tv World News Now ABC June 19, 2018 2:12am-4:01am PDT
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is it hot in here? or is it just this story? woo! two akron, ohio fire officials have been suspended for getting a little too hot in the firehouse. >> they allegedly produced pornographic videos on city property and posted them online. the two are romantically involved and may have broken the rules when it comes to fraternization.
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along with the shooting porno thing. the fire chief says they've been good employees for 15 years. if they were recorded on city property, they could lose their jobs. >> too bad there was no way of cooling them down in that firehouse. there were no hoses around. and a video here catches a moment when swagger turns into stagger. >> a man expertly loads a glock pistol, puts it into a holster in his pants and everything was fine until he bent over to pick something up. you can just guess what happened next. >> [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! call 911 right now. >> oh, my god. >> the man the reportedly is in stable condition with a gunshot to his groin. >> oh! >> the video was submitted anonymously to a gun website by a reader in nevada.
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>> this is not the same colorado dude doing the back flip, the fbi -- >> no, this is not the fbi agent. he was not dancing, he just bent over to pick something up. the fbi agent shot somebody else. coming up, love is in the air with difficult decisions on "the bachelorette." >> and a proposal already but on a different show. "the skinny" is next. >> not this one. show. "the skinny" is next. >> not this one.
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♪ brilliant song choice. there he is, the chicken guy ♪ brilliant song choice. there he is, the chicken guy back on "the bachelorette" last night showing off the shiner he got after he fell out of bed. >> how high was his bed? >> apparently, it was just a twin, but i don't know. >> interesting, an interesting tactic, but it seems to be working for him. let's get the full picture now from the man who watches it all so you don't have to.
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jack sheehan is here. >> kendis, welcome back. if "the bachelorette" was like the world cup, we'd be in the second round, thankfully. >> copy that. >> not only was david back last night, becca had a little something special for jordan, the model. roll that beautiful bachelorette footage. becca, jordan, the golden underwear. >> that is so cool. >> this night couldn't be better. looks like i'm the golden boy right now. smells like victory. >> this guy's got to go. then things got serious. >> what up, jordan, how you doin'? >> i may not have a male model face at this point, but i have a rose. >> all i know is i'm captain underpants, and that's all i got. >> rose ceremony time. two more dudes gone. 15 guys and becca, off to park city, utah, one on one with garrett. >> oh, that's nice. >> we're going bobsledding. >> becca was holding on so
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tight. >> here we go. then later, garrett drops a bomb. >> and i think that i fell in love with and got married to the wrong person. >> wait, what? >> after two months of marriage, we got divorced. >> no way. >> time for a group date. 13 guys in becca's big lumberjack bash. some guy named john gets the golden ax. now the afterparty, sean blanc lays it out there. becca's not having it. >> this turned into a disaster of a conversation. >> i don't fully know how i'm feeling about that. >> analysis? no idea what that was. but sean blanc is gone. becca lays down the law. >> i'm so pissed, because i only
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am asking for honesty from you guys. >> good luck on that one on one date. they're out in nature, lewis and clark style, wills saying all the right things. >> i'm trying to make you comfortable and happy. >> no cocktail party. straight to the rose ceremony. two more head out the door. that was that. so 12 guys remain. next week, las vegas. so that should be exciting. we'll see if what happens in vegas stays in vegas, you get the idea. if the promos are to be believed, we could look forward to a two-on-one date, featuring david, chicken guy, with his broken face, and jordan model, which of course -- >> captain underpants. >> which could be a classic scene of someone left out in the middle of nowhere. helicopter flies away. >> and your pick is still in it. >> oh, yeah. blake, he's a semifinalist. >> who's my pick again?
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>> gary. they're strong. >> you know there's a deadline on that. >> i'm the person who picks the world cup champ in the fourth round. nice of england to show up. >> did well, three points. >> the germans would have taken them. >> we need to get an analyst out. analyst out. there we go. >> a tie, a tie. >> all right, next to the brand new pageant-style show that appeared after "the bachelorette." >> it is called "the proposal." but the couple has one episode to get engaged. we couldn't help but notice some deal breakers. >> please welcome 25-year-old morgan maxwell. she loves the beach, and hates parades.
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35 year old author and motivational speaker. when she isn't writing or speaking, she's tending to a massive collection of dolls. please welcome to the stage rihanna bouse. before studying emergency room medicine, she was a flight attendant and is very proud of her calves. and a life skills coach from cincinnati. she dabbles in cheerleading. monica has a dog named toby. loves to bedazzle her clothes and learned to surf even though she's horrified by the ocean. >> wow. >> okay. >> well. >> despite being terrified by the ocean, monica did win with a proposal at the end. >> wow, yes, she did. so congrats to the happy couple. we're sure that it will last, just like this show will, through the summer. >> so confused by the concept of this show. >> that walk-on thing was weird. and finally, a awkward moment for a husband at comic-con. >> it was full of stars including the actor who plays
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it's got a head and a tail, it's got a head and a tail, just like you, senator, there you go. >> as jimmy kimmel getting in a dig at senator ted cruz at the start of the inaugural blob fish basketball classic. >> cruz came out ready to play, and he had his family there and fans in the stands as well supporting him. but kimmel had a bit more of a crowd for him at texas southern university in houston. >> cruz challenged kimmel after he compared him to a blob fish, hence the mascot. >> first, can we give a shout out to who have made the mascot. that is creativity right there. >> pretty funny.
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>> taking a look at the game. cruz was first on the board, sinking this one in off the glass. and then it was kimmel's turn to try to respond. didn't go so well. >> it got ugly between the two. hacking at each other. all over the court. look at that. the senator even worked up a sweat. >> so in between shots they kind of ribbed at each other. >> how about you, did you vote for hillary or bernie? >> i voted for hillary. >> how did that work out? >> i'm glad to see you've forgiven donald trump for all the horrible things he said about your family, your father. you know, i commend ted or putting business first and his
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[ bleep ] on a shelf somewhere. >> that is exactly -- the basketball wasn't much prettier than that. >> no, they agreed to lower the points needed to win from 15 to 11. and from there, kimmel battled back to within one. >> but on the final play, cruz misses the shot, gets rejected by kimmel. >> whoa! >> and then wins it with a jump shot without even jumping. cruz wins 11-9. and then came the big announcement. >> and the mvp of the blob fish basketball classic is jimmy kimmel! >> you're good sport. i still think you're a terrible senator.
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good morning. i'm kendis good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following on "world news now." president trump is set to meet with lawmakers on the separation of families at the border. several days of severe thunderstorms and heavy rain have caused flooding and roadway washouts in the upper midwest. more rain is possible today. north korean leader kim jong un is in beijing for a two-day state visit. he's expected to brief chinese leaders on his meeting last week with president trump. and black panther was the big winner at last night's mtv tv and movie awards.
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those are some of our top stories on this tuesday, june 19th. from abc news, this is "world news now." a good morning to you all. we begin this half hour with new sights and sounds emerging from the southern border as more migrant children are separated from their parents. >> take a look at these images. they show hundreds of families, including many kids detained and living in cages at a facility there in south texas. and we're hearing the haunting voices of some of the children caught in the middle of the administration's new zero-tolerance policy. abc's marcus moore reports from mcallen, texas. >> reporter: it is a scene many americans are struggling to make sense of. chain link fences, cages, temporarily holding more than 1,000 immigrants. many of them children here in mcallen, texas, at the central processing center, one of america's largest processing facilities. men, women and children wrapped
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in mylar blankets as a way to stay warm. this video and images released by u.s. customs and border protection are among the few visuals we have that provide a glimpse into america's immigration crisis currently immigration crisis currently unfolding along the southern border. this is the center we were allowed to see. for many detainees, it is the first stop after be being apprehended. it is images like these that have become a flash point, calling for children and parents to be separated if the parents cross the border illegally. and now in a recording first obtained by pro publica you can hear the desperate sobbing of children from one day last week. customs and border protection has declined to comment on this audio, because much of what's
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happening is playing out in closed-door facilities, we're relying on the people who have experienced it to give us a snapshot of the crisis. this man worked as a counselor at a government-contracted shelter in arizona. >> they were holding the older brother for support, and he was crying. i said to him at this point, i said, bro, you need to be strong. i know this is difficult, you about you need to kind of be strong for your siblings and he looks at me and says "how". >> reporter: president trump staunchly defended his administration's policy. >> the united states will not be a migrant camp. and it will not be a refugee holding facility. won't be.
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>> reporter: dhs secretary kiersten neilson offered no apologies. >> we have some of the highest standards in the country. claiming these parents and their children are treated inhumanely is not true. >> reporter: as the fight rages on and policymakers at odds, it is the experience of those children that is of greatest concern. i'm marcus moore in mcallen, texas. >> and you have no doubt that will come up a little bit later on today when the president heads to capitol hill to meet with house republicans as they consider two new immigration bills this week. senator cruz aims to introduce two bills. senator john mccain is among republicans blasting the policy, calling it affront to the decency of american people. >> and bill nelson is slamming the policy as inhumane.
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he will get a look at a shelter for migrant children in his home state. he will meet with federal officials to tour the facility in homestead which houses about 1,000 children stopped at this border. and it's the photo that has become a symbol of the crisis at the border. >> the photo of a 2-year-old girl was taken a week ago by getty images' photographer. john moore. the child is seen screaming as her mother is searched by a border patrol agent. moore covered wars and epidemics all over the world. he says this situation got to him. >> once the mother set her down, she started crying immediately. it was an emotional moment for me to see, but i only had a few seconds to get down on the child's level. i photographed from the ground. and i think i took maybe seven pictures while she was crying and looking up at her mother, who was being searched by a
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guard. and it was very hard for me to see as a father. >> the mother and child were part of a group of honduran women and children crossing the rio grande in the middle of the night. he doesn't know what happened to them after they were taken away. >> the justice department's inspector general admits for the first time they are investigating james comey. michael horowitz testified on capitol hill along with christopher wray. after a referral from the fbi, he's looking into comey's private memos and whether any classified information in them was handled properly or improperly. and president trump says the u.s. must have dominance in space. and so he is ordering the pentagon to create a space force. >> it's a whole new branch of the military, but the president's announcement actually surprised some people in the military. >> abc's brad mielke spoke to one guy who was not surprised. brad, good morning. >> hey, guys, coming at you from the "start here" studio.
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when president trump announced he wanted to create a space force, it took a lot of people by surprise, but not george friedman who gets paid to predict what will be happening 100 years from now. in his book 20 years ago, he said the u.s. would start a space force. and i asked him to make the case to me. tell me what advisers are telling the president. why do we need a space force. and he said think about it. because of satellites, your military is already dependent on space. >> the heart of it is going to be an attack in space. that's where pearl harbor takes place now. pearl harbor took place at sea. because sea-lane control was the essence. now the center of gravity is in space. if you can blind your enemy, make it impossible for him to hear, and if he can't figure out where he is, he's in tremendous disadvantage. >> now there has been some skepticism. and congress would still need to approve a new branch of the military.
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but the president predicts he will get the support he needs. can you find out more about the space force on "start here" later this morning. check it out on apple podcast or your favorite podcasting app. >> it sounds like a movie title. space force. >> space force one! you know what mark kelly calls it? this is a dumb idea. the air force already does this. we don't need this. some are going to call it the underseas force? >> trump says this force is going to be separate but equal to the air force. and now to our world cup update. russia will come to a stop today when the russian national team takes on egypt. >> what? come on. the highlights start with belgium. >> oh! >> scoreless with panama until druze marten knocked one in.
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the belgians scored two more, winning that match 3-0. crushing panama. and england got off to an okay start. they were all right. they were playing a tough tunisian team. >> so english captain harry kane was in the right place to knock that one in. england's early in the game. but things went downhill. >> with the score tied at one and time about gone, that man, harry kane there heading in the winner with just a few minutes left to play. were there anybody else on the english team? back home in england? >> a beautiful goal. >> yeah. >> that's the winner. >> they got lucky. >> if somebody in france scored that goal, it would have been the best goal ever. >> the french are looking amazing. back home in england, they're not used to winning when it comes to soccer, so this is what happened. >> you got beer flying in the air. people going nuts.
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and to the surprise of absolutely no one! the reaction was much the same at a big outdoor watch party. >> look at that. that's a lot of wasted beer. and things got really crazy about 30 miles outside london. the flamethrowers. >> okay. >> y'all win. there are likely some people with hurting heads in england. >> i think so. >> imagine the disappointment when they don't make it out of the first round. >> panama on sunday. >> portugal doing well. france is doing great. we need to work -- >> we're still in this. we're still in this. coming up, the grandma taking all the credit for team mexico's win at the world cup. >> and the duchess, meghan's father is breaking his silence, speaking out about missing out on walking his daughter down the aisle. you're watching "world news now." aisle. you're watching "world news now." you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want.
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what does life look like during your period? it's up to you, with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pearl active. for up-to 100% leak-free work outs. we're back with meghan we're back with meghan markle's father. after much drama and speculation, he did not attend his daughter's wedding to prince harry. >> and now he's breaking his silence in a paid interview. james longman has more from london.
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>> reporter: the world watched meghan become a picture-perfect princess. but the cameras are back on a family saga that won't go away. >> the unfortunate thing for me now is that i'm a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history. >> reporter: her father speaking out on itv's "good morning britain", expressing regret for the paparazzi photos he was paid for. >> i feel bad about it. i apologized for it and that's all i can do. >> reporter: watching from his california home he says he regrets not walking his daughter down the aisle. >> i can't think of a better replacement than someone like prince charles. i was jealous. i wish i had been there, i wish it had been me. >> reporter: he went on to reveal his first contact with prince harry. >> i was complaining i didn't like donald trump, he said give donald trump a chance. >> reporter: talking politics is taboo for the royal family as is cashing in on their status. markle was paid for this
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interview as well. >> love them dearly. you know, i have a new son-in-law. very happy to have a new son-in-law. >> reporter: the royal family is certainly no stranger to negative press. the queen and meghan certainly looked very comfortable with one another. think it's very unlikely that meghan's father will disrupt things now. >> so the controversy continues with her dad. >> he did say his heart was the ultimate deciding factor in not walking meghan down the aisle. >> and the paycheck was a factor in him giving that interview. paycheck was a factor in him giving that interview. now, i take metamucil every day. it naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. so i feel... lighter. try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. test.
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so you can put that on. >> okay. >> stick your hand through there. and in the package is bubble solution. so i'm going to open this up. and then you just stick your hand down in it. >> okay. >> and then wave it around, up and down. whoa. >> bubbles, that's a lot of bubbles. it works for a really long time. it's still going. >> it's about a dozen different faces of animals. >> still going. >> great for backyard fun. >> that's also all over the studio. but that is really fun. >> if you're going boating, your cell phone's not the best thing for an emergency. >> no, probably not. >> this is from cobra, it has a built-in gps. all i'm going to do is turn it on. there's like a $10,000 fine for pushing this button on the side. that's just telling you that it's on. >> i'm not paying your $10,000 fine.
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>> you push the right button, it notifies the coast guard and all other boats in the neighborhood exactly where you are. >> okay. >> also it has say again, so if you missed a call, it plays back the last 30 seconds, bluetooth, so you leave your phone in the cabin, make your call through this. and this floats. >> so you can communicate not only with the coast guard or whatever, but can you communicate with somebody else? >> it should be used on the water. this is our 17-piece cookware mess kit. we have the pot, okay, this is your saucepan. >> how cute. >> this is your frying pan. >> yes. >> then we have our ladle. we have our carabiner, to carry it. we have our stove, okay. this screws onto a propane can. then a loofah. >> a loofah. >> our fork, a knife, a spork. our tablespoon. >> holy moly. >> our rice ladle. >> it comes with a ladle?
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>> ladle. i'm not quite sure why. you get the picture there, our two soup bowls and our saucepan. she's great. >> it has a ladle. >> she can do things. >> i can't believe all that fit in this. >> and it's $25. >> everything you need in one tiny container. >> we are going gardening. >> we are making such a mess today, i kind of love it. >> gardening. this is your claw glove. so though is a way to garden without a lot of tools. >> oh, that's kind of cool. >> this is for digging up the earth. you can have one regular glove and one claw glove. if a mosquito bites you. >> you don't feel like shovel. i paid $10 for two pair. >> very cool. >> and finally, that thing is called watermelon smash. >> i've seen this thing because kendis tried using it before. i'm a little bit terrified. i'm not going to lie. >> basically, did he succeed?
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>> i don't think he did. >> you spin a spinner. that tells you how many times you have to -- there's no water in it. >> okay, i'm not scared anymore. >> how many times you have to push it over your head. >> over your head like this. >> be sure there's no water in it. >> there's no water in it. >> then you pass it around. i have a little video of me in the backyard using it. >> oh! dick just cracked it right over his head. >> and we saw the water pour out. >> like roulette. >> water roulette. and it's like $20. i think target sold me that. >> i'm so sad you didn't put water in the watermelon. but my hair team is very grateful. dick, thanks so much. sorry to everyone who wants to clean this up, but we had a good time. for other hot summer gadgets, you can visit
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time for a little this happened. we're talking world cup a little while ago. a few are still wondering how mexico managed to beat germany, one of the top-ranked teams in the biggest upset so far, and willie of el paso, texas now says he has the answer. check out this video. during the national anthem of the game, willie's grandmother is blessing each one of the mexican players as they appear on-screen. well, later mexico ended up winning the stunning victory over germany. willie's niece, paula also posted a version of this clip on twitter.
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they are both now saying they are 100% convinced grandma was the reason mexico won. and of course, i think a lot of mexico fans are hoping she's watching when mexico plays south korea on saturday. >> yeah, they're going to need her help indeed. "incredibles 2" debuted over the weekend. more than $100 million. but remember this scene from the first one? >> yeah. frozo trying to find the super suit. >> where is the super suit? -- is -- my -- super -- suit. >> somebody went to see it over the weekend and took that to heart. honey, where's my super suit. >> the entire theater loving it, in texas. yelling where's my super suit.
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a lot of people took in the screening of that. >> i love that. most of us are familiar with talking parrots. that's one of their skills. talking is not the only thing parrots can do. this one managed to confuse a dog in washington square park. listen to the cock-a-too. [ barking ] >> that's not the dog barking. that's the cock-a-too barking. it's very skilled. and very much enjoys doing it. >> that poor dog looks so confused. what the heck is going on. [ laughter ] all right, some more puppy love. this weekend was father's day, and this one video here, this golden retriever puppy loves the owner's father's day card so much he can't get enough. >> it's one of those cards that makes a sound.
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this morning on "world news now," new backlash over the separation of families at the border. >> the white house is defending its policy as legislation to end the separations is being draft the right now in congress. a powerful weather system is stretching into the midwest into new england. in illinois, flash floods are leaving people stranded in cars, and in wisconsin, a and in wisconsin, a dam failure has caused major flooding. we're tracking it all for you. and the new proposal from uber that will mean cheaper fares if you're patient. and the new proposal from uber that will mean cheaper fares if you're patient. and he's not even in high school yet, but he's got the attention of one of the greatest coaches in history.
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meet the student with 9 offers and the following growing almost as fast as he is. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i like the coat he's wearing. >> welcome back. i thought you were going to wear the same look. >> we were. it would have been so awkward to wear the same clothes, that's why i decided not to. it is really, really good to be back even though i just got off the plane about three hours ago. >> your eyes are a little crusty. >> oh, god, just blurry and crusty. >> you're going to make it. i have faith in you. >> good deal. we have a lot to cover with the growing outrage over the separation of families at the u.s./mexico border. >> we're hearing a recording of migrant children crying as they're later separated from their mothers and fathers. now all four former first ladies have denounced the policy separating the families. michelle obama, hillary clinton, retweeted laura bush who called
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it cruel and immoral. >> and rosalind carter called it shameful, disgraceful to our country. >> we begin in south texas. >> reporter: for the first time, we are getting a look inside the largest processing center in mcallen, texas. these new images have now become a flash point over the trump administration's zero-tolerance policy, calling for children and parents to be separated if the parents cross the border illegally. inside, 1100 men, women and children are held, detained in some of these cages. some of the youngest faces behind the metal fences. sleeping under mylar blankets. in a recording you can hear the desperate sobbing from last week. this little girl appears to be separated from her dad.
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you can also hear children calling for "mama" and "papa". in the audio, you can also hear a border patrol agent in what appears to be a reference to all of the crying. congressman joaquin castro listened to the audio with us. this is purportedly audio of a separation. >> the president should not be using these kids as leverage to get a border wall or whatever he's trying to do. it's obscene. >> reporter: abc news has reported separated children are sent into foster care or to more than 100 shelters around the country like this one. many parents say they're not told where or when they'll see them again. amid growing pressure and protest across the country, president trump's homeland
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security secretary kiersten neilson defended the policy, reading from a statement. >> we will not apologize for doing our job. we have sworn to do this job. this administration has a simple message. if you cross the border illegally, we will prosecute you. >> reporter: she insists those children notice images are well cared for. >> we provide food, medical, education and all needs that the child requests. >> reporter: the head of the american academy of pediatrics says the separation is a form of child abuse. she has argued that the focus should be on the children's welfare with the politics aside. brownsville, texas. and the white house is denying all the claims that separating the kids from their families is child abuse. and president trump is heading to capitol hill today to address the issue with house republicans. >> the president continues to blame the policy on democrats and is calling on congress to
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change the laws. >> the united states will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. won't be. what's happening is so sad. it's so sad. and it can be taken care of quickly, beautifully and we'll have safety. >> the white house insists that it's the first administration trying to step up and fix the law. of course a lot of critics coming down on the white house. >> and some members of the president's own party are denouncing the separation at the border. john mccain among them, tweeting just hours ago, the administration's current family separation policy is an affront to the decency of the american people. contrary to principles and values upon which our nation was founded. he's calling for separations to come to an end. and ted cruz says he will introduce legislation this week aimed at preventing the
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separation of the families. it will require families detained along the border to stay together unless the parents are accused of criminal conduct or the children could be harmed in some way. >> so much back and forth on this issue. but you're hearing an outpouring, even the first lady issued a statement. a lot of people who don't normally voice their opinions coming forward on this issue. hopefully they can come to a resolution this week. and breaking overnight, north korean leader kim jong un is visiting china. a motorcade believed to be kim's has been seen in beijing. reports say he will brief china's president on last week's summit with president trump. china is north korea's main ally and a source of assistance. >> but they didn't see the running bodyguards next to that limousine. not sure it was kim's. >> maybe they were tired from last week. and meanwhile, president trump has ordered the pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the military, dubbed the space force.
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the president issued the order saying we must have american dominance in space, creating a new division of the military reques approval and funding from congress. the pentagon is working with congress and it would require input from multiple stakeholders. and storms are bringing the risk of flash flooding. >> that was the case in rockford, illinois. flooding caught several drivers by surprise. drivers also have to watch for missing manhole covers blown off by too much water pressure in the storm sewers. >> a dam failure in wisconsin about 40 miles south of duluth is causing flooding downstream. let's get the latest from paul williams. >> we're clear in new york, but still stormy in d.c. and chicago. and in houston, downpours
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courtesy of tropical moisture coming offer the gulf. widespread storms going into montana, idaho, missoula, bracing for severe storms with cheyenne, denver, north platte, and the heat is expanding even more. diane, kendis? frustration is mounting at a major airport. hundreds of american airlines flights have been canceled at the charlotte airport since thursday. a computer glitch has grounded a regional carrier and this affects crew, scheduling and tracking. american says they have no idea when the hardware issue will be fixed. apple will soon be able to share your location safely to 911. right now, outdated operating systems can only get the location of the cellular tower without pinpointing the user's
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exact location. the new feature will be available this fall as part of the next ios 12 update. and uber is testing a way to save money on its trips. the app would tell riders that a short wait would result in a cheaper fare and schedule pickup for that time. a tweet showed the example. the app said "arrive now" would cost $10, but a few minutes later, less than $8. it would vary on the time of day, traffic and demand. >> sounds like a good idea. >> how about not do search pricing. avoid search pricing. >> if there aren't enough cars how do you get around it. >> if you can still get the same car at a later hour is at a much, much higher price. >> if you travel at an hour that is less in demand you pay less money or normal pricing. >> huh. >> so people who have to travel now will say no, i'm going to go
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now. get the pricing and you sit there wondering, if i wait just a little bit, will it go down? now the app will tell you. >> that's the idea. >> we can continue this later, i think. we're in the middle of a show. clouds are created when air, water, vapor, dust and heat all combine, often forming some remarkable shapes. >> uh-huh. and a south carolina man recently snapped this image and found it looked a lot like someone we know. president trump on a windy day. so we found this picture of the president to compare. the resemblance there is absolutely amazing. >> i didn't see it until you said it. a.j. brackens is a photographer here. as soon as he posted the picture it went viral with comments from both sides of the political aisle along with a few jokes. >> one tweeted nobody forms clouds like i do. the best clouds are trump clouds. >> making clouds great again.
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>> making clouds great again. >> your obama impression is much better. >> i think my trump impression is pretty good, too. >> like that cloud formation. looks great. coming up. a rollercoaster's sudden stop. my obama impression is better than the trump one. >> we'll see how riders got more of a scare than they bargained for. and we'll get a closer look at what asylum seekers experience at the border. >> and you can weigh in on facebook. weigh in on immigration issues or which one of kendis' impressions is better and tell us how you feel at twitter @abc wnn. you're watching "world news now." twitter @abc wnn. you're watching "world news now." if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's.
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what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information.
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[stomach gurgles] ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea... girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.♪ try new pepto with ultra coating. the rollercoaster superman, ride of steel stalled and stranded riders for a time at six flags america, just outside d.c. staff members managed to remove everyone on board quickly and
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safely before emergency crews arrived. and residents in and around japan's second largest city are cleaning up after a major earthquake. >> osaka is being rattled by more tremors this morning and stores are running low on some emergency items like bottled water. look at some of the scenes after the initial shocker there. kayna whitworth has more. >> reporter: the surveillance video capturing the major quake rocking osaka, japan. witnesses saying the buildings swaying for a terrifying 30 seconds. hundreds of children evacuated into the schoolyard for safety. the utter devastation revealed. destroyed buildings lift smoldering. roadways completely flooded. killing at least four, including a schoolgirl. more than 200 injured. the tremor blowing out windows in this grocery store, shattering windows inside. the interior of this apartment torn apart. furniture thrown around like toys. this woman saying i can't explain how scared i was. missing for the more than a thousand schools in
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the area are closed and hundreds of thousands could be without gas for weeks as residents are warned of potentially dangerous aftershocks. >> and just to the west of where kayna is, we have a new video from one of the giant cracks spewing lava at the hawaiian volcano. >> this is what's called fissure 8. lava is spewing 165 feet into the air and moving faster than in the last few weeks and is running right into the ocean. coming up in the next half hour, a scare for a world cup soccer team. their jet appearing to catch fire under a wing. but first, while immigration stands front and center, we're going to take a look at people right there in the middle of the border debate. you're watching "world news now." now." the middle of the border debate. you're watching "world news now."
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immigration system with the families in focus. >> we're learning more about the difficult circumstances of the children and families at the border. tom llamas has more. >> reporter: for many viewers out there, the idea that your child could be taken away, that your child could end up in a place like this is likely unthinkable. but for so many who are making their way to the border, what they are leaving could be so much worse. joslin says she and her 14 year old son had to flee their home in brazil because of her abusive husband. when she and her son legally crossed last summer, her son was taken away by immigration officials. [ speaking in foreign language ] he would be taken more than 1,000 miles away to a facility in chicago. joslin detained for more than 20
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days now lives in a shelter in el paso, texas as she waits to hear about her asylum claim. i asked her if she knew now what would happen to her son, would she still have crossed the border. she told me it's a hard question to answer, because it's horrible there and it's horrible here after what's happened to her. the trump administration has signaled they hope this policy of separating parents from children will make people, including families, think twice about illegally crossing the border. >> if you don't want your child to be separated, then don't bring them across the border illegally. >> reporter: but for so many parents like joslin, they do not feel they have a choice. in 2016, u.s. authorities found 82% of female asylum seekers from central america had a critical fear of violence. jeff sessions announcing that
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domestic violence will not constitute grounds for asylum and neither would gang violence. >> if you are fleeing violence by a non-governmental actor, i.e. your spouse, or a gang who's abusing you in the community, you no longer qualify for protection. we've had mothers say to us, they would rather see their children die on the way to the united states than die on their back door step. this is really a situation where these families, these parents, these children feel that they have no choice, they have to get out. >> reporter: joslin took to court, she sued the government. more than eight months later after speaking with abc, this mother and her son were reunited in el paso, as thousands of children go to bed alone, many likely will dream of a scene
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like this, reuniting with their families. i'm tom llamas in new york. >> tom, thank you. the mix is next. stick around. really cleans betr than a manual. and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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it is time for the mix on this tuesday, and we would like to introduce you to the newest recruit for alabama coach nick saban. he's an eighth grader. there he is. >> he's an eighth grader? >> yeah. next to his 5'6", this dude, keyanta goodman received an offer from the university of alabama football team. 6'7". >> 8th 6'7" >> he already held offers from other schools. he's going to be an amazing defensive player. so he tweeted the pic of himself saying he's thankful.
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he still has four years of high school in front of him by the way, at which point they expect him to be seven feet tall and a little bigger around the edges. he's expected to be alabama's entire defensive line. >> they won't need anybody else. good for him. you ever wonder what you get when you combine a chicken nugget and a doughnut? >> no, not at all. >> some guy in australia did and thus was born the do-nug. it's topped with sauce. what kind of sauce you ask? cheesy, hot chili, or curry with mozzerella or eat it plain. this guy came up with the idea. he actually pitched it on the australian version of "shark tank" and got a $74,000 investment. he's hoping this will be the new
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food trend coming out of melbourne and is hoping to expand it to the uk and beyond, so you, too, could soon be eating a do-nug. >> that tastes like a chicken. >> it's basically chicken shaped in a different -- in a circle. >> oh, my mind is blown. i'm completely confused. so whole foods, they have an instagram page, of course. and we were doing a little digging. do you know they follow two people on their instagram page? >> huh. >> only two people. sting and beyonce. >> why? >> i don't really know. they also wiped all previous posts from its account and replaced them with three blank white posts. >> so there are no posts on the whole foods instagram account. >> no.
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this morning on "world news now," the crisis a this morning on "world news now," the crisis at the border. the white house standing by its policy of separating parents from their children. but the backlash is growing, even from all former first ladies. this half hour we're hearing from the foster parents in michigan who have been caring for immigrant children well after their parents were deported. scary moments for a soccer team. the plane flying them to their next match caught fire. and two long-term firefighters under investigation, and they could lose their jobs for what they were allegedly doing in their
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spare time, making porn videos, where else? in the firehouse. >> not part of the job description. becca had to drop some deadweight, apparently, forced with having to drop another potential ari? >> yeah. >> meanwhile, the dude drama is reaching epic heights. jack is going to help us pick sides on this tuesday, june 19th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> time flies. >> time does fly. can you believe it's already juneteenth? >> it's good to be back. >> you know you're welcome when you have to pause for a slow clap. >> so i was on a cruise, and then there's, this message went out in the mediterranean that the carters had a new album. i'm on this cruise with 65-year-olds and such. and they were actually excited about it, to hear the carters' new album. >> did you show them your "single ladies" dance? >> no. they thought it was jimmy and
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rosalind carter. they had their plans set for the entire summer. >> so you had a carter party. >> great to have you back. we have a lot of news. we're going to start this half hour out with the escalating outcry over separating parents and children at the border. >> john mccain slammed the policy. ted cruz has introduced a bill. and ahead of the american academy of pediatrics said the separations are a part of child abuse. >> we're also looking at a center in mcallen, texas. where more than 1,000 member, women and children are being held in cages. you can see kids there sleeping under mylar blanket.
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the homeland security chief insists they are well taken care of. but immigration advocates say an audio obtained by pro publica captures the anguish that they're going through. >> critics of the new policy say it's traumatizing and inhumane. but president trump is shifting the blame to the democrats and pointing to europe as an example of whatnot to do. let's get started with abc's cecelia vega. >> reporter: in the face of growing outrage, president trump staunchly defended his administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents. >> the united states will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. won't be.
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>> reporter: and on twitter, he is amping up the anti-immigration rhetoric, saying big mistake made all over europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture. the president warning it could happen here. still, he says, he, too, is disturbed by those images of children in detention centers. >> what's happening is so sad. it's so sad. and it can be taken care of quickly, beautifully and we'll have safety. >> reporter: the president could be the one to end it. it is his policy launched by his administration. and opposition is mounting. all four living former first ladies going public. laura bush writing in the "washington post," this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. it is immoral and breaks my heart. michelle obama retweeting mrs. bush's op ed saying sometimes truth transcends party. and rosalind carter calling it disgraceful and a shame to our country. hillary clinton took on the false claim that they are simply
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enforcing the law. >> separating families is not mandated by law at all. that is an outright lie. >> reporter: even the current first lady melania trump made the rare move of intervening on policy writing we need to be a country that follows all laws but governs with heart. now with the white house under fire, homeland security secretary kiersten nelson joining the defense of the policy. >> have you seen the photos of children in cages? have you heard the audio clip of these children wailing that just came out today? >> i have not seen something that came out today.
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but i have been to detention centers, and again, i would reference you to our standards, to the care provided not just by the department of homeland security but the department of health and human services. >> reporter: is that the image of this country that you want? >> the image i want of this country is a system that upholds our borders and our humanitarian ideals. congress needs to fix it. >> reporter: and president trump heads to capitol hill to discuss legislation with lawmakers. and the white house says the president does not want a band-aid fix. but immigration has vexed washington, d.c. for so many years there's no indication this time it will be different. >> we are now hearing from some children that are separated by their parents. >> among them, foster parents in michigan named carl and jen. they asked to appear in shadow. they talk about a 10 year old boy from guatemala. >> he came in all-black clothes because he traveled at night with his dad. they didn't want to be seen. he had a hood over his head when he walked through the airport and he didn't want us to see his face. our children arrived with toys and gifts and candy, and he didn't have capacity to be able to look at them.
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he was afraid to look. he was afraid to eat. his clothes were soiled. he wouldn't use the bathroom when he was transported here. so he had urinated and defecated in his clothing. he was afraid to eat anything from us when he first came. those are all the horrific things. >> he couldn't even communicate with us. he didn't speak. >> we didn't have a common language. >> i would say he was in shock. >> unimaginable to think what these kids are going through. >> and breaking overnight, president trump is threatening to slap more tariffs on chinese imports. it will go into effect if china doesn't change its trade practices. the threat follows china's refusal to make trade concessions after the u.s. imposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of imports. more than two dozen people
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are being treated after they were sickened by a carbon monoxide leak. most were workers at a food distribution warehouse. they were running equipment in an enclosed area without proper ventilation. and members of saudi arabia's soccer team posted pictures of themselves stepping off their plane after this. they believe an engine caught fire in the middle of the flight. now the airline says it was a brief technical failure involving a few flames. the players say they were a little shaken, but everyone is okay. >> yeah, i think i would be a little shaken. now for the meaning destination living. >> it was on board a flight. from las vegas to baltimore. the bride and groom boarded dressed for the wedding but stayed in their seats until 45 minutes before the trip ended. and then they walked down the
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aisle to ed sheeran's "perfect". and then the pilot performed the wedding. that's awesome. >> so by dressed for the wedding, you mean in shorts and a tee shirt and some sort of -- >> a veil made out of toilet paper. >> well, congratulations to the happy couple. >> i hope there was one piloting the plane. >> we do hope so. coming up. how things got a little too hot in the firehouse. >> two firefighters are suspended after making a porn video on the job. and in the skinny, a new show kind of like the bachelor but on steroids. we'll learn why the contestants were single in the first place. you're watching "world news now." why the contestants were single in the first place. you're watching "world news now."
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so i used crest. crest 3d white removes... ...95% of surface stains in just 3 days... ...for a whiter smile... that will win them over. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. happy anniversary dinner, darlin'. can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. our because of smoking.ital. but we still had to have a cigarette. had to. but then, we were like. what are we doing? the nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. nicodermcq. you know why, we know how.
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is it hot in here? or is it just this story? woo! is it hot in here? or is it just this story? woo! two akron, ohio fire officials have been suspended for getting a little too hot in the firehouse. >> they allegedly produced pornographic videos on city property and posted them online. the two are romantically involved and may have broken the rules when it comes to fraternization.
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the fire chief says they've been good employees for 15 years. if they were recorded on city property, they could lose their jobs. >> too bad there was no way of cooling them down in that firehouse. there were no hoses around. and a video here catches a moment when swagger turns into stagger. >> a man expertly loads a glock pistol, puts it into a holster in his pants and everything was fine until he bent over to pick something up. you can just guess what happened next. >> [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! call 911 right now. >> oh, my god. >> the man the reportedly is in stable condition with a gunshot to his groin. >> oh! >> the video was submitted anonymously to a gun website by a reader in nevada. >> this is not the same colorado
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dude doing the back flip, the fbi -- >> no, this is not the fbi agent. he was not dancing, he just bent over to pick something up. the fbi agent shot somebody else. coming up, love is in the air with difficult decisions on "the bachelorette." >> and a proposal already but on a different show. "the skinny" is next. >> not this one. show. "the skinny" is next. >> not this one.
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♪ ♪ brilliant song choice. there he is, the chicken guy back on "the bachelorette" last night showing off the shiner he got after he fell out of bed. >> how high was his bed? >> apparently, it was just a twin, but i don't know. >> interesting, an interesting tactic, but it seems to be working for him. let's get the full picture now from the man who watches it all so you don't have to. jack sheehan is here. >> kendis, welcome back. if "the bachelorette" was like
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the world cup, we'd be in the second round, thankfully. >> copy that. >> not only was david back last night, becca had a little something special for jordan, the model. roll that beautiful bachelorette footage. becca, jordan, the golden underwear. >> that is so cool. >> this night couldn't be better. looks like i'm the golden boy right now. smells like victory. >> this guy's got to go. then things got serious. >> what up, jordan, how you doin'? >> i may not have a male model face at this point, but i have a rose. >> all i know is i'm captain underpants, and that's all i got. >> rose ceremony time. two more dudes gone. 15 guys and becca, off to park city, utah, one on one with garrett.
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>> oh, that's nice. >> we're going bobsledding. >> becca was holding on so tight. >> here we go. then later, garrett drops a bomb. >> and i think that i fell in love with and got married to the wrong person. >> wait, what? >> after two months of marriage, we got divorced. >> no way. >> time for a group date. 13 guys in becca's big lumberjack bash. some guy named john gets the golden ax. now the afterparty, sean blanc lays it out there. becca's not having it. >> this turned into a disaster of a conversation. >> i don't fully know how i'm feeling about that. >> analysis? no idea what that was. but sean blanc is gone. becca lays down the law.
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>> i'm so pissed, because i only am asking for honesty from you guys. >> good luck on that one on one date. they're out in nature, lewis and clark style, wills saying all the right things. >> i'm trying to make you comfortable and happy. >> no cocktail party. straight to the rose ceremony. two more head out the door. that was that. so 12 guys remain. next week, las vegas. so that should be exciting. we'll see if what happens in vegas stays in vegas, you get the idea. if the promos are to be believed, we could look forward to a two-on-one date, featuring david, chicken guy, with his broken face, and jordan the model, which of course -- >> captain underpants. >> which could be a classic scene of someone left out in the middle of nowhere. >> and your pick is still in it. >> oh, yeah. blake, he's a semifinalist. >> who's my pick again?
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first impression rose guy. >> garrett. >> they're strong. >> you know there's a deadline on that. >> i'm the person who picks the world cup champ in the fourth round. nice of england to show up. >> did well, three points. >> the germans would have taken them. >> we need to get an analyst out. analyst out. there we go. >> a tie, a tie. >> all right, next to the brand new pageant-style show that premiered after "the bachelorette". >> it is called "the proposal." but the couple has one episode to get engaged. we couldn't help but notice some deal breakers. >> please welcome 25-year-old morgan maxwell. she loves the beach, and hates parades. 35 year old author and
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motivational speaker. when she isn't writing or speaking, she's tending to a massive collection of dolls. please welcome to the stage rihanna bouse. she was a flight attendant and is very proud of her calves. and a life skills coach from cincinnati. she dabbles in cheerleading. monica has a dog named toby. loves to bedazzle her clothes and is horrified by the ocean. >> wow. >> okay. >> well. >> despite being terrified by the ocean, monica did win with a proposal at the end. >> wow, yes, she did. so congrats to the happy couple. we're sure that it will last, just like this show will, through the summer. >> so confused by the concept of this show. >> that walk-on thing was weird. and finally, a awkward moment for a husband at comic-con. >> it was full of stars including the actor who plays aqua man.
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a fan shared this photo, i told my husband i wanted a picture with jason, but he wasn't comfortable with that. mfortable with that. picture with jaysoson, but he wasn't comfortable with that. remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan,
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available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. the world is full of different hair. that's why pantene has the perfect conditioners for everyone. from air-light foam, to nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moisture-infusing gold series. we give more women great hair days - every day. pantene.
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it's got a head and a tail, it's got a head and a tail, just like you, senator, there you go. >> as jimmy kimmel getting in a dig at senator ted cruz at the start of the inaugural blob fish basketball classic. >> cruz came out ready to play, and he had his family there and fans in the stands as well supporting him. but kimmel had a bit more of a crowd for him at texas southern university in houston. >> cruz challenged kimmel after he compared him to a blob fish, hence the mascot. >> first, can we give a shout out to whoever made the mascot. that is creativity right there. >> pretty funny.
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>> taking a look at the game. cruz was first on the board, sinking this one in off the glass. and then it was kimmel's turn to try to respond. didn't go so well. >> it got ugly between the two. hacking at each other. all over the court. look at that. the senator even worked up a sweat. >> so in between shots they kind of ribbed at each other. >> how about you, did you vote for hillary or bernie? >> i voted for hillary. >> how did that work out? >> i'm glad to see you've forgiven donald trump for all the horrible things he said about your family, your father. you know, i commend ted or
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-- on putting business first and his [ bleep ] on a shelf somewhere. >> that is exactly -- the language got ugly, but the basketball wasn't much prettier than that. >> no, they agreed to lower the points needed to win from 15 to 11. and from there, kimmel battled back to within one. >> but on the final play, cruz misses the shot, gets rejected by kimmel. >> whoa! >> and then wins it with a jump shot without even jumping. cruz wins 11-9. and then came the big announcement. >> and the mvp of the blob fish basketball classic is jimmy kimmel! >> you're a good sport. i still think you're a terrible senator.
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>> thank you to tom. that's what's making news in america this morning. making news in america this making news in america this morning -- flashpoint at the border. new audio of children separated om their families. >> mommy! >> this morning, the growing calls on both sides of the political aisle to end the family separation policy and how the trump administration is defending it. plus, a new firsthand account of where the children go after they leavehese detention centers. and breaking overnight. flash flood emergency, drivers stranded. a hospital flooded. a dam failing. this morning, the growing weather threats in the midwest and where the storm is heading now. pool safety alert. this video is raising questions after a toddler climbed a safety
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