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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 23, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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and now, moving right along, >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mandy moore, from "eighth grade," elsie fisher, and music from dennis lloyd. and now, moving right along, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. very nice. i appreciate it. i'm jimmy, i am the host. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. on this special day. actually -- thank you. this is a doubly special day. today, today in case you don't have a fun calendar in your
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house that tells you this sort of thing, today we celebrate not just one but two important holidays. today is national tequila day. [ cheers and applause ] a day on which if you have too much fun you might do something you regret. it's also national cousins day today. [ cheers and applause ] where if you have too much fun you might do something you really regret. [ laughter ] happy tequila day, guillermo. >> guillermo: thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: i know this is a very holy day. >> guillermo: thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i feel i should ask, have you been celebrating tequila day today? >> guillermo: of course, jimmy, of course. >> jimmy: of course, very good. >> guillermo: national tequila day. >> jimmy: i'm glad you're staying hydrated. it's very hot now in l.a. it was so hot in l.a. today -- >> audience: how hot was it? >> jimmy: 93 degrees. sorry, i thought you were asking how hot it was. because of the heat wave local officials are asking l.a. residents to conserve energy. we all need to do our part. i for one after i used my tanning bed this morning, i
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pulled the plug right out of the wall. it won't go back in till i go home. [ cheers and applause ] this is a very good week for the dodgers to be out of town. this is from their game with the phillies last night where one fan managed to win the award for catch of the year and lose the prize for father of the year all in one shot. >> in the air to left field. mikal franco has done it again. a solo home run. it's made it a one-run game. that guy with the baby in hand caught that home run. look at that grab, he backhanded it. >> remarkable. >> jimmy: he gets to keep the ball. but we're taking the baby. believe it or not, golf fans had to chop it up in the summer, too. this is from the open championship where one fan enjoyed himself just a bit too much.
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>> jimmy: in golf, that is known as a bad lie. [ laughter ] speaking of bad lies, the president was not on the golf course today, he was on twitter today. he had a special gem this morning. this is an all-timer. he's got a lot of great tweets but today he wrote, i'm very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming election. hm. you don't say. [ laughter ] go on. based on the fact that no president has been tougher on russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the democrats. they definitely don't want trump. [ laughter ] [ applause ] which, i mean -- i know, but at this point he's just screwing with us, right? [ laughter ] last week vladimir putin stood next to him and said, yes, we wanted trump. now he says they definitely don't want trump. maybe he's being sarcastic and we're just missing it? i bet he forgot to add a winking emoji next to the message. [ laughter ] the mueller investigation quietly continues.
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the president's attorney rudy giuliani says trump would agree to an interview with robert mueller as long as there are no questions about obstruction of justice. [ laughter ] i love that. it would be like bill cosby agreeing to an interview that's only about pudding. [ laughter ] robert mueller now has a few options. he can accept those terms, which seems unlikely. he can issue a subpoena, which would probably result in a legal battle. or he can just wait for trump to go to a rally and blurt everything out himself. [ laughter ] as you know the president has been taking a lot of heat about whether or not he betrayed this country during that putin lovefest in helsinki last week. his patriotism has been called into question. but today donald trump proved once and for all that he is proud to be an american. ♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee ♪ ♪ across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ detroit down to houston and
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new york to l.a. ♪ ♪ where there's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say ♪ ♪ i'm proud to be an american >> jimmy: what the hell was that? [ cheers and applause ] that man loves america, almost as much as he loves himself, and that is a lot, my friends. [ laughter ] according to the latest gallup poll trump's approval rating is the highest it's been since he took office. between the months of april and july president trump's approval rating averaged 41.9%, or according to sarah huckabee sanders, 91.9%. [ laughter ] since world war ii trump is only the second elected president to see an improvement in his approval rating during his sixth quarter in office, which sounds really good, except for the fact that the other one was nixon.
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[ laughter ] this is not going to help the president's approval rating in the state of california. he is planning to roll back regulations put in place by the obama administration that will allow -- that allow the state to limit automobile emissions. which would mean a lot more air pollution, which is exactly what we need around here. trump's plan is to make the air so toxic immigrants won't even want to come here. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and he's doing this for the oil companies. doing it so the oil companies can sell more gasoline. even the auto companies think this is a bad idea. they're like, please, mr. president, we've already made our plans based on these standards. trump is like, no, i promised americans foul, filthy air and that is what i'm going to deliver. [ laughter ] it's like we're living in the first half of "the lorax." very sad news to report from the fashion world. president trump's daughter ivanka announced today she's shutting down her clothing line.
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[ audience groaning ] >> jimmy: i know. i guess i'll have to get my heels at zappos. [ laughter ] sales of ivanka trump merchandise have dropped dramatically since her father became our ayatollah. [ laughter ] a number of prominent retailers have stopped carrying her stuff. wow, a trump business failing, who would have ever guessed something like this could possibly ever happen? the good news is no american jobs will be last because almost every piece of her clothing was made overseas. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: ivanka and husband jared kushner can focus full-time on whatever the hell it is they've been doing. but fear not, fashion lovers. innovation is happening every day in this country. have you seen the giant jumpsuit that's been making the rounds on social media this week? well, people have been going nuts over this. this is a real item. it's available from -- [ laughter ] -- an online shop called cassie's corner. it's a jumpsuit. it looks like a pair of
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extremely high-waisted pants. high-waisted all the way up to the neck. they're available in a multitude of colors for the low, low price of only $35. they are currently sold out at cassie's corner, but fortunately we were able to snag one of them before they sold out. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i like it. very nice. i got to say -- that is the perfect outfit for national tequila day, it really is. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: oh, yeah it's perfect for this day. >> jimmy: how does it feel, do you like it? >> guillermo: it feels comfortable, i just feel like a piano. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back i'm going to show you the messiest office in the world. this office is here in our building. when we come back i'm going to do something about it.
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back to the show. elsie fisher and music from dennis lloyd is on the way as well as mandy moore. percent i have some literal housekeeping to, do those who work in an office might be able to relate but i don't know that you can. we have a writer, name's gary, we love gary but gary has a problem. as a result we have a problem. the problem is his office is a mess. when i say it's a mess, you have no idea. you will have an idea soon. gary collects crap. he buys all manner of nonsense on ebay. stuff that he thinks is funny. his wife won bringt home anymore. so he keeps it here.
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so we get stuck with it. i decided that enough was enough. it's been going on for, i don't know, like 12 years. so i decided it was time to surprise gary and maybe to get him some professional help. >> jimmy reached out to me, he said one of his employees was having a hard time letting go of stuff, he asked me to come by and offer some help. >> jimmy: i know you've been in a lot of houses, have you been in somebody's office before? >> we've never successfully cleaned a hoarded office. >> jimmy: this is not gary's house, this is my house. >> let's clean your house. >> jimmy: okay. let's go clean my house. he's not going to like this at all. >> they never do. >> jimmy: okay. gary? >> hey. >> jimmy: hey. >> hi. >> jimmy: i want you to meet somebody. tell gary where you're from. >> i'm matt pangston, i'm from the tv show "hoarders." >> oh, no. [ laughter ] >> i've been asked to come clean -- >> i'm not a hoarder! >> jimmy: is that what they usually say? >> yeah. the answer is, if i'm in your
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office, then you are a hoarder. >> a hoarder collects things that are not valuable or just collects compulsively. everything i collect has like sentimental value -- >> jimmy: are you telling the host of "hoarders" the definition of hoarding? >> i wrote a textbook on the definition of hoarding. >> when jimmy said he was from "hoarders," i'm like [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: eight years ago gary asked to have a couch in his office so he could have meetings and he immediately covered the couch with all this junk. if he has a meeting in here people have to sit on a giant duck or -- i don't know, there's a ladder -- >> do people sit on the duck? >> no, sometimes people sit in the duck. hunters would drag this out into the field, get inside of it, and a make a duck call through these little holes. >> i always say there's nothing that's going to surprise me when i enter a home. i immediately saw a five-foot duck in the middle of a ten-foot office. >> so i go quack quack quack! then a duck comes in here like --
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>> boom. >> boom! >> jimmy: right. >> what are you hunting here at the office? >> i'm not, but i had to have it. i do not have a problem. i do not have a hoarding problem. i know there are hoarders. i've seen what a hoarder is. i've seen they have magazines, they have crap, they have newspapers, their house has like rats and stuff like that. that is not me. i have good, funny, weird items that you cannot find anyplace. that is not hoarding, that is collecting. >> jimmy: why don't you take pictures of all this crap you have, then you can have the pictures and we can get rid of all this stuff. you can look at it. remember that giant stuffed rabbi i had for no reason on the couch. >> i have another at home believe it or not. >> jimmy: you have another giant rabbi at home? >> i do. >> jimmy: it better be your uncle. >> i could clear out most of this space. >> by clearing out you're not -- >> jimmy: throwing away. >> no. >> some things are going to have to go -- >> how about donate? >> jimmy: charity. >> okay, okay -- okay --
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>> let's fill the duck. that's my goal. we fill the duck, we leave. >> jimmy: that's a great idea. >> that is a good idea. >> let's fill the duck. >> jimmy: all right. fill the duck! >> the daddy saddle? >> this is the daddy saddle. >> jimmy: how old's your daughter? >> she's 18. >> is your daughter riding you? >> no, never, never. >> never going to get on the daddy saddle. >> jimmy: this would be a good thing. what is this thing right here? >> oh no, this is great. this is great. >> what is it? >> it's a tie press. >> jimmy: how often do you wear a tie here to work? >> no -- i don't. >> jimmy: you don't, look it, you go like this, when you're finished, count to three. >> jimmy: one, two, three. >> you don't need it. >> no, i love that. >> jimmy: you don't need this. >> that's expensive! okay, this doll is amazing. because it's got three faces. happy, sleepy, and drunk. no, no, no, no, no -- no! no, no!
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>> we've got a couple feet -- >> i used to sell shoes. >> so did i. >> jimmy: guess what, i don't have a branic device, you don't need that. >> joke's on you, i've got another one up there. >> jimmy: two branic devices. >> remember when airplanes used to have phones? this is an airplane phone. no! >> there's hundreds of them. >> no, they're not, i checked on ebay two weeks ago, there's none. >> jimmy: why are you looking for more of those? >> because -- i don't know. i don't know. >> what is this? >> this is a book called "the mystery of the midget clown." >> i'm going to take this. i want this one. ♪ >> what is this? >> okay, if you're in the back seat of a car with your brother or sister, it's a divider so you won't beat each other up. and you -- >> jimmy: you're not any of those things. >> no, no, but look -- >> you only have one child. >> jimmy, this guy really -- no.
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>> although humor is how he makes a living, it's a little out there. >> this is my submarine survival suit. if you get trapped in a submarine -- no, no, this is good, no, this is really good -- >> jimmy: it's one of those things you pull out and everybody goes like, oh. right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. all right. throw it in the thing. >> i think it's full. >> jimmy: no, it's not even close to full. >> okay. well, here's some records for you. don paulon, "white guy sings songs of minorities." >> come on. >> "close encounters of the sex kind." >> that's good. >> jimmy: what else? >> jimmy: wife swappers." >> what else? >> "viva les crepes." >> "self-hypnosis for dental amnesia." >> jimmy: anybody can be cool but awesome needs practice. >> a complete illustrated catalog of antique barbed wire. what is this? what is this?
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>> this is why i do it. >> jimmy: collectible spoons of the third reich. >> that's why i do it! is that tie press a hoarding thing? is that doll that has three different faces a hoarding thing? no. they're all unique things. they're fun things. people love them. they make people laugh. so i'm not a hoarder. i refuse to believe i'm a hoarder. my wife thinks i'm a hoarder. >> almost full. >> jimmy: it's almost full. >> it's almost full. >> i would say he can pick one item, not the duck, one item out. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> not the rabbi, not the duck. you can pick one item out of there to bring back because he did such a good job. >> i did really good. >> jimmy: okay, you're the expert. go ahead. which item do you want to keep? >> i think i'm going to keep my suit. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> because it still works. i can't take the duck? >> no, you can't take the duck. ♪
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>> my collection is meant to bring joy to other people. now my office just looks like everybody else's office. is that what we're trying to do? create like a drone factory of everybody looking exactly the same? can't there be any diversity in terms of the [ bleep ] you have in your office? you know, there is a silver lining if i thought about it. even though i'm losing this stuff, at least it's getting on tv and the world gets to see it one last time. and though i may have lost my spirit, i didn't lose my second branic device. this thing's a classic. [ cheers and applause ] check out that action. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, thanks to matt from "hoarders." oh my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> i've still got it, jimmy!
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>> jimmy: gary greenberg, everyone. tonight on the show, we have music from dennis lloyd -- don't encourage him! elsie fisher here. we'll be right back with mandy moore! ♪ hurry in to old navy for the kids and baby sale with up to sixty percent off. with styles from four, six, and eight dollars. ♪ make back to school shopping easy with buy online, pick up in store. with styles from four, six, and eight dollars, only at old navy. i'm missing out on our family outings because i can't find a bladder leakage product that fits. everything was too loose. but depend® fit-flex feels tailored to me. introducing more sizes for better comfort. new depend® fit-flex underwear
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight, from the critically acclaimed new movie "eighth grade," the star of that film, elsie fisher is here. then his big hit song is called "nevermind," dennis lloyd from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, henry cavill will be here. jeff ross will join us, and we'll have music from brent cobb. our first guest is an actress, singer and one of the "us" on "this is us." starting august 3rd you can see her in the sci-fi thriller "the darkest minds." please say hello to mandy moore.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm happy to see you again. >> i'm happy to see you as well. >> jimmy: you were here two, three weeks ago, something like that? >> yes. >> jimmy: your fiance taylor and his band dawes, they were here. >> he was. >> jimmy: you were watching them, i noticed you were paying attention and everything. >> i am proud. >> jimmy: you are proud. is he now here supporting you and watching you? >> he's not. [ audience groaning ] didn't return the favor. thanks, taylor. i was really happy to tag along. unbeknownst to me you had someone here i'm a mega fan of. >> jimmy: was it denzel washington? >> i love denzel but it wasn't denzel. the guys in the band were geeking out about getting a picture with denzel. i wanted to get a picture with karamo from "queer eye." he was judging the belly flop.
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[ cheers ] >> jimmy: that's right, we had a belly flop contest and karamo was here. i wanted to meet him too. i never got to meet him, he left before the show was over. >> i stalked him mildly, i managed to weasel in and get a picture, and he was very, very kind. >> jimmy: i'm sure, they're all very kind. it's like a prerequisite of being on that show. you're a big fan of the show? >> i'm a giant fan of the show. >> jimmy: if they did some kind of crossover episode with "queer eye" and "this is us." >> i think they should. >> jimmy: the world would never stop crying. [ laughter ] there would be floods. >> it's a cathartic thing we need, all those tears, all that emotional energy. >> jimmy: maybe we are touching upon something. oh, thank god there's something good! [ laughter ] so that's exciting. are you friends now? is that like a thing? >> i got a picture. then we became instagram friends. >> jimmy: that's even better. >> now i have the number. >> jimmy: better than real friendship. [ cheers and applause ] >> you would think. >> jimmy: i'm happy to facilitate that. how will it go? will you actually call him? will you text him?
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>> i'll text him. >> jimmy: you will text him. >> i feel that's a little safer. >> jimmy: will you wait until you're watching an episode of the show and then go oh, i just saw the show, you were great in it? or see something -- how will you start this friendship off? >> that's a good question. i haven't really figured that out at this point. >> jimmy: do you have your phone on you right now? >> i don't. >> jimmy: you don't, okay. >> i don't know where i put it. i got to figure that out. >> jimmy: sent him one. this could be a good ice breaker. hey, we were just talking about you. >> saw you on jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: how are you doing, everything all right, then go from there. >> thank you for brokering this friendship. >> jimmy: we don't need tinder, we have me. >> thank you, sir. [ applause ] >> jimmy: your fiance, taylor, it's a great band, dawes. everybody loves their album. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you are a musician yourself. >> i am. >> jimmy: yes. how long since you recorded an album? >> it's been about ten years. >> jimmy: ten years. is that something you are still interested in doing? >> i am dipping my toe back in
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as we speak. >> jimmy: you are. [ cheers and applause ] what does that mean, exactly? are you writing songs? did you write songs for yourself back then? >> i did, i did. the previous two records i wrote most of the songs, cowrote most of the songs. i am writing. i live with a songwriter, so music is this sort of constant thread in our house. >> jimmy: do you guys get together and sit down and work stuff out? >> we do. >> jimmy: do you have any duets? >> maybe we will? >> jimmy: oh, really. >> we write together sing together and i sing on his records and i want him to come play -- >> jimmy: does he write you songs? i mean, that's seems like it would be very romantic. >> it's funny you should say that, because about a year ago i had this weird freak accident where i hit my eye in the shower on the handle of the shower. and i was home by myself. and my eye split open and there was blood everywhere. he was on tour. he felt so bad. and he very, very sweetly, which says a lot about him, wrote me this song and sent to it me as like a way of, i don't know, making me feel better because he couldn't be there to help me get to the doctor and stuff.
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and i remember hearing it and i was like, this has to go on the album. and he was like, no, no, no, that's my language to you, i don't know if i feel comfortable putting it out there. it was this weird role reversal, i was like, no, no, people should hear that song. and it's on their record, "never going to say good-bye." >> jimmy: convinced him to do it. >> i did, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] it's a beautiful song. >> jimmy: is it possible that the reason he didn't want it on the album is because he didn't want the other guys in the band to know? it's almost like reading a love letter or something. >> it really is. it's very vulnerable. so yeah, perhaps. but i was, you know. >> jimmy: did he mention the shower handle in the song? [ laughter ] >> he didn't, thankfully, no. >> jimmy: shower handle. >> "shower handle 1." >> jimmy: to write a song for you, one of the greatest songs ever is barry manilow's song "mandy." it's already a great mandy song. for him to go in and really do battle with barry. >> pretty bold. >> jimmy: it's ballsy. >> he doesn't mention my name it in, though. >> jimmy: he doesn't.
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>> barry still gets to keep that title. >> jimmy: if he did mention your name in a song, would that be weird? >> yes. >> jimmy: it would be weird. why would that be weird? >> i'd be slightly mortified. >> jimmy: weirder than a song about you bleeding in the shower, though, huh? [ laughter ] >> he doesn't mention the specifics of the accident, it's just a sweet song about how he feels about me. >> jimmy: well, that is very sweet, yes. we're going to take a break. when we come back, mandy moore's got a new movie. it's called "the darkest minds." we'll be right back with that. ♪ ♪ ♪
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hey, i've got dr. rogers with me. >> dr. rogers? i.d., please. >> yeah, i have it right here, she is zonked out on pain meds, poor thing. >> dr. rogers? i'm going to have to ask you to remove your mask. >> i don't think that's a good idea, she is highly contagious. >> roll down the back window, please. we have a security breach. roll down the back window. i'm ordering you to remove your mask. understood? >> captain -- >> now! >> jimmy: he shouldn't have done that, he should not, you warned him. mandy moore in "the darkest minds." this is based on a book?
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>> based on a trilogy of books, young adult series. >> jimmy: vampires in it? >> no vampires, no. i play the token adult, a first for me at 34. in a movie about all these young people. it was so much fun. it was a nice way to take a break from "this is us." >> jimmy: although you're used to playing different ages. >> yes. >> jimmy: on "this is us." are you shooting that show now? >> we just started two weeks ago. [ cheers and applause ] i was on set today in old age makeup. maybe three hours ago. >> jimmy: do you get bummed on the days you have to play older you and go through all that makeup? >> sometimes, yes. just because you end up getting there four hours before everybody, and then you end up staying an hour and a half after. >> jimmy: yeah, and do people rub it in, like see ya? >> yeah, like have a good one, see you tomorrow. i'm like, oh, dang. >> jimmy: is it true that you guys have already shot some of the scenes for the finale, the last, the very final show? >> yes, we have.
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>> jimmy: there's no predetermined ending for the show? >> there's no predetermined ending. but you're good friends with -- >> jimmy: dan vogelman. >> our boss. he has an idea in his mind when he sees the story ending and he knows how it ends, which makes me feel good as an actor, and as a viewer, he knows where the stories are heading. the nature of our show and the trajectory is that, you know, people are certain ages now, and perhaps, you know, they're just going to keep getting older. so you're capturing content, you know, in the can now. >> jimmy: that's smart. did you know what you were shooting? you say, hey, this is for the final show? >> i don't know if i was in any of that footage. >> jimmy: do you know what happens? >> i do. >> jimmy: you do, okay. >> yes. i don't know if some of the actors that were shooting that were aware at the time. >> jimmy: the people dan doesn't trust were not told what's going on? >> perhaps. >> jimmy: uh-huh. and do you know what the ending of the show is? >> i do. >> jimmy: you do. >> yes. >> jimmy: and do you feel like
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it's a satisfying -- like for instance, on "the sopranos," which was such a great show, but the ending, really the only people happy were the guys in journey. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: but do you feel like the ending is very satisfying? >> i think the ending will be very satisfying for people. i think it's very true to sort of what the show evokes from all of us. >> jimmy: i see. okay. in other words -- >> dan's a master at that. >> jimmy: people are going to be crying. >> people will feel their feelings. >> jimmy: dan used to be the receptionist at our show. >> i know. >> jimmy: not this show but "the man show" before we did this show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he was crying all the time. you'd call, he'd be crying. >> he wears his heart on his sleeve, dan vogelman. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. congratulations on all the great things happening to you. mandy moore, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "the darkest mind" opens on august 3rd. be right back with elsie fisher! ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to the show. still to come, music from dennis lloyd.
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last year our next guest had to endure the hell of surviving eighth grade, then for her summer vacation, she made a movie about it. she plays kayla day in the new movie "eighth grade," it's in theaters now. please welcome elsie fisher. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: see, i'm very happy to meet you, you're great in the movie. >> oh, thank you so much. >> jimmy: the movie itself is great. and i'm sure -- have you been reading all the great reviews of your work? >> yes. i have been reading letter box. >> jimmy: is letter box like a thing i don't know about? >> it's like a film critic thing, i don't really care. >> jimmy: i don't know about any of this stuff, letter box. did you find out the reviews were good before you decided to start reading this stuff? or did you jump right in and read it? >> i don't know, i've always been talking with the audiences after screenings and they've seemed to like it. so i did my research afterwards. >> jimmy: that must thrill you i would think.
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>> it does, yes. >> jimmy: how old are you? >> i'm 15. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so you were in eighth grade -- where you going to school? >> los cerritos in thousand oaks. >> jimmy: thousand oaks. right after you finished going to the actual eighth grade, you started shooting this movie. did you shoot it at your school? or at a different school? >> no, no, this is sufferen middle school in upstate new york. >> jimmy: totally different kids. was that fun to be around a bunch of kids who were all your age who weren't your actual classmates? >> oh, yeah, everyone who played an extra in the movie was fantastic. >> jimmy: there are a lot of really funny kids in the movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you're in this movie. i think for adults it's not like -- i mean, if you have kids it's -- it makes you feel glad that you're not in the eighth grade. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: it also i think is an interesting look into what it's like to be in the eighth grade now with social media and all these things that everyone is so interested in. are you similar to the character that you play in the movie?
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: are you a shy kid trying to fit in with your classmates? >> oh, absolutely. and like another thing, that's why i loved the script so much and just making the movie, i feel her anxiety in a very deep level. getting to portray that on screen was very cool. >> jimmy: you're an actor, you've been acting since how old? >> 5 years old. >> jimmy: what did you do when you were 5? >> i did "despicable me." the voice of agnes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, all right. and then after that, were you in things? >> yeah, yeah. a little later when i was about 9 i played the youngest daughter in "mcfarland usa." >> jimmy: did you shoot videos like you do in the movie? >> yeah, there was a point when i was probably about 11 where i had a minecraft youtube channel for less than a week. >> jimmy: really. >> i had 60 whole subscribers. >> jimmy: 60's pretty good for a week. you'd play minecraft? >> yeah, played minecraft with my emo cousin, it was very interesting.
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>> jimmy: why did you wrap up the minecraft youtube challenge? >> you know, i just had creative differences with the game. i don't think i could really express myself through that medium. >> jimmy: and now you're doing something like that right? don't you have like another -- >> yes, i have a -- i have a dungeons and dragons podcast with a couple of my friends. >> jimmy: okay. what's the name of your dungeons and dragons podcast? >> it's called x-treme d&d. but it's an x hyphen treme. we had to be extra like that. >> jimmy: i see. you play dungeons and dragons? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: is it the same dungeons and dragons that went on when i was in school with the dice and the -- >> yes, yep, absolutely. >> jimmy: you draw the characters out? >> i do, yeah. >> jimmy: you do, yeah. >> it is very nerdy but it's like we have larping so it's cool now to play d&d. >> jimmy: is it? >> i think so, i think so. >> jimmy: tell me what larping is. i've heard that word but i'm not exactly sure what it means.
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>> live action role playing. you actually dress up like the characters and you role play. >> jimmy: you show up at somebody's house -- >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: dressed as the character. >> hell, yeah. >> jimmy: what is your character -- >> i haven't larped. >> jimmy: you've not done any larping. >> that is too much for me. >> jimmy: larping is something you're planning to do in future or no? >> once we have the next step after larping and it becomes cool again, maybe. >> jimmy: i see. speaking of the next step this movie is obviously getting a lot of attention, are you getting offers to do -- i would imagine do other movies and shows and stuff like that. >> yeah a little bit yeah. >> jimmy: will you go to school? >> i am actually going to try to get home schooled next year. >> jimmy: oh. >> just because like -- i don't know. >> jimmy: that you could make a movie about. >> yes, yeah. >> jimmy: trying to fit in with mom. [ laughter ] >> you'd be surprised. it's more difficult than you think. >> jimmy: so the result of you making this movie about eighth grade is you're going to drop out of school? [ laughter ] >> yeah. pretty much. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's funny.
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>> i think just the experience of being in eighth grade, the real one, makes me want to drop out of school. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> because that sucked. >> jimmy: did it? it sucked for you? >> i think so, yeah. >> jimmy: have your classmates seen the movie? >> i've let one actual classmate see the movie and she loved it. >> jimmy: it's rated "r" so they'd have to get their parent or their uber driver to bring them in the theater. [ laughter ] >> the hope is -- i think it's great that it's rated "r." now parents and kids will have to see it together. sit in opposite ends of the theater, talk about it afterwards. >> jimmy: yeah, i wonder about that, i wonder if kids are going to want parents to see this. i know there's a whole secret society that goes on. maybe you can tell me a little about it. >> sure, sure. >> jimmy: there are fake instagram accounts which they call, rather cleverly, thinstagram accounts. that is true? >> i know those exist but i have no insight into them. i have older friends who know about them. >> jimmy: so that's already old? >> i don't know. i don't know if it's old. that is one of the things --
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>> jimmy: you're under oath here and you need to tell the truth. [ laughter ] >> i'm so sorry, i'm not lying, i swear. >> jimmy: you're not holding back information to protect yourself? >> i'm not with the times. you know, i'm not cool enough, i guess. >> jimmy: yeah, interesting. because i felt like, when i was watching, i felt like i was watching in some ways a documentary on what's going on in school right now. >> yeah, i think it's very accurate to at least my own school year. that's another reason why i think, at least, parents should see it. hopefully other kids will. because it's like, you know, you get to see what your kids are going through. they're emotionally mature. >> jimmy: there are a lot of similarities. i mean, as different as it is, it's still -- my wife and i watched it and it just -- yeah. you had that same like kind of anxiety that you have. >> sure, sure, yeah. >> jimmy: you're a kid and just trying to be a part of a pool party or whatever's going on, you know. >> yeah. i mean, yeah. i think just life in general is very anxiety-inducing. >> jimmy: yeah. >> eighth grade especially is just a great conduit for that. >> jimmy: no kidding, it really is, it's a magnifying glass for
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all of that stuff. although some people, and these are the people you can't trust, you'll learn this, peak in the eighth grade. [ laughter ] >> exactly. there have been some people on my twitter comments saying, eighth grade wasn't that bad. it was my best year. >> jimmy: right. we'll see how things are going for them on facebook in 20 years. [ laughter ] >> yes, exactly. >> jimmy: believe me, i know how that works out. well, congratulations on the movie and on the dungeons and dragons podcast. >> thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: elsie fisher, everybody! "eighth grade" is in theaters now. we'll be right back with dennis lloyd! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >>ic: e "jmy k ve" coert o.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by her said -- the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to mandy moore and elsie fisher.
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apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. here with his single "nevermind," dennis lloyd! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ all right i took it on i took it on took it on oh baby ♪ ♪ all right i ask i ask you gonna be ♪ ♪ tonight i took you with took you with took you with me oh baby ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪oufr
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and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ ♪ alright i'm ready now ready now i ain't gonna i ain't gonna fall back down no ♪ ♪ alright i'll take it on take it on me take it on me hmm baby ♪ ♪ all i ever ask ever ask are you gonna are you gonna be my lover ♪ ♪ tonight and take it with take it with me take it with me ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ d eyolyo hands inotelloufr
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never mind never mind ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪
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♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ ♪ what if i left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands ♪ ♪ baby never mind never mind never mind never mind ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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tonight -- >> that is the first ambulance, the whole world has been waiting to see this. >> the rescue that captivated the world. the boys on that thai soccer team now telling their incredible story. abc's james longman with the exclusive interview. the days of waiting. the fear of drowning. >> translator: if i told them we were stuck in the cave, they would have freaked out. >> then the heart-stopping moment when they first heard a rescuer's voice. >> how many of you? 13? brilliant. >> emerging from the flooded cave. now worldwide celebrities. >> how many followers do you have? >> 98,000. >> but looking forwa


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