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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  September 25, 2018 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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morning. >> look at that sunrise. it's just beautiful. >> yeah, 12 hours, straight up today. >> sunshine. >> and tomorrow less than 12 hours of sunshine. >> enjoy the 12 hours. good morning, america. breaking overnight, supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh breaks his silence. >> what i know is the truth and the truth is i never sexually assaulted anyone in high school or otherwise. >> the judge addresses cameras for the first time. his wife by his side refusing to back down. his nomination to the highest court hangs in the balance. president trump standing by him calling the allegations totally political and false as protests erupt against his nominee, now white house press secretary sarah sanders here live on "gma." the original tv dad, bill cosby, convicted of sexual assault. we are now hours away from learning his fate. his accuser's plea for justice. will he spend the rest of his life behind bars?
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the story behind this shocking photo. a baby alone crawling across a busy road. the hero who stopped traffic to save him. the teenager stranded on this raft lost at sea for 49 days, more than 1,000 miles from home. the moment a ship finally discovered him and how he stayed alive. ♪ the home of the brave? and the amazing 7-year-old stunning fans and players with her take on the national anthem and what's next for this pint-sized powerhouse. if that performance doesn't get your tuesday off to a great start, i don't know what will. good morning, america. great to have you with us on this tuesday. what a performance. >> oh, she's so wonderful.
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we could just stop the whole show and let her go the whole first half hour. that's 7-year-old malea emma, the announcer calling her tiny but mighty. she certainly is. >> she had a roar. we'll begin with those dueling crises in the white house. the top trump administration official overseeing the russia investigation may be on his way out as the president's supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh, speaks out in an unprecedented interview, his wife there by his side, to counter the sexual misconduct allegations that threaten his confirmation. white house press secretary sarah sanders is here live. first, let's go to senior national correspondent terry moran at the supreme court. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. the gloves are off on both sides and it's only likely to get tougher. judge kavanaugh now taking this unprecedented step of going in front of the public defending his good name. democrats are saying there are more allegations that need to be investigated. republicans are talking about a vote this weekend to put kavanaugh on the court. it is just a bare-knuckled fight right now to define the character of one man in the court of public opinion.
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>> what do you think is happening? >> reporter: judge brett kavanaugh with his wife at his side and emotion in his voice telling fox news he never sexually assaulted anyone, period. >> i know i'm telling the truth. i know my lifelong record and i'm not going to let false accusations drive me out of this process. >> reporter: on thursday it will be kavanaugh's word against the testimony of dr. christine blasey ford. dr. blasey ford claims she was assaulted by kavanaugh at a high school party in 1982. she says kavanaugh was on top of her, tried to disrobe her and she says she feared he might inadvertently kill her. >> i was focused on trying to be number one in my class and being captain of the varsity basketball team and doing my service projects, going to church. >> reporter: kavanaugh says he may have met blasey ford but he is adamant he was not at the party she describes and that he did not attack her. >> yes, there were parties and,
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yes, people might have had too many beers on occasion and, people generally in high school, i think all of us have probably done things we look back on in high school and regret or cringe a bit but that's not what we're talking about. we're talking about an allegation of sexual assault. i have never sexually assaulted anyone. i did not have sexual intercourse or anything close in high school or for many years thereafter. >> through all these years that are in question, you were a virgin? >> that's correct. >> reporter: kavanaugh responding to a second allegation this week. deborah ramirez, a former classmate at yale university told "the new yorker" magazine she remembers kavanaugh exposing himself close to her face at a drunken dorm party. >> never did any such thing. if such a thing had happened it would have been the talk of campus. >> reporter: ramirez acknowledges being intoxicated at the time and having gaps in her memory but kavanaugh's freshman roommate tells abc affiliate based on my
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time with brett, i believe he and his social circle were capable of the actions debbie described. he described kavanaugh as a heavy drinker who became belligerent and incoherent. >> i've always treated women with dignity and respect. he doesn't corroborated the incident at all. >> i don't understand it. i know brett. i know who he is. >> reporter: kavanaugh's wife ashley says her family is relying on their strong faith but that the allegations have taken a toll. >> it's very difficult to have these conversations with your children, which we've had to have and we told them at the very beginning of this process this will be not fun sometimes. just remember, you know your dad. [ chanting ] >> reporter: protesters taking to the hill monday swarming the office of republican senator susan collins, seen as a possible swing vote on kavanaugh. while collins says she's still undecided this morning most republicans are rallying around kavanaugh. >> this is what the so-called resistance has become, a smear
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campaign, pure and simple. >> reporter: and the president himself staunchly backing his candidate tweeting overnight, that the democrats are working hard to destroy a wonderful man with an array of false accusations the likes of which have never been seen before. >> i know he's going to stand by me. he called me this afternoon and said he's standing by me. >> reporter: last night the lawyers for dr. christine blasey ford, that's kavanaugh's first accuser, scheduled to testify thursday. they sent a letter to the chairman of the judiciary committee, republican senator chuck grassley of iowa, and they objected as having this hearing set up and the hiring of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor to perform some of the questions of dr. blasey ford and say republicans are using a tactic to avoid their constitutional responsibilities. george. >> what a showdown this could be. terry moran, thanks very much. let's turn to the other major headline. a day of whiplash at the white house as president trump battles
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his own justice department and the future of deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, the man, of course, who oversees the russia investigation now uncertain after he was headed to the white house expecting to be fired. he ended up keeping his job, at least for now. our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl is tracking it all. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, cecilia. as you say, the deputy attorney general was expecting to be fired yesterday. it is anybody's guess whether he will be fired on thursday when the president comes back to washington. the president certainly isn't ruling it out. meeting with world leaders at the united nations, president trump had his mind on an upcoming summit back at the white house. >> i'm meeting with rod rosenstein on thursday when i get back from all these meetings and we'll be meeting at the white house and we'll be determining what's going on. >> reporter: the president has been furious, sources tell abc news, at a report in "the new york times" last week that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein had suggested secretly recording the president
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and recruiting cabinet members to remove him from office. rosenstein denies he pursued those steps, but he was summoned to the white house monday and sources told us he was expecting to be fired. a move trump's critics immediately said would cross the line. >> the next step in a slowly evolving slow motion saturday night massacre in which the president is getting rid of all the people who are involved in initiating or carrying out the investigation of obstruction of justice by him. >> reporter: for weeks the president has hinted at a shake-up at his justice department. but he's held off amid warnings from key allies about the political danger of such a move. >> i have a message for the president tonight. under zero circumstances should the president fire anybody. >> reporter: rosenstein spoke with the president by phone on monday and met with the chief of staff john kelly at the white house who in yet another twist walked him out to his car as a
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smiling rosenstein went back to the justice department still on the job. at least for now. abc news has learned that rosenstein offered to resign over the weekend, but couldn't agree with the white house on the conditions and circumstances of his resignation. if he does end up going, the russia investigation will be overseen by the number three official at the justice department. that is noel francisco, the solicitor general, who would oversee that until a replacement for rosenstein is put in place. >> jon karl, thanks very much. white house press secretary sarah sanders in the middle of all this joins us on "gma." thank you for coming in this morning. let's start out with rod rosenstein this morning. the president spoke with him on the phone yesterday. did he tell mr. rosenstein that he wants had him to stay on the job? >> they had an extended conversation and decided to continue it and they're going to do that on thursday and both agree that it was best to have a conversation like that in person and that's what they're going to do in two days. >> does the president have confidence in mr. rosenstein? >> the president has confidence
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in the system. >> that's not what i asked. >> well, again, i'm not going to get ahead of the conversation that's going to take place. certainly he wants things to take place. there have been a number of incidents that have caused a great deal of concern. not just the president, but to americans all over the country, people like bruce ohr, mccabe and others who have been dishonest and not played the role that they were meant to play through the fbi and through the department of justice and the president wants to have a conversation with rod rosenstein and that will take place thursday. >> he wants to know if rod rosenstein said should i wear a wire on the president. >> look, i think he wants to have a conversation with him. they had a very long and good conversation yesterday, and they want to continue that in a couple of days. >> if rosenstein refuses to resign, will the president fire him? >> i won't get ahead of the president's decision-making. again, he wants the process to work. he wants the department of justice to be focused on what it
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should be and not focused on all of the things that have been taking place over the last several months and, frankly, what has become the talk of the justice department. that's not what they should be focused on, and that's what the president wants to make sure that they're focused on, what they should be. >> one of the president's personal attorney jay sekulow said the mueller investigation should be on hold if rosenstein leaves his job. is that the president's position? >> i'm not going to get into the specifics on the mueller investigation. we think it should be finished because they've spent a year and a half digging through and have still come up with nothing. there was -- >> they've had several indictments. several convictions. >> nothing that has anything to do with the president or his campaign, and it's ridiculous that they continue to drum this up and drag it out, and it should, i think, be wrapping up. >> several convictions, several cooperating witnesses -- >> again, nothing to do with the president. i think that's important to note. >> can you assure the american people that whatever happens with rod rosenstein the president will allow the mueller investigation to continue and to conclude?
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>> the president has cooperated throughout this entire process for an extended period of time. he wants it to be transparent. that's why he's asked for documents to be released and why he and his entire staff have been completely cooperative from day one. >> so he will allow it to finish? >> look, i'm not going to get ahead of where the president is but he has been very clear he wants this to come to a conclusion. we expect that it should and, again, they've spent a year and a half and found nothing that has anything to do with this president because there was nothing. >> have to move on to brett kavanaugh. the president had that tweet last night, against false accusations against kavanaugh. why does he think ms. ramirez and dr. ford are lying? >> he has said these individuals should be heard. >> he called the accusations false already before they were heard. >> kavanaugh has been unequivocal in his denial. he knows brett kavanaugh. he spent a great deal of time with him and trusts him and brett kavanaugh has asked for
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his voice to be heard in this process too. as last i can remember we're still a country where you're innocent until proven guilty except when you're a conservative republican. it is absolutely shameful what the democrats have done and the way they've turned this into a complete political process. >> except -- >> multiple lives have been ruined. both families have been drug through the mud when they didn't have to be because dianne feinstein could have done this in a much more structured process and instead waited until the 11th hour and is playing political games with people's lives and i find that to be disgraceful and disgusting and she certainly needs to shoulder a lot of the blame for what's going on right now. >> you have both ms. ramirez and dr. ford saying there should be an fbi investigation. if they thought they weren't telling the truth they wouldn't be inviting an fbi investigation. why is it wrong to have an fbi investigation on something as important as a supreme court nominee? >> we have a process in place. they have a senate process and we think it should be done through that. no one is trying to hide from this. in fact, brett kavanaugh has
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been leaning in. he's been begging to come and tell his story and be able to do that, whether it's publicly or privately, he's asked for that opportunity and he's been perfectly open for others to have the opportunity to share their side as well. but let's be clear. from the very beginning, he has been strong and unequivocal in his denial that anything like this happened. he also has a lifetime of a record of empowering and respecting women, and you have seen hundreds of women that know him and know him well, come out and say exactly that. >> and some of them recant that as well but from the president from the very beginning has been questioning the story of dr. ford including that tweet last week saying that if she were telling the truth she would have reported it to the authorities at the time. that drew a sharp response from senator susan collins. >> i was appalled by the president's tweet. i thought that the president's tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong. >> what's your response? >> look, the president once again has said on a number of
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occasions that he thinks everybody's voices should be heard and let's let the process play out. it's the democrats who have been halting it from the beginning and not allowing this to go through the process because they want this to be a political game and i think that the way that they have operated in this is absolutely appalling. if anything has been appalling it's the way that they have gone after and used these people's stories and their lives and exploited them for political gain. >> these women have come forward -- and agreed to go public. >> and trying to do it in a private manner and could have done so had senator dianne feinstein allowed that to happen and she didn't. >> actually they went public -- she was respecting the confidentiality but you've said that everybody's voices should be heard. so does the president want ms. ramirez to appear before the senate judiciary committee as well? >> certainly we would be open to that and that process could take place on thursday. again, the president's been clear. let them speak, but let's also let brett kavanaugh speak and let's let him tell his side of the story before we allow
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allegations to determine his entire future. >> it does seem, though, that the president has already reached a judgment about their stories and when roy moore and bill o'reilly and roger ailes are accused, rob porter accused and now when brett kavanaugh is accused, the president consistently every single time takes the side of the man. >> you know, it's interesting that you say that. it's a lot of democrats that like to ignore keith ellison and corey booker and love to fight and champion women until they disagree with them. >> al franken lost his job in the senate. >> and a number of other democrats should have the same type of scrutiny. >> what's the answer to my question? every single time the president has taken the side of the man against women accusers. >> that's not true. and in this case, the president knows brett kavanaugh. he has heard his story. there hasn't been a shred of evidence to corroborate the other individual stories, and there has been a lot of individuals that have come forward and talked about the brett kavanaugh that they know and they're confident these things didn't happen.
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>> final question, what does the president hope to achieve at the u.n. today? >> i think that his speech this morning is going to be a great moment for the president. we've had a tremendous amount of success particularly when it comes to the foreign policy front over the last year since he gave his last speech. if you'll remember the rhetoric last year was extremely tough with north korea. i think you'll see certainly a different tone and a lot of progress has been made on that front in large part due to the president's leadership. >> sarah sanders, thank you very much. >> thanks, george. quite a day. shall we shift gears here? wait till you see this one. a 7-year-old girl's rendition of the national anthem at the los angeles galaxy soccer match stunned fans and players, all of us really. this is malea emma belting it out. you have got to hear it to believe it. take a listen. ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave
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>> she said she didn't want to mess up because, quote, it's a really special song to america and when she grows up she wants to be a singer, a doctor, an actress or a violinist. i think she could be anything she wants. this girl is amazing. >> when she raised her left hand, i knew it was going to be great. >> the range. >> the range is amazing. >> 7 years old. >> great job. oh, wow. now we go to ginger with record flooding in south carolina and more rain on the way. ginger. >> still sandbagging from florence in parts of south carolina and still filled with water and the waccamaw river will get more rain, 1 to 2 inches by the time we reach thursday. your local weather in 30 seconds. first, here's the tuesday trivia sponsored by breathe right strips.
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coming up, judgment day for bill cosby. will he face the rest his life in prison? prison? just a second, we also have the mendez mediation. brian is going to take the lead just follow his-
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the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. good morning, east bay. let's get up and get going. this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning. i'm jessica castro from abc 7 mornings. b.a.r.t. is exploring a new way to patrol trains. it's reportedly considering unarmed civilian ambassadors. according to the examiner, the b.a.r.t. police department plans to ask the board of directors to hire 54 more police officers to patrol the system. two b.a.r.t. directors also plan to ask b.a.r.t. staff to explore hiring unarmed ambassadors to patrol the system. the meeting is set for thursday. and right now, we have no b.a.r.t. issues. that's good to know. we are taking you back to the bay bridge. we had a stall just past the metering lights. so still backed up there from highway 4, all the way into san francisco, looking at just about an hour, just under an hurry.
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metering lights were turned on at 5:40 this morning. we'll take a quick look at our overall maps and you can see the typical slow spot
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now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> hey, don't forget, we've got that red flag warning above a thousand feet until 5:00 this afternoon. temperatures as you step outside, a little milder than this morning. upper 40s for most of us to mid-50s. we have some upper 50s in san mateo, mountain view, and 45 right now in novato. now, we do have widespread fog, at least in the north bay and around the bay itself, and that's going to be around for the rest of the morning commute. hazy sunshine out on the bay and mass transit we have a summer spread from 60s in san francisco to 90s flainland, even hotter tomorrow. jessica? >> mike, thank you. coming up on "gma," an incredible survival story. a teenager rescued after nearly two months adrift at sea. how he stayed alive on his own.
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and we'll have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app and
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whether you're using quickbooks smart invoicing to get paid twice as fast or automatically tracking your mileage. smarter business tools for the world's hardest workers. quickbooks. backing you. ♪ welcome back to "gma." meet gritty, that is the brand-new mascot for the philadelphia flyers. the team releasing this promo video. it's getting mixed reviews. the team says he's talented but feisty, a fierce competitor, known for his agility given his size and obviously can't skate. and guess what, gritty will be here joining us live and i don't even know if gritty can talk. >> what we can't see is brad going like this, head in his hands. >> he's a flyers fan. getting a lot of mixed reviews and brad giving a mixed one
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right there. but first, the top headlines we're following. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is breaking his silence refusing to withdraw his name as he faces sexual misconduct allegations and appeared overnight on camera with his wife by his side and denied the allegations. kavanaugh and one of his accusers, dr. christine blasey ford, is set to testify thursday. president trump is delivering his address at the united nations and expected to praise the warmer relations with north korea. this after suggesting a second meeting with kim jong-un could happen very soon. and take a look at this one. police are investigating a frightening close call in new jersey. this is a baby found crawling across a very busy street there. fortunately, a driver spotted the baby and stopped traffic to rescue him. police say the baby may have gotten out through an open door at his house. but police are investigating. >> so glad that worked out okay. now to bill cosby. he's back in court today facing sentencing for his sexual assault conviction after accuser andrea constand and her family made passionate statements in
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court. abc's linsey davis is outside the courthouse in norristown with more. >> reporter: one cosby accuser described it this way, being in court for this moment is surreal. will bill cosby end up spending the rest of his life behind bars? that will be determined today. andrea constand, the victim, took the stand only very briefly yesterday to tell the judge all i am asking for is justice as the court sees fit. judgment day today for the man known formerly as america's dad. >> that doesn't sound like proper behavior for a coach. >> reporter: despite a handful of protesters a faint smile as he walked into court monday. several of his accusers including janice dickinson were also present in court but did not speak during the hearing. in court monday andrea constand, once again, took the witness stand asking for justice. her family read statements in court. her sister testified about a drastic change in constand's personality after the attack.
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her mother saying, victims cannot be unraped. later adding, i don't think bill cosby has ever considered the pain and suffering this has caused us. today, a judge will decide if the now 81-year-old comic will spend the rest of his life behind bars after a jury found him guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a former temple university employee in 2004. cosby who could be the first to be sentenced to prison in the me too movement has stated that any encounters with constand with consensual. best known as cliff huxtable on "cosby show" did not speak to the court but frequently talked to his attorneys. his attorney asking for probation or house arrest for the star, saying mr. cosby is not dangerous. 81-year-old blind men who are not self-sufficient are not dangerous. the district attorney fighting back saying, to say he is too old to go to prison is a get out
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of jail free card. the bottom line is nobody is above the law. nobody. now, the judge also has to rule on whether cosby will be classified as a sexually violent predator. cosby faces a maximum of ten years behind bars. he has already said that he plans to appeal his conviction. george. >> linsey davis, thanks very much. michael. >> thank you, george. now we move on to an incredible rescue caught on camera. a teenager lost at sea for 49 days with no food, no water and no way to steer. the stunning video shows the moment he was finally pulled to safety. our chief national correspondent matt gutman has the story. good morning, matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. the most harrowing part of that journey, you can't see in that video. he apparently jumped off that raft and swam towards that giant tanker in the open ocean. crew members threw him a life preserver and he said he survived by eating fish he caught and drinking seawater
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he filtered through his shirt. this is the moment 49 days in the making. 19-year-old aldi adilang rescued from the pacific ocean after nearly two months lost at sea. he lives and operates this wooden fishing vessel and on july 14th, blistering winds snapped the rope which was anchoring the floating hut in place and sent him drifting 1200 miles taking the teen from the shores of indonesia to near guam. after running out of supplies, the boy alone like the hero in the movie "lie of pi." >> hello. >> reporter: had to think out of the box. using wood from the boat's hut to make fires, catching fish out of the ocean to eat and filtering seawater through hit his t-shirt to drink. he says countless ships passed him by unaware of his plight. he tried to flag them down but to no avail. then seven weeks later to the day this massive ship cape to his rescue.
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the teen managing to send out distress signals, a simple help over his portable radio causing the ship that had passed him by to turn around. the ship approaching him causing those giant swells nearly capsizing his raft. but the young man holding on. screaming as the waves crash over him. finally, the crew starts heaving him in. >> careful, careful. >> reporter: clinging to that rope ladder and hanging on for dear life. >> okay, that's good. that's good. slowly, slowly. >> reporter: before finally making it into the outstretched arms of that crew. so, that raft is called the floating fish trap. it definitely seems like a trap, all right, because the thing is just a third time it has gone adrift. it's one of the reasons his employer gave him that two-way radio. now, adilang was supposed to spend six months on board
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and he had been working on that raft for three years but says he's not going back ever. michael. >> we can't say we blame him. he couldn't get off that raft fast enough. thank you very much for that. coming up, the new warning about going to extremes to get that perfect picture. injuries on the rise for an internet like? stay with us. internet like. stay with us. zempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ♪ ozempic®! ♪ ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes
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i will 100% swap up my moisturizer. can i have i olay whips. (alarm ringing) wake up to great tasting flavor. (alarm stops) belvita breakfast biscuits. flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. (alarm ringing) belvita breakfast biscuits. it's time to taste the day. we are back now with the new
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warning about chasing likes. people putting themselves not to mention rescuers at risk just to get the perfect picture for social media. abc's kayna whitworth has more and officials are sounding the alarm hoping to put a stop to this one. >> reporter: they sure are, cecilia. it's amazing the risks people will take to be popular on social media. rescues are up dramatically and after recent death, authorities are warning people to be careful. this morning, as more and more people pull off stunts like this, posting them on social media, a new warning from officials who say that the pursuit of more likes may be leading to a huge jump in rescue missions by first responders. watch here as amateur divers jump into a rock pool at hermit falls, one of l.a.'s most popular waterfalls. hours later, a helicopter hovers overhead as a man injured while diving is being hoisted to safety. officials say scenes like this are becoming increasingly common.
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according to the los angeles county sheriff's department, search and rescue teams conducted 681 missions in 2017. the largest number in five years, up almost 40% from 2013. >> people go on to places like hermit falls, very popular, lots of postings on social media for that location. people see, hey, that looks pretty cool and that's, wow, that's only a half hour from my house. let's go do that. and then we show up. >> reporter: the increasingly risky pursuit of likes can even lead to death. just this past weekend a woman in michigan fell off a cliff while trying to take a selfie and this summer two members of a popular vlogging group were killed after they plunged 100 feet from one of canada's tallest waterfalls. while not all adventure selfies
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come at a human cost you may pay another price like this man caught on camera taking a bear selfie in alaska. he was charged with reckless endangerment but it's not just the selfie takers that are in harm's way. >> for people that watch this, they have to understand when they see that big helicopter, you're putting a crew of five at risk. >> reporter: here in l.a. county alone helicopter rescue crews are making about 500 runs er every year. cecilia, my dad always says let common sense prevail. i feel like that applies here. >> ain't that the truth, kayna, thank you. michael. >> the problem is people don't have common sense and don't use it. coming up, a special delivery for two doctors. they were called in at the last minute but not to the hospital but to the zoo. we'll be right back with that story.
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back now with that special delivery. two doctors called in at the last minute, not to the hospital, but to the zoo. and, lara, you're here with the story. good morning, lara. >> i am here for the story. happy to bring it to you. it's not uncommon for doctors who are not veterinarians to help out with animals but a c-section for an orangutan. this would be a first for these ob/gyns and this wichita zoo. >> i'm an ob/gyn for homo sapiens, the human, not for animals. >> reporter: don't tell that to daisy, the orangutan at the wichita zoo. after she went into labor in the middle of the night her
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zookeepers decided her complications were so severe she needed human medical intervention. >> what the zookeepers noticed was that there was a delay in her labor. usually they deliver pretty quickly and that wasn't happening for daisy. >> reporter: so one of the vets at the zoo called upon a pair of her personal ob/gyns, dr. whisler and dr. chibry to come to her rescue. >> when we got to the zoo they said for sure she needed a c-section. >> reporter: just minutes after the c-section surgery began, daisy's baby arrived. >> it was very surreal. and i feel like it's one of the best days at my job i've ever had. >> reporter: meet ayrton littly now living happily with her mom at the sedgwick county zoo and human doctors rarely used by zoos called in only in the most urgent cases. it happened last year at the philadelphia zoo. they brought in a whole team to
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help 17-year-old kyra, the gorilla deliver her baby boy born healthy and happy at just 5 pounds. meanwhile, in wichita, dr. whisler and chibry have delivered hundreds of babies but this one is a special delivery they will never forget. >> it's definitely one of those moments that will be part of our stories that we tell to our grandkids. >> i bet and the zoo saying so important here because sumatran orangutans are endangered in the wild. one doctor called it a bucket list item i didn't know was on my bucket list. >> so true. >> really sweet. we wish ayrton littly all the best. >> love that story. >> yes, we do. thank you very much, lara. coming up, we have a health alert about the flu. superstar drake canceling his concert because of it. is it time to get your flu shot, or is it too soon? dr. ashton is here to weigh in.
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if not, it still brings a chance of rain to the coast, to south and north carolina this afternoon and as if that wasn't enough you get a cold front that approaches. late wednesday night into early thursday. we stopped it at 3:00 a.m. that could be a heavy rain shower. you get one to three on top of the swollen rivers and a huge, huge issue in much of south carolina. some of the heaviest stuff happens with flash floods back
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good morning, south bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> hi, good morning. i'm jessica castro from abc 7 mornings. meteorologist mike nicco is here with our forecast. hi, there, mike. >> hey, jessica. hi, everybody. it's pretty cloudy along the coast and across the golden gate bridge, and that's the way it's going to stay for the better part of the day. the rest of us will see hazy sunshine and a spare the air alert. mid-60s at the coast, 70 around san francisco. you can see mid-70s to mid-80s around the bay and some 90s inland. it will be even hotter tomorrow, but a slight chance of rain saturday and monday some of our coolest days. >> a couple of problems out there this morning for your commute. we'll take a look at as you approach the maacarthur
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a lot of red censors on the approach. and an accident in santa rosa at southbound 101 near todd. >> sue, thank you. coming up, "dancing with the stars" kicked off with a sizzling start and "gma" is talking to the brand-new pro brandon who topped the leaderboard with his partner,
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. breaking overnight, supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh breaks his silence in a prime time interview. >> what i know is the truth, and the truth is i've never sexually assaulted anyone in high school or otherwise. >> the judge answers questions with his wife by his side refusing to back down. his nomination to the supreme court hangs in the balance. president trump is standing by him. white house press secretary sarah sanders defends the judge and his nomination right here on "gma." new this morning, rapper drake reveals he was battling the flu after canceling concerts as flu season is about to start. so, is it time for you to get your shot or is it too early? dr. ashton is here with answers. buy better. the best ways to score huge
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deals online. how to shop the so-called sales racks of the internet and why you should be getting ready now to get a jump on black friday deals. "dancing with the stars" kicks off with a bang in the ballroom. from the "fuller house" star who impressed the judges -- >> you are 100% the hunk with the junk in the trunk. >> -- to the show's first-ever blind contestant, danelle, showing she has what it takes to win. >> and what happened here? >> we have all the action from the ballroom and the brand-new pro who took his first spin ahead this morning. ♪ i'm still standing and our friend tim tebow is here live. in times square. why he says this is the day. what you got to say, tim? >> good morning, america. good morning, america. thank you guys for joining us on this rainy tuesday.
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>> yeah. >> see it on the lens there. >> but it's still a nice day and great to have tim tebow here. such a good guy. looking forward to talking to him later on in the show. plus, we have that huge guest appearance, big booking, mascot gritty joins us live. we're calling him a he. i guess it's a he. he's the new face of the philadelphia flyers. >> you don't want to go down that road. >> too early. >> what does he think about all the attention he's getting? we'll find that out very soon. >> we will. we have a lot of news to get to beginning with the supreme court showdown. judge brett kavanaugh fighting back against those sexual misconduct allegations. first time on camera. first time that's ever happened for a supreme court nominee and let's go back to our senior national correspondent terry moran at the supreme court. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. supreme court nominees don't normally give television interviews, but that has been tossed aside and this is just pure partisan warfare and republicans determined to get kavanaugh through the senate
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onto the supreme court. the two women who have accused him, christine blasey ford and deborah ramirez, determined to be heard and judge kavanaugh determined to defend his good name. >> what do you think is happening? >> reporter: judge brett kavanaugh with his wife at his side and emotion in his voice, telling fox news he never sexually assaulted anyone, period. >> i know i'm telling the truth. i know my lifelong record and i'm not going to let false accusations drive me out of this process. >> reporter: on thursday it will be kavanaugh's word against the testimony of dr. christine blasey ford. dr. blasey ford claims she was assaulted by kavanaugh at a high school party in 1982 and says kavanaugh was on top of her, tried to disrobe her and she said she feared he might inadvertently kill her. >> i was focused on trying to be number one in my class, being captain of the varsity basketball team and doing my service projects, going to church. >> reporter: kavanaugh says he may have met blasey ford but he
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is adamant he was not at the party she describes and that he did not attack her. >> i never sexually assaulted anyone. i did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter. >> all -- through all these years that are in question, you were a virgin? >> that's correct. >> reporter: kavanaugh also responding to a second allegation out this week, deborah ramirez, a former classmate of kavanaugh's at yale university told "the new yorker" magazine she remembers kavanaugh exposing himself to her. at a drunken dorm party. >> never did any such thing. if it happened it would have been the talk of campus. it never happened. >> reporter: sarah sanders said that they are open to deborah ramirez's allegations coming before the senate this week. >> you've said that everybody's voices should be heard. does the president want ms. ramirez to appear before the senate judiciary committee as well? >> certainly we would be open to that and that process could take place on thursday. >> reporter: on thursday sarah sanders emphasizing the time line.
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republicans really do want to move fast. the ship is taking on water and they want him out of the senate onto this court. >> they want a weekend vote. terry moran, thanks very much. cecilia? now to a desperate search in north carolina for a missing boy with autism, the 6-year-old last seen at a state park before vanishing and gio benitez has the latest. good morning, gio. >> reporter: the fbi joining forces with local police. they're desperately searching for that missing 6-year-old. his name is maddox ritch. you see him right there. again, he has autism. he doesn't speak. maddox was last seen in a gastonia, north carolina, park saturday afternoon, with his father and another adult and his parents say he started running. when they ran after him they lost sight of him. more than 100 authorities are now searching. you see them right there, 1400 acres by air, boat and on the ground. now, police in the park are also playing recordings with the voices of his parents hoping maddox hears them. overnight, the boy's father actually sent a statement to local tv station wccb saying he thanks everyone for helping
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search for maddox and that the family is trying to help the police in any way possible. if you know where maddox is please call police, no clue is too small, cecilia. >> so true. thank you. >> i hope they find him soon. coming up, we have that health alert. rapper drake sidelined by the flu and is it time to get your flu shot? dr. ashton is here to weigh in. and guess what. it's not too soon to think about black friday shopping. some of the best deals right now, and we'll tell you how to shop the sales rack of the internet. lara, what else do you have upstairs? >> hello, george. look who is with me, "hell's kitchen" superstar gordon ramsay. so happy to have him here. two of our viewers are going head-to-head to try to impress him. good luck. can they do it? we'll find out coming up on "good morning america." he's being nice. "gma's morning menu" sponsored by megared.
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♪ that was a roar from the crowd on this tuesday morning. welcome back to "gma." welcome to all of you here. glad you're out of the rain. we are just one day away from the biggest boy band on the planet. bts. they took over the united nations yesterday, taking over times square tomorrow. going to be a huge morning. cannot wait for that. right now "pop news" time. [ applause ] hi, guys, good morning to you. we begin with mr. will smith. one of our pals. he is planning to celebrate his big 5-0. his 50th birthday, big will style. he will bungee jump from a
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helicopter that will hover the grand canyon. it's happening tonight. the whole stunt will be streamed on smith's youtube channel, hosted by his "fresh prince" co-star alfonso. it started last year when he went bungee jumping for the first time. there he is. oh, really, michael. that is not to be trifled with. there he is dangling over victoria falls in zimbabwe and he loved it. will is partnering with global citizen program supporting 75 million children in crisis-affected areas. michael, i know you reached out to your friend. not sure if you were trying to get him not to do this or wish him a happy birthday. but he sent you this response. take a look. >> what's up, mike? thanks, man. you know, i'm excited about this. i'm turning 50 and i just decided today that i'm going to celebrate my 50th birthday all year. i'm not scared because if i was
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scared, i would say i was scared and i'm not scared. thank you. [ applause ] >> i literally -- happy birthday, of course. i wanted to say happy birthday, and i said, if you are doing this and you really need somebody to talk to, talk to me. there's no way i could do it but he's doing it for a good cause so hats off to will smith and happy 50th. >> watch. he takes the plunge tonight on his youtube channel, 5:45 eastern time for a great cause as you said. happy birthday, will. also in "pop news" this morning, james lipton. one of those tv hosts doing it so long, so uniquely he's become incredibly recognizable over the years. the biggest stars on the planet love to visit his inside the actors studio and -- well, that's where i was going. but they would allow james to ask them pretty much everything. one of his go-to questions, he would ask what their favorite
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curse word was which i was fascinated with. in fact, the show was so iconic as you saw it became one of will ferrell's favorite characters to play on "snl." take a look. >> in 1982, a film was produced, a film that made not a little amount of money, but, in fact, a great deal of money. the film was "e.t.: the extraterrestrial." >> oh, my god, yes, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> so hypnotizing. >> it was. just really fun to watch. you learn something new every time. well, it's just been announced at 92 years young lipton is retiring. can we give it up for james lipton? >> he's 92? >> 92. he created a show, executive produced it for almost 25 years. he will not be replaced, per se, instead there will be a rotating group of hosts who fill in as it moves from bravo to ovation tv.
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we wish you all the best. [ applause ] >> i thought you were going to ask our favorite curse word. >> follow-up. finally, it is time to get nitty gritty. we love a sports team mascot here at "gma" so when we saw the internet was exploding over the philadelphia flyers' new mascot, brand new, his name is gritty, we needed to know more. he made his first appearance on monday. here's what the flyers say about his backstory. apparently, gritty has been their number one fan and has sick dance moves as you can see. he has lived in secret under the arena eating snow from the zamboni machine and terrifying anyone who didn't root for the team, but gritty is now out of hiding, makes his first morning show appearance right now. give it up for gritty. the flyers' mascot. [ applause ] this is the kind of interview i get. okay. this is my moment. gritty doesn't have much of a
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way with words but does, of course, have a handler already so andrea helfrich, we welcome you along with gritty live from the wells fargo center in philadelphia. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> hi. so, here's the thing. the internet -- >> not a man of many words. >> we got you. what do you make of all the attention that you guys have gotten? social media is going crazy over you guys. is gritty loving it? >> gritty is loving it. i think if he could talk he would say bring it on, right? he would. bring it on. he eats his opponents for breakfast. >> the thing is, some people are a little confused. i'm not going to lie. we did a deep dive online. some are confused, some are scared. some have compared him to zz top, a muppet. can you set the record straight? what are you? >> he is a fuzzy orange creature. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> all right. >> does that help clear up the details? >> there it is, everybody. your first look. yes. i told you, the in-depth interviewing, leave it to me. thank you very much. so, there's gritty, everybody. can we give it up for the one and only? [ cheers and applause ] thank you guys for coming on and we wish you the best of luck with your season. don't listen to any of those haters. you're fabulous just the way you are, gritty. oh, yes, smoke coming out of his ears. he's very talented. we move to our cover story and talk to jen ashton because it's a health alert about the flu. drake had to cancel a concert over the weekend because he's come down with the flu. seems a little early for flu season but i guess not. >> george, can you believe we're talking about it again? we are seeing flu. it's important to remember a couple of facts about the flu. we can see influenza all year round, 12 months out of the year. yes, in the u.s. the flu season tends to be from october through march. and we're going to start getting
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reports from the southern hemisphere because that tends to be a prediction about what this year's flu season will be like. so it's not too early for us. in medicine we're having a big meeting about this week. the cdc is already on it and yes, you are starting to hear anecdotal isolated reports of people coming down with the flu. >> who has had their shot already? [ applause ] not bad. >> the flu shots came out by tend of the summer. august, september. >> i usually think october. >> october is what the cdc recommends that everyone should be vaccinated six months of age and over by the end of october. there is a little bit of controversy, george, now in some of the medical literature, about if you get it too early does our immune protection wane by the end of the flu season. just start to get your ducks in a row and as long as you're vaccinated by the end of october -- >> can you get two? >> no, and it comes out every year. we've had one say i got mine in may and june.
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am i good? no, there is a new flu vaccine out now based on predictions of what this year's flu strains will be, and that just came out. >> you're an ob/gyn, special concerns for pregnant women. >> absolutely, their immune system is suppressed. i once had a pregnant woman die of influenza. i take it very seriously. if you're pregnant, you can get it all in three trimesters. the flu vaccine, and if you are planning to be pregnant this flu season, get that vaccine now. >> jen ashton, great advice, thanks very much. cecilia? now to our better buy series. retailers have secret tricks designed to make us spend more money, but fear not. abc's becky worley is back with the real secrets showing us how to shop the internet sale rack. so tell us. >> yes. >> how do we find these internet sales? >> okay, i have got a little news. a little news. the coupon code we have gotten so used to, i'm not getting as many discounts with those anymore. >> true. >> so we're turning to something new. if you walked into a store you would go straight to the sales rack, right? you would comb through it. now we have bots on the internet
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that are creating a sales rack of the internet. they are going through and finding the biggest price drops and those are listed on deal aggregator sites. so this is our first tip, go to sites like,, wire cutter and what you'll see is the biggest price drops on items online. there was a tent, it was 129 bucks, now it's $49. those are big discounts. >> wow. they do the work for you. >> they do the work. it's not great for when you're searching for something specific but browsing, that's where you will find the deals now. >> speaking of deals, black friday feels like a long time in the future, but you say we can actually strike while the irons are hot now early. we don't have to wait. >> right, it's creeping earlier and earlier every year, so black friday deals will actually start within the next two to three weeks, like a couple weeks before halloween. you should start now. looking at websites that classify all these deals like
8:21 am or and here's the trick. you have to make a list, set a budget, be prepared to pull the trigger when they go live. but wait until thanksgiving to buy electronics. that's when they reach their rock bottom. >> okay, so we all know that retailers use these tricks to get us to buy. can we spot them? what do we need to know? >> there is a new one. you're in your social media feed and an ad pops up. i saw this, okay. >> what is that? >> that is the question that everybody is asking. >> do you guys know what it is? >> can you guess what that is? >> i'm not alone. >> that's on purpose. they want pique our curiosity when we're in social mode so that we click onto it and i'll show you what it is. bizarrely, it's a ring that holds your nail polish bottle. >> things you didn't know you needed. >> you don't need this. but the thing is by putting something curious that got us to click on the ad we've now opened up the app on our phone. we're in social media browsing
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mode and suddenly we're shopping, we're blowing all the savings that we should be holding on to until those black friday deals come. >> i would have clicked on this. not going to lie. >> oh. ginger, we have got a gift for you, my friend. >> thank you. [ applause ] how about we do a gift called your "gma" moment and today we go to schaumburg, illinois. you know where dogs go get a drink, not necessarily from their dog bowls, but from the toilet. not thunder. not thunder. he is too sophisticated. that's right. learned how to turn that on himself. yes. and then shares it with stormy. both of these dogs rescued. love the story about them and really actually very smart. yeah. and then stormy gets it too. all right, that is the big picture.
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oh, you're joining me over here for this one, yes. "dancing with the stars" premiered. ginger knows all about it and the show was trending all night as the dancers took to the ballroom for the first time. there were a lot of fireworks like this moment when country radio host bobby bones calling it the greatest night of his life. >> oh, he's excited. >> that moment stands out. not because of the dance but after. the dance was great too. but it was also the first time that new pro brandon armstrong hit the ballroom. yes. he went straight to the top of the leaderboard with his partner
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tinashe. great to have brandon joining us this morning. brandon. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, guys. >> hey, good morning, brandon. ginger says your first time as a dancer on the show. you tie for the highest score on your first dance. oh, man, how does that feel for you? did you think your debut would go this well? >> no, honestly, i couldn't imagine. this is like such a dream come true. i grew up watching the show. i was on the show when i was younger. i grew up with all these pros as mentors so to be able to compete with them and also to do well is a dream come true. i'm excited to be here. >> i have to say i knew you were going to kill it when i talked to you in l.a. and i saw you guys together. but i was really actually surprised at how well it went but carrie ann still had something to say. she said too much choreography. what do you think about that? >> look, i'm all about the criticism. like i said i'm a new pro. i'm still trying to find my way. i hope this is going to be something i'll be around for a long time so i'm really going to
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listen to the critiques and really try to give tinashe some moments. she is a star and last thing i want to do is smother her with too much choreography. >> if you keep dancing like that, you'll be around for a long time. trust me. >> well, thank you. >> but post-show you went right into rehearsal again for the next dance so how are you going to up the ante? >> absolutely. i mean that's what's so hard. when we start at the top of the leaderboard it's hard to keep growing. keep developing. you got to remember, this is a marathon and not a race so i think there's a lot of things that me and tinashe can do better. there is a lot of actions and techniques we can work on and we can always get better and so we're really going to work on being the best version of ourselves every single week when we come out to compete. >> you know who is the best version of himself -- yeah, that's right but last night was bobby bones. >> yeah, he was. >> bobby and that reaction. is he like that behind the scenes too? because that's not the guy i met on sunday. >> oh, yeah, no, i mean, the guy is a stud. the guy is a stud. when i gw up i want to be bobby. he's amazing.
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he's comfortable in his own skin and he's excited to be there. i just love him. all the best to him and sharna. >> and i guess the big question is here, brandon, who is your biggest competition? >> uh-huh. >> i think -- i got to go with who's tied at the leaderboard with us, demarcus and lindsay. what's crazy is i actually grew up dancing with lindsay. she was my ballroom partner. she is kind of the master, so i know i got to try to come for her. >> i thought you were going to say you grew up with demarcus. >> demarcus looks good. >> brandon, good luck on your next dance which is tonight. >> yeah, tonight. >> you can see the second part of the "dancing with the stars" premiere tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central right here on abc. check out brandon and the rest of the dancers and we'll have the booted couple tomorrow on "gma." tim tebow when we come back. we come back. "gma." tim tebow when we come back.
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good morning, north bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning. i'm matt keller from abc 7 mornings. bay area fire crews are worried about a red flag warning infect today. they are on high alert following two fires in san ramon in recent days. they have crews patrolling the oakland hills. and sue hall following your tuesday morning commute. back to the bay bridge where metering lights remain on since 5:20 this morning. we had an earlier stall near the toll plaza, lane number one, the far lane to the left and traffic is still stacked up behind that, over an hour drive from the top of the highway 80 corridor, highway 4 in hercules all the way into san francisco through the metering lights. and still slow across the san mateo bridge.
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there's an accident over near delaware, past
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now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> fire danger continues in our hills. you can see the areas in red. this is through 5:00 this afternoon. the winds aren't too gusty, but everything is bone dry out there. temperatures still running in the upper 40s to upper 50s. it's because a lot of us still socked in under the fog. and that's going to start fading here about 9:00, leaving us with
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hazy sunshine and a summer spread from mid-60s to mid-90s. matt? >> thanks, mike. and we'll have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our abc 7 news app and welcome back to "gma." our next guest is a two-time national college football champ and former nfl star and now a minor league baseball player and also a best-selling author with a new book called "this is the day." please welcome the one and only tim tebow. [ applause ] my man. have a seat. >> thank you. thank you. >> have a seat. i want to start off by saying i hope you're feeling well. you're recovering from a broken hand. how is it going. >> i had surgery. they took out the bone.
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it's healing up and i will he ab ba -- be back training in hopefully a week or so. >> in your spare time which like you have a lot you've written your third book and in this you dedicated it to your parents, robert and pamela and why did you? >> they lived out this message i'm trying to share with people. this is the day. you can't wait for one day. i don't want to be a one-dayer and i got them to see them live it out in front of me every day of my life and inspired it when my dad got parkinson's because for me there were so many things that happened and i wanted to go home and talk to my mom and dad and tell them i love them and i always thought one day i'll have these chances. i don't know if i'm going to have those anymore so i wanted to make conscious choices and decisions to start living that every single day when my alarm went off i was going to wake up knowing that this day was an purpose to live out my dream and passion and more than anything to live out my purpose. >> and you're doing it. [ applause ] really well.
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very well. you talk about one dayers. one day i'll get to this. what message do you have for them to change. >> we don't know if we'll have one day. you don't know if you'll be able to tell your parent, thank you, i love you, i appreciate you. i don't know if you'll be able to tell them how much you care. in sport, one day i'm going to get on a diet and one day i'll start doing everything right and one day i'll do all these things. we don't know if we have that. we don't know how many days we have. i didn't want to live a one-day life but a this is the day life. i didn't want to put it on instagram but come from my heart and truly live it on purpose. >> speaking of sports and one dayers, i say one day i'll be better than lebron james. it ain't happening. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> but you -- >> this is farfetched. >> you say one day you wanted to
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be a baseball player after your football career. >> yeah. >> you're doing that. how terrifying is it for you who seems so confident to go from one thing to another. >> it's hard but i didn't want my fear to be more than my faith. i didn't want my fear to dictate my choices. i didn't want the fear of what people are going to say make the choices and define my life. i wanted to go after my dream, go after my passions and be able to live that out regardless if you make it, regardless if you're successful, i still get to know i lived those out and pushed for it and took the steps to live it out. doesn't mean you'll always be successful. just means i don't have to live with the regret of not going after the things i wanted because i was afraid of what others would say or the fear of failure which cripples a lot of people. >> that makes most people not even try. [ applause ] but it's not easy for you because i saw where in baseball when you're up, they -- the opposing stadiums like to play on the jumbotron your worst football play? oh, totally. i've had -- play my worst
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interceptions or worst fumbles or they'll play, you know, like "angels in the outfield" when it comes out and play so many things but honestly i don't care because i get to live it out. sometimes you're like, it's kind of frustrating but for the most part i enjoy it and, you know, i just get -- i know every day i get to wake up and live out a dream. that's pretty special. >> it really is. you're a motivational guy and people clapping in the middle of -- you're just talking. very motivational. when you're in the gym, though, i heard you are not necessarily motivated by a lot of pop, pop, pop. >> bop, bop, bop, i hear you. totally. >> what do you listen to in the gym? >> you know what, i think some people would be shocked. i'm a little calmer in the gym because i'm naturally kind of amped up so i'll listen to softer stuff, frank sinatra, christian music, disney music, i even like "moana."
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first of all, you do too. >> i got to say, i do. i love "moan"moana" but i'm not the gym blaring disney musicals. there's so many mantras you talk about. what is the one mantra you live by? >> that's a really good question. i think probably more than anything my greatest goal would probably be to love god and love people and it's not just something that i want to say. it's something that want to live out and, you know, i believe that the greatest form of love as a deaf mission is choose the best interest of another person and ago on their behalf. when we talk about a generation that wants to love people, well, let's choose the best interests of people and let's ago on their behalf and let's go out and give a helping hand and let's care for something and make a difference in their life. not just talk about it but let's be about it. [ applause ] >> when are you running for president? [ laughter ] >> not this day. >> not this day. hey, one last question before
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you go. are we going to see you back in the mets organization next year. >> yes, you will. >> appreciate you buddy. >> thank you so much. always great to see you. "this is the day," it is available now. if that didn't make you want this book, i don't know what's wong with you. everybody in the audience will go home with a copy and the viewers at home read an excerpt of the new book on our website. and coming up, from
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welcome back to "good morning america" and i was just talking to sharina and i said are you ready for winter? how about a little snow in colorado. keystone, not their first but got a little dusting. everybody goes, oh. thank goodness. and then big sky, montana, 6 inches of some powder that was happening on the peaks there. hey, if this isn't cold enough what came through, watch that cold blast. by the weekend, 27 in green bay will be the temperature so talking about dipping below this weather report
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sponsored by subaru outback and, george, i know it's always on at my house. you're here with leighton meester. >> i am. [ applause ] we are highlighting all the abc shows all week long. this morning leighton meester is here. you know her from "gossip girl." now she's starring in the brand-new series "single parents." we're supposed to use this clicker to put it on. take a look. >> you're in deep. aren't you? >> deep in what? >> the vortex. that place where you're so wrapped up in your kid that you've lost all touch with your adult life and person you used to be. i know. because i've been there. ♪ the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round ♪ ♪ the wheels on the bus go round and round ♪ >> please welcome leighton meester. [ applause ] oh, my kids are growing up now but i remember the vortex moments. you have a little girl at home.
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>> i do and i'm deep in it. i really brought -- i bring it to work. it's good inspiration. yeah, i like -- i definitely listen to like kids' cds and i hear that i'm listening to like "wheels on the bus" on repeat. wait, i don't need to be listening to. >> how are your parenting styles different from your character? >> well, i'm not a single parent. but i do occasionally i'll do day, week, hours of it as super hard so i give a lot of respect to my character and all single moms. and i would say she's a little bit more like just kind of flying by the seat of her pants. she's way more like not doing well or doing badly. she's just doing and trying to get through it. but -- i guess in that way we're similar. i do a little of that too. not knowing at all what you're doing and be like, i do what i
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say. i, you know, i know what i'm doing. >> you never know what you're doing. you guys are having a lot of fun on set. >> yes, definitely. yeah, it's a comedy so we -- i mean i can't even consider it like a job like i go to work and just have fun and i have the most wonderful boy who plays my son. and it's very like funny and confusing. i hang out with him and his real mom and i'm like, but he's -- [ laughter ] >> time to get home. >> nice to hang out with kids and everybody is on set just having so much fun and it's a wonderful environment and also has a lot of heart so really, really wonderful relationships and exploring sort of the more heartfelt serious side of single parenting too which i think we kind of pepper in there hopefully nicely and with a lot of laughs. >> nice mix. a lot of your super fans in the audience including, let's see, katie from arkansas. right here. [ applause ] >> so, i just had a question.
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i loved you on "gossip girl." i'm so excited to see your new show but it seems like your characters are kind of different so what's one thing that this new character has in common with blair waldorf. >> besides like they have the -- they look the same. because it's me. it's me. it's still me. i would say -- i mean not much. i would say this is definitely really different, you know, both pretty dry in their own way and she does -- my character on the show does have like kind of a group of people that she like has to delegate duties to but like to watch their kids, it's not at all the same world. i'm trying to find some through line but they sit at a picnic table and deal with schedules instead of the met steps. is that similar? >> similar. >> thank you, katie. great to see you, and it
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premieres tomorrow on abc at 8:30. next up, gordon ramsay. [ cheers and applause ]
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still flat. here. try this. and... ♪ ooh, heaven -- nailed it.
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>> announcer: they're one of the biggest bands in the world. billions of youtube views. a sold out tour and tomorrow, bts is taking over "gma." ♪ >> announcer: bts, the event tomorrow on "gma." brought to you by carmax. [ applause ] all right. what a day here. back now with our great battle with this guy, gordon ramsay. the "hell's kitchen" host is turning up the heat in times square. he's judging our viewers' cooking because we asked you to send in your best healthy dish, all for the chance to cook for gordon and now the finalists are here. so shanon from
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hi, welcome. come on out. get out here. >> all right. are you guys nervous? >> yeah. >> are you nervous? >> i'm always nervous, especially around food because i want it right. >> yes. >> but let's be honest. the dishes look great. >> you would say that because -- >> they're from my cookbook but they are replicating. how was it? >> it was so fun. it was easy, it was delicious. so what we have here is your californian fried chicken sandwich. the reason why it's fried is because you take your chicken breast and we're battering it in that whole wheat flour instead of the white flour and gives the extra fiber. >> yeah, a little healthier. >> this is the part that had me wondering. >> yes, so this is what maybes it that fried chicken sandwich. brought in these rice puffs that have made it crispy and really
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delicious. >> baked, as well. >> so it's actually baked. >> and get nice and crispy. >> you didn't take his master class to learn this. >> i did not. >> people can take a master class. >> we launched. first ever to do a second tutorial and launched it this morning. i'm really excited. >> guy, learning from the best and maybe not getting yelled at which is always a first. >> they look fantastic. anything else you want to tell us about your dish. >> the rest basically consists of instead of a mayo-based dish we have a yogurt dressing. >> i like it. >> lower fat and it's lighter and so basically you just plate your dish with your yogurt dressing. we have the shredded lettuce, avocado which it makes that california fried sandwich and it's done. you can add hot sauce. >> let me tell you too, it's not up to me. it's up to the boss. >> i've been tasting it all morning. shanon is quite meticulous, so
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she is -- she's on point. look at the size of that. delicious. >> that sounds really good. got to move it over. this is looking gorgeous, choreful. talk to us about what's going on here? >> he's the real deal. a foodie. >> yes. >> become french almost. >> hmm. >> so what did you decide? >> i -- who likes barbecue? you like barbecue? so i made barbecue spatchcocked cornish game hen. >> i just learned what that is. will you explain? is it >> you open it up so you retain all that flavor. >> like a master class right here on "gma." talk to us about how you prepare. >> you have to create the barbecue sauce, right? >> yes. >> so you got the olive oil, tomato paste, the smoked paprika
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for that smoky taste, the worcestershire sauce. >> there you go. >> we got you. >> you know it's spelled wrong. and then you have the maple syrup but the key thing to making it healthy is that maple syrup has a low glycemic index so you're not using sugar so it's healthier for you. you make the sauce, once you cook it you pour it over. >> all over then it looks like that. brush it, brush it, brush it. >> yeah, brush it. you can either use tin foil so it doesn't bun or bake it for 350 for 35 minutes or grill it. i prefer grilling it. >> if you don't have a grill you can do it this way. final thoughts on your recipe. >> so, you have a roasted corn relish here or salad. >> spicy. >> it's spicy. it's got vinaigrette and it's got the flavors in your mouth. >> delicious, good job. listen, two very good dishes. >> this is tough. >> one dish does have the edge
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and i'm going to give that to -- >> is there a drum roll? [ drum roll ] >> congratulations, shanon. well done! [ applause ] >> thank you. wow. >> that is for you. >> ooh. >> good job. well done. great job. great job. well done. >> i have to read this. not only are you going home with that, caesar's las vegas on behalf of gordon has gifted you a round trip for two to las vegas where you will stay at the caesars palace and dine for lunch and dinner at two of gordon's restaurants. >> wow. [ applause ] >> that is fantastic. that's okay. you're not going home empty-handed. everyone in the audience is getting a cookbook and gift certificate to gordon's master class. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> good job. >> gordon. >> great job. >> we love having you on the
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show. keep up the great work. you have the master class and you can get these recipes on our website,, of course, hope you had a good time. guys, delicious. >> well done. >> congratulations. >> well done. well done. >> be right back with "good morning america." [ applause ]
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>> announcer: they're one of the biggest bands in the world.
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millions of youtube views. a sold out tour and tomorrow bts is taking over "gma." ♪ >> announcer: bts, the event tomorrow on "gma." brought to you by carmax. ♪ "good morning america" is sponsored by prudential. gordon, thank you. that was great. big day tomorrow on "gma." bts is going to be here. biggest boy band on the planet. >> are you excited? >> i can't wait. >> thanks for watching, everybody. have a great tuesday.
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♪ ♪ they're the moderne stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson.
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good morning, bay area. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning. i'm matt keller from abc 7 mornings. here's mike nicco with your forecast. >> all right, thanks, matt. we've got, still, the high fire danger up in the mountains and hills, above 1,000 feet until 5:00. today is also a spare the air day, so watch out for that if you're going to be outside. otherwise, check out these temperatures. quite a summer spread from 60s at the coast, mid-60s to mid-90s inland, even warmer tomorrow, and then look at that chance of rain saturday and monday. just a chance. sue? >> all right, somebody abandoned their car, just near the metering lights at the bay bridge, lane number four. and you can see flashing lights of the emergency crews, trying to get through the backup to get that car out of there, so more delays getting across the bridge. there's your drive time from highway 4 all the way into san francisco. and we still have slow traffic
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through santa rosa, both directions. matt? >> thanks, sue. time now for "live with kelly & ryan." we'll be back at 11:00 for the abc 7 midday >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the series "child support," ricky gervais. if and "live"'s "amazing kids week" continues with an amazing 4-year-old drummer. plus, your questions and comments direct from the inbox. all next on "live!" and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪


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