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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 21, 2018 11:35pm-12:36am PDT

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i thought after sandy hook, is would never happen again. dianne feinstein and a new generation are leading the fight to pass a new assat weapons ban.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i feel most times we're high and low ♪ ♪ high and low ♪ if i had my way, never let you go ♪ enhance your moments. san pellegrino. tastefully italian. all right. that is or report on this monday. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley.
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>> i'm alma daetz. fo you will of us, >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, matthew mcconaughey. from "deadpool 2" miley cyrus pranks jimmy. and former "american idol" contestants, "where are they now?" plus music from james bay. and now, be carel, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. [ cheers and applause ] well, can i tellou something? i really -- [ cheers and applause ] thank you. i needed that.
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that boost. i'll be honest. i am so tired. i was -- i was in england this weekend for a wedding. totally beat. oh, not that wedding. i was at a different wedding in england. my friends got married at the hyatt regency near heathrow airport. did you think it was the royal one? this one had a pasta station. it was a different -- can you imagine? i was thinking abouthis, if you lived in england and your wedding was scheduled on the same day as harry and meghan's wedding. you just have to assume the relationship was doomed from the get-go. guillermo had a big weekend. i got a text from guillermo saturday night and then posted the photo he texted me to instagram. this is it. are you ready for it? so how did you wind up backstage with taylor swift, guillermo? >> guillermo: well, jimmy, i have a connection, jimmy. mexicans, we get everywhere. >> jimmy: oh, you do. ]oanght th deid show? >> guillermo: of course. happy wife, happy life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. let's have another look at that. i didn't realize she was nine
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inches taller than you are. [ laughter ] i thought she said you were never, ever getting back together. didn't she sing that? >> guillermo: yes. she sing that, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: president trump was not invited to anything this weekend. [ applause ] he spent the weekend tweeting like a nut. donald trump was so out of control with the tweets this weekend michael cohen had to pay him $130,000 to stop it. [ cheers and applause ] yesterday -- this might be the quadruple double down on what might be his most paranoid delusion to date. he wrote, "i hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow, that the department of justice look into whether or not the fbi/doj infiltrated or surveiled the trump campaign for political purposes. and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the obama administration." i like that he threw in "hereby" like it makes it more official. [ laughter ] i hereby demand that john kelly remove everyar mllma from this box of lucky charms.
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[ laughter ] and hand-feed them to me individu tbu tshi eetwt,ou y heav to hal. it to donald trump, he somehowu while tweeting about how he hasn't stice. that's impressive. at this point we should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate donald trump'agin r completely s wild. this gets just a tiny bit nuttier every single day. what if tomorrow -- stay with me on this. what if tomorrow the president announce that's shape shifters have taken over the department of justice? [ laughter ] and that robert mueller is a reptile in human form. would that be so different from what he's doing now? i mean, if trump said robert mueller's a lizard who came here from space to destroy america, based on how things have been going so far, i have to believe that sean hannity and lou dobbs and those dummies on "fox and friends" would jump in and go yes, robert mueller is an iguana. [ cheers and applause ] who's been livingan iguana in a terrarium in the obama
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family den. sasha and malia used to feed him grub worms and fruit leather and now he's coming out -- this is another tweet. "the witch hunt finds no collusion with russia. so now they're looking at the rest of the world. oh, great." [ laughter ] with a little -- who types "oh, great"? that's something you say when you get a little coffee on your shirt. oh, great. [ laughter ] and did you see the tweet about his wife? this is the best one. in between fits of hysteria the president welcomed melania back home after she had a kidney procedure. she was in the hospital. he wrote, "great to have our incredible first lady back home in the white house. melanie is feeling and doing very well." [ laughter ] he wrote "melanie." he misspelled his own wife's name. [ applause ] although i will say, to be fair to him, he's had quite a few wives. it's hard to keep track. [ laughter ] at first i assumed it must have been an autocorrect thing that did it. but it turns out not only doesn't twitter autocorrect to
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melanie, if you type melania it doesn't even highlight it. so it wasn't autocorrect. i think this happened because his fingers are so big, his hands, and when your hands and fingers are that big and meaty, the e, the a, the r, the s, you can't help it, you just mash the letters all at once. melania is -- it's not a common name, but it's n s hard to o spell. and we decided to conduct an experiment today. we went to every starbucks in our neighborhood and we asked people who were going in to say their name was melania to see if the baristas could spell it. and we didn't cherry-pick this. this is everyone we asked and how it went for each one. sthoet ♪ ♪ >> hi. are you ordering a coffee at starbucks? >> yes. >> will you do me a favor? when you go in there, will you order your coffee under the name melania? >> okay. >> just say melania when they ask you your name. >> melania. >> right. thank you. >> thank you. >> can you go in and order coffee inside starbucks but order it under the name melania? >> sure. >> like the first lady.
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>> yep. >> okay. get yourself something nice. >> okay. thank you. >> go and order a coffee under thname melania. >> got it. >> and you right here, will you do it -- are you guys together? >> yeah. >> why don't you order something under the name barron? >> barron? >> okay. >> yeah. let's see how that goes. >> good luck. >> let's see your cup. what does it say? >> meli nachlt. . >> that's misspelled. >> what do we have? >> alania. >> wow. >> it says milana. perfect. >> and how did they spell it? >> >> ohow's barron? >> pretty good. no. >> there's supposed to be like an n here. it's just melia. >> yours looks like bacon. >> i-l-n-i- >> let's see. turn it around.
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oh, so close. >> all right. how did they do? nila>> wow. they did it. >> awesome. >> oh, my gosh. your briarrista is smarter than the president of the united states. >> and i look a lot like her. that's probably why they spelled it -- >> totally. totally twins. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's not just him. although he's married to wondering what hillary clinton's been up to, she gave the commencement speech at yale yeerda where she offered advice and provided some comic relief. >> now, i see looking out at you that you are following the tradition ofroht o a hat too. a russian hat. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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>> jimmy: still as as ever. [ laughter ] where was that wicked sense of humor on the campaign trail? and then she burst into tears. here's something i would like robert mueller to investigate. for whatever reason i have become the victim of an unusual prank multiple times now. a few years ago on april fool's rihanna colluded with my own wife to sneak into my house in the middle of the night and jump on my bed and wake me up. and that was fun. but then a year later britney spears pulled the same stunt. she stormed into my bedroom with a team dancers and scared the crap out of me again. and i thought that was that. but i guess this is a series now because the other night yet another music superstar barged into my dreams. this time i was the victim of a very loud young woman named miley cyrus. >> that's the whole plan. >> we're going in.
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>> i'm coming in like a wrecking ball just for you, jimmy. here we go. waky waky. guess who it is, jimmy. good morning. ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ ♪ all i wanted was to ♪ all you ever did was wreck me ♪ >> i'm a full-on wrecking ball. ♪ all you ever did was break
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me ♪ ♪ yeah, you wreck me ♪ yeah, you wrecked me sweet dreams. it kafts really good if you want a lick. >> of what? >> the sledgehammer. it's kind o>>f thanks. >> you're welcome. see you next time. >> there's going to be a next time? >> you can keep all the rubble. >> you dot got me right in the balls. >> it is called "wrecking balls." >> good night. >> i hitthe sled hgeimhammer. >> bh, [er ] >> why are you guys all dressed like that? >> because they're a wrecking
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crew. okay. good night. sleep tight. >> all right, guys. thanks so much for this. m. jbedroo [ cheers and applause ] thank you, miley. we have to take a break. when we come back, rubenrd tayl, in an "american idol" performance for the ages. stick around, we'll be right back. ari-what? simparica ist kills tick and fleas, like us. kills? studies show at the end of the month, it kills more ticks. in less time than frontline plus and nexgard. guess we should mosey on. see ya never, roxy! use simparica with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. cothe moide effects are vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. say goodbye to ticks and fleas... with monthly simparica chewables. don't juggle your home life and work life without it.
11:49 pm
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anything you want live your life and i'll live mine any way i want anything you want, want an-an-an i want, i want make it what you want
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♪ ♪ the powerful backing of american express. don't live life without it.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. matthew mcconaughey, james dennison and music from james bay.
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if you saw the show tonight, you know i promised an all-star moment on our show tonight. i'm nothing if not a man of my word. we've met so many memorable singers and personalities since "american idol" premiered back in 2002. and i was wondering where some of our favorite contestants are now. so we tracked a bunch of them down, we booked a recording studio, and for those of you who've been watching the show for a long, long time i am very especially pleased to present "american idol: where are they now." ♪ ♪ there comes a time ♪ when you get a special call ♪ the first in years ♪ ♪ there's a show that wants us
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♪ to sing on live tv ♪ even though it's not 2003 ♪ we have come so far ♪ so many ups and downs ♪ since the night we took o bowr ♪ but now we're back to answer ♪ the biggest question of all ♪ oh, where, oh where are we now ♪ ♪ where are we now ♪ it's a good question ♪ you didn't know if i was still alive ♪ ♪ till this recording session ♪ i think the corporations i'm o a bar ♪ me ♪
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♪ mixing signature cocktails ♪ i also do construction on the side ♪ ♪ i made a christian album ♪ got my second kidney transplant ♪ ♪ and i still have trouble high fives ♪ ♪ ♪ i drive for lift and uber ♪ i sang the star spangled banner at five dodger games ♪ ♪ i'm little ♪ ♪ and i'm a notary public right here in l.a. ♪ ♪ idol champions ♪ i'm a grammy nominee ♪ my debut hit number one ♪ my fans are called the soul
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patrol ♪ ♪ and i'm the velvet teddy bear ♪ ♪ we sold millions of albums ♪ what the hell are we doing here ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm looking around me ♪ look at me now ♪ ♪ i'm in a commercial for wrigley gum ♪ ♪ it just went viral ♪ ♪ pants on the ground ♪ pull your pants up and be a real man ♪ ♪ walk downtown with your pants on the ground ♪ ♪ and that's where we are now >> she bangs! she bangs! >> wow, guys. that's incredible. you guys sound phenomenal. you guys been taking lessons or something? [ laughter ] wow.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and here they are now. here they are, the american idols. congratulations! [ cheers and applause ]yomade i. tonight on the show music from m spt juliansotniennd an, back with m mcconaughey. ♪ and that's where we are now ♪ where are we now ♪ that's a good question thing. more r your getting serious thing. that moving out of the friend zone and moving in together thing. those fur babies preparing you for real babies thing. that you and me, me and you gosies for forever thing.lvinha now get 50% off an iphone 8 at at&t.
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11:59 pm
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12:00 am
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xfinity. the future of awesome.
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geyser! [echo]stal! [echo] crystal! [echo] geyser! [echo] crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. naturally. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight, from the number one movie in america "deadpool 2," julian dennison is here. he's the kid. he plays "firefist." then, his album is called "electric light," james bay from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage] tomorrow night on the show johnny knoxville and jenna dewan willusron oi franz ferdinand. and later this week, shailene woodley, jordan klepper, dylan minnette, samantha bee plus music from blink 182 and anderson paak. so pleas uinjos r fo
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our first guest tonight has, among many other things, an oscar, a golden globe, and a brother named rooster. rk. a it opens in theaters in september. please say hello to matthew mcconaugy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] wow. look at this. how are you, sir? >> thank you. know, it's rare -- it is rare that we get bottle service here at the show. >> this is -- >> jimmy: you cooked this up, right? >> this is my new juice. >> jimmy: uh-oh. >> long branch. been working on this for two years. >> jimmy: do you slug it or do
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you sip it?>> it can go either way. there's plenty if you just wit.n what do you mean you've been working on it for two years? >> a little smoky backbone. >> jimmy: have you really been working on it? like you've been cooking tshiye? >> i've been working with wild . master distiller eddie russell three years ago i said i always wanted to have my own bourbon to make something that's a texas kentucky combination. he started sending me samples and we started steepg it in mesquite and sent me samples over 2 1/2 years. >> jimmy: how many samples over 2 1/2 years? >> 88. >> jimmy: does he want to kill you by the end of it? >> the late-night notes i would give him back are the best notes. they got real musical. >> jimmy: can you really give notes when you're actually drunk? getting notes from a drunk bett. >> j:my well, look at that. >> finally, on my birthday i was camping with my family down on the river where i learned to swim, and i'd saved these eight
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bottles that were my favorites to take down there, and right around midnight i had a sip and i said that's it. but i didn't say it out loud because i wanted my wife to blind taste test it as well. she tasted all eight and got to the one and was like oh, that's the one. that night at 4:00 a.m. i called eddie and i said we got it. >> jimmy: eddie's like, i'm trying to sleep. [ cheers and applause ] we, happyon father's day. >> jimmy: happy father's day to you as well. how's everything going? mi'g hammered at the end o gf this. [ laughter ] >> everything's been going good. been spending a lot of time in texas with the family 237 >> jimmy: how old were you when you first sipped ak snol alcohol? >> my brother pat probably slipped me a budweiser early. made sure my parents didn't know while i was out of town. the first time i had wild turkey i was on a duck hunt in arkansas and it was 11 degrees and we were walking through the swam. and we wore waders. and i had a hole in my wader. up here. so both ofy m water.
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it's 11 degrees. this is not good. and i remember my dad said, well, we're notngck i'm freezing, just snot coming out of my nose. he said sow gon d't bud, have a little pull off of that. and it helped me survive. >> jimmy: does that prevent le fmroop peno. it just makes it not be as uncomfortable getting it. [ cheers and applae ] >> jimmy: that doesn't surprise me. >> it's not the cure. >> jimmy: no, not the cure. you just made a movie, and this is mind-boggling to me, with jimmy buffett and snoop dogg. >>yeah. [ la ughter ] >> jimmy: how did the movie even get made? >> yeah, right. it was one big song. i tell you that. >> jimmy: was it fun? it seems like it would be fun. >> it was a blast. i mean, we got away with i can't believe i got paid for that one. >> jimmy: is the title of the movie "let's just find the most fun guys in the world and put them together and let them go?" ? >> pretty close. but in two words it's called
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"the beach bum." >> jimmy: you and snoop dogg hit it off i imagine. >> yeah. he's a prince of a man. >> jimmy: he's a lot of fun. always fun. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you hang out or was it just business? >> no, we hung out. was never just business. no, it was fun the entire time. >> jimmy: what was the most notable thing snoop did during your workday? >> he snooped me. [ laughter ] you know what being snooped is? >> jimmy: i think i have a pretty good idea. [ applause ] when you get snooped, would the snooping come before you shot your scenes or aufter you shot your scenes? >> my particular snooping was all recorded on camera and i'm not quite sure what we did that night. but i'd gone on set. my snooping happened when it was a scene where i'm going to snoop, i've got writer's block and snoop has the magic weed. right? i go to snoop, and i go i've got to make sure i've got proper weed. prop weed is not like real weed. it's crushed oregano and stuff. yeah, good idea. [ laughter ]
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so we get in the scenes, six-minute scene, passed back and forth. at the end he goes yo, moon dog, that's my character, he goes that ain't prop weed. that's snoop weed. oh, you son of a gun. the next nine hours were a lot of fun but i don't believe i used one word in the english language. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you coin that term snooping? because i think you might have started something. >> the next day i said you -- i got snooped. he said yeah, moon dog. you hit four in the park home runs lastnit. >> jimmy: another unusual pairing here. this gentleman passed away a few months ago. stephen hawking. great genius. >> jimmy: k >> kip thorne. >> jim ket:myalip physicist. >> also carl sagan. >> jimmy: what was happening here? >> we were trying to figure out -- >> jimmy: were you snooping? >> we were heavy-duty snooping. [ laughter ] we were working out the riddles of the universe. hanging out with these two men and carl sagan as well, you know, if there's one line i came away with understanding after
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spending time with them and the way their minds work is that for me god's back yard is a whole lot bigger than i thought it was. >> jimmy: they put it in perspective. >> yeah. just perspective of the tiny dot we are. and how many galaxies make up the universe, how many multiple universes there maybe. it's pretty awe inspiring. >> jimmy: this definitely sounds similar to what you may have been talking about with snoop and jimmy buffett i imagine. [ applause ] >> working it out. >> jimmy: you know, mike myers was here i think like two or three weeks ago and he told a story but and your wife camila and him. he said he was at a hotel. i want to get your take on this. did you see this by any chance? >> no, i haven't seen it. but i was there. >> jimmy: so what he says happened -- so we don't know what really happened. but what he says happened is he was sitting alone in a hotel and you came up and said hey, how are you doing? why don't you come sit with my wife? we're having a couples weekend. without the kids. come over and sit with us. and he felt like he was
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intruding but you invited him. sew went and sat there. and then he felt like a third wheelnd aybe i should say it'se im t is time for us to go. and you got up and then we h ot>> g yeah. >> jimmy: and thin all went to the same floor. >> yes. an d hemyim s jaid he felt like ma you thought he might be following you for a threesome. [ laughter ] >> mike. he couldn't get the hint. that's what we were looking for. >> jimmy: that is what you were doing. [ laughter ] yeah. and he had room 69. >> jimmy: yeah. he had room 69. that's right. he had room 69. which i thought that was some kind of poetic comedian license. but no. i guess it's too crude to be that. >> that was a fun night. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back, we're going to see a clip from -- a trailer, actually. not just a clip. from matthew's new movie "white boy rick." we'll be right back with that.
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that means more standard features and more upgrades for a lot less than expected. the all-new ecosport. it's the big upgrade in a small package. from ford, america's best-selling brand. see what you can get for under 20 grand with the all-new ecosport. you can prep any angle quicker and easier.tchblue platinum painters tape see what you can get for under 20 grand 3m's advanced poly material helps stop paint seepage, and it's easy to remove in one long pull. so you can pull off a better paint job. scotchblue platinum painters tape. ♪ the boss has more meatate then we added some meat ♪ ♪ oh yeah, then there's brisket on top of all that ♪ ♪ if this doesn't speak to you get some fajitas ♪ ♪ chili's is back, baby, back, baby, back ♪
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mmm-hmmm! ♪ or take your burgers to go ♪ baby, go baby, go ♪
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how come you stayed, dad? >> detroit. lion don't leave the serengeti. >> you realize you're the worst father ever. >> i'm not going to let you ruin your life, dawn. no drugs in the house. >> stop! >> everything's fine. >> it's not fine. >> you're fine. ma's fine. you're fine. put some clothes on, will you? we're going for custard! >> you all know who my dad is, right? you all know who he -- >> yeah, i know your broke-ass dad. what did you say your name was? >> rick. >> white boy rick. >> you should come by the skating rail sometime. but not like this. like you robbed a kmart or something. >> you good, rick. you want to move weight, you come to me. >> you're going to get in too deep and they're not going to let you out. >> eight pounds 14 ounces. that's what you weighedn your es i knew your life was going to be
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bigger than mine. >> look at this, dad. look how we're living. i know the players.on t, ga me.. i can do this. we can do this. we can fix our lives and be a family again. what do you say? ♪ >> ask yourself this. would you believe a 15-year-old kid was working for the federal government? >> but he was. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. that looks good. and this is based on real people, right? >> this is based on the true
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story of rick worshey, boy rick, who at 16 was an informant for the fbi, he was dealing on the streets, he go got busted, life in prison. this is his true story. >> jimmy: did you meet him? >> yeah, i went to michigan and sat down with him. he was up there in jail, in the penitentiary, and we sat down for quite a few hours. >> jimmy: what do you tneho'ska rest of his life in prison? >> well, he'd been in 27 years when i talked to him. he was amazingly genuome.he man i've talked to in different prisons, he was not sitting there saying i'm innocent. st tmoh o ponpl death row and stuff are saying they're innocent. no, no, no, i was no saint. i sewed up, and i was dealing this and that and the other. he goes, they exaggerated how big of a kingpin i was. but you know, i think 27 years is being here too long, he said. i think i'm ready to get out. and there's a whole lot of people who got busted selling a
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lot more than he did who got much shorter sentences. and he's about to get released. >> jimmy: is he aware of who matthew mcconaughey is? because if he went into prison in -- he went in the '80s, right? >> yeah. : k jno>>ws is famous? did he even know? >> we didn't really even -- he knew who i was, but whether he was briefed by the producers before i went and met him or he ewkn he was in prison, i don't know. we really didn't talk much about me the actor. he was a sober-minded enough guy. he wasn't impressed with hollywood. he was worngoferne l and be a f. >> jimmy: so he is going to get out soon you say. >> yes. >> jimmy: and he will come to h eli [ laughter ] >> just like bernie. that's an inside story. yeah. the room's all set. >> jimmy: i love seeing scenes from las vegas in the mid '80s because i grew up there and i went to high school in 1984 in
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las vegas. are you a vegas kind of guy? >> i just got through 14 hours straight on the blackjack table about two weeks ago. >> jimmy: did you really? >> i came out a little more than i went in with. >> jimmy: wow. 14 hours. that's serious. >> it went well. >> jimmy: i guess so. you almost had somebody you know, my brother rooster, you almost had him as a neighbor in the '80s. >> jimmy: in las vegas? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, my god. rooster can't live in las vegas. >> he chose not to. but listen to this deal he gets offered. this is my brother who some of you may know. >> jimmy: yeah, he's a character. >> so that character is at the aladdin casino and plays craps and brings so many people to his table that the aladdin offered him a yearly salary, a penthouse at the top and all the gambling money he wanted if he would just stay there and keep playing craps every day. for his own health. for his own health i'm glad he said no. >> jimmy: really?
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: i can't imagine roo rooster saying no to this. he's a wise man it turns out. well, it's great to see you. congratulations on your bourbon. tell rooster i said hello. >> i will. >> jimmy: and that he made the right decision. matthew mcconaughey, everybody. "white boy rick" opens in september. we'll be right back with julian dennison. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by kia and their america's best it can grow out of control, disrupting business and taking on a life of its own. its multi-cloud complexity creating friction... and slowing innovation. with software-defined solutions, like hpe oneview, you can tame the it monster. hewlett packard enterprise. less complexity. more visibility.
12:21 am
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: still to come music from james bay. our next guest journeyed all the way from new zealand to star in a movie he's technically not even old enough to see. he plays firefist in "deadpool 2." >> hi there. >> stay back or justin bieber dies. >> justin bieber. he called you justin bieber. oh, wait, wait. let's not do whatever that is.
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okay? let's just talk. it's russell, right? >> firefist. >> fire fist. ooh. that's a great name. where does it burn? just the fist or all the way up to the elbow? definitely all the way up to the elbow. >> jimmy: please welcome julian dennison. [ cheers and applause ] julian, i'm very pleased to meet you. how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: by the way, i mentioned that you were too young to see the movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: does that apply in new zealand? >> yeah, yeah. so i'm 15. and it's r-16 in new zealand. >> jimmy: r-16. >> yeah. so i can't watch it. so we're doing this fund-raiser on the 30th of may i think because my cousin's going over to england to do rugby. and the cinema, so we did a -
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we got a cinema. and they're like oh, yeah, you can introduce the movie and everything but you're not allowed to watch it. my mates got kicked out of the cinema as well. >> jimmy: i like to hear there's stupid red tape in countries other than ours. i don't know why that makes me feel better about things. wow. so what's the drinking age in new zealand? >> it's 18. >> jimmy: it's 18. >> i think it's 18. >> jimmy: you don't know if it's 18. >> i know w doi whe mtha18.'m i >> jimmy: what are you going to do when you're 18? >> i don't know. mom's watching. [ laughter ] i'm joking, mum. >> jimmy: what about all the profanity in the movie? your mother and father are fine with it? >> yeah, they're fine with it. no, they weren't. [ laughter ] i remember i was doing a scene with ryan and he whispered in my ear and my virgin ears, it was pretty intense. i can't say it because it's television and it's live. so i said it and i freaked out.
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they really enjoyed the film, though. >> jimmy: i think i started cursing when i was like 5 or something. >> you came out of the womb. >> jimmy: yeah. really. but it was brooklyn, you know. it was like a different thing. are there words in new zealand, curse words that we don't know of here? like -- >> no, not really. you sort of get influenced by americans. >> jimmy: i see. oh, really? interesting. so you've learned things from us. and we've really taken nothing profane from you. >> i wouldn't say learned things. >> jimmy: you've absorbed things from us. >> yeah. i'm like a sponge. >> jimmy: i see. i saw you in a movie i thought was a great movie, "the hunt for the wilderpeople." [ applause ] >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: isn't that like the biggest movie ever in new zealand? >> yeah. i think it's still top of the box office there. we sort of get movies like five years late. down in new zealand. >> jimmy: really? why is that? >> no, that's a lie, jimmy. of course not. but no, i was so proud of that. it was sort of my breakout movie. taka waitite was the director.
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>> jimmy: yeah. he directed the last thor movie too. >> i had an interview about 2 1/2 weeks ago and he said i just want to let you know, you owe your whole career to me. >> jimmy: he's right. you do owe your whole career to him. >> i don't want to say that to his face. >> jimmy: yeah. but it really is remarkable. and is "deadpool" a movie you were familiar with huh not been able to see that? >> it came out in 2016. the first one. and i was about 13 then. so i wasn't allowed to see it. but i saw it for the first time a few weeks ago. they had to cut out a giant sex montage in it. so yeah, they got rid of it. but it's a really cool movie. i heard of it. i really wanted to go see it but mum didn't let me when it came out. it's always mum. >> jimmy: when you're a teenage movie star do you have your own mansion or anything? >> no. i still live at home. i still share a bedroom with my brother. >> jimmy: you do? really? >> so i can't sleep when it's
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quiet. so it's good having him here. >> jimmy: how old is your brother? >> he's the same age as me. he's a twin. >> jimmy: oh, you have a twin brother. how about that? >> yeah. not identical, though. but he's super cool. >> jimmy: fraternal twin. >> yeah. he runs my social media. >> jimmy: he does? do you pay him to do that? >> no. [ laughter ] no family discount. >> jimmy: i would never trust like my brother to run my social media because brothers do ridiculous things to each other. >> no, he loves me. i love him. >> jimmy: i know he loves you. but sometimes that's part of the problem. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do you have an assistant or anything like that? >> so my mum, my dad, my siblings. i'm probably the slave at the house. >> jimmy: i see. >> not an assistant. i don't think i need one yet. i could because i have homework. that's such a good idea. >> jimmy: if you could have your assistant do your homework.
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[ applause [ applause ] so you're still in school. it must be such a strange thing to juggle. i mean, you're on television, you're in the movies, you have all this stuff going on and then you still have to do homework. like did you have to do homework this week? >> yeah. i actually did some before coming on the show. before coming to like everything here. >> jimmy: what did you have to do? >> i had to do some maori. that's the indigenous language of new zealand. i'm learning that at the moment. and also some math homework. >> jimmy: did you say meth? >> math. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, math. you have to be careful around here. they have a significantly different meaning. what math class are you in? algebra? geometry? >> i honestly don't know. [ laughter ] i just sort of sit back -- >> jimmy: it doesn't matter. you don't have to learn anything anymore. you're a movie star. >> my brother told me -- he's really smart. and he was talking to his teacher once and the teacher's like no, see, you've got to train your brain because this is the only thing the part of the
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brain can -- well, if this is the only thing i'm using it for, i'm not going to use it for anything else. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, at least he's thinking up something. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's unbelievable. do you like the united states? do you enjoy being here? >> yeah. it's fun. we got back from new york yesterday. and that's an amazing place. there are some crazy people in america. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. >> there's definitely some crazy people. >> jimmy: there's a lot of people -- we have -- is it true that there are more sheep than people in new zealand? >> yeah. there probably is. yeah. there's more sheep than people. >> jimmy: wow. >> i don't know where we keep them all, though. >> jimmy: which do you prefer, the sheep or the people? >> that depends on the people. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so do you like it here? >> yeah. >> jimmy: getting to visit all these different places. >> i remember the first time we came to los angeles. you felt like it's such a big ski. i come from wellington, the capital of new zealand, and it's such a -- not a small city but
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los angeles is so big you sort of feel like super lonely because we didn't know anyone. but now we know people. >> jimmy: right. or kind of know people in that very fake way that is inherent to los angeles. >> yeah. that's right. >> jimmy: well, congratulations on the big success of the movie and your career. "deadpool 2" is in theaters now. you probably saw it already. julian dennison, everybody. we'll be right back with james bay. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. you know at the heart of what mayor villaraigosa is doing today, he's fighting to make this country more equal and more just. president obama called him one of america's finest mayors.
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he's more prepared to get things done. antonio for governor. i support the affordable care act, and voted against all trump's attempts to repeal it. but we need to do more. i believe in universal health care. in a public health option to compete with private insurance companies. and expanding medicare to everyone over 55. and i believe medicare must be empowered to negotiate the price of drugs. california values senator dianne feinstein
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brought business and labor together to expand career training and apprenticeships, invested in transportation and helped create over 200,000 living wage jobs. antonio villaraigosa for governor. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank matthew mcconaughey, julian dennison and apologies to matt damon, we did run out of time for him. this is his album. it's called "electric light." here with the song "us," james bay! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ sometimes i'm beaten sometimes i'm broke
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'coz sometimes this city is nothing but smoke ♪ ♪ is there a secret ooh is there a code ooh can we make it better 'coz i'm losing hope ♪ ♪ tell me how to be in this world tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt ♪ ♪ tell me how 'coz i believe in something i believe in us after the wreckage ooh ♪ ♪ after the dust ooh i still hear the howling i still feel the rush over the riots ♪ ♪ above all the noise and through all the worry
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i still hear your voice so tell me how to be ♪ ♪ in this world tell me tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt tell me tell me how ♪ ♪ 'coz i believe in something i believe in us tell me when the light ♪ ♪ goes out tell me that even in the dark we will find a way out tell me ♪ ♪ tell me now 'coz i believe in something i believe in us ah oh oh oh ♪ ♪ we used to be kids living just for kicks oh oh oh in cinema seats ♪ ♪ learning how to kiss oh oh oh running through streets that were painted gold ♪ ♪ ohh we never believed we'd grow up like this so tell me how to be in this world ♪


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