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tv   World News Now  ABC  June 6, 2018 2:12am-4:00am PDT

2:12 am
♪ jack: wow. it looks like you had a rougher day than usual -- which is saying a lot. i actually applaud the way you get up and do it all over again and again every day. it's like watching you live a dystopian judy blume novel. i got expelled. [ laughter ] wait, wait, wait. they can't kick you out. they'd lose 30% of the black population at that school. nope! it's true. i just got off the phone with the school, and he's been expelled for knocking out a student. he did what, now? whoa! cool! -- captions by vitac -- what happened, sweetie? dre: this is what happened. [ voice cracking ] i got jacked for my chaaaaaain! [bleep] is wrong with you, boy? [ sobbing ] my chain!
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my beautiful, beautiful chain! aww. junior's reaction may look over-the-top, but it's not. ohh, the horror! you see, recently, i'd actually began to love him -- real fatherly love. he'd saved up his money and bought a chain. and not just any chain. he bought his chain. this was a weighty, 18-karat, solid-gold, non-allergenic, lobster-clasped, italian figaro rope -- a chain. he'd worked for god knows how long doing god knows what to save up enough money to get it. aaah! don't do that. it tickles. [ slurps ] when it finally came, [ doorbell rings ] it was perfect. in every boy's life, there comes a time when he puts aside the petty things of childhood and finds that one article of clothing that changes him -- makes him "that dude." [ smooches ] ♪ for pops, it was his leather jacket.
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for me, it was my african medallion. ♪ for junior, it was his chain. lookin' good in that chain, grandson. it's like you're my... my real son. i mean, you -- you are my real son, but, you know, it... it actually feels like it. what the hell happened, son? it was awful. ♪ whoa! don't do that. please. just don't. no necklaces in class. it's a chain! [ scoffs ] whatever! put it away! ♪ i put my "necklace" away. [ scoffs ] this guy. ♪ whyyyyy?! hey. what's going on? and why are you wearing that turtleneck? and why do i suddenly feel like i don't love you anymore? oh, my god.
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someone stole my chain. what? ohh, the horror! ♪ why did you let them take you from me like this? why? what? why?! dre! he's right here. no, he's not! without a chain, he's just some light-skinned, weirdo kid in a turtleneck. dre! no. no, no. he's right. i should tan. okay. do you know who did it, son? ♪ junior: it was reggie. he used to be the most popular kid in school, until his parents put him on accutane. i don't like that [bleep]. i don't like that [bleep]. it changed him. what should i do, pops? it's your chain, son. it's your chain. your chain. yeah, you two are being ridiculous. j-junior, look at me. look -- look at me. you ignore them. we're gonna go down to the mall. we'll go down to that little kiosk, and we'll get you a new necklace! we'll just get you a new one! uh...junior. it's your chain, son. ♪ [ whispers ] it's your chain. ♪
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[ scoffs ] ♪ i did what they told me to do. what?! you told him to hit another kid? i told him to get his chain back. i didn't know he was gonna hurt anybody! i did. it was his chain! oh, my god! i can't believe you two! and, junior, what were you thinking? it's his chain -- so help me, god, if you say "it was his chain" one more time, dre! okay. [ sighs ] and i don't know. i mean, getting into a fight and they expel you -- doesn't that -- doesn't that seem extreme? [ chuckles ] not considering he broke the kid's jaw. i don't like this [bleep]. i don't like this [bleep]. you broke his jaw? you broke his j-- can't be doing that, son! jawbreaker! [ chuckles ] what the -- man! ♪ what are we gonna do? i mean, that's his school. he has to go there. don't worry. i'll get him back in. i can't even believe that they're treating him like this. seriously. i mean, you know what? we should trade up. valley glen is hot garbage anyway.
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their robotics team -- it's only ranked fourth nationally. sting's kid doesn't even go there anymore. exactly. the two of you sound ridiculous. what?! you should send junior to the local public school. what's the point in spending all this money to live in this damn neighborhood if you're gonna turn your nose up at the school that's right down the street? ruby: public school?! might as well send him to afghanistan! pops: mm, here you go. i went to public school. now, look how i turned out. okay, that's not a good argument. yes, look how you turned out. hey, hey, come on, pops. you know there are enough strikes against black kids in this country. he's looking at me like that because he knows i'm right. black americans have always had a difficult road when it comes to public education. separate was never really equal. jim crow laws made any chance of black students getting a fair shake at a good education almost impossible until 1954, when the supreme court heard a case by this smart, wavy-haired brother right here, thurgood marshall. brown vs. board of education declared that separate but equal schools
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are inherently not equal. the court called for desegregation with all deliberate speed. [ cheering ] but black folks got hit with the okeydoke. thanks to deliberate speed, it took 10 years to desegregate just 1% of segregated schools. [ groaning ] but then title iv hit and authorized the federal government to finally say, "integrate, or get zero money from us. a lot of people were not happy about this, but who cares? the supreme court had finally got it right. i wonder what's different about them. over the next few decades, integration rates reached an all-time high. and wouldn't you know it -- national testing scores were also higher than they'd ever been. so since things were going so great, what did we do? [bleep] it up, of course. [ groaning ] in 1991, the supreme court decided their mandatory integration ruling was never meant to be permanent,
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upending thurgood marshall life's work by one vote. he would retire later that same year. in less than a decade, our nation's test scores dropped to 50-year lows. in 2014, a study showed that public schools are less integrated now than they were when martin luther king was killed in 1968. our schools were more crowded, less diverse, and more dangerous than ever. luckily enough for my kids, they go to private school, where they can get a great education and feel safe. and if i can give my kid a leg up by sending him to private school, then that's what i'm gonna do. mm-hmm, and why you think i moved heaven and earth to put dre in a private school when he was a kid? you shot me and took my disability check. yeah, well... [ chuckles ] the lord works in mysterious ways. rainbow: whatever. i am totally open-minded when it comes to education, and the fact is that i probably would've gone to public school myself if i was not an indigo child. ♪ not right now. okay, babe? what are you talking about? i got a leaf in divination. pops: what are you talking about? bow was clearly lost in space, and pops would be fine
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if junior ended up as a pullman porter. it was up to me to make sure junior got into another good private school, and that's exactly what i was going to do. i got on the phone and called around town. but it seemed like junior's reputation of being an angry, jawbreaking black kid preceded him. trying to get him into a new private school turned out to be a lot harder than i thought. well, we didn't want to go to your punk-ass school anyway. [ cellphone beeps ] that was our last one on the list. we actually did want to go to that punk-ass school. well... junior's gonna have to go to public school.
2:21 am
maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't have to actually talk to your neighbor. are you watching the game tonight? or... could just trust duracell. ♪ your cat can't face the misery of biting fleas alone. advantage ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact so they don't have to bite your cat to die. advantage ii. fight the misery of biting fleas. can we fix this phone tonight? it's really slow. you can turn off the performance management feature
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but it may lead to unexpected shutdowns. battery throttling. or you could just upgrade it. ♪ woow, i'm moving on. yes, i'm moving on. ♪ ♪ mmmm, i'm moving on. super fast galaxy s9. available now.
2:23 am
[ sighs ] what are you doing? well, junior's starting public school, so i'm trying to come up with something nice to say about him at his funeral. wha-- "my son... had a chain." dre! junior survived you for 17 years. he's gonna be fine in public school. ehh... i don't know, babe. our kids weren't built for public school. they were raised in captivity. he's gonna be fine. school is school, and junior's gonna be great wherever he goes. okay.
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dad hates spending money. if this works out for junior, he could put us in public school. what is that even like? [ both sigh ] ♪ been spending most their lives ♪ turn it off. [ sighs ] turn it off. ♪ been spending -- ♪ so, after seven different high-school movies, what did we learn? that public school principals carry baseball bats and it was okay to use homophobic slurs in the '80s. this is not us. ♪ stevens: why so glum, dre? don't tell me you're still pouting about chris paul wisely choosing a confederate state where he doesn't have to pay any income tax. almost as bad. junior may have to go to public school. public, like a toilet? ugh! are they still doing that? come on, dre. you make enough money. you can opt out of that nonsense. in fact, it is a miracle that you survived public school. actually, i went to private school. what?! was it like a... black private school?
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so, you're sending your son to public school to punish him. i get that. you know, my parents, they, uh... they wanted to knock me down a few pegs, so they sent me to public school -- in greenwich. greenwich? it's not what you think, dre. there's a lot of diversity there. i mean, sure, there's families like the kelloggs and the posts, but there were also kids whose families owned lesser cereal companies, too. sure, that worked out for you because of your zip code. but the public schools that black and brown kids have to go to have all been abandoned. classic white flight. yeah, we move to your neighborhoods, you guys are out. we move to your schools, you guys are out. mm-hmm. we move to your cheesecake factories, you guys are out. god, do i miss the cheesecake factory. it's still open. [ chuckling ] okay, dre. see, you guys don't know how serious this is. you send your kids to private school to keep them on top. i send my son to private school to get him in the game in the first place. you guys are here, and we are here. mnh... mm. well, just get ready to be a granddad again. none of my kids have kids.
2:26 am
[ snorts ] okay, dre. [ chuckles ] what about you, charlie? did you go to public school? i did, in fact, joshua. hmm. my school shared grounds with a gator farm. i was number 5 in my class. but if i did have a son, i'd send him to private school. uh... you do have a son, charlie. eustace! ♪ you, sure you don't want to go check on him? yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, i'll go -- i'll go check on him. get some gas first and then play the lottery. put some air in my tire. you need something? no. i'm good. all right. let's see if i got everything. i'll take some milk duds. okay, gotcha. so, i work with lunatics, but they did make me think about our public school decision. [ doorbell rings ] i wonder where bow's head was at. oh. hey. oh! hi! i heard what happened to junior! yeesh! are you okay? uh...yeah. we're -- we're fine.
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so, where's he gonna go? oakwood? no. crossroads, flintridge? oh! harvard westlake! [ laughs ] no, he's actually gonna go to the public school. oh, is there a new private school called "public school"? no. a-an actual public school. sherman oaks high? yeah, it's, like, right up the street. sher-- [ laughs ] sherman oaks high? yeah. oh, yay! yeah. yeah, you know, we... always wanted to send our kids to public school... you should. ...but then we remembered that we live in los angeles, so we cannot. but you can. ehh. no, you actually can. not really. you -- you can. mm... well, all right. well, we are. um...i was watching a documentary the other day. fun fact -- when whales leave their fun little sea parks... mm-hmm. ...the public whales drown them. wait. what are -- i don't -- what are you saying? you know, i got the, like... nothing. i'm not saying anything. i'm sure junior's gonna be just fine! you're a real hero. no -- so brave! so brave. i don't --
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i'm starting to freak out. i'm gonna need you to calm me down. i don't know, dre. i actually think i'm gonna need you to calm me down. janine really scared me about junior going to public school. you should be. junior's toast. he's gonna be a child left behind. oh, my god. the whales are gonna drown him. not if the gators get him first. oh, my god. i'm so scared. me too! do you know how much money in property taxes i'm supposed to be paying for that school? why don't you two idiots go down there and see the place? where did you come from? ♪ hi, zo. h-- o-ow! my clavicle! quit whining. word on the street is, you're going to public school. you're gonna need to toughen up if you want to survive. you do want to survive, right? right? yeah. great. follow me. ♪ ow! my other clavicle. ♪ what's the point of this? bury it. what?! no! look, i'm only gonna tell you this once.
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it's either you or the cape that's gonna end up in there. the choice is yours. ♪ [ sighs ] [ groans ] aaah! [ wheezes ] all right. as soon you get there, you got to walk up to the biggest kid in the school and hit him right in the face. how do you know all of this? you can't become a cool girl in private school without having questionable friends in public school. come on! the strong get tested, the weak get rested! woman: you want to take a tour of the school? we don't do that. just show up with a piece of mail. that's your admission process? a pennysaver? a chipotle mailer? a valpak? even if it says "occupant," we'll believe you. and if you forget it, we will not follow up. [ video game beeping ] [ telephone beeps ] he's gonna be gator meat. ♪ okay, let's go over this one more time. so, you have all the emergency numbers, right? do not hesitate to use them. hey. hey.
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ohhhh. goodbye, my son. we've had some good times together. like that time you first got your gold chain yeah. and, uh... and when you first wore that gold chain and, uh... some other times i can't recall right now, but it's all good. it's all good. i'll see you guys on the other side. okay. okay. i hope. yeah, okay. one more hug, honey. i love you so much. you're such a handsome boy. ♪ you know what, babe? the place actually doesn't look so bad. surprisingly tranquil. [ school bell rings ] [ both scream ] [ indistinct chatter ] junior? junior? son! aah! oh! somebody grabbed my booty! we just got to get out of here, all right? it's about us now. he hasn't answered any of my texts! maybe the school just doesn't have reception. of course it doesn't! we sent him to a prison. ugh. we failed our son. sure have. i told you -- just let me shadow him. -what? -i'd blend right in. do a side ponytail and some go-go boots.
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i'd look like a gorgeously overdeveloped teen. ugh! yeah. mom, dad, great news! junior's the hot dog weenie we always knew he was! what? what are you guys talking about? a video surfaced of the fight. junior didn't break that kid's jaw. junior found reggie after school. they got into a major stare-down. and then junior took a wild swing and missed. because reggie had fainted. the water fountain broke his jaw. oh. oh! see? turns out reggie has a condition that causes him to faint when he's feeling least threatened. yeah, this makes way more sense. it's called a confidence-induced stroke. kanye gets them all the time. this means he could go back. this is so great for us! huh? us, like -- like, as in a family. -uh-huh. -you know? like, together. junior: mom! dad! i'm home! baby! oh, my goodness! oh! did you hear the good news? you get to go back to being the dorky, boring, sheltered, private-school loser you've always been.
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what are you talking about? i'm not going anywhere. i love public school. -huh? -what? its the very first create your own starting at $12.99.rden with over twenty combinations of sauces and toppings.
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the best lasagna is the one you create. new lasagna mia. for a limited time only at olive garden. it's pretty amazing out there. the world is full of more possibilities than ever before. and american express has your back every step of the way- whether it's the comfort of knowing help is just a call away with global assist. or getting financing to fund your business. no one has your back like american express. so where ever you go. we're right there with you. the powerful backing of american express. don't do business without it. don't live life without it.
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you love public school? i'm not surprised. with my training, he's probably running the yard already. actually... i was about to take your advice. yo, my parents took me to harry potter world this weekend. that place was lit! and check this out! oh! my dude's cape game is on point! turns out, in public school, i can actually be myself and people will like me for me. i've already got cool nicknames, like meal ticket and way out. -oh, boy. -that's not that cool. and one cute girl who, like yourself, mom, also happens to be a mother of five. even invited me to a foursome. [ chuckles ] but i don't golf, so... and the best part is, i'm not the only black kid anymore. i even counted, like, six black teachers. not to mention that they have a vending machine with actual soda in it.
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i had my very first mountain dew today. [ angelic harmonizing ] it was...glorious. thought long and hard about it, guys. i'm staying at sherman oaks. -we're screwed. -totally. and i'd like you to invest my private-school tuition in an immensely low-risk money market. huh. well, it doesn't work like that. you are a child, and you don't get to decide where you get to go. you're fortunate to have private school as an option. your dad has a very good point. and you're getting your gold chain back. maybe not. no. dad, don't you see? i don't need my chain anymore. my chain is inside me. wait -- just leave it. public school fills me with that same warm, fuzzy feeling that my chain did. what is that called? confidence? yes! confidence. oh, boy. it's glorious. just like mountain dew. [ angelic harmonizing ] [ door closes ] dre: i don't know, bow. i'm still worried about public school for junior. i just want what's best for him.
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you know, i had so many great opportunities after graduation, and i just want him to have the same access. oh, my god. am i stevens? worse -- you're black stevens. see, y'all are part of a much bigger problem. for years, bougie black folk in this country have turned their back on their community schools instead of trying to improve them. that's what you call black flight. and what was it called when you sent me to private school? being scared of your mama. [ laughs ] you know what, dre? hmm? we're always so worried about the fact that we're raising him in a bubble. this way, he's gonna be around different people of different backgrounds. maybe this could be good for junior. yeah. it could make him cooler. he's pretty cool. hey, guys! check it out! oh. oooh! [ laughs ] casting a spell there? yeah! yeah. let me get this pizza. little spell. remember when he had a chain? it was his chain, dre. his chain. ♪
2:38 am
sign the contract... and get a free smartphone! oh, our lawyer does that every time i say "free." those "free phones" from the big carriers actually lock you into a pricey, long-term contract. tricky, guys. tricky! with straight talk wireless, you can own an amazing new iphone 8 for just under 35 bucks a month. no contract. cancel anytime, no penalties. why haven't i switched? get more high-speed data than ever before with the iphone 8 on america's best networks. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. dog: whatever your dog seresto. brings home to you, it shouldn't be fleas and ticks. seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8 month - seresto, seresto, seresto. ice cream inspired iced coffee is here at dunkin' in the flavors you love, cookie dough, pistachio and butter pecan.
2:39 am
what's your flavor? america runs on dunkin'. the moment you realize the gardening geneit going? skipped a generation. at lowe's our "grow together" planting system takes the guess work out of creating a beautiful yard. yes. it's a targeted medicine proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, and lower oral steroid use. about 50% of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. fasenra™ is designed to work with the body to target and remove eosinophils. fasenra™ is an add-on injection for people 12 and up with severe eosinophilic asthma. don't use fasenra™ for sudden breathing problems or other problems caused by eosinophils. fasenra™ may cause headache, sore throat, and allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue,
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or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens or if you have a parasitic infection. fasenra™ is a targeted treatment for eosinophilic asthma. that's important. ask an asthma specialist about fasenra™.
2:41 am
parents are out of town this weekend! you know what that means? marvel movie marathon! m.c.u.! should we watch best to worst or chronological? oh, chronological. we start with "captain america: the first avenger." well, "guardians of the galaxy" takes place in outer space, which could transpire over any time span. so take a knee. ruby: hello, boys. does anyone want to listen to the new luther vandross with me? [ laughing ] hey! all right, now. i'm blending in.
2:42 am
dre: parenting. it's probably the most important part of being a parent. and growing up, my mom parented the hell out of me. little boy! you got homework! and you made me ruin my oatmeal mask. so, now, i'm gonna ruin your ass. so, now that i'm a parent, i demand the same good behavior from my kids -- especially at our school's pancaker okay, guys. how do we cut our food? both: continental style. tines down. mm-hmm. and remember, chew each bite at least 40 times. -yeah. -i-i-i have oatmeal. -chew it. -mm-hmm. that's how you become a winner in life. yep. unlike your weirdo classmates over there. [ bell chimes ] jar put his boots right on the table. baller. hey, don't you worry about what jar is doing. that's "white breakfast." you just sit back and enjoy your "black breakfast".
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and remember, if you ever misbehave, it's a reflection on our entire community. wha-- how -- ooh! ndle it. excuse hi. your daughter just took my bacon and broke my yolk. it's okay. she believes in communal food. really? well, here's the thing -- i think that's stupid. father, may we please be excused to use the lavatory? of course you may, my children. [ giggles ] i am so proud that we are raising perfect kids. when you know right, you do right. cheers! -cheerio! and since my system works and my kids never misbehave, i never expected this news from their teacher... i caught these kids showing these kids how to spray paint the bathroom. now, i won't tell you what they were painting, but, mr. johnson, you have one, and, mrs. johnson, you don't.
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you spray paint a bathroom?! i burn your clothes. [ fire whirs and crackles ] [ both gasp ] [ dre laughs ] captions by vitac -- now, for the fun part. give me your favorites. oh, this is really gonna hurt, guys! no. your real favorites, not the crap that your mother buys you. goodbye, yellow dress and baseball bat that made me feel like beyoncé. jack: [ voice breaking ] so long, camo pajamas. i guess i'll see you in my dreams -- [normal voice] unless i dream about a forest. let them burn! we raised you to follow rules and obey authority. what got into you? we were just -- sit yo' five-dollar ass down before i make change! we only did it because george and jar were doing it.
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both: ugh. george and jar?! they are a bad influence on you guys. you can't see them anymore. oh, that won't be hard, because you're grounded. for six months. yeah! half a year, bitches! b-b-babies! no, no, no, stick with it. and that is the gist of the american revolution. thank you for your enthusiasm, andre. all right, guys, read chapter 13 for tomorrow. that was amazing. i mean, there was just something about the way you taught it that was, like, "were we gonna be free of british rule? i don't know!" okay, i am gonna get this monstrosity to the car. can you believe it fits in a hatchback? well, um, let me help you. i'm actually in the market for a new whip. really looking at the hatchback brand. -yeah. -so, what kind of music do you listen to?
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um, i'm really into '90s gangsta rap. oh, yeah. what up? whoo-hoo! west side! [ chuckles ] argh! -oh, my god. -yeah. -okay. all right. let's get this to your car, yeah. thank you. whoo! hey, guys. whoa, you're in a good mood. why wouldn't i be? i finally broke my kids. mm! why would you want to break your children? so they could be better at life. that never actually worked for me, dre. i mean, i tried to be the authority figure, you know. always saying stuff like, "hey, brush your teeth" or "they're going to ban you from the mall". but if you're too strict with your kids, they won't think you're cool, you know. boom! -whoa! cool dab, dad. either your fly or you're not fly. i don't care what my kids think. they don't get to think. i think for them. i wish somebody would think for me -- or even about me. i didn't get to have a thought until i was 15 and my mother was away on a church weekend. then, when she came home and found out i was thinking,
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she slapped the thoughts right out of me. ooh. didn't think again till college. mm. i didn't have my first thought until after my mother died. then i was slapped by her ghost. you would think it'd go right through you. it does not. her ghost wore a ring. okay, charlie, how -- because the ring is real and the ghost, it would just fall -- not work. no. it was a ring from tiffany's. tiffany is dead, too. thanks for the ride. so, did you like it? like what? the hyundai. i loved it. really hugs the road. -yeah. -well, thanks for the ride. it -- the door sticks. here. let me help you. just trying to... what in luther vandross' name?!
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who was that grown-ass woman? oh, that's just barbara, my history teacher. barbara? [ chuckles ] oh, so, now we're calling grown-ass teachers by their first names? well, she likes to be relatable. oh, i'm sure she does. i saw the way she looked at you. and when she leaned over to open the car door, she lingered. she did not linger, grandma. her -- her door sticks. she's into you. yeah, right. grandma, you're reading too much into things. oh, no. i know my lingerers. hell, i linger. [ applause ] even though i stopped jack and diane from hanging out with george and jar, i still had to see their dumb faces at the dumb science fair. and our next science project is from george and jar. ♪
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ugh. these two. you see what happens when your parents don't love you enough to beat you? you're welcome. ...just upload your drawing, and the app we created will transform it into the style of any artist. want to paint like picasso? you just did it. rembrandt! basquiat! -oh, my god. -no way. i need this. me, too. boom! okay, guys, guys. so, george and jar's idea is -- it's okay. what -- what are you guys presenting for next week? ours is on a whole nother level. yeah. -really? -mm-hmm. -okay. -okay. what is it? baking soda volcano.
2:50 am
boom. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. anotellf ut replace rescue inhhave a heart condition,ms high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro.
2:51 am
♪ go your own way get your first prescription free at get your first prescription free wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. out of sunscreen, going on a targetwatermelon.ything? water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get low prices today and every day. targetrun and done.
2:52 am
dre: i look good, even with an apple face. yeah. this should be our christmas card. yeah. okay. george and jar used coding, art history, algorithms. jack and diane are, like, two steps away from being flat-earthers. baking soda volcano. so dumb! i can't believe our kids are thinking so small. well, i can, dre. huh? you tell them over and over again
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they shouldn't think until college. you act like this house is a communist country. [ sighs ] by trying to make them perfect, we've been holding them back. yeah. god. you know, this is straight out of that article that i e-mailed you. yes. straight out of that article. you didn't read it, did you? ah, damn it, bow, you e-mail me so much. -what? -"can you pick up junior today?" uh, "junior's still waiting." "there's a strange man who dropped junior off in a van." well, anyway, the article was saying that black children are more afraid of authority, afraid to take risks. -mm-hmm. -i just -- i think we should loosen our grip on our children, and then, maybe, they can become innovators. -hmm. -who knows? maybe one of them is the next steve jobs. [ inhales sharply ] -i love steve jobs. -i know. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future. [ chuckles ] [ hushed ] i-i've asked you a million times not to dress like this when microsoft is here. [ laughs ]
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dress like what? great news, guys. you're no longer grounded. we are giving you the freedom to go out and win this science fair. doesn't that sound great? -mm-hmm. -what's the move here? are we allowed to talk? diane: i don't know. this feels like a trap. no. no, no, no. we want you to talk and think and have a voice. -yes! -your voice matters. it matters, guys. -aww! -uh-huh. that's so nice. yes! definitely a trap. no, no. guys, go! -yes. -go! just dream. discover! and if you are gonna do a volcano, don't just build the volcano... -mnh-mnh. the volcano! psssh! do whatever you want to do, just as long as it's cooler... -mm-hmm. -...than george and jar. please. like, seriously, please. mm-hmm. [ door closes ] so, did you dump your little girlfriend? she's not my girlfriend. but if i'm being honest, i think i might have a shot.
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junior: she asked me to stay after class to erase the board, but i think she was coming on to me.e to hn yeah, somebody has a shot -- your teacher... at jail. let me tell you a little story. once upon a time, grandma was a sophomore in high school and fully developed. ew. male teachers noticed, especially mr. whittset. now, i noticed him noticing me, and one night, we noticed a movie. to make a long story short, he lost his kids, and thanks to me, my school didn't have a math department. now, do you get what i'm saying? you know i don't. [ sternly ] stay away from ms. barbara. [ normal voice ] i'm not gonna let you murder someone's husband
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so your teacher can get out of a bad marriage. now get up and get on out of here! pull your pants up! [ laughs ] hello, wunderkinds. hey, hey, hey! what is cooking up in the imagination station, huh? come on, man, you don't have to work at the desk. come on. go sit on the ball. all right? write on your bed. yeah, guys! loosen up, you know? -mm-hmm. -i don't know -- kick a hacky sack, ride a segway, ping-pong table, you know what i mean? hey! a little brain jazz! [ chuckles ] [ both scatting ] uh, are you guys on drugs? -no! -mnh-mnh. all right, we're just saying "be free." -yeah. -you can do anything. -anything. -a-anything? -yeah. -yeah. so, i can wear my nike shorts with my adidas slides? yeah. yes, yes, yes -- no -- -ah, hell no... -no, baby -- babe, innovators don't need to match their athletic gear. he's not innovating! okay, this is gonna be tougher than i thought. -dre... -huh? is worth it. -okay.
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dre: our kids had been coloring inside the lines for so long... -unh-unh. -...we needed to jump-start their creativity. outside the box. ah, much better. -dad... -hmm? ...we've been pacing for two hours. are you sure this works? this is how everyone brainstorms in silicon valley, all right? if you have a static body, you have a static mind. i think i'm gonna pass out. great. use it. the best ideas come in a dream state. i'm dream-walking right now. our plan was working. our kids were turning into free thinkers. here, sign this. we got detention for thinking too freely. okay, today we're gonna read "sounder." [ groans ] we just read "old yeller." seems like we've been reading a lot of novels about dead dogs. how come we're not reading novels written by dead dogs? are you on drugs? are you?
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now i feel like i want to do drugs again, if i'm being real with y'all. normally, i would be pissed... but i'm proud of you! [ laughs ] but next time, question white authority. but this is a good start. -all right. -come on. bring it in. bring it in. aah! so, when it was jack and diane's turn to present at stem sunday, we knew they were going to blow everyone away, and we'd record every minute of it. [ dramatic music plays ] volcano. triggered by the convergence or the divergence of the earth's tectonic plates. gases and magma erupt through a vent. please stand by. you're about to witness an eruption. [ siren blares ] [ robot voice ] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. puberty. the convergence or divergence of the body's tectonic plates.
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emotions erupt through a vent. hormones. boy crushes. enemies. frienemies. [ music continues ] okay. um... [ laughs ] i don't want to be one of those parents who films everything. lava. java. kava. guava. maybe you shouldn't, either. you shouldn't. are you starting to get it? -nope. -no. drano. insane-o. both: volcano. uh... very nice. ♪ with the extra third rowr... of seats. they think it's theirs. look at them, they have no idea! it's not theirs. it's mine.
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mine. mine. mine. the new lexus rx 350l with three rows for seven passengers. are you excited about your baby sister coming? experience space for the unexpected with the rx l, part of the rx family. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ice cream inspired iced coffee is here at dunkin' in the flavors you love, cookie dough, pistachio and butter pecan. what's your flavor? america runs on dunkin'. give dad the perfect gift's and get kohl's cash! give him a new fragrance or the xbox one s - and get kohl's cash give him the canon rebel eos t6 and you'll get $90 kohl's cash! plus shop other great gifts storewide! the more you spend the more you save! kohl's.
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(music) [glass squeaking] [marker squeaking] (music) you think 7up's just a soda? well, can just a soda make guac, carnitas, and margaritas for taco tuesday? yes, it can. trick question. mmmm. hey, guys! kevin, hi! do more with 7up.
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-oh, wow! -wow. you -- you guys did it! [ laughs ] -yeah, you were up there, okay? -uh-huh. you were on that stage. [ laughing ] on the stage. -"you were up there"? -uh-huh. you really think an accurate description of our location is what's going to pass as a compliment? -oh. -uh, we -- we were living in the moment. we -- you don't -- we know you hated it. -n-- -and i looked into the crowd and saw your faces where your iphones should've been. hurtful. my -- m-my battery was dead. -oh, okay. -listen, guys, not every experiment succeeds. -no. -but you never know if this is gonna lead to something else. i mean... -mm-hmm. uh, what? ...was s-supposed -- supposed to be a blood-pressure medication. what's viagra? i don't need it. okay? i don't. but the fact is, you took a risk. no. we took your risk. oh.
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we wanted to do a baking-soda volcano. and congratulations to our winners, chloe and rose, for their classic baking-soda volcano. uh... looks like they just won for the thing you wanted to do. that was a hot mess, y'all -- hot mess. rainbow: yeah. wow. that was rough. dre, we pushed them way too hard. and that bizarre display of nonsense wasn't what they wanted. that was what we wanted. and why did we want that? dre, i wanted our babies to know that they can fly. well, gravity won that round. you know, growing up, i did whatever my mother said. -mm-hmm. -i played it safe, just like she wanted me to, and it worked. i survived. even when she wanted me to get that safe government job, i took it. then, i realized that, if i wanted to be happy, i needed to defy her and do my own thing. you know, it was the opposite for me.
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-hmm? -my parents didn't give me any structure. baby, you were basically feral. i wasn't feral. yeah, okay, fine. so, i -- i didn't -- i didn't wear shoes. -and? -and i had a pet chicken, and i didn't see a clock till i was 13, but -- -feral. -yeah, all right, fine. so, i defied my parents by going into the strictest, most disciplined profession in the world. okay, you're just a doctor. and not even a doctor that does brain stuff. okay, dre, well, you know what? you had too much structure, i didn't have enough structure, so what are we gonna give our kids? -i don't know. -hmm. i guess we could tell them that we're gonna root for them even if they break away from us. as long as they don't eat off of strangers' plates... -mm-hmm. -...and mix athletic brands, all right? i cannot have them looking like eastern europeans. ♪ hey. did you dump barbara, or am i driving a getaway car? we had a conversation. barbara...
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this has to stop. what has to stop? maybe, in an alternate universe, we could be together. we could rent a condo by the beach. when i'm 40, you'll be 47. that's not unreasonable. so, let's put this on hold until then. what are you talking about? andre, you're my student. it never crossed my mind. [ scoffs ] yeah. me, neither. what would we even do in that condo? [ groans ] oh, baby, i'm so sorry. nah, it's cool, 'cause i noticed something. can you erase the top of the board for me? thanks. ♪ grandma, i think i may be a piece of ass. oh! a piece of ass? welcome to the club. [ laughs ]
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it's a blessing... and a curse. ♪ we realized we didn't have to be so strict all the time, especially when we were having pancakes. are you sure? mm-hmm. go for it. go ahead -- put your elbows on the table. mm-hmm. hmm. wow. my back pain just went away. you guys can chew as much or as little as you'd like. -mm-hmm. -thanks, mom. -mm-hmm. -this is gonna be fun. [ coughs, gasps ] rules are there to protect us. dre: mm-hmm. yes. it's a targeted medicine proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, and lower oral steroid use. about 50% of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. fasenra™ is designed to work with the body
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to target and remove eosinophils. fasenra™ is an add-on injection for people 12 and up with severe eosinophilic asthma. don't use fasenra™ for sudden breathing problems or other problems caused by eosinophils. fasenra™ may cause headache, sore throat, and allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens or if you have a parasitic infection. fasenra™ is a targeted treatment for eosinophilic asthma. that's important. ask an asthma specialist about fasenra™. out of sunscreen, going on a targetwatermelon.ything? water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get low prices today and every day. targetrun and done.
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another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®.
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all right. let's see what's so important that your mother had to put in an e-mail rather than text. oh. wow. [ devante coos ] i missed a lot of parent/teacher conferences. hmm. mm.
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jack had scabies? ick! all right, hopefully that didn't spread to -- yep, mm-hmm. diane got it, too. i have 900 unread e-mails from your mommy. oh. you know what? uh, devante -- no! no, devante! no. don't you put your hands on my keyboard. what? drag that to the trash? mnh-mnh! n-- [ computer plays noise ] uh-oh! you deleted them. you're such a good boy. [ chuckles ] so advanced. you know what? you're gonna be the next steve jobs. let's go find you a turtleneck. how do you get out of here? it's cool. i know how to do it. [ exhales sharply ] let's go. ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do?
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new cascade platinum lets your dishwasher be the dish washer. olve, li rin awaifoodhe fst te. your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too. try head and shoulders two in one. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer.
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with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy.
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so if you were tracking that amazon package in northeast pennsylvania last night and expected delivery -- about that. >> oh, no. >> so the only thing left after this fire and explosion -- >> wow. >> -- was the truck's shell. the driver was making a delivery in the area when he heard a hiss from the back of the truck and then the blast. he was treated for smoke inhalation. they're looking into what caused that. >> wow, what a blast that was. it was about 50 years ago, right about now, that the country was starting to learn about the assassination of robert f. kennedy. >> he was leaving a los angeles hotel downtown through the kitchen when a gunman opened fire. rfk was hit three times. he died several hours later in the early morning hours of
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today. a palestinian named sirhan si conct former president bill clinton and members of the kennedy family will speak. >> kathleen kennedy townsend and robert jr. are calling for a new investigation of their father's assassination. but his other children don't support another look. they say rfk's life is more important than how he died. >> it's interesting that both brothers have big questions surrounding their deaths so many years later. people still calling for investigations. as for the memorial service, rfk's grandson, joseph kennedy, is also expected to speak. >> the congressman as well. coming up, the first graduation in parkland, florida after the deadly shooting. >> we're hearing this morning from the family of one student whose life was cut way too short and how they're moving forward with a brand-new purpose now. that's next on "world news now." now." thow.
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that's next on "world news now." they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah.
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the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. ♪
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♪ an emotional day at marjory stoneman douglas high school as they held the first graduation since the deadly shooting that killed 17 students and staff members. >> we're hearing how the family of one of those students is finding the strength to move on with a new mission. here's byron pitts. >> this is a moment that as a parent you should be happy, having your kid receiving a diploma, but our story's totally different. >> reporter: that story, one of grief and resilience. the oliver's only son was gunned down along with 16 students and faculty in his school nearly four months ago. he was a confident 17 year old who loved basketball. he was loved by many. friends describe him as the light in the room. >> he was so comfortable in his own skin.
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he was just glowing all the time. everyone wanted to be just like him, you know? >> here we are. >> reporter: his family says joaquin had been looking forward to this moment. graduation day at marjory stoneman douglas, for a long time. amidst the sea of graduates, patricia oliver. >> i step in for joaquin oliver. >> reporter: doing what she never thought she'd have to do, chosen by the family to take her son's place on stage. to accept his diploma. [ applause ] a moment lost on no one. the olivers are now trying to pave the way forward, traveling the country, creating public art installments called the walls of
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demand. >> he is right there with us. i became a tool that joaquin can use to still have a voice. with me being an artist is joaquin being an activist. that's exactly what the walls noprofit oanioafter their son's pastime and a change for corrupt decision making. >> a lot of my goal is to erase the relationship between the nra and the politicians that represent us. because that will bring qualified people, unattached to any personal interest to go ahead and have the debate that will bridge the gun control. >> that is going to be a long, hard fight. but we are committed to have it. >> reporter: after months of activism and coping with their
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losses, moments of normalcy and ritual are a welcome reprieve. it's prom night. >> this is a night that i've been looking forward to since the beginning of high school, really. a fairy tale kind of scene and dressing up all pretty, doing your makeup and hair. this is my dress. it'sery sequiny and >> one, two, three. >> reporter: the weight of the tragedy lifted, if for a fleeting moment. the olivers say they'll continue pouring their energy into advocacy. with their non-profit. >> the only plan that we have is to wake up tomorrow and keep on fighting. and survive for 24 hours so we can wake up again and keep on fighting. when is that going to end? i don't know. >> not sure that it ever ends. it certainly possibly did not for many of those kids in
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colorado way back when. the mix is next. >> stick around. in colorado way back when. the mix is next. >> stick around. n. the mix is next. >> stick around. re not all the . who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro. somehow we always leave packing to the last minute. guys, i have a couple of things to wash. we got this. even on quick cycle, tide pods cleans great.
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10x the cleaning power, even in the quick cycle. it's got to be tide. about the colonial penn program. here to tell you if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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time for your mix on a time for your mix on a wednesday, and you know there are some famous, famous celebrities out there with their big, you know, eyebrows and such. >> yeah, the look. >> like your eyebrows are very thick and dense. you also have anthony davis with the unibrow. as you look at different eyebrows, here's what scientists have found out. narcissists have thicker, denser, more distinct eyebrows. >> how did they figure that out? >> they studied several different people. they measured on the narcissistic spectrum from a normal level to a full-blown narcissist. and the thicker the brow, the thicker the narcissism.
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>> all that from just some eyebrows? >> yeah, they just looked at it. distinctiveness is the key. >> what if you're just born with thick eyebrows? >> you're never just born with thick eyebrows. >> those aren't au naturale? >> no. it's fine. >> you just woke up like that? >> live long and prosper. it really is like -- i don't know why you guys are laughing, there's really no difference. i could go full anthony davis. >> there we go. >> this is awesome. >> from anthony davis -- sorry, i didn't realize you were still composing your thoughts. >> no, because it's all about me tv. >> is there anything there about your eyebrow dangling? from anthony davis to lebron, shall we? king james is known for
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wardrobe and epic handshakes. a middle schooler is putting him to shame. check this out. this is a twitter user who posted her younger sister and her teacher. they had a hand shake from the beginning of the year and added to it every friday to the last day of school. here is the end result. >> holy cow. >> not bad at all. >> they've got full-scale choreography. >> yeah, it goes on for a while. we'd be here all day. we will show you the civil war reenactment unlike any you have seen before. take a look. this is the one -- this is one in virginia. it's a roadside attraction that imagines dinosaurs participating in the u.s. civil war. >> kind of interesting. >> yeah. >> not as interesting as did you grow the mustache, or is that natural?
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>> i forgot to wax today.
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this morning on "world news now," the shocking and this morning on "world news now," the shocking and unexpected suicide of designer kate spade. she was world renowned for her handbags and women's accessories. her older sister is now revealing that she dealt with depression and alcohol. this morning on "world news now," the shocking and unexpected suicide of designer kate spade. she was world renowned for her handbags and women's accessories. her older sister is now revealing that she dealt with depression and alcohol. and an event that was supposed to be for the philadelphia eagles. instead many in the crowd were just your average white house staffers. plus, new details about the president's upcoming meeting with kim jong un. and the major overhaul involving the miss america pageant. >> swimsuit competition is out. what else can you expect as part of the sweeping changes. and oprah has a lot to show for her success, emmys galore,
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but one thing had eluded her until now. she reveals it in "the skinny" on this wednesday, june 6th. from abc news, this is "world news now." we do say good morning on this wednesday. we going to start this half hour with the condolences for the fashion designer, kate spade, dead of an apparent suicide at 55. >> police say she killed herself in her apartment and left a suicide note that includes a message to her 13 year old daughter. her sister tells the kansas city star kate spade suffered for years with depression. eva pilgrim has more. >> reporter: shock and sadness here in manhattan's upper east nypd removing the body of kate
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spade from her home. the 55-year-old was found by a housekeeper in her bedroom. >> there was a suicide note left at the scene. >> reporter: the kansas city native launched her iconic brand in 1993 with andy spade who later became her husband. >> my husband and i both wanted to start this business. he said handbags, you love handbags. >> reporter: selling her stake in 2007, the brand still strong enough to attract the likes of taylor swift and kate middleton. she launched a new brand called frances valentine, talking about it here with her husband in one of her final interviews. both appearing happy. >> i was up to the challenge. i hope. >> reporter: industry analysts say the new brand struggled to match spade's former successes. in a statement, a spokesperson says we are all devastated by today's tragedy. we loved kate dearly and we will miss her terribly. calling her a visionary saying
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we honor the beauty she brought into the world. eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> there are so many all around the world who are remembering her. kate spade was married for 24 years to the brother of the actor and comedian david spade. >> and david posted this picture with his sister-in-law writing kate and i at christmas. we had so much fun that day. she could make me laugh so hard. >> he added i still can't believe it. it's a rough world out there, try to hang on. >> she was worried that may have an impact if she were to seek help. of course her family may be hoping that she had. turning now to the finger pointing from both sides after the president canceled the event for the philadelphia eagles. >> he accused the super bowl champions of pulling a publicity stunt. here's jonathan karl.
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♪ and the rocket's red glare >> reporter: super bowl champions were supposed to be here, instead it was just president trump hand on heart singing the national anthem. ♪ our flag was still there >> reporter: the president disinvited the whole team after learning that fewer than ten players were planning to show up. instead, he held what he called a celebration of america. many in the crowd white house and government employees. >> we always will stand for the national anthem. >> reporter: the white house said the eagles, quote, disagree with their president, because he insists that they proudly stand for the national anthem. but the eagles were one team where no players ever kneeled for the national anthem. malcolm jenkins says the decision was made to lie and pa players are anti-america,
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anti-flag and anti-military. >> is the president aware that not a single player from the eagles knelt for the national anthem? >> the president's position on not just the anthem has been clear, but let's not forget, there were 80 members of the eagles organization that rsvp'd and committed to attend this event as recently as friday. >> reporter: why is he acting like this is about the national anthem? >> if this wasn't a political stunt by the eagles franchise they wouldn't have planned to attend and backed out at the last minute. >> reporter: the president has been talking about the anthem controversy since last september. lashing out at those who spoke out about injustice by taking a knee. the issue fired up many of his core supporters. fox news showed this image of eagles players it suggested were kneeling during the anthem. >> theagle not be visiting the white house tomorrow to celebrate their super bowl victory due to the national anthem controversy.
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>> reporter: but wait, those players weren't kneeling during the anthem, they were praying before the game. this can't be serious, eagles tight end zach ertz tweeted, praying before games with my teammates well before the anthem is being used for your propaganda. fox later admitted the error and apologized. but with the nba finals now under way, don't count on the winner showing up at the white house. >> this is typical of him. i'm not surprised. i mean, i know no matter who wins this series, no one wants the invite anyway. so it won't be golden state or cleveland going. >> i agree with lebron. >> reporter: jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. negotiators for the u.s. and north korea are meeting every day, getting ready for next week's summit. they have chosen a luxury resort on sentosa island. it even has an american theme park. it will be the first meeting ever between a north korean leader and a u.s. president
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while in office. it may also have former nba star dennis rodman there. he reportedly is going to be in singapore then and he may just stop by. rodman is one of the few people who has met both donald trump and kim jong un. >> now you know it's getting real. if rodman's going to be there, woo, it is set. >> what color will his hair be? >> that's the big question. >> isn't it? >> vegas taking bets. we're going to continue with news breaking overnight, the midterm congressional races in eight states. democrats hoping to flip the seats. in california more than 100,000 people, though, were left off rosters in los angeles county. the former mayor of l.a., anthony villaraigosa says he wants voting extended through friday because of that mistake. he's in a tight race for second in the gubernatorial primary
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with a republican businessman john cox. education secretary betsy devos raised eyebrows while being questioned by senators about the school safety commission. the panel was set up after the valentine's day massacre in parkland, florida. devos told senators it will examine 27 different issues around school safety, but one of those issues is not the role of guns. that led to a heated exchange with patrick leahy.ofis the commission's charge per se. >> i see. you're studying gun violence, but not considering the role of guns. >> we're actually studying school safety and ensuring our students are safe. >> devos also said the commission will not look at the safety practices of countries that have low rates of gun violence. moving on right now, the police officers involved in a violent arrest in new jersey won't face criminal charges. prosecutors made that decision after reviewing police body camera video and footage taken by that bystander.
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the woman was accused of underage drinking. the officers' actions are still the subject of an investigation by the internal affairs. facebook is still under review. published reports say huawei was among a number of companies granted special access as early as 2010. it was cited in congress for its close relationship with china's government. officials tell the "new york times" they will wind down their deal by the end of the week. most newlyweds wouldn't want to move into a bachelor's pad, but most newlyweds aren't the royals. >> prince harry and meghan markle picked up a nice wedding gift. the new duke's grandmother gave the couple york cottage. their starter home is described as three merry english pubs joined together, oozing charm and character.
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i don't think i'd mind living in three lovely english pubs joined together. do they come with a barman too? >> does every married couple get that? sign me up. >> meghan and harry, we coming over. coming up, the miss america pageant is changing. it's scrapping the swimsuit portion of the pageant, and that's not all. we've got details ahead. and he's the newest canadian pop sensation, like bieber, but taller and with fewer tattoos and some good hits. we're seeing a whole new side of shawn mendes coming up in the skinny, but first, a look at today's forecast. s forecast.
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make the most of a few minutes with ky natural feeling with aloe vera overwhelming a fresheners can se tryebreze one. with no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. so you can spray and stay.
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when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. so, next time don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. atlantic city, grand opening atlantic city, grand opening atlantic city, grand opening of the nation's annual beauty contest for the title of miss america, with 40 assorted blondes and brunettes from cities and states all across the country. >> that was video from march 3 of 1940. >> i like listening to that. all the assorted blonds and
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brunettes. wow, such variety in 1940. the pageant that started out as a bathing suit competition has dropped bathing suits and evening gowns. here is amy robach. >> rarte it haseen mous for the swimsuit competition. the 97 year old contest, initially billed as a bather's review has been criticized as a parade of scantily clad women. but they are shifting the focus from bodies to brains. in 2017, the organization was thrust into the me too movement. the ceo and top executives resigning after leaked e-mails exposed sexist and lewd comments about past winners. >> this is a way for women to come together, support each other, rise up, take over the things they want to see happen and move forward. >> ms. america is gretchen
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carlson. >> reporter: former fox news anchor and miss america 1989 gretchen carlson taking the reins earlier this year. >> i have so many great ideas for this organization. and i will be talking about all of those with all the other board members and the eventual ceo and staff of miss america. >> reporter: amy robach, abc news, new york. >> so now we know, the swimsuit is gone. they will not be judging on the outwardly appearance anymore. maybe we will get more curves on the ladies part of that. >> yes, please. it will be interesting to see what they add to it, too. >> that's true. we have had some contestants in the past who talked about world peace and weren't very good at it. >> they talked about world peace in a beauty pageant? >> i know, shocking. it's weird. when we come back, shawn mendes reveals a deep, dark secret.
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and how danny devito got back at a 17-year-old girl who took a life-sized cutout to her prom. skinny's next. life-sized cutout to her prom. skinny's next.
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♪ ♪ skinny ♪ just give me "the skinny" all right, we are dancing and singing, which is very appropriate for this skinny, because we starting off with shawn mendes belting it out in carpool karaoke. >> so the heartthrob opened up to james corden as the two held nothing back. ♪ there's nothing holding me back ♪ ♪ you take me places ♪ baby, there's nothing holding me back ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ there's nothing holding me back ♪ >> we're like two teenaged girls right now. >> can we go to carpool karaoke even though we don't have any of our s? i really think we'd nail it. i'm just saying, james. >> shawn mendes. >> that, too. but if that wasn't enough for you, shawn couldn't hold back on a secret he's been holding in
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for quite some time. he is a major harry potter nerd. >> what is it you love so much about the films? >> just the magic, you know, the wands and the little weird candies that make you turn and stuff. >> do you think you will ever outgrow your love of harry potter? >> no, i don't. it keeps me young, i feel like. >> have you ever met any of the cast? >> yeah, i met emma watson. that was one of the first times i was really, really star struck. i was definitely sweating a little bit. but i played it cool. i thought i was good. >> so you were really sweating. you're like a proper super fan. >> no, i'm a fan, but i'm not crazy obsessed with it. >> yeah. >> i don't see it. >> shawn mendes. he's got some chops, huh? he really played that up. >> so the 19-year-old revealed that he'd pay up to $500 for a pair of justin bieber's used underwear.
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>> they didn't incorporate that into a weird visual, did they? >> did they? >> i certainly hope not. >> these canadians. they need to stop. >> they sent us bieber, the rapper snow. >> celine dion, too. the greatest singer in the world! >> just ask her, she'll tell you. next, to that student who took a life-sized danny devito cutout to her prom. >> allison explained on her youtube channel that she's always been a super fan, so she decided to bring his cutout, after she bought it on amazon. >> so now devito has responded with this image on instagram showing him with allison's cutout at paddy's pub from his it's always sunny in philadelphia. >> two can play this game! when you thought oprah had done it all she hits another milestone. >> she found out that she has
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become an exhibit at the smithsonian museum of african-american culture in d.c. >> in the world, things that you can accomplish, being an exhibit on exhibition at the smithsonian is not one of the things i ever thought was humanly possibly. you can win an oscar! but who can win an exhibit! i'm an exhibit. >> can we please confirm now oprah's living her best life? >> i think she is. let me point out she donated $12 million to that exhibit, to the museum. >> i guess that helps. >> so watching oprah, watching oprah, the oprah winfrey show, an american culture exhibit will open for a year, starting this friday. >> that's a long name. watching oprah, the oprah winfrey show, an american culture exhibit. >> but you know what's going to be really freaky? oprah there on friday watching oprah watching the oprah winfrey show.
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♪ ♪ the games are all taking over the free apps. >> hmm. two of america's most popular fixer-uppers have reached a settlement with the government after violations of rules relating to lead-based paint. >> epa found lead in several of the gaines' fixer-uppers. they will now spend $160,000 to fix the hazards and pay a $40,000 civil penalty as well. turning now to a 7-year-old boy who's been turning heads.
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>> it involves a dance move made popular months ago and one very unlikely dance partner. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: the dance move flossing, made popular by backpack kid on snl, katy perry found it. >> she found me, she's like, this kid gives good vibes. i'm going to e-mail him. >> reporter: flossing is now a global phenomenon, from a factory in sweden to a football field in new orleans. but you'd be hard pressed to find a cuter version than this one, 7-year-old preston on the upper level of the orlando airport. turns out, he'd found a dance partner on the floor below, an officer with the tsa, the officer was on the way to a break but decided to give preston his all. and it turned out preston was already on a high. a short time before that he'd won a dance competition and
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preston telling us what it was like in that other danceoff with the tsa. >> i felt excited, overwhelmed, it really made my day. >> reporter: and preston, you've made ours. >> we're trying this, preston. did you just hit yourself? you're not supposed to be bruised. >> black and bruised. >> kendis, what happened to your leg? oh, it was my dance move. >> wrong way, did it. >> right hip, left hand, right? >> i can't, i -- that -- you had it for a minute. >> that looked great. >> here and then here. >> do the floss. >> now your turn. >> just take it. i'm done. this is abc "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. this is abc "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning, new details overnight about the death of fashion icon kate spade overnight. her sister and brother-in-law david spade are now speaking out about her troubles and the recent celebrity death she was reportedly fixated on. results coming in overnight from the super tuesday of 2018. the primary races reshaping the battle for control of congress. also the major voting glitch in a crucial city and how it involves henry winkler. a new bombshell in the facebook data privacy scandal. accusations that facebook shared user data with a chinese company deemed by u.s. officials to be a national security threat. plus, new trouble for the so-called dancing doctor. ♪ apple bottom jeans boots with the fur ♪ >>ho


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