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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 14, 2018 11:35pm-12:36am PDT

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all right th's thanks fi'm larrbe >> >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, tracee ellis ross, from "dr. pimple popper," dr. sandra lee, little league world series sensation big al, and music from chvrches. and now, from here on out, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you forankschat w for com. thank you for joining us. that's very nice. i want to thank you for joining us on what was the first day
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back to school for a lot of kids here in l.a. today children angeles headed to school with a heart full of song and a thermos full of kambucha. [ laughter ] that is what we do here. what is kambucha? i don't know what it is. it seems weird to me school starts in august. when i was a kid you'd go to school and summer was punishment for making a bong in wood shop class. [ laughter ] all hell is breaking loose in washington as the battle between president trump and his former employeesrages. . i'm not sure who i'm supposed to root for in this. omarosa put a new book out today in which, among other things, she called the president a racist, a bigot, a misogynist. she claims to have a recording of president trump using the "n" word mulple
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trump vehemently denied t btt,h were "n" words. [ laughter ] he claims there's no tape like that and he knows it because the producer of "the so. he wrote, mark burnett tv calld to say there are no tapes of "the apprentice" where i used such a terrible, disgusting word as attributed by the wacky and deranged omarosa, i don't have that word in my vocabulary and never have, she made it up. he doesn't have that word in his vocabulary, along with every other two-syllable word is not in his vocabulary. penn jillette the magician says he heard it. his partner teller, well, he says nothing at all. [ rim shot ] thank you. he's quiet. [ cheers and applause ] because he's quiet. trump pepped up his war with omarosa this morning. 7:31 a.m., when you give a crazed, crying, low-life a break and give her a job at the white house, i guess it just didn't
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work out, good work by general kelly for quickly firing that dog. only donald trump would defend himself from being racist by saying something sexist. [ laughter ] i think this is what melania was talking about when she said, be best, right? this is it. white house press secretary sarah applebee sanders had a very bad day. she had to back the boss up today. she said calling omarosa a dog had nothing to do with race, in fact, the president's very fond of dogs, in fact, look at how comfortable he is with this one he's almost touching. they go to the same groomer. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] you look at him and you see that this is a man who really knows how to hold a dog. [ laughter ] so this latest explosion happened after omarosa released another tape of a conversation she had during the campaign with a trump spokesperson named katrina pearson and a trump family friend. this is a conversation that
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hours before omarosa released the tape, katrina pearson denied this conversation even took place. >> lynn patton, long-time trump aide, reported she asked trump about it on the plane specifically, whether it was possible such a tape might exist, and he said no. then she, katrina, asked him what he wanted her to do, and he said, put it to bed. katrina cursed and said, he said it. did that happen? >> no, ed. that did not happen. >> jimmy: okay, so that was last night. and this was this morning. >> i'm trying to find out at least what the context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it. i said, well, sir, can you think of any time that this might have happened? and he said no. >> well, that's not true, so -- >> he goes, how do you think i should handle it? and i told him exactly what you just said, omarosa, well, it depends on what scenario you're talking about. and he said, well, why don't you just go ahead and put it to bed?
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>> he said it, he's embarrassed. >> jimmy: katrina pearson, who said the conversation never happened, not only did it happen, you can hear he say about the "n" word, he said it, he's embarrassed. which i think we're all embarrassed by this. m t now the word worried omarosa might have dozens of tapes and that other staffers might have tapes and of course there are these alleged "apprentice" tapes and on top of all those we uncovered this tape today of the president using al. "n" words galore. >> nasty. nestle. new york. nuns. nfl. national anthem. "new york times." nascar. no collusion. nabisco. navy. new england. nose dive. norway. nato. north carolina. nice. nevada. nuclear. not good. nasa. nigeria. nope. nhl. news. nuts. netanyahu. no, no, no. >> jimmy: we'll update that one with the new tape.
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[ cheers and applause ] i will say this. i don't plan to read it but there's a lot of good stuff in this omarosa book. she says trump calls the secretary of education "did itsy devos" instead of betty. calls attorney general jeff sessions "benjamin button." says he drinks eight diet cokes a day and has a tanning bed in his residence. you know, just think of all the history future presidents will find in that white house. the truman balcony, the lincoln bedroom, the trump tanning bed. team trump is lawyering up saying omarosa violated their confidentiality agreement by writing the book and it's hard to know who to trust. do we believe the lying, unhinged, back-stabbing television star? or do we believe omarosa? [ rim shot ] thank you. on an entirely different subject, here's something for those of you who love paris and urinating in public. the city of paris is trying something new to keep their city clean. open-air urinals.
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these are them. see, if i was designing these i would try to make them look less like a mail box than that. but the idea is this would solve the problem of people peeing in public in now i'm not a civil engineer. i don't think this solves that problem. i think it might even exacerbate it. but this is funny because one of the urinals, there are five of them, overlooks the boat tour. [ laughter ] near notre dame. i guess this is why paris is considered the most romantic city in the world. [ laughter ] we have open-air urinals in hollywood too, we call them the street. laugh [ cheers and applause ] we have a good show for you tonight. we have an emmyrom the show "black-ish," triessy ellis ross is here. [ cheers and applause ] from the show "dr. pimple popper," dr. sandra lee is here. [ cheers and applause ] she's not nominated for an emmy. by the way, she's called dr. pimple popper because she pops
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pimples on tv. on tly. remember when tlc was the learning channel? [ laughter ] then they're like, hey, we're not -- it's not the leaginrn t. well. it's really not the learning channel anymore. [ laughter ] tlc has some of the craziest shows ever on television. the other night i come home from work and these two shows or the guide back to back. "my legs won't stop growing" followed by "my leg weighs 200 pounds." i never even heard one show about legs. they have two in one night on tlc. [ laughter ] so i started looking up some more. these are real titles of real shows on tlc, we didn't make these up. "born without limbs." "too fat to transition." "my fat saved my life." "brother husbands." "sex sent me to the e.r." "the man with no penis." and "the man with the 80-pound groin." let me tell you something, when the man with no penis meets the
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man oin, that athhe crossover event you won't soon forget, i'll tell you. [ laughter ] then there's dr. pimple popper. it's interesting. because some people are grossed out by this kind of thing. and some people love this kind of thing. people have strong reactions. we went around the office this afternoon, we showed some of the folks who work here videos of dr. pimple popper doing her thing. these are their reactions to that. ♪ >> oh, geez, that's huge. >> eww! >> oh my god. >> oh no. >> ai-yi-yi! >> oh [ bleep ] no. >> oh god. >> oh my -- oh my god, no! i -- i don't -- oh my god! >> eww! >> what the [ bleep ] is this? >> why, why? we're good, right?
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>> okay. >> uh -- >> oh! >> oh! what's coming out now? >> now some avocado is coming out of a human being. >> oh my god, why is it -- it looks like poop, there's poop in his neck! >> so no more oatmeal for breakfast, that's done for at least a month. >> how long do i have to watch this? >> aah! no! >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. >> oh! >> no. >> hell no! >> yep. yeah. that's what happens sometimes with the body. it's interesting. >> i'm not judging, but this is really disgusting. >> that was theo . st>> w oh! you can't unsee that [ bleep ]! i asked if you can unsee that and you cannot. >> jimmy: sorry, everybody. that's "dr. pimple popper." [ applause ]
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she will be here later on. now this is exciting. i mentioned this last night on our show. there's a kid from little league world series who made a very big impression not only on me but on the world. waisthh . >> hi, my name's alfred delia, they call me big al, i hit dingers. >> jimmy: that's right. big al, he hits dingers. and he is standing by with us in cooperstown, new york, right now. hello, big al! [ cheers and applause ] how are you? >> i'm good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. is the reason you're in cooperstown because you're being inducted into the baseball hall of fame? >> i wish. >> jimmy: how old are you, al? >> i'm 12. >> jimmy: 12 years old. what grade are you in? >> i'm going to go into seventh grade, but i was in sixth grade. >> jimmy: are you surprised by how this is a viral video now, and millions and millions of people have watched you say "i'm big al and i hit dingers."
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>> i really did notnkhi t viral i just woke up one day, the next day after we lost, and i was like, hi, i'm al. >> jimmy: who came up with the line "i'm big al and i hit dingers"? >> kii did. i was really shocked when this went viral. me and my teammates couldn't believe it. we just thought of and it went through with it. >> jimmy: it was a good idea. you didn't run it by anyone before you said it? >> no. it's kind of a quote. >> jimmy: who gave you the nickname big al? >> my dad and my grandpa. my grandpa was big al, my dad was little al, but now i'm big al. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you're big al and dad's little al. that is your only nickname or do you have others? >> i have a lot of others. >> jimmy: oh, you do, what are some of your nicknames? >> cookie.
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pans. bubba. boomer. and fredo sauce. >> jimmy: oh, alfredo sauce. what is cookie about? >> i kind of burnt myself before practice one day. because i put a cookie in the microwave with a plastic plate. and you know how that goes. it does not work out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you got the name cookie. al, are you happy with your current parents? because my wife and i would love to adopt you. we have a really nice room in our house. >> i love my parents. >> jimmy: you do, okay. [ applause ] al, what is the secret to hitting dingers? for those younger little leaguers who might want to learn? >> keep your front shoulder in. try your best and just keep your eye on the ball. >> jimmy: are you on steroids or the juice, apple juice or fruit juice, anything like that?
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>> i do like apple juice. >> jimmy: you do like apple juice. have you considered a run for mayor in the town where you live? >> uh-uh. >> jimmy: you have not. what do you want to do -- what do you want to be when you grow up? >> an mlb star. >> jimmy: you want to be a baseball star, all right. [ cheers and applause ] and what position do you play? >> third base, pitcher, and left field. >> jimmy: all right, so you're moving all around the field. are you excited to go back to school? when does school start? you are not excited. [ laughter ] you got the home run derby coming up when, is that yes, t tomorrow's the dinger derby. >> jimmy: you'll be competing against the other kids. we'll be rooting for you for sure. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you. then you're going to be on espn also on "little league world series," they've asked you to sit in on the broadcast, isn't that correct? >> yep. >> jimmy: wow. big al, you are a phenomenon.
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if you ever change your mind about your parents, i hope you will give me a call, all right? >> maybe. >> jimmy: thanks, that's big al, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] all right. we got a good show for you tonight. music from chvrches, dr. pimple popper is here. and we'll be right back with tracee ellis ross. the fact is, there are over ninety-six hundred roads named "park" in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. hat's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands?
11:51 pm
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why shop marshalls? because... their prices will thrill you. whoo-hoo! the brands will surprise you. mwah! and every trip feels like an instant victory. woman: marshalls. never boring. always surprising.
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titled show on tlc, dr. sandra lee is here. she is known as "dr. pimple popper." [ cheers and applause ] and people around the office -- i have to say, people have been texting everyone who works at the show saying, why didn't you tell me dr. pimple popper was there? as if she's going to pop everyone's pimples. she will not be popping anyone's pimples tonight, i'm sorry to report. unless you want it, i guess. this is their latest album, called "love is dead." chvrches from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] if you like them tonight, you can see chvrches live september 23rd at the greek theater here in l.a. tomorrow night, tom arnold and jerrod carmichael will join us. and we'll have music from death cab for cutie. tom arnold says he's heard that trump tape. so we'll try to get that out of him. and on thursday, don cheadle, zoe kravitz, and music from blood orange featuring asap rocky. our first guest is one of two tv doctors on our show tonight. she is a make-believe anesthesiologist for which she is an emmy nominee for outstanding lead actress in a comedy.
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"black-ish," returns to abc october 16th, please welcome tracee ellis ross. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's great to see you and i want to say thank you. because in i think december, you filled in for me as host of the show while i was out. and you did a fantastic job. [ cheers and applause ] >> your kindness. >> jimmy: aswould. i specifically said, please ask tracee to do this, i knew you would be very good at it. >> thank you for asking me. your job is way harder than you make it look. >> jimmy: you think it's hard? >> there's certain bits i thought, this was fun. the clock threw me. >> jimmy: keeping an eye on the clock. >> the scariest thing in the world. >> jimmy: the clock is the hard
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part, yeah. >> counting the other way. i'm expecting three minutes to go one, two. no. >> jimmy: i guess that would make more sense if it counted back. >> i don't know, it threw me. i was like, i have how much longer? what? >> jimmy: yeah, people think that any dope can come in off the street and do this job. >> no let me tell you something, you are a top-line host. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have did know how to read a clock. >> you are amazing. >> jimmy: thanks, everybody. >> you're incredible. >> jimmy: congratulations on ou. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is the third year in a row. >> this is the third year, jimmy, and i'm thinking, i'm getting close. what do you think? >> jimmy: do you feel like you are zeroing in on it? >> i think so. like mm, mm, mm! i love how people say they're not excited. like what? >> jimmy: you're very excited? >> totally excite sdpld were you at home when you found out? >> no, sir. i was flying home from paris. coming home early. i had a choice. i can either be in paris and be
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alone when i hear good or bad. or i can be flying when the nominations happen. >> jimmy: i see. >> so i decided, i will fly. because it would be better. >> jimmy: right. >> you know how they say turn your phone on when you hit the runw runway? >>keno. - jimmy: . >> jimmy: really? >> it was very exciting. >> jimmy: you looked it up or people were texting you? >> i wanted to -- i figured if a lot of people texted me, it was good. if it was like one text i would have been -- >> jimmy: did you tell anyone on the plane, in any event strangers on the plane? >> i absolutely did, and no one cared. >> jimmy: really? >> i was like, i just got nominated for an emmy! they were like, ma'am, we're trying to get by. you've got to get through a lot of lines. i was like, an emmy, an emmy nomination, for like a tv show! they're like, what are you on? oh, forget it. i'm an actress. >> jimmy: i'm on ambien, that's what i'm on. wow. why were you in paris? there for vacation? >> i went for vacation. >> jimmy: by yolfseur lot by
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myself, jimmy. >> jimmy: wow. >> yes, i do, i like it. i was in list paris by myself. i went to the valentino show which made me cry. >> jimmy: why? >> it was so beautiful. >> jimmy: really? >> no, really. it's like -- have you ever cried when you see a beautiful piece of art? >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] >> okay. let me try something else. have you ever tried something beautiful to eat came, you were like, this is so good? >> i haven't cried. but i've felt very, very happy, yeah. yeah. [ laughter ] : jimatso specifically? >> food? >> jimmy: you look like a - >> no, that was an inside situation for you and i because we eat at all the same restaurants. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yes. i know what you mean. >> i cried because the couture was so beautiful. and then every year for the summer, because we only get a little bit of time off from "black-ish," i usually go away with a group of friends i've been going away with for years. we go to italy. when we all started we were
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single girls going away together. now they all have husbands and kids. and i don't have husbands and kids. >> jimmy: oh. >> i thought this year, let me try something different. i wassic i'm going to go away with one of my best friends that's also single and doesn't have kids and we went to the south of france. didn't go as planned. >> why, what happened? >> well, jimmy. let's see. when i first got there, the woman the house -- i'm goi wngho to ra house, i can do that, i'm a big girl, that's scary, inexpensive or something. the woman gave me the keys, we've been having a heat wave, it's extremely hot. it also was very rainy a short while back, so there's a lot of flies. so my suggestion is that you keep the shades down because there's no air conditioning, and because there are so many flies, that you don't open the windows. i was like -- what are you talking about? >> jimmy: oh, no. >> i rented a house in the south of france and i can't open the shades, can't open the windows. as she left i turned around, oh my god, there's two fly swatters
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in every room. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> you guys, there were so many flies you couldn't sit in the house without sitting under a fan. or two. >> jimmy: what did you do? did you go into town and hang out there? >> i learned how to be a ryllea terrible. i was like -- >> jimmy: how many flies do you think you killed in your te? >> i don't care to admit it. it's best i don't. >> jimmy: okay. >> okay? in the house. so i slept with ice under my knees and under my neck, under two fans, and i woke up every morning with a sore throat. >> jimmy: this is the worst trip ever. >> my friend is wonderful. >> jimmy: it's a good thing you're not nom emmyined on the way home or this would have been quite a bust. >> it was unbelievable. the town was a mile and a half away, 95 degrees mostly uphill. >> jimmy: did you have a car? >> no, did not have a car, did not have a bike. literally we were rationing food. i was like, only buy what you can carry!ne bottle of rose andi
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drank the one bottle of rose for five days. >> jimmy: what? >> take a little sip. i'd be like, oh, that was good! [ laughter ] i was like, carry the water, it's more important! >> jimmy: wow. the stars really are just like us, i guess, huh? i mean, this is a kind of -- the kind of sactions i have. >> don't get me wrong, it was high-end, i rented a house, it was high-end hell. >> jimmy: god punished you for being rich is what happened. >> and the whole time i'll seeing on instagram my friends in italy with my god children. where's aunty tracee? they're having a ball where i usually am. i'm like, i'm here with the flies. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. now is the time where i'm be rhtack.od i am all rs iser >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "the happy-time murders," in theaters everywhere august 24th.
12:03 am
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to form a micro-barrier against paint bleed, giving you the sharpest lines possible. get professional results with frogtape... no messy lines, no paint bleed. for sharp lines every time, frog it! >> jimmy: hi, there. wing back with tracee ellis ross. dr. pimple popper coming up. "black-ish" returns to the air october the correct -- >> 16 sdplth you're already shooting? >> we are, we're on the second
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episode of season 5. arseeppnd >> jimmy: the kids on the show, correct me if i'm wrong, they seem like the greatest kids. >> they absolutely are. and yet they like to shame me. >> jimmy: why? >> about being older. >> jimmy: oh, they do. >> well, no, it's like -- ratalkteing me. i'm like what are you talking about? they're like, you don't know so-and-so? i'm like, no. let's just be clear. i'm not going to know who it is, don't make me feel bad, just teach me. teach me. >> jimmy: they teach you? >> they teach me. can't retain. i'm like, send me playlists and stuff. >> jimmy: it's mostly about music? >> because i'm really cool -- it's not just music. the youngest one, miles, literally one day out of nowhere in the hair and makeup trailer, he's like, yeah, but you're a terrible texter. i was like, okay, first of all, no one asked you. second of all, i don't care. third of all, what am i doing
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wrong? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what did he say? >> he said i text in paragraphs. >> jimmy: too much texting? >> he said you're supposed to put a thought. then you get like 12 texts. i don't like that. he was like, no, it's too much. i was like, okay. out of nowhere. >> jimmy: do you use emojis with the kids or is that not cool? >> yeah but they do all the previous ations. there's all the letters. i'm like, i don't know what that means. >> jimmy: i'm embarrassed to admit i do oftentimes have to look up what does smh mean? i'm trying to remember. >> shake my head. >> jimmy: shaking my head ,>> i had an exto sent me that lot. [ audience groaning then laughing ] >> jimmy: it's not good, right? >> no. >> jimmy: it's not like, hey, wow, great! >> no, it is absolutely not that. >> jimmy: do you watch "dr. pimple popper"? >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: you do. everybody is crazy about this show. >> so yeah.
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obsessed. but 82 i do it on instagram. i saweaked eout. like i literally watch it, i'm like, uh-huh, uh-huh. whenever it's got the -- you know, the warning thing on it thing on it on instagram? this one's for me! the grosser the better. >>tgh in a good way?oul. >> jimmy: yes. >> i agree. >> jimmy: i prefer to see -- if i pop one of my own -- >> wonderful. >> jimmy: i reminisce sometimes. >> i have memories -- >> jimmy: there's one from high school i will never forget. i'm not kidding. >> when you get, look this is! disgusting. i apologize. >> jimmy: i'm not as excited about being other -- >> other pple's? >> jimmy: my flesh and blood my son kevin, he'll walk into a
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room, dad, i think i have a black head in mynten, i've climbed him like a tree, on top of him, forced him to the ground, i'm in there i've got implements, special tools. >> yes. do you ever put gloves on? >> jimmy: no. >> wash your hands first? >> jimmy: no, no, we don't wash our hands in my family. we just go in. >> oh, good, just go in. is that wh you do approach it a doctor? >> yes, that's part of what i love about dr. pimple popper is gloves. she's respectful of her patients. theotice that she bleeps out sound off when she asks them questions. we don't see their faces. >> jimmy: right. >> i find it very appropriate. >> jimmy: my opinion's more like backyard wrestling, you know? [ laughter ] we get the joboesn't matter. it won't even have to be a tool. it could be a screwdriver, i'll use the back of it. >> unbelievable. i have to say i personally am better with fingers. but i am very intrigued by her, and i will admit i bome
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sort of kit withoutgh things thg i could press the skin that way . esdo that. ack the way she >> no such luck. definitely wounded myself. >> jimmy: maybe you'll chat with her after the show and she'll teach you -- >> got some things. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. congratulations on your emmy nomination. >> thank you. >> jimmy: tracee ellis ross! "black-ish" premieres tuesday, october 16th, here on abc. i love you iphone x. (sprintern) whoah! (sas-bot) nothing. hmm? nothing.
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>> jimmy: hi, there. still to come, music from chvches. our next guest earned more than 2.2 billion views on youtube the old-fashioned way, by squeezing mpluhe tonanum h the season finale of "dr. pimple popper" airs tomorrow night on tlc. please welcome the queen of pop,
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dr. sandra lee! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this has got to be weird, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: that you're now famous for popping pimples? >> i'm sure i'm the first one on your show who's been here because of pimple popping. >> jimmy: probably. >> it's ridiculous. i did not imagine this five years ago. >> jimmy: how did you become dr. pimple popper? >> four years ago i started an instagram page, i'm a dermatologist. i wanted to show a window into my world. i put up a black head extraction video. it got a noticeable increase in interest. >> jimmy: people love to watch black heads be extracted, i thought that was weird, i didn't know what that was. im j>> y:mythought, that's str let me do it again. i did it again and it happened again. through that i found this was th is internet of people who were like sharing
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popping videos. they were all, you know, beer cans and dirty fingernails and dogs barking, like in a garage. >> jimmy: yeah, that's how i do it. [ laughter ] >> i thought i could be their queen. >> jimmy: you did. >> that i could do this. >> jimmy: you have been crowned their queen. >> yeah, it's crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what happened to you as a kid? what went wrong in your life that led you to this? >> you know, my dad's a determine not. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> it's like you kind of get used to it. i was immune to it. i would see books with people with growths and it wouldn't bother me. >> jimmy: like when you were extracting or however you want -- whatever you want to call it, first of all, you're wearing a motorcycle helmet at all? >> yeah, almost, pretty much. i wear a definite splash mask. i wear gloves. if i do that, i'm good. because if it gets in your hair, it's sort of like a campfire. when you smell it in your hair oue rest of the day. it have to take a shower. you turn your head and you get a little whiff. >> jimmy: and you make s'mores
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all of a sudden. >> yeah, it's gross, it's gross. i don't get grossed out because it's really important to me that my patients don't feel uncomfortable. you know? that they know this is a normal thing and i'm not going to say, oh my god, this is disgusting, or this stinks, or oops, or anything like that. >> jimmy: i would want to see it. that would be my thing. >> everybody wants to hold it. people want to see what they have. and i think that's sort claim, control of it. >> jimmy: i think it's weird. when you have like a body part, like i had my appendix removed. and i was like at the end of it, okay, where will i pick up my appendix? [ laughter ] they're like, no, you can't have that. i said, it's mine, i want it. [ laughter ] >> i think you can't keep that in the freeder, somebody's going to accidentally take it out. >> jimmy: i could find a place, i'd put it in my brother's freezer or something like that. [ laughter ] you're not just doing pimples, you're doing mounds and extra appendages. >> much more than pimples, yeah.
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cysts, lypomas. anything that pops out of the skin. all these sorts of things do. it's just like, you know, they're quite azamgrowths. but you can do all this under lot anesthesia in the office. the risk is lower. and it's just -- it's just such a gratifying thing i think for these patients. >> jimmy: the people that come in most of them seem to be sad people. >> yeah, and that's something that i think tlc really shows is that -- at least it gets to show me what these people have to go through. i don't think i see that. i take off a growth and then they are sent on their way, i never see how it affects them later. it's been really wonderful to watch this and see it from their perspective. >> jimmy: you see their personal growth as a result of removing their personal growth? >> i do, exactly. [ applause ] >> jimmy: like do you have like a dream, like is there something like do you ever look at --
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>> a pimple popping take over the world that kind of thing? >> jimmy: you look at maybe my dream is to pop a zit on the president's back, anything like no, i don't. >> jimmy: you don't. >> it's whoever comes in the something really crazy because it's stress to feel. >> jimmy: for the show you have to have some great stuff, right? >> yes, you do, and we have some pretty amazing things. >> jimmy: you do. >> cysts the size of softballs. you kn, like lypomas the size of basketballs. >> jimmy: what is a lypoma? >> a benign featty growth under the skin. fat cells grow together and create their own utopia under the skin. >> jimmy: and like -- it moves? >> it moves independently. it looks a lot like abrst when >> jimmy: really. >> in fact, i got a tweet from this woman whose daughter, she's 7, she's going to dress up as dr. poim bell popper for halloween, she's going to carry a chicken breast and say it's a
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lypoma. >> jimmy: she's going to get salmonella is what's going to happen. [ laughter ] >> no, i think that'ssome. >> jimmy: that would be great. chicken in your candy. what a halloween costume that is. is your father delighted that you went into his line of work and have become the world's most famous pimple popper? >> you know, when i was doing this about five months in, i had inrneto that went viral on the d th washe fst time i told him. i didn't really tell him. i was kind of a little bit like -- i didn't know what was going to be anl appropr hiaim a. i told him at that point, i have a video that went viral. he's like, relevant? what kind of video is this? and i said, it's a black head extraction video. and he said, that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. i thos like htugwat iinsane. so actually what happened is the staue slepprt aed a he youtube challenge. he kind of wanted to maybe make it something. he said, my daughter has a youtube channel and i want to see if i can post videos and have them go viral like my daughter's have, or something. and the young lady who was
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teaching him said, oh my gosh, i have to show you my favorite youtube channel. and it was my channel. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> yeah, yeah. [ applause ] he came back to me. i know. >> jimmy: you taught him a lesson. >> he came back to me, though, he was serious, he put his hands on my shoulders. and he said, [ laughter ] he was so proud of that fact. that was like -- >> jimmy: what a beautiful, disgusting story that is. [ laughter ] it's great to meet you. >> it was nice to meet you too. >> jimmy: dr. sandra lee, everybody! the season fin in all i of "dr. pimple popper" god only knows what they have planned for this, it's tomorrow night on tlc. and you've been renewed for a second season of popping. congratulations on. be right back with chvrches!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank tracee ellis ross and dr. sandra lee. and big al too. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. this is their album "love is dead" here with the song "graffiti," chvrches! ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm writing to ask you all you wanted to do before we were dragged up ♪ ♪ something was different and nothing was new how did you see me we didn't know ♪ ♪ what we wanted to be when did we move on i didn't feel it nobody told me ♪
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♪ time to kill was always an illusion time stood still and now we never will ♪ ♪ never will we wrote our names along the bathroom walls graffitiing our hearts ♪ ♪ across the stalls i've been waiting for my whole life to♪ and now we never will never will and now we never will never will ♪ ♪ and now we never will never will standing in streetlights we didn't know wrong ♪ ♪ didn't know right making a mess and running in circles getting in fights ♪ ♪ we were just kids then we didn't know how
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and didn't know whenng oes ♪ calling it off and starting again time to kill was always an illusion ♪ ♪ time stood still and now we never will never will we wrote our names along ♪ ♪ the bathroom walls graffitiing our hearts across the stalls i've been waiting ♪ ♪ for my whole life to grow old and now we never will never will ♪ ♪ and now we never will never will and now we never will never will ♪ ♪ and now we never will never will never will never will ♪
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♪ we wrote our names along the bathroom walls graffitiing our hearts across the stalls ♪ ♪ i've been waiting for my whole life to grow old and now we never will ♪ and now we never will never will and now we never will ♪ ♪ never will and now we never will never will and now we never will ♪ ♪ never will [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, fighting words. president trump fires back at his fired aideomarosa. she says he's a racist. he's tweeting insults calling her a dog. >> why did he hire her? why did he hire somebody he'd w low-life? >> the president wanted to give >> the trump team taking legal action, omarosa vowing she won't be bullied by the president. clergy accused of abusing more than 1,000 victims. >> priests were raping young boys and girls. >> alleged abuse of hundreds of priests hidden for decades. why justice may never be


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