tv World News Now ABC May 11, 2018 2:12am-4:00am PDT
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highway median and take out two light poles. you can see both light poles slam to the ground, blocking traffic on both sides of the road, luckily not hitting any cars on those sides of the road. unbelievable. traffic comes to a screeching halt, luckily mo one was hurt here, the driver was arrested. >> the truck looks like it's fine, built ford tough, i would say. >> i don't think ford intends to use that one in a commercial. a miami dade police officer is facing charges after he was caught on camera beating his daughter at school. >> the video shows 44-year-old raymond rosario beating his 14 year old daughter with a belt, grabbing her by the hair, punching her in the face. all this right in front of a school employee. he'd reportedly been called to the school because his daughter had, quote, been disrespectful toward a teacher. officer rosario has since been suspended and charged with child abuse.
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and a teen is recovering from injuries after his vape battery exploded in his pocket. he had four batteries along with loose change in his pocket. later at work when he went to get a drink of water, he felt an odd sensation. >> you know that static electricity that you feel from someone when they shock you? that's what i felt in my leg. i tried to get my pants off as fast as i could. >> according to fema, there have been more than 200 such explosions since 2009. one is thought to have killed a 38-year-old man in florida. you thought you had crazy exes. a woman in arizona is facing charges after making way too much contact after just one date. >> jaclyn addis is charged with stalking after she followed up one date with more than 65,000
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text messages, including one that said, i want to wear your body parts and bathe in your blood. well, the man she was texting then found her in his bathtub at his home in paradise valley. prosecutors say the pair met online last year and she has been texting him nonstop. she also showed up at his workplace. needless to say, he's freaked out. >> 65,000 text messages. >> that's a lot. also, don't your thumbs get tired? is she dictating? >> i think you dictate. >> but she showed up at his workplace and claimed she was his wife. >> i hate when that happens, especially when my real wife shows up. it's a little awkward. coming up, we're going to get into "the skinny," the love boat. ♪ the love boat >> and the bold move by a band to make getting concert tickets more difficult. "the skinny's" next. ♪ the love boat ifficult. "the skinny's" next. so why accept it from your allergy pills?
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most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. flonase. this changes everything.
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>> is that what they did to the love boat? >> something like that. so we are setting a course for adventure, along with great dance moves with a reunion for one of the world's most loved tv shows. >> "the love boat" promised romance and something for everyone, comedy, adventure. we all watched from 1977 to 1986 on saturday nights here on abc. "fantasy island" would come right afterwards. >> the plane, the plane. >> and last night the cast reunited in their uniforms. a plaque dedicated to their honor on the hollywood walk of fame. >> the entire love boat cast is still alive. wow. captain stubing also took a moment to reflect on the show's success. >> the love boat became a hit, because when we went on in 1977, the television critics did not take to us too friendly.
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we were called mindless television. well, the worst was, we'll sink like the titanic. because of all of you, whenever anybody watched our show made it a hit we did not sink like the titanic. >> no, they did not. they sailed for nine seasons before being canceled. and it floats on forever in our hearts. >> we should have a reunion of the love boat. that would be fantastic. next, to an interesting move by nine inch nails forcing fans to get up off their behinds if they want tickets to a show. >> there's a north american tour with a catch. it's the physical world presale, aka they will not be sold online, only at venue box offices. >> so they included some
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the netherlands. >> i can't stay mad at you. >> that feels so good. you smell amazing, like cinnamon and manhood. >> this is seriously beckham. >> now it's getting kind of awkward. >> in case you were wondering if that really was ryan reynolds in the suit, or if they just kind of septemb of sent somebody in. >> ooh. >> check it out. proof that ryan reynold is actually there, and on this apology tour. >> how jealous are you of david beckham right now? >> i'm not sure who i'm more jealous of. david beckham is previously world cup loser, but i like both. they're good guys. >> sounds like you're really divided on that one. stick around, we have the
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this week we got a reminder of why abc pays us the big bucks for this early morning newscast. well, we have a reason why we're here in the middle of the night. >> we also tried to explore what happened when we try to save money and do our own makeup. >> we're interrupting our usual programming to show you the arrival of three americans who were detained in north korea. they have just landed at joint base andrews outside washington, d.c. >> president trump is there to greet them after the secretary of state mike pompeo secured their release during his visit. >> we begin with president trump's major announcement today being watched all over the world, pulling the u.s. out of the iran nuclear deal and imposing new sanctions on iran instead. >> it was a one-sided deal that
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should have never, ever been made. >> he is reimposing sanctions not just on iran but on for companies doing business there. it could be ready to restart its nuclear program. >> new allegations that michael cohen received payments from a firm reportedly linked to a russian billionaire with close ties to the kremlin. >> this morning, michael avenatti waging a campaign against the attorney for president trump. the american-owned firm has ties to a company owned by viktor vekselberg. >> michael cohen should release the records for people to see. >> cohen whose home and offices have recently been raided by the fbi has not been charged with any crime.
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>> a major allegation. >> schneiderman is facing abuse accusations. four women have come forward claiming they were attacked by the attorney general on four occasions. he strongly contests the allegations but adds they will effectively prevent me from leading the office's work at this time. >> i got plenty of that. >> let's hear it. >> let's start. jared leto in gucci. >> he's trying to get in on the trend. >> there it is, your eyes just pop. >> my eyes have not recovered ever since. >> i like using them as a little fake mustache. >> you look cute in that. >> happy mother's day.
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good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." president trump is expressing high hopes for his upcoming meeting with kim jong un now that they know when and where it will take place. a retired air force general and a white house aide have made insensitive comments about john mccain, their statements centered on his opposition to gina haspel. mccain's wife cindy sent sharply-worded tweets in response. the kilauea volcano could be the scene of a violent steam explosion in the next week. that could mean ash and huge boulders flying into the sky. lava is escaping through 15 cracks. things got a little wet for tiger woods and phil mickelson.
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both are hoping to stay out of the drink today and make it to the weekend at saw grass there. those are some of our top stories on this friday, may 11th. from abc news, this is "world news now." we begin this half hour with president trump working to mobilize his party ahead of the midterm election. >> he called on republicans to stop democrats from regaining control of congress. he highlighted his achievements in office and laid out his expectations for the upcoming summit with kim jong un. >> so the relationship is good, and hopefully, i mean, for all of us, for the world, hopefully, something very good is going to happen. and they understand it's very important for them of it's important for everybody. so japan, south korea, china, everybody. i think it's going to be a very big success.
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but my attitude is, and if it isn't, it isn't, okay? if it isn't, it isn't, but, and you have to have that, because you don't know. we're not going to be -- >> the rally topped off a busy day for the president. it started in the middle of the night with the return of three americans who were held captive in north korea. >> of course he was there to greet them right on hand there, the former prisoners as they stepped foot on u.s. soil. they were evaluated at a medical center before being reunited with their families. here's jonathan karl with more. >> reporter: hours after his dramatic 3:00 a.m. welcome ceremony for the prisoners from north korea, the president tweeted a save the date for his meeting with kim jong un. singapore, june 12, we will both try to make it a very special moment for world peace. the return of the prisoners sets the stage for the historic
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summit with kim jong un. >> why do you think he decided to free these prisoners now? >> i really think he wants to do something. i think he did this because i really think he wants to do something and bring their country into the real world. >> reporter: the president praised the north korean dictator. >> we want to thank kim jong un who really was excellent to these three incredible people. >> reporter: the prisoners described their new freedom as a dream. but their experience in north korea sounds more like a nightmare. i had to do a lot of labor, he said. when i got sick i was also treated by them. later vice president pence told me one of the men hadn't seen daylight for a very long time. >> it's heartbreaking to think of it. >> reporter: but the focus of the kim/trump summit is nuclear weapons, not human rights. north korean dictator and secretary of state mike pompeo were all smiles after meeting for the second time, appearing
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more like old friends than adversaries. kim waved good-bye as pompeo drove away. their pictures were plastered on the front page of north korea's state newspaper. kim is signaling he's willing to give up his nuclear weapons. do you believe somebody described as a madman, brutal dictator, has killed his own people, allegedly killed family members, do you believe him in. >> we all understand the record of the kim regime, but what president trump is determined to find out is whether he is prepared to change. >> reporter: jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> now to the other thing that many at the white house are paying attention to, israel's top defense official is sending a warning to iran and its forces in syria. >> it says if israel gets rain in the form of missiles from iranian forces they will get a flood in reply. abc's brad mielke tells us more about this serious
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confrontation. >> those strike were from israel into syria but hitting iranian targets. as iran helps bashar al assad it's also building installations in israel's back yard. ian pannell was there when this was all starting. this situation affects the u.s. too. >> everyone thinks hey, the battle with isis is over and done with, why do we still have 2,000 u.s. troops based in syria? the fight against isis isn't over. and there's a risk here, that goes back to what we were just talking about. if america cedes that territory and its local allies, then who fills the vacuum? and the answer will be bashar al
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assad and his allies, guess who? iran. >> a lot more players than just the u.s. and syria. you can hear that entire conversation here on "start here." check it out on apple pod cast or your favorite pod cast app. the financial questions continue to mount for michael cohen. there are reports that say at&t have confirmed it paid the self-described fixer for access to the president. and the news comes as cohen tries to fight back against the man who brought that payment and others to light. here's tom llamas. >> reporter: how do you feel about you may have changed an election? president trump's long-time personal attorney michael cohen firing back. against allegations he shopped around access to the president. the charge coming from stormy daniels' attorney, michael avenatti, who published details. avenatti says cohen used a shell company for transaction totaling more than $4 million shortly
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before the election into 2018. but cohen's lawyers say avenatti made mistakes. in court documents, they say he had the wrong michael cohen in some cases. under possible fraudulent and illegal transactions, avenatti lists a wire transfer to an account in toronto for $4,250. cohen's attorneys say that account belongs to a different michael cohen, a canadian citizen. >> you're talking about 99.35% of the information we released is right. i'll take that. >> reporter: as avenatti is dealing with his explanation, the web of companies that hired cohen's firm are explaining why they got into business with him. a spokesman for korean aerospace industries says they were unaware of cohen's ties to trump. but they hired his llc for consulting on international financial standards.
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in another case, novartis, who did business with cohen points out any agreements with essential consultants were entered into before their current ceo took office in february of this year. novartis says they did pay cohen $1.2 million for access to the new administration and health care policy matters. but cohen was not able to provide these services. they have called the agreement a mistake. but the question, who's leaking to michael avenatti. the treasury department has started an investigation. i spoke with avenatti. he won't reveal sources and he says people have been critical how much we've been in the press, it's working. people are reaching out to us from time to time and they want to give us information. and ford is slamming the brakes on one of the best-selling vehicles, the f-150 pickup truck after a major fire
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crippled a parts supplier in michigan. it could reportedly last several weeks. production of vehicles at gm, chrysler and mercedes have been disrupted. and now to the search for a stack of missing mail in massachusetts. >> it led to an impound car lot. hundreds of cards, bills, you name it. lots of pieces of mail were discovered inside an abandoned suv. >> they were still in u.s. postal bins. police haven't found the person responsible for making the mail disappear. >> but any bill i've forgotten to pay, that's why. the check was in the mail. it ended up in that suv. >> any bills that i don't want to pay, i'm glad they're still thayer. the lawsuit over untrained puppies. the company that promised service dogs now has customers complaining they were duped. and melissa mccarthy plays it straight in her new movie. but will life of the party live
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or die at the box office this weekend? you're watching "world news now." d? you're watching "world news now." er. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. #1 trusted. #1 awarded it's got to be tide. and for a plant-based clean, try tide purclean
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happy anniversary dinner, darlin'. can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. breathe freely fast wmy congestion's gone. i can breathe again! i can breathe again! vicks sinex... breathe on. i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too. try head and shoulders two in one. a car smashed through the front of a manhattan deli, leaving six people injured.
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the vehicle hit an taxi before crashing through the restaurant's window. some people had to be pulled from under the car. that said, police say the injuries, none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. in milwaukee, an armed robbery suspect slammed his car into a convenience store while trying to get away from police. moments later, officers stormed the vehicle with guns drawn, some on the hood of the car. all three people in the car are now under arrest. not the best way to get away from the cops. we're hearing more details this morning about the yale university incident and the outrage over that apparent case of racial profiling. >> a student called police about an intruder in her dorm's public room but it was just another student. >> reporter: growing frustration after police are called. the latest target was taking a
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nap. >> i have every right to call the police. >> reporter: this white student called police on a black graduate student who fell asleep while writing a paper. four officers respond. she unlocks her door to prove she lives there, but police still want to see i.d. she turns it over but is detained 15 minutes when the name doesn't exactly match records. >> i'm not going to justify my existence here. >> reporter: she says the same woman called police on her friend, a fellow student in march. that student says when he asked for directions she responded. >> you're making me uncomfortable. i don't feel safe around you, you're an intruder, you need to get out and leave. >> reporter: yale released a statement saying yale police followed procedures and added that police admonished the student who made the call. the vice president for student life issued a statement saying she is deeply troubled by the incident and they plan to hold listening sessions.
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she went on to add, we still have so much more to do. linsey davis, new haven, connecticut. in the meantime, bob marley's granddaughter is accusing a southern california police department of racial profiling. >> she says she and her friends were surrounded by rialto police as they left their airbnb rental. it happened after a neighbor called 911 and claimed the place was being robbed. their attorney claims the call was made after they didn't smile at the neighbor. >> you have a right not to smile on command at the behest of a white woman who would choose to place a racist call and endanger their lives and violate their constitutional rights because they didn't smile at her that day. >> we don't need no more trouble. what we need is love. >> rialto police chief says the allegations of racial bias is unfair, he says the officers
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treated them respectfully. coming up, the major problem with puppies. >> expensive service animals that according to new owners aren't trained at all. you're watching "world news now." all. you're watching "world news now." your period? ook like during it's up to you, with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pearl active. for up-to 100% leak-free work outs.
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♪ how much is that doggie in the window ♪ ♪ the one with the waggly tail ♪ how much is that doggie in the window ♪ >> ah, yes. >> a service dog company is now facing a lawsuit after allegedly duping its customers. >> they sell the dogs forasmuch as $25,000. but customers say they received an untrained puppy. here's gio benitez. >> reporter: this is a trained service dog in action. watch as he wakes his diabetic owner up in the middle of the night because he senses her blood sugar is dropping, and this is lotus. jovana flores bought her for her son hoping he would save his life if he went into shock. but $18,000 later, she wants answers. >> she's just not service dog material. she's a pet. and we do love her very much.
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but if you compare her to another service dog this's properly trained. there's really no comparison. >> reporter: he says she purchased her dog from the virginia based company service dogs by war and receiver. they say they train dogs for people suffering from autism, diabetes and seizure disorders, dogs advertised to call 911 in case of emergency. but now there's a new lawsuit against the company based on 50 customer complaints, alleging in many cases these dogs are poorly trained, ill-behaved dogs that are not equipped to help with a life-threatening disability and are nothing more than expensive pets. the agency charges $25,000 for a dog as young as three months old. watch, in this simulation, a service dog notices her trainer might be having a nightmare in
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bed and quickly pulls the covers off to wake her up. sheila o'brien with assistance dogs international which promotes high training standards says it's dangerous to put very young dogs into service. >> you wouldn't send a child in to do a man's work, would you? >> reporter: minnie is three months old herself. she's been trained to help veterans with ptsd. you can see she's just not ready. sheila says that will take at least another year and a half of training. bottom line, three months is just too young. >> too young. >> that company denies ever setting out to mislead any of their clients and they say many are happy. >> my guess that is rosemary clooney with the song. >> that is what everybody's wondering. >> patti page? next, after the break, "insomniac theater." ♪ how much is that doggie in the
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olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. for skin that looks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay regenerist. ageless. mother...nature! sure smells amazing... even in accounts receivable. gain botanicals laundry detergent. bring the smell of nature wherever you are.
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you wouldn't accept from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief.
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flonase. this changes everything. it is time for "insomniac theater." basically our introduction of two movies that will be beaten by "avengers" at the box office this weekend. let's do it, shall we? >> we're starting with super heroes and a step back in time. >> this big screen remake has an aging actress who pays a summer visit to her brother's lakeside estate and brings along her lover and a love triangle takes place. >> allow my to introduce you. don't be shy. he's a celebrity, but he has a simple soul.
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>> a pleasure. >> i'm honored. i've read all your work. >> you see, he's shy too. >> well, of course. starring lady bird's star as well as elisabeth moss. the story has a good amount. one writes, the cast is great, the play is great, but this is still a bad movie because it has no clear or coherent idea of how to be one. but peter traverse here, the seagull still flies on the wings of humor and heartbreak that made it a classic in the first place. >> not bad. and shifting gears to 2018 and a very "today" type of comedy. melissa mccarthy becomes the life of the party. she gets dumped by her husband. she goes back to college, lands in the same class as her
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daughter and plunges head first into college fun and frat boys. >> oh, boy. >> ooh! ♪ >> i love your mom. >> i just had sex in a public place. >> where? >> the reviews have been mixed with interesting critiques. one says this is a diverting vehicle for a solid comedy star, and if you feel like it might be for you, you probably won't be disappointed. >> okay. >> linda holmes from npr. and one says it's a summer film season, it's a months long shindig, then "life of the party" is the terd in the punch bowl. >> why did you have to go there? that's it for this half hour. sounds like another "avengers" weekend.
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this morning on "world news now," president trump in campaign mode. >> he rallied supporters just hours ago. that early morning homecoming of americans from north korea still very much on his mind. hear what he's saying about the historic summit with the north just more than a month away. also the potential for violent volcanic explosions that could happen anytime. and an unresponsive toddler and a quick-thinking sheriff's deputy. the actions taken at the side of a busy florida roadway credited with saving a baby boy's life. and when running a mile in record time is too easy, how about doing that and juggling at the same time? we are joggling on this friday, may 11. from abc news, this is "world news now."
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>> i can't juggle or jog. so what does that say? >> i can't sit and chew gum. there is that. juggle or jog. wow. together. >> i can jog, but i don't like to. >> okay. doesn't mean you have to like it. just a matter of whether you can do it. we'll get to that a little later on, but we going to start with the president taking his own victory lap. he's not juggling anything as he takes his victory lap, but he's laying out the welcome mat for those three prisoners from north korea. >> he tells indiana he thinks his upcoming summit will be a big success, but if it isn't, it isn't. maggie rulli has the latest. >> reporter: president trump topping off a monumental day for his administration with a campaign-style rally before hundreds of supporters. >> we are all making america proud. we are rockin'. we are rockin'. >> reporter: the indiana rally
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came just hours after welcoming home three americans held hostage in north korea. president trump then announcing the plans for his meeting with kim jong un, singapore, june 12. he praised the north korean dictator. >> i want to thank kim jong un who really was excellent to these three incredible people. >> reporter: those prisoners calling their experience in north korea a nightmare. i had to do a lot of labor, said one of the men, but when i got sick, i was treated by them. but the upcoming meeting will be about nuclear weapons, not human rights. mike pompeii and kim jong un looking like old friends. the president appearing optimistic about the upcoming summit. >> hopefully something very good is going to happen. and they understand it's very important for them.
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it's important for everybody. >> reporter: and once again mocking what he calls the fake news. >> he's going to get us into a nuclear war! he's going to get us into a nuclear war! >> reporter: and he says all these changes are happening because america's being respected again. maggie rulli, abc news, new york. >> and the big summit is due in singapore, june 12th. as you know, i just returned from singapore. >> did you? you never talk about it. it's so weird. >> a little bit of advice for the president. if he decides to go for a run, the temperature's 88 degrees. you might want to go early in the morning. >> you just happened to have this with you in your back pocket? >> the photographer was there. if he runs in the park, there are massive lizards that may have you going the other way. and i do recommend going to the
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largest infinity pool in the world on top of the marina bay sands. >> nice shower cap. >> i'll let you borrow it. >> those are some moves you got there. >> those are my singapore tips for the president. i hope he'll take in all of them. sources say kirstjen nielsen almost quit after president trump berated her in front of the entire cabinet for failing to secure the borders. the white house did not deny the interaction. but homeland security spokesman did deny that neilson had drafted a resignation letter. rudy giuliani's former law firm is rejecting his defense of the president's indirect payment to stormy daniels. giuliani announced thursday that he was resigning from the law firm. the "new york times" says he undercut the statements saying it was common to make payments without a client's knowledge.
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the firm says it is not something they would condone. this ain't good. scientists in hawaii say if conditions inside the kilauea volcano continue changing at their current rate, there could be a very violent steam explosion in a matter of days. if that happens, massive pieces of debris could be sent flying and ash plumes could fly miles into the air. here's abc's kayna whitworth on the big island. >> reporter: hawaii's big island bracing for a blast. three new cracks opening since tuesday. the national guard took us in. and what you're looking at behind me is fissure 15. the newest that just broke open. the lava in these neighborhoods coming from 25 miles away. this is the biggest lava flow in leilani estates. in some places it's about 25 feet high. now all eyes on the crater where the lava lake has dropped more than 1,000 feet, nearly reaching
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the groundwater. if that happens, it could create steam-driven explosions. powerful enough to send rocks as large as six feet in diameter or as heavy as several tons, flying up to a half-mile or more. and it's usually not just one explosion. it's usually a series. and so as that ash falls and piles up, it's just not a safe place to be. >> reporter: since the eruptions began, 36 structures lost and countless cars destroyed. this volcano is among the most active in the world, but they have not seen an eruption like they're predicting since 1924. and when that happened, it sent ash some 20,000 feet into the air above sea level. so they are closing the park friday for safety reasons, and it will remain closed indefinitely. kayna whitworth, abc news, hawaii volcano national park. and the golden state killer has been charged with four more counts of murder. he is now facing a dozen murder
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charges in four california counties, the new counts are related to murders in 1979 and 1981. he is held without bail. and a funeral will be held for a guardsman who served time in qatar and iraq and helped in houston and puerto rico. his alleged killer is held on $500,000 bond. the suspect faces murder and other charges. he has spent over 30 years behind bars for a number of crimes including second degree murder. a georgia police officer caught on camera choking a former nfl player has been fired. he was responding to a road rage incident. marrow is heard pleading with police that he couldn't breathe. in addition to the officer being fired, charges against marrow
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have been dropped. authorities say a model s was traveling at a high speed when it slammed into a concrete barrier. the lithium ion battery burst into flames. it believes the auto pilot was not engaged. three 18-year-old men were in the car, two were killed, a third hospitalized. all were a week away from graduation. there is a college student putting everyone who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, yes, to shame. >> boston university junior zach prescott just set a world record in joggling. that would be jogging and juggling at the same time. >> so he managed to jog all while juggling, in just four minutes, 32 seconds. about half a second faster than the old record that was set some time ago. his next stop is the international joggling festival in massachusetts.
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>> he did a four and a half-minute mile while juggling. >> okay. >> i don't think i can run a seven-minute mile not juggling. >> four and a half-minute mile while juggling. it didn't seem like he's going that fast. did we slow that down? >> i am impressed either way. apparently, it took him three tries. he dropped the balls the first two. >> impressive. coming up, a sheriff's deputy jumps into action to save an unconscious baby. and we're going to the source where heroin is bound for america. dan harris and his crews are the first americans documenting the entire process, even how the drugs get across the border. you're watching "world news now."
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a sheriff's deputy in ocala, florida was on the way home from a shift when this happened. he was asked to do one more task, save the life of a 3 month old boy who had stopped breathing. jeremy nix jumped into action. what he's doing right there on the ground is conducting cpr on that infant. the kid was unresponsive for a
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while. so on their way to the hospital, mom waved down that deputy, and then he continued there by driving them to the hospital where that young boy's life was saved. this morning the sheriff's office says baby kingston is doing well and doctors expect him to make a full recovery. and mexican authorities say they have ruled out murder in the spring break death of a college student but are refusing to release documents related to the case. >> the mother of the 21 year old says her son called her in a panic, saying four men dressed as cops were taking him to jail. she says his last three words were "pray for me", before he abruptly hung up the phone. >> hours later he was found dead. an autopsy revealed he suffered a broken nose and defensive injuries. further north of mexico we are getting a look at the
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notorious sinaloa drug cartel. with opioid use skyrocketing, demand is high. >> and others are working even harder to keep business booming. "nightline" anchor, dan harris takes us to the dangerous front lines of that battle. >> reporter: up this dusty road in northwest mexico, these sun-dappled purple flowers at the heart of a battle for heroin. poppy. the raw material heroin. >> you're getting the gum out of the poppy? >> mm-hm. >> reporter: among the armed workers, we find a grandmother recently deported from los angeles. obviously you know this because you lived in the united states, but the heroin epidemic is a huge problem. do you have any concerns about being part of it? >> i feel very bad. i feel like dirty. but i need money. >> reporter: after you harvest the poppies, you need to cook the gum into heroin. that's what we're going to see now.
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>> reporter: the main cook says he's 25 years old and has been doing this work since he was 15. so there are a lot of chemicals in this. would you ever inject this into your body? no, not at all, he says. to be honest, i have to step away for a second. these fumes are hard. and this is the final product, white heroin. at night, the next step in the chain. smuggling the product up into america. this is clearly not the first time he's done this. there are millions of dollars worth of merchandise hidden in this vehicle. who takes the car across the border? is it mexicans or do you find americans to do the work? american citizens? how do you find americans to do it.
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your boss does it. interesting. no one we met inside the cartel thinks a border or anything else will shut down the drug trade, as long as so many americans are willing to pay for their product. >> incredible to see all that from behind the lines. >> yeah, absolutely fascinating access that dan harris got there in mexico. thanks to him. coming up in the next half hour, the woman who sent 65,000 text messages to a man she met online, sometimes 500 a day, and then he found her inside his home. >> so the question this morning, is she single? meghan markle's mom meets the queen before the big day. i wonder what hats they'll wear. yeah, that's a big question. you're watching "world news now." they'll wear. yeah, that's a big question. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ i think it's like -- london is calling. with just over a week until meghan markle and prince harry help the u.s. and england become friends once again. >> maybe a little too deep. but the wedding is a big deal, especially for the parents of the bride. with less than ten days to go before meghan officially becomes a princess, her mom has landed in london to help with the last-minute wedding prep. >> she will be meeting harry's nearest and dearest. it's no doubt a stressful and busy time for meghan. so having her mother by her side, especially on mother's day, will no doubt alleviate some of those nerves. >> reporter: the 61-year-old african-american social worker and yoga instructor will meet harry's relatives for the first
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time, including the queen, prince charles, prince william and princess kate. meghan will be the first biracial woman to marry into the british first family. her mom will learn to curtsy and table etiquette. >> she is thrust into the middle of the royal circle and staying at kensington palace with harry and meghan. she has them to help her along the way. >> reporter: after her parent divorced when meghan was just 6, her mother exposed her to the soup kitchens of l.a. and impoverished areas of jamaica. meghan once said both my parents came from little, so they made a choice to give a lot. harry also flew her mother for the closing ceremony of the invictus games and has spoken warmly about how much he adores her. and what about meghan's dad? >> he is now en route from
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mexico on his way to london. next week he'll be joining doria and harry and meghan at the private wedding rehearsal at windsor castle when it will be the parents' first chance to see how big this wedding is. >> reporter: history will be made when doria accompanies meghan to st. george's chapel. >> i like that. a little girl power. mom's escorting her to the church. >> we also want to take note that we're pretty pumped about the wedding. we'll be offering viewers a fascinating look into the world of fascinators. >> mm-hm. >> just found out what a fascinator was. those funny little hats many will be wearing to the wedding. >> that's a fascinator on my head. >> is it? >> that's a banana split. >> that's dessert. >> we have a lot coming up. but coming up for you in a few minutes, your friday polka. plus, how robots can now run. >> can they juggle?
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ave medicare parts a and b and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more.
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all right, so we all right, so we told you about the student who can jog and juggle at the same time. well, a 13-year-old in china just said hold my beer, or rather my rubik's cube. he has managed to solve three rubik's cubes in five minutes while juggling them. he was challenged to break a world record for this. he managed to reconfigure the 54-piece puzzles in just five minutes. >> that is absolutely amazing. the concentration, you can see his eyes. holy -- >> i don't see how it's physically possible. >> i don't understand myself. i don't understand how this is physically possible. but robots can now jog. you can take them for an afternoon jog.
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the folks in boston who are ruining humanity with their robot designs, boston dynamics, have created one that looks pretty much like any of us. >> what would you do if yo encountered this on your run? >> i would run the opposite direction. kermit! politics and foreign wars, all the weather, all the scores, that's the world news polka. ♪ if you're an insomniac ♪ and a good night's sleep you lack ♪ ♪ do the world news polka ♪ on banjo and accordion ♪ the folks know every note ♪ sing it loud ♪ sing it big ♪ every anchor frog ♪ and pig ♪ do the world news polka ♪ the swedish chef and ako ♪ they do the world news polka ♪ even pepe gets up way before the dawn ♪ ♪ to do the world news polka
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♪ next time bring ms. piggy ♪ i hear she's quite a ham ♪ hope you didn't hear that, or you'll be on the lam ♪ ♪ next time neighbors tell you it's half past three ♪ ♪ say that's news to me ♪ five whole days every week ♪ we're here and the world news polka ♪ ♪ one more time ♪ do the world news polka >> kermit, that was terrific. you play a great polka. >> thank you, i am a tad-polish. >> i get it. >> wacha, wacha. >> foz fozzie bear wrote our material. >> please don't blame us, folks.
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this morning on "world news now," the president rallies this morning on "world news now," the president rallies republicans and looks ahead to election season. he suggests he deserves more than two terms and reveals a possible slogan for his reelection campaign. plus what he's saying about north korea. outrage after a white house aide reportedly mocked senator john mccain saying his opinion about cia chief nominee doesn't matter, he's dying anyway. what the white house and mccain family are now saying this hour. a family is told to tear down their new home. >> the reason? it's too tall for their neighborhood. find out by just how many inches we're talking about. and the concert that's not selling any tickets online. hear what the nine-inch nails need their fans to do before
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coming to the show, and will others follow suit? it's friday, may 11th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> when you first said that it's a concert not selling any tickets, i thought you meant nickelback. >> they're not selling any tickets online on purpose. the president is already in campaign mode some would say. >> he held a rally in indiana where he pointed to the booming economy and low unemployment rate across the country and touted tariffs and tax cuts saying the country is doing better than ever. >> we are all making america proud. we are rockin'. we are rockin'. [cheers and applause] this is truly an exciting time for our country. jobs are booming, remember? i told you. i told you.
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[cheers and applause] confidence is soaring. and optimism is at the top of every chart. >> the president warned the crowd that if they don't vote for republicans in the midterm elections, democrats would regain control of congress and dismantle his agenda. he joked about reelection beyond two terms and showed off his 2020 slogan. >> this is the first for indiana. the new slogan for 2020, you know what it is? keep america great! because we're doing so well that in another two years, when we start to heavy campaign, make america great again wouldn't work out too well, right? >> well, they already printed out the slogans. >> that's official, right? >> so the president also talked
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about his upcoming summit with the north korean dictator. it is now set for june 12 in singapore. >> he thinks the historic meeting will be a big success and stressed its importance for the world and celebrated the release of the three american prisoners hours after welcoming them home from north korea. >> i think that kim jong un -- kim jong un did a great service to himself, to his country, by doing this. but those hostages came out with respect. we didn't pay for them. we're going to set the table. we're going to make a great deal for the world, for north korea, for south korea, for japan, for china. >> earlier, the president said he thinks kim wants to bring his country into the real world. let's move on now to the middle east as we should pay attention because the tensions between israel and iran have exploded into their most serious confrontation to date. >> it's all playing out in syria.
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this video was released by the syrian military. israel has targeted iranian military installments in syria. >> reporter: israel and iran move into direct confrontation. israeli fighter jets targeting sites in syria, the camera approaches the target, then cuts out. weapons depots and intelligence sites also targeted in the biggest attack in syria in more than four decades. israel says the strikes were retaliation after hours earlier iranian forces inside syria fired 20 rockets toward the israeli occupied golan heights. they say they missed their targets and retaliation was swift and fierce, israel's prime minister saying iran crossed a
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red line. and in all this, u.s. forces still on the ground in syria. as the white house condemns the iranian attacks. these attacks come hours after the u.s. pulled out of the iran nuclear deal. this certainly seems like a reaction by iran to that action but above all to growing pressure by israel. back in this country, senator john mccain back in arizona fighting cancer but coming under attack in washington. first up, a comment made on fox business news by a retired air force general, thomas mcinerney while criticizing the nominee for the cia, he brought up mccain's years as being tortured in vietnam. >> she can't use it anymore.
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we've determined in congress that it is not legal. the fact is, john mccain, it worked on john, that's why they call him song bird john. the fact is, those methods can work, and they're effective. >> see what he was saying there, he's saying the torture treatment john endured worked on him. so the host of that show, charles payne there on the fox business network, called the general's comments very false and derogatory and apologized to mccain and his family. his wife, cindy, tweeted please choose your guests more wisely. then there's outrage about a comment about mccain made by an aide. kelly sadler dismissed his comments about the nomination saying it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway. the 81 year old mccain is battling brain cancer. the white house didn't dispute the remarks. cindy mccain tweeted, may i remind you my husband has a
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family, seven children and five grandchildren. lieutenant colonel herbert mcmaster sr. died last month days after a fall in a retirement home. nurse christian gainey is charged with involuntary manslaughter and falsifying records. she plans to plead not guilty. they call it an important step to stop those suffering at the hands of those who lack compassion. millions are bracing for severe weather this morning. a powerful line of storms is moving off the east coast. those storms created scenes like this one here in new york. dramatic. bolts of lightning around the empire state building. to the west, at least two tornados touched down near richfield, wisconsin. wind gusts near 80 miles per hour left a trail of damage.
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and geologists in hawaii are making stunning predictions about what could happen if the kilauea volcano blows its top. if conditions continue changing, there could be a very violent steam explosion in days. that would include massive boulders traveling at 120 miles per hour and an ash cloud high enough to disrupt air travel. the threat has led officials to close hawaii volcanos national park as a precaution. >> it's usually not just one explosion. it's usually a series. so, as that ash falls and piles up, it's just not a safe place to be. >> the volcano's red hot lava is escaping through 15 cracks in the ground. at least three dozen structures have been destroyed. a mere 30 inches may cost a british family its dream home. >> a house in central england, they spent $670,000 building it for his wife and five kids. now they're told the house is too tall.
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>> the town council says the house is 30 inches over the local limit. it gave the family a choice. get it to the correct height or have it demolished. officials will spend the next three months considering other ideas as well. >> 30 inches. >> the town officials by the way okayed the home back in july. >> mm-hm. >> when it didn't have a roof, however. >> usually homes need those, though. they don't work too well without one of those. >> maybe they thought it would be a flat roof. >> they say getting rid of the 30 inches is going to cost them about $250,000. >> about a third of the price of the house. >> yep. coming up, more news, including a warning about vaping devices. plus the accused stalker who police say sent thousands of text messages, some of them disturbing, to a man she met online before she showed up at his home. and in "the skinny," the first stop on deadpool's apology tour is david beckham's house.
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did ryan reynolds really show up? you're watching "world news now." eynold really show up? you're watching "world news now." hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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highway median and take out two light poles. you can see both light poles slam to the ground, blocking traffic on both sides of the road, luckily not hitting any cars on those sides of the road. unbelievable. traffic comes to a screeching halt, luckily mo one was hurt here, the driver was arrested. >> the truck looks like it's fine, built ford tough, i would say. >> i don't think ford intends to use that one in a commercial. a miami dade police officer is facing charges after he was caught on camera beating his daughter at school. >> the video shows 44-year-old raymond rosario beating his 14 year old daughter with a belt, grabbing her by the hair, punching her in the face. all this right in front of a school employee. he'd reportedly been called to the school because his daughter had, quote, been disrespectful toward a teacher. officer rosario has since been suspended and charged with child abuse.
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and a teen is recovering from injuries after his vape battery exploded in his pocket. he had four batteries along with loose change in his pocket. later at work when he went to get a drink of water, he felt an odd sensation. >> you know that static electricity that you feel from someone when they shock you? that's what i felt in my leg. i tried to get my pants off as fast as i could. >> according to fema, there have been more than 200 such explosions since 2009. one is thought to have killed a 38-year-old man in florida. you thought you had crazy exes. a woman in arizona is facing charges after making way too much contact after just one date. >> jaclyn addis is charged with stalking after she followed up one date with more than 65,000
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text messages, including one that said, i want to wear your body parts and bathe in your blood. well, the man she was texting then found her in his bathtub at his home in paradise valley. prosecutors say the pair met online last year and she has been texting him nonstop. she also showed up at his workplace. needless to say, he's freaked out. >> 65,000 text messages. >> that's a lot. also, don't your thumbs get tired? is she dictating? >> i think you dictate. >> but she showed up at his workplace and claimed she was his wife. >> i hate when that happens, especially when my real wife shows up. it's a little awkward. coming up, we're going to get into "the skinny," the love boat. ♪ the love boat >> and the bold move by a band to make getting concert tickets more difficult. "the skinny's" next. ♪ the love boat ifficult. "the skinny's" next.
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so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. flonase. this changes everything.
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>> is that what they did to the love boat? >> something like that. so we are setting a course for adventure, along with great dance moves with a reunion for one of the world's most loved tv shows. >> "the love boat" promised romance and something for everyone, comedy, adventure. we all watched from 1977 to 1986 on saturday nights here on abc. "fantasy island" would come right afterwards. >> the plane, the plane. >> and last night the cast reunited in their uniforms. a plaque dedicated to their honor on the hollywood walk of fame. >> the entire love boat cast is still alive. wow. captain stubing also took a moment to reflect on the show's success. >> the love boat became a hit, because when we went on in 1977, the television critics did not
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take to us too friendly. we were called mindless television. well, the worst was, we'll sink like the titanic. because of all of you, whenever anybody watched our show made it a hit we did not sink like the titanic. >> no, they did not. they sailed for nine seasons before being canceled. and it floats on forever in our hearts. >> we should have a reunion of the love boat. that would be fantastic. next, to an interesting move by nine inch nails forcing fans to get up off their behinds if they want tickets to a show. >> there's a north american tour with a catch. it's the physical world presale, aka they will not be sold online, only at venue box offices. >> so they included some
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the netherlands. >> i can't stay mad at you. >> that feels so good. you smell amazing, like cinnamon and manhood. >> this is seriously beckham. >> now it's getting kind of awkward. >> in case you were wondering if that really was ryan reynolds in the suit, or if they just kind of septemb of sent somebody in. >> ooh. >> check it out. proof that ryan reynold is actually there, and on this apology tour. >> how jealous are you of david beckham right now? >> i'm not sure who i'm more jealous of. david beckham is previously world cup loser, but i like both. they're good guys. >> sounds like you're really divided on that one. stick around, we have the
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friday rewind next. friday rewind next. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, stick around, we have the friday rewind next. e than parts a and b here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new. you're not stuck in a network... because there aren't any. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive. and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today.
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this week we got a reminder of why abc pays us the big bucks for this early morning newscast. well, we have a reason why we're here in the middle of the night. >> we also tried to explore what happened when we try to save money and do our own makeup. >> we're interrupting our usual programming to show you the arrival of three americans who were detained in north korea. they have just landed at joint base andrews outside washington, d.c. >> president trump is there to greet them after the secretary of state mike pompeo secured their release during his visit. >> we begin with president trump's major announcement today being watched all over the world, pulling the u.s. out of the iran nuclear deal and imposing new sanctions on iran instead. >> it was a one-sided deal that
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should have never, ever been made. >> he is reimposing sanctions not just on iran but on for companies doing business there. it could be ready to restart its nuclear program. >> new allegations that michael cohen received payments from a firm reportedly linked to a russian billionaire with close ties to the kremlin. >> this morning, michael avenatti waging a campaign against the attorney for president trump. the american-owned firm has ties to a company owned by viktor vekselberg. >> michael cohen should release the records for people to see. >> cohen whose home and offices have recently been raided by the fbi has not been charged with any crime.
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>> a major allegation. >> schneiderman is facing abuse accusations. four women have come forward claiming they were attacked by the attorney general on four occasions. he strongly contests the allegations but adds they will effectively prevent me from leading the office's work at this time. >> i got plenty of that. >> let's hear it. >> let's start. jared leto in gucci. >> he's trying to get in on the trend. >> there it is, your eyes just pop. >> my eyes have not recovered ever since. >> i like using them as a little fake mustache. >> you look cute in that. >> happy mother's day.
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>> have a great weekend. making news in america this morning, president trump back on the campaign trail rallying crowds in the midwest and announcing details about his historic summit with kim jong-un. but back at the white house, reports the homeland security secretary was on the brink of resigning after a trump tirade. the new details overnight. senator john mccain's wife speaks out after a white house aide dismissed mccain's influence saying he's, quote, dying anyway. the backlash and new information on mccain's condition as he battles brain cancer. sticker shock at the gas station. the new warnings about prices and the states now paying more than $3 a gallon. those stories, plus wild video from the highway. a truck out of control taking down light poles. a major leag s
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