tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 24, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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. all right. friday's in the books. weppate ur time. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, jonah hill. bo burnham. music from jim james. and now, stay put -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us. very nice. that's good. i'm glad you're in a good mood because i have something -- we thought yesterday was the craziest day of this ridiculous
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presidency. turned out today made yesterday feel like a visit to historic gettysburg, it really was -- the news today, i know a lot of you are on vacation, but the news today is that our president is a liar, and not even a good one. president trump today in an attempt to explain what the hell thinking was going through his cotton candy-covered head when he stood next to vladimir putin of all people and took sides with russia over our own american intelligence agencies, now says it was just a tiny little slip-up, even smaller than his fists. >> in a key sentence in my remarks i said the word "would" instead of "wouldn't." the sentence should have been, i don't see any reason why i wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be russia. so just to repeat it, i said the word "would" instead of "wouldn't." the sentence should have been, and i thought i would be maybe a little bit unclear on the transcript or unclear on the
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actual video, the sentence should have been, "i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be russia." >> jimmy: oh. [ audience moaning ] >> jimmy: i have to say, when you said i don't see any reason why it would be russia, for a minute it almost seemed like you were hiding something from us. like it was something putin knew about you that you wanted him to keep quiet. now it all makes sense. papa john must be at home right now going -- [ laughter ] wait, you can do that? so that is what trump said today at the white house. this was his original statement. this is what he clarified. this is from his press conference yesterday with putin. >> my people came to me, dan coats came to me and some others, they said they think it's russia. i have president putin, he just said it's not russia. i will say this, i don't see any reason why it would be. >> jimmy: yeah, you can see there he totally meant to say "wouldn't be." instead he came out "would." which genius on his team came up
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with this idea? who in that administration told him it would be good to announce he meant to say "would" instead of "wouldn't"? i bet it was melania, she hates him the most. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is really -- you think about history and presidents, this is like if bill clinton had come out and said, "wait, no, i meant to say i did have sexual relations with that woman." [ laughter ] and as if this whole thing wasn't strange enough, at one point during his clarification ceremony today, this happened. >> let me begin by saying that once again, the full faith and support for america's intelligence agencies, i have a full faith in our intelligence agencies. oops, they just turned off the light, that must be the intelligence agencies. there it goes, okay. you guys okay? >> jimmy: i don't know, have you ever seen the lights go out on a president before?
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[ laughter ] if that wasn't the work of god and robert mueller, i don't know what is. and even when -- [ cheers and applause ] even when our president was forced to sit in front of the world and make this preposterous claim that he of course knew the russians tried to meddle with the election, even then he couldn't help but spread the blame around. >> i have full faith and support for america's great intelligence agencies. always have. and i have felt very strongly that while russia's actions had no impact at all on the outcome of the election, let me be totally clear in saying that, and i've said this many times, i accept our intelligence community's conclusion that russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. could be other people also. there's a lot of people out there. >> jimmy: yes, there are a lot of people out there. there may be even thousands of them out there.
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[ laughter ] so maybe it wasn't the russians at all, maybe it was the canadians, you know? [ laughter ] sneaking around, drilling holes in trees, we don't know what they're up to. someone posted this closeup shot of trump's scripted remarks. they wrote this out for him. trump wrote in by hand, there was no collusion. he misspelled collusion. but this is something he says every 90 seconds that there's no collusion. it's something he wakes up in the middle of the night and shouts. he needed a note to remind himself to say it once again? i got to say, i would rather we had a chimpanzee as president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] at the least, at least with a chimp there would be somebody to eat the bugs out of rudy giuliani's hair. [ laughter ] the president of the united states doesn't know the difference between "would" and "wouldn't." for the next time this happens, maybe this will be of help. >> here's the difference between would and wouldn't. i am donald trump. and when i'm in america, i say i don't see any reason why russia
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wouldn't interfere in the election. then i go all the way to russia. i say i don't see any reason russia would interfere in the election. and when i come back home to america and talk to all you people in the fake news, i say wouldn't. when i'm with putin -- i say would. because i am a coward! >> brought to you by the letters k, g, and b. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: meanwhile, republicans are falling all over the place trying to distance themselves from the president's words, without distancing themselves from the president himself. it's so funny.
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mitch mcconnell today said, the european countries are our friends and the russians are not. paul ryan said, russia is not our ally. intelligence committee chairman richard burr said vladimir putin is not our friend. we all know that, don't tell us, go tell him. because no one else is confused about this. vladimir putin himself sat down for an interview last night with chris wallace of fox news. it was a good interview, a tough interview. turns out chris wallace has a lot more in the way of gumption than our president, although he did make the mistake asking why so many of putin's opponents end up dead. >> why is it that so many of the people that oppose vladimir putin end up dead? or close to it? former russian spy and double agent sergei skripal. the victim of a nerve agent attack in england. boris netsov, political opponent, gunned down near the kremlin. investigative reporter --
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is very unfortunate. and our thoughts go out to the whole fox news family. most of the rest of the fox news crew, you're not going to believe this, most of the fox news team was very supportive of the president's public depantsing. sean hannity thought he did a great job and he told him so right to his face. it's tough for these guys at fox because the president gives them so much, they don't want to be critical, and admit that he is an imbecile. imagine what they'd be saying if president obama had pulled a stunt like this. fortunately you don't have to imagine because this is the coverage obama got, and this is without a two-hour private meeting with putin in the fantasy suite. >> the russians are coming and want to influence our elections and putin wants to create chaos in the united states and around the world. so what did obama do? absolutely nothing. >> i would hope that president obama would have done this, he failed to do that, which is go after vladimir putin. >> putin sits there, in complete control, and unfortunately we have sitting in the oval, way
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out of his league. >> president obama i believe was totally intimidated by putin, and putin sort of had his way with him. >> factually, president obama was very weak on russia. >> don't you think putin thinks that obama is a lightweight? >> when they're together, putin's either laughing at him or not listening or -- i mean, just the body language. >> the kid who's about to get beat up by the schoolyard bully. >> i realize that the republicans want to negotiate with obama, they should put on putin masks. then he will fold like a weak card table. >> i mean this president has been rolled by vladimir putin like a california sushi. >> jimmy: well. what a hungry, hungry hypocrite we have right there. [ laughter ] meanwhile, this is what president obama is up to. he was in johannesburg today. he gave a speech where he had some very timely thoughts on the nature of reality itself. >> we have to actually believe in an objective reality. this is another one of these things that i didn't think i had to lecture about.
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you have to believe in facts. without facts, there's no basis for cooperation. if i say, this is a podium, and you say, this is an elephant, it's going to be hard for us to cooperate. >> jimmy: yeah, well. listen, the way you know it's a podium and not an elephant is the president's sons aren't trying to shoot it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so it's a podium. i'm sorry to interrupt, go on. >> we see the utter loss of shame among political leaders where they're caught in a lie, and they just double down and they lie some more. look. let me say, politicians have always lied. but it used to be if you caught them lying, they'd be like, oh, man. now they just keep on lying.
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>> jimmy: this is a clip from his netflix standup comedy special? i can't wait to see the rest of it, it's very good. [ cheers and applause ] oh, boy. you know -- we also have a new and enticing character in the collusion palooza investigation. the department of justice announced yesterday a russian national was arrested and charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of the russian federation in the united states. her name is maria butina. you can see she dresses like claire danes from "my so-called life" but she's really more like claire danes in "homeland." she worked successfully it seems to infiltrate american political organizations. photographed with a number of high-profile republicans like scott walker, rick sanitorium, bobby jindal, she posed as a journalist to ask a question about russian sanctions to then-candidate donald trump. he answered the question. and at one point she actually tried to arrange for putin to
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join trump at the national prayer breakfast in d.c. and she managed to somehow penetrate the nra too. one of her alleged missions was to set up a line of communication between russia and republicans via the national rifle association. the fbi's investigating whether the nra took money from these russian interest groups, which wow, it's almost as if the nra is a shameless, greed-driven financial enterprise that has almost nothing to do with defending the constitution at all, but i digress. because while the investigation into whether the russians infiltrated the nra is ongoing, this ad from september 2016 seems a little bit suspicious to me. >> i'm nra. >> i am also nra. [ speaking russian ] >> we are good ol' boys. american comrades who love freedom and flag. >> da, and love the second amendment, very nice, high five. >> now it's time to protect great nation, america, from hillary clinton woman. >> woman who must take away american guns. no woman!
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>> it is gun that makes u.s. strong. >> and big, like fat bear. join nra today to fight for red, white, blue. >> are you man or mouse? >> man. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: right? i mean, it's suspicious. tonight on the show we have a good show. music from jim james, bo burnham is here, and we'll be right back with jonah hill. hey, what do you guys wanna listen to? ooh, hip-hop! reggaeton. edm. what about bubble trance? bubble what? bubble trance. it's a thing. (man) oh. my point is, everyone's got different taste. that's why verizon lets you mix and match your family unlimited plan so everyone gets the plan they want, without paying for things they don't. and right now, the whole family can get six months of free apple music on verizon. oh. so let's play that reggaeton.
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called "eight great," bo burnham is here. this is his album, "uniform distortion," jim james from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow night, we have a good show. magic johnson and lakeith stanfield will join us, music from lil baby. on thursday jim gavion, antonio brown, and imagine dragons will be here. please be there too. our first guest tonight is an extraordinarily versatile actor whose career spans from "jump street" to "wall street." the newest film by gus van sant is called, "don't worry, he won't get faron another." it's in theaters now. please say hello to jonah hill! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: look at you. first of all, you smell good, which is surprising. [ laughter ] >> why is that surprising?
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>> jimmy: i don't know, i won't think of a guy who would have a nice scent on -- >> that's such a -- i'm going to really work hard to not take that as a shot. you know what i mean? because i think you would smell nice. >> jimmy: no, but i don't have -- >> let's dissect that. let's go back. >> jimmy: okay, let's go back. you have a lot of tattoos now, when did this happen? >> over -- i've been gone for a couple of years. nice to see everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i've been gone. i've been writing and directing a movie, making this movie, and i got a bunch of tattoos. >> jimmy: you did. >> yeah, yeah. which is weird. because like i didn't have them before. >> jimmy: right. and now -- >> but basically i met you. i came out and met you when i was 20, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i'm 34 now. and i feel like i spent my whole 20s trying to be what people wanted me to be. >> jimmy: right. >> i didn't know who i was. and the past couple years have been amazing in the way of like,
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i'm just going to be myself. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they're nice tattoos, they're not like -- sometimes these tattoos don't look so good but yours look pretty good. >> shout-out to my man burt crack at mystery tattoos. i call him my real estate agent. >> jimmy: a guy named crack gave you tattoos? [ laughter ] that's not a good idea. >> [ bleep ]. at your own risk, jimmy. yeah, i got one for my myself, got one for my sister, beanie feltsy, brilliant actress, she was in "lady bird." [ cheers and applause ] she was in "hello dolly" on broadway, so i got hello beanie. >> jimmy: that's cute, like the logo from "hello, dolly." >> yeah, catch up, bro. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did she like the fact that you got a tattoo of her name on your body? >> just kidding, i don't know why. the smell thing -- >> jimmy: we started out contentious. >> you're so nice. on the show you got weird for a second. when i see you in person, like in real life?
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you're a good dude. >> jimmy: oh, thank you. you are too. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] you want people to be a certain way. and i don't -- everyone, we're all different than what you see. but like i saw this guy at the burrito spot with a bunch of my goons from high school. >> jimmy: that's right. >> you gave a lot of love and it was really nice. >> jimmy: i like talking to your friends. >> you were with tony romo. >> jimmy: i was. >> i don't know sports but my friends were like, that's a big sports guy. [ laughter ] he's playing chess on his phone, i was into that. >> jimmy: i think you thought he was being unfriendly, but he was in an intense game of chess on his phone. >> he was playing some real chess. once i googled who he was, i was impressed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i only eat burritos with quarterbacks, it's just a rule i have. >> yeah. >> jimmy: peyton manning and i will be at -- >> no, no -- >> jimmy: you don't know that one either. i want to talk about your movie in a minute. this came out great. i also want -- >> did you see it?
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>> jimmy: i have not seen it but i read the reviews. i read that what, "variety" and "rolling stone" said you were getting nominated for an oscar again for this movie. [ cheers and applause ] so that's good. >> that's -- i have no control over that. but that's very nice. >> jimmy: you want to know the truth, i was planning to watch it today, then our president decided to go completely insane. and i was totally distracted by all the nonsense going on. >> what did he do? >> jimmy: he did bad things today, yeah, yeah. he's having trouble with words. he said he had the best words. turns out he doesn't. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: but that's a whole other thing. >> yeah. spot-on. >> jimmy: i want to ask about this jonah hill day, which is an annual event in brooklyn, new york. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now how did this happen, first of all? do you have any idea? >> so -- i don't know, a year ago someone sent me a flyer that these people were doing a first annual jonah hill day, throwing a party. >> jimmy: okay. all right. >> i didn't go. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> even though it was in
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brooklyn, i live in new york. i was too shy. i didn't get it. i was like, is this a bit? you know. are they making fun? i didn't really understand it. >> jimmy: it wasn't on your birthday or anything? >> no, it was a random day in the summer and they threw this party. and it looked fun as hell. it was one of those fomo things where i was like, man, that would have been cool to go. but i was pacing around in my apartment. and this year it came about. and i'm kind of in a new -- a new wave. and so like i was like, you know what? these guys are showing me love, i think it has to do with how i dress. >> jimmy: you've become kind of a fashion icon, haven't you? >> yeah, people like how i dress, which is very flattering. it has to do with fashion, i think. and these are like -- i thought these were 16-year-old kids. they're like 35-year-old men who work at "gq" and adults, i thought they were 15. >> jimmy: they show up dressed as you? >> no, it's about your own style. >> jimmy: i see. >> this year i was like, you
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know what? i need to get over my social anxiety and i went in there and i freaked it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you did. took pictures. >> i put it up. i freaked it. >> jimmy: from your instagram. which one is you? >> there's a cardboard cutout of me. then there's me. but see, like these are grownups. [ laughter ] you see like -- i thought -- yeah. it's cool. >> jimmy: celebrating jonah hill day. >> they just like love fashion, and i like supporting my friends' brands, like palace or, you know, anything that's good. quarter sacks -- >> jimmy: will you go to jonah hill day next year? >> i can't decide. i brought my friend shane, who's back there. who's here, actually. we went, and like, we showed up. we showed up, like -- perfect me, i'm very punctual. we showed up the exact time that the flyer said. and no one was there. [ laughter ] people are watching the world cup. it was like five people watching
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the world cup. and i was like to my friend, shane, i was like, this is a bit like, okay, you got me, whatever. but then it just started an hour later, so we got some lunch and went back. and it was popping, dude. >> jimmy: don't show up too early on jonah hill day. >> never show up on time to your own day. [ laughter ] i'm learning all these rules. >> jimmy: jonah hill is here. the movie is "don't worry, he won't get far on foot." we'll be right back.
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joaquin phoenix in "don't worry, he won't get far on foot." gus van zant is the director. >> one of my heroes. >> jimmy: how'd you get along with joaquin? >> great. >> jimmy: he's a fun guy, right? >> he doesn't like compliments. so i'm going to stop there. >> jimmy: okay. >> but he's the best. >> jimmy: how did you learn that he doesn't like compliments? >> i learned the hard way. >> jimmy: the hard way. >> yeah. we did karate together. >> jimmy: for real? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: fighting each other? >> no, not fighting. more like -- like serious. i'm not going to make a joke out of it because it's serious. >> jimmy: does he have a belt or anything? >> he's legit. i'm not going to speak on it, i'll let him speak. he's legit. >> jimmy: do you have a belt? i have a white belt. >> jimmy: is that good? >> no, that's what 8-year-olds have. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. >> like an 8-year-old with his dad at starbucks? that's me but i'm 34. >> jimmy: you should wear that -- >> i go full gi the rest of the day.
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i run my errands after karate full gi. you just got to know -- you got to let everybody know. you're like -- fall back, i'm a white belt. >> jimmy: maybe at jonah hill day next year -- >> i'm a white belt but i behave like a yellow belt. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. you were one of the few select people who were in attendance at kanye west's listening party. >> yeah. >> jimmy: was it in jackson hole, wyoming? >> it was in wyoming yeah. >> jimmy: up in wyoming. how does it come to pass that you would go to this, on or you'd be invited to this and all of those things? >> how i'd be invited i don't know, i can't answer that. >> jimmy: how did you get invited? >> how did i get invited, i wrote and directed my first movie called "mid '90s" which comes out this year. [ cheers and applause ] and the trailer is dropping a
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week from today. by the way. >> jimmy: nice. [ cheers and applause ] >> and 824 is the studio. and the producer is this legendary producer scott rudin, and eli bush. we're in this meeting at 7:00 a.m. with scott rudin, a very accomplished -- the o.g., right? in a serious meeting about the film. i get an e-mail saying, like, come to kanye west's listening party in wyoming. and eli, my boy, the other producer, we're obsesses with kanye. we're the same age. the first album came out when we were 18, he's our dude. >> jimmy: gotcha. >> right? and we're like, yo, this is so weird, kanye west is playing wyoming, they want to fly us out, put us up in a hotel called the aman. >> jimmy: i've been there, yes. >> scott, when he heard that, he said, that's one of the nicest hotels in the world, you should go. once he gave the green light, we'd have to leave right then. our boss gave us the green light. me and eli just bounced from the meeting at 7:00 a.m., go straight to this private airport, my friend sarah leaves her job and comes, we take a
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plane to wyoming, in the airport is like -- it's like us and like two chains and like fab-a-lous, like know what i mean? really an epic, legendary thing. we get to the hotel, the nicest hotel you'd ever seen, but it's mad couples on their honeymoons. so couples on their honeymoons and it's like couples on their honeymoons and then -- and titi boy and charlemagne. [ laughter ] it was crazy. i ate buffalo. >> jimmy: that's not as crazy as the other stuff. the buffalo -- >> no. then like they played this record. and i didn't realize it was controversial to go support kanye. at that time. >> jimmy: was it? >> yeah, like my sister -- like my sister didn't speak to me for a week because he had worn a maga hat and slooep. to me it felt like a bad andy kaufman wing and miss. i don't bail on people right away, you know? people [ bleep ] up and do stupid stuff. you shouldn't bail on everybody right away.
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>> jimmy: you give them a few chances beforehand. >> this guy has given you so much, he's my guy. i read this great article, i think "page four," guys my age writes, kanye, i love you, i always ride for you, but i'm tired of defending you. >> jimmy: right. >> it's like, i'll always be a fan, the album was amazing, it was a beautiful experience. now i'm happy. >> jimmy: the album wasn't amazing, would you have told him it was? >> [ bleep ] yeah. [ laughter ] are you crazy? i've flown to wyoming, not to [ bleep ] a guy. >> jimmy: everybody listening, is everybody like this? doing this? >> no, they were like -- everyone was like -- dude, it was truly like a beautiful experience. like loud speakers and everyone was moshing and going crazy. >> jimmy: dancing and stuff? >> yeah, people were going -- noz is there, chris rock, all these people who i -- you know. for me seeing noz, like i don't get shook. youm? you know? for me, ill mattic is like the white album.
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to me, being in the same space as noz blows my mind. >> jimmy: right, wow, i didn't know you loved noz so much, i had no idea. >> i love noz. >> jimmy: sounds like you're living a fun life. >> i'm trying, man. i'm trying to be happy, you know. be around people i love. and make things. and make things from my heart. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go that's jonah hill. his movie is called "don't worry, he won't get far on foot," in select theaters now. thank you, jonah. we'll be right back.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" home viewer of the night for tuesday, july 17th, is heidi stotts from waukesha, wisconsin. heidi is a software sales engineer who enjoys knitting and golf. she was once in an elevator with wakawaka flame. she said he was quiet but nice. congratulations, heidi, for being our home viewer of the night. powered by cisco.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. jim james is still to come. our next guest started out posting comedy music videos online when he was 16, and youtube was 2. 228 million views later, he is a very successful standup comedian, musician, and movie director and writer too. her first film "eighth grade" is in theaters now. please welcome bo burnham! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm so impressed by your movie. i saw it last night. and it's really great. did you imagine that you'd be winning film festivals and have
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like a 99% or whatever you have on rotten tomatoes with this thing? >> you're supposed to be humble, no. i have no idea. i feel very fortunate and lucky. yeah, it's going insanely better than i thought it would. >> jimmy: i have to credit my nephew, carson, who told me about you when you were on youtube. usually i'm like, i don't, youtube. i'm like, oh, yeah, this kid is really talented. >> i was told i was a comedian for eighth graders so i made a movie about eighth graders. >> jimmy: i think he may have been in the eighth grade at that time. >> that's right. >> jimmy: the movie is really -- i mean, i'm not in the eighth grade, i don't know what's going on in the eighth grade. to me it felt like what really is going on in the eighth grade. >> well, it's actual eighth graders. we cast real kids. most of the kids in the movie were kids from that school that we culled from that school. >> jimmy: wow, they were all really good. >> yeah, it was amazing. i would go up and meet all of them before we filmed. i'd have little conversations with all the eighth graders and say, you know, what's your name? do you have a special talent? and one girl, what's your name? she said her name.
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i said, do you have a special talent? she said, i have eczema. [ laughter ] another kid eating a bell pepper like an apple. >> jimmy: you're in, you're in -- >> yeah, exactly, exactly. >> jimmy: so the girl who plays the girl in the movie is fantastic. she is just great. did you know right away that she would be the person you would cast? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what is her name? >> elsie fisher, who is absolutely incredible. i knew pretty quickly. it's a story about a shy girl, and sort of every other young actor that would come in to play the role -- it felt like a confident kid pretending to be shy. she felt like a shy kid pretending confidence. which is what the role is, what shyness is. people think being shy is cowering in a corner, but it's trying to speak and not being able to. she graduated eighth grade, a week later we filmed the movie, then a week after her freshman year of high school, and she didn't get cast in her school play. >> jimmy: really.
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>> i promised her i'd do this. mr. donia from thousand oaks high school, [ bleep ] you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now she's going to get in trouble. >> yeah, yeah. he's old, he's on his way out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, did you put him in the movie while you were at the school? >> i didn't, no. there were some teachers in the school we put in. there wasn't a band scene originally, then when i went to tour the school i saw the band teacher. he was like, let me show you the tubas. he turned around. he had a long rat tail. >> jimmy: i saw that guy. >> yes. so then of course we -- >> jimmy: put him in. >> we had a band scene. he showed up on that day wearing a white shirt. so he knew where the money was. [ laughter ] he knew what was going on. >> jimmy: is the story -- because you, this girl, i don't want to ruin anything, but she makes these vlogs, video blogs. she speaks about -- is it in any way based on your life at that time when you started making
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these videos and becoming, well, i don't want to ruin anything. >> no it's not going to ruin. i mean, you know -- i don't know, it felt more -- i wanted to talk about what it felt like to be alive now. being alive now to me, i felt nervous and weird and scared, and i'm uncomfortable. i felt like an eighth grader. eighth grade was not chill for me. >> jimmy: what were you up to in the eighth grade? >> i was pantsed in front of a group of girls on a whale watching trip. >> jimmy: bad. that's bad. >> which is -- >> jimmy: who did the pantsing? >> i know his first and last name, i've already publicly called out one person, i won't do that. >> jimmy: did you get to see whales at least? >> no whales were seen in any sense of the word. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: were you in the drama program yourself? at school? >> yes, i was a big drama kid. in a sports family. so my father was coming to like shakespeare's "the winter's tale" screaming at me. but yeah. >> jimmy: you didn't play sports even though you were literally a
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giant? >> yes, yes. i am literally -- you need more than length to be good at sports. unfortunately, you need control over the length. yeah, i did a lot of sports. then i grew eight inches in a year my sophomore year of high school. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> i had stretch marks on my spine. growing so quick. >> jimmy: are they gone now? >> they have faded. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, that's weird. to have stretch marks on your spine. >> yeah it's a lot. i tried to convince the drama kids it was some girl clawing at my back, it didn't go over well. >> jimmy: they didn't believe it. >> no. >> jimmy: did your teachers when you were in school know you were making videos for youtube, becoming popular in that way? >> i was in a all boys catholic high school. so that was chill. [ laughter ] but it was a lot of -- one teacher saw the videos and took me aside and said, i got a challenge for you. stop doing those. [ laughter ] i was like, it's not much of a challenge. i have a challenge for you, stop pursuing your dreams.
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but yeah. >> jimmy: you don't want to name that teacher? >> i forget. >> jimmy: wow. you've had a lot of trouble with teachers in general. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: seems like, yeah. >> if i can use a public forum to go after school teachers, i've done my job. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did a great job with the movie. i have to say my wife, we watched it, afterwards she was like, i am so glad i'm not in the eighth grade anymore. because it really gave her those feelings of awkwardness and discomfort that i think most people have when you're that age. >> we tend to remember that time as so stress-free, i wish i was in eighth grade, i had no stress. it's like, you, did you just had no freedom or money and you had stress. >> jimmy: right. >> your body's exploding. a pool party, like the idea of a pool party, forget what the memory is. it's a bunch of kids whose bodies are exploding. half dressed. in like a hole in the ground. how is this legal? with water? so we try to just see it fresh,
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not make the movie feel like a memory. make it feel visceral. >> jimmy: by hole in the ground, you mean a pool? >> yes, yes, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, congratulations. you did a great job. i can't wait to see what you come up with next. bo burnham. [ cheers and applause ] "eighth grade" is in theaters now. be right back with jim james! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to jonah hill and bo burnham, apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. this is his album called "uniform distortion." here with the song "throwback," jim james! ♪ turn back the pages in rays of the sun throw back thursday to the way that it was ♪
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♪ when we were young when we were young scroll back in time through your account ♪ ♪ watch your face grow younger as real time runs out throwback thursday ♪ ♪ to the way that it was when we were young ahh ♪ ♪ all the potential in the world when we were young ♪ ♪ all the potential in the world when we were young ♪ ♪ when we were young stop me if
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you've heard this one before ♪ ♪ you know you caught my eye as i was headed out the door ♪ ♪ i swear i know your face from another time another place ♪ ♪ when we were young ahh all the potential in the world ♪ ♪ when we were young ahh all the potential in the world ♪ ♪ when we were young when we were young all right ♪ ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, rise and fall. aaron hernandes from nfl star to convicted murderer, who took his own life. new details of his final days revealed. the crippic letters he wrote. >> the final letters, that's a different person. >> questions tonight about whether a brain injury, similar to those experienced by hundreds of former athletes, played a role in his death. >> he made his decision. but i don't know if he knew what was going on. >> his family taking action against the nfl. plus -- ♪ it was meant to be it will be it will be ♪ >> staten island superstar. from this humble hometown hero, fame and fortune were always meant to be. >> i will be an international
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