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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 16, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. a >> i'm alma >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- rob lowe. comedian michelle wolf. and music from jorja smith. and now, by all means, here's jimmy kimmel. ♪ hi, everyone. welcome to the show. [ cheers and applause ] all right. appreciate that. now it's too much. it was -- boy, oh, boy, you --
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you relax over the weekend. think you can ease into the week. and then trump strikes again. it was a -- 25 exclamation point weekend for our president on twitter this weekend. thanks in large part to former fbi director jim comey. did you see the sitdown comey did with abc. one of the people was donald trump. comey's book, tell-all goes on sale tomorrow. last night he shared some of what we will read about his former boss. an historic interview if for no other reason. probably the first time former fbi director ever said anything like this. >> i don't know whether the current president of the united states was with prostitutes peeing on each other in moscow. i did not go into the business about people peeing on each other. how is there a 1% chance that you were with prostitutes peeing on each other in moscow.
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>> poor george had to get under an umbrella. so comey says the president, asked point-blank do i look like a guy who need hookers? of course, the answer is, yeah, you do. you' you look exactly like a guy. in fact would you like us to get you some heerookers, mr. presid? so team trump was out in full force trying to throw water where the fire is going, the white house released all their attack dog tuesday starting with rnc chairwoman, rhonda mcdaniel. >> i think the book is salacious. when you read it. he discredits himself. >> have you read it? >> no, i haven't. the excerpts i am reading. >> kelly ann conway was at it too. got into it with chris cuomo when asked whether trump might fire the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein who oversees the mueller investigation. >> unbelievable. >> can you assure them rosenstein is safe in his job,
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less turnover as something as sensitive as this zbhaigs. >> oh, stop it. the president makes the decisions around here. >> so you are saying there is a chance that he will get rid of -- >> you want to say, kelly ann struggles to answer the question. >> you are struggling to answer the question. >> are your jobs safe at cnn, how do you know that? >> i have a contract. very safe. >> how do you know they have confidence in you? >> very safe he says i am. >> yes, everybody in the media is safe. >> hold on. he says i'm very safe. >> at least they're having fun with it. those two, there is kind of a sam and diane thing going on there. and of course, no spin on the white house teacup ride would be complete without a statement from sarah nickelback sanders. >> this is nothing more than a poorly executed pr stunt by comey. to desperately rehabilitate his tattered reputation and enrich his own bank account by peddling a book that belongs in the
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bargain bin of the fiction section. instead of being remembered as a dedicated servant in pursuit of justice like colleagues at the fbi comey will be forever a disgraced partisan hack that broke his sacred trust with the president of the united states, the dedicated agents of the fbi and the am scerican people. one of the president's greatest achievements will go down as firing director james comey. [ applause ] that's not ladylike. it is interesting that she would, lash out at former driktor drikt director of the fbi this is what sarah had to say in 2016. she wrote when you are attacking fbi agents because you are under criminal investigation, you are losing. are they losing or are they just tired of all of the winning? hard to tell. president trump himself handled this kem comey criticism with g,
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called him a slimeball in one tweet. and wrote slippery james comey a man who always ends up badly and out of whack. he is not smart. will go down as worst fbi director in history. by far. he loves to call things the worst in history. he got, worst negotiators in history. worst super bowl in history. president obama, worst president in the history of the united states. mitt romney one of the dumbest, worst candidates. worst abecauser of women in political history. obstructionist democrats, worst trade deals. media pile on against me is the worst in american political history. all the worst in history. but the taco bowls at trump tower are the best in history. anyway, speaking on, the worst in history, new polls show that the number of americans who are happy with the president's job performance is low. the abc "washington post" poll has his approval rating at 40%.
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nbc news "wall street journal" says 39%. trump is thrilled. he is like that is total of 79% i've gotten. still seems high. four out of ten am cans approve of the job the president is doing? there was a porn star in court speaking out against him today. four out of ten. if four out of ten dentists told you they liked the toothpaste you wouldn't buy it, right. trump's approval rating are lowest in the history of polls which go all the way become to harry truman. but his legal bills on the other hand are skyrocketing. more than one out of every five dollars donated by supporters to his re-election campaign this year went to attorney's fees. 20% of the money spent on lawyers. the other 80% split pretty even leave between self tanner and chicken nuggets. but a lot of the money went to lawyers. because of all of these lawsuits. none of it seems to have gone to michael cohen.
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michael cohen, trump's personal lawyer was in court today desperately trying to keep his very small client list private. michael cohen has three known clients. one of them is donald trump. for whom he paid stormy daniels. client two is, elliott broidie, elliott, the former deputy finance chair for the rnc. michael negotiated a $1.6 million payment to a playboy mod heel had an affair with. put his picture up there for a moment. yeah. and impregnated by the way. and she had an abortion. he is a good dude. this morning, cohen, michael cohen was forced to reveal the name of a mystery third client, he tried everything to keep it secret. the judge ordered him to reveal the name of client three. and shockingly, that client turned out to be, my pal, sean hannity of fox news is client three. isn't that interesting. that he would need advice from michael cohen.
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hannity released a statement wanting to clarify his arrangement with cohen. he wrote, michael cohen never represented me in any matter. never retained him. received invoice or paid legal fees. i have occasionally had brief discussion as but legal questions about which i wanted his input and perspective. that sounds normal. he has a lawyer he doesn't pay. i'm thinking of hiring michael cohen as my lawyer. he has three clients. apparently he works for free. he doesn't take money. hannity was tweeting furiously to distance himself as you might imagine he wants to distance himself from a lawyer who pays, seems, his only job seems to be paying women out. he wrote, i assume those conversations were confidential. but to be clear they never involved any matter between me and a third party. i don't know what kind of legal advice doesn't involve a third party unless sean hannity was thinking about suing himself? [ applause ] but besides the -- besides the
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implicati implications, it is a big deal. sean hannity, the chief propaganda guy for trump's legal team. he never disclosed he is also remt represented by the member of the legal team. if this is the biggest witch-hunt in history, as they say the is, running out of spots on the broomstick. it is getting very full. we may add an extension to this thing. all goes back to the president. who digs himself deeper and deeper every day. none is good for the country. that its the most important thing. good of the country. i want to try something. don't know itch it will work. might help if it does. they say, i read if you say donald trump's name backwards, three times, you can travel through time, time travel. now, donald trump is born in 1946. thought it might be, good idea to go back there to help him, to warn him. so, i am going to give it a try.
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oh, my goissh it's working. we are going back in time to the year 1946. and oh, my goodness. look at this. it's baby donald trump. isn't he a precious little one. he is a sleep. donnie. donnie. wake up. it's uncle jimmy. i'm from the future. hi. hi there. i have something to tell you. i have really good news for you. one day you are going to be president of the united states. yeah. isn't that crazy? want to know what else is crazy? your wife, you are going to marry a beautiful woman. she is not even born yet. she will not be born for another 24 years. her name is melania. can you say melania? >> melania. >> now, donald, i want to give you some advice, one day you will be very rich, and very famous.
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okay. you will have the power to hire people and to fire people. you are going to love firing people. i want you to listen closely. in the future, you are going to fire a person named meatloaf, okay. that's fine. you are going to fire another person whose name is omarosa. that's fine too. you are going to fire a crazed wild animal whose name is gary busey. that is also fine. but don't fire a man named james comey. yes. because if you do, he is going to tell everybody who wet your bed. okay. you got it. now are you? oh, somebody has a dirty diaper here. oh, my, oh, wow it is solid gold, isn't that amazing? oh, look at that. made in china. you've been doing this a long time. uncle jimmy has to go bye-bye now. one more thing. i want to till you, so you are
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prepared. your hands aren't going to get any bigger than this. okay. bye. bye. and i think i am stuck in 1946. we'll figure it out. we'll be right back. ♪ experience a blend of refined craftsmanship... ...and raw power. ♪ new innovations... ...and a tradition of excellence. luxury... ...and performance, engineered to take the crown. presenting the all-new lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. don't make a first impression... or a lasting impression without it. ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show, rob lowe, michelle wolf, and music from jorja smith on the way. weekend one of coachella festival. a big concert in the california desert. anybody go to this thing, coachella? the people with the remainder of flowers on their head. they had quite a lineup, eminem,
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the weeknd, beyonce. beyonce's performance. thousands of white girls posted videos with the posting, slay queen, and bee emoji this weekend. thanks to the performance. two hour set. big hits. surprise guests, destiny's child reunited for this one. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, i know you love beyonce, did you see any of this? >> guillermo: no, i didn't. >> jimmy: didn't watch it on the thing? >> guillermo: i didn't. >> jimmy: how come? >> guillermo: i was busy with my son. >> jimmy: late at night. >> guillermo: yeah, i went to sleep with him. >> jimmy: what is your favorite beyonce song out of curiosity. >> guillermo: single ladies. >> jimmy: okay, all right. in san antonio this weekend. while we were having fun at a coach? ella there was terror in the streets. >> this baboon is one of four that escaped texas biomedical
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research institute, conducts research on kroing achronic dis. the baboon was looking, darted into the bushes, these guys are frazzled they're freaking out. four baboons did escape. officials at the texas biomedical research institute says everything is under control. nobody has anything to worry about. >> jimmy: no one has anything to worry about. other than everything that happened in "plan elt of the apes." that's, nothing to worry about. [ cheers and applause ] there are four baboons on the loose. the kind of thing, call me crazy, i worry about that. while we are talking san antonio, this is, yet another gem from the coach of the spurs, greg popovich, not happy after the team's playoff loss to golden state. >> some one supposed to be here? >> it is okay, coach. >> what if i don't like this? this, there is too much sugar.
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i don't want to promote that. i am just teasing you. jeez. have a sense of humor, will you. just because you got your ass kicked tonight doesn't mean you don't have to have a since of humor. okay, what do you want? i'm so tired of this. >> jimmy: ha-ha, i love him so much. i don't know, if i could love him any more than i do. can we please make greg popovich celebrity president next time around? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: since we, i feel like everyone really enjoyed traveling to the -- past, but i thought it might be fun to go to the future to a time many years from now when i will be selling future products to future you. >> ah. >> oh. >> i like that one. >> classic for sure.
11:55 pm
hi, i'm old people choice award winner jimmy kimmel. remember youtube, all those amazing videos that brought so much joy to our lives. well, now you can pay tribute to them every day with the golden age of youtube commemorative plates. order now, each month you will receive an elegantly crafted, hand fired plate featuring an epic youtube hit. like dramatic chipmunk. don't tas me, bro. david at the dentist. i'm not gay no more. and many more. don't take my word for it. take it from this youtube personality. >> hey, i'm youtube personality, antoine dawson, you can hide your kids, you can hide your wife. don't hide the beautiful plalts. put them on your mantle like i do. >> thanks, youtube personality, antoine dawson. act now, receive a special bonus
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gift. remember the farting is ga na, who doesn't? the first 100 callers get a farting iguana gravy boat free. made from rubberized porcelain as handsome as the it is functional. gravy, gym mow. >> guillermo: yes, please. >> jimmy: isn't that great. >> guillermo: yes, it is. >> jimmy: play us off, keyboard cat. >> announcer: to order all 48 golden age of youtube plates and farting iguana gravy boat. call -- >> order meow. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, michelle wolf is here. we'll be right back with rob lowe! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by lyft, download the app,
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. >> jimmy: tonight, she has a new show on netflix called "the break with michelle wolf" and she hosts the white house correspondents dinner later this month, michelle wolf is here. then, her song is called "blue lights," jorja smith from the mercedes-benz stage.
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tomorrow night, ll cool j will be here, from the la galaxy soccer superstar zlatan ibrahimovi will join us, we'll have music from portugal the man. and later this week, gwen stefani, josh holloway, the entire cast of scandal will be here following their finale thursday night. and we will have music from dierks bentley and chaka khan. so join us then. our first guest is a star of film, television and of any clean, reflective surface. his newest film is the long-awaited sequel - "super troopers 2." >> your nickname, don't tell me, was the explosion. >> the halifax explosion, named after the single greatest man made explosion before hiroshima, it was 1917, ship laden with dynamite. crashed into a ship, tremendous explosion, loss of life. burned people's lives out with the blast. many were blinded by the light like the song says. and the first nation's tribe was lost, probably would have happened to them anyway, kind of
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moved up the timetable, eh. >> jimmy: "super troopers 2" opens in theaters friday. please welcome rob lowe. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i am sure you get this all the time every time you walk into a mall or whatever. people probably scream. they make that noise. >> i like it. it makes me a happy man. >> jimmy: is that story about the halifax explosion. >> it is true. i am obsessed with it. that was not in the script my name was the explosion. i want to play what the halifax explosion. they didn't know. the largest man made explosion. a real thing ever before hiroshima, it blew the water out of halifax harbor, second
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largest water in the world. fish were reported flopping on the bottom. created a tsunami, 200 feet high. it wiped out, sadly, not, good for the comedy, but it's true. like 2,000 people died. >> jimmy: wow. 100 years ago. >> they're forgotten, so -- >> jimmy: 100 people. 2,000 people died. >> it could only have happened in canada. canadians are the nicest, the nicest people. >> jimmy: undoubtedly. >> how do you get. it was in the papers. dynamite ship on its way. everybody prepare for the dynamite ship. they managed to head on collision in the largest body of water only in canada. >> jimmy: a dynamite ship. >> and you just know it was two guys on deck, going, hey, i see a light over there, do you think that is a dynamite ship, eh.
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like, i don't know. looks like it's coming toward us. maybe we veer in front of it. that might inconvenience it, eh? >> jimmy: you think politeness caused the terrible explosion. >> politeness caused terrible loss of life. >> jimmy: why isn't there a song? >> my character not the smartest think there is a song, blinded by the light. he thinks that's about that. what else could it be out about. burned people's eyes out, eh. >> jimmy: that is something. do you know a lot of weird stuff like that? >> i, look my kids are very educated. they're good, smart schools. i never went to any good schools. but i know a lot of stupid useless trivia. >> jimmy: why do you know a lot of useless trivia? do you play trivial pursuit or games in the bars. >> oh, james kimmel. >> jimmy: you know my real name, that's pretty big. holy cow, i didn't realize. >> i'm not good at many things.
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that's my thing. >> jimmy: really. really? >> that's my thing. if it is in the olympics i would be. >> jimmy: hatch you been on jeopardy or a game show like that. >> trivial pursuit. not like smart things. jeopardy is legitimately smart things. >> jimmy: not the celebrity version. that's more, more, like baboons running around san antonio. ha-ha-ha. >> that's true. give you that. >> jimmy: do you know for instance who was on the cover of the first "rolling stone" magazine. >> john lennon. >> jimmy: wow, that's right. >> right. fast, right. pretty fast. >> jimmy: very fast. you are on the road right now with a one-man show. you are doing, stories of, from your life. you wrote a book. you have, that book was great. it had great stories in the book. are these the same stories you share or do you expand on those? >> well, as you say, i wrote two books. >> jimmy: two books. >> i loved doing them. people really responded to them. instead of writing a third book, i desighed to write something i
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could take around the country. and, and perform live. and, and, a, because i enjoy keeping that muscle alive. as a theater actor. and part of it was a challenge to see if i could do it. if i could hold people's attention for 90 minutes with stories. it has been unan believable ride. >> jimmy: you love doing it? >> on the road now doing it. i love it. love it. >> jimmy: sit there tell stories. people eat it up. >> they're like the book. looks behind the curtain what it is really like in crazy hollywood land. some of the amazing things i have been able to witness. tragedy, triumph. and sneakily emotional. talk about some of my struggles, what it is like to be a father. relatable. >> jimmy: what is your big story the, the story that you build the whole thing around. tent pole story? >> i mean, people can't get enough i think i shared it here. people still to this day cannot get enough of figuring out why i thought it might have been a good idea to sing and dance with snow white on the academy award.
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>> jimmy: a good story. >> requires going around the country. and sitting everyone down individually. >> jimmy: you are explaining it to them one by one. >> each person. >> jimmy: do you take questions? >> i take questions from the audience. that ends up being the best part of the show. inevitably, the questions are so crazy, you can never guess where they're coming from. it leads me on tangents. the other part that i really like is, people always ask me, you have, what is it like growing up with charlie sheen, sean penn, you want to school together you made movies. >> i found one of the movies. >> jimmy: that you made. >> i found one. thought they had been lost forever. and i do, i do a sneak peek of one of the movies, written and directed by 15-year-old charlie sheen. >> jimmy: really? >> starring a 17-year-old rob lowe. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. and sean penn too. >> supporting actor appearance with chad lowe. >> jimmy: really? >> really the real reason i
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wanted to do it, as you know i love music. >> jimmy: yes. >> i wanted to have my own backstage pass of myself. >> jimmy: do you have a backstage pass. >> greatest, accomplishment. forget the screen actors guild. >> it's me. i can get you a pass. >> at home itch you want to infiltrate. grab a screen grab of this baby. get that laminator going. you are going to wear this for the rest. rob lowe is here. his movie called super troopers 2. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ it's not just a coaster you know.. ♪ it's an invitation ♪ jim beam on the rocks ♪
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>> jimmy: rob lowe! michelle wolf on the way. and rob has a movie, called "super troopers 2" opens in theaters friday. you also received what i assume is, not heard of this award, be honest with you, the horatio alger award. >> an award. eight people a year, distinguished americans who made an influence on the culture who started, who are self-made. >> jimmy: who picks this? >> board of directors past members are ronled reagan, maya angelou, hank aaron, waylan
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jennings. >> jimmy: this is a good one? >> did it at the supreme court. the only ceremony allowed in the united states supreme court. and supreme court justice puts a medal around you. >> jimmy: which one did that for you? >> judge clarence thomas. really something. >> jimmy: wow that is pretty crazy. why did this give this to you? >> reba mcintyre was in my class. we both came from nothing. we both had, the american dream. they celebrate the american dream. an 8-year-old kid living in ohio no connection to show business, i want to be an actor. i put my mind to it. i just go out and, kick ass and through trials, tribulations, still here, 45 years later. >> jimmy: did reba kick somebody's ass? >> she could. >> jimmy: you never age. that will never happen. your face remains the same. forever. >> well because technically, i actually don't age.
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i'm, i suffer from stage 4, well what would they call it, immortality. >> jimmy: immortal? i didn't know that. what does that mean exactly? >> you know it is a thing. many years ago i helped an old lady across the street, she was, a witch, and you know since then, you know i've, i just don't age. >> jimmy: obviously a joke, right, you didn't help an old lady. but i mean, it doesn't seem like it is a joke. >> oh, jimmy, i am not kidding. >> jimmy: oh, what does that mean you are not kidding. >> i sent your producer photos it i thought it might come up. and you can see -- i have been around for a long time. >> jimmy: that's you. that guy is you? >> no, no, can you just -- there we go. >> jimmy: that's you. that is you. wow. >> i kissed one dozen sailors that day. >> jimmy: you did, you got in
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the kissing thing. >> i certainly did. >> little hard. what is this. the civil war? >> yes, indeed it is. you fought in the civil war. >> i did so much fight as i kissed a lot of sailors in the civil war. >> jimmy: there were no sailors. >> there were sailors in the civil war. >> jimmy: i didn't know you kiss those guys. i had no idea. you just inserted yourself into these, historical photos. >> i thought you might say that. because you cannot, insert yourself into a painting, could you? >> jimmy: yeah, you could, yeah. you can. wait a minute. you were not one of jesus' disciples. >> i never said. no, no, don't be mislead. i wasn't his disciple. i was a plus one for dinner. >> jimmy: wait a minute. guillermo, too. >> guillermo: yeah, plus two. >> jimmy: what they call a plus dos. congratulations on immortality.
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soup r troopers 2 opens friday. rob lowe see him live in dallas, april 25th. atlanta april 27th. and right here, right now. we'll be right back with m michelle wolf! to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
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>> jimmy: we are back. >> jimmy: our next guest tonight is a very funny woman who is having a very busy year. later this month, she'll host the white house correspondents' dinner and her new show, "the break with michelle wolf" premieres may 27th on netflix. please welcome michelle wolf. >> jimmy: how is it going? >> great, great. >> jimmy: i like the pants. >> thank you, they're hard to sit in. >> jimmy: are they? >> they're standing pants. >> jimmy: if you want to lay across the seat. >> they're standing pants. sitting shoes. standing pants. i planned well. i do, i really have to thank your wardrobe department, because, i was on the flight here from new york this morning. and i realized i didn't pack a
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bra. you have probably been there. and, i like, they got me one. which was really nice. >> jimmy: one of mine? >> it is. it is, sorry. you can have it back. i probably didn't stretch it out. i woke up from a sleep in the plane when i remembered i forego out. i was like the mom in home alone, kevin! >> jimmy: does that happen to you often? >> no. well, i am pretty good at packing, like, well you know, like a stand-up. i travel all the time. pretty good. when i forget. i really forget. like i was on my way, taped my special in new york where i live. walking to the special. walking in workout clothes. had my bag with me. chris rock called me to be like, hey, are you ready? you know? like just make sure it is a special. make sure everything is special. like, even like your shoes are new, your pants are new. even, have new underwear.
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and on saz he sa, he said under didn't pack underwear. >> jimmy: i like the advice. really interesting advice. >> it is gralt aeat advice. >> jimmy: first day of school advice. >> good advice to get two days before. not day of. >> jimmy: not on the way. late advice is what it is. you are hosting the white house correspondents dinner which is, a big event for those who don't know, typically the president will be there, this president has decided to sit this last one out. i think is he not coming to this event? >> no, he is not coming. i guess, the lovely sarah huckabee sanders instead. no, it will be great. but, i was actually like the first thing i thought when i heard that he wasn't going, because you sit on the dais, you sit on a dais, you eat dinner, and the first thing i thought
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was like, oh, thank god i don't have to hear trump eat. [ cheers and applause ] you know he doesn't chew with his mouth closed. he's probably like a real smacky eater. like a mouth breather at the same time. >> jimmy: typically you would be seated next to the first lady. then the president doesn't really dine with the, you have got to be, watch these, to see what is going on, it's a very specific crowd there. >> i have watched a bunch of them. watched yours, it was great. i, but they only have on youtube, the clips of the actual performances. i thought too much about the other parts of it. >> jimmy: are you ready for, what if trump shows up last minute. >> i didn't change my jokes from when i found out he wasn't going to when he was. if he does show up it would be real fun. >> jimmy: of course more fun. >> i would like to look him in
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the eye. >> jimmy: not as much fun. you should dare him to do it. only way you could get him to come. >> i dare you, you poor little man. i'll give you $5 if you come. >> jimmy: i wish he would come too. your show is called the break, the break. what does the break mean? >> so it is sort of just like a barack fr break from everything going on. just a funny first comedy forward, joke, jokes jokes. >> jimmy: not like anything. >> not breaking anything. >> jimmy: there its nothing to be smashed. >> no. >> jimmy: where are you from originally? >> originally from hershey, pennsylvania. >> are you? >> jimmy: i used, that use theed be the only vacation we took when ee lived in brooklyn, drive to hershey park. >> we were terrified of new
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yorkers, they came to hershey park, i don't know, a nice getaway. but we were terrified of new yorkers. i worked at an italian restaurant on the highway on the way out. everyone would stop there after, the park, real, real, bad food. but like any time a car of new yorkers would pull out. we would be like get ready it's new yorkers. immediately sit down. bread, water. pasta. >> jimmy: did you go to the park often? hershey park for nose who don't know. chocolate wonderland. the street lights, hershey's kisses, chocolate out of the garden hoses and whatnot? >> it is real healthy. we're all very fit. used to go to the park all the time. like a little loophole. the park closes at 10:30. but at 10:00 you could sneak in. they would let you in at 10:00. and you can just, run to the nearest roller coaster, get on a roller coaster ride it as many
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times. and then leave. we really just, just, we were just scamming the system t. >> jimmy: right. when you are living in hershey, pennsylvania, are you just eating candy and chocolate all the time? >> i mean, i didn't really like chocolate growing up. which was something i fried to keep secret. >> jimmy: what a terrible police to grow up then. what kind of a kid doesn't like chocolate? >> i mean, a weird one. yeah, i really licorice, black licorice. >> jimmy: what are you 90? ? >> neko wafers? >> the chocolate wafers. >> jimmy: my favorite. >> get peppermint. licorice. >> jimmy: other ones are paint chips. not food. >> like tums without any medical benefits. >> jimmy: sure they'll be happy to hear that. >> yeah, yeah. use that in your commercials, neko. >> jimmy: don't hold back at the white house correspondent
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dinner, trump walks through the door. dare him one more time. >> i will make it $10 if you come. >> jimmy: michelle wolf, everyone. and "the break with michelle wolf" premieres may 27th on netflix. we'll be right back. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. it has nois an unreacomfort zone,ation. it rests on no laurels. curious perpetually scratches at doors, picks at locks. curious never stops, because to curious, good enough never is. you know what we make. curious makes us who we are.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank rob lowe, michelle wolf and apologies to matt damon. here with the song "blue lights," jorja smith! ♪ i wanna turn those blue lights into strobe lights not blue flashing lights ♪ ♪ maybe fairy lights those blue lights blue lights
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into strobe lights ♪ ♪ strobe lights maybe even fairy lights fairy lights not blue flashing lights ♪ ♪ don't you run when you hear the sirens coming when you hear ♪ ♪ the sirens coming you better not run cause the sirens' not coming for you ♪ ♪ what have you done you went to school that day was a bit late but it was a monday ♪ ♪ kept after class for answering back you apologized any harm in that ♪ ♪ i wanna turn those blue lights into strobe lights what have you done ♪ ♪ there's no need to run not blue flashing lights maybe fairy lights if you've done ♪ ♪ nothing wrong blue lights should just pass you by gun crime ♪ ♪ into your right ear drugs and violence into your left default white headphones ♪ ♪ flooding the auditory subconscious waves you accept you're sitting on the 4 back home ♪
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♪ where you at g answer your phone pause the poison to answer his message ♪ ♪ your boy sounds rushed fears for his adolescence i wanna turn those blue lights ♪ ♪ into strobe lights what have you done there's no need to run not blue flashing lights ♪ ♪ maybe fairy lights if you've done nothing wrong blue lights should just pass you by ♪ ♪ tall black shadow as you're getting off the bus shadow shows no emotion so what's even the fuss ♪ ♪ but the face of your boy casts a darker picture of the red handed act he's gonna whisper ♪ ♪ look blud i'm sorry cause i know you got my back he was running i couldn't think ♪ ♪ i had to get out of that not long ago you were miming to the shook ones ♪ ♪ now this really is part two cause you're the shook one hands you the tool ♪ ♪ as you question your friendship how's man like you gonna make me a convict ♪ ♪ level of a felon
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when i've done nothing wrong blood on my hands but i don't know ♪ ♪ where it's from oh you got blood on your hands but you don't know ♪ ♪ where it's from you better run when you hear the sirens coming ♪ ♪ when you hear the sirens coming better run when you hear the sirens coming ♪ ♪ cause they will be coming for you run when you hear the sirens coming ♪ ♪ better run when you hear the sirens coming when you hear the sirens coming ♪ ♪ the blue lights are coming for you i wanna turn those blue lights ♪ ♪ into strobe lights what have you done there's no need to run not blue flashing lights ♪ ♪ maybe fairy lights if you've done nothing wrong blue lights should just pass you by ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, fed up. >> he is morally unfit to be president. >> after former fbi director james comey's explosive interview about president trump, the abc news exclusive content with george that you haven't seen. >> there is a risk i'm blind to how i'm acting don't think so. his complaint about the current chief of staff. >> he intend to resign because he couldn't work for people that would treat people like me in such a dishonorable way. i liken president trump in the book to a forest fire. >> but the white house firing back today. >> this is somebody who is giving a revisionist version of history. the president hardly knew the man.


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