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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 12, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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we appreciate your >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- kevin costner. from "13 reasons why," katherine langford. and music from weezer. and now, stay right there, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. thank you very much. welcome, welcome. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching, thank you for coming. thank you for joining us. that's very nice. there would have been -- i don't know if you -- [ cheers and applause ]
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okay, enough, i get it. [ laughter ] thanks. thanks for joining us on what has been an un-precedented 24 hours for the united states and north korea as our president, donald trump, met with his favorite little rocket man, kim jong-un. a lot of pundits think it was a mistake to meet with an unstabl dictator but kim jong-un said, you know what, i'm going to do it anyway. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ rim shot ] >> they did it in singapore. the closest thing i can compare it to is when scooby-doo met the harlem globetrotters. even kim jong-un said it seemed like something from science fiction. like an episode of "battle star galactic ka." according to the president it all went very well. trump said he and kim jong-un, after 38 minutes of meeting, developed what he calls a special bond. that's fast. [ laughter ] his dentures take longer to bond than that. [ laughter ] trump and kim hit it off so well, in fact, the president
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invited him to the white house, which is kaes when you consider he hasn't even invited the wnba champions to the white house. and they've killed a lot fewer people [ laughter ] i mean, in return, kim jong-un invited trump to north korea, to which trump said, yeah, no thanks, i like places that have food, but that's nice. [ laughter ] trump claims he got north korea to commit to destroying a major missile testing site. but, and this is a quote, he said, we didn't put it in the agreement because we didn't have time." usually when trump signs an agreement with a foreigner, it's a prenup. and those are -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] look, i don't know what the real back story is but i know here's how the whole thing went. trump wanted to make it look like he did something big. whether he did something big or not. he was not leaving the summit without claiming he made a deal. he sets the meeting, he has the sit-down, he hears what he wants to hear, blah, blah, blah. as soon as the meeting's over, he runs out, calls a press
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conference, declares victory. everyone goes home, kim jong-un does nothing differently at all, and we go back to our lives too. in fact, the only thing we know they signed was a declaration of friendship. for real. [ laughter ] there they are. like they're signing each other's yearbooks before they leave for summer break. [ laughter ] then trump holds it up. this declaration of friendship. it was especially awkward for the waiter who had to come over to inform trump that he'd inadvertently signed the dessert menu. [ laughter ] it's the thought that counts. i kind of like the idea of an official declaration of friendship. as a matter of fact, i myself would like to sign an official declaration of friendship. what do you think, guillermo, should we sign one? >> guillermo: that's a good idea. >> jimmy: that is a good idea. let's do it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. from this day forward, guillermo and i will love one another, respect one another, and if the movie is too scary, we will hold
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each other's hands. >> guillermo: we will honor our commitment to sunday funday and tackle tuesday. >> jimmy: we will never tag a photo without the other one's permission. >> guillermo: we will inform the other one if we're not coming to book club. >> jimmy: we will watch "queer eye" only together. >> guillermo: we will never forget how #blessed we are to be bffs. >> jimmy: now we sign. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: there you go. i hereby declare you -- my friend. >> guillermo: my friend. >> jimmy: thank you. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that was fun. this is fun too. the cameras picked up an interesting moment. even though trump and kim jong-un were all smiles at the friendship signing, at the end of the summit, you can see here they posed for photographs. but kim jong-un -- yeah. [ laughter ] not to be outdone, the president has his own sign here. [ laughter ] coming out of the summit -- [ cheers and applause ] the details of this agreement they allegedly made were murky. trump assured the reporters that he didn't need notes to verify specifics of their one-on-one meeting because he has quote one of the great memories of all-time. except when it comes to stormy daniels, then it's all a blur. [ laughter ] there weren't many specifics given until this afternoon when the white house did their best to fill in the blanks. >> good afternoon.
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i know you were all watching the historic summit between the united states and north korea. as you know, kim jong-un has agreed to suspend his country's nuclear weapons program. in exchange, president trump has agreed to stop all military exercises on the peninsula with south korea, and to give up all our nuclear weapons. as you know, the president is -- sorry, did you say we're giving up all our nuclear weapons? >> yes, i did, in the spirit of compromise. in addition, the president has asked me to announce that the following states are now part of the republic of north korea. those states are -- maine, delaware, alaska, hawaii, montana, and the two dakotas. and finally, we will be handing over air force one, madison square garden, and the first lady, melania trump, effective immediately. thank you. >> jimmy: all right, well there you go. so the president -- this is great. his son, djtj, tweeted he was
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proud of his dad. he said this was incredible for our country and for the whole world, which is interesting, because back in september he'd posted this response to a tweet from chelsea handler which suggested we might be better off trading trump for kim jong-un. he wrote, this is really stupid, even by her low standards, this kind of rhetoric normalizes atrocities of a dictator who starves and kills innocents. sure, on its face, this might seem unbelievably hypocritical. but that's only because it is. [ laughter ] not only was the summit kind of fun for the president, it was educational for him too. and it gave him some valuable insight into his new friend. >> what's what surprised you today about kim jong-un? >> really, he's got a great personality. he's a, you know, funny guy. he's a very smart guy. he's a great negotiator. he loves his people. not that i'm surprised by that, but he loves his people. >> jimmy: he loves his people. even the uncle he fed to a pack of wild dogs. he loves, literally loved him to pieces. you know, because north korea
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doesn't have free press like we do, they never show live events on television because they can't control what is seen. so while the rest of the world was doing live 24-hour news coverage, this for real is what was on north korean tv during the summit. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: how that didn't win any tonys, i have no idea. [ laughter ] after the summit, trump held a press conference at which he describes what might be the strangest thing a sitting u.s. president has ever done with a fellow world leader. he showed kim jong-un a little movie he had made about the two of them. >> we had it made up. i showed it to him today. actually during the meeting. toward the end of the meeting. and i think he loved it. they were -- we didn't have a big screen like you have the luxury of having, we didn't need it because we had it on a cassette.
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and an ipad. and they played it. and -- about eight of their representatives were watching it. and i thought they were fascinated. i thought it was well done. i showed it to you because that's the future. that could very well be the future. >> jimmy: what? cassettes are the future? you know, everything about this summit is weird. but to me i think the weirdest part that is donald trump showed kim jong-un a video on us ipad like your mom does. oh, you have to watch this! this video is quite a production. they released it today. it looks like a scientology recruitment video from the '90s. >> in a world on the verge of nuclear annihilation, two men have the power to walk us back from the brink of total destruction. will they choose to shake the tiny hand of peace? or continue down the path toward armageddon? from destiny pictures and the people who brought you "mass
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starvation," "racial tension," "miss universe," "airport fratricide," "tremp steaks," "russian election med ldling," from hines and vladimir putin, producers, see what the failing "new york times" calls a meaningless trash fire and fox news says is an absolute masterpiece. i simply can't stop ejaculating. starring president donald j. trump and chairman kim j. un, with dennis rodman, with original music from ted nugent and all 62 members of k-pop sensation the pyneng-gang.neng-. run to a theater near you. 2 fat 2 furious. we're going to need a bigger gravy boat. >> jimmy: we punched it up a little but you get the idea.
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when we come back, dennis rodman had some thoughts on this summit. and more on my upcoming basketball grudge match with senator ted cruz when we return. we'll be right back. doespeninsula trail?he you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined.
11:47 pm
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight on the show, kevin costner, music from katherine langford. while trump was in korea, he did an interview with chris comeau of cnn and attempted to explain what it is he loves so much
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about kim jong-un. >> this man isn't all selfies and smiles. he's responsible for the deaths and hardship of a lot of people. how can you be sure he wants something better than what he is right now? >> as we know, the fact that -- you know, i'm not a politician. i'm not trying to fight the fight that i'm on his side 24/7. i'm not doing everything to say the right things to make him look like a birth man, a better person. i've never been like that. i've always been down the middle. he's a good friend to me. that's how i look at it. i don't see the politics of this whole situation. i don't want to see that. i want to see that go away. i want to see us get along. to have a hand shake. to have a smile. have a glass of iced tea. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's no problem an ice-cold snapple can't solve. you got to see this interview. he wept openly during much of it. usually when you see a grown man with a lip ring weeping in public it means he just got
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fired as assistant manager of a hot topix store. laugh live in this case dennis overcome by emotion after seeing his two friends, donald and kim jong together. even if he had a hard time pronouncing one of those friend's natures. >> when i met, kim yun-yun -- >> jimmy: kim yun-yun at panda express is the number 3. [ laughter ] speaking of worms, on saturday i will be in houston, texas, to play basketball against senator ted cruz. now ted cruz challenged me to play one on one after i compared him to a blobfish. there's the blobfish. [ laughter ] i thought i fairly compared him to. i've been working on something. on saturday, one unlucky person is going to go home with this ted cruz bloblehead ball.
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it's a little bit sticky. only one in existence. it will bring whomever owns it bad luck. if somebody wants it at the event i will give this away. since i'll be playing on ted's home turf i thought i might need help to get the crowd on my side and there's nothing sports fans love more than mascots. for the first time ever i'm pleased to introduce my new team mascot, the late night. the late night! [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, here he is. let's give a late night tv welcome to the late knight! [ cheers and applause ] where the [ bleep ] is the knight? [ laughter ] okay, i said the late knight, ladies and gentlemen!
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>> a thousand apologies, my liege! i overslept. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> my uber runneth late! >> jimmy: you overslept for a late-night television show. >> indeed, i beg your forgiveness. >> jimmy: you did have time to stop at starbucks. >> well. i need it for my mocha frappuccino, sire. >> jimmy: get it together before the game on saturday. >> when? >> jimmy: saturday. >> wait, wait, wait. this saturday? >> jimmy: yeah. this saturday. >> what time? >> jimmy: what time is it, guillermo? >> guillermo: 5:00. >> jimmy: 5:00 p.m. >> can we make it 6:00? >> jimmy: no it's at 5:00. >> well, then, i'll be there! at halftime! away! >> jimmy: all right. ladies and gentlemen -- ♪ the light knight. i think he may have just -- i'm
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not sure, but he may have just circumcised himself. [ laughter ] so if you live in houston or you want to be there to see me defeat oscar blobertson, go to this website, get free tickets there. and we'll be happy to see you. are we bringing -- no, we're not going to bring the late knight, right? the late knight will not be in houston with us. we have a good show tonight. we have music from weezer, from "13 reasons why" katherine langford is here, and be right back with kevin costner! >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you e plactouplet walgreens. savis for dad this father's day. day.
11:56 pm
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11:57 pm
crystal geyser alpine springpasses through here, and is bottled right here. at the mountain source. naturally. crystal geyser is the only major u.s spring water bottled at the mountain source. naturally.
11:58 pm
denny♪$5.99 are you out of your mind?♪99! seriously?! yup! eggs. hash browns. bacon. sausage. and buttermilk pancakes! ♪$5.99 are you out of your mind?♪ we're out of our minds. denny's new! super slam. only $5.99!
11:59 pm
i'm ready. but, clearly, i'm a little nervous. there are so many expectations. like, on the sticker, "city mileage this, highway that." uh, that's a lot to live up to. but i heard no gas gets better mileage than chevron with techron. yeah, no better mileage. it's proven. so that's a confidence builder.
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it's proven; no gas gets better mileage than chevron with techron. care for your car. so much for my new car smell, guys. care for your car. geyser! [echo]stal! [echo] crystal! [echo] geyser! [echo] crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. naturally. >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. tonight, from the big hit netflix show "13 reasons why," katherine langford is here. then, this is gonna be great, weezer is here with their cover version of the song "africa" by toto from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] the fant online demanded it. this is the cover.
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it's about time you blessed the rains down in africa. guess what happened? they did. you can see weezer on tour with the pixies starting june 22nd in west palm beach, florida. go see that. tomorrow night, jamie foxx will be here, glen powell will join us, we'll have music from gallant featuring asap ferg, and later this week jon hamm, tiffany haddish, lil rel howery, dj khaled, plus music from ella may and from g-eazy with yo gotti. our first guest is a multi-award winning actor and director whom you know from some of the greatest movies of all-time. his new tv show is called "yellowstone." >> can't stop it, john. >> watch me. >> go ahead. say it. it will make a lawsuit much simpler. say stop building your house. >> i'm skipping straight to [ bleep ], you [ bleep ]. from now on this is all you get. by the way.
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give me a horse, you son of a bitch. >> jimmy: "yellowstone" premieres one week from tomorrow on the paramount network, please welcome kevin costner. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: they're excited. you're a real movie star, now television star as well. well, you did television previously. i like this show a lot, "yellowstone." it's really good. >> i saw it last night for the first time. you always -- i start with the idea that they can be great. sometimes, somewhere along the line, it goes somewhere else. and this has turned out really great. >> jimmy: it's interesting to me that you saw it for the first time last night. >> yeah. >> jimmy: because as a director and writer and all these things that you do, that you would
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relinquish so much control. is that hard for you? >> not really. i mean, sometimes you just want somebody else to drive, you know? and what you're hoping is that they have the strength and the vision to kind of battle all the decisions that might want to lessen it. a lot of times people are fearful of things they haven't seen. those things find a way of drifting out. our director taylor sheridan really held the line. >> jimmy: you are on a horse a lot, it seems. do parts with horses find you? or do you find the parts with the horses? >> yeah, i kind of go with my right hand. if i can get them in there, i will. but no, yeah, the parts just have it. and i played serial killers where there was no horse. [ laughter ] "bodyguard," i don't recall a horse. but you're right, i'm always going to go to those. the problem is it's really hard to make a good western. a lot of people can do the black hat/white hat real easy. when they're complicated, they start to thin out and the level
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of quality. when a western is really great, you never forget it. because you kind of actually, when it's orchestrated correctly, you actually find yourself wondering what you would have condition if you actually had made it. >> jimmy: did you shoot this movie on the border of yellowstone? >> we were in montana. that's the great thing about working outside. for me, you know -- wasn't so great in school, but i was good at recess. i loved being outside. [ laughter ] anywhere i could go. and it's been the same way with movies. i made "jfk," i made a lot of things that put me in the courtroom. when you're outside, i mean -- i have a really good job. it's a really good job. in this instance, we're working where lewis and clark went through. i think some of -- huey is in bitter root. >> jimmy: huey lewis, yes. >> we're depicting modern-day ranching. >> jimmy: do you stay on a ranch when you're there? >> i about it a house.
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when i'm working i don't stay where everybody else does. there's a base camp where people come and eat. if you're dusty, dirty, i find a river, i tell them to put my trailer there. when i come to work, i got a fire going outside, soon everybody gets hip to where i'm at. next thing you know, seven, eight people around the fire. it's pretty social for me, you know. the work is great, but i'm describing recess. >> jimmy: it sounds great. >> i want it so bad. >> jimmy: it really does sound great. it also sounds like you're trying to get a little bit of time to yourself and everyone is coming and bothering you. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i know. maybe i got to -- >> jimmy: what was the first time you rode a horse, how old were you? >> i had left compton and my father moved us up into ojai. and some kids had some horses. and i looked at that and i said, let's ride them. they said, no one's around, no adults. and i thought, well, that's perfect. [ laughter ] so very early on, i just had an
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idea. >> jimmy: a kid from compton who wanted to ride a horse. >> yeah, you know, i was hard on everything. i was hard on my dog when i was little. i would attack him and wrestle him and stab him a lot of times. five, six, over the couch. as i moved to horses, next thing you know, let's get on this horse. we don't have anything to ride him. if there's a branch -- i saw robin hood do that stuff. you ride the horse. i was always this close to being hurt or really in trouble. >> jimmy: were you a good kid? >> yes. >> jimmy: you were. [ laughter ] but you misbehaved? >> i was a bit of a rascal. you know, it was hard to keep me in. and i wouldn't be. when they took me up to the country, you know, i was 6 years old. i was out in it. >> jimmy: did your parents like the -- did they love the outdoors? were they outdoorsy people? >> yeah, we didn't have a lot of money. our vacations were in tents. a coleman stove. we'd go up to bishop. i'd had a huckleberry kind of life.
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we didn't have a lot of money but everything was camping. what we could afford. >> jimmy: did your dad teach you that stuff? >> yeah, yeah. he did. i just watched him. want to be like him. i'm not like him in every way, but -- >> jimmy: what ways are you not like him? >> he didn't like snakes. i loved themyeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you loved snakes? >> i loved everything that was out there. i would bring it home. and he was the kind of guy that -- [ laughter ] yeah, he was the kind of guy that, you know, snakes bothered him so much, an seeing them on tv, he'd have to get out of the room. >> jimmy: really, wow. >> that kind of guy. i'm 6. and i had one. and i said, where's dad? she says, he's in the bathtub. and i'm thinking, my dad doesn't take baths. he was so filthy, he was a lineman. he was in the bathtub. i thought, this was perfect, he can see it. i brought a king snake in. he about went down the brain. kevin!
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always saying my name real loud, kevin! get that out of here, get rid of it! of course i did. and i really shook him up pretty bad. and i went to my mom. and i said, how bad is he? she goes, he's outside, leave him alone, he's relaxing. he's having a -- he's going to have a cigarette. my mom would make him smoke outside. all of a sudden i heard my name. this time louder. i thought he was relaxing, what's wrong? and i went outside and there was this little coffee table where he hid his cigarettes, he wouldn't smoke inside. that's where i'd put the snake when he told me to get rid of it. [ laughter ] he opened it. it was a big king snake. so i heard my name again. kevin! i was the kind of kid that couldn't remember what i had done wrong. i thought, what could it somebody. >> jimmy: those are the worst kinds of kids, i've already been in trouble, how could i be in
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trouble twice? >> jimmy: i don't know if you're aware of this. friday is the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest movies ever. "bull durham." [ cheers and applause ] it is the 30th anniversary. i'm sure you hear about it all the time. >> yeah. >> jimmy: they sent us -- the first 1,000 fans at the asheville tourist game, the team bull durham played for -- crash davis played for before the durham bulls, and after as well. they're giving this bobblehead doll, which i guess supposed to be you. you did not get approval of this bobblehead, i'm guessing? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it does tremble, like your dad when he saw the snake. do baseball players bring that movie up to you? >> they do. and they bring it up because most of them went through the minor leagues. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> they appreciated the buses and all that. so they're talking about it in different ways. but sometimes the stories are a little different. i mean, ron shelton, when he had
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directed -- he wrote and directed it, he told me a story. right after the movie came out he was in the airport. and he saw mickey mantle. long time ago. he saw mickey mantle. and of course ron, it's an ode to baseball, and he wanted to go up to mickey. but he's a guy's guy. so he wasn't going to bother him, right, like that. and he told the story, you know, to me and then to his friend. and his friend goes, man, you should have, what are you talking about, you should have went up to him. he goes, he was on a talk show last night in new york. i don't know if it was david -- >> jimmy: mickey mantle was on letterman, yeah. >> they started talking to him about -- might have been another one but they started talking to him about this movie that was really funny. he goes, have you seen it? he goes, yeah. he goes, it was funny. but it was funny, mickey. he goes, no. you had to know mickey. pretty soon the host realized mickey didn't think the movie
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was funny. he came to his senses. he really listened. he goes, what was it? he said, that movie's sad. that movie's really sad. really? yeah. he goes, that guy could really hit. and there's so many players that never made it to the big leagues because they had to sit behind, you know, behind people. >> jimmy: wow. >> mickey had a complete different take on it. >> jimmy: wow. >> it really moved ron, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: that's a great reaction to have. >> yeah. >> jimmy: in a way. >> yeah. and if it's mickey mantle, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: that's pretty great. and they're making bobbleheads 30 years later. i mean, they don't look anything like you, but they are making bobbleheads. >> i know. [ laughter ] i made it, mom! i made it. >> jimmy: yes, you did. kevin costner, watch his show called "yellowstone." it premieres a week from tomorrow, 9:00 on the paramount network. we'll be right back!
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>> dad! can i g mey for ice crm? >> sure,kiddo. here you go. oh, it's mom, go ahead, i'll be right there. hey. yeah, we're at the park. >> kiddo, are you going to get ice cream? >> truth is, i needed money to get my dad a father's day present. >> that is beautiful. you're a good kid. tell you what, here, give your dad some clean savings from walgreens. it is the place for everything dad feeds for father's day. >> wow, thanks! >> you're welcome. >> papa! papa! can i have some money for ice cream? >> sure, mijo, come here. >> here, mister. your son needs these razors more than i do. >> huh? >> dicky: at walgreens buy one, get one half off on select gillette products and great deals on head and shoulders clinical solutions.
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available at walgreens. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with katherine langford! ♪ ♪ because they'll never get a second chance to see their first concert. early ticket access to thousands of shows every year. another way we have your back.
12:20 am
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12:21 am
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kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging.
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music from weeser. our next guest earned a golden globe nomination and 11 million instagram followers, all while being deceased. her very popular show is called "13 reasons why." season two is streaming on netflix. please welcome, katherine langford. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. how are you? >> good, good, thank you, how are you? >> jimmy: you're from australia, i understand. although i didn't know that beforehand. >> oh, yeah. no, i'm from perth, western australia. >> jimmy: perth. >> yeah, whoo! >> jimmy: what is with centrally are australia? seems like there are more actors from australia than kangaroos, it is really unbelievable for a relatively small country population-wise. so many talented actors come out of there.
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you don't know? >> yeah, no, i mean -- >> jimmy: have you thought about it? will you think about and it get back to us? >> sure, why not. >> jimmy: and did you learn to speak english there? [ laughter ] >> it is. yes. >> jimmy: our regular english that we speak here. is that something you learn from watching television? or from friends or studying or what? >> i mean, i think -- partially probably just like from watching films. i feel like everyone who doesn't grow up in america vicariously lives through american films. that and i'm a little musical. if i listen to something -- i had to do a scottish accent for this -- for a film. and i was watching "braveheart." i would just repeat everything. so he'd be like, haloy! whatever. >> jimmy: some actor does a bad accent, they could throw you off. >> oh, yeah. that's it. >> jimmy: you'd be doing an accent based on an accent somebody who doesn't have that accent is doing. then when did you come to los angeles? how old were you?
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>> i was 19, i think. 19 the first time i came out here. >> jimmy: did you come with your parents? >> no, no. >> jimmy: were they nervous about you leaving the continent and coming here? >> i think so. i mean, probably. probably like what all parents are. i actually went from -- the first time i ever left or came to l.a., it was after going to london. i tested for network. so i went to london, then l.a., then spent a horrendous trip in l.a., pilot season sdpli see. what do your parents do for a living? >> they're doctors. >> jimmy: both of them? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, did they want you to be a doctor? >> i mean, probably secretly. no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe you could play a doctor. that would be -- >> probably. they'd give some good advice. >> jimmy: what kind of doctors are they? >> my mom's a pediatrician. so she looks after kids. then my dad works for an organization called the royal flying doctor service. >> jimmy: the what? >> the royal flying doctor service. >> jimmy: flying doctor service?
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>> yeah he's a flying doctor. >> jimmy: this is a real thing or a television show over there? [ laughter ] >> it's both, it's both. there is a tv series about it. >> jimmy: oh, there is? [ laughter ] >> yes. it's a real thing, guys. no, it's a real thing. the royal flying doctor service, it's a not for profit, a nonprofit organization. and it started because australia's so big. and so you have these rural towns which if someone gets hurt, they could be eight hours away from a hospital. so my dad kind of leads a team of doctors, pilots, and nurses who will fly out, you know, get a patient, treat them in the air, then deliver them to a hospital. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so if somebody gets hurt somewhere in the outback -- [ cheers and applause ] that's pretty good. did they treat you when you were a kid? like if anything was wrong, you didn't have to go to the doctor, you stayed home? >> uh -- i mean -- i mean -- no. i still went to other doctors. >> jimmy: you did? >> they did -- they like -- it's
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kind of nifty having parents who are doctors. because if you're sick, you're like, what's wrong with me? >> jimmy: yeah, my parents will tell me and neither one of them are doctors. what was your first acting job? >> "13 reasons why." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is your first official -- so those who know the show know that your character is deceased on the show. >> yes. >> jimmy: and you left behind a series of videotapes. but the show is in the second season, going to be in the third season, you're not going to be in the third season. >> no. hann hannah is wrapped. >> jimmy: right. because she's dead. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah? there's no way they can't do -- like "game of thrones," jon snow was dead. [ laughter ] then the red witch came in and she brought him back to life. there's nothing like that that can be done for this? >> i mean -- [ laughter ] i mean, i --
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>> jimmy: don't you have an agent working on this kind of stuff? >> that would be cool. i mean, i doubt -- the show -- that's always going to be a special part of my life. if they want to bring me back a as a zombie -- >> jimmy: that would be cool, a crossover with "walking dead" or something like that. >> yeah, why not? >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. congratulations on all the success of the show. it's called "13 reasons why." it is on netflix. katherine langford, everybody! be right back with weezer. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank kevin costner and katherine langford. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. here we go. here with the song "africa," weezer! ♪ ♪
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♪ i hear the drums echoing tonight she hears only whispers of some ♪ ♪ quiet conversation she's coming in 12:30 flight the moonlit wings ♪ ♪ reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation i stopped an old man ♪ ♪ along the way hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies ♪ ♪ he turned to me as if to say hurry boy it's waiting there for you ♪ ♪ it's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
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there's nothing that a hundred men or more ♪ ♪ could ever do i bless the rains down in africa gonna take some time ♪ ♪ to do the things we never have ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the wild dogs cry ♪ out in the night as they grow restless longing for some solitary company ♪ ♪ i know that i must do what's right as sure as kilimanjaro rises like olympus ♪ ♪ above the serengeti i seek to cure what's deep inside
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frightened of this ♪ ♪ thing that i've become it's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you ♪ ♪ there's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do i bless the rains ♪ ♪ down in africa gonna take some time to do the things we never have ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ >> steve mccall from toto! ♪ ♪ ♪ hurry boy she's waiting e
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it's gonna take a lot ♪ ♪ to drag me away from you there's nothing that a hundred men or more ♪ ♪ could ever do i bless the rains down in africa i bless the rains ♪ ♪ down in africa i bless the rains down in africa i bless the rains ♪ ♪ down in africa i bless the rains down in africa gonna take some time ♪ ♪ to do the things we never have♪ ♪ [ chnd appus ♪ what's with these homie dissing my girl why do they gotta front
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what did we ever ♪ ♪ do to these guys that made them so violent woo-hoo but you know i'm yours ♪ ♪ woo-hoo and i know you're mine woo-hoo and that's for all of time ♪ ♪ oo-ee-oo i look just like buddy holly oh-oh and you're mary tyler moore ♪ ♪ i don't care what they say about us anyway i don't care 'bout that ♪ ♪ don't you ever fear i'm always near ♪ ♪ i know that you need help ♪ your tongue is twisted your eyes are slit ♪ ♪ you need a guardian
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, the art of the deal. >> they're going to get rid of their nuclear weapons, george. i think they want to do it relatively quickly. now we're going to see. >> president trump celebrating the unprecedented meeting in singapore. telling our george stephanopoulos how he plans to hold north korean leader kim jong-un to his word. but were the concessions made by the president too high a price to pay? plus, the brutal tru behind kim jong-un's smiles and promises of peace. an atrocious record of human rights abuses. bob woodruff inside the hermit kingdom where the government sets the scene. across the dmz, north korean defectors describe the labor camps and starvation that made them risk the


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