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tv   World News Now  ABC  May 7, 2018 2:30am-4:00am PDT

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> good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here are some of the top stories we're following on this monday on "world news now." at least 26 homes have been destroyed by the volcano in hawaii. and sulfur dioxide gas is coming from the vents opening up. giuliani says he doesn't know if stormy daniels was the only woman paid off. and the man accused of killing people at a waffle house outside nashville comes to his first court appearance today. police lost precious time because they were dispatched to the wrong waffle house.
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and lebron james will try to follow up his game-winning heroics as they go for a sweep against toronto. james' last second shot saturday night gave the cavs a three game to zero lead over the raptors. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> of course raptors' number one fan is drake. we're going to start in the pacific and that disaster unfolding in hawaii. >> lava from the kilauea volcano has destroyed at least 26 homes and four other buildings on the big island and toxic gas is threatening the area. those who have evacuated may never be able to return. >> many grabbed what they could, pets, medicine, photos, keepsakes.
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>> the volcano is showing no signs of slowing down. richard cantu with more. >> reporter: in hawaii, clouds of ash spewing hundreds of feet into the sky. a smoldering crater filled with lava, scorching the earth. >> it's bad. it's all toxic gases. the level of lava that is coming out of the fissure is bad. the volume of lava is bad. i mean, this whole thing is a bad situation. >> reporter: at least 1800 people forced to evacuate from two neighborhoods. >> just want to cry. last night we went to bed with the news, and this morning just shot it all. >> what was the good news? >> that we might be able to get in. >> and then? >> dream shattered. >> reporter: the biggest concern, sulfur dioxide, pouring into the air engulfing the neighborhood.
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>> still shock and memories. seeing these homes, now covered in ten feet of lava. >> reporter: lava spewing onto residents. authorities are bracing for more eruptions after friday's 6.9 magnitude earthquake. the largest to hit hawaii in more than 40 years. richard cantu, abc news, new york. and rudy giuliani is mounting his defense of president trump on abc news. he raised the possibility of the president pleading the fifth in the russia investigation and raising new questions about the stormy daniels payoff. tara palmieri has more. >> reporter: one of the president's top lawyers, rudy giuliani, trying to do damage control, facing growing questions about when trump knew about the $130,000 hush payment
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to stormy daniels. >> when did the president first learn about the payment? >> don't know and it doesn't matter to me. >> reporter: he revealed the president repaid michael cohen. >> the president repaid him. >> oh, i didn't know he did. >> everybody was nervous about this from the very beginning. i wasn't. cohen didn't even ask. cohen made it go away. he did his job. >> reporter: on this week with george, giuliani short on facts. >> so the president did know about this after the campaign. >> can't say that. at some point, yes, but it could have been recently or a while back. those are the facts we're still working on. i'm at the point where i'm still learning. >> why did the president deny any knowledge of the payments when in fact he had made the payments? >> i don't know when the president learned about it. he could have learned about it after. >> reporter: then giuliani making a stunning statement, that there may be payments to other women.
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>> did michael cohen make payments to other women for the president? >> i have no knowledge of that, but i would think if it were necessary, yes. >> reporter: attorney for stormy daniels, michael avenatti firing back. >> he had a slush fund administered by michael cohen and he would be expected to take care of these things. >> reporter: now white house officials trying to explain the denial that he knew of the payment to daniels. >> did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? >> a very fascinating exchange. he's saying he didn't know about it when the payment occurred. he found out about it after the fact. >> reporter: stormy herself making a surprise appearance on snl and issuing a warning. >> i know you don't believe in climate change, but a storm's acoming, baby. >> reporter: he claims it was a personal matter to protect the president's family and not against the law.
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tara palmieri, the white house. the first couple is reportedly leading separate lives inside the white house. aides and friends tell the "washington post" the president and first lady have their own bedrooms, often don't eat together and mrs. trump rarely steps foot in the west wing. she's making a rare public appearance today to formally announce her platform. she plans to focus on children's issues including cyber bullying. did you notice it was a quiet weekend on the twitter machine? >> yes. >> the president hasn't tweeted since friday. >> are we sure the account didn't get shut down? >> twitter asked everybody to reset their passwords. so perhaps he forgot his password. >> ah, that might be it.
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>> strangely quiet. the white house is supporting the nomination for cia. >> there were reports she was ready to step aside. but she is called a highly-qualified nominee. >> coming at you here from the "start here" studio where everyone is talking about gina haspel. according to the "washington post," haspel tried to get unnominated. she was reportedly worried about questions about her role in harsh interrogation programs some would call torture. i talked to john cohen. >> after the attacks of september 11th, we went down a
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path that, a significant portion of the intelligence, military and law enforcement community is very uncomfortable with. this is a part of the cia that is evoking very strong feelings amongst people. i know people who are vehemently opposed to the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. on the other hand, there are others who believe that it worked and it was necessary. so i think she's going to have a difficult time during confirmation. now she is a career cia officer. but the white house did not deny reports that she sought to withdraw her nomination. you can hear that entire conversation with john cohen on the "start here" pod cast later this morning. kendis, diane? there are new details about senator john mccain's final wishes. he's at home fighting brain cancer and has been planning his
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funeral. the "new york times" says those closest to mccain say that the current plan calls for vice president pence to attend the funeral, not the president. despite that, mccain's son-in-law says the senator is doing well. >> he's talking, chatty, walking around. look, this is a terrible disease. >> mccain has also expressed regret about choosing sarah palin instead of joe lieberman as his running mate in 2008. nearly three months after the massacre in parkland, florida, the students gathered for prom. in their prom photo, students included empty spots where their lost classmates would have been. >> an emotional day for them, no doubt. and the president of the university of florida is apologizing for the treatment some students received during graduation.
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students complained that an usher was aggressively handling students, most of them african-american, who were celebrating on stage. the spokesman says it was inappropriate and is reaching out to the students involved. here's a surprising revelation from an astronaut just back from a mission to the space station. >> joseph acaba admits he's afraid of heights. >> what? >> how? >> interesting career choice. >> he says during a spacewalk, he was holding onto a railing outside the space station. he claims it took him a while to realize he wasn't going to fall. >> that must have been an interesting visual. coming up, behind the scenes of a dystopian future. the "handmaid's tale" returns. and kim kardashian is hoping her husband's bromance with the president might help free a woman sent to prison for life for a first-time drug offense. you're watching "world news
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so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. welcome back. a woman serving a welcome back. a woman serving a sentence for a first-time drug conviction has a celebrity in her corner.
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>> that celebrity is going straight to the top to argue her case for a presidential pardon. >> reporter: for cratessa johnson, hope is coming from an unexpected source. >> i'm so excited. i'm so honored. >> reporter: reality tv star kim kardashian. >> when i found out it was kim, i was like, wow. >> reporter: alice marie johnson became involved in a drug ring in the '90s after losing her job and struggling to pay her bills. she was sentenced to life in prison in 1997 on a cocaine distribution conviction. her first ever. >> and out of desperation, i made one of the worst decisions of my life. >> reporter: so far she's served 21 years and has become a model prisoner and mentor to women. her daughter never giving up on pursuing clemency for her mother. >> i never said she deserved no time, but it's just excessive
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for what the crime was. >> reporter: according to an aclu study, there were more than 3,000 people serving life sentences for non-violent crimes just like alice. 65% of them black. last year, alice's case caught kim kardashian's eye, she tweeted an interview with her saying this is so unfair. they have been working with the trump administration. last week she discussed alice's case over the phone with jared kushner, president trump's son-in-law. >> she could have just saw the video, the article or whatever and said that's a name and went on with her life. but she didn't. she chose to get involved in a major way. >> reporter: according to a recent study, about two-thirds of women who get released from prison are arrested again within five years. if she gets released from prison alice wants to help women.
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>> thanks to alli for that reporting. 21 years. coming up, we'll take you behind the scenes of "the handmaid's tale". >> you're watching "world news now." >> praise be. america's favorite nightmare. >> you're watching "world news now." >> praise be. olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. for skin that looks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay regenerist. ageless.
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♪ you don't own me ♪ i'm not just one of your many toys ♪ ♪ you don't own me >> that move? it was just something i decided. >> what inspired you at the time. >> season two of "the handmaid's tale" is back and about to get darker. as if that's possible. but what's >> here's david wright. >> reporter: imagine what it'd be like to step inside your worst nightmare. a make-believe world you created. we're behind the scenes with author margaret atwood, visiting "the handmaid's tale."
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>> it's very strange how the dollhouse comes to life. >> reporter: it's odd to see you smiling. >> i know. i don't usually feel like laughing or smiling. >> reporter: the blockbuster drama starring elisabeth moss is in the second season. >> nine months can feel like quite a long time. >> reporter: it is set in a totalitarian regime called gilead in what used to be the u.s. in the near future after a devastating coup. >> you girls will serve the leaders of the faithful. >> reporter: the new american regime is a theocracy and oppresses women in particular. they're not allowed to read, write or think for themselves. fertile women are enslaved, forced to bear children for the ruling class, impregnated by rape. ultimately forced to turn over their babies. >> do you have a name? >> angela. >> reporter: it's as if the puritans borrowed a few ideas
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from the taliban to develop their own uniquely american caliphate. >> how do i explain this? it's impossible. can you just google it? >> reporter: margaret atwood's novel is a feminist classic. you see this as speculative fiction. >> speculative fiction is specifically, this planet could happen. we could do it, and with the "handmaid's tale", we could, because we have. >> reporter: in the first season, writers had to adapt the novel. now they're off book. atwood never wrote a sequel. >> i can't wait to see what happens at the end of that book. >> at least you know you're not going to be killed off. remember the show is so relevant, protesters have showed up as handmaids at women's marches. do you make all these things yourself? >> we make at least 90%. >> reporter: she designs the show's costumes. she designed those iconic white bonnets.
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>> you want to try it? >> reporter: can i? >> i think you have to. i have to put it on you, because it's almost a sacred moment, brother. are you ready? go like this. you feel that? >> reporter: i'll confess, i'm not much of a handmaid. you feel completely blanker. >> and the sound is different. >> reporter: the sound is different. the show is so intense, people have said it's impossible to binge watch. elisabeth moss says as important as the story is, so is the message. >> we want to tell the story of characters, we're just trying to hold up a mirror to society. >> reporter: i'm david wright, under his eye. >> praise be. >> you have the red dress. >> you can't attach that to my hair. >> it's like a facelift. >> under his eye!
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may the lord open! blessed be the fruit. >> oh, my gosh, sulfur. it. >> oh, my gosh, sulfur. test test
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♪ ♪ is there nothing sacred? >> apparently not. >> it is monday, which means there are a few things to get you caught up on. things got a little messy on the racetrack and we said good-bye again to a familiar face at abc. >> it's time for your first weekend rewind. >> next to dallas where the nra's holding its first convention since the shooting in parkland. outside, dueling protests. a rally led by a parkland father and at one point, advocates facing off against gun rights advocates. >> marjory stoneman douglas celebrated their prom, less than two months after their classmates were killed.
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>> officers flooding the south side of chicago, heavily-armed, seizing evidence, patrolling with k-9s as they search for a gunman who shot an atf agent in the face. miraculously, the injured agent expected to fully recover. >> new reporting that president trump knew about the payment to stormy daniels to ensure her silence while he continued to say he knew nothing about it. >> excuse me, excuse me. you have to -- excuse me, you take a look at what i said. you go back and take a look. >> gloria williams coming face-to-face with the girl's biological family before she learns her fate. >> i never meant to hurt you. i never meant to cause you any harm, any pain. any of that. >> the 52-year-old awaiting her sentence after pleading guilty
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to posing as a nurse and abducting newborn kamiyah mobley. >> there was a horse race yesterday. and guess who won? justify splashed his way to victory and also the national weather service declaring it the wettest on record. >> his last morning with us. i wore a dark suit. >> you always wear -- >> he's in mourning, as we all are. >> i have the tissues. >> so much fun. >> sam is saying good-bye, because ginger is saying hello. ginger returns to gma after being on maternity leave. >> welcome back, ginger. of course she had a beautiful baby boy, miles. that's it for this half hour. that's it for this half hour.
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this morning on "world news now," the state of emergency in hawaii. >> the lava flow from the this morning on "world news now," the state of emergency in hawaii. >> the lava flow from the kilauea volcano is intensifying, destroying dozens of additional homes, and we have new images coming in as lava spews hundreds of feet in the air. hear how long the eruption could last. >> and an abc news exclusive. the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, raising the idea of more payoffs to women. and a national guardsman is chased down and stabbed to death. you heard him say it. there are a lot of strange things about him. that might be true, but besides that sweet haircut, the strangest thing about you is that you've eaten more big macs than any other human on earth.
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>> challenge. >> that is of course if you truly are human. we're not exactly sure. >> what's wrong with eating a lot of big macs? >> you don't know how many he's eaten. we'll find out on this monday, may 7th. >> big macs for everyone! from abc news, this is "world news now." >> that would be the big -- that's all he's been asking for, brian being our producer, of course, extraordinaire for the show. >> i'll eat his big mac. >> we're hiring them younger and younger. at least 30 buildings, most of them homes, have been destroyed. >> the volcano is spewing lava and rocks as high as 230 feet into the air. the other big concern is the toxic sulfur dioxide in the air.
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>> marci gonzalez is there. that lava closing in behind woody nelson's child home, sending it up in flames. >> still a shock, and the memories, me and my brother in the backyard, now it's covered in ten feet of lava. >> reporter: he and his family among the 1800 people forced to evacuate on the big island. this view from above shows how far these active eruptions now stretch. nelson came back to this checkpoint, hoping to be among the hundreds allowed back in to pick up belongings, learning he was too late. others told they can't return because of the other lingering threat. the biggest concern is with the sulfur dioxide fumes in the air from the eruption. the toxic fumes engulfing the neighborhoods. the levels too high for chris to return home. and with one of the new fissures opening feet away, he worries
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time is running out. when you do get back home, what will you find? >> ashes. ashes. >> reporter: residents bracing for the gut-wrenching reality and the possibility this may just be the beginning. >> it could continue to flow for several weeks, several months, several days, several years. we don't know. the worry level is high right now. >> reporter: and only about half of the evacuated residents are being allowed back in for now. and they're only allowed to stay for a few hours because officials are worried winds could shift carrying the toxic fumes. it is something they are keeping a very close eye on. marci gonzalez, hawaii. >> thanks to marci. it is such a precarious situation. 26 homes on the big island burned so far. back here on the mainland, the main concern is the dangerous
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heat in the southwest making the extreme drought worse in some parts of the country. >> paul williams is showing us what we can expect. good morning. >> good morning, kendis, diane. dry and hot for the southwest. this high pressure system will wring the atmosphere out like a wet sponge, keeping us totally dry. then the heat builds in texas and the south central part of the country making this heat a bigger fire danger because of ongoing drought, dangerous winds. from pueblo, albuquerque, amarillo and tucson. 20 degrees above normal and we're bracing for storms into the dakotas. >> quite a lot keeping paul busy these days. now to the latest round of stunning statements from rudy giuliani as he tries to defend president trump in the court of public opinion. during an exclusive interview on "this week", he said the president does not have to comply with a potential subpoena from the special counsel and
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told george stephanopoulos he can't be sure if president trump would take the fifth if he's called to testify. >> how can i be confident about that? every lawyer in america thinks he'd be a fool to testify. i've got a client who wants to testify. please, don't -- he said it yesterday. and, you know, jay and i said to ourselves, my goodness, i hope we get a chance to tell him the risk that he's taking. so he may testify. we may work things out with bob mueller. >> he says he doesn't know when the president first learned about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair and didn't rule out the possibility that michael cohen may have made payments to other women on behalf of the president. stormy daniels' attorney fired back. >> the president allegedly had a slush fund administered by michael cohen and he would be
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expected to take care of these things. >> michael avenatti spent time mocking rudy giuliani claim saying he just is learning the facts. and the cia nominee reportedly offered to step aside amid worries about her role in the interrogation of terrorist suspects. haspel oversaw a cia facility in thailand where at least one al qaeda suspect was waterboarded after 9/11. a white house statement calls her a highly-qualified nominee but does not dispute reports she was offering to withdraw. five people have been killed in a series of crashes on interstate 80 in nebraska. one of the drivers may have been on his phone. three people not wearing their seat belts were killed instantly
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after they were thrown from their car. and in another crash, a tractor-trailer rear ended another truck without even slowing down. that driver was killed. police believe he may have been texting at the time. a manhunt is under way after what may have been road rage. the victim's family is making an emotional plea. will carr has more. >> reporter: deadly road rage. the urgent manhunt for the suspect police say stabbed a service member to death. >> we're getting multiple callers. >> reporter: authorities say the international guardsman was driving his chevy silverado when he and another man pulled over on the side of the highway. the two started fighting. the suspect allegedly stabbed harder and peeled out, leaving harder's family searching for answers. >> my son drove 65 miles per hour. i can only imagine somebody was
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upset because he wasn't going fast enough. is that a reason to take his life? >> reporter: as she made an emotional plea for help, harder's mother talked about her son's service in iraq and after hurricane harvey last year. >> if you saw anything, even if you think it was nothing, please call. >> reporter: her only solace, the good samaritans who rushed to help her son. >> my son did not die alone, even though whoever did this left him to die alone. >> reporter: if you feel in danger, pull your cellphone out, call 9/11 and stay on the phone. will carr, abc news, new york. police are wanting help finding a suspect who shot an atf agent in the face. authorities are offering more than $60,000 for information about the suspect. the agent is expected to make a full recovery. a jetblue flight had to make
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an emergency landing in ft. lauderdale after its windshield cracked. there were no injuries. passengers were placed on another plane which arrived in tampa three hours late. i know where i'm going to go next when i'm in paris. >> oh, really? >> if you want to visit a contemporary art museum you apparently have to leave your clothes at the door. it became the first museum to welcome nudists as visitors. >> about 160 people attended the tour which took place before regular opening hours. i guess they didn't want to frighten the rest of the guests. it sold out in two days. it's viewed as a breakthrough for the nudist community. in other news, there's a nudist community. a bunch of people who want to
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walk around naked all the time? >> walking around naked in a museum. >> you goin'? you goin', jack? >> no, i'm going to sit that one out. >> should we join? we should start the movement here. world nudes now. coming up, bill murray tees off and shows why he's a popular choice for couples sharing big news. first why officials are pointing to the battery of a device that may have blown up in a victim's face. you're watching "world news now." now." ice that may have blown up in a victim's face. you're watching "world news now."
3:11 am
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wow, well, you can see some high winds there in toronto. >> ooh. >> that brought its main airport to a standstill. look at the crews there on the ground trying to scramble to avoid being hit by material that's just flying out of control, including that empty luggage container. strong winds were blamed for more than 100,000 power outages in this region. an explosion that killed a 38-year-old man may have been caused by his vaping device. >> the vape pen may have blown
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up in his face. >> reporter: new concern over those popular vape pens after a battery in one of the devices may have exploded, killing this 38-year-old man. >>'s like having a small, you know, little larger than a firecracker in your hand, and it can explode. >> reporter: the cause of death still under investigation. but authorities say it could end up being the first death nationwide from a vape pen explosion. there are reports of vape pens and e-cigarettes erupting into flames. mike from texas says he was holding his e-cigarette when this happened. >> i'm glad i didn't have it up to my face. >> reporter: there were nearly 200 explosions in seven years. lithium batteries were overheating. >> while they are not likely to fail, when they do fail, the failure can be catastrophic.
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>> reporter: the american vaping association telling abc news incidents like these are not common. when charged, stored and used under proper conditions, vapor products pose no more of a fire risk than cellphones and laptops that use similar lithium ion batteries. experts say be sure to use the charger it came with and never leave it charging when you're asleep or away. coming up, a vacation nightmare on a cruise ship called the dream ironically. but first, the licking bandit. >> i didn't think you would be able to read it. >> the warning for a hockey player to keep his tongue in his mouth, but did it mess with his head? sports is next on "world news now." id it mess with his head? sports is next on "world news now."
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you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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high fly ball, deep center. still back, still back. a walk-off home run.
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>> he became the youngest yankee in history to hit a walk-off home run. it completed the yanks' sweep yesterday. >> and while we're talking baseball, last year's national league champs, i'm just going to keep moving. they had a rough season so far, and it got even worse. so the dodgers finished up their three-game series against the padres. they're playing here in monterey, mexico, and they wrapped it up with a loss. and they moved clayton kershaw to the disabled list. let's go to basketball now with the rockets soaring past the jazz. >> chris paul and james harden combined for 51 points and
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paul's brother was ejected. then unejected from the game. >> huh? >> after they realized it wasn't him who cursed at the referee. >> ah, mistaken identity. >> yeah. >> gets you every time. >> earlier in the day, kevin durant dropped 38 points to help the warriors cruise past the pelicans. golden state holds a 3-1 series lead. >> lebron james went coast-to-coast in the final moments of saturday's game, beating the buzzer for another epic win. the cavs can sweep the raptors with another win tonight in cleveland. and brad marchand was warned not to lick the faces of any more opponents.
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he's had his tongue out for much of the series against the lightning, but it didn't help. tampa bay eliminated boston with a 3-1 victory. >> maybe it worked. maybe the strategy was working. >> the strategy was working. >> ew. he's really getting in there. >> that's a long tongue. he got in there. >> okay. and the winner of the kentucky derby is full of himself. not the jockey, the horse, justify. >> according to the trainer, who added, he knows he's a stud, justify was full of energy as he beat the rest of the field in the rain at churchill downs. he'll try to win in the preakness to be in contention for the coveted triple crown. >> he did look like he was taunting the other horse. >> it was weird, when he started looking back at them on the final stretch.
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>> but he did not lick the opponent's face. he's above that. and pro golf's two biggest will join forces. tiger woods and phil mickelson will be grouped together for the first time since 2001. >> they like each other. >> the last time they played together was during the first two rounds of the 2014 pga championship, woods missed the cut that time around and mickelson finished in second overall. that wasn't awkward whatsoever. check out bill murray who took a swing at the "caddyshack" tournament and helped a couple announce they're having a baby boy. >> it matched the shirt. >> it did. >> it's first gender reveal murray's taken a part of. but we've seen him do something similar before. >> he helped a couple announce their pregnancy on instagram. this is what he does at sporting events. >> i guess he's got nothing else to do except help make announcements. all right, coming up, all aboard to the next galaxy.
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>> plus big macs. galaxy. >> plus big macs.
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theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home
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♪ all right, it's time now for the mix. we all know we love a big mac now and then, but a 64 year old wisconsin man is putting me to shame. he has just gobbled down his 30 thousandth big mac. he tasted his first big mac in 1972. the golden arches are now celebrating his big accomplishment. through the four decades, he's gone about eight days total without eating a big mac. >> eight days total. >> that's his longest no-big-mac streak. >> there's a lot of strange things about me, you'll find out. i've got a really understanding wife. it's not just that i save the
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cartons and count them and stuff like that, it's the way i eat them and stuff like that. >> he saves the cartons. that's a lot of cartons. >> it really is. on friday, we celebrated "star wars" day, may 4th of course, and there were celebrations all around world, including at europe's busiest airport, heathrow, that showed us you have plenty of destinations that you can go to. you see the departure board there had many "star wars"-inspired locations, endor, all the places. some flights were canceled, though, to regular spots. people went up to heathrow who were like, really, seriously, is my flight to paris on time? that's cute and all. there was also this dude who
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every may 4th, "star wars" day, he maps his run in the shape of darth vader's face. >> that's -- >> look at that. >> okay. i'll buy it, kind of. >> kind of nice. all right, over to adelaide, shall we? where lisa burgess is looking at the next generation of motorized transport. check it out. poppin' wheelies in a motorized shopping cart, ladies and gentlemen. it's now, it's happening. >> look at that. >> you know those scooters that you get to roll around the grocery store, well he's got one of those instead now. you know potholes are big problems. one man has found a solution to try to dress it up, make it a little sexy. >> ooh. >> popped in barbies, all over to try to get attention. >> whoa. >> barbie looks cold.
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this morning on "world news now," rudy giuliani's one on one interview with abc news. president trump's personal attorney answers new questions about the stormy daniels case and the russia investigation. so will the president plead the fifth? and a word of caution ahead of the upcoming summit. why the regime is now blaming the trump administration of ruining the mood. and the miraculous recovery of a teenager who was pronounced dead four times. >> he said he visited heaven. and one of our favorite idol contestants learns a hard lesson about lyrics. apparently, remembering them is kind of important.
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our pal will ganss is here to tell us who made the cut and who will drift into obscurity. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it's a simple song. it's just another manic sunday? >> no. >> manic. >> thursday? >> thursday. ♪ just another manic thursday we'll get it eventually. we're going to break it down with will ganss in "the skinny," but we're going to start with the president's attorney on the defensive after struggling to get his facts straight about that payment to stormy daniels. >> after days of conflicting and really some jaw-dropping statements, in his latest comments, the former new york city mayor told abc news the president may actually plead the
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fifth, and he did not rule out the possibility that other women may have been paid off. >> let's talk about the mueller investigation. he wants to speak with the president. are you prepared to make that happen? what happens if he subpoenas the president? will you comply? >> we don't have to. he's the president of the united states. >> are you confident the president will not take the fifth in this case? >> how can i ever be confident of that? >> if the president's done nothing wrong as you say again and again and he tells the truth as you advise him to do, what is the danger of talking to mueller? >> because they're trying to trap -- you couldn't put a lawyer on the show who wants to keep his law license -- it's only prosecutable if they have built-up manipulated evidence to prove he didn't tell the truth. >> if you have evidence the president didn't tell the truth, then the president didn't tell the truth. >> no. >> the president said you didn't get facts right, so let's get to the facts. the president does admit meeting stormy daniels, correct?
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>> i'm not really involved in the daniels thing, so i don't know. he denies that it happened. she has written a letter denying it. >> we have a picture. >> it depends on what you mean by met her. >> he denies any sexual relationship with stormy daniels. >> she denied it. >> why does the president deny any knowledge of the payments. >> that's political. what matters -- >> -- the press? >> gee, i don't know, you know a few presidents who did that, i don't think the president has done that. >> you said it is a regular arrangement. did michael cohen make payments to other women for the president? >> i have no knowledge of that, but i would think if it was necessary, yes. he conducted business for the president. >> do you still want rod rosenstein to shut down this investigation? >> i do.
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>> it depends on what you mean by met her. there were so many tweetable moment. >> there were so many people wishing they'd taken stenography lessons. >> we're reminded of how much the president has criticized it in the past. >> he slammed hillary clinton's aides. >> if you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment. >> the question there posed on the campaign trail. giuliani also said the president does not have to comply with the subpoena about the special counsel actually issues one. 1800 residents near the kilauea volcano don't know when they will be able to go back home or whether they will have homes to return to when the eruption finally ends.
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more than two dozen homes have been destroyed as the volcano spews lava and rocks hundreds of feet into the air. the vents are spewing toxic fumes. the 6.9 magnitude earthquake was finally something that made them evacuate. >> it's covered in ten feet of lava. >> some residents were allowed to return home briefly to pick up pets, medicine, documents. north korea has issued a new warning for the trump administration ahead of a planned meeting between the president and kim jong un. now the north korean government is now accusing the u.s. of working against peace efforts on the peninsula. abc's jennifer eccleston has the latest. >> reporter: north korea accusing the trump administration of a dangerous attempt to ruin warming
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relations on the korean peninsula. its foreign ministry rebuking washington for, quote, misleading claims that so-called sanctions and pressure are bringing them to the negotiating table. warning the u.s. not to miscalculate peace overtures as a sign of weakness. the isolated nation and its leader kim jong un seemingly upset by recent comments like these. >> president trump has put economic pressure on the north koreans, and it appears to have given us this opening. >> reporter: secretary of state mike pompeo secretly meeting with kim a month ago, while still head of the cia. laying the groundwork for an upcoming summit between the north korean leader and president trump. >> this could turn into a very productive discussion or fall apart quite quickly if mr. kim is not serious about giving up his nuclear weapons. >> reporter: the diplomatic tussle playing out as these three prisoners await possible release. here one seen escorted.
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>> i think you're going to see very good things. stay tuned. >> reporter: their fate still unknown. the pushback from north korea a reminder that discussions between pyongyang and washington, while historic, will not be easy. jennifer eccleston, london. a deadly attack on a mosque in afghanistan, at least 14 people were killed when a bomb exploded at the mosque which was used as an voter registration area. almost 600 migrants have been rescued trying to cross the mediterranean sea since friday. migrants said the motor was removed by smugglers in a different boat. the u.n. says at least 615 migrants have died trying to cross the mediterranean so far this year. an estimated 22,000 have reached european shores.
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the mother of an alabama boy is calling her son's recovery a miracle. trenton was not expected to recover from a brain injury suffered in march. they were about to remove him from life support. his parents had signed organ donation papers. then suddenly, he started showing signs of brain activity and has been able to do more and more. he still has a sense of humor, joking about the holes in his skull. >> i said i could turn my head sideways and put salsa in there and eat chips and dip out of my head. no more washing dishes for me. she wouldn't let me put none in it. >> of course not. >> i really wanted to see if i could. >> mom's always ruining all the fun. >> he's going to be hanging that over his mom for years. you know, i died four times.
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which he did technically. he now enjoys playing with his remote control cars. >> and hanging with mom. we turn now to an emotional mother and child reunion on the streets of pittsburgh. >> steven strong knew from a young age that he was adopted, but it was two weeks ago that he finally learned the name of his biological mother. and in the twist of fate, they were both set to run in the same half marathon on the same team. so he set up the surprise of a lifetime. his mom stacy was handed a card written by steven himself. after she read the card, she looked up and there he was. >> they didn't want me to hold him, they didn't recommend it. so i never got that opportunity. so i finally got to hold him. >> being back in the city that i was born and put up for adoption, running a half marathon with my mom, you know,
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that i haven't seen in 13,075 days. >> wow, he counted the days. >> so he writes, his mother has a message, she says don't lose hope. what a welcome surprise that must have been. >> what was their time? isn't that what the story was about? coming up, the last thing you want to see while on your cruise vacation. yeah, that's water, pouring into the ship. we're going to tell you what happened here. and the new music video from childish gambino which strikes a serious tone and pulling off dance moves i can never manage to pull off myself. this is america on monday. dance moves i can never manage to pull off myself. this is america on monday. moves i can never manage to pull off myself. this is america on monday. ♪
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scents from gain. you're looking at massive flooding in turkey's capital, washing away cars and even businesses. officials say three hours worth of rain fell in just nine minutes.
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some drivers climbed on top of their cars to try to stay alive and out of that water. at least six people were injured. the mayor says it was a natural disaster like none before. and this porter airlines plane trying to come down in toronto. they had to abort the first landing attempt. the wind gusts reached speeds of up to 75 miles per hour. the plane landed safely. but man. >> must have been quite a ride for those passengers. >> uh-huh. now to the latest mishap on the high seas as a cruise ship hallway started filling with water. >> new correspondent alert. will carr. >> reporter: it's a scene straight from the movie "titanic". happening in real life on this carnival cruise heading to the caribbean. >> we have all seen "the titanic." >> reporter: water pouring down from the ceiling and gushing from the walls. she was vacationing with her
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family, watching as crew members made an assembly line, scooping up water. the water flooding this hallway and 50 rooms. with the gushing water gone, the scene shows a different story. carnival cruise saying the water main break had no effect on the safe operation of the ship. this came a month after norwegian cruise lines faced difficulties on board as well. passengers describes their trip as more of a construction zone. but as for haas? >> they've taken care of us. we'll cruise again with carnival. coming up, the "idol" hopefuls take on the purple one's greatest hits. >> and international dancing with the stars. you're watching "world news now."
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with the stars. you're watching "world news now." with lock-in moisture technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleanser's just a cleanser unless it's olay. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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♪ ♪ s ♪ ♪ skinny it is just another manic monday on "the skinny" this morning, and that can mean only one thing. >> um. i was going to say hangover. but no, no, the hopefuls tried their best to channel an icon. and will ganss is here with more. come on in. take your time. >> my title has diminished. it used to be "idol" analyst, geek, correspondent. now we're just being honest with you guys. so last night, the contestants had to channel the purple one, as you said, prince. so they got one chance at a prince song and one chance at a tbt song. the year they were born. so before we get into "idol" i want to ask you what would your tbt throwback be? >> i remember "hey, mickey."
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♪ hey, mickey >> devinyls? >> no, we won't get into that. >> i want to start with your fave, katie turner, we have poked fun at her all season. she took on "manic monday", which was written by prince. and true to the sensation of the song, she lost the lyrics at the top of the performance. ♪ 6:00 already ♪ i was -- ♪ >> at the end of the episode last night. crazy. i thought she was a big fan favorite. >> bye, felicia. someone who's not going home, heartthrob cade, who is playing to his fan base, which he has
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all season long. there's always one every episode. take a look at how katy perry's own mom likes having cade around, and of course like mother/like daughter. >> so cade. >> she's obsessed with you! >> i was feeling a little back slidden watching. >> katy took some of his hair. not weird of all. katy's mom had a good night. but michael j. woodard had an even better night. listen to his take on this celine dion song. ♪ forever this way ♪ you are safe in my heart ♪ and my heart will go on and on ♪
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>> he's a really good singer but he has that thing where he adds an extra syllable at each word. >> you're on to something here, diane. he's through to the next round, which means that the top five are michael, cade, my girl maddie poppy. cade, maddie poppy, gabi and kayla lee hutchinson, which means that journey and, as we said before, katie, are going home. no drinking out of shoes this week. but i was pretty surprised at tonight's results, especially katie going home. >> because she's been a fan favorite all along. >> when you forget the lyrics, though, it's tough to come back from that. >> we have -- >> don't forget the lyrics.
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>> i don't -- >> i don't --
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breathe freely fast wmy congestion's gone. i can breathe again! i can breathe again! vicks sinex... breathe on.
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in time, you will know what in time, you will know what it's like to lose, to feel so desperately that you're right, and to fail all the same. dread it. run from it. destiny still arrives. >> time for "the skinny" bonus round. and it looks like destiny's on the side of the "avengers", bringing in $112 million just this weekend. >> that's the second highest second weekend of all time, behind "the force awakens." >> "avengers" is the first to top $1 billion in 11 days, and it hasn't even opened in china yet. >> just imagine. >> that's big. >> this weekend's snl blew a lot of people's minds with the
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realization that that donald glover. >> mm-hm. >> and childish gambino is the same person. so he, they, was, were, the host, musical guest on snl. >> i think i follow, but it's childish gambino that many are talking about after he debuted a new song and video called "this is america." >> okay, so i might have watched it a few hundred times already. it's already gained 10 million views. the video, featuring a shirtless dancing gambino takes a shot at gun violence in the u.s. you notice all the kids dancing with him, while some people get shot in this video, those kids have got their moves and they are not harmed at all in the video. >> one person tweeted, mesmerizing, disturbing, violent, beautiful, tragic, materialistic, melodic. >> and i can't remember i watched a music video all the
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way to the end let alone five times in a row. it is awesome. >> after you watch it 100 times, did you get any of those moves down? >> that's it. it looks better shirtless. >> that's the problem. >> i think you need to watch it a few more times. glover has something new at the end of the month. "deadpool 2" is getting tons of hype. >> here's ryan reynolds taking this partner for a twirl. >> meanwhile, josh went for it, giving his partner a deep dip. >> also, ivana danced with her other ex-husband. >> she wore a red dress and was swept off
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making news in america this morning, the volcano emergency in hawaii takes a destructive new turn overnight. lava overtaking dozens of homes, shooting more than 200 feet into the air. this morning, the biggest concern for people living nearby and just how long this eruption could last. president trump's nominee to lead the cia threatens to drop out while facing criticism for her record on torture. days before her showdown with the senate, see how the white house is coming to gina haspel's defense. outrage growing after a police officer is seen drawing his gun on a man he thought had stolen a pack of mentos candy in the store. the police department's response. those stories, plus new luxury on the high seas. the $1 billion cruise ship with its own racetrack. one boy'


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