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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 24, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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that's our report. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. than ♪ ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live avengers: infinity war week!" tonight, mark ruffalo, scarlett johansson, tom hiddleston, danai gurira, and dave bautista, plus music from bleachers. and now, stay put, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. hi, everybody. welcome, welcome. very nice. thanks. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks, thanks for being here.
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very nice. please relax. if you watched our show last night you know this is night two of "avengers week." this week all 480 stars of "the avengers: infinity war" will be on the show. turn the cameras a little bit. this is not a studio audience. these people are all avengers also. we didn't have enough room for them on stage. [ cheers and applause ] there's "i.t. guy." who else do we have there? oh, "the uncle." "casual batman" is here. "the security guardian of the galaxy" is here, guillermo.
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>> guillermo: yeah! >> jimmy: we're surrounded by heroism everywhere. tonight black widow, drax, loci, general akoye and the hulk are with us. this movie "infinity war" is part one of the two-part culmination of 18 films in the marvel cinematic universe which makes it the longest committed relationship most comic book fans have ever had. [ laughter ] it's meaningful. the premiere of the movie was held last night across the street from us. it was a big hit. a huge hit. people in the theater were crying during the movie. you know, war is an emotional thing. even when the soldiers are wearing leotards, you can be overcome by emotion. the president and the first lady tonight are busy. they're playing host to the president of france, emmanuel macron, and his wife, bridget. they are here for an official three-day state visit. this is the first official state visit since donald trump took office and the trumps welcome
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the macrons on the the white house today where much affection was shared. >> thank you very [ announcing president may criterion in french ] >> jimmy: can't quite get under the brim. that's her special donald-proof sombrero. donald trump and macron have an interesting relationship. trump very much needs a friend because most of his old ones are going to prison. [ laughter ] and macron is looking to improve his country's standing in the world and the united states can help with it. so these two need each other. and donald trump really cannot keep his hands off this guy. >> merci. >> long live the united states. long live france. thank you. >> jimmy: i mean, look at this macron is like, melania, can i borrow your hat for a minute?
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have you ever seen him touch anyone like that? i don't know. i mean -- he gave him the full stormy daniels there, he was all over him. [ laughter and applause ] thanks, everybody. here's another thing. at one point during their meeting trump noticed something on macron's suit. and this was an historic moment, because to the best of my knowledge, it was the first time a world leader ever publicly brushed dandruff off another world leader. >> mr. president, they're all saying what a great relationship we have. and they're actually correct. it's not fake news. finally, it's not fake news. so it's a great honor. great honor that you're here. but we do have a very special relationship. in fact, i'll get that little piece of dandruff off. little piece. we have to make him perfect. he is perfect. so it is really -- it is really great to be with you -- >> jimmy: well, you know what, that's really what orangutans
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do, they groom each other. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: a little touch of dandruff-shaming didn't put their lovefest to an end. culminating with this tender moment at the end of their press conference. >> thank you as well for being there to meet the challenges which are important for the united states of america, for france, and for europe and important for all peoples. thank you. thank you. thank you. >> i like him a lot. >> jimmy: yeah. we can tell. he really, really likes him a lot. >> he's going to be a great president of france. that's my prediction. it's only a prediction. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: and off to the lincoln bedroom they go. imagine if he does that with kim
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jong-un. come here, you chubby little ewok, give daddy donnie some love. the main event of this visit is happening tonight at the white house. the president and first lady held a state din tore honor and welcome the macrons. usually when trump hosts s s a dinner, he hosts it in bed and it's a cheeseburger. there was a camera there, and you can see the white house chef pulled out all the stops. >> oh, stop the video, stop the vid video! >> jimmy: i don't think that was the white house. i think we had our videos confused. it's a great lesson nonetheless. the first lady, melania trump, reportedly chose every detail for this state dinner, from the menu to the seat cushions to the specific bottles of ketchup the president used to smother his extra well done steak. she posted video of her dinner prep yesterday on twitter.
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you know, putting an event like this together, it's a lot of work and it's tedious. to spruce it up, since it is avengers week, we took that video of melania's dinner setup and we gave it the marvel movie music treatment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: looks like great fun. this was melania's first state
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dinner. while some were worried that her small staff -- her staff is only 10 people -- would have trouble pulling it all together, she had no problem in all, thanks in part to a special new meal deal from one of her husband's favorite spots. >> for a busy head of state, it isn't easy to pull off a dinner with dignitaries, especially with picky eaters in the mix. the colonel's got you covered. introducing kfc's state dinner meal. a four-course feast that's fit for a prime minister. you get salad, pasta, and a bucket of america's favorite chicken. and top it all off with a bag of cookies. the kfc state dinner meal. because, as good first impressions go, your husband already blew your shot. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's -- you know, that's -- i admire their thriftiness. meanwhile, another big reality tv star was in washington today. future president kourtney
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kardashian appeared before congress this afternoon. that's congress with a "k," they changed it for her. kourtney was there to talk about tort reform and its impact on the judicial system. no, she was there to talk about makeup, for real. she was there to call for safer ingredients in cosmetics. that's right. the woman whose family invented fix a flat into your lips and butt was in washington asking for safer makeup. [ applause ] this is where you would expect courtney car dash bean to be. this is a role reversal if ever there was one. this is from last night's nba playoff game between the jazz and thunder in utah where a very unlikely heckler let russell westbrook have it white guy style. >> a foul called. westbrook barrels into rubio for number four. >> jimmy: good old mitt, still as smooth as ever. four is also the number of shirts he was wearing. [ laughter ]
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as i mentioned, much of the cast of "ra vengers: infinity war" will be here momentarily. the movie opens friday. there's talk this could be the biggest marvel movie of all-time. which means it will have to appeal to a wide audience, not just comic book fans. to do that the marvel marketing team did something that was quite brilliant. when it comes to commercials for the film they're putting less emphasis on the action sequences and more on the personal relationships between the many marvel characters. >> in new york city, love is not defined. it was complicated. for tony it was coming to an end. vision only had eyes for wanda. and an undeniable attraction -- >> i'm peter, by the way. >> gave peter goosebumps. because whether it grabs you by the hand or by the head, love is worth fighting for.
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love infinity. >> this does put a smile on my face. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back, the battle will begin, yet another civil war erupts as we put avenger against avenger for pride and a valuable prize, we'll play "best the avengers" when we come back. ♪ ♪ protect your pets from fleas and ticks with frontline plus for dogs and frontline plus for cats. its two killer ingredients work fast and keep working all month long preventing new flea infestations on your pet. frontline plus.
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the number 1 name in flea and tick protection. "you can't choose our ge your neighbors, with a but you can choose your premium finish." ooooh you got the black stainless. sleek. -thanks. i need your help with the backsplash. there are lots of ladies at miss bennet's. that's nice sweetie. maybe something stone or... three pizza guys just showed up. now the pizza guys just took off their shirts. the most premium finishes, so you have the most choices. another way we make good things, for life. ♪
11:48 pm
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(vo) get the unrivaled iphone x now for just $20 a month. for people with hearing loss, that's 50% off from sprint. visit
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>> jimmy: welcome back. it is avengers week here on our show. all of them are here. we're going to play a game. tonight we have a game with our guests. first let's give a superhero welcome to --
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danai gurira, tom hiddleston, mark ruffalo, dave bautista, and scarlett johansson. welcome avengers. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. the audience is enthused. we all know you guys worked side by side to make "avengers: infinity war." but how well do you really know each other is the question tonight that hopefully we will answer. how closely do you look to the side when you are side by side? we're going to find out now. it's time to play "guess the avenger." are you familiar with how the game works?
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have you ever seen this game before? >> never. >> no. >> no. >> jimmy: here's how it work. i will share a fact, hopefully an interesting fact, about tom, dave, denai, mark, or scarlett. each of them will write down whether it was you or whether it was someone else. you have to get the avenger. it's very simple. it's you the story is about, just write "me" on the board. fit is not, guess who it is. all right? very good. don't let the other avengers see your answer. every time you answer correctly guillermo will award you with a bonsai tree. [ cheers and applause ] got a lot of bonsai trees. the first fact is, this avenger flashed a stranger in an airplane bathroom. this avenger flashed a stranger in an airplane bathroom. boards have been marked. and since they have, we'll start with mark. mark?
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>> i would say dave bautista. >> jimmy: dave, was it you? >> i did, but i wouldn't admit it. >> jimmy: it was not dave. it was you? >> denied. >> i also said dave. >> jimmy: wow. tom, who do you think flashed someone in an airplane bathroom? >> i thought it was mark. >> jimmy: and dave? dave says? it was scarlett. >> oh. >> jimmy: dave, you are correct. [ cheers and applause ] >> nice. >> which was unintentional, though. >> jimmy: it was unintentional? >> yeah, obviously. >> jimmy: is that technically flash figure unintentional? >> your producers wrote the card, i don't know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what happened exactly? and is this person still alive? >> i didn't keep in touch. >> jimmy: you didn't, really, interesting. >> no. i was in using the bathroom. in the plane. as one does. >> jimmy: yes. >> and i guess i didn't lock the
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door. it happens occasionally, i don't know. i thought i did. and i went back to grab -- >> that old chestnut. >> i went to grab the toilet paper, and my entire vagina was splayed out. yes, i said vagina. and then -- deal with it. and the guy opens the door, he looks down, he goes like this. he's like, oh, oh -- oh! like that. and i was like -- [ bleep ] door! door closed. oh my god. it was before the plane took off. then i had to open the door and walk past the entire like cabin of people that all just heard me. arrgh! then they're like, oh, it was scarlett. and it was her vagina. >> jimmy: wow, we're off to a flying start on this one. scarlett and dave each have a bonsai tree. this avenger and classmates uprooted half a dozen trees and replanted them on the 50 yard
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line of their high school football field. who is this avenger cast member? denai, we'll start with you. >> i go with mark. >> jimmy: mark? mark, was it you? or who do you think it was? >> i think it's dave. >> i also thought it was mark. >> jimmy: tom? >> i think it's dave bautista. >> jimmy: dave, was it dave bautista? >> oh! >> jimmy: bonsai trees. >> yeah, when you said he and played football? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i just think -- it was only one person left. i mean, look at the guy. >> jimmy: well, listen, you know what that's a compliment from
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scarlett and denai. we have bonsai trees all around. was that a successful prank? >> no, no, it actually got me suspended. >> jimmy: it did? >> yeah, they didn't think it was funny at all. >> jimmy: next question is, this avenger learned to play the spoons in a bar and has become very proficient at spoon playing. who among you? everyone, go ahead and reveal your cards all at the same time. the spoon player is? everybody gets a bonsai tree! tom, you brought it, do you have any spoons on you that perhaps you can demonstrate this gift? >> there you go, scarlett.
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>> jimmy: maybe bonsai trees weren't the most practical. >> really? >> i wanted a bonsai. i'm excited. >> i love bonsai. >> jimmy: tom, you have spoons? >> i always carry a spare pair of spoons. >> jimmy: you do, all right. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wow. a lot of talent here. >> wait a minute, who thought it wasn't tom? >> i thought it was mark. >> honestly? >> yeah. >> there was only one person -- >> jimmy: no fighting, guys, you're a team, don't forget. this avenger collects vitamins. not to eat. as a hobby. >> what? >> jimmy: this avenger collects vitamins. not to eat. as a hobby. >> vitamins?
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thalymis? >> jimmy: what? vitamins. >> vitamins. >> it must be mark. >> that's crazy. >> jimmy: all right. scarlett says it's crazy. who do you think collects vitamins? >> only because she's probably the healthiest is person in the room, denai. >> jimmy: mark? everybody reveal who you think it was. denai, denai, denai, yes. denny, deny, deny, trump philosophy. why do you collect vitamins? >> well, because you never know. >> you never take them. >> you just never know. i like to be prepared for whatever i might need. >> jimmy: are these exotic vitamins? or flintstone variety type? >> no, they're pretty exotic. they're like health store. >> jimmy: are they displayed in your home? >> a little bit. i have a cupboard. they're like these little kind
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of extra little shelving things. they're kind of staged a little. >> jimmy: you've got a collection of bonsai trees as well. >> so i can see them all. they can hang with them. >> jimmy: we have one more question. this avenger lost his or her virginity on the 2nd hole of a golf course in virginia beach. ♪ >> jimmy: scarlett? scarlett says mark. dave? >> virginia beach? >> jimmy: dave says mark. denai? denai says mark. tom says mark. mark what do you say? >> dave. >> i don't remember that. >> jimmy: oh, thank you, thank you. you lost it on the 2nd hole or in the 2nd hole? i didn't mean it like that. all right.
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i think we have a tie. we have a tie? all right, scarlett, tom, and mark, you each have, i don't know, a lot of bonsai trees. >> i have three. >> jimmy: the tiebreaker question. >> a tiebreaker. >> jimmy: denai and dave, you are not eligible. sorry. how many infinity stones can you name? you have 10 seconds. name as many as you can. there are six. we'll see how well you paid attention. to this movie you did 30 different times. all right. all right. go ahead, tom. start it off. wow, tom. one, two, three, four, five, he's got all of them. mark, do you have all of them? >> i'm embarrassed. >> jimmy: let's see what you have. i want to see what you have. >> time, energy, reality -- >> jimmy: yeah, that's not even
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one. scarlett? >> what? i don't want to -- >> jimmy: all right. we have a winner. it's tom hiddleston, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] tell him what he won. >> dicky: it's a new lawnmower. the husky lt-42 rider mower features a 17.5-horsepower engine and reverse mowing control from husky. >> jimmy: that is headed home to tom hiddleston. thanks for playing. we'll be right back to chat with the cast. >> dicky: portions of the show are brought to you by 23 and me. discover your dna story.
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♪ happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. a delicious chew that protects for an entire month. ask your vet for more information. reported side effects include vomiting and itching. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice.
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we need to help more tocalifornians get ahead.d, that's why antonio villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments in public schools... and new career training programs. as mayor of la, he brought police and residents together to get illegal guns off the streets
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and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california. >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. tonight, they are here with a song from the soundtrack to "love, simon" bleachers from the mercedes-benz stage. "love, simon" premieres online on may 29th. bleachers will be here with a song from that. tomorrow night, more avengers will assemble. chris hemsworth, chadwick boseman, karen gillan, sebastian stan, and josh brolin with music from middle kids. and on thursday, don cheadle, benedict cumberbatch, elizabeth olsen, winston duke and music from morgan wallen featuring florida georgia line. please join us for all of that.
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our mighty team of guests tonight includes a wakandan, a russian, an asgardian, an american and a drax. their new movie, "avengers: infinity war," opens in theaters friday, please welcome mark ruffalo, scarlett johansson, tom hiddleston, danai gurira and dave bautista. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for coming. thanks for playing the game. were you all at the premiere last night? >> yeah. >> yes. >> yeah, yeah. >> yes. >> jimmy: you've been to many of these. danai, that was your second one, right, your second marvel movie? >> it was. >> jimmy: scarlett, you've been to six or seven or a lot of the them? >> yeah, and i don't know any of the stones it'ser. >> you don't know stones. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: was that the biggest
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one? >> it was the biggest one. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> the red carpet -- purple carpet -- it was huge. >> jimmy: is it true that people were crying in the theater? did you guys see -- did any of you cry in the theater? dave? >> i cried a little bit. i did. >> i laughed at mark crying. >> you cried, i saw you crying like a -- >> jimmy: were you guys sitting together? >> no. peered over. >> jimmy: did you guys really cry? is that true? >> i have to say i cried three separate occasions. >> jimmy: really? >> there was a time when -- [ laughter ] >> oh, you're right. >> where's the phone? >> jimmy: tom holland was here last night. i asked who was the least trustworthy when it came to keeping the script quiet. and he was immediately identified as least trust worthy. who among you guys is in the same category? >> mark. >> yeah, mark, didn't you like -- >> that's not fair, man. not fair.
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>> mark turned up to the premiere and instagramed live the first 10 minutes. >> not intentionally. >> that is so not true. i mean, that's verifiably untrue. >> verifiable, yeah. >> fake news! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: at what point did you realize you were actually committing a felony? when you were showing that -- showing that on instagram live, did you realize that? >> in all fairness -- >> yes? >> it was in my pocket. >> jimmy: the phone? >> yeah. and they heard the first 20 minutes. >> jimmy: 20 minutes? >> 15? [ laughter ] >> and when i knew -- first my phone was just blowing up like i was getting these texts and i was like, oh -- i hope my mom's okay -- you know. [ laughter ] but i was like, i can't check my phone in the middle of the
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theater, that's rude. especially in my own movie. [ laughter ] and then someone from disney came up. a woman. and she poked me. and she said, turn off your phone! i said what, what, what? your phone is on! turn off your phone! and i was like, my phone as not on. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: by the way, that was -- it's bad to do that in a movie premiere. it could be so much worse. it really could. >> so i thought i was going to get fired. >> how much worse? >> jimmy: it could be worse. he could be in the bathroom with you on the airplane -- >> oh, come on. >> jimmy: it could be bad. >> it was an accident. >> jimmy: i know it was an accident. >> he thought it was live. >> jimmy: his was an accident too, everybody has accidents. tonight you have to keep secrets for "the walking dead." so this is a good area -- [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, yeah, this is one part -- this is one thing i had
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down. i was like, okay, marvel, i got you. they can do whatever they want to me and i will keep mum. i feel like i've got a chip in me. if ever i say a spoiler from "walking dead," i feel he zaps me. i'm good, i came ready to go. >> jimmy: is there, it when comes to english actors, how many, three guys from england? >> three, four if you include paul bettany. >> jimmy: you do include paul bettany, of course you include him. >> yeah. >> it's very confusing for me because half of them are american. benedict is doing an american accent, tom holland is doing an american accent. >> they are english people. >> they are. they are, yeah. >> jimmy: is there a clique? do you guys huddle in the corner? sip tea? >> and say, "i can't believe they only serve coffee, where's the earl grey tea?" [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> they do the little pinky
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thing. >> jimmy: i do it too. my grandmother caught me it was classy so i've been doing it. and it is, it shows that i have class, it's an instant sign to others that you're dealing with a classy person. >> by the way, when you're on these sets and you spend the day hurtling through space and time, at about 4:00 p.m., i think i would actually love a cup of tea. i go and find one. >> jimmy: but you still do it, even though it would be considered to be stereotypical and maybe others would laugh at you? >> yeah. i mean, yeah, it's fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: dave, you like to go to the movies. how many times did you go to "guardians of the galaxy" to see it in the theater? >> i went six times. >> jimmy: six times. [ cheers and applause ] >> i applaud that. >> i love going to the movies. i wanted to go with friends who wanted to see it. >> did people know it was you? >> i got recognized once. some guy whispers, "you were great in the movie" and kind of walks away. >> jimmy: six is a lot of times. >> yeah, i guess --
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>> have you been to any other movies six times? >> yeah, i went to -- well, yeah, but i don't want to say because it might be a competitive -- >> jimmy: no, say it, please. >> i went to see "dead pool." >> jimmy: six times. did anybody recognize you there? >> no. >> jimmy: no, okay, all right. >> it's weird. i do have this ability to blend in. i know it seems weird. but i swear it's true. i swear it's true. >> i can see that. >> jimmy: i love that mark plays the hulk and you don't. [ laughter ] >> they don't even use my picture, they just use the hulk. >> jimmy: you're in there somewhere. >> people yet at me on the street, hulk! i'm like -- i'm more like banner, really. >> jimmy: that's true. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we have more to discuss. we have something very special we're going to do if you're inclined. the cast of "avengers: infinity war" is here, we'll be back.
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that help people live better lives. hey kiddo. see any stars out there? not really. ( ♪ ) ♪ if the stars don't shine ♪ grab your jacket. ♪ if the moon won't rise ♪ ♪ if i never see the setting sun, oh yeah ♪ ♪ you won't hear me cry ♪ ♪ as i testify ♪ please believe me boy you know i wouldn't lie ♪ ♪ as long as there is... ♪ you and me ♪ ♪ oh-h-h
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♪ as♪ is really this good ♪ you show it in slow-mo slow-motion steak. (avo) get an entrée like this, plus starter and coca-cola, for just 10 bucks. steak included. ♪ chili's is back, baby, back, baby, back ♪ choose from more than 200 different denim washes! all jeans on sale up to 50% off. adults from fifteen dollars, kids from ten dollars. hurry in to old navy!
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♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ we don't want to kill you, but we will. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: avengers: infinity war." that's good stuff. i heard that josh brolin called you, mark, and asked you if he should be in this movie. is that true? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and, well obviously you said, you should, because he's in the movie. but what did you tell him? >> he listens to me. >> jimmy: he does, yeah. [ laughter ] >> i said, josh -- bro -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: lin. [ laughter and applause ]
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>> jimmy: sorry, i didn't mean to -- >> you said it. i haven't got all day, ruffalo! and i said, you'd be a fool not to be in this movie. >> jimmy: not to be a part of it. [ cheers and applause ] danai, when you were here last time it was before "black panther" came out, then of course it was this gigantic, gigantic hit. did you have any idea it was going to be that big a hit? >> you never can, you really can't. it's the sort of thing you have a baby, you hope people think it's cute, you know what i mean? [ laughter ] thank you! you know what i mean? but we thought we'd created something special, but we had no idea. >> jimmy: people lie about babies and say they're cute even if they aren't, though. >> that's true. >> jimmy: movies, they don't do that in any way. did you have that same experience with "guardians of the galaxy"? >> yeah, we really had no idea what to expect that opening weekend just told a story. we never -- i don't think anybody was prepared for that. >> jimmy: tom, you and chris hemsworth are like brothers.
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well, you're not really brothers. >> yeah. some people think we are. >> jimmy: they're all hemsworth brothers. >> i'm the honorary hemsworth. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i'm like the hems worth -- just the secret one at the back. >> jimmy: i assume chris does, do the other brothers like liam consider you to be hemsworthy, for lack of -- >> i get very manly and enthusiastic hugs from all of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you do. they're all-star australians, they do that to everybody. >> i'm their strange british brother from another mother. >> jimmy: we did this last night. it went pretty well. we asked the actors from the movie to draw their characters. okay? so i've got pens. i've got pads. and we'd like you to, during the commercial break, draw your character. then we will auction it off for charity. you understand?
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[ cheers and applause ] would you be willing to do this? it would be terrible if you said no right? we're going to take a break. when when we come we're going to have arts and crafts time with the avengers, be right back! women are amazing. our bodies grow babies. we run marathons, companies, solve problems. how? we fuel ourselves, with strawberries, almonds, and protein; chocolate, whole grains, and iron. food that's made for us to power us, power our strength. food like special k. and try new special k nourish berries & peaches with probiotics.
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>> jimmy: all right, we're back. everybody's hard at work on their drawings. we'll start at the far end with tom. your character's loki. let's see what you have. you've drawn it for us. [ cheers and applause ] well done. we're already way ahead of last night, i'll say that. >> there you go. >> jimmy: nicely done. danai? >> i can't, i can't, it's so bad. can i just say i'm not -- this is not my skill set. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we'll let the audience decide. >> this is not what i think of the character, i love her. >> jimmy: okay. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i'm getting there let me work on it. >> jimmy: it's picasso-esque. >> oh, thank you, that's what i'm going for. >> jimmy: dave, you are working hard on yours, i saw you really drawing. >> i agree, this is not my skill set either. [ cheers and applause ] >> well done. >> that's good. >> yeah, man. >> jimmy: your arms are a little shorter than maybe they should be. mark, scarlett's still working on hers so let's go to you and see what you've come up with. >> should i do it really slowly? >> jimmy: yeah, do it slowly. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's awesome. >> jimmy: i like that. the classic purple shorts. >> it's stretchy pants. >> jimmy: yeah, it's really stretchy. >> i'm so going to bid on that. >> jimmy: scarlett, you've been working pretty hard on yours too. >> i've been working really hard. i actually did a portrait of
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mark. >> jimmy: you chose a different one. well done. >> oh, that's really good. >> that's like my -- you're like my spirit animal. >> aww! >> what's your birthday? >> mine's november 22nd. >> november 22nd. >> yours too? >> yours too? >> that is so weird! >> that is so weird! >> jimmy: that was so adorable. it almost made me throw up. well, thank you all for being here. thank you for your drawings. they will be auctioned off for a very good cause. "avengers: infinity war" opens in theaters friday. thanks for being here. we'll be right back with music from bleachers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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soi'm not giving you chewbacca got han solo? collect all twelve exclusive trading cards and try a new movie-inspired menu only at denny's. solo: a star wars story. may 25th. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to mark, scarlett, tom, danai, dave and apologies to matt damon. the "love simon" soundtrack is
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available now. here with "alfie's song -- not so typical love song," bleachers! ♪ ♪ fake young when we met everything seemed all right like children sing on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ cut straight through the moonlight but how i love those days we didn't get out of bed ♪ ♪ left your taste in my mouth your strange voice in my head oh i wanna hear it again ♪ ♪ cause back then we were caught in a love song so loud oh yeah
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no not so ♪ ♪ typical love song 'cause it hurt us again and again so sang that i ♪ ♪ really need you so bad oh yeah no not so typical love song ♪ ♪ cause it hurt us again and again nooets ♪ ♪ you'd leave the cities and chase bullet holes ♪ ♪ that's actually starlight and in those rare moments you and i were brilliant we were gonna be alright ♪ ♪ but god i loved those days we couldn't get out of bed ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ left your taste in my mouth all your words in my head and now i wanna ♪
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♪ hear it again cause back then we were caught in a love song so loud oh yeah ♪ ♪ no not so typical love song cause it hurt us again and again ♪ ♪ so sang that i really need you so bad oh yeah no not so ♪ ♪ typical love song cause it hurt us again and again ♪ ♪ ♪ one and two and one two three ♪ ♪ i wanna be alright ♪ i wanna be alright i wanna be alright with my baby tonight i wanna be alright ♪ ♪ i wanna be alright
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i wanna be alright with my baby tonight oh yeah ♪ ♪ so sang that i really need you so bad oh yeah no not so typical ♪ ♪ love song cause it hurt us again and again ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, good and evil. >> you are my hero. and you are tennessee's hero. >> the brave civilian honored today for stopping the naked gunman in the midst of that tennessee waffle house shooting. why he says he's not a hero. >> and me saving lives, i saved other lives. >> new details of the shooter's troubled past and what police found when they raided his home today. plus sex machina. katy couric on a lunch date with a cyborg. >> cheers, harmony. >> it's not made for polite conversation. >> i also like making love to you. >> whoa, what? >> inside a factory making sex robots powered by artificial te


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