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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 18, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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jimmy kimmel live, gwen stefani. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, gwen stefani, from "colony," josh holloway, and music from dierks bentley, and now, first things first, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: nice. thank you, thank you. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. wow. hey, before we -- before we get going, really -- i hate to do this. [ cheers and applause ]
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because i know that there's a show to do. but before we get started i have a couple of shout-outs. is it shout-outs? or shouts-out? shouts-out? i have a view shouts-out i want to say hey to siri, i want to say hey google, and alexa, what sound does a dog make? now everything's going crazy in every house that has one of those. i actually have all of those for whatever reason. i have siri on my phone, google home and alexa sitting next to each other on the kitchen counter, i put them there thinking they'd be rivals. now i feel like they're working together and conspiring against me. this drives me nuts. last night my wife and i have a friend named siri pointer, she wrote a cookbook. i opened the package, i said to my wife, siri sent us this
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cookbook. all of a sudden my phone goes, i found something on the web about new cookbook, check it out. it happens to me every single night. the thing chimes in in the middle of the conversation aorta show. why do they have to give these devices regular names? there's 10,000 people named alexa in the united states alone. i know that because i looked it up on alexa today. [ laughter ] why use names that people have? why not give them names no one has? like hitler. there's nobody named hitler anymore. [ laughter ] hey, hitler, set timer for 18 minutes. hey, hitler, play "always a woman" by billy joel. only time you'd ever have a problem also when you're watching the history channel. think about that, jeff bezos. name it bezos! no one's name is bezos, let it drive his family nuts. speaking of nuts, president trump is at mar-a-lago this week. to meet/golf with the prime minister of japan, shinzo abe.
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it was his 108th day on the golf course since taking office. but he wants to make it very clear they're there to work. in fact, he tweeted, prime minister abe shinzo of japan and myself this morning building an even deeper and better relationship while playing a quick round of golf at trump international golf club. a quick round of golf and a plug for my golf course. look at this photo. zoom into this. i stared at this for four full minutes today. look at these two, all dressed up in their golf outfits. trump gives that dopey thumb up that he always gives. and abe has to give -- donald trump loves giving the thumb up in pictures, making everyone else feel like they have to do it too. and they do do it. here he is with the republican leadership at dinner last week. [ cheers and applause ] this is the staff on air force one. this is last month with the saudi prince. the reason he does it, it's interesting. the reason he does it is the thumb is the only normal-sized
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finger on his hand. [ laughter ] so after the golf thing and thumbing, the president and prime minister abe held a joint press conference at which trump spoke both fondly and oddly about his november visit to japan. >> it was a true privilege to be welcomed to thie ining magnific land of japan, or as i've heard all my life, the land of the rising sun. it's true. so great. >> jimmy: so great. even greater than you realize. [ laughter ] you know he only knows that from the wesley snipes movie, right? [ laughter ] with all that's going on right now, lawmakers in the house and senate are concerned that trump might actually fire robert mueller all hell will break loose. they're working on bipartisan legislation that would protect special counsel from the president. republicans lindsey graham and tom tillis is trying to push this through. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he won't allow a
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vote on it. on fox nude neil ka vut toe asked if there was need for legislation to prevent the president from firing the guy in charge of investigating him. >> that's not necessary. there's no indication that mueller's going to be fired. i don't think the president's going to do that. >> jimmy: you don't? everybody else does. [ laughter ] why they want to introduce legislation. listen, his catch phrase, before he was even president, his catch phrase was, "you're fired." [ laughter ] no chance he might fire the guy? he's already tried to fire him twice but his people talked him out of it. mitch mcconnell doesn't think it's necessary. the only time mitch mcconnell ever sticks his neck out is to slowly eat a piece of lettuce. [ laughter ] then it retracts right back into his -- [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, we've learned last night -- this was a big deal. the director of the cia/secretary of state nominee mike pompeo had a tippy-top secret meeting with kim jong-un over easter weekend. he went there over easter. president trump confirmed this on twitter this morning.
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he wrote, mike pompeo met with kim jong-un in north korea last week, meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed, details of summit are being worked out now, denuclearization will be a great thing for world but also for north -- he knows north korea is mart of the world, right? [ laughter ] the most surprising thing about this secret meeting is that trump was able to keep it secret. he didn't accidentally tweet it while it was happening. and next he expected to meet with kim jong-un himself. that's supposed to happen in may or june. he told reporters there are five possible locations being considered, which are mongolia, stockholm, geneva, seoul, and the dave and buster's in pasadena. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] whatever keeps him loose. i think they should meet at the top of the eiffel tower. if you're looking for a place for a first date it doesn't get more romantic than that. trump for the first time ever
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tweeted about stormy daniels. after stormy and her lawyer released a sketch artist rendering of the thug she says tried to scare her. trump retweeted this photo comparison that insinuated the guy in the sketch was her own husband. he wrote, a sketch years later about a nonexistent man, a total con job, playing the fake news media for fools but they know it. turns out this meme came from a supporter of his in scold, shanna fox, she's a fanatical trump fan. believe it or not she is actually guilty of a con job heard. last year she was convicted of stealing money from her church choir to pay for a trip to meet trump in new york. [ laughter ] and this is who he's retweeting. someone he should probably have a restraining order against. even the idea that trump is scrolling -- the president is scrolling through twitter looking for things to retweet is nuts. it is absolutely nuts. reportedly his advisers tried to convince him that he would only make things worse if he
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addressed this on twitter. but you know that's like telling a 4-year-old with a squirt gun not to shoot you with it. you're going to get wet. so he tweeted and he called it fake news which is his thing. trump seems to be confused about what is and isn't fake news. to help out, because we're all about helping out here at the show. we asked a third grader -- [ cheers and applause ] we asked a local third grader named noah to break it down for the president in a very simple way. >> hi, mr. president. today i'm going to explain fake news. because it's not what you think it is. so what is it? well, the dictionary defines "fake" as "a thing that is not genuine, a forgery or sham." so fake news is a news story that is intentionally fabricated and presented as if it were real news. get it? for example, this headline was widely shared on facebook.
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"cinnamon roll can explodes inside man's butt during shoplifting incident." that's funny but it's fake. and even though it's fake, this article was shared 765,000 times. that's a lot of times. unfortunately, a lot of the fake news articles misled people about important subjects. like reporting that the pope endorsed you. or that isis told muslims to vote for hillary. that's fake news. but this, don't let the fake news tell you that there's big infighting in the trump admin, we are getting along great and getting major things done. it's not fake news, mr. president. it's real news that you disagree with. that's the important difference. because when you call real news fake, you undermine people's trust in the free press to keep us informed. thanks for listening. let me know if you have any questions. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you, noah, you have my vote. all right, we're going to take a break. when we come back, we have something special when we come back. gwen stefani -- [ cheers and applause ] she will go head to head against one of her biggest fans to find out who knows more about gwen stefa stefani. so stick around, we'll be right back. ♪ oh my life ♪ ♪ is changing every day ♪ ♪ in every possible way ♪ ♪ ♪ i want more ♪ ♪ impossible to ignore ♪ ♪ impossible to ignore ♪
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♪ is really this good ♪ you show it in slow-mo slow-motion steak. (avo) get an entrée like this, plus starter and coca-cola, for just 10 bucks. steak included. ♪ chili's is back, baby, back, baby, back ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> oh my gosh. wow. you can really feel the electricity in the air. welcome back. tonight on the show music from dierks bentley, josh holloway is here, gwen stefani will be here on the
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back side. most people know at least a little about gwen stefani. is it possible there's someone out there, a fan, who knows about gwen than gwen herself? we're about to find out as we play "who knows gwen stefani?" first let's meet our competitors. our first contestant is three-time grammy award-winning singer/songwriter, television star, and fashion designer. please welcome gwen stefani! [ cheers and applause ] can we, thanks for playing, that's your buzzer. have you ever done anything like this before? >> this reminds me of "the voice." the chair. so i have like a very fast -- >> i love you! >> yeah, good. >> jimmy: you will need to be fast. >> the thing is i am basically dory and i don't remember anything that happened to me before so she's for sure going to win. >> jimmy: we'll see, don't give up just yet.
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how well do you know gwen stefani? >> i used to know me yesterday but i can't remember. >> jimmy: sounds like you've written a new song. "i used to know me yesterday." are you ready to meet a fan who believes she knows more about you? please say hello to your obsessed opponent, she's from here in los angeles, she has your name on your driver's license, please welcome diana zurian. >> yeah, yes! >> jimmy: give us background on your love for gwen and perhaps your obsession. >> many years, since i was 15 she's inspired me to be who i am. she was just herself. >> jimmy: how many shows have you been to? >> over 100. >> oh my gosh. >> jimmy: over 100 shows. >> i've done that. >> over 100 shows? >> tv shows, concerts, everything. >> jimmy: have you ever had a restraining order files? >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: here's how the game works. i'll ask a series of questions about gwen stefani. if you know the answer, buzz in. if you get it right, you get 10
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points. incorrect, your opponent will have a chance to steal. whoever has the highest score at the end of the round -- >> i believe in you. >> i believe in you. >> jimmy: it's a valuable prize, a valuable prize possession. >> dicky: if diane wins she will walk away with gwen stefani's purse, sunglasses and dress from her actual closet. if gwen wins, she will take possession of diane's no doubt vanity license plate. >> jimmy: oh, diane. >> yes! do you want that? >> i feel like it was -- that would be dangerous if i put that on my car. >> jimmy: it would be dangerous. and also heartbreaking for diane. diane, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: can we, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: this is bananas. it's time to play "who knows gwen stefani?" our first question is of the personal variety. last month, gwen's aunt donna had a milestone birthday. how old is aunt donna?
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can we? >> 90. >> jimmy: that is correct. >> oh my god! >> jimmy: 10 points. >> good, good, good, good. >> jimmy: did you know the answer to that? >> i thought it was 92. >> jimmy: 92? >> i thought it was. >> jimmy: wow. >> she's going to be really happier that you were wrong. >> jimmy: next question, where was gwen's first paying job? diane? >> dairy queen. >> jimmy: dairy queen, is that correct? >> i have to think about that. wrong. >> jimmy: is it wrong? >> yeah. i was actually a swim instructor and a lifeguard. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> at a pool in high school. >> jimmy: i'm going to give that to diane anyway because my research says dairy queen. >> it's okay. >> jimmy: the game is tied. what was the first album gwen ever purchased? >> oh, oh -- >> jimmy: diane? >> a madonna album? >> jimmy: that is not correct.
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gwen? >> purchased? i mean -- sean cassidy, maybe? >> jimmy: sean cassidy is absolutely correct! >> was that right? >> jimmy: that's right. by sean cassidy. >> oh my gosh, i'm doing so good! >> you're so good at you. you're so good at yourself. >> jimmy: what is the name of the first song gwen ever wrote? diane? >> "different people"? >> jimmy: that is absolutely correct, diane. i know this is a hug between you no matter who answers which question right. >> that song was the first song i wrote and it ended up on president fwoem obama's playlist, how crazy is that? >> jimmy: did you know that diane? >> i did not, i'm learning so much today. >> jimmy: we all are. we really are. next question, who did gwen play in the 2004 movie "the aviator"? >> jean harlow. >> jimmy: that's right, diane. 30 points. >> did you know that? >> i did know that, yes. >> jimmy: gwen got to meet sting
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at a young age because he dad worked for what company? diane? >> yamaha. >> jimmy: is that right. >> so good. >> jimmy: there you are with sting. >> yes. >> jimmy: he was just racing by on a motorcycle, huh? >> i just think that me and blake were always meant to be together. i have a little mullet, right? >> jimmy: maybe that is true. well, you definitely weren't meant to be with sting or else it would have happened right there. what's the name of the camp gwen went to in seventh grade? gwen? >> camp fox. >> jimmy: that's right, gwen, camp fox. did you know that? >> i did not know that. >> wow. >> jimmy: what were you going to say? >> i was going to guess. >> jimmy: good job. owes close game, 40-30. what prince song features gwen? what prince song features gwen? diane? >> "so far, so pleased." >> jimmy: that's right.
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congratulations, diane, you know gwen stefani better than gwen herself! bring in the prizes. oh, gwen, i'm sorry you lost. [ cheers and applause ] there you go thank you both. we'll be right back with gwen stefani, stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by lyft. download the app, request a ride, and be on your way in minutes.
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why shop marshalls? because... their prices will thrill you. whoo-hoo! the brands will surprise you. mwah! and every trip feels like an instant victory. woman: marshalls. never boring. always surprising. woman: marshalls. ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: i like that. i like that, that could be your thing. like john though carson had his golf swing, that could be your thing, welcoming the cam 92 the studio. >> guillermo: yeah, sure. i'm going to do that from now on. >> jimmy: why did it take you 15 years to come up with that? >> guillermo: i don't know, jimmy. >> jimmy: it's better late than never, i guess. you him from many wonderful seasons of "lost" and from "colony" on usa josh holloway is here. then his new album comes out june 8th. it's called "the mountain," dierks bentley from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, a big show
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tomorrow night, a special show tomorrow night. shonda rhimes, kerry washington and the whole cast of "scandal" will join us after their final show, tomorrow night is their final show. so watch them tomorrow night. and then they will join us here for laughter and tears. with music from chaka khan. our first guest tonight is the gwen against whom all others are measured and the biggest thing to come out of anaheim since space mountain. starting june 27th, she brings her talents to planet hollywood in fabulous las vegas with a new show called "gwen stefani - just a girl." please welcome gwen stefani. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> this is so fun. >> jimmy: it's very good to see, everybody's excited. you seem to look better and better every single year. >> wow, thanks. >> jimmy: i think i first saw you in concert in like 1995 or
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something down in orange county. >> that sounds about right. >> jimmy: and here you are. >> still living at my parents' house. >> jimmy: your crazed fans seem not that crazed, actually, she seemed nice, normal. are your fans rambunctious or pretty well behaved in general? >> you know what's amazing is when you go through your life and you're just me, you don't really think about it much. but going on tour and then you see the actual humans that bought the music and lived through think life journey, like that's when you really feel like, wow, it's all over the place. last time i toured which is like two years ago there was a little boy. it went viral. this little kid, his mom had brought him to the show. and he had been bullied. and i guess -- he was like my kid's age. he was tiny. and i was like, how does he even know my music? i guess he listens to it when he's sad. and she like tad in line and got him there way, way early and he was right in front of me, he had a sign. i brought him up on stage. all kinds of people. >> jimmy: young, old, you name
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it. >> i'm so grateful. a lot of moms that are my age bring in their kids for the first time, their first show. >> jimmy: you like that. >> i love it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now, are children going to be allowed in vegas? >> they have -- you know they let children in. >> jimmy: i know they're allowed in the city in vegas. i grew 31, it would have been a problem if they hadn't. but i guess to the shows themselves, i don't know. i don't think children are allowed in there. >> really? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> i feel like they're going to let them in mine. >> jimmy: maybe they will. you're in charge. >> i'm going to tell them to let them in. >> jimmy: it's your show, you can probably do whatever you want. >> it's going to be a family friendly show like all my shows are. >> jimmy: that's good because you don't get that always in las vegas. >> that's true. that is true. >> jimmy: there will be no burlesq burlesque? >> i'm not going to take my show to the next level as far as that goes. mine's going to be -- it is the neck level for me because it's
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going to be very theatrical. i started in a band with no doubt, just -- [ cheers and applause ] we didn't have anything. like i did my own makeup, made my own clothes. nothing. so we didn't have props or fancy clothes or anything. i'm just excited -- >> jimmy: hypnotists, none of that. >> now we're going to have all of that. no, it is fun to get girlie and theatrical and take it on to the place. >> jimmy: speaking of the old days, before you were with no doubt, you said sean cassidy, the first album you ever bought. who is the person you would have played against in the game that we just played? >> my like -- when i discovered music, discovered okay, this represents me, it was a band called madness. >> jimmy: madness, of course. [ cheers and applause ] they had a couple of hits. they were really a big ska band. >> for us it was exciting to find a band that wasn't popular, that was underground, they
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talked about camden town, london, all this cultural stuff. it was really this scene of like anti-racism. we were just in orange county, we were kids, we thought it was so cool, the whole ska scene and reggae. we just started a band. >> jimmy: who got you into madness? >> my older brother eric. >> jimmy: that's always the way. >> we were obsessed. like i mean, we could just -- i cried when i found out suggs got married. i was crying on the couch. >> jimmy: did you really? >> yes. >> jimmy: does he know that? >> he does know that, yeah. >> jimmy: that must thrill him and probably threaten his wife, i would think, as well. and so musically, well, you know, your boyfriend, for lack of a better term, is blake shelton. you guys have any cross-over music-wise? i don't imagine blake in oklahoma listening to madness. >> i did make him a ska reggae playlist. >> jimmy: and? >> for valentines. well, he doesn't listen to it that often. >> jimmy: he doesn't. >> i think that we -- you would
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be surprised. because blake is like a musical jukebox. he knows so much music. i think the one place where we cross over that is whole rock, '70s love songs, where like he didn't -- when i was like, yeah, bread is one of my favorite groups ever. >> jimmy: bread, huh. >> he'd be like, what? i thought you were a rock, a ska girl. he didn't know what ska is. >> jimmy: i'm sure it existed but that wasn't necessarily available when you were a little kid. >> actually he did tell me he dated a girl for three months that had my face plastered all over her bedroom. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. so that's kind of weird. right? >> jimmy: that's really weird. you know what you ought to do, this is an idea, i hope blake is not watching so you can surprise him. find out what she looks like and plaster her face all over your bedroom. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh my god, that's is cruel. >> jimmy: gwen 7 funny is here. we're going to take a break. "gwen stefani - just a girl"
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in vegas june 27th. june 27th. well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. hold on a second. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? ♪ ♪ oh -- you're bad enough to me ♪ ♪ bad enough that we ♪ always have something to get over ♪ ♪ oh -- but when the night is deep ♪ ♪ you find me in the streets ♪ asking me - to come over ♪
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gwen stefani is sitting right beside me. what's the first time you ever went to las vegas, do you remember? >> i can remember going one time with my parents. which they are like so conservative. like, you know -- >> not into that? >> not really, no. they never even had alcohol in our house. they were very catholic, italian, like -- >> jimmy: not even wine? >> no, not really. now. now they do. >> jimmy: oh, they do? >> now they do. >> jimmy: i wonder why, what happened? they used into that? >> i don't know, i don't know. but my grandparents used to go to vegas. because my grandpa and grandma married brothers and sisters. i know that's weird -- >> jimmy: their own? >> no, two brothers married two sisters in detroit, michigan. italians. >> jimmy: wow. >> so whenever the brother or sister, my aunt and uncle, would come over, they would go on this bus that would take them to vegas and do the vegas thing. my grandpa would give us the coins. and it was like, whoa, silver
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dollars! >> jimmy: right. >> back in the day. >> jimmy: take a picture in front of the million dollars at the horseshoe in las vegas. >> for me it's the no doubt, you know. in a van. we have our per diems, going to vegas for the first time. it was all about the $4.99 breakfast, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> so exciting to have like a lot of food for really cheap. but they don't have that that much anymore. >> jimmy: well, they do but it's not as cheap. >> downtown -- >> jimmy: downtown you can find it. >> they have good food there now. >> jimmy: growing up the 49 cent shrimp cocktails when i was there, really more like sea monkeys than shrimp. [ laughter ] like tiny little pencil erasers more than anything. are you looking forward to -- one of the nice things about las vegas is you -- whereas you go on tour, the tour kind of comes to you, the people from all over the country come to vegas. >> it's true. even when you are on tour and you go through vegas, it's quite a challenging show because you're competing so much with vegas. the night and so many choices and so much pressure people put
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on themselves to have the greatest time of their lives. so i can imagine -- usually you're like, okay, me and philly! it's like this culture and you. gas cultures from all over the world coming. it's quite small from what i'm used to. it's going to be really intimate. >> jimmy: how many seats will be in the theater? >> i feel like it's under 5,000. so yeah. and it's just -- it's just going to be so different for me. because i feel like that's going to be challenging for me in a way. like it reminds me a lot of the beginning when i would be like, i'm going to have to slap you around right now. because i know that i can get you guys to have a good time. >> jimmy: to really fire up the crowd, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> there's something like, i don't know why i need to seek that kind of attention and approval, but i do love doing that. i don't know why. >> jimmy: because you want to win them over. >> i want to win them require want them to love me? even if you have to yank them out of your seats. one of the last times you were here performing on the show, you
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climbed up the -- like 40 feet in the air, you climbed up the -- i don't know what you call that stuff. >> sometimes when i play just a girl, i try to prove myself. i don't know why. but -- >> jimmy: yeah, no, it's dangerous. >> it is dangerous. i like doing it, though. i won't be doing that in vegas. >> jimmy: you will not be climbing up anything? >> they don't have big letters there. maybe i should do that, good idea. >> jimmy: i have a great idea. yet another great idea for you. there's a hotel called the stratosphere. okay? >> oh! >> jimmy: climb the outside of that thing. >> pink already did that, remember? >> jimmy: she climbed all the way to the top? >> not that one but she did a performance on the side of a building. >> jimmy: you could go much higher than pink, i think. yeah, punk risks her life with almost every performance as well. you definitely don't want that, you have children now. are you going to allow them to experience the city of las vegas? >> you were going to tell me the child-friendly stuff to do, right? >> jimmy: believe it or not, there is child-friendly stuff. >> i took them to the country
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awards. i had my like premiere opening announcement. and they were there. and you start seeing vegas through different eyes when you have your kids there. like oh my gosh! oh my gosh! just in the elevator, oh! >> jimmy: keep them out of the elevator. >> you have to go through all of the -- >> jimmy: bad things happen in the elevator. son, this is a hooker! >> oh my gosh. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: they're going to learn a lot, they really are. >> i can't wait. it's just what they need. >> jimmy: this is going to an grade it case for them. >> it is fun for them. >> jimmy: of course it's fun for them. [ laughter ] >> you're ruining everything for me right now. >> jimmy: are we canceling the show? >> stop. no we went to the aquarium. >> jimmy: that's good. >> absolutely incredible, saw a white alligator, saw an octopus. have you been to the aquarium lately? it's so incredible. >> jimmy: the one this vegas? >> any of them. >> jimmy: well, i was at the long beach aquarium, yeah, yeah. i saw an octopus there too. >> isn't that great? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and delicious too.
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$4.99. all you can eat. it's very good to see you. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the show is called "gwen stefani, just a girl." opens at the zappos theater at planet hollywood in las vegas on june 27th. gwen stefani. we'll be right back with josh holloway. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, up to 90% had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. with taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? ask your doctor about taltz. try it for as little as $5 a month.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. our next guest once was lost but now isn't lost anymore. he plays ranger and special agent wil bowman in "colony," season 3 premieres may 2nd on usa. please welcome josh holloway! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> good to see you, my friend. >> jimmy: missed you terribly. i was thinking about "lost" today and how much i miss and it i'm sure you're sick of hearing about that stuff. >> i'm not. because my wife tells me that off the sgln she does. >> she does, yeah. "that was such a special time." what about now, baby?
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>> jimmy: now's special too. >> it is special too. >> jimmy: this show "colony" is another show, you've been on two shows now that have this kind of really intense following, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean, "lost" was crazy. there was the mob thing. then just crazy questions coming out of the mob that you couldn't answer because you didn't know. >> jimmy: right. part of the fun was not really knowing. >> it was. but this show, the fans are really intense about it. their questions are intense and they want to know, they want to know! maybe it's because of the current climate and maybe they want -- they're using my show as a guide back to what happens when a dictator takes over, i don't know. but we'll see. >> jimmy: maybe they're looking for -- yeah, looking for tips. >> maybe. >> jimmy: you shoot the show where? >> vancouver. >> jimmy: vancouver. do you like shooting up there in vancouver? >> i loved it. >> jimmy: you do. >> i loved it. the people are incredibly nice. >> jimmy: yes, for sure. >> incredibly. my wife and i had decided, you know what we're in canada, when
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in rome, let's be nicer. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> let's be considerate. and patient. >> jimmy: i like that. >> if possible. and then -- you know, sometimes the american just creeps out in you. >> jimmy: what happened? what did you do to them? [ laughter ] >> i know, i don't know if the guy is watching, i hope this guy is watching. i go to the gym in the rain. because it's the natural state of vancouver. >> jimmy: right. >> so i go in the rain. and work out hard. i'm kind of still sweating and wet from the gym. i'm in my car trying to get back because it's my wife's 40th coming up. and i have appointments. i have things to plan. you know. everything to get going. so i'm coming out of the gym. i'm stuck in traffic for a long time. i'm like, okay. it's canada. relax. don't get crazy. don't even let that blood boil. let it go down. i'm chilling, chilling. about 25 minutes later, i'm shaking by now. my american really wants to come
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out. stop it! so i get to the front of the line. and there's this guy strutting around with this sign like having a blast. joust po just poking it at people. >> jimmy: a traffic guy? >> not even a cop, just a construction -- a guy with a sign. he's coming up and literally pointing at people with attitude with the stop sign. you know, so i was getting very annoyed. trying to be cool about it. then a very nice canadian man leans out of his truck and says, hey, man, just to let you know, traffic's backed up like three miles, maybe you should let someone through. and the guy's like, oh, i'm just doing my job! starts strutting around, pointing at more people with the sign. and i can't contain it. now the american just blows up in me. i lean out the window, hey you blankty blank, you better move your blank out of the way or i'll run it the blank over. and he -- i mean, he froze like he'd seen a ghost. like they don't use that kind of
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talk in canada. i don't think they've seen that kind of language. and he started shaking and like turning circles. >> jimmy: really? >> like a dog, didn't know what to do. he finally got an idea. he froze, looked at me, turned around and he dropped his pants and mooned me so big. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i mean, in the rain. i don't think they've seen a lot of sun in canada. like, whoo! you know, probably 40 cars, it wasn't just me, he mooned everybody. and i started laughing, i was like, good choice! perfect! >> jimmy: at that point you've lost and you have to just -- >> that is great. so i smiled at him and nod and run the light anyway. he choices me with his sign, pointing still, as i'm laughing. i think it's so funny. i get home to my wife. i'm like, baby, you wouldn't
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believe. i was really trying to be canadian, or more canadian-like, and it just didn't work out for me this time, it kind of blew. and then i thought you'd think that was kind of funny, what happened to me, i got mooned. i haven't been mooned since the '80s, i don't think. so she gets mad at me. because she's in the place of being a very good citizen. >> jimmy: she was disappointed. >> she was like, i'm so disappointed in you. you let it out, you couldn't contain it. she got so mad. then of course i came back and was like, well, blah, blah, blah. so we have this little -- >> jimmy: she got mad, you got mad. >> and she's like, you're not coming to my 40th birthday party, which you're planning. i got disinvited to the party. i get so upset i decide to walk to the park. i go to the park to calm down. i'm in the park about 15 minutes. like okay, i'm calm, i need to fix this situation because i need to get back to that birthday. after all, i am planning it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so i decide to go back.
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i come around the corner, one foot on the stairs, i look up, and there's a massive black bear. >> jimmy: a real bear? >> a big real bear. and black bears are normally known to be a little smaller. but this is canada. >> jimmy: a big one. >> they're big. >> jimmy: in the park? >> in the park, on the same stairs as me. >> jimmy: did you invite it to the party? [ laughter ] >> i should have. >> jimmy: what did you do? >> well, i did the dumb thing they teach you what to do when you face a bear. hey, bear! he was like, yes? and i was a little too close for the hey, bear. i was like, bad choice. i slowly backed up. get around the tree. and haul ass. >> jimmy: wow. >> to take off. but now i have to call the wife because i asked some hikers after i tell them, turn around, put the leash on your dog. there's a bear. and they're like, half mile that way, up here, you come around to your car. i'm jogging. i call the wife.
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you know, i'm running, i'll be home a little later. she's like, why are you running? i said, i'm running from a bear. she's like, a bear! oh my god! i'm coming to save you! so she drives, comes and picks me up. so basically all is forgiven. i get in the car, i'm back in the party, i'm reinvited to the birthday party. so i was on the outs from a bare ass, on the ins from a bear face. >> jimmy: it all worked out. josh holloway! "colony" premieres may 2nd on usa. be right back with dierks bentley! >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to gwen stefani, thanks to josh holloway. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. his album is called "the mountain" here with the song "woman, amen" dierks bentley!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i'd lose my way yeah i'd lose my mind ♪ ♪ if i faced one day on my own i know i was saved the night that she gave ♪ ♪ this drifter's heart a home ♪ ♪ every night i should be on my knees oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ lord knows how lucky i am i'll never say near enough oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ thank god for this woman amen ♪ ♪ this world has a way of shaking your faith i've been broken
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again and again ♪ ♪ but i need all the cracks in my shattered heart 'cause that's where her love gets in ♪ ♪ every night i should be on my knees oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ lord knows how lucky i am i'll never say near enough oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ thank god for this woman amen ♪ ♪ she gives me faith she gives me grace oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ she gives me hope she gives me strength she gives me love love without end ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh thank god for this woman amen ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ thanks for the moon and the stars up above forgiveness of sin and your undying love ♪ ♪ every twist every turn for the way you made sure all my roads led to her ♪ ♪ so tonight i will fall down on my knees ♪ 'cause lord knows how lucky i am i'm gonna shout at the top of my lungs oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ thank god for this woman amen ♪ ♪ yeah thank god for this woman amen ♪ ♪ she gives me faith she gives me grace oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ she gives me hope she gives me strength she gives me love love without end ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh thank god for this woman amen ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, comey politics. voters weighing in in realtime on one of the most polarizing figures in america today. >> okay, i need a word or phrase to describe james comey. >> not truthful. >> just trying to do his job. >> conservative pollster frank luntz taking the temperature as they watched the abc james comey interview. the surprising moment that brought republicans and democrats together and what drove them apart. scandalous finale. it's been seven seasons with feisty leading lady olivia pope. >> it's handled. >> played by the inimitable kerry washington. >> she's taught me a lot about courageously going after your wins in life. >> hear what she has to


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