tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 31, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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we appreciate your time. right now on jim >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, jeff daniels, from cnn wolf blitzer, and music from charlie puth. and now, for the time being, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. thank you. i hope you had a wonderful weekend. let me tell you what i did this weekend. guillermo and i went to new york this weekend. right? >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: a very romantic vacation. but i had a sobering moment. on saturday night guillermo and i went out to dinner, went to an italian restaurant. at one point during the meal guillermo very seriously looks over at me and says, i've been watching you. you eat a lot. [ laughter ] do you remember saying that? >> yeah. but it's incredible. you have two stomachs. you eat too much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you're not exactly sandy duncan over here. topical reference for the young people. [ cheers and applause ] anyway, by the way, explain your wake-up call situation yesterday because we had an early flight. explain what you did. >> guillermo: so i told the front desk to call me at 5:30 in the morning. 5:35, 5:40, and 5:45. >> jimmy: and you had your phone set with the alarm, too right? >> guillermo: yeah. four times too, yeah. >> jimmy: unbelievable. so here's the great thing about the internet. you know, we have so many
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problems with the internet. but this is something -- we stayed up late, we had an early flight so, when we got on the plane i went right to sleep and at some point i was kind of dreaming and thinking and at some point i woke up and the thought that was in my head was there's got to be a better way to stir peanut butter. for real. [ laughter ] you know when you open a jar of peanut butter, the real peanut butter with the oil and you open it for the first time and you have to stir it with a knife or a screwdriver and the oil gets everywhere. eventually you just cut out a chunk and toleraten it on the bread, you give up. anyway, 50 years old, it finally occurred to me there must be a better way. so in my sleep now i reach, or i fish out my phone, and it's already connected to the internet. i go on amazon, and i search peanut butter mixer. and lo and behold, i found this. that's right. and i ordered it. [ cheers and applause ] and it will be at my house tomorrow. and i've got to tell you something, i can't wait to start my life over again.
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i really can't. oil-free. you know, some people watch kate hudson movies on the flight. i solve problems. that's what i do. [ laughter ] in other world news the president is back at the white house after a ten-day stay at the trump national golf club in bedminster, new jersey. trump has now spent more than a quarter of his presidency, more than 180 days, at one of his golf properties. tiger woods doesn't spend that much time at golf clubs. [ laughter ] but after his ten-day break he was back tackling the issues that matter most to the american people, and his first order of business was this. "wacky omarosa who got fired three times on the apprentice now got fired for the last time. she never made it, never will. she begged me for a job. tears in her eyes. i said okay. people in the white house hated her. she was vicious but not smart. i would rarely see her but heard really bad things, nasty to people and would constantly miss meetings and work. when general kelly came on board she told me she was a loser, nothing but problems. i told him to try working it out
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if possible because she only said great things about me until she got fired." [ cheers and applause ] i mean, imagine how dumb the guy who hired her four times must feel. [ laughter ] wonder who that is. that wasn't it, by the way. he added, "while i know it's not presidential to take on a lowlife like omarosa and while i would rather not be doing so, this is a modern-day form of communication and i know the fake news media will be working overtime to make even wacky omarosa look legitimate as possible. sorry." [ laughter ] well, no apology necessary. i love that the person who hires omarosa to work at the white house blames the media for making her look legitimate. that sounds about right. in case you haven't heard, what all the dramarosa is about, omarosa has a new book in which she claims trump is a racist. she said she's heard tapes of him using the "n" word and she has tapes she made, she was on "meet the press" yesterday where
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she released a recording she made while being fired by chief of staff john kelly. >> can i ask you a couple questions? does the president -- is the president aware of what's going on? >> don't do -- let's not go down the road. this is a non-negotiable discussion. >> i don't want to negotiate. i just have never talked -- had a chance to talk to you, general kelly. so if this is my departure i'd like to have an opportunity to understand. >> we can talk another time. this has to do with some pretty serious integrity violations. so i'll let it go at that. so the staff and everyone on the staff works for me, not the president. >> jimmy: she recorded a conversation with the chief of staff in the situation room, in the most private room in the white house. so then the president called her to pretend he had no idea what was going on. and she taped that conversation too. listen to this. >> omarosa. omarosa, what's going on? i just saw on the news that you're thinking about leaving. what happened? >> general kelly -- general kelly came to me and said you guys wanted me to leave. >> no. i -- nobody even told me about it.
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they run a big operation, but i didn't know it. i didn't know that. dammit! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's some acting. i haven't heard acting like that from a former reality tv star since paris hilton in "the hottie and the nottie." that was a five-star -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i tell you, i can't believe that omarosa would do this, would secretly record the president of the united states. i mean, that doesn't seem at all like something she would most definitely do. [ laughter ] only the best people. and by the way, if omarosa was able to get secret recordings of trump, vladimir putin knows every porn star name he's ever whispered in his sleep. right? [ laughter ] maybe my favorite revelation from omarosa's book is she says she walked in on trump eating a piece of paper. [ laughter ] she thinks it was some kind of a sensitive or incriminating document and he ate it. well, you know, when your
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presidential stationery is the back of a mcdonald's extra value meal, things like that happen. that story i don't believe. [ cheers and applause ] for the record, i don't believe trump would eat paper. i mean, that's what he has mike pence for. right? [ laughter ] mike, come eat this. yes, my liege. anyway, for a guy who had an entire tv show based on hiring the right people, never seems to hire the right people, does he? in washington, d.c. unite the right 2, the sequel to unite the right, the rally that took place in charlottesville last year, turned out to be a bust. the turnout was low. after all the media coverage and hype only about two dozen unite the righters showed up to this thing. to put that into perspective there were more white nationalists in the white house this weekend than there were marching outside of it. [ cheers and applause ] they did have a good reason. the guy who organized the event blamed the low turnout on logistical issues. and i have to say don't you hate
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it when your nazi rally evite accidentally ends up in junk mail? [ laughter ] this is good. this is from the little league world series on espn this weekend. one of the things i love about the little league world series is they had the kids introduce themselves before the game and this kid on the team from middletown, new jersey, hit it out of the park before he even took the field. >> hi. my name's alfred molina. at thome they call me big al. at home i hit dingers. >> jimmy: he hits dingers. that's what he does. let's look at that one more time if we could. >> hi. my name's alfred delia. at home they call me big al. and i hit dingers. >> jimmy: will someone find big al and ask if he will let me adopt him? because i feel like big al is just the kind of hero this country needs right now, right? [ cheers and applause ] he hits dingers. speaking of dingers. i have something to share. over the past 15 years our show has received many accolades. emmy awards, we got an naacp
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image award. critics choice. we received more webbies than any show could ever want. but there's one award that has eluded not only us but every show on television, and that is the j.d. power award. [ laughter ] you probably know the j.d. power award is the gold standard for customer satisfaction. j.d. power gives them to -- for all kinds of products, cars, banks, wireless providers, you name it. but it has never been awarded to a television show. and to me that didn't seem right. i can't win a j.d. power award because i'm not an suv? i thought this was america. so we called j.d. power and we got a meeting with their ceo. his name is dave habiger. and i had a chat with dave to find out what it would take for me to win this most coveted and prestigious of all the awards there are. >> hi. dave? >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thanks. thanks for meeting with me. is this your office? >> no. this is i think a set on your show. >> jimmy: oh.
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[ laughter ] okay. that explains all the lights and everything. well, thanks again. as you know, i'm here because i'd like our show to win a j.d. power award. you give this award to a lot of different industries, right? >> we do. >> jimmy: never a tv show? >> never. >> jimmy: are you interested in giving awards for television? >> we have no opinion. we are independent. we have a data scientist who will look at a market or an industry and decide to rank those industries. >> jimmy: oh, great. so really if we serve our customers well, we might be worthy of the j.d. power award. >> that is how you get a j.d. power award. correct. >> jimmy: first of all, i'd like to say i'm very roomy. my interior. affordability i think is an area in which we excel. the show is free. if you come to see it live. and it's free if you watch it on television. it's free if you watch it on the internet. >> and i think the data has to support it. >> jimmy: okay. so you would send a team in to evaluate us? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what if the data doesn't come out in our favor?
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is there anything we could do, say, to help that data along? you can open this when i leave. [ laughter and applause ] >> we don't have an opinion and we don't have any say in who wins. the determination is the voice of the customers. >> jimmy: do you think you could make this happen? because i really, really very much would like to win a j.d. power award. >> let's give it a try and have your staff and customers evaluate it, whether data scientists see if they are truly satisfied. >> jimmy: i would love to be evaluated. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: i'm going to go out this fake door. >> okay. i'm going to make use of some of my fake furniture. >> jimmy: okay. all right, so that's dave. and i'm very happy to say that for the last two weeks we have been scrutinized. [ applause ] they sent two of their top data scientists here to the show to evaluate us to see if we measure up to the j.d. power standard of excellence. ♪
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♪ >> how adequate and spacious did you find the leg room? >> found it very adequate. >> during the taping how often were you bit by an insect? >> i wasn't. >> on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest how satisfied were you with your bathroom experience? >> 5. >> how would you rate your overall experience compared to that of other late-night programs that have maintained a consistent host for 15 years? >> 5. >> 5, yeah. >> so thinking about jimmy's performance tonight on the show, would you say it was not very reliable? somewhat reliable? or very reliable? >> very reliable. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. so now the moment of truth. ladies and gentlemen, i'd like you to welcome the president and ceo of j.d. power, mr. dave
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habiger. dave, come on out. [ cheers and applause ] dave, thank you very much. all right. i very much hope you have good news for us here tonight, dave. >> well, jimmy, after meeting with you and reviewing the data from the research we conducted, i'm proud to inform you that your customers are truly satisfied. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] that's great news. thank you. >> and so on behalf of everyone at j.d. power, we are proud to present the first and only j.d. power award for the most reliable mid-size late-night talk show with the same host for 15-plus consecutive years to jimmy kimmel. >> wow. [ cheers and applause ] look at that.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ wow. okt this. oh, my goodness. wow. that's very exciting. thank you, dave. thank you. thanks to j.d. power and your associates. tonight on the show music from charlie puth. wolf blitzer is here. and we'll be right back with jeff daniels. [ cheers and applause ] >> what does it mean to be reliable? the dictionary says trustworthiness, accuracy, outstanding performance. but you know it's much more than that. it's a sense that every time you step inside you can rely on precision timing, sleek design, flawless instrumentation. we pride ourselves on being american-made, with the safety features of a small foreign import. for the 15th straight year
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there's only one so dependable that it's earned the right to make history by becoming the very first on television to be named j.d. power's most reliable mid-sized late-night talk show. "jimmy kimmel live," the first in its class to be awarded the j.d. power stamp of reliability. >> jimmy: you can always count on us. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] and then his album is called "voice notes." charlie puth from the mercedes-benz stage. you can see charlie puth live in concert tomorrow night at the greek theater here in los angeles. tomorrow, tracee ellis ross and dr. pimple popper will join us, that's right. with music from churches and later this week tom arnold, don cheadle, jerrod carmichael, zoe kravitz, plus music from death cab for cutie and blood orange featuring a$ap rocky. so please join us for all of that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight has an emmy in his pocket and is nominated for two more for two shows, "godless" on netflix and "the looming tower" on hulu. please welcome the most celebrated man in streaming, jeff daniels. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thanks for coming.
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>> celebrated man in streaming. i like that. >> jimmy: that's right. i mean, it's no j.d. power award. >> no. no, it isn't. >> jimmy: the last time i saw you was a long time ago. in fact, we weren't here. we were in detroit doing our show in 2006. you lived -- you still live in michigan, right? and you came and did our show then. what's been going on with you for the last 12 years? catch us up. i can't believe it's been that long. >> that was a big deal, when you guys came in. detroit -- >> that was a fun and crazy week. >> they rolled it out. they rolled it out. and you guys were at the gem theater, which is a great theater. >> jimmy: yeah. >> buddy guy was sitting in. >> jimmy: with the band. that's right. and you were excited because you are a guitar player yourself. >> i do. i play. >> jimmy: you travel around the country with your family band. >> it really is. i'm in the middle of a tour right now. we played ridgefield,
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connecticut, last night. >> jimmy: oh, last night. wow. [ applause ] >> city winery in new york on wednesday. so i've got to go back and do that. but i'm with my son's band, ben daniels band. it's -- to be a father with a son who's playing and you're playing exactly the same, it's just -- >> jimmy: did you teach him how to play? >> i did. because i'm self-taught. but he came to me when he was 19 and he said, all right, i'm ready. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> i said ready for what? teach me the guitar. i'd been kind of pestering him. >> jimmy: you had. did you buy him a guitar when he was like 7 years old and go -- >> no, i just kept saying hey, if you ever want -- yeah. but he hasn't had it out of his hands for -- he's 33 now. >> jimmy: he's the band leader. is he the boss? is he in charge? does what he says goes? >> it's a very socialist kind of what do you think, no, what do you think -- it's all --
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>> jimmy: who else in the family is in the band? >> my daughter-in-law amanda is in the band. and we've got a couple of guys, wes and tommy from michigan. it's his band with all these young guys. we're supposed to have a viagra band, but no -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: like those bands from the commercial. >> and we're touring. and we're not like buses. we're playing clubs in the northeast. we got a car for my wife kathleen and two dogs, and then we got -- >> jimmy: the dogs are in the band? >> no. although in jim thorpe, pennsylvania or it might have been eau clair, wisconsin a dog ran across the stage. one of our dogs got loose. i forget which city. anyway, we're like the von trapp family in rvs. just coming around, pulling up to these guys, and here's the guy from "newsroom" with a guitar in his hands. which the audiences are like we paid full price to watch an
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actor sing. [ laughter ] and you can see them realize it. you know. you lower the expectations as far as you can. >> jimmy: well, listen, they're either going to like it or they aren't. >> yeah. and i don't really give a [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] i'm the most celebrated man in streaming. >> jimmy: that's true. you are. >> i'm like, you know -- >> jimmy: what is it like to be the most celebrated man in streaming? that's kind of interesting that you are nominated for two different shows and it makes me wonder if it lessens your chance to win. because people may go like, well, i'm not going to vote for jeff twice but i definitely will vote for him in this category and maybe not in this category. and overall this could be a problem. [ laughter ] >> well, that's if you want to win. >> jimmy: right, you don't care about -- you don't give a [ bleep ] about that either. oh, you want to win twice. >> if you're going to put on a tux and get in a limo, you may
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as well win. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that a nightmare for you? to go and walk the red carpet. is that something -- i can't imagine that would be something you would enjoy. >> the red carpet is a gauntlet. i've never -- you get so much ambition on the red carpet, you need to shower afterwards. it's just -- and there are so many microphones and so many -- one time years ago i was doing the red carpet and kicking and screaming. and i was lining up to talk to one of those entertainment shows. it was my turn. i'm going oh, goodie. and here it comes. and then a desperate housewife. when that show was on. one of the "desperate housewives." swept in. and i was like spun around by my agent. my agent is going don't take it personally, don't take it personally. [ laughter ] hey, hey! >> jimmy: did you take it personally? >> yeah. >> jimmy: sure.
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[ laughter ] there's no way not to. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jeff daniels is here. his show is "the looming tower" and "godless." we'll be right back. new innovations... ...and a tradition of excellence. luxury... ...and performance, engineered to take the crown. the lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. at at&t innovations, we give you more for your thing. here were adding tv and movies from our unlimited plan to the powerful new samsung galaxy note9... ...the perfect device for entertainment & productivity. so, it's essentially the ed helms of devices? how so? well he's both very entertaining and very productive. you think? yeah, i do. and that's my completely unbiased opinion.
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our office knows more about al qaeda than anybody. wfl will be playing catch-up. and they're a pawn. schmidt just wants the case over there so he can direct it remotely. >> calm down. >> i really wish people would stop telling me to calm down! there are bombs going off around the world. that doesn't make me feel calm! >> i want you to calm down because you're right. >> i'm sorry? >> you're right. you should have this case. >> oh. >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: that's jeff daniels in "the looming tower," for which he is nominated for an emmy. [ cheers and applause ] what an interesting man he was, that character you that play was. and what a crazy true story that is. >> i was blown away by what john o'neill's story is off lawrence
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wright's pulitzer prize-winning book. o'neill was -- he was the one guy in the late '90s who was going bin laden, bin laden, pay attention, i'm telling you, it's just a hunch, pay attention. and people wouldn't listen to him. except for richard clarke, who michael played. >> jimmy: with a very cruel twist of irony at the end. >> oh, yeah. what happened to john was that he took a job at the twin towers. he got basically pushed out of the fbi and took a job as the head of security at the twin towers a few weeks before 9/11. >> jimmy: and then we know what happened there. "godless" is a very different show, a western. are you a western type? are you good at horseback riding? are you a rugged man? [ laughter ] >> i thought i was. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. i had to train to ride a horse, which is -- on top an 800-pound infant. and it's dangerous.
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i fell off three times in three months, which is a good batting average. >> jimmy: is it? >> yeah. by wranglers who are walking around like this. because they fall off so many times. but yeah, the second to the last day of shooting on "godless" i got on a horse bareback, it spun around and then took off for colorado. which is fine except for we were in new mexico. [ laughter ] so bang, off i went. >> jimmy: what do you do, just hang on? >> i just said i'm out of here, it's the second to the last day of shooting, i'm done, jumped off, landed, broke my wrist. >> jimmy: that's always the wrong thing to do, jump off, right? >> that's what they say. >> jimmy: because when you jump off there's the ground there. >> the other bad thing they say -- the wranglers say right before the take, the horses get all jacked up because it's going to be the kentucky derby. there's 20 horses, they want to win, your horse wants to win. and the wrangler says he's going to be energized. >> jimmy: and that's bad. >> initially it was oh, nice word.
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i'm glad you know something with several syllables. [ laughter ] and then you realize it's a red light warning. >> jimmy: you won the emmy for "the newsroom." [ cheers and applause ] interestingly, you played a cable news anchor, much like wolf blitzer. was wolf blitzer in any way an inspiration for you? >> no. with all due respect to wolf. no. i made the choice -- >> jimmy: he'll be delighted to hear that. >> i don't know. mcavoy was throwing cell phones at cameras. i don't know if that's wolf's -- >> jimmy: i don't think wolf does that. >> i researched no one. i didn't know and aaron didn't know, if we ended up having mcavoy being this complete oh, my god, and no one wants to be associated with the character, then there's that. yeah, i researched these five anchors and now they're all considered jerks. i didn't want to do that. i just said -- and i figured out how to do it anyway. let me just make up our own
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thing and go from there. there was -- brian williams. i took one brian williams move. which is right here. he does this. >> jimmy: wait a minute. get a full shot of this. >> he does this. >> jimmy: yeah, he does do that. that's his thing. [ applause ] and it works for him. >> he's great. i love brian. >> jimmy: worked for you as well. well, it's great to see you. thank you for coming by. let's not make it another 12 years, all right? >> all right. >> jimmy: all right. jeff daniels, everybody. "the looming tower" on hulu and "godless" on netflix. we'll be right back with wolf blitzer. ♪ ♪ you are many different things in one amazing package. and t.j.maxx gives you the freedom to express every one. with our unique mix of must-have brands at must-buy prices, you can bective... you can shop online or take it home today. you'll always save on something for every you.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: still to come music from charlie puth. for 13 years our next guest has been bringing us breaking news every day from his underground bunker below cnn headquarters on "the situation room." he has the best name and most trusted beard in news, please welcome wolf blitzer. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you're a big movie star now. you're not just a journalist.
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you're now a major motion picture star. >> have you seen my latest film? >> jimmy: i did see it. >> what did you think? >> jimmy: i thought it was great. and i thought it was -- i don't want to give anything away in case people haven't seen what happens. but you're in "mission: impossible" with tom cruise. or i should say tom cruise is in "mission: impossible" with you. >> and yes, i do my own stunts. >> jimmy: that movie made how much money? do you know? >> hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. >> jimmy: how much were you paid for that film? >> not much. whatever it was, it was worth it. >> jimmy: you were in "the meg" too, the shark movie. >> no. didn't make that one. >> jimmy: you did not make that one. >> i've made other movies but not that one. >> jimmy: what other movies have you been in? >> my number one box office film was "skyfall," the james bond film. >> jimmy: that was your number one. >> that was my number one. >> jimmy: more than "mission: impossible". >> so far i think it grossed more than a billion dollars worldwide. ask me how much i made on that one.
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>> jimmy: how did you make? >> a few hundred dollars. >> jimmy: but it's never about the money. do you ever worry about that? >> no. it was so much fun. they called me to be in "mission: impossible." and i grew up watching mission impossible the original tv series. then i've seen all the other "mission: impossibles." it took me about a nanosecond. >> jimmy: you did a bit of acting there too. >> yeah, don't give it away. >> jimmy: did tom cruise direct you or did he give you any tips? >> he was so nice. the whole crew, the whole staff, all of the acts. all the actors. chris mcquarrie, the director, they could not have been nicer. we went to england for a few days to actually film it. and it was a great film. >> jimmy: if something had happened in the world at that time, would you have left the set? >> yeah. if it would have been a big story. >> jimmy: and then what, jim sciutto would have to fill in in the movie? [ laughter ] >> i'm sure somebody else could have done it. it was a lot of fun being in a motion picture. >> jimmy: you were the white house correspondent for cnn during the clinton administration, correct? >> correct. >> jimmy: is it different now? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is different.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i spent seven years as the white house correspondent during the clinton administration. very lively seven years. right now i'm an anchor, so i'm not a white house correspondent, but obviously we all report on what's going on at the white house. it's been a very slow news cycle lately. i don't know if you've noticed. >> jimmy: there are no news cycles anymore. it just keeps roaring and roaring, doesn't it? >> it's been crazy. >> jimmy: yeah, it has been really crazy. is this something that -- obviously people are paying more attention to the news. is this good or bad for the news business? >> well, we want people to watch obviously cnn. we want people to know what's going on. our job as journalists, as reporters is to report the news as fairly, as responsibly as accurately as we possibly can. we know we're the first draft of history, meaning that occasionally we'll make a mistake and if we do we correct it as soon as possible. but that's our responsibility. i've been doing it for a long time. hope to be doing it for many years to come.
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but it's really an important part of our democracy to have an excellent world-class news organization like cnn is, like other news organizations are. it's very concerning, very worrisome. >> jimmy: of course, it is. >> that the president of the united states, you know, goes after us the way he does. >> jimmy: does it ever make you mad? >> yes. >> jimmy: it does. >> it makes me very mad. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i imagine it does. but unlike some people i never really see you get mad. and i watch you a lot. >> it makes me very upset to see when he says, you know, we're fake news and we're the worst and he points at the journalists at these events and he says, you know, we are -- we are not the enemy of the people. >> jimmy: you personally, you are here to say that you wolf blitzer are not the enemy of the people. >> not just me but all of us. serious news organizations. we are not the enemy of the american people. we report the news. it's part of our democracy. what worries me so much is when the president says what he says
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it gives encouragement to dictators out there around the world to go after a free press. and they say look, fake news, disgusting people, we've got to get rid of them. and it's a very -- we have journalists at cnn and other major news organizations who risk their lives every day to get the story, to be responsible and to do it in a fair way, and for the president to belittle us that's an awful, awful situation. and very, very dangerous. >> jimmy: and now there are people -- and we're not even just talking about reporters specifically but even there are camera guys and audio guys who are on the scene at a rally in florida and he's getting people stirred up. he doesn't know who's in that crowd. he doesn't know what someone might do. it's truly irresponsible. >> totally. >> jimmy: we've got to get rid of him, right? [ cheers and applause ] >> we have to convince him to stop talking.
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it's really, really a dangerous situation. it's an awful situation. and i hope he stops doing it. >> jimmy: i'm sure he will. i'm sure he'll see the error of his ways. [ laughter ] >> it's not good. >> jimmy: it's not good. wolf blitzer is here. he is good. we'll be right back with wolf when we return. y fetch. sfx: dog bark thanks grandma. why don't you fetch me some doritos. sfx: dog barking fetch me a bag full of doritos. sfx: dog bark fetch me a bare na... sfx: dog bark sfx: bear growl sfx: man screaming sfx: bear growl sfx: man screaming sfx: dog barking now for the whole jeans with round the clock comfort.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are back with wolf blitzer of cnn. his show is "the situation room." wolf, you're on vacation right now, right? >> right. >> jimmy: this is summer vacation for you. you have to come out here and put on a suit. and i came all the way out to california to be on your show. >> jimmy: i appreciate you doing that. when you're on vacation, you go on vacation with your wife, right? >> right. >> jimmy: what happens if something happens? >> if it's big breaking news i stop the vacation and go back to work. we report the big breaking news. >> jimmy: that has happened to you before? >> many, many times. i've been with cnn now for 28 years. 28 years is a long time. and over the years there have been many vacations that have been bye-bye. >> jimmy: does your wife ever get mad at you when that happens? >> she's very understanding. she knows. when ted turner hired me 28
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years ago to work at cnn, i was the pentagon correspondent during the first gulf war back in 1990, and he said to me words i will never forget. he said, "remember, you're working at cnn. the news comes first." so the news comes first. >> jimmy: is that in your vows? [ laughter ] >> after a few weeks as a pentagon correspondent on may 8th, 1990 i started on august 1st getting ready for a vacation. guess what happens. saddam hussein invades kuwait. we have operation desert shield, operation desert storm. no vacation for a long time. >> jimmy: that was obviously a big thing for your career, where everybody became familiar with you. if your vacation gets canceled, if you have something booked, does cnn reimburse you for that? [ laughter ] or is that for you to deal with? >> i deal with it. but fortunately, i make a living. >> jimmy: i want to run a few scenarios by you. and you tell me if these would be big enough for you to go back to cnn and cancel your vacation. what if trump fired robert mueller?
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>> i skip the vacation and i get back to work. >> jimmy: back to work. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what if the hotel room hooker tape came out? >> i stay on vacation. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what if the vice president, mike pence, were to get an earring? >> stay on vacation. >> jimmy: you'd stay on vacation. what if trump fell down the stairs of air force one? >> ooh. i'd come back. >> jimmy: you'd come back. >> i'd come back. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: even if it was just a little ding? >> if the president of the united states falls down the stairs of air force one and i've walked down those stairs over the years many times, it's not just a little ding. i'll a big deal. >> jimmy: what if donald trump jr. were to take one of his children to the zoo and accidentally shoot a lion in the cage? >> i'd stay on vacation. >> jimmy: stay on vacation. >> we have other people. >> jimmy: what if donald trump were to accidentally lock himself out of the white house in his underpants? [ laughter ] >> i stay on vacation. >> jimmy: stay on vacation. i have two more. what if melania were to wear a jacket that says "get me out"? [ laughter ]
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>> stay on vacation. >> jimmy: stay on vacation. and finally, what if steve bannon were to choke on a meatball sub? >> stay on vacation. i'd wish him the best. >> jimmy: what a fascinating look at the news business. >> it's got to be big for me to come back. >> jimmy: i've got to tell you, i'm going to hope and pray for the next week that -- well, something is going to happen. something always happens. but nothing big happens to ruin your vacation. >> i hope so. >> jimmy: do you ever get tan? [ laughter ] >> i try to avoid it. i do sunblock. use the sunblock. make sure it's not too tan. i will say this, we used to have a 24-hour news cycle. we now have a 24-minute news cycle. >> jimmy: yeah, you do. >> it's moving. moving very quickly. >> jimmy: we need it to slow down a little bit. >> it's all right. >> jimmy: wolf blitzer, everybody. he's on "the situation room" weekdays at cnn. we'll be right back with music from charlie puth. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to jeff daniels and wolf blitzer. apologies to matt damon. this is his album. it's called "voice notes." here with the song "the way i am," charlie puth! ♪ ♪ yeah maybe imma get a little anxious maybe imma get a little shy cuz everybody's trying ♪ ♪ to be famous and i'm just trying to find a place to hide oh ♪ ♪ all i wanna do is just hold somebody but no one ever wants to get to know somebody ♪ ♪ i don't even know how to explain this i don't even think i'm gonna try ♪ ♪ and that's ok i promise myself one day imma tell em' all imma tell em' all that ♪ ♪ you could either hate me or
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love me but that's just the way i am imma tell em' all ♪ ♪ imma tell em' all that you could either hate me or love me but that's just the way i am ♪ ♪ that's just the way i am that's just the way i am that's just the way i am that's just the way i am ♪ ♪ maybe imma get a little nervous maybe i don't go out anymore feeling like i really don't deserve this ♪ ♪ life ain't nothing like it was before cuz all i wanna do is just hold somebody ♪ ♪ but no one ever wants to get to know somebody if you go and look under the surface ♪ ♪ baby i'm a little insecure and that's ok i promise myself one day imma tell em' all ♪ ♪ imma tell em' all that you could either hate me or love me but that's just the way i am ♪ ♪ imma tell em' all imma tell em' all that you could either hate me or love me but ♪ ♪ that's just the way i am that's just the way i am that's
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just the way i am that's just the way i am that's just the way i am ♪ ♪ imma tell em' all imma tell em' all that you could either hate me or love me but ♪ ♪ that's just the way but that's just the way i am - am - am yeah this is what ♪ ♪ you wanted oh this is what you wanted i am - am - am ♪ ♪ this is what you wanted oh this is what you wanted all along ♪ >> jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ everybody's trying to be famous and i'm just trying to find a place to hide ♪ ♪ imma tell em' all imma tell em' all that you could either hate me or love me but ♪ w im tell em' all imma tell em' all that you could either ♪ ♪ hate me or love me but that's
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this is "nightline." tonight -- a sendoff fit fare a queen. pop stars. preachers. and a former president paying respect to the original diva, aretha franklin. the icon laid to rest today in a star-studded affair. a tribute to her gospel roots and lasting influence on music and political activist. >> the secret of her greatness was she took this massive talent and decided to be the composer of her own life song. what a song it turned out to be. >> from the ruby stilettos and the parade of pink cadillacs, this week motown royalty and music fans alike were taken to church.
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