nice -- we might need it. it's a fixer-upper indeed. coming up, new developments involving a scandal in a rising star in missouri. the governor of missouri receiving new calls to step down. and hugh jackman and relationship goals. see why he's putting most guys to shame. first, here's a look at today's forecast. >> it's getting warmer!
2:11 am
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2:12 am
new cascade platinum lets your dishwasher be the dish washer. three cleaning agents dissolve, lift and rinse away food the first time. new cascade platinum. packing to the last minute. guys, i have a couple of things to wash we got this. even on quick cycle, tide pods cleans great 6x the cleaning power, even in the quick cycle it's got to be tide
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