tv Right This Minute ABC September 3, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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tv's number one daily viral video show "right this minute." a lost leopard cub where mama can smell it. >> they're two. >> let's see if mama takes the bait. its that time in the we had where the groom is asked -- >> that one question. >> find out why he made a run for it. we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web including the amazing talents of morgan strebler. see what happens when he gets in our head with a trick that left
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our minds blown. >> no! how did you do that? >> oh, man! what are tonight's lottery numbers? no child wants to be separated from its mother and no mother wants to be separated from her child. what you have here is a 13 week old leopard cub separated from mom. so the vet checked the cub out, everything was okay. they know where mom is and they want mom to come find it, so with the help of the street department they're trying to reunite the two and look at that. they put the crate out and put a camera out to catch the footage. >> she can smell her cub. >> her baby is inside. what do i do to get the baby out? >> she walks around, vekts, you see movement inside. see right there. >> mom, i'm right here.
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>> just do like my cat does at 3:00 in the morning on the dresser just flinging stuff off. wake up. >> its like an iq test. >> i'm so frustrated right now. just push it. >> but its such an unusual unfamiliar object. its not in her natural world so she's afraid of it. >> patience, mom keeps looking around. the baby's still moving around. she knows its in there, finally she head butts it but she does the christian way. >> good move mama. >> they are reunited. extreme athletes explains moab beautifully. >> its a base jumping. there are exit points everywhere. >> and i do mean that from the perspective of a base jumper. we've known him on the show. he's done some cool jumps. this one is by far in my opinion
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one heck of a narly one and the thing is, in order to be able to pull it off, he cannot do it himself. he has to enlist the help of his friend lizzie van patton, she is an expert rock climber and to get to the exit point he's been dreaming out, she's going to have to help him and guide him through a feat of rock climbing first so he can then base jump. >> what are you doing to me? >> come on. >> because their destination is known as ancient artrs. i looi >> but in order to make this happen, lindsey has to work up there first to secure a line so that he can work his way to. now once he gets to his destination, he has to let gooi now. >> he looks down below him and
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its three, two, one. >> that's great. mission impossible stuff. >> i mean, come on! >> after that climb, this is like -- seriously that climb was intense. >> but he wanted to jump it, that's what he wanted to do. that was his goal and made it look freakin' stunning. everybody just settle down. its just a garbage fire. no worries. its hard to keep the kids away. the whole moth to a flame kind of thing. they're fascinated by the flames. people gathering around. you're not going to keep the kids away from this. oh! >> everyone runs. >> nearby that fire that had spread to what looks like a barn or garage was a gas cylinder and that's what finally went boom scaring all these kids away. you can hear everybody
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scrambling and screaming. even the dog in the background going oh! >> that's the kind of thing where you don't have to tell people to run, they're fight or flight instantly kicks in. >> they realize this is a relatively common occurrence, a gas cylinder which many people use to cook in their homes, they are delivered by trucks and installed by technicians when the gas runs out. they use them inside. one of these cylinders has caught fire. you see lots of people way down the street from the small fire. and suddenly that thing explodes as well. reports are that the cylinder was leaking as the technician was installing this thing, boom, it goes, takes out the vehicle, took out some scooters and motorcycles nearby blowing out windows and doors. >> the technician how is he? >> injured, taken to the hospital but reports say the
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injuries are nonlife-threatening. jason and michelle standing in front of the make shift altar. this is where they are asked that one question -- >> where's his best man? >> jason hasn't been the best man today because he realized just where they are. >> oh, my gosh. >> brb. >> yes. >> if you listen right at the end of the video, michelle's grandfather has something to say. >> we do actually have a picture of him running back from the car holding the ring -- >> this is hilarious. >> jason! >> now this next video is seven months of planning.
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they're sitting at this picnic table 330 feet high. they had to construct that picnic table as well. the ring itself inside a hand carved wooden avocado, her favorite food -- >> stop it. >> they managed to get some wine 1932 the year her grandfather was born. >> my man! >> not your man, her man. because she said yes. her friends then set off the fire work. what a unique proposal this was. >> a couple of pictures hanging out with their friends. they got married in spring but they only just posted the video. >> we see a whole lot of it looks carhat binee these
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cutierally steal the show. >> yes, go ahead and clap for your girl. brought to you by -- pieces? pieces or cups? pieces in cups! man, we're killing it over here, huh? not sorry. reese's. how did we test our with two pounds of steak. it over here, huh? in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. get what you love for less early dinner duos for $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5, monday through thursday. hurry in. it's early dinner duos, only at olive garden.
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when he got it, it was a little worse for wear. >> a wholesale dealer called me and asked if i was interested in a broken volkswagen because he knows i work with volkswagen and, sure, let me take a look at it. it was an 800 car with a blown engine and transmission. it was mechanically toast. >> so then why did you get it? >> pedro knows a few things about volkswagen. at the time in 2003, it wasn't a particularly fast model. now that pedro got it, he does have some advice for people who are looking to get into racing. >> buy the worst car possible, learn how to drive that car on the worst tires and worst suspension. when you move to the fast car, you employed all the driving in the bad car -- >> this is put together by atlanta motorsports car. and pedro is just one of them
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showing off his ugly bug. >> i'm half way there. you've seen my truck. >> they love driving fast. my whole life i've been doing this. jenna and charlie are experiencing something that a lot of parents with children experience. >> i don't want you to grow up. >> but i want -- i want to get big. >> awe, what a sweet boy. >> he's sympathic at first but the facts are the facts. >> can't you just be my baby? >> but -- no. >> i love how helpless his shoulders are. he's giving up on >> mom runs an instagram page called baby bump. >> she doesn't want to call the instagram name. >> i just don't know how to get smaller, you're going to have to deal with it. i'm going to keep growing.
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this little one keeps growing, even though i don't want her too. this is my ♪ like a diamond in the sky >> oh, my gosh. stop it. she walked right up, took the guitar and just started singing ♪ twinkle, twinkle little star how i wonder what you are ♪ >> even though she is the big sister, she will not be outdone. >> oh, no. nya is 4 years old. move over twinkle, twinkle little star. i got abcs for you. when she finishes up -- >> thank you. happy ending for a lost dog. >> this dog clearly needs some
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care. >> next "right this minute." a couple of buddies set out on a cross country bike ride to help raise awareness, one of them has a very good reason for this. the inspiring story behind the big adventure. >> it makes me feel good that they're taking this opportunity. plus the dogs are trying on something special. >> the shed defender. >> she how they showed off with style. this is a payday bar. and there's only one thing you need to know about it. it has a truck load of peanuts surrounding sweet caramel.
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i mean holy... (drill sound) look at all those peanuts. best part is it helps you get through your day. payday. best part is it helps you get through your day. i think lucky the leprechaun found his unicorn on a marshmallow island in the sky, evnes alwa in ckch n part of this complete breakfast. care for the clothes you love with woolite detergent. the new concentrated formula... you 30% more loads. no stretching, shrinking or fading. woolite. cares as much as it cleans. buy one take one is back, at olive garden. starting at just $12.99. enjoy one of your favorites with us. and take one home, for free. buy one take one, for a limited time. only at olive garden. how did we test our with two pounds of steak.
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in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. (sharon) smoking caused my throat cancer. but, walking every day makes me feel like myself again. well, well, almost. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. hundred roads named "park" in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands?
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megan's smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. promotional considerations provided by -- ent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. like that's gonna happen. icy hot: icy to dull, hot to relax. rise from pain. icy hot. 22 people a day die waiting on organ transplants. many people find the entire system is out of date. so two best friends have decided to shoot themselves crossing the country on a bike ride to help raise awareness. one of them has a very good reason for this. >> i'm brandon michael kerrigan and i'm 19. i had a heart transplant. >> he spent 135 days in the hospital. his situation was dire, but even then he was the one inspiring those around him. >> every time i see him, he's
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still a ball of joy. >> like i never saw him cry once. >> as big and as brave as his heart was, he got another one and four years post transplant, he's putting it to good unc. >> i got a second chance at life. i'm not going to waste it. >> that's a long way to go. >> brandon and his best mate brook, his sister ashley and a couple of her friends as well are going to make their way. >> when it comes to crossing the country. there are many ups and downs. >> you're dealing with flat tires -- >> it makes me feel good that they're taking this opportunity. >> they camp where they camp. >> this place is pretty awesome. its called a hole in the wall campground. >> there's also a medicine. >> i take medicines twice a day every day. >> day 11, biking through oklahoma. >> day 11 they're in oklahoma,
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they make they're way in arkansas, hit some rain in memphis. >> its been tough, but its been a lot of fun. >> eight states, 2,800 miles, 25 days. during that they managed to u see they make it all the way to end of that pier to yorktown, virginia. if you want to donate to the cause, just go to or use the local app. when its 90 degrees out and you've got three dogs, two huskies, you can make them an ice bath and terrace is going to show us how to do it. what you're going to need is -- >> two buckets of ice and kiddie pools. >> you have to convince them to get in. >> gus says i like this. he gets in there. will he lay down? >> yes. luke the all white one. he decides to claim it. >> its just a nice way to cool
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your dogs off on the last days of summer. >> what else have you got to blow our minds, gayle? >> well, they're going to model something to blow your mind because the one that's black, white and tan is going to try it on first. they're going to try on the shed defender. >> i need one of those. >> not only does it cut back on the shedding and the dander in the house but these one siz alleviate anxiety. >> would you like to see the model one? >> i don't think it will. i think its going to freak them out a bit. >> oh, no. cocoa is okay getting this thing put on. >> it looks like a fox now. >> they think it looks like a lion but i'm going with fox. >> they look ridiculous but my furniture will thank me. he's the celebrity men tallist who's wowed the world and now morgan bet me that he could read all of our minds over
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fold it up so he can never see what was written down. >> i want you to just look me in the eye. >> all right. >> you just flashed your eyes. there's three letters in there. >> what? >> the longer it goes on the specificity increases. >> it must be a sun but its not a son. you're thinking of a man, aren't you? >> yes. >> you're thinking of a man. >> could you show everybody? >> but the other other lady she goes with someone else. >> i'm going to go with your expression. >> you can tell by the way she freaks out, you can see the proof right there in her hand. morgan bet me that he can read all of our minds over skype. >> how's it going guys, thank you. >> oli i'm about to send you an email, i had a premonition
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couple months ago and when you woke up i had a dream of this very scenario so i'm going to go ahead and send that to you now. >> okay. got it. there we go. you can see, guys, i have the email in my inbox. >> don't open it just yet. what i want you to do is, i want you to imagine that i'm on tour in any country in the word, what country would that be. >> italy. >> christian, i want you to imagine you're on stage with me and we see a famous female celebrity icon. >> j. lo. >> charity, i want you to name a certain kind of cuisine. >> med aterrainion food. >> what kind of food did we order? >> gyro. >> we got italy, j. lo, mediterranean food and gyros. >> tell your audience ahead of time i did not tell you to say
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anything. >> correct. >> open up the email please. >> i was in italy for the weekend, i met the super star j. lo i took her out for dinner and we ordered gyros. >> no, no, no! >> how did you know that? >> what was on the gyro? >> what kind of >> i'm going to send them to you in the email. >> you really can read someone's mind through skype. >> thank you that's all the time we've got for this episode. you want more, you can always head to our websighhicom. tada!
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tonight, breaking news. tropical storm gordon now forecast to be a category 1 hurricane. the storm blowing across florida. now targeting the gulf coast. plus, the new orleans levy system and the evacuation notice for those living nearby. ginger zee with the new storm track. stranded by floods. relentless rain washing out roads and grounding flights. travelers forced to drag their luggage across the road at chicago's o'hare airport as hundreds are forced from their homes in the heartland. supreme showdown. the bitter confirmation battle that could shape the court for a generation. and why president trump is unleashing a new attack on attorney jeff sessions tied to the midterm elections. concert shooting scare. an angry customer firing in a
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