tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 17, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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on jimmy kimmel live, ll cool j. >> see i tomorrow. >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, ll cool j, from the l.a. galaxy zlatan ibrahimovic, and music from portugal the man. and now, as if you didn't know, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice. welcome. hi, everybody. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. oh my goodness. well, that's very kind. i'm glad you're here.
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i hope -- i hope you guys got your -- i know we're having fun tonight but i hope you got your taxes done, if you didn't you're going to jail like wesley snipes. today is tax day in the united states. i love tax day. you know, it's especially fun to have young kids on this day because you get to experience the magic of tax day through their eyes. it's like all over again, you know? we need -- we got an extra, what -- today's the 17th. we got an extra three days this year to file. we had an extra two days but thanks to a big problem today with the irs website, we got an extra day. those who waited until the last minute to file online got this message, for real, "planned a outage april 17, 2018 through december 31st, 9999." which means i don't think we have to pay taxes for 80,000 years. [ cheers and applause ] maybe trump was right. i don't file my taxes electronically. i do it the old-fashioned way.
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i tape them to the leg of a raven and i free it like "game of thrones." president trump celebrated tax day from his vacation home in florida with a tweet he wrote, so many people are seeing the benefits of the tax cut bill, everyone is talking, really nice to see." which is true, except for that it isn't true at all. [ laughter ] a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll showed only 27% of americans think these tax cuts were a good idea. 36% said a bad idea. 37% had no opinion. and the top 1% said, "thanks for the money, uncle donald." [ laughter ] the white house announced the president himself did not file his taxes today. he filed for an extension. apparently there are a lot of i guess complex issues his accountants are working on like does paying a porn star $130,000 count as a business expense or a payment? [ cheers and applause ] i don't know. the president did a little tap dance today on those russia
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sanctions he's been talking so much about. you know he's supposed to impose tough new sanctions on russia yesterday. but i guess decided not to go through with it. why, no one knows. although i'm sure there's a very good reason that has nothing at all to do with russians having any kind of anything he doesn't want to us see on him. but the white house press secretary, sarah huckabee s., said the president has been clear he's going to be tough on russia, but at the same time, he'd still like to have a good relationship with them. so in other words, the president's okay with announcing sanctions, he just doesn't want to impose any of them on the russians. it would be rude to do that. if only donald trump were as tough on russia as he is on his belt loops, i think we'd be in a lot -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and the way he fawns over this vladimir putin. it's mind-ing aboutling. at this point it's almost more embarrassing if putin doesn't have something on trump. if he doesn't have a tape, it means trump is just sucking up
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like an infatuated groupie, the way mike pence does with him. russia is a tough country. they're holding the world cup in june. this i think is a good indicator of how things go over there. this is the end game entertainment from a soccer game this weekend in russia. a giant live bear with no leash if a stadium full of i don't know how many people. just for comparison's sake, this is our version of that. ♪ ♪ that's the memphis grizzlies mascot, horny the bear. that is us versus the russians if a nutshell. here's another thing we should be concerned about as a nation.
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i don't know if you know about this. heinz announced yesterday they have a new condom, supposedly by popular demand. that condiment is called mayochup, mayonnaise and ketchup. i think it's meant to be injected intravenously. wow, think of all the hours we'll save thanks to mayochup. i'll finally get time to spend with my children. [ cheers and applause ] this is an example of finding a solution to a problem that we don't actually have. but as far as condiments go, mayochup isn't the newest one of the year. look at this condiment-ace to society. yeah. that's right. yeah. no, no, thanks, i don't need a slice of ketchup. is ketchup really not convenient enough that we have to slice --
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how lazy have we become? speaking of useless things, scott pruitt, head of the epa, had another new spending scandal to add to his growing list. according to a report from the government accountability office, pruitt broke the law by spending $43,000 to have proof phone booth installed in his office. they're only allowed to spend up to $5,000 without notifying congress that you're spending more. pruitt went over that way over that, to $43,000 for a phone booth he said he needs to make classified calls to the white house. does the epa handle a lot of classified information? mr. president, i think the barn owls are spying on us. by the way, if you're in a sound proof booth calling donald trump, who you know is on a speakerphone next to the pool at mar-a-lago. not only does scott pruitt spend $43,000 on a phone booth, he ordered a customized suv with bullet-proof seat covers. the head of the epa.
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you know, if this guy protected the planet as much as he does his own ass, we'd be fine, we'd be in very good shape. [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, i don't know if you've been following this as closely as i have. we have a new suspect in the stormy daniels investigation. stormy and her lawyer, michael avenatti, were on "the view" today where they unveiled police artist sketch of a man she says threatened her, who told her to keep quiet about trump while she was out with her daughter. >> stormy, you recently sat down with the forensic artist, a very well known one, who created a sketch of the alleged suspect based on your memory from that day. now you're ready to reveal that sketch for the first time. can we take a look at that? >> sure. there you go. >> to your recollection, is that the person that threatened you? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: hold on, i think that's the wrong sketch. i don't know, i'm pretty sure that's a leprechaun. no, this is the suspect that the police artist drew. or at least what she remembers
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him looking like. a lot of people online today thought it was tom brady. [ laughter ] even donald trump wouldn't hire a thug who wears uggs, that's ridiculous, but it does bear some resemblance to another donald trump associate, anthony scaramucci. do you think? it's either the mooch or bon jo jovi, i don't know. i love the artist signed it "low ris." like it's done on the boardwalk in atlantic city. the big news today was the bigly anticipated release of former fbi director james comey's book. in which he paints an up flattering portrait of his former boss. the president is said to be furious about this book because it combines the two things he hates most. criticism, and reading. [ laughter ] the book came out today. it's the number one seller on amazon. local bookstores, kids were lined up at midnight dressed as their favorite characters from the mueller investigation. [ laughter ] the book is damning depiction of
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a president who seems to do all wrong things and that's a shame. let me have that book there. the president should be doing the right things. if only i could go back in time to show this book to a young donald trump so he could see wh in store for him. and maybe, i don't know, just maybe we could potentially get him to change his ways. oh my gosh. look at this, it worked. we're back in time. [ cheers and applause ] i never imagined this building would still be here. what year? it's 1947. hi, baby donald. it's me, uncle jimmy. i have some big news for you. aww, you are such a special little boy. donald, one day a man, a very tall man named james comey, is going to write a book all about you. look at it, it's 304 pages. that's right. i do want to say, it's not very
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nice. do you know what the words "morally unfit" mean? >> mine! >> jimmy: it means you should never, ever tell a lie. and you should probably get these naked barbie dolls out of your crib also. [ laughter ] >> wah! >> jimmy: i'm sorry, i'm sorry, don't cry. let me read you a little story from the book, okay? mr. trump said he needed to talk with me before our scheduled dinner. when i got to the room, he immediately showed me a picture of himself on the cover of "forbes" magazine. don't i look great, he said. someone should spank your bottom with that magazine, i said. he turned around and pulled down his pants -- wait a minute. this is not -- oh. this is not james comey's book. this is stormy daniels' book, "orally unfit." [ applause ] this is a good story. she's a lady you're going to meet at a golf tournament and you're going to pay her $130,000
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to breast-feed, okay? okay, little donnie. i have to go now but i'm going to see you later, okay? what, what are you doing? >> guillermo: hey, baby donald, i got one thing to say. >> jimmy: you're in 1946? >> guillermo: yeah, i got bit by a supercabra. >> jimmy: go ahead. >> guillermo: baby donald trump, don't build a wall gaection membe against memberses can. that is a stupid idea. and you're a stupid baby. >> wah! >> jimmy: he's just a baby. just a baby. you want to get in the crib? >> guillermo: no thanks. >> jimmy: okay, all right. we have a good show tonight. tonight we have music from portugal the man. soccer's superstar zlatan ibrahimovic. be right back with ll cool j!
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♪ you show it in slow-mo slow-motion steak. (avo) get an entrée like this, plus starter and coca-cola, for just 10 bucks. steak included. ♪ chili's is back, baby, back, baby, back ♪ you are many different things, in one amazing package. and t.j.maxx lets you express every one. with our unique mix of must-have brands at must-buy prices, you'll always save on something for every you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx. ♪ ♪ oh -- you're bad enough to me ♪ ♪ bad enough that we ♪ always have something to get over ♪ ♪ oh -- but when the night is deep ♪ ♪ you find me in the streets ♪ asking me - to come over ♪
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i'm your phone,istle text alert. stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? i've got a crew ofay? 15 counting on me. i start my shift with mini-wheats. one bowl, i'm good. 10 layers of wheat built to fill me up. is your breakfast built for big days?
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>> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. tonight from the l.a. galaxy, soccer superstar, he is known all over the world, zlatan ibrahimovic is here with us. you're going to enjoy him. then their album is called "woodstock," portugal the man. tomorrow night gwen stefani and josh holloway with duesic fr im from dirks bentley. the cast of "scandal" following their series finale will be here
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to celebrate and dance to music from chaka khan. the last time he was here, a number of things have happened to our first guest. he turned 50, he received a kennedy center honor, he started his own satellite radio station. it's called "rock the bells radio" on sirius xm. please welcome ll cool j! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, i think you're doing better than i am. did you ever imagine you'd one day have your own radio station? >> absolutely not. >> jimmy: no? >> absolutely not. >> jimmy: it's exciting. >> very exciting. because for so many years artists had to water their music down, including myself on certain levels, hope and pray and cross our fingers some program director would play our music. >> jimmy: really. >> yeah, a lot of artist god
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through that out there. >> jimmy: what songs do you feel specifically watered down? >> it's not a particular single. what it is, it's how the music is put out. in other words, like let's take a song like "mama should knock you out" which a lot of people are aware of. [ cheers and applause ] they all clap. they all clap but when "mama said knock you out" it got very little air play. it grew over the years -- >> jimmy: the video i think is part of what made it -- >> the video made it but it got very little air play and a lot of music is like that. rock the bells radio, what i've decided to do is yes, play the popular rap records that you know, big hits and classic hits that you love. however, we also dig deeper into the crates, digging deep into the underbelly of the music and giving you the culture of the music. rock the bells radio is polarizing in that sense. if you're like the person who has your favorite ten rap songs from college, you're going to hate it. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> it's not that.
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it's not, i want to rock right now, over and over again, it's not that. and i love rob ace, you know what i'm saying, but it's not that. this is a radio station that's about the culture, it's about classic hip-hop for real. if you want to be a fly on the wall and you really want to understand where rap music came from for real, this is the place to go and listen. >> this is the stuff that influenced you. >> well, it's partly. i go all the way from the late '70s to the early 2000s. and so i will play music from guys like coal crust brothers, most of them you've probably never heard of. graham has the cash. treacherous three. crash crew. africa bambado. a lot of people you've never heard. i also play grand master flash, run dmc, public enemy, people they do know. it's one of those things you get classic hip-hop but you're going to get it a couple of ways. you're going to get the big hits that you know, you're also going to be introduced to where it came from. because this will be the first
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time in america that hip-hop is truly, truly exposed to you guys and you really get a chance to find out, okay, what's rap music really about? i'm not saying you're going to like it, because it's very polarizing. it's not for the faint of heart. we're not trying to be family friendly. the language is nasty. either you love it or you don't, i'm giving it to you raw. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: in the old days rap music was -- i think it -- obviously rap music has evolved over years like any music has. liaricly, seemed like in the early days a lot of it was boasting, a lot of it was fun, like the sugar hill gang. eating chicken at your friend's mom's house and it tastes like wood and stuff like that. >> let me give you an example about you naming that song. you're right about that on vinyl. but there is stuff that we play that's not from vinyl that's a little more raw. and like think how the grateful
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dead were popular even without records. think about groups that never made it on wax and didn't go platinum and didn't go gold but they did live music. we're playing snippets of those cassettes and things like that. >> jimmy: you find the old mix tapes? >> digging into crates heavy, mining all over to find that stuff. you mentioned sugar hill gang. so one of the artists that we feature on the station that has new music and classic music as well is brand master cass. "the song rapper's delight," the chicken tastes like with that hotel, motel, holiday inn, grand master cass wrote those lyrics. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> big bang hank took, may he rest in peace, shout-out to sugar hill, all love, but i'm exbothing the truth about what the culture's about. a lot of the rhymes in that song were not written by the guy saying it, that was written by grand master calls from the cold crust brothers, a guy you will hear on our station.
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these are the kind of stories that you hear on this station. i'm introducing you to the real culture, like for real. like i was the phone with cool hirk who started hip-hop, for hours the other day. i was on the phone with grand master flash, one of the founders and god fathers of hip-hop, a mentor. i'm bringing in the people that actually started the music. because there was hip-hop before ll cool j and run dmc. there was hip-hop before tupac and biggie. there was hip-hop before all of these people that are so famous now. you need to understand where it comes from so that you can understand, okay, what is kendrick doing, what is drake doing? okay, how does that compare to where it came from? what does it mean? you know what i mean? because a lot of the stations, they're only playing the music for you that is like the pop hit. so you're only hearing the song with the big chorus that the program director thinks my people in my city are going to like. but you're not getting the real.
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you know what i'm saying? you're not getting the real raw hip-hop. for some of you when i do turn to channel 43 on sirius xm, you're going to be turned off. you're going to be like, i can't get into this. for some of you it's going to be the most thrilling moment of your life. urgoing to find out, yo, this is what it's really about, this is where hip-hop really came from, like for real, not guys walking around with a bunch of chains on faking it, pretending. [ cheers and applause ] like for real. it's real. the music. the music, the culture. it's for the culture. i'm doing this for the cull doctor, i'm doing it for these guys that started early. like a passion project of mine. >> jimmy: i've never seen you this passionate before. [ laughter ] >> yeah, because it matters to me. when i talk to scott greenstein and deon and jay and steve blatt and all the guys at sirius, radio guys, we talked about really doing something for the culture. so -- >> jimmy: they don't care, those
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guys don't care about the culture. i'm going to tell you right now. >> no, no -- >> i know scott greenstein, he doesn't care about you. >> he's smart enough to let me care for him. >> jimmy: i don't blame him, i'm nervous right now. >> don't be nervous, i love scott, scott's my man. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. ll cool j is here, be right back! >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by lyft. download the app, request a ride, and be on your way in minutes. use shopping should thrill you. (horn honking) with big brands at small prices. mwah! (laughing) for the whole family! whoo-hoo! woman: and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for. so every trip feels like an instant victory. that's the fun of marshalls. (gasp) with brands that wow and prices that thrill, marshalls is never boring and always surprising. (horn honking)
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we are back with ll cool j, a new radio station on sirius xm, rock the bells radio. i don't know that i've ever seen you this excited. >> no, probably not, it's just so exciting. >> jimmy: as a kid what was your favorite radio station growing up in new york, something you listened to? >> two, whbi. that's where mr. magic and marley mol were at. i got exposed to hip-hop on the street through mix tapes and ka seat tapes, not the radio. >> jimmy: how old were you at that time? >> when i got exposed to it? 8 or 9. i started writing at maybe 12. 11, 12. then at 14 i started trying to make a song, a recording, professionally. around 16, that's when i got
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with rick rubin and we started def jam. yeah my favorite station was whbi. then it became bls. then it became kiss. then later hot 97. until they stopped playing my music. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you can play it yourself. >> it's all love. play it anyway, all right? give me some love. >> jimmy: any thought to only playing your muse oak rock the bells? >> that's what everybody expected. everybody, oh, this is going to be a vanity deal, it's all ll all the time, all cool j all day! no, i play my music but i'm not overdoing it. really i have some songs that don't work on the channel. because i don't feel like creatively they're the right fit. and so i don't play them. i only play the music of mine that i think really works on the channel. and i don't overdo it. it's not about me. >> jimmy: when you hear one of your songs come on the radio, do you sit and listen through it or switch away? >> well, rock the bells i listen to it because i'm doing my
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homework, got to listen to my station. >> jimmy: in general? >> clicking off. >> jimmy: clicking off? "rock the bells," there's no bells in that song. >> there's a reason. there's a reason for that. that's because originally, the song was supposed to be to the music that you hear on run dmc song "peter piper" about mardi gras, bob james. i wanted to sample that. i told rick, oh, yeah, great, next run dmc had peter piper. >> jimmy: really? >> i said, yo, rick, how did you do that? jammaster jay, all of us are from the same neighborhood, same influence. that bob james mardi gras sample, they kind of beat me to the punch, and rick rubin gave them the assist, aiding and abetting the beating to the punch. and so what ended up happening is i did an original version of "rock the bells" and i still wasn't -- felt it wasn't quite right. we did another one, rick redeemed himself, it ended up
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being way better. rick's like, there's a million ideas, don't worry about it. he was right, it ended up being one of my biggest songs in terms of impact. >> jimmy: are there any artists with whom you have problems in the past that you go i'm not going to play these guys? >> no, i'm playing guys with diss records about me on the station. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, like cool mo d, cannabis, playing it all. playing it all. again, again, and this is my word. this is really for the culture. i'm not going to make this ll cool j glory thing. this is about hip-hop. this is about classic hip-hop. this is about entertaining and educating the public. and introducing you, allow hip-hop to reintroduce itself to you, really introducing you to what this culture is about and what this music is about. >> jimmy: you were a recipient of the kennedy center honor. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: first rapper ever to be honored in that way. there you are with lionel richie, norman lear, gloria
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estefan, carmen -- >> she's a dancer, choreographer, unbelievable. she was meryl streep's movement coach. she's unbelievable. amazing. >> reporter:. >> jimmy: you're on stage now with meryl streep's movement coach. this has to be a great honor to you. >> i was so blown away. i was moving. i was moving. no, it was -- she told me to sit. she taught me to you who sit. >> jimmy: really? >> you sit forward on the chair and your posture gets better. >> jimmy: you received movement coaching? >> i don't go nowhere without learning something. why do you think i've been around so long? >> jimmy: being there on that stage, that's a meaningful thing, obviously. >> being a part of that class, a part of that community, being welcomed into that circle, that rarefied air, was an amazing feeling. i would be -- i'm not going to try to give you the pseudo humility, it doesn't matter.
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it does matter. i'm very thank of the and grateful and it's dope that i got that opportunity. i'm glad i had that kind of impact on the country. i hope through the station i can continue to impact you guys and continue to just raise the level of culture and classic hip-hop in america so that more and more people understand what it's about. and just get into it. you know what i'm saying? >> jimmy: yeah, wow, that's great. [ cheers and applause ] channel 43? >> channel 43. go to my instagram page and it's all dedicated to classic hip-hop now. i've kind of changed it from the musselman pics and all that. >> jimmy: please don't get rid of those. don't get rid of those. >> you know, you know -- >> jimmy: we need to see your party. >> we'll deal with all that. go to my instagram or rock the bells -- >> jimmy: if you want to not see ll cool j's muscles go to his instagram page, they've been wiped off. >> wiped off, yeah. >> jimmy: rock the bells radio, sirius xm. ll cool j, everybody, be right
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passengers like you. because there's a moment in your lyft ride when you realize, hey, this is going well, i'm going to leave a nice tip. it's called the tipping point. and here's a test to see if you could find the tipping points in this lyft ride. ♪ >> oh, hey fellows, where are you coming from? >> jimmy: just coming from a taping of "jimmy kimmel live." >> no way, i love that show. >> jimmy: thank you very much. ka-ching! and there you go, 20 big ones. >> you know what my favorite thing about that show is? >> jimmy: what? >> guillermo. >> guillermo: and $20 for you from me, my friend, ka-ching! >> sometimes jimmy's hit and miss, but guillermo, always hilarious. >> guillermo: ka-ching! >> truth is jimmy kind of sucks. >> guillermo: ka-ching! >> oh, hey, guillermo, you're the best! >> guillermo: thank you. >> you're hilarious.
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you're the only reason i watch the show. >> jimmy: can i figure a way to get my $20 back on this thing? >> guillermo: sorry about my friend, he's a little >> jimmy: what? >> yel-lous. >> dicky: whatever lyft drivers are driving toward, generous passengers are helping them get there. npredictab crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs
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the only thing that first chases&is possibility. you know what we make. first makes us who we are. >> jimmy: hello, welcome back to the show. still to come, portugal the man. with this remarkable goal in his first match here in l.a., our next guest got this city interested in major league soccer and man-buns began. from the l.a. galaxy, please welcome zlatan ibrahimovic! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wow.
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first of all, thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. when you first got here, it's like, oh, we've got to have this guy on the show. then i saw -- i was looking in the l.a. time asks you took out an advertisement -- [ cheers and applause ] a lot of athletes will take out a full-page ad, usually when they leave, they thank the city for everything. but you took one out as you got started. and it says, dear los angeles, you're welcome. [ cheers and applause ] so on behalf of all of us, thank you. >> no, i mean -- it has been a couple of years, i've had admirers in los angeles, i wanted to give them a gift. [ cheers and applause ] and it was you. i was thinking a long time.
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and then one day it came, like i should give myself. [ laughter ] that's why i came out. you're welcome. >> jimmy: you're from sweden. >> yes. >> jimmy: obviously. you don't, and maybe this is a weird preconceived notion, you don't strike me as quintessentially swedish. i know you are swedish. but swedes are not braggadocios in general, yes? >> they're too nice. i'm not so nice like that. >> jimmy: is that why you were asked to leave the country? [ laughter ] >> no, no, no. i mean, i'm not the typical swedish guy, but i put sweden on the map, so. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have a lot of nicknames. i was reading through a bunch of your nicknames. which one do you like? is there one that you really feel strongly about? >> my name in the language means "gold." so i would prefer that.
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but i know people have difficulties to pronounce it and that. so then somebody was like, ibra, ibla, people called me ibra. >> jimmy: that's not a great name. >> now it's the lion. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: lion is good. snoop dogg already has lion, i think. you have to consider what's taken and what isn't, you could get sued, who knows what could happen here. i have a nickname idea for you. i want to run it by you. the swedish fish. [ laughter ] everyone loves swedish fish here. i don't know if you're aware of this. back home you probably just call them fish. but here we call them those little redfish and people are like, oh, yes, we love them so much. >> i like something more powerful. >> jimmy: more powerful? >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there's not anything more powerful than the swedish fish. i'll come up with something else for you. >> make something else. >> jimmy: so your first game you
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score a goal. it was an amazing -- i mean, a long -- [ cheers and applause ] a long, powerful, thrilling goal. before you go out on the field, do you have in your head, i am going to score in my first game? >> i mean, i had a vision before i come. i said, when i come, i know there is some earthquakes in los angeles, but this one was me stepping in los angeles. [ cheers and applause ] i wanted to put the -- i wanted to make a statement. i wanted to make a statement, and i mean, every movie has a good start, yeah? >> jimmy: have you been surprised by -- no, most movies are terrible. [ laughter ] >> not this one. >> jimmy: not this one. have you been surprised -- by the way, you've scored in your first game with almost every team you've been with, which is a crazy statistic. >> not like this. this one was special for los angeles. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: have you been surprised by this reaction, and not just here in los angeles, but i know like you went to
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chicago and it was crazy. like you barely were able to get out of the airport. does that surprise you? did you expect this in the united states? >> i mean, in europe the football is huge. >> jimmy: right. >> it's big. so wherever i went, i mean, people, they get crazy and that. people told me, when you come to los angeles, don't worry, you can walk on the streets and that. but since day one -- >> jimmy: no, yeah. >> it's everywhere. it is my own fault. if you play the way i do, i mean -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you play other sports? do you feel like you could have been a professional athlete playing basketball or anything. >> i think my office is what people have noticed, is very high. >> jimmy: yeah, i noticed that. [ laughter ] >> my mental quality is bullet-proof. whatever i would do, i would be the one i am today. so i'm just -- i chose football.
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and i'm sorry for that offen-- the fans cheering for other sports because it would be the same thing. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you worry your teammates will feel in your shadow, be offended by your confidence and all the attention that you get? >> no, no, no. i make them superstars just like i make you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so anything they achieve, really, they can credit to you. >> i'll make them pay, don't worry. >> jimmy: there's been a lot of speculation about whether or not you will play in the world cup. are you going to play in the world cup? >> i'm going to the world cup, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're going to the world cup. what will you be wearing at the world cup? will you have cleats on the bottom of your shoes? or will they be regular shoes? >> i just said, i'm going to the world cup. if i say more, people will hang me. >> jimmy: they will? >> i have to be careful. >> jimmy: it seems like an
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extreme reaction to you wanting to play in a soccer match. >> i mean, a world cup without me wouldn't be a world cup. >> jimmy: do you like it here? are you enjoying your time in los angeles? >> i mean, people are very kindly with me. you see the audience there. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, right. [ cheers and applause ] you know, you're not from here, you have to understand, it's very unusual to get this kind of enthusiasm for anything related to soccer. i mean, for the most part here, soccer is a game we wish our kids didn't play so we didn't have to go to it. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: on the weekend. [ audience booing ] >> jimmy: oh, i don't see any of you out on the field on saturday mornings. but you have really -- >> listen, first of all, soccer, football we call it -- >> jimmy: we call it soccer, get used to it. [ laughter ] >> we call it football. >> jimmy: right.
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>> football is the biggest sport in the world. >> jimmy: it is, yes, i know. i understand that. [ cheers and applause ] >> so imagine now when you play football and you're on the top, how you feel. >> jimmy: the biggest sport, being the best player in the biggest sport, has to be obviously the ultimate. >> yeah. that's what i feel. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: you really should give talks to people. teach people to have self-confidence. because i really -- i'm feeling like more of a man just sitting right next to you. >> right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, so it's great to have you here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the galaxy playing atlanta united saturday. new york red bulls on april 28th here at the stub hub center. do you want to see zlatan, zlatan? >> zlatan? thank you very much, zlatan ibrahimovic, everybody. be right back with portugal the man!
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank ll cool j, zlatan ibrahimovic and apologies to matt damon. their album is called "woodstock." here with the song "live in the moment," portugal the man! ♪ ♪ ♪ my home is a girl with eyes like wishing wells i'm not alone ♪ ♪ but i'm still lonely ♪ ♪ when i was young always go below the midnight sun those days are done ♪ ♪ but i'm still glowing ♪ ♪ ooh la la la
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la la let's live in the moment come back sunday morning ♪ ♪ a lie oh well when you're gone goodbye so long farewell ♪ ♪ ooh la la la la la ♪ ♪ let's live in the moment come back sunday morning ♪ ♪ with that soul to sell when you're gone goodbye so long farewell ♪ ♪ my home is a girl who can't wait for time to tell ♪ ♪ god only knows we don't need history ♪ ♪ when your family swinging from the branches of a tree ♪
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♪ god only knows god only knows we don't need ghost stories ♪ ♪ ooh la la la la la let's live in the moment come back sunday morning ♪ ♪ a lie oh well when you're gone goodbye so long farewell ♪ ♪ ooh la la la la la let's live in the moment come back sunday morning ♪ ♪ with that soul to sell when you're gone goodbye so long farewell ♪ ♪ ooh i can't believe it nothing's gonna comfort me now ♪ ♪ ooh i can't believe it nothing's gonna comfort me now ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, deadly midair explosion. a woman nearly sucked out of a plane window shattered by shrapnel from an exploding engine. passengers live streamed what many thought were their final moments. >> wind was pouring through the pane -- >> the dramatic recordings from the cockpit. and the investigation into what went wrong. plus threatening stormy. after alleging a sexual encounter with now president trump, porn star stormy daniels on "the view" unveiling a sketch of an unknown man she says tried to silence her. >> i just remember him saying like, oh, it's a beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if something happened to her mom. forget about this story, leave mr. trump alone." >> offering a huge cash reward for information. wh
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