tv Good Morning America ABC April 27, 2018 7:00am-8:59am PDT
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>> "good morning america" starts good morning, america.starts breaking news, dramatic breakthrough. overnight north korea's dictator kim jong-un becomes their first leader to set foot in south korea. a handshake at the border. will it make peace more possible? what's next for missile tests, eliminating north korea's nuclear program, and that summit with president trump. the white house responds this morning. guilty. bill cosby convicted of sexual assault. after years of accusations from dozens of women, the man once known as america's dad now facing up to 30 years in prison. his accusers overcome in court. two of them joining us on "gma" this morning. breaking overnight, bombshell new accusations against nbc anchor tom brokaw. the former reporter coming forward with sexual misconduct allegations. inside the investigation.
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how police solved the golden state killer case using the suspect's dna from past crime scenes and a genealogy website. ♪ ♪ louis louis and this just in, the royal baby has a name. meet little prince louis arthur charles. the meaning behind the newborn's new title. ♪ good morning, america. packed friday morning here, history in the koreas and a british prince with a french name. >> i'm just glad we finally have a name, george. it's been four days and just two days over the usual time to takes to name the baby and it's prince louis arthur charles. we're going to have more on the meaning of that name coming up later. >> well worth the wait for that name. we will have more later. we, of course, begin with breaking news overseas. a remarkable summit viewed live around the globe.
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the leaders of north and south korea meeting. kim jong-un, the first leader of his nation to enter the south. will this lead to peace? abc's chief foreign correspondent terry moran is in the region and has the latest. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. good evening here. what an extraordinary day. thousands of reporters from all around the world here just south of the demilitarized zone to witness this historic and emotional summit. just weeks ago this whole region seemed under the looming threat of war. but these two men, the leaders of the two koreas, in striking symbolism and long talks are trying to bring, in kim jong-un's words, a new era of peace. surrounded by bodyguards, kim jong-un emerged from the northern side of the dmz, then looking a bit tense he strode alone toward the cease-fire line from the korean war that still marks the border here. a warm handshake with south korean president moon jae-in and then kim steps forward becoming
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the first north korean leader in history to set foot on south korean territory. president moon asks, you've come to the south. when can i come to the north? why don't you try now, kim jong-un says. and hand in hand, they cross back. almost as if turning that fearsome border into just a simple line. it was like that all day, symbolism and ceremony. greeting children who live in the dmz. they're the future. ♪ a traditional honor guard, the shared korean culture but there was also laughter. kim jong-un cracking a grim joke as the two began their meetings, i won't interrupt your sleep anymore with early morning missile tests, he promised. the two men so different seem to enjoy it all sitting among the trees alone for almost 45 minutes introducing their wives. kim jong-un's wife all smiles. and they reached a remarkable joint agreement, signed and then celebrated with a handshake triumphantly raised arms and an unexpected bear hug.,
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triumphantly raised arms and an unexpected bear hug. afterwards kim jong-un addressing a world audience for the first time. saying, we are one nation and cannot be separated. we are one blood. and in that symbolism there was substance as well. in that joint agreement, the two men declared that by the end of this year they will reach a peace treaty bringing a formal end to the korean war. they will denuclearize the korean peninsula and increase economic ties. but the key question, as it always has been, can north korea be trusted? george. >> right, can they follow through on getting rid of their nuclear weapons. that is going to be a huge question. president trump up and tweeting this morning, praising the progress, praising the meeting saying good things are happening but only time will tell. that also gets to the question of what this all means for the potential upcoming summit between kim jong-un and president trump. >> reporter: well, george, this summit between the korean leaders was seen as kind of the laying the table for the big deal, the summit between president trump and kim jong-un. and there's no question president trump will want to hear from president moon of
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south korea. what he made of kim jong-un as a negotiator. right now, it looks like it's all systems go and that summit scheduled tentatively, no date yet, late may, early june. >> yeah, and, in fact, "the new york times" is reporting this morning it's june and likely to be singapore. do we know anything more about the various cities and regions in play? >> reporter: well, that turned out -- the location turned out to be a really delicate negotiation, in part because kim jong-un's airplanes are so old, they have a limited range. so they had to do something within a couple thousand miles. singapore fits the bill. the americans like it. didn't want to do it in the koreas because one side or the other would look subservient. didn't want to do it in china because china is not taking that kind of a role so singapore looks like it might well be it. >> terry moran, thanks very much. michael. now to that stunning moment in court, bill cosby found guilty of sexual assault. his accuser smiling after the verdict was read. abc's linsey davis has been covering the case from the start and joins us from norristown,
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pennsylvania. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning to you, michael. he hasn't stepped foot in jail and yet several passersby shouted free bill following yesterday's verdict that left bill cosby with a few choice words for the district attorney, a man who campaigned years ago on this very promise of putting bill cosby who he called a sexual predator behind bars. the man once dubbed america's dad now a convicted sex offender seen here returning to his home outside philadelphia after a jury found him guilty on all three counts of aggravated indecent assault. several of his accusers told they had to leave the courtroom after they sobbed loudly following the reading of the verdict. and andrea constand, the woman he was found guilty of sexually assaulting in 2004, leaving with a huge smile embracing her supporters. >> mr. cosby -- >> reporter: the 80-year-old cosby will now potentially spend the rest of his life behind bars raising his cane in response to
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supporters as he walked to his car. >> you're a pervert. don't wave to us. >> reporter: a stunning fall from grace for the comedian who worked so hard to be considered the ultimate family man. >> you know how the kids love jell-o pudding. >> reporter: both in commercials and as the revered dr. huxtable on "the cosby show." >> let's put on some music round here. >> reporter: cosby who never hesitated to issue his own sometimes controversial opinions on social issues urged young people to avoid prison in this clip from "fat albert." >> now they're in prison. prison isn't any fun and isn't any joke. >> reporter: the prosecution alleged he used that upstanding reputation to allegedly drug and sexually assault scores of women over several decades, six of them testifying in this case. >> we are very disappointed by the verdict. we don't think mr. cosby is guilty of anything and the fight is not over. >> reporter: his accusers rallied together on the steps of the courthouse. >> and i think we were all just absolutely steeling ourself for
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another mistrial and trying to figure out how we were going to cope with the depression. you could feel the electricity in the air and when they said verdict -- >> guilty. >> oh, my god. unbelievable. unbelievable. >> reporter: that verdict deciding unanimously by a jury of 12, causing an audible gasp in the courtroom. cosby putting his head down as the three guilty verdicts were read. then later cursing at the district attorney who argued cosby should not get bail concerned he would flee by flying elsewhere. cosby responding, he doesn't have a plane, you expletive. the jury's decision comes less than one year after a previous trial resulted in a hung jury. the big difference this time around, six accusers testified including constand, compared to only two in last year's trial. the fallout has been swift. reruns of cosby's shows immediately taken off the air. several universities took back honorary degrees. and the judge told cosby he has to stay at his home. but because cosby has several homes, he said if he is to leave
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this county, he must be fitted with a gps tracking device. sentencing is scheduled to take place within the next 60 to 90 days, george. >> thank you, linsey. we are joined by two of bill cosby's accusers who testified at the trial, janice baker-kinney and lise-lotte lublin. thank you both for joining us this morning. janice, let me begin with you. this has been such a long road. 30 years. what went through your mind when you heard that verdict? >> the first thing that went through my mind is joy and overwhelming tears, sobbing, but tears of joy. but i couldn't stop sobbing. >> i can only imagine and, lise, you were not watching television at the time, teaching in your sixth grade classroom? >> yes, i was. i received a call from my husband. he told me there was a verdict and i said, well, give me some time, you know, let me know -- call me at 11:05 when i'm on my lunch. because i didn't want to be
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exposed to this with the kids in the classroom. and he must have called me two, three minutes later. and he said, it's guilty, it's guilty. and i just began to shake. my stomach started tumbling and i didn't know what i was going to do. i was like i just have to get out of here. i've got to get out of this room. >> i can only imagine. the emotions from both of you so powerful. janice, when you testified at the trial you talked about feeling ashamed, feeling that somehow this was your fault. when the verdict came in did that all go away? >> you know, i believe that blame is so ingrained in me for over 30 years that i'm always going to carry a little bit of it. it just still comes from that place of so long ago when women were always blamed for these things. and i think it's going to be a long time before i can ever get that feeling to go away. >> although when you were facing that grilling from bill cosby's attorneys, you gave as good as you got.
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>> yeah, he was kind of a bully, mr. mesereau, and i wasn't about to put up with it. so, it made me happy to actually give back what he was giving to me. >> and, lise, what was it like for you to face bill cosby in that courtroom after all this time? >> well, actually while i was in the courtroom, i truly felt like i was there for my civic duty. that it was my responsibility to really let people understand and know what had happened and that he should be responsible for his actions. he was extremely pitiful looking and sad. and he didn't look like the massive man that he was portrayed as from the past. so it was really kind of sad to see him that way. >> you know, you talk about your civic duty. after you found out you were assaulted you found out that the statute of limitations had passed on that crime so you went to work to actually change the law in the state of nevada. >> absolutely.
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i'm still changing laws in 2017 and going back in 2019. there's two years civilly for an adult to be able to sue. and it's -- it's not fair. some people aren't even done with feeling the guilt and the -- that they shouldn't have any guilt -- but they're -- they're not even aware of their emotions or feelings yet. so two years is not even a start for them to even recover from this. and to be able to go back and necessarily sue their perpetrator. >> janice, bill cosby is now 80 years old. he could spend the rest of his life in jail. but the judge has a fair amount of latitude in sentencing. what do you think is the appropriate sentence now? >> i believe that it's essential he spend time in jail and it wouldn't break my heart to see him spend the rest of his life in jail. he did -- he sentenced many
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women to years and years of therapy and inner jail. i just think he deserves to spend an appropriate time, and if that means dying in jail, it won't break my heart. >> your thought, lise? >> i agree 100%. he's responsible for his acts. he needs to pay for his acts by going to jail. and maybe that will give some of the victims of his an opportunity to heal a little bit to know that he's responsible for his actions, even if it wasn't in their particular situation. he's still responsible and everyone knows the truth now. >> thank you both for your time this morning. >> thank you, george. >> thank you. we are joined by two of bill cosby's publicists, andrew wyatt and ebonee benson. thank you both for joining us. ebonee, you just heard those victims right there saying it wouldn't break their heart for bill cosby to spend the rest of his life in jail. your response? >> i think it's very interesting
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that she chose words such as massive man especially when she gave had her testimony her and her friend judy were actually on their way because they enjoyed big black men. and again -- >> you really want to go there? >> she stopped -- talked about getting f'd up and sleeping with bill cosby again. we're talking about accusations that have not been followed up with any evidence besides what our defense attorneys did. there was evidence completely blatantly selectively overlooked by the commonwealth in this situation. again, women who knew who this man was, they had an agenda. they sought their agenda. and then years later, come with accusations because they woke up and saw someone on tv. again, of course they would feel that way, of course they would feel they want him to spend the rest of his life in jail because that's the agenda they set out with from the beginning. >> a jury of bill cosby's peers looked at all the evidence,
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decided he was guilty of those crimes. andrew wyatt, where is mr. cosby this morning? how is he feeling? his reaction? >> and just to finish, to follow up on that, you said a jury of his peers. they also had a huge amount of prejudice and bias by having five women also testify to crimes which he was not on trial for. go ahead. >> you asked me how is mr. cosby. mr. cosby is right now with mrs. cosby. he's feeling great. he's confident. he's not -- although he has been found guilty, he's innocent of these charges and he maintains his innocence and he's going to walk around as a man who's innocent because he didn't do anything wrong. >> you're saying he's comforted. what is he comforted by? >> he's confident because he didn't do anything wrong. these are allegations that are a decade long-allegations, george. these women have no evidence. they went to no authorities. they parade these five distracters in to tell stories and talk about the drug habits they had.
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you have lise-lotte lublin who said i don't even remember if anything happened to me. i think these jurors got it wrong. you had juror number 11, george, who said before the trial started that mr. cosby was guilty and why wait -- why even waste our time? let's just find the man guilty. he said it to three other jurors. >> our defense attorneys fought hard to make sure that juror did not end up in that box. and yet and still, you had a person with a 100% complete bias sitting there, not interested in any evidence that was presented by the defense. so, yes, they heard evidence. the bias was already there. >> hold on a second. some 60 women have accused bill cosby of various indiscretions of sexual harassment. you're saying all these women, all 60 women are lying? >> may i ask a question? since when are all people honest? and since when all are women honest? we can take a look at emmett till, for example. since when are all people honest? >> and george, this became a
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public lynching. what they did, what gloria allred was able to do, she took a salt and pepper shaker. and shaked out a lot of salt and sprinkled in a little black pepper and the south came east and that's what we saw. the sheer volume of people coming forward, that's what they did in order to persuade public opinion. >> and 60 women -- >> i'm not sure -- >> where are the 60 criminal charges? where are those charges? yes, these women have allegations. but where is the evidence? where is the proof? where have they gone to authorities? where have the authorities found there was sufficient evidence to pursue a case. on top of that we talk about -- >> excuse me. excuse me, the jury looked at all that. they made their decision. thank you both for your time this morning. michael? >> all right. thank you, george. we're going to switch the tone a little bit and go back to some news we started with at the top of the show and that is the royal baby news. the little prince's name has been revealed. william and kate calling their newborn son prince louis arthur
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charles, and louis is after lord louie mount batten, prince philip's uncle. and charles is, of course, after the baby's grandfather, prince charles of wales. that's why we have an english baby with a french name, george. >> you did explain it to us. >> thanks for solving it all. to rob now. more rain coming from the east coast today, rob? >> a bit of break in baltimore and philadelphia and ice jams melting across parts of the rivers there in maine with flood watches up there. dry day for parts tomorrow.
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good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. cool again today but increasing sunshine this afternoon. a few sprinkles this morning. a better chance of some light showers this weekend. don't cancel your plans. all right, we've got some sprinkles, and then the warmer weather's next week. for today, how about upper 50s along the coast, low to mid-60s around the bay, up into the north bay, then mid-to-upper 60s inland, east bay and also the south bay. for tonight, a little more green out there, temperatututututututu coming up those bombshell new allegations against nbc anchor tom brokaw. his former co-worker now telling her story. and what ann curry says she told management years ago about matt lauer. and we also have those incredible new details in the golden state killer case. and we also have those incredible new details in the golden state killer case.
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and good morning at 7:23. i'm reggie aqui from "abc7 mornings." more help could soon be on the way for north bay fire victims. a state senate committee has approved two measures to help underinsured fire victims. according to "the press democrat," the insurance industry is warning the measure could lead to higher rates. $10 billion insurance claims were filed by fire victims. we're going to be following that story throughout the right now, a check of traffic. still pretty light? we have an issue in the richmond area. westbound 80 by central avenue, a multicar crash. this is close to being cleared, but you're backed up into the east richmond stretch. once you make it to the maze, you're heavy through the toll plaza. metering lights have been on for
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and good morning. we start today mostly cloudy, mid-40s to about mid-50s. for your commute, everything's pretty good. there's nothing gusty on the bay and there's no rain to speak of right now. as far as our temperatures, though, they're still going to be about three to seven degrees below average. they'll be a little bit cooler with a chance of some random, light showers saturday and sunday. it will dry out, but the warm weather starts to creep in tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. not a game-changer, but know there's some random showers, especially tomorrow morning and again sunday afternoon. reggie? >> good to know. thanks, mike. coming up, new details inside that decades-long manhunt for serial killer joseph deangelo and how police finally cracked the case, next on "gma." of course, i should say alleged serial killer. another abc7 news update in 30 minutes and always on our news app and
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rocket mortgage. america's largest mortgage lender. "avengers: infinity war" in theaters april 27th. evacuate the city. engage all defenses. and get this man a shield. >> welcome back to "gma." the wait is over. it is finally here, "avengers: infinity war" is flying into theaters this morning. the superhero-packed movie is getting rave reviews. we're going to have more on that ahead in "pop news." i saw it. >> yeah, he saw it. >> let me tell what you happened -- >> no! >> what happened was -- i gave it two thumbs up. if i had more, i would give it more. it is that good. it's amazing. >> can't wait. maybe this weekend. we have a lot of top headlines to follow right now including that dramatic breakthrough at the border. north korea's dictator kim jong-un became their first leader to set foot in south korea. and president trump weighed in, saying good things are
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happening. time will tell. the new secretary of state mike pompeo is in brussels visiting nato headquarters after being sworn in thursday by supreme court justice samuel alito. pompeo recently made headlines when he visited north korea over easter to lay the groundwork for president trump's summit. you see him there with kim jong-un. and evacuation orders have now been lifted after that explosion at a refinery in wisconsin that injured 11. look at that fire, thankfully it is out now. >> quite a scene. now to new accusations against another high-profile personality. nbc news anchor tom brokaw, a former co-worker coming forward accusing him of sexual misconduct. eva pilgrim is here with the latest on all this. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, robin. nbc facing tough questions this morning on how it's handled sexual harassment claims. tom brokaw, now the latest power man at the network, facing allegations. this morning, two women dropping bombshell allegations. >> i'm tom brokaw. >> reporter: accusing long-time time nbc "nightly news" anchor tom brokaw of sexual misconduct during the '90s. >> i was deeply traumatized by being groped and assaulted by
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tom brokaw. >> reporter: linda vester built a reputation covering war zones. in a series of interviews with "variety" magazine she said as a 28-year-old nbc correspondent she suffered unwanted advances from the network's biggest power player. >> pope john paul is a very charismatic figure, as well. >> reporter: during the pope's visit to denver in 1993 vester says brokaw groped her in an nbc conference room full of people. and on two later occasions she says he tried to force her to kiss him. >> he leans over with his index finger and puts it on my mouth to silence me and says, this is our compact. >> reporter: vester says she didn't report him because she feared it would end her career. >> even though i know i was not in any way at fault in what happened to me with tom brokaw, i still suffered years of humiliation, isolation, and shame.
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>> reporter: meanwhile, a second woman has now also come forward speaking to "the washington post" on the condition of anonymity. she says in the mid '90s when she was a 24-year-old production assistant, the newsman allegedly placed her hands on his chest in a hallway and invited her to his office later to talk about her job search. she says she didn't go. and she also says she didn't report him. "the washington post" says brokaw denies any such incident happened. >> that's "nightly news" for thursday. i'm tom brokaw. >> reporter: he was the managing editor of "nightly news" for 22 years and still appears on the network for special events. the 78-year-old denying the allegations, saying in a statement provided by an nbc spokesperson, i met with linda vester on two occasions. both at her request 23 years ago because she wanted advice with respect to her career at nbc. the meetings were brief, cordial, and appropriate. and despite linda's allegations, i made no romantic overtures at
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that time or any other. now, vester says she is speaking out now because she thinks nbc and other companies aren't doing enough to address harassment. and ann curry coming forward saying she warned two people in management about sexual misconduct concerns with matt lauer. nothing was done. matt lauer responding telling "the washington post," any allegations or reports of coercive, aggressive, or abusive actions on my part at any time are absolutely false. guys? >> all right. thank you, eva, so much. >> some story. coming up those incredible new details on the golden state killer case. how police say they used dna and genealogy sites to track down the suspect. your heart doesn't only belong to you. child: bye, grandpa! and if you have heart failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body.
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the golden state killer who terrorized california for decades. investigators say they tracked him down using dna in a genealogy website. abc's whitt johnson is in sacramento with more. good morning, whit. >> reporter: michael, good morning to you. we are outside the sacramento county courthouse where later today 72-year-old joseph deangelo will make his first court appearance. investigators now telling us they tracked him down using discarded dna, genealogy websites, and a long process of elimination, sifting through family trees. the morning, new details of the rigorous investigation that detectives say brought down the
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golden state killer more than 40 years after his alleged killing spree began. law enforcement sources telling abc news they used a genealogy website to help connect joseph deangelo's dna to past crime scenes. taking that evidence and then comparing it with family members within the online database until they found their suspect. police say the 72-year-old appeared surprised when they swarmed his home tuesday evening. no incident? he didn't say, it wasn't me, or anything like that? >> no. really no conversation at all. just the only thing he really said was that he had a roast in the oven. >> reporter: his sister telling abc news she could never imagine her brother carrying out the 12 murders, some 50 rapes and dozens of burglaries he's accused of. >> it's just kind of such a shock. you don't know how to react. all these emotions are too much. >> reporter: this, as the portrait begins to form who
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taunted his victims with chilling phone calls like these. >> gonna kill you. gonna kill you. >> reporter: deangelo, a navy veteran serving in vietnam in 1973, and then joining a police department around the same time the alleged crimes would begin. >> he outsmarted everybody for 40 years. >> reporter: farrell ward worked with him on the force. >> he kind of knew what the next step was going to be. >> reporter: neighbors say deangelo was an average suburban homeowner except for his temper. >> he would yell so loud that you could hear him yelling from inside the house. >> a lot of times it would be cursing at us, telling us expletive get out of here. >> reporter: elizabeth hupp alleges the man she now believes is deangelo tried to attack her in 1975 when she was just 16. >> telling me if i screamed he would kill me. so we went out the back door. >> reporter: she says her father, witnessing the struggle,
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scared him off. but not before her attacker fired two shots, killing him. >> i loved my father dearly and he took him away from me. >> reporter: we're now hearing from the public defender representing joseph deangelo. she is accusing the sheriff's department of thwarting her efforts to even speak with her client. and she's blasting the d.a.'s office for attempting to try this case in the media. george? >> whit, thanks very much. the book "i'll be gone in the dark" about the golden state killer was just released this year. author michelle mcnamara died before it was completed. but billy jansen, an investigative journalist, helped her finish it. he joins us now along with our contributor, former fbi agent, brad garrett. brad, watching that piece, you said textbook. >> textbook because serial killers can compartmentalize their life. in other words, they can go out, brutalize, kill, go home, make breakfast for the children, take them to school, go to work. so their life is like in boxes. and he fits that profile. >> and the other thing you all
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saw early on that made you think he fit the profile was the idea of being a police officer or military. >> absolutely. we knew he had a scanner because he was following the police patrols. and he was hitting where the police weren't while they were staking him out. so we thought he had a scanner. we didn't realize he had an official scanner and he was a police officer. >> you also say that the police early on missed a big, big red flag. >> yeah, when he was accused of shoplifting, and what he was shoplifting was a hammer and dog repellent and he didn't want to have a trial or anything. he just sort of said, all right, i'm good. you can fire me. i'm fine. i'll walk away. that should have been a red flag. he didn't want people looking into what he was doing. >> should have been a red flag a long time ago, brad, but years and years later a genealogy site? >> yeah, exactly, george. this is actually growing. billy knows a lot about this. in the law enforcement community, it takes a fair amount of time, it can take a lot of money, particularly if you only have like a distant relative. and you're really trying to track it through the system. but it does work. >> so like you say it takes a
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real commitment and the question now, it happened so long ago, do you think they'll be able to tie deangelo to other crimes? >> i think so. that's the big thing i'm looking at. what other crimes -- we're building a profile right now, building a time line. where was he and how many other crimes could he have been connected to? >> brad, when we talk about the profile of serial killers you say he compartmentalizes life so for the last 20 years, 15 years, no crimes? >> i don't know. i think as billy digs into this, law enforcement goes further, they're going to run dna against other sexual assault cases in or around probably throughout california. so, you know, serial offenders tend to either die or get caught. and so because, george, it's such an obsession for them so the real key is what happened between '86 and 2018. >> michelle mcnamara, of course, died before this crime could be solved. you tweeted that the key players in getting the book together all came together the night before the verdict. what was that like? >> we had a great event in her hometown. her family was there.
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i went to bed. i got a text message that there was a press conference and i just started trying to confirm it and find out what's going on. it was a surreal moment. it was while we were saying we are going to catch this guy. they were filing the paperwork and waiting outside. >> no idea the night before it was happening? >> no idea. >> yet it got done. incredible work. thanks for being here. michael. the inspirational moment that has everyone cheering at last night's nfl draft. ♪ for all the noses that stuff up around daisies. for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. for all the people who sneeze around dust. there's flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. flonase sensimist.
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we're back now with that incredible moment at last night's nfl draft, pittsburgh steelers linebacker ryan shazier stole the show, walking out to the audience, walking out to announce his team's pick. this is just months after suffering a serious spine injury and t.j. is here with more on that. >> the key to what you said, walking out. that was the key. look folks, this is going to give you tears and/or goose bumps but it was the moment of the night. this is a young man that many people thought would never walk again and last night he walked out onto the draft stage. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> and there he is, that's a 25-year-old young man, linebacker for the pittsburgh steelers. a superstar who has only used a wheelchair, or we have only seen him stand with assistance over the past several months.
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i have to take you back now and show you the scary moment that got us to this. >> monday night game in december, he makes a hit. there he is number 50. he immediately grabs his back and his -- he loses the feeling in his legs and loses movement in his legs. he has a spinal injury. he's been recovering the past several months. and again, we have only seen him in a wheelchair or stand with assistance for the past five months. so we didn't expect that moment last night. and he got on the stage, announcing the pick for his team and he was all business when he did. watch. >> with the 28th pick in the 2018 nfl draft, the pittsburgh steelers select terrell edmunds. >> great story. great night for terrell edmunds. but the story last night was ryan shazier. he continues to say not just that he wants to play again, but he wants to have a hall of fame career. >> how much further can he go? >> well, at this point, no one thought he would get this far. a lot of people didn't think he would walk again. he was just talking about getting feeling back in his legs
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over the past several weeks. to see him walking, we've only seen him stand with assistance. this was unreal last night. he's put out a message to everybody saying i'm blessed and humbled for all the prayers, love, and support i've received. this is what keeps me going. just continue the #shalieve. he doesn't want to just play but have a hall of fame career. >> we have another man injured, said he would never walk again. he walked down the aisle at his wedding and he's going to be here with his wife in our 8:30 half hour. also coming up, do you have amazon prime? what's behind the price spike? how about a little music? it's friday, right, guys. kylie minogue is here live. come on back. >> george is going to dance. >> sure. sure. sure, michael. yeah. coming up, "gma's" concert series, sponsored by pepsi celebrating every generation. lo. ...most people. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real.
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and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. more record high temperatures for the northwest yesterday but that's over. big marine push up and over the hills in san francisco. the towers, twin peaks. and we're looking at markedly cooler weather today as the ridge begins to break down. sonora pass in the sierras digging out after a long winter but the snowpack below average after a pretty weak april. warm temperatures getting into the midsection of the country. maybe severe weather monday, tuesday and wednesday and maybe 80s across the northeast. this segment brought to you by old navy. more local news and weather is
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and good morning to you at 7:56. i'm reggie aqui from "abc7 mornings." let's check in now with mike nicco. monday it was hot and now we're getting cold again? >> yes, a little bit cooler over the weekend. hi, reggie. hi, everybody. what outdoor activities are you doing? if you're at the beaches, a chill, temperatures in the 50s, a light jacket no matter where you are, but cool breezes, not very rough on the bay. temperatures from the 50s on the coast, san francisco, low to mid-60s bay and north bay, mid-to-upper 60s south bay, inland, east bay. a chance of light showers tomorrow and again sunday, but notice no storm impact scale. >> okay, we'll take it. taking a look at the roads, i want to head back to richmond. we briefly had a sig alert for this crash that was in the clearly stages about 30 minutes ago, westbound 80 before central. all lanes back open, but we have residual delays and we'll check that with drive times. 31 minutes highway 4 to the
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the queen's birthday giving super fans a surprise they'll never see coming right here. and she's here to say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ [ applause ] >> ah, look at that great crowd we have on a friday morning and kylie minogue here and, michael, i know you already in your dressing room before -- we saw you on instagram posting this. >> you're getting into the spirit. >> with a little kylie in the morning gets you going. it's friday, baby. >> that is just like my dressing room. >> i have a feeling it is. >> just like us. >> we have a lot of news to get to including that breaking news, dramatic meeting between the north and south korean leaders on the border. earlier this year these countries seemed on the brick of war. now there may be a path to
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peace. want to go to abc's terry moran in south korea this morning. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. this historic and emotional summit wrapping up with a banquet and farewell toasts. journalists from around the world gathered to witness that historic moment when kim jong-un stepped over the old cease-fire line from the korean war and became the first north korean leader to step into south korean territory and then president moon of south korea hand in hand with kim jong-un stepping back into the north as if to say, look, it's discuss a line on the ground and this whole day was carefully choreographed like that. the two men working hard to forge a partnership. they announced they would reach a peace treaty formally ending the korean war later this year and promising to denuclearize the korean peninsula. all this, however, just really the opening act to the big show, that summit that everyone is anticipating not scheduled yet between president trump and kim jong-un. that is where the hardest negotiations will happen and that is where the real deal, if
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there is one, will get cut. george. >> and certainly, terry, the progress made over the last 24 hours makes the summit with president trump more likely. >> reporter: that's right. in some ways this was a test of kim jong-un's sincerity and one of the things we hear from our korean colleagues is that he didn't speak like the bombastic and scary guy that has become so famous around the world, seemed human, evening modest at one point mocking the trains and roads in north korea. seems like he's laid the foundation for a summit. >> one we thought we wouldn't see. to that remarkable moment in court, bill cosby found guilty of sexual assault. let's go back to abc's linsey davis in norristown, pennsylvania. good morning again, linsey. >> reporter: good morning. this is another moment that many people here told me they thought they wouldn't see, even if this was the outcome they wanted. what an emotional day and bill
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cosby now 80 years old could spend the rest of his life behind bars. the once legendary comedian found guilty on all three counts of aggravated indecent assault. after walking out of court cosby raised his cane in response to supporters while some shouted at him rapist and pervert. this case was solely about andrea constand, but the prosecution alleged that cosby used his beloved reputation to drug and sexually assault scores of women over several decades. six of them testifying in this case. earlier on "gma," george talked to some of those accusers. >> and lise, what was it like for you to face bill cosby in that courtroom after all this time? >> he was extremely pitiful looking and sad and he didn't look like the massive man that he was portrayed as from the past. so it was really -- >> reporter: cosby's defense team now vowing to appeal.
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sentencing is scheduled to take place within the next 60 to 90 days. each of the three counts does carry a maximum ten-year sentence but those would likely occur concurrently. robin. >> let me ask you something, you've been on this story from the very beginning. you have spent time on both sides of the aisle, so to speak with this. what was that moment like for you personally yesterday when the verdicts came out? >> reporter: you know, i had gone so back and forth with what i thought the outcome was going to be but still just hearing the guilty and then not just once but then three times, it really was a moment of shock and, you know, while i didn't gasp certainly, there were many reporters who did and just the whole entire room just seemed to be electrically charged. >> thanks so much. now to a price hike for the more than 100 million amazon prime users. they're facing a $20 bump in price from $99 to $119 basically
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20%. it goes up on may 11th for new users and current users will see the jump on june 16th. amazon says, quote, the value of prime to customers has never been greater. and amazon also announced it is the best revenue ever taking in more than a billion dollars profit this quarter. >> billion dollars profit. >> yep. his net worth went up just a little bit. >> going to go up 20% with that hike. new rules in the workplace. what different generationses say about power, what they say about pay and so-called mansplaining. we'll explain. >> you got to explain that to my. our audience is upstairs already singing their way into friday with kylie minogue. and the song you just can't get out of your head. ♪ la la la la ♪ la la la la feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin, with powerful 24-hour relif from symptoms triggered by over 20 different allergen.
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like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. for one week only, save up to $34 on select claritin products. check this sunday's newspaper. i'm shree bose and i'm a medical student. i was fifteen and my grandfather passed away of cancer. i wanted to start doing cancer research. i think science can be an incredible force for good. this windows 10 pc is great. it's really cool to have these 3d visualizations. you can see like the cells membrane. half of science is about convincing the world that what you're working on matters. i want to be making the discoveries that help people live better lives. that have been fed non-gmo feed. that makes me feel better. us too. wait. can you read my mind?
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yes. [whisper] i know what you did. ♪ could clean almost anywhere, all on it's own? (intense music) the shark ion robot maneuvers from floors to carpets. while it spots trouble, it steers around it. this shark cleans, docks, and charges automatically. the shark ion robot. this shark cleans, docks, and charges automatically. outer layer of your enatooth surface.te, the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. it's going to give their patients whiter teeth. ♪ you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart.
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it's funny really, nobody ever does iti didn't do itppens. and of course it's the really tough stains that nobody ever does ready? really? i didn't do it so when i heard they added ultra oxi to the cleaning power of tide, i knew it was just what we needed so now we can undo all the tough stains that nobody did dad? i didn't do it huh, he didn't do it introducing new tide ultra oxi; it's got to be tide you could generate yourat home.rgy, or to save energy,
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unplug unused appliances. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. happy friday, everybody. wonderful audience we have. wonderful to be greeted by a hug. she greeted all of with us a hug. >> i love a good hug. we hug in iowa. >> that was nice. >> brought a little of that to nyc. >> we love that. love having you here for "pop news." >> cued up for me. we got more on the royal baby. the highly anticipated name finally out this morning. the duke and duchess of cambridge are delighted to announce they have named their son louis arthur charles. the baby will be known as his royal highness prince louis of cambridge because that rolls right off the tongue. kensington palace announced the name of the royal couple's third
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child born on monday at 11:01:00 a.m. weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces of the the name louis is a tribute to earl louis mountbatten and cousin to the queen and mentor to prince charles. that was a lot. arthur is prince william's middle name and the name charles, of course, is a nod to his grandfather prince charles of wales. >> tiny little baby, his royal highness. >> you have to say the whole title and imagine i just got alec to learn alec. there's 16 names. this kid won't be able to introduce himself until he's 10. don't even get me started on the family tree. s that is never going to happen. the legendary singer, performer and actress, whitney houston, is the subject of a new documentary simply titled "whitney" that exbaltimores the stunning rise and troubling fall of the only artist to ever chart seven consecutive u.s. number one singles. here's a first look. >> nobody could touch whitney as
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far as singing. mom, she taught whitney everything she know about how to use that voice. >> three places to sing from, the heart, mind, guts. she learned them all. >> wow. >> what makes this doc so special it features never before seen archival footage exclusive demo reportings, rare performances, audio archives and original interviews with the people who knew her best directedly oscar winning filmmaker kevin macdonald. "it premieres july 6th. >> it makes you emotional to see because it was a soul lost way too early. to see these video, it's amazing. anticipation over the new marvel epic "avengers: infinity war" has reached well beyond fever pitch so no surprise when an "avengers" super fan jumped at the chance to get a sneak peek of the film courtesy of jimmy kimmel. take a look. >> follow cousin sal. that's cousin sal. follow him up the stairs and that is the sneak peek hole and
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stick your head through the hole and we will give you a special -- >> oh. [ applause ] >> oh, my gosh. >> her head is never coming out. >> can you imagine if someone started a sentence with i guy a hole over here. i want to you poke your head through. never knew that but it was a hilarious surprise. and imagine when she pops her head through and sees the superhero megastars. "avengers: infinity war" is out nationwide now. >> that's cool. >> a lot of overwhelmingness. next her hands through there. >> thank you, sara. >> great job as always. our cover story, pop star halsey revealing she's freezing her eggs at just 23 years old.
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paula faris is here with her story and, paula, she suffers from a painful disorder that so many women suffer from. >> halsey was diagnosed with endometriosis and her grueling touring schedule really only made those symptoms worse. shortly after she learned she had the disease she suffered a sudden miscarriage and then she decided to take charge of her reproductive future. ♪ so bad in love ♪ ooh >> reporter: she's the singing sensation behind "bad at love" and "closer." ♪ i can't stop >> reporter: halsey revealing on thursday that she's freezing her eggs. >> i'm 23 years old. and i'm going to freeze my eggs. and when i tell people that they're like, why would you do that? you're 23. why do you need to freeze your eggs. >> reporter: telling the doctors that she made this decision after being diagnosed with endometriosis. >> i need to be aggressive about protecting my fertility, about protecting myself.
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>> reporter: revealing she struggled for years with the disease even suffering a miscarriage as a result. >> a couple months later i found out i was pregnant and before i could even really figure out what that meant to me and what that meant for my future, for my career, for my life, my relationship, the next thing i knew i was on stage miscarrying in the middle of my concert. realizing in that moment i was like, i never want to have to make that choice ever again doing what i love and or not being able to because of this disease. >> endometriosis is a progressive disease not unlike cancer. when left untreated it can continually erode at a woman's ovarian function. >> reporter: endometriosis causes women to experience painful menstrual cycles, chronic fatigue, even infertility. an estimated one in ten women suffer from the disease. >> we need your help. >> reporter: including "star wars'" daisy ridley who was first diagnosed at 15 and "girls" star lena dunham who revealed shied undergone a
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hysterectomy after years of pain caused by the disorder. as for halsey, since her diagnosis she has become aggressive about seeking treatment and is now planning for her future. >> taking these measures to make sure that i get to have hopefully a bright future and achieve the things that i want to achieve by doing this is very important. >> the moment she was diagnosed with endometriosis was bittersweet because she was relieved to know it wasn't just all in her head. she wasn't making it up. michael, prior to the diagnosis she was told she had chronic fatigue syndrome or she just had anxiety so you have to continue to advocate for yourself when you know something is wrong. >> i applaud her for talking about something so personal to her and putting it out there. hopefully it helps a lot of other women who suffer from it as well. >> one in ten women. >> thank you so much. going to go over to george. >> we have another health alert. about an alarming spike in the number of children diagnosed with autism. new data just released by the cdc shows a 15% jump in just two
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years. chief medical associate dr. jen ashton is here with the details. walk us through what the cdc found. >> big headline from the cdc. they tracked the rates of autism roughly every two years and over the last two years they've seen a concerning jump. it used to be overall incidence of one in 69. now it's jumped to 1 in 58. they looked at 11 sites throughout the country and 8-year-olds at those sites so it's not representative of the rates overall in the country. there are big state by state differences but again that's concerning number. >> so does it mean there's more autism or just better testing? >> that's the key question. the short answer is we don't know. there definitely is better diagnosis and saw particularly an increase rate of diagnosis amongst african-american and hispanic children which is good and bad because we know early diagnosis is so important for treatment and intervention and prognosis, but, again, we're more aware of it so diagnostic methods are definitely better but they vary. new jersey has much higher rates than arkansas so they're obviously able to detect, screen and diagnose in some states
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better than other. >> what's the most important things for people to know. >> number one, parent, know the signs and sips. basic milestones to be aware of are basically no smiling by 6 months of age, no babbling by 1 year of age. pediatricians are looking at this closely and checking multiple times. the second thing, george, we really should be using appropriate language here. not only for the condition but for sensitivity reasons. this is not an autistic child. it's a child with autism. >> that makes a huge difference. >> medically accurate. you wouldn't say a cancerous patient. these children will become adults living with autism. from a public health standpoint we have to be ready to support that. again, early intervention so important. >> critical stuff. jen, thanks very much. over to rob. >> you don't have to say this. hey, good morning, guys. sorry, we're just chatting with the crowd. asking if they're all dog lovers. they all said emphatically yes
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so it is friday. so your "gma" moment is friday. check it out. scottsdale, arizona, you know it's getting warm there. temperatures in the 90s and the best way to cool off is to find a broken irrigation pipe, i guess. and just kind of go at it. take the paws out, cool them down. your dogs can get their paws burnt when the sidewalks are too warm so friday's got it going on there. what do you think of friday? not too shabby, right? >> no. >> how is your friday going so far. >> it's going great. >> where you from? >> louisiana. >> what part? >> baton rouge. >> baton rouge. good to have you good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. cool again today but increasing sunshine this afternoon. a few sprinkles this morning. a better chance of some light showers this weekend. don't cancel your plans. all right, we've got some sprinkles, and then the warmer weather's next week. for today, how about upper 50s
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along the coast, low to mid-60s around the bay, up into the north bay, then mid-to-upper 60s inland, east bay and also the south bay. for tonight, a little more green out there, temperatu now our series what are the new rules about how the workplace is changing in the wake of the me too and time's up movements. there are still long-standing inequalities raising question questions about power, pay. deb roberts is here. you've been talking to -- i love this group of people you're talking to. >> it's been so interesting because really we all know that for weeks there have been lots of private discussions about this powerful movement, men feeling anxious, some women feeling frustrated and angry. this morning we're taking those conversations public. we're hearing how men and women from different walks of life are dealing with their experiences and their fears during these changing times. >> where is amy poehler. >> reporter: at this we're golden globes a look at mansplaining with host seth meyers and amy poehler.
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>> i do setup and you do the punchline. >> oh, is that how it works? you're explaining something i already know. is this man splaining. >> have you ever had a man take credit for your work? >> i'm glad there's a term for it now because we all knew it. we didn't know what to call it. >> i've been in a meeting where i said something and somehow it wasn't acknowledged then a guy said the exact same thing and somebody said, great, brilliant. >> someone will explain something to you like you've never heard it before. thank you. i didn't know that. >> reporter: these encounters highlighted in the wake of #metoo. >> i'm hoping this will help not only the people in a position of power who aren't noticing the signals that they might be making somebody feel uncomfortable. be more aware but also the people who are being made to feel uncomfortable to speak up a little. >> reporter: our focus group, 20-something and 50-something men and women from different industries. do you feel freer or do you feel
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confused? >> as a man y, we have to decid will we be an ail lyle or be the person who is politically incorrect and say at the wayside. >> reporter: striking a nerve in our older group, power and pay. research showing women still making 80 cents on every dollar earned by a man but are women always at a disadvantage? >> what i felt sometime has been on the job with a woman and felt she's been treated better. i didn't think that was fair. >> yeah. >> you know, where we were doing the same jobs but she didn't have to do the dirtier jobs or the harder jobs so they took it easy on her but yet we got the same pay. >> reporter: joanne lipman author of a new book on how they can achieve unity in the office says a few simple ideas can help. amplify the achievements of other. >> they call it brag buddies. i tell you my accomplishments. you tell me yours and we each go and brag to the boss about the other. >> a movement has been going on that i feel like that could be a new rule. >> a big one, stand your ground
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when speaking. >> women are interrupted three times more frequently than men so i say interrupt the interrupters. you can do that if you are the boss where you say, we have a no interruptions rule while people are speaking. >> has that happened to you getting inter-rupped. >> belittling. >> it's huge. >> we probably have all had that. >> i have to go back to my office tomorrow and make amendments for cutting someone off. >> that's what is great. we learned so much. many of you may have heard that phrase #amplify. michelle obama brought it up years ago. helping somebody else be heard because sometimes people do sort of overlook women in meet sflgz this is what fascinating. we took up the issue is it appropriate to compliment co-workers? on their appearance especially and it really fell along aga generations. it got a lot of buzz.
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this is donna. she says she's in her 50s and writes on facebook. i know that if i was wearing a new outfit or had a new haircut i'd probably be a little hurt if my co-workers did not acknowledge it. it would have nothing to do with my work. >> because we want to have an at moss -- atmosphere where we're friendly. let's not get rid of it just think about it more. >> the younger generation saw it differently if they have a little room to grow in this. i think because they feel like it's all about work, work, work. let's not get too personal. >> this group you have with us in the studio. thank you very much for making yourselves available. [ applause ] >> great. >> now, by a show of hands, now having a little time and thinking about this and seeing both of these pieces and i love how you all are watching yourself on tv now, by a show of hands have you changed your attitude about the workplace? has this changed your attitude
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in any way, show of hands? yeah. hold them up high. >> that's what -- it's been helpful to have this kind -- >> the conversation because everybody is afraid they'll say the wrong thing. >> different training. >> there are training -- what i found that was so interesting our expert said diversity training has hurt a lot of women and black folks because it makes white men feel guilty. let's do unconscious bias training. we all acknowledge we all have biases and go from there. >> let's talk about it. thank you, deb. we got a feel good story when we come back.
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hi, there. i'm natasha zouves from "abc7 mornings." the man accused of being the groenld state killer is scheduled to appear in court for the first time today. joseph deangelo, who is on suicide watch, will be arraigned on two counts of murder. he's suspected, though, of at least ten more murders and upwards of 50 rapes from 1976 to 1986. we'll have much more on this story in our midday news. but right now, it's time for traffic with alexis smith. hi there, alexis. >> hey. we've got a problem in the south bay, a crash blocking at least one lane on northbound 85 right at meridian. so as you can see, we've got several miles of heavy traffic approaching that. a lot of areas that are looking friday light, though, too. this is walnut creek, southbound 680 approaching 24. no issues there. natasha? >> alexis, sounds go scalpel scalpel taco! taco! are you one of the millions of americans whose love for jack in the box tacos has turned into an obsession? no tacos here. hi. i'm jack box and i'm here to help.
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by giving the taco obsessed what they need most. even more tacos. introducing my $3 taco deal with three of the tacos you love and a refreshing drink for just three bucks. so if you have a taco obsession... clear! taco! taco! ...don't beat it, feed it. we need to help more tocalifornians get ahead.d, that's why antonio villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments in public schools... and new career training programs. as mayor of la, he brought police and residents together to get illegal guns off the streets and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california.
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hey, good morning. thanks for sticking around. temperatures are starting to jump off their lows. still in the upper 40s places like santa rosa and los gatos, rest of us in the 50s. increasing sunshine and good weatherwise for any commute today. tomorrow and sunday we have a chance for scattered to light showers, not a game-changer, but cool in the mid-50s to mid-60s. increasing sunshine and warmth starting tuesday. mike, thank you. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app and
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[ cheers and applause ] i am so happy right now. and you're gonna know why. because this is a feel-good story. i'm going to introduce you to an incredible man who has been inspiring me and so many others for years. chris norton was just 18 years old when a football injury left him paralyzed from the neck down. but he is refusing to let that hold him back. he opens up about it in the latest issue of "people." we're going to speak to him and his beautiful bride emily in just a moment. but first, their story. >> you may kiss your bride. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: it's a picture this bride and groom always dreamed of. but for chris and emily, walking down the aisle was not easy. in fact, it was years in the making. the story started seven years ago. chris norton, a football player at luther college suffered a life-changing accident. a spinal cord injury that left him in a wheelchair. his doctors only giving him a 3% chance of ever walking again.
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but three years later chris' life changed again when he met emily. his future bride. emily and chris. an invincible team. emily helping chris to walk again and chris -- >> will you please marry me and share my life? >> reporter: asking her to be his wife. just one day after emily said yes, chris attended his college graduation. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: where he miraculously walked with emily's help. that video going viral. and chris telling us that he was not done fighting. future plans? >> well -- >> date set? >> walk down the aisle with emily. >> reporter: chris set out to make it happen. training four hours a day five days a week, emily his constant partner. >> i, chris, take you, emily. >> reporter: and on the couple's
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big day just this past weekend, chris making his dream a reality. chris and emily walking down the aisle and into their future as husband and wife. [ applause ] please give a warm welcome to chris and emily. [ cheers and applause ] it's so good to see you both. >> so happy to be here. >> so great to have you back. i mean, you are a man of your word. you said you were going to do this. >> i am. i am. >> and you made it happen. chris, you know, so many people almost 100% of people who go through what you went through are told, you're not going to walk again. it's not going to happen. how did you make it happen? >> well, first, i put my trust in god. that was -- get that right. and i just went to work. what can i do to improve myself? and each and every day i just focused on getting better just a little bit at a time.
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and when -- your future will take care of itself when you take care of today. and that was my mind set. that was my motto. it was like what can i do to maximize this day and each and every day i just maximized myself. >> i would say focus big -- dream big but focus small. you focused on day-to-day things that could get to your goal and you made it happen so even though you were both here and said you would do it what was that moment like? >> it was unbelievable because i was doing it with emily. emily is the love of my life. she's incredible. she's absolutely wonderful. she's wonder woman without the cape. and to be able to just, like, share that together. i didn't do it for her, but we did it together as a team and as a couple. and to know that i'm going to have her by my side forever and that we're going to take those next steps as married in love and it was just unbelievable just knowing how far i've come and the work that it took to make that moment happen. >> you worked really hard for this. what was it like for you? >> it was such an incredible moment. i think back to when we first
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started walking side by side. chris couldn't even take one step. and so to see him at that point, to where it just was this last weekend. it's such an incredible change. hard work always pays off. you have to sacrifice, you have to work really hard and follow god's plan and so it was such an incredible moment. i am so thankful to chris and the fact that i found somebody who loves god as much as i do because we realize when you put god first everything else falls if place. >> it does. we have a christian school from texas in the corner and they're like nodding along with everything you're saying right now. [ applause ] it's so true. >> it is. >> you believe that and you live that. all right. okay, so they got this going on but do you also know these two young'uns foster five children under the age of 8. ohio in the world do you do all that as well? >> we love it. it is the best thing we've ever done. i know this sounds really crazy, but my life has never been easier. i'm way busier.
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but i have just found my passion and my purpose. and i love it and it feels so easy and i just think about there are so many kids out there who don't have that loving family. they have gone through unimaginable things we can never -- like we can't imagine. and we get to be a part of that every single day, seeing the transformation from where they were to where they are. there's nothing better. and that's why we're foster parents because we believe that every single kid deserves to have a family and we know that we can be a part of that. >> and you are. you are. you're making that difference. [ applause ] and i love the fact you have been working on a documentary because there's so many -- there's so many aspects of what you've gone through, chris, and emily, that people can learn from. so tell us about the documentary that you're working on. >> we're working on a documentary called "seven yards" and that's tracks everything from that injury on october 16, 2010, all the way up to that walking moment with emily, as married couple.
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because so much went into that walk. it wasn't like, oh, a week ago, we should walk down the aisle. it was seven years in the making, seven years of sacrifice and hard work so we're just thankful to be able to share what really made that walk happen. and then for me to also have a motivational speaking career to share the steps and actions i took that anyone can take because we're all facing adversity. >> everybody's got something. >> we all got something. so to be able to share that with other people and through a book we're working on together is really special and gives us meaning in life and we want to help other people. >> thank you for making your mess your message as you're doing. and we also know that you guys like broadway, don't you? >> yes. >> well, how about a little date night? bring this on in. so we're going to give you -- >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> the broadway show, "prosen." rolling out the red carpet. y'all deserve a date night. >> thank you. we have a lot of fun. >> i can't believe it's been seven years since you were here. and all that you have done. and i can't wait to see what
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you'll do in the future. thank you, you'll forever be a part of the "gma" family. >> we love you guys. >> have fun tonight. >> yes, we will. thank you. >> you can read more of chris and emily's story in the new issue of "people." it is out today. you'll want to get that. kylie minogue. kylie minogue is performing live. [ applause ] got a
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♪ move around the floor if a locomotion ♪ >> oh, yeah. get you in the mood right now. i am here with pop superstar kylie minogue. [ applause ] it has been 30 years since her massive hit "the locomotion" now she's back with her 14th album. >> ah, can i have a lie down? a nap. >> it is called "golden." it is out now and we can't wait to hear you perform a little bit later. but before we do that, i want to talk to you. >> yeah, let's have a chat. >> have you a lot going on. you had such a big moment. you sang at the queen's 92nd birthday. >> i did. and i'm such a superfan of hers. >> how was that? >> it's incredible. honestly, the atmosphere changes when the royals arrive and she is -- that's the top of the top of the top. and she's 9. and i'm like, how do you even
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stay awake that long? but she's fabulous. so, yeah, the nerves kind of kicked in a little extra before that, but i felt very honored to be there. >> that's understandable to have some nerves when performing there at the queen's 92nd birthday. you've been open about some of the perm struggles you have gone through. i just wonder do you have advice for someone going through the same thing you went through. >> which bit? >> any bit. >> my own personal drama. >> did music help you through that? how does music help you cope? >> well, making this album was just a place of solace and discovery. i love to be in the studio getting things off my chest saying what i want to say or needed to say. so, yeah, i mean if you're having a problem, the good thing is to talk about it. get it out of your system. >> get it out of your system is right. and we want to talk about your album, it's named "golden." >> it is. [ applause ] >> there you go. a big gold case. >> can i tell you how exciting that is? i'm like, that's my album cover in times square. it's cool. >> it also has special meaning. the name. tell us about that. >> well, i'm 49 11/12. i can only say that for a minute
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longer. so this year's my 50th birthday coming up next month. but last time i was doing the album promo it was so many questions about my age in this industry and i just, a, i was bored of it, b, irritated and, c, i didn't know what the answer was. so "golden" is -- i mean, it's symbolic of many things. but it just means, we're not young, we're not old. we're golden. just be golden wherefore you are in your life. in your timeline. or where you happen to be emotionally. or things are god or bad, try to be strong and shine. >> i'm golden then. >> you look golden to me. >> we are all -- i like that i like that. >> you're exuding golden. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> you're on the cover of "vogue australia." >> yeah. >> and have a big performance in new york coming up. >> i'm performing at pride. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know how to prepare for that. >> and you have so many super fans. so devoted to you. we have actually have seven of them backstage.
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they think they're going to compete. we're going to surprise them. they think they're competing for one of them to meet kylie. we're all -- they're all going to meet -- >> let's do this. okay. >> let's see what they got. >> oh, boy. >> i can't wait to see this with you. ♪ boy, it's more than i dare to think about ♪ ♪ every night >> way to perform, you guys. great job. >> hello. ♪ won't you stay >> everybody. >> he's left out. he's feeling left out. >> i'm crashing the party. only one of you thought you would meet kylie. all seven of you met kylie. keep it going. while they keep on singing, i'm going to throw it to rob.
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>> nice work. we got some superfans out here, too. rain is starting to fall. look at this sign right here. okay. you knew it was going to rain. sorry, steve, something about your boss. sorry, steve, i had to be here. they made me, a.c.t. tours is the best place to work. you're such a nice boss. oh, gosh, stop the shameless plugs now. hopefully that saved your job. here's the pollen report brought to you -- sponsored by claritin. get out to new york botanical gardens where the trees are blooming as well in new york and pollen at least some of the hardwoods are seeing some issue, oak, birch, maple. across the midsection of the country. pollen count will be higher in new york this weekend. the grasses, of course, are going nuts across parts of the south. the worst cities are boise, kansas city for the trees and waco, texas, as well with the grass. do we have a waco, texas? all right. oh, houston, hello, texas. there you go, michael. time now for a look at your local weather fo
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good morning. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. my accuweather 12-hour day planner shows cloudy conditions with increasing sunshine throughout the day and temperatures still below average. a chance of some random, light showca >> all right. you guys ready for kylie minogue? we're ready. up next live on "gma," kylie minogue. stay right there. ♪ "gma's" pollen report sponsored by nondrowsy 24-hour claritin. live claritin clear.
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we hear you. we feel you. we're with you. the new that's putting the "g" in good. [ cheers and applause ] we're back now on "gma" on this friday morning with kylie minogue. performing her new single. this is "dancing." [ applause ] ♪ >> yeah. >> you feel good this morning? [ applause ] ♪ no one wants to stay at home nobody wants to be alone ♪ ♪ when you come knocking i'll be at your door i don't ever wanna stop ♪ ♪ i'm gonna give it all i've got and when they ask me who could ask for more ♪ ♪ can't stand still i won't slow down ♪ ♪ when i go out i wanna go out
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dang dancing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ♪ ♪ when i go out i wanna go out dancing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah i wanna go out dancing ♪ ♪ i wanna go out i wanna go out dancing ♪ ♪ this is where i wanna be with you your arms wrapped around me ♪ ♪ and fireworks reflecting in your eyes this is how i wanna feel ♪ ♪ the wow the kiss the music reeling getting down riding all the highs ♪ ♪ can't stand still i won't slow down ♪ ♪ when i go out i wanna go out dancing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ♪ ♪ whoa oh
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♪ when i go out i wanna go out dancing ♪ ♪ ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah i want that do out dancing ♪ ♪ i wanna go out i wanna go out dancing ♪ ♪ everybody's got a story let it be your blaze of glory ♪ ♪ burning bright never fade away ♪ ♪ and when the final curtain falls we could say we did it all the never ending of a perfect day ♪ >> come on! ♪ can't stand still can't stand still ♪ ♪ i won't slow down won't slow down ♪ ♪ when i go out i wanna go out dancing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ♪ ♪ when i go out i wanna go out dancing ah ah ah ah ah ah
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big thanks to kylie minogue. she's going to play us off into the weekend because you can see we're just running on here because the weekend has started. we're having some fun and go into the weekend dancing. >> thank you, kylie. >> kylie will play us off or keep us or stop me from falling. that's your song. gone fa stop me from falling. ? i got you. >> a trust fall. kylie minogue, everybody. [ applause ] ♪ >> hope you all have a great weekend this weekend. ♪ somehow we've always been together but never got together i never felt the pressure till
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now ♪ ♪ there's something in the air i'm here and you're just there ♪ ♪ i can't pretend that i don't care ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ one day i might get it right ♪ am i ready for tonight yeah caught caught amber lights still can't get you off my mind ♪ ♪ don't know how i don't know where but we're becoming more than friends ♪ ♪ getting closer to the edge stop me from falling ♪ ♪ should have seen the warning signs now i'm running out of time ♪ ♪ i don't want to cross the line stop me from falling ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ stop me from falling ♪ stop me from falling
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i'm natasha zouves from "abc7 mornings." the weekend is almost upon us and meteorologist mike nicco is back with that forecast. hey, mike. >> hi, natasha. hi, everybody. so is the chance of light showers, but they'll be light and they'll be tomorrow and sunday. not a game-changer. to the beaches, mid-to-upper 50s with a little bit of sunshine. everybody else just kind of cool today with temperatures running in mainly the 50s along san francisco and the coast. the rest of us in the low to upper 60s. alexis? okay, taking a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, plenty of sunshine and thinning out a little bit, but metering lights are still on. for the most part, though, incident-free right now. checking out decent drive times. eight minutes southbound across golden gate bridge, 14 across the bay bridge and another 14 still in the green for san mateo. >> we like that friday light. thank you, alexis. time now for "live with kelly and ryan" and we'll be back at 11:00 a.m. for the "abc7 midday news." our reporting continues on our
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the film "the week of," adam sandler. and star of the series "colony," josh holloway. we wrap up "live"'s beauty week with a look at microblading. plus, ryan gives us a special behind-the-scenes look at "american idol" ." all next on "live!" and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ryan: what do you think?
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