tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 2, 2018 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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all of us for joining us. on jimmy kimmel, mike >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mike myers. from "deadpool 2," zazie beetz. and music from sugarland. and now, once more, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: my there i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. welcome to hollywood. magic happens every day. very nice.
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i had a funny thing happen. here's something from my life. i was driving my daughter to school this morning, preschool. she's 3 1/2. she's in the back seat. and she asked me, she's looking at her clothes, she says, dad, are is they socks or leggings? so i turned around, i try to look at them, i see what she has on, she has socks that come up to around over her calf. i say, they're socks, long socks. she's quiet for a second, she says, "no, they're not, they're leggings." so why did -- anyway, that's my life in a nutshell. [ laughter ] that and keeping track of the child who's running our country right now. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i feel like we're now acclimated to craziness happening every day. this morning on twitter president trump, did you know he has a twitter account? [ laughter ] okay. this morning, after "the washington post" reported that special counsel robert mueller is floating the idea of
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subpoenaing the president, so after that, trump ominously tweeted a quote from a former u.s. attorney who said, the president has unfettered power to fire anyone. and then another tweet he threatened to use the powers granted the presidency to stop this investigation if it keeps going much longer. i guess some people are okay with that. with the president threatening to squash an ongoing investigation into his own, possibly illegal, actions. but hey, you know what democracy had a good run, and maybe it's time for to us try something else. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] don't want to get all clingy. but every day it's -- trump lost another lawyer today. ty cobb, who's the main man dealing with the special counsel for all this time, decided, that's it, i'm retiring. and the guy stepping in for him is best known for being one of bill clinton's impeachment lawyers. his name is emmett flood. when your lawyer is named after a natural disaster, you know you're in good hands.
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[ laughter ] but ty cobb is now out. and emmitt flood is in. at this point, there are more trump lawyers than there are avengers. there are a lot. [ laughter ] but the president was all smiles in public today at the swearing-in of his new secretary of state, mike pompeo. so we slowed him down to half speed for tonight's self-congratulatory edition of "drunk donald trump." [ tape playing very slowly ] >> and as you all heard, he entered at ended a ee ee eed --d up graduating first in his class. you know, i heard that rumor a long time ago. i that is it was a rumor. you know, he was first. and i've heard it so many times, i've also heard i was first in my class at wharton school of law.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he heard that from himself, full disclosure. facebook, by the way, is working on a new way to connect us. and not with shady political operatives this time. facebook is preparing to launch a new dating feature. have you heard about this? . ceo of facebook, mark zuckerberg, said he wants to help create meaningful, long-term relationships. as they're known internally at facebook, human interaction agreements with optional intimacy claumss. [ laughter ] i think mark zuckerberg was like, you know what, maybe if we get people laid they'll forget about all the stolen data. [ laughter ] don't we have enough online dating? i mean, no one goes on facebook to date. you go on facebook to stalk people you used to date. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i have a vision of the future and it is this. in the future, facebook will tell you who to marry, then amazon will deliver them to your house. [ laughter ] this is good. this is from --
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[ laughter ] thanks, everybody. this is from the nba on tnt last night. at halftime, charles barkley had some unfriendly words for golden state warrior draymond green. >> as they went to the locker rooms, some friendly chatter between rajon rondo and draymond green. >> that's what you want to call it? >> what do you want to call it, chuckster? >> i just want somebody to punch him in the face. >> which one? i really do. punch him in the face. >> you don't like draymond? >> i want somebody to punch him in the face. i want to punch his ass in the face, i do. >> why? why does he have you upset? >> that's a good question. >> i didn't ask you do you want to punch him, i said why? >> dude, dude, chuck get like that, leave him alone. >> jimmy: when shaq gets nervous, everyone should be nervous. [ laughter ] of course when draymond sat down for the postgame press conference, reporters filled him in and asked for his reaction.
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>> i've heard a lot of guys talk on tv, stand behind a microphone, tv screen. fact of the matter is, if you feel that strongly about something, he's seep me a million times. you feel that strongly about it, punch me in my face when you see me. if you're not going to punch me in my face when you see me, shut up. it's no different than somebody behind a computer screen tweeting, i'll knock you out, and you never see them in life. he's seen me a bunch of times, he'll see me again this year. punch me in the face when you see me, no one cares what you would have done. you own it. don't punch me when you see me, stop talking about it. period. drop the mike. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is what happens when you eat a man's sandwich out of the fridge at work, tempers flare. we may need to send december necessary rodman to broker peace. dennis rodman's friend, kim
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jong-un, is experiencing unprecedented popularity right now after he hugged it out with the president of south korea last week. according to a new poll, 78% of south koreans say they trust kim jong-un. 78%. a month and a half ago his approval rating in south korea was 10%. now it's 78%. see, this is what happens when you poll people who have missiles pointed directly at their homes. [ laughter ] don't anyone tell donald trump about that. this is a nutty story. remember during the campaign trump's doctor with the hair wrote that letter that said, here's the letter, if elected mr. trump i can state unequivocally will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. and it seemed like a sentence like that could only come from donald trump. well, turns out -- it did come from donald trump. [ laughter ] dr. bornstein now says the president dictated the letter directly to him. so he is a dictator. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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he was in the car and trump dictated what he wanted him to write. he says trump even dictated things he refused to include in the letter, which means that was the toned-down version that we saw. [ laughter ] the reason dr. bornstein is speaking out is because he claims trump's former bodyguard and a couple of other characters raided his office in february of last year. he said they swooped in unannounced and took the president's medical records and even made him take -- he had a picture of himself with donald trump on the wall, they made him take it down. the white house claims this was not a raid, they say it was standard operating procedure. but bornstein said he felt raped, frightened and sad. so really, it comes down to, which one of these comb-overs do you trust? [ laughter ] i mean, the doctor or the -- [ applause ] i don't know, i have to say -- i'm actually happy to see dr. bornstein back. i always love when a fun character from season 1 pops up unexpectedly. [ laughter ]
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and we are very fortunate tonight because dr. bornstein has agreed to speak to us live from his office in new york city. and hello, dr. bornstein, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me, jim-bo. may i say in the long history of talk show hosts you are unequivocally the most vertical a virile and -- >> i don't know how you'd know that but thank you. >> do you need any pills, popper, upper, downers? >> jimmy: no, but -- >> that bald spot, still bothering you? >> jimmy: it's not really a bald spot -- >> how are the erecs? nice and firm? need any bone us in? >> jimmy: you asked me that already, i don't need anything for that. i wanted to ask about this story trump's goons ransacked your office and stole your files. is that true? because they are saying that didn't happen. >> jim-bala, do i look like a liar? >> jimmy: no, you don't, no. >> no, i look like a troll.
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[ laughter ] which hurts less when i say it first. >> jimmy: now supposedly the reason they went after these records is because they didn't want anyone to have evidence that trump ud propitia for hair loss, dawn that's true? >> slim jim, come on do you think it was just propitia? >> jimmy: was it something else, was it not that? >> i'm not at liberty to discuss his private medical situation, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh. oh, i see, okay. is it -- a sexually transmitted disease? [ laughter ] chlamydia, maybe? >> you're getting warmer, kid. >> jimmy: gonorrhea? >> you're red hot. >> jimmy: hepatitis? >> house on fire, house on fire. >> jimmy: crabs? is it crabs? >> you're getting colder. >> jimmy: oh. something else, interesting. >> think, jim-othy. >> jimmy: i'm thinking, i don't know of any others. rabies -- are you vaping? >> not one bit. think, jim, think. >> jimmy: is it syphilis?
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>> hooay! this is not a painted pony. >> jimmy: wait a minute, are you saying they invaded your office to cover up evidence the president is suffering from syphilis? >> jimmy-cakes, i can't comment on a former patient's medical condition. that's private information, you should know that. >> see. this could be very profoundly important -- doctor, are you huffing? >> yes, but it's just with solvents, that's all. >> jimmy: oh, okay. well, you know what, i can see you're very busy. i want to say, thank you, dr. bornstein, for being a part of this tonight and talking to us. >> dr. harold bornstein, 204 fifth avenue, new york, new york, i take all insurance. jim-bo, do you need boner pills? >> jimmy: no, i don't. >> all right, follow me on twitter. >> jimmy: all right, we'll follow you on twitter. that's dr. harold bornstein. all right, we have a good show tonight. music from sugar land, from "dead pool 2" zazie beets is
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the powerful backing of american express. because antonio villaraigosa millions got it he defended women's healthcare, banned military-style assault weapons, banned workplace discrimination, and more. antonio for governor. hi there, welcome back to the show. tonight, you know her from "atlanta," not the city, the show, she's a big part of the movie "deadpool 2," zassy beets is here tonight. then a grammy award-winning do you woe woe, sugar land from the mercedes-benz stage.
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tomorrow night bill hader and senator cory booker. our first guest is a canadian man of mystery who like the devil himself takes on many forms. his latest is as tommy maitland, real fake host of "the gong show." >> all right, then, who's the cheeky monkey? >> you are! >> no, you are! and that's why i live you. hello, everyone, i'm tommy maitland. i'm so delighted to be your host for the triumphant return of "the gong show." >> season 2 of "the gong show" premieres june 21st here on abc. please welcome mike myers! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm great. >> jimmy: it's good to see -- [ cheers and applause ] it's very good to see you. the last time you were here, you were -- >> sorry. >> jimmy: -- fully in character as tommy maitland. it's okay to call it a character? >> it's called an offering. no it's totally fine to call ate character, yes. >> jimmy: i'm curious, i know will arnett is one of the executive producers of the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and will, did he pitch this to you? or did you pitch this to him? >> i pitched it to him. i got a call, do you want to be the host of "the gong show"? and i loved "the gong show." i'm an old punk rocker. and to me that show was punk rock. >> jimmy: really? interesting. >> yeah. these different acts, they get in, they get out, somebody gets hurt. [ laughter ] my favorite thing. and it's very british. it's a very english thing. >> jimmy: in what way is it a
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very english thing, "the gong show"? >> because variety is kind what was english people love. there's a love of eccentricity in england. i was on a comedy circuit, in england, where one of the guys, he was called melted 69. and his act was to melt a block of ice 69 different ways. and i was like, that's going to be crazy. and then he had a countdown clock. 57, 58 -- come on melt that block! and he totally got into it. when they said, do you want to host it? i said, yeah, but i thought, he should be english. this is an english idiom. there's a unique thing in britain where they are television presenters. >> jimmy: presenters. >> presenters. my cousins in liverpool, what do you want to be in when you grow up? i want to be a television presenter. oh, yeah, i'd like to be a television presenter. i'm like, okay, that's an odd job. you want to be an actor? no. just a presenter. >> jimmy: here we call them hosts or emcees or something like that.
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so you pitched this idea that, okay, it's going to be me but you can't use the name mike myers, you have to use a name nobody knows. >> i was happy for them to use the name mike myers, i just wanted to do something for shizzies and gizzies. >> jimmy: i see. >> something just for funsies. i thought, what's not happening right now? somebody pretending to are -- you know how garth brooks was chris gains. >> jimmy: that's right, he was. >> i just wanted it to be a fun, crazy thing. and i have to say, will was like, yes, that was great. great idea, it's crazy, i like it. and rob mills at abc and mike jacobs at sony were like, yeah, sounds great. all right, then, i'm in, which i was thrilled. then it got out. and i thought i would look insane if i was like, no, that's not me. and the picture's of me. >> jimmy: i'm going to be on the show, i hope as a judge. they didn't tell me if i was there to be gonged or to gong
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others. >> you're going to melt a block of ice 69 ways. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you know what i'm doing on the show? >> yes. >> jimmy: i'm going to melt a block of ice one way, it's just going to be the air in the room. we're going to sit there and watch a block of ice melt for maybe 11 hours. as long as it takes. [ cheers and applause ] only melting one! >> will was fantastic, great host. >> jimmy: yeah. >> will was like, i really want you to like come at me, mike. i want you to take me on. i want to be your punching bag. say anything you want. so i thought, that's great. i was like, as tommy, our next celebrity judge is will arnett, a cross between george hamilton and a crest whitestrip. then afterwards he came up to me and went, that was kind of harsh. what's that about? [ laughter ] what did i do to you, tommy? >> jimmy: he's calling you tommy too. >> yeah, well -- >> jimmy: will's a very tan man
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and he has to expect that and he does have beautifully white teeth. i'll tell you something about will. on a number of occasions i've accused him of getting a spray tan. he insists that he doesn't and he will let you look at his feet which he says is the way to prove that you did not have a spray tan. >> that's not why he's having you look at his feet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh my god. >> cuckoo! >> jimmy: this is a terrible segue. your friend and costar, vern troyer, passed away a couple of weeks ago. and you spoke at a service for him. >> i did not speak. i bewent to a service. nobody spoke. the most amazing thing. ve verne was a fantastic human being. and -- yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you worked with him a long time, i worked with him a long time, a great comedian. i always want to make that point. as written, mini me is almost a prop. but he brought it up off the page. better than written. we ended up giving him more and more stuff to do.
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but a great physical comedian. a great dancer. just a fantastic guy. at the memorial they played -- he died at 49. he wasn't supposed to live past his teens. and -- you saw 150 years' worth of life in this photo montage. everybody was just watching this thing. you know, he went everywhere. to venice, vatican city. i went to the white house, president obama's white house -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] anyways. because it was a state dinner for justin trudeau of canada at the white house. [ cheers and applause ] who is a god, that man. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> he's humgy. >> jimmy: yes, he is. >> and he's our pm. and i went, i met president obama, and he said, mike, so glad to see you, how's mini me? >> jimmy: he did? >> yeah. and i said, he's great. then i met trudeau.
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he said, hey, buddy, how's it going? he said, how's mini me? and i -- i thought, he just -- verne brought so much love to people, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: the leaders of these countries are asking about him. >> it's crazy. everywhere i've been in the world, people are like, bonjour, ca sa mini me? i can do other accents too. >> jimmy: you said vatican city, did verne meet the pope? >> i don't know if he met the pope. i'm saying he would literally go to a country and say, i'd love to do some charity work. >> jimmy: i love hearing that you had a real relationship with him. you never know. you see people in movies together, a lot of the time they just never really -- that's it, you do the movie, you move on. >> no, he was -- verne was very small. >> jimmy: i did notice that. that was one of the first things i noticed about him. [ light laughter ] >> reporter: y >> you see him, wow, that is a small human. at the end of the day, you just
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saw verne, it went away. sweet, he was just part of the cast, fantastic. >> jimmy: that's very sweet. you mentions the prime minister. you have a pin here on your lapel. >> oh, this thing? >> jimmy: what's that represent? >> that is the order of canada. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there's no way to know what that means. this is an award that -- >> it is canada's highest civilian honor, dare i say it. >> jimmy: who are some of the other luminaries who have received this award? >> william shatner, lorne michaels, danny aykroyd -- oh god -- paul shaffer has received it -- >> martin short? >> martin short has received it, yes. >> jimmy: i can't believe alex true beck. >> who is alex true beck? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's the host of -- oh, i see what you're saying, never mind. >> yes, yes. oh, i see what you're doing. pretend to not know.
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oh, no -- >> jimmy: we'll recess, take a break. mike myers is here. "the gong show" returns on june 51st. we'll be right back. >> jimmy: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by the american red cross. help sound the alarm about home fires by doing the wake-up challenge. e more productive. i'm creating mood boards. i'm editing content. or i'm running around new york with a huge bouquet of balloons. so having a light laptop is a game changer. plus the battery life on the surface lives forever. my blog is sometimes about fashion, sometimes about sprinkles. it's usually always about color. find what makes you different, because that sets you apart from everyone else.
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>> jimmy: we are back with mike myers. he is the host, in character, as tommy maitland, of "the gong show." i wonder how people watch that show and have no idea it's you. >> many, actually. which is a lovely thing. i had friends from toronto -- [ cheers and applause ] who had come down to los angeles to watch it. it was still a secret at that time that i was tommy maitland. and they turned to my friends from toronto and went, "you know, i've been a big fan of tommy for years." "it's just great to see him out again." "i used to watch him on bbc." >> jimmy: that's pretty funny. >> yes! ? your parents were from england? >> liverpool, yeah. >> jimmy: do you have any family that lives there still in. >> tons of people in liverpool, there's like six faces in liverpool and i have one of them. >> jimmy: is that right. >> i think i have the george harrison. but when i did premiere of "wayne's world 2," we did it in liverpool. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much.
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and i did a speech and i looked out there and i was one-fifth of the audience i looked like i was related to. the mayor came out and was like, hi, how are you? then the cop who did the motorcade was like, right this way, mr. myers. you know, so just -- very from liverpool. >> jimmy: like a weird mike myers comedy sketch where everyone's got a mike face. >> or your worst nightmare. >> jimmy: it could be that too. >> really depends. >> jimmy: you life in new york? >> i live in new york, i'm out here in los angeles. >> jimmy: do you have a house out here? >> i don't. you know, it's fun to come to the circus but you don't want to live there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why, what strikes you as odd about this city? it seems very normal. >> it's so normal, isn't it? no, i'm -- i'm very canadian, at the end of the day. [ cheers and applause ] and, you know, i was in my hotel room in los angeles, i went down -- one day i was like, i'm going to go down to the bar and have a drink, i'm in los angeles. and i never see any celebrities in new york, ever.
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and i went down to the bar. found a quiet place. there was nobody in there. somebody tapped me on the shoulder, it was matthew mcconaughey. it was like, oh my god, what a cliche, i'm in los angeles. lovely man. so incredible. he's like, i'm going to do a texas accent -- sorry, texas. it's like, y'all staying here by yourself? why don't you come and join? right? i'm sure he doesn't sound like -- >> jimmy: no, he doesn't sound anything like. [ laughter ] your will arnett was spot-on, though. >> foghorn leghorn. i don't know. america's so far from canada. >> jimmy: it is, yeah. he tapped you on the shoulder? >> come and join my wife, camilla. and i was like, oh, no, i'm good. he comes by, they're lovely. we start talking about kids. i have three kids now. 6, 4, and 2. [ cheers and applause ] yes. and they said that they're in los angeles staying at this hotel that i'm staying at to
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have a couple's weekend. >> jimmy: a little getaway. >> it's impossible when you have three kids. >> jimmy: right, right. >> yeah. so i said, oh, no, i'm good, blah, blah, blah. because i don't, you know -- when you have three kids you don't get to drink that much. so i had two drinks and i was loaded. i'm going back up to the room now. and they said, so are we. right? and i thought -- [ light laughter ] okay. okay. and so we're walking through the lobby. i thought, i won't ride in the elevator with them, i don't want them to think that i'm a swinger or something. [ laughter ] so i said, well, me, i'm just going to buy a magazine. nothing's open. they said, well, ride in the elevator with us. it's the world's smallest elevator. it's like a moving mri. and it's like i'm in there. they're all like lovey-dovey. they were going to the sixth floor and i was on the sixth floor.
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so they did the button. they're like, what floor are you going to, buddy? and i'm like, six. and then they get out of the elevator, their room's right there. and then they said, what room number are you in? i'm like, oh, no. 69. [ laughter ] and i thought, they must have some swinger code or whatever. he didn't know what to say. heaves a super lovely guy so he just went, "yeah, baby." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i'm canadian. i was like, yeah. >> jimmy: what's better than that? >> went back to my room that you can see their room and i wanted to go see, i really am staying there! i thought they'd be like, i'm looking at them or something. >> jimmy: you were. >> tonight's episode of "the accidental pervert." >> jimmy: you were on the balcony -- >> sharing a glass of wine, i'm like, hi! i'm really staying here! i'm not stalking you!
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and just -- i can't do anything. >> jimmy: you know, when matt's here next time i'm going to get his side of the story. >> matt is it. matt. >> jimmy: yes, we're very friendly. it's great to see you, mike. not michael, mike. >> yes. >> jimmy: very good to see you. thank you for coming. "the gong show," i'll see you at "the gong show." it premieres on june 21st, the second season, 8:00 p.m. here on abc. mike myers, everybody! be right back. be right back. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... . ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back. zas very beats and music from sugar land is on the way. first to raise awareness about the importance of smoke alarms, the american red cross is issuing "the wake up challenge." you record yourself waking up a loved one in a creative way. it's a fun prank for a great cause, so i asked some of my staff members to give it a shot. [ cymbals clanging ] >> what did you -- gary! what are you doing? >> it's for the red cross thing. [ trumpet blowing ]
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[ rattling ] [ jazz music playing ] >> are you up? wake up! >> aahh, aahh! why the [ bleep ] did you do that? >> now it's my turn. follow low me. wake up! >> aah! thanks, red cross. >> dicky: help the american red cross sound the alarm about home fires by doing the "wakeupchallenge" and donate at to install free smoke alarms and help fire victims. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with zazie beetz!
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we need to help more tocalifornians get ahead.d, that's why antonio villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments in public schools... and new career training programs. as mayor of la, he brought police and residents together to get illegal guns off the streets and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california.
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>> jimmy: our next guest is part german, part american, and now part mutant too. she plays domino in the highly anticipated sequel "deadpool 2." >> we're going to lose them. drop it in. it's cable. >> new plan, use all of your imaginary powers to stop cable from killing! >> where is he? i can't see him. >> he's on top of you. he's going in through the back. oh, god, he's inside! >> you hear yourself, right? >> accidental double entendre! got it. no, i don't. >> jimmy: "deadpool 2" opens may 18th. please welcome zazie beetz! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. thanks for coming. that was funny.
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>> thank you. >> jimmy: what kind of a name is zazi? it sounds dr. seussy. >> oh, well it's french. french. my dad saw the movie, adapted from a book, the movie version was dubbed into german where they pronounce it zaz-sie. >> jimmy: they went with the wrong pronunciation of the name? >> the wrong one. >> jimmy: you have to deal with this all the time. >> yeah, it's my -- >> jimmy: it's my gift. >> my gift, my blessing, alba trols. >> jimmy: your last name beats, do you get free headphones? >> so many people have suggested i enter into the music industry. but i did guitar when i was 10 and that was it. >> jimmy: you don't have to be good at music to be in the music industry, though. [ laughter ] >> you're right. >> jimmy: did you grow up in germany? >> i grew up mostly in new york.
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>> jimmy: in new york. >> i was born in germany. then i was there for a year. then we went back. back and forth. i did preschool there. so from 4 to 5. and then i came back to the states and started like school here. >> jimmy: i see, i gotcha. okay, so your dad is from there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he's german, your dad. >> yeah, from east germany. >> jimmy: you know, americans have a perception of germans as being serious, maybe cold. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: do you feel like that's accurate? >> yeah, no, i completely agree with you. [ laughter ] they are -- they are colder. and i think it's a really -- i think, though, it comes more from like -- they're more genuine, maybe. you know, like if you go to a party or something, they won't pretend to like you until they actually do. >> jimmy: until they actually do like you. >> which i think the american way is more of like a feigning, like oh my god, jimmy!
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>> jimmy: right. >> we've never met before! >> jimmy: are you telling me these people at the parties don't really like me? [ laughter ] >> it's taken you this long to figure that out. >> jimmy: oh my god, no wonder i don't get invited out. so okay, that's interesting. is there -- on the other side, do germans have a preconception about americans in the same way that we have? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and what -- >> i mean, i think there's always a standard thing of like, oh, mcdonald's. oh, you like starbucks. whatever. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> then also the fact that we are very -- that we're like gregarious. kind of big and nice. like when my dad came here for the first time, he got really agitated at how friendly everybody was towards him. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, because he thought they were -- he was like, this is unnecessary, like why are you saying thank you? >> jimmy: unnecessary. >> and now he's been here so long that he's kind of -- he's switched camps. so now he's on our team.
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>> jimmy: he's on the nice side now. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he sees it as necessary? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, that's good, i guess. that's good. we turned another one over. "deadpool" obviously was a monster, monster hit. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: to be in the sequel to this movie, i assume you'd seen the original. you've seen the original? >> i did, i did. >> jimmy: did you see it before you knew you were going to be involved in the sequel? you didn't. you went back and watched it. >> i did. >> jimmy: i would have asked that at the audition, then you're out! it's the german in me. [ laughter ] so you're a part of this movie which is a very big deal. and i know this, to me, this is insane. that josh brolin is the villain in both that movie and "avengers: infinity war." is nobody checking things out? what's going on? >> i don't know, maybe he's discovering something about himself. >> jimmy: maybe. yeah, maybe people dislike him so intensely that they decided to make him the villain in a
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series of films. >> i know. i think -- i mean, in this one, there's a lot of heart to it, too. >> jimmy: you play domino. what are her powers? >> she's lucky. >> jimmy: lucky. >> domino -- >> jimmy: that's got to be the best power to have, right? >> it is. i think because it serves you in all ways. you're just kind of in a way better at everything. everything just works better. i kind of -- like i never really get like hurt because i'm just sort of -- it just works out. >> jimmy: lucky. >> yeah. she can warp probability in her favor. and only for her, for no one else around her. >> jimmy: i see, oh, really, only for her. >> a selfish power. >> jimmy: that's interesting. yeah, and that's -- yeah, that's kind of a great power. i never heard of anything like that before. >> yeah. i think that's also for a lot of -- i think that ends up being kind of like a conversation point of like, is it really a power? >> jimmy: yeah,
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank mike myers, zazie beetz, and apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. their album is called "bigger." here with the song "still the same," sugarland! ♪ ♪ where do we start about right here where we are you've been careless waiting around ♪ ♪ walk in the door and lay it down life goes fast it's been a while ♪ ♪ i have to ask where have you been
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how did that feel where are we now ♪ ♪ cause that's what's real all the space and the time between us man you should've seen us ♪ ♪ this ain't no mystery our future is our history i feel alive and can we try ♪ ♪ to leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change i love you still the same ♪ ♪ still the same still the same and here we are here we are ♪ ♪ we've come so far let's leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change ♪ ♪ i love you still the same still the same still the same what comes next ♪ ♪ we don't know we're not there yet but i bet it's gonna shine brighter ♪ ♪ than all we left behind in the room in the blanket ♪ ♪ now it's like we never went a day without it pick it back up where we left off ♪
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♪ this is lift off i feel alive and we try ♪ ♪ to leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change i love you still the same ♪ ♪ still the same still the same and here we are here we are ♪ ♪ we've come so far let's leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change ♪ ♪ i love you still the same still the same still the same ooh ♪ ♪ ooh watch you spinning ooh ooh ♪ ♪ jump right in ooh ooh let's begin ♪ ♪ we can see don't have to be a big step just imagine ♪ ♪ take a breath let it happen when i hear you laugh it sets me free ♪ ♪ it sets me free i feel alive
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and can we try to leave it better ♪ ♪ than how it came don't be afraid to change i love you still the same still the same ♪ and here we are here we are ♪ let's leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change i love you still the same ♪ ♪ still the same still the same i feel alive here we are ♪ ♪ and can we try to leave it better than how it came don't be afraid to change ♪ ♪ i love you still the same still the same still the same ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you!
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>> tonight, breaking news. the president's lawyer, former mayor rudy giuliani, making a surprising revelation on fox news. about that $130,000 payment to porn star stormy daniels. did the president break the law? plus kanye versus the people. ♪ make america great again >> the battle building over freedom of thought and the obligations of a black cultural icon. >> you hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years? that sound like a choice. >> after kanye's comments, the tmz staffer who stood up, speaking up about their fiery face-off. >> he was so off-base on what he said about slavery. we're on the hunt for a
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