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tv   World News Now  ABC  September 27, 2018 2:12am-4:00am PDT

2:12 am
with advil liqui-gels, what bad shoulder? what headache? advil is relief that's fast strength that lasts you'll ask... what pain? with advil liqui-gels one last year these womenn i started seeing results. and hundreds of thousands more tried revitalift triple power. with hyaluronic acid and pro-xylane. it visibly reduces wrinkles, refirms and smooths texture. guaranteed or your money back. revitalift triple power. from l'oreal paris.
2:13 am
(tiffany) with counseling nicotine patch and gum, i quit for good. my tip is: get help to find the best way for you to quit smoking. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. stop fearing your alarm clock... with new*! zzzquil pure zzzs. a drug-free blend of botanicals with melatonin ...that supports your natural sleep cycle... you can seize the morning. new! zzzquil pure zzzs. nosy neighbor... witglad bag full of trashl. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy, it's glad™.
2:14 am
look, i-i think what mom was trying to say -- hey. no need to translate. i heard fine. she doesn't like me working for julian. no, that's only part of the problem. oh, so now my job's a problem? no. that's not what i meant. i-i... just you have so much potential. don't you want to do something that uses your mind more? do i want to be a bartender for the rest of my life? no, but i'm trying to support myself. and believe it or not, working for julian has nothing to do with your messed-up history with him. i'm gonna go clean up. oh, god. i did it again. kris, wait, wait, wait. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to pressure you. no. it's fine. no, next time we do this, we can discuss your life and evaluate how you're maximizing your potential. -oh. -oh. ohh. what? what? what? so much for not hovering. ♪ ♪ i fell into the sky hey, what brings you back so soon? oh. -you okay? -[ sighs ] ♪ the light took over my mind not when my employees can't do their damn jobs, leave everything for me to do.
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well, easy. alexis is on her way here to meet lucas and me. you don't want to scare her off. so, you backed off trying to change lucas' mind? yeah. he made me realize it'd be stupid to try. you're right, he'd -- he'd get suspicious. so i'm just gonna do what you said to do, which is...nothing. well, it's a smart move. lucas won't be satisfied until he knows all about wiley's medical history. now comes the waiting game. and all i can hope is that this search for answers doesn't come back to bite us. ♪ -it's nice. -mm-hmm. nice change of pace, this whole domesticity thing. i was thinking we'd go pick up roxy and just... never leave the house again. [ laughs ] come -- we could become shut-ins. yeah. i like our bubble. i do, too. i just wish things didn't feel so unfinished. why? what's missing?
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we're both engaged and energized by our work, and then we get to come home and engage in a different kind of energy. yeah. i feel like that, too. i mean, this -- this whole thing is -- is the least complicated part of my life. but i have this lack of a relationship with my son peter hanging over my head. and you have your unfinished business. what? what? what unfinished business? your father. you know, that pleasant gentleman that flew across the country to seek out his brilliant son to cure him. [ sighs ] [ knock on door ] -hey. -hey. did you find oscar? not yet. but the search is just getting started. it'd help if we had any insight into what made oscar run away. he -- he didn't run away. he just, uh... needed some space. from what? look, i-i know you want to protect his privacy,
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but it's not gonna help us find him. um, oscar was upset with us, because we kept something from him, something that was, um... it was pretty intense. you don't have to go into all the details, just... but isn't secrecy what got us into the mess in the first place? listen. i, um... i kept a secret from oscar about his health. and last night, he found out about it, and he felt very betrayed, and he ran off. okay, i need specifics. is oscar sick? is it a life-threatening illness? what do you mean oscar's sick? ♪ oscar: i think i'd know if i had a brain tumor. i mean, my parents would tell me. ♪ wouldn't they? of -- of course. look, just forget about it, okay? i obviously got it all wrong. sadly, that's kind of my specialty.
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do me a favor. don't tell josslyn about this. no. i mean, he probably faked sick to stay home from school. why would he do that? well, he was probably ashamed on how he acted at the community center. i mean, toxic masculinity must be extra embarrassing for a self-proclaimed progressive. please. you acted way worse than he did. okay, well, maybe oscar disagrees. to the point where he'd run off and ghost me? look, maybe he just had another low-blood-sugar spell, like the last time he collapsed and wound up in the hospital. no. no, he'd text me if something like that happened. besides, oscar's hypoglycemic. the only reason he passed out is because he forgot to eat something. it's not like there's something wrong with him. well, then, i don't know why he hasn't texted you back. i just wish i knew what was going on with him. well, maybe there's a reason that he's not telling you and... you just don't want to see it. ♪ were you looking for me?
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uh, no, i was, uh, actually supervising a coffee shipment and i stay after, uh, and i watch the ferry. uh, that's... [ laughs ] that's a good question. i don't know. there's something reassuring about it. it's been going back and forth forever. [ horn blares in distance ] um... forever. [ chuckles ] you all right? yeah, don't worry. i won't collapse on you again. at least, not today. w-why did you ask if i was looking for you? it's complicated. there's this whole mess. ♪ can i ask you a personal question? ♪ yeah, sure. what's it like to die?
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light bladder leaks are just part of being a woman. but we can still wear whatever we want. poise® ultra thin pads* move with your body, and stay 5x drier than the leading always period pad, so life with little leaks can just be life. get a coupon at what's the #1 new skincare product in 2018? olay whips. absorbs faster than the $100, $200, and even $400 cream. feels amazing. i really really love this.
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i will 100% swap up my moisturizer. can i have it? olay whips. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: r >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. now that we have your attention... capri sun has four updated drinks. now with only the good stuff. do you know how to use those? nope. get those kids some capri sun!
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nope. washed up? never. sometimes. l'oreal age perfect rosy tone moisturizer. increasell renewal. boosts skin's rosy tone... instantly. age perfect rosy tone from l'oreal paris. and we're still worth it. i thought you weren't gonna pressure kristina this time around. i think you've learned from painful experience that the more you push her, she's gonna run in the opposite direction. i know, but all my intentions went right out the window when i found out she was working for julian. well, she needs a job to get on her feet. she's so smart. she -- she went to yale and wesleyan and i -- i know she didn't graduate, but -- but it doesn't reflect on her intelligence. mom? i think she's more capable than just pouring drinks.
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yeah, i know. i get that. but you know what? she has to get that, too. she needs to make that next step. her, not you. i know. i know. i know. i'm doing it again. i'm imposing my priorities and my standards on her and wanting her to go in the direction that i want her to go, and i'm wrong. well, it is kind of like a mom 101 thing, right? i know i'm gonna do it with scout. i mean, i'm -- i'm sure i will, but i have to remember how important it is to back off and allow her to color outside the lines sometimes. point taken. i got to go. -i love you. -listen. will you tell her for -- never -- never mind. -what? do me a favor. just don't let her color too far outside the lines. ♪ [ sighs ] is the firing squad gone?
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♪ let's not get ahead of ourselves. i...agreed to review my father's records and refer him to a specialist if he needs treatment. you know why gregory's wife didn't come with him? i have no idea. where were we again? you know what's ironic? the effort you put into distancing yourself from your father, and the two of you are very similar. mm. in that we're both human beings on planet earth. you both have the same, very charming smile. i don't really smile. no. certainly not enough to jeopardize the whole "brooding genius" thing. but when you do smile, it's irresistible. well, you know, there's really no need to resist. oh! [ chuckles ] ♪ what do you say we go back upstairs? just...forget about everything for the day?
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yeah. ♪ [ cellphone vibrates ] i'm so sorry, dr. nero. i'm sure that's a lot for oscar to process. yeah. i just wanted him to have a normal life for as long as possible. look, i knew he would be upset when he found out, but i had no idea that he would run off. can you think of anybody oscar might try and reach out to? his girlfriend, josslyn jacks. we haven't contacted her, but... we did speak with her mother. yes, and carly confirmed that josslyn was home and they hadn't seen him since earlier in the evening when -- when oscar left the clothing drive. clothing drive? oscar and josslyn, they were doing community service. oscar left early, he came to my office here. that's when he saw that we were in a meeting with his oncologist and that's when he found out the truth. is there any place that has special meaning to oscar,
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outside of port charles? not any place that he could reach on his own. ♪ you know, my biggest concern right now is that he is out there alone and, with all the stress, he could have another seizure. i mean, he had one before, and he was lucky because someone was with him. atf... i don't know. what if this time... it's okay. look, just...please find him. ♪ well, i mean, i -- i really can't tell you what it's like to die, 'cause, you know, i'm -- i'm still here. but everybody thought you were dead all those years. you got shot and thrown into the harbor. do you remember any of that? uh, yeah, i -- i remember... i remember the gunshot. i remember falling to the ground. you know, i could barely move, but i just...
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i tried to get to the -- the edge of the pier. why? [ sighs ] i don't -- i don't know. i thought if i could at least get in the water, i could have a chance to get away, but i didn't know that this guy, faison, he planned the whole thing and he had people waiting for me. but the last thing that i remember was him kicking me off the pier, and then, you know, i just -- i just went underwater. i know this might sound cliché or whatever, but was there a white light? not for me. was it scary, or did it feel okay? like, you knew it was over and there was nothing you could do about it. i -- i wouldn't say that i felt scared. what about the whole "life flashing before your eyes" thing? i -- i don't knoan remembe maybe your soul knew your body could hang on, that it wasn't time to leave?
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yeah, maybe. ♪ can i tell you something? ♪ sure. first, you have to promise not to tell anyone. not even josslyn. okay, i know you're her mom's best friend. okay, i-i just hope whatever this is, you can tell josslyn yourself. i -- i can't. but if i don't tell anybody, i'm going to explode. please? yeah, no, okay. you have my word. i won't say anything. ♪ i'm dying. ♪ 3 days is really fast. sensitivity, the dentist is going to be able to provide that to their patients. sensodyne rapid relief in my opinion is a game changer. o thntt thays t protection against sensitivity.
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within 3 days, say over the course of a weekend you're going to start feeling significant results. to say that it works in 3 days really is a big deal. ...from far away. but they harryonly see his wrinkles. if only harry used some... ...bounce, to dry. he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy.
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i know things are different with you now, but, come on, kristina. you have given mom lots of reasons to worry. yeah, i know i have a lousy track record with relationships. kiefer, trey... but not parker. she was good to me. i just didn't fit into her life. okay. and i give you credit for admitting that. for realizing that you didn't fit in and you chose to leave. it still doesn't change the fact that here i am, all alone, again. no, you are not alone. uh, i mean, i know i have you, but -- no. duh. yes, of course. but i'm -- i'm not talking about me. who else, then? you. you. kristina, you have yourself.
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i really hate that i -- i think that you're the only person who can't see it. ♪ interesting choice of venue. did julian finesse this so that he could see the baby? oh, no, wiley's with bobbie, and lucas just got called into the hospital, so it's just you and me, but we...we need your help. the adoption is finalized. wiley is all yours. so, unless you're having parent jitters, i'm not sure why you would need me. wiley's been diagnosed with a heart condition. it -- it's not life-threatening, but it is hereditary and the birth mother didn't disclose any information about it in her medical records, so either she deliberately omitted it, or wiley inheritedhe condition from his, uh, father. so you're wondering what the birth mother may not have shared with you or what the father may have passed onto wiley. yeah, we want answers, for the sake of wiley's health.
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-hi. excuse me? -yeah. hi, are you the owner? i am. yeah. um, can you give me permission to pass out postcards for a free concert tonight in the park? well, let me see. yeah, sure. why not? -thank you. -you're welcome. just, uh, don't harass my customers, okay? no harassment, i promise. just an invitation to enjoy some good music. good. you should come if you're free. maybe some other time. ♪ [ cellphone rings ] julian? uh, yeah, hey. uh, where are you? home. i'm supposed to work tonight, right? yeah, um, listen, i was wondering if you could cover me now instead. would that work for you? sure. i'm on my way. all right, thanks, kristina. ♪ hey, i'm headed out, so if anybody needs me, uh, i'll be at g.h. is everything all right? well, that's what i'm gonna find out. ♪
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help us out here. tell us what we can do. 'cause i just...i can't really sit around here and do nothing. uh, try reaching out to oscar's classmates and friends. maybe one of them could have seen him. well, they're all in class, and we already know that he didn't show up today. maybe one of them saw him last night. oscar could have confided his plans. okay. i'll be in touch with any developments. please do the same. okay. thank you. you're welcome. [ sighs ] i will, um... i'll text elizabeth, and she can talk to cam. yeah, know, the detective is probably right. oscar doesn't feel like he can trust us right now, so he's likely just hiding out with some friends. we'll find him. ♪ what don't i want to see? okay, look. it would be great if life was perfect and everything went according to plan, but things happen.
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oh, my god. be more cryptic. what things? okay, well, you and oscar are supposed to love each other. we do love each other. okay, say what you want, but people who love each other don't leave them in the dark. quit speaking in riddles. but i'm so good at them. [ sighs ] can you please just tell me what you're trying to say? [ cellphone rings ] [ indistinct conversations ] it's oscar's mom. ♪ dr. nero? hey, joss? sweetie, um, i was wondering if by any chance you'd seen oscar today? [ cellphone chimes ] no. he wasn't in first period, and he hasn't been answering any of my texts or calls. i'm a little worried. is he okay? okay, well, i didn't mean to worry you, sweetie. it's just, um...we had a family disagreement, and, um, oscar left upset. so, if you, um, hear from him, would you -- would you let me know? yeah, of course. could you please do the same for me? of course, i will. thanks, so much, joss.
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♪ [ exhales deeply ] ♪ oscar and his mom got into an argument. she doesn't know where he is. yeah, well, she's not the only one. my mom just texted asking if i've seen him. ♪ i have a brain tumor. i've had it for two years, and my mom didn't tell me. [ horn blares in distance ] i'm sorry. they can't operate. and they said chemo wouldn't do any good. they tried to tell me about some experimental treatment, but... just, i couldn't. ♪ [ sighs ] anve on , d -- [ sighsd th that? no, but 'srey obvious th'shat they meant. okay, can i -- can i ask you something? what? is -- is this the part where you tell me about all the breakthroughs and the -- the new surgeries and experiments happening each day?
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what, so that i don't give up on hope? no, i -- i was gonna say that you can't make assumptions. i mean, this is your life. your life is at stake. you need accurate information. what kind of information? well, i mean, can't the doctors give you a timeframe? is it three months? is it three years? because that -- that's a big difference. and what are your symptoms? how are they gonna affect you? what can you still do? i don't know any of that. i don't really want to know. ♪ i don't want this to happen to me. ♪ i'm a fighter. always have been. when i found out i had age-related macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula
2:40 am
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2:41 am
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2:42 am
decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. my favorite role so far? being a non-smoker. no question about it. talk to your doctor about chantix. no question about it. new shine compulsion from maybelline new york. feel the compulsion. hydrating oil-in-lipstick. color so saturated. shine so irresistible. feel the compulsion. maybelline's new shine compulsion. only from maybelline new york. i like to teach them there's more important things in life. my name is ted ginn. i eat stouffer's lasagna... ...and i hunger to coach athletes into men. stouffer's. what are you hungry for? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pac. helps keep your laundry pacs safe, and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
2:43 am
you're getting beta-glucan. of oatmeal, that's a soluble fiber that slows the breakdown of carbohydrates. and that provides energy that lasts. i've got to go. sorry for leaving the dishes in the sink. hold up. what were you really doing when you were hiding in the kitchen from mom? eavesdropping. i thought so. sorry. don't worry about it. i'll pay you back. i'll cook dinner tonight when i get home. oh, no, wait. hell, no. you're not coming home tonight after work. i'm not? no, you're gonna go out and have some fun, raise some hell. hey, be careful what you wish for. actually, you know what? i'm going to instate a reverse curfew. i hereby ban you from coming into this penthouse, until at least midnight. or what? i'm grounded? yeah. [ laughs ] okay, fine. i'd better get going.
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have fun. i'll do my best. ♪ [ door closes ] thanks, diane. i'll relay that information to my client. right. concert in the park tonight. oh. right. thank you. yeah! well? all right, so diane is adamant that her client told you everything she knew about the medical history and that there's no history of, uh, any heart condition in the family. were you able to ask about the birth father's history? they have no information on the father. the father doesn't even know that he has a child. apparently, their time together was, shall we say, fleeting? oh. a -- a one-night stand. so, that's -- that's the end of it. there's no possible way we could find him, right? wait. what -- what if he somehow finds out he's a father? could he try to stake a claim on wiley?
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♪ you tempted me... [ sighs ] ♪ [ gasps ] see? you are more interested in your father's case than you let on. i was reviewing his file, prepping like i would for any patient consultation. why can't you just acknowledge that he's not any patient? you of all people should understand how this works. i mean, you need to maintain a certain amount of professional objectivity. if i allow myself to get too involved, too emotional, it can affect my judgement, and ultimately compromise the patient's care. okay. that sounds reasonable. -okay. like you're reading out of a physician's manual or something. but i'm onto you. -hmm. how much you care about him.
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aren't you? ♪ thanks, deputy. not much to report on my end. i spoke with oscar nero's parents. encouraged them to reach out to his friends. [ cellphone beeps ] listen, i'm getting another call. all right. agent scorpio. how can i help you? understood. consider it done. [ elevator bell dings ] hi. ♪ hey. uh, kim? we really need to talk. oh, you know, it's -- i'm sorry. it's not a good time. okay, what is going on? because, you know, you ditched me last night, and you didn't even bother to cancel. i'm just -- i'm -- i'm -- we're in the middle of something, and i -- well, apparently, because i've been trying to reach you for half a day, so... you know what? you should probably give her some space. so i assume whatever is going on is about oscar? i can't talk about it right now. can't or won't? okay. you should back off. ♪
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i'm being stupid. people get sick every day. they die. it's no big deal. yeah, it -- it is a big deal. i just -- i have no idea what to do next. have you heard from your parents? they've been calling and texting all night. maybe you should let them know you're okay. but i'm not okay! i have a brain tumor! my mom has known that for two years, and she never told me. my dad hasn't known that long, but he still didn't tell me. and you think they were wrong. this is my life! even if i die tomorrow, jason, it's still mine. they had no right not to tell me. ♪ is important to me so father being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. (avo) another tru story with keytruda.
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(roger) my doctor said i could start on keytruda so i did. with each scan things just got better. (avo) in a clinical study, keytruda offered patients a longer life than chemotherapy. and it could be your first treatment. keytruda is for adults with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread... ...who test positive for pd-l1 and whose tumors do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. it's the immunotherapy with the most fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this can happen anytime during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, constipation, changes in urine, changes in eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching or flushing, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of keytruda. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions
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including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. (roger ) before i'd think of the stuff i might miss. but now with keytruda, we have hope. (avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. well, here's to first dates! you look amazing. and you look amazingly comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. so, next time don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them... with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily.
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centrum. feed your cells. ♪ i feel most times we're high and low ♪ ♪ high and low ♪ if i had my way enhance your moments. san pellegrino. tastefully italian.
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so shark invented duo clean. while deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. duo clean technology, corded and cord-free. my father and i... do not get along. but obviously, i still care about his health. right. there. see? now, was that so hard to say? do you remember how much i had to learn about your line of work? and i have accepted the fact that, on occasion, i'm gonna be left in the dark. yeah. okay. you've been a trouper. hmm. would you mind returning the favor? sure. please understand that i need to maintain an appropriate distance from my patients. it's just the way i was trained. but you -- this patient is your flesh and blood. in the larger scheme, that doesn't matter. i don't get it.
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what is it with fathers and sons? is this like the -- the competition is just hard-wired? like, the father is just trying to hold onto his power and the son trying to gain ascendency? it's a simple medical exam, not oedipus rex. yeah, says you. ♪ new york state has a putative father registry, which means that the birth father has 31 days, as of the child's birth, to be able to claim any rights to the child. so... we're in the clear? well, the -- the court reserves the right to consider these matters on a case-to-case basis. but there's no indication that the birth father has any interest in this child. [ sighs ] thank you, alexis. don't thank me. just stop worrying and stop buying trouble. and just enjoy your beautiful son. ♪ hi. i hope you can come. uh, excuse me? what are you doing? oh, the owner said i could pass out some postcards for a concert in the park.
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you should come if you're free. bring some friends? ♪ that's one way to get sam off my back. hi, honey. you're here early. uh, julian asked me to come in early and cover for him. oh. you want to have dinner with me after your shift? i'm sorry i mommied you again. it's a habit. i'm working on breaking it. and i will make it up to you. you can go anywhere you want. i've got plans, actually. oh. okay. don't act so surprised. no, i'm not surprised. we'll just rain check it for another time. well, wait, do you want to join me? ♪ i still can feel why is your mom asking you if you've seen oscar? well, she probably knows that dr. nero's looking for oscar and figured we might have seen him. you're a bad liar. there are worse flaws. so you admit there's something else going on?
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it started last night in that community center. what did you and oscar talk about? ♪ you know that when i was 20, i had this fight with my parents. and i swore...that i would never forgive them. what did you fight about? [ sighs ] i mean, the details don't really matter, but i was -- i was sure that i was right and they were wrong. and it -- it took me years to understand what they were up against. what do you mean? there is nothing worse for a parent than when your kid is sick or hurting. i mean, you've got this instinct that you want to protect them, that's so strong that it -- it affects your thinking. and sometimes you do something wrong, and you do the wrong thing, but you... it's like, you love them so much that you can't think straight. ♪ do you think i should call my parents? ♪
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i know they're worried like crazy. and i think it would help them to hear from you. and you know what? it might help you to help them. ♪ i don't want to get in the middle of a parenting squabble here. [ cellphone rings ] can you -- can you just excuse me for a minute? do you actually give a damn about this woman? of course i do. good. give her space. okay, i don't recall kim giving you the right to speak for her. oh, i'm not speaking for her. she plainly told you that she didn't want to speak to you right now, so why don't you... respect that? can you do that? kim: drew? drew, i just heard from oscar. come on. come on. come on. what is going on with oscar?! ♪
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so, what brings you by? if it's about dad, i -- i brought his file home. i've been studying up, all right? i'm gonna do everything i can for him. i knew as soon as you agreed to examine him, you'd do whatever it takes. but that's not why i'm here. i came to see you, anna. is this a good time? ♪ you want to take your mother to a concert? is that so weird? no. actually, i'm tempted to go. i want to tag along. i mean, you wouldn't be tagging along if i invite you to come, which you should. i mean, sam will think we both have social lives. i want to go so badly. but i can't. because i have a big case tomorrow, and i -- i have to prepare tonight. -you sure? -yeah. you'll probably have more fun with the millennials, anyway. we'll follow up about dinner, okay? yeah, that sounds good. mwah. ♪
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[ door closes ] ♪ hey, i forgot to introduce myself earlier. i'm kristina. i bartend here. nice to meet you, "kristina and i bartend here." i'm daisy. so, tell me about the show. i think i might want to go. ♪ the same as me i was at a different table, and you and oscar were talking to each other. i know it was about more than oscar planning some hike for me. okay? which, by the way, was an obvious cover story. oscar knows that i support his hiking, but he also knows that it's not high on my fun list to do. all i can tell you is that he was acting weird. like, super-sensitive, even for him. the more you stall, the more i know you're hiding something. if you're really my friend, you'll tell me. [ cellphone dings ] uh, my mom texted. oscar called his parents. they're meeting with him now. well, where is he? is he okay? we have to head to history.
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♪ josslyn, did you hear me? oscar's not missing anymore. okay? everything's gonna be okay. ♪ i just wish i knew why he disappeared in the first place. ♪ hey, kim? uh, i'm sorry that things got a little...tense just now, and, um, well, look, i understand why you're not picking up, but i just wanted you to know that i'm thinking about you, and, uh, well, i hope everything's okay. [ indistinct conversations ] ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ oscar. oh! -hey, there, buddy. -[ crying ] -you gave us a scare. ♪
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are you okay? no. and i never will be. hey. never say never. okay? this is far from over. let's get you home. come on. come on. ♪ ♪ [ knock on door ] ♪ hey. hey. do you have a minute? ♪
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brett kavanaugh's attack on her. she paints a picture, takes you inside the room. recalls she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit, which may have protected her, and she says brett kavanaugh's assault changed my life. terry moran, abc news, the supreme court. >> and president trump continued to praise kavanaugh while questioning the accusers for taking so long to come forward. >> the president called the allegations false and said there was nothing to investigate, but he wouldn't rule out withdrawing the nomination and said he's keeping an open mind. >> do you think these women, all three of them, are liars, yes or no? >> have they been what? >> are they liars? >> i can't tell you. i have to watch tomorrow. i have to read. i'm going to see what happens tomorrow. i'm going to be watching. you know, believe it or not, i'm going to see what's said.
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>> so it's -- >> it's possible that they will be convincing. i can always be convinced. i have to hear it. >> the president also acknowledged that facing his own sexual misconduct allegations in the past has influenced the way he views the accusations against kavanaugh and others. the president said he'll be watching, as you just heard, and we invite you to watch as well. the kavanaugh hearing is this morning at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. >> so many headlines from that news conference yesterday. the president also accused china of trying to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections. trump said china's alleged interference is a response to his tough trade policies. a senior white house official lar idnformation about the issue will be declassified in the coming days. now, china denies any attempt to interfere in the u.s. elections. the president says he'll be calling china's president today. and the president was supposed to meet at the white house today with deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, but
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trump says that meeting could be delayed to avoid being a distraction from the kavanaugh hearing. the president told reporters he would certainly prefer not to fire rosenstein, who is overseeing the russia investigation. rosenstein has denied discussing possibly secretly recording trump and using the 25th amendment to remove the president from office. there is other news, including the severe storms hammering parts of the northeast with heavy rain that is triggering flash flooding. the nasty weather stretches from the gulf of mexico all the way up to canada, bringing from 1 to 3 inches of rain. that's expected to last on and off through friday. so in michigan, cleanup is getting under way from three confirmed tornados that tore through the state as well. the damage is extensive, but amazingly no injuries have been reported. not a real injury here, but maybe a little embarrassment. >> embarrassment sting? >> a kayaker received a real slap in the face while watching a battle at sea.
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>> his name is kyle mulinder. his gopro was rolling on the waters off of new zealand during a battle between a seal and an octopus. can we see that again? >> yeah. slow-mo. >> he wound up being the loser when the seal tossed his lunch into his face. >> he said it happened really fast but he was able to feel all of the hard parts of the octopus on his face. >> what an experience. i'm sure the seals out there and the octopus, they battle it out pretty often, but what if this is a tradition, you know? means six more weeks of summer. >> i think, you know, in that battle, the seal wins. all right. coming up, a penthouse for your porsche. we're checking out the miami skyscraper with sky garages. you park your car inside your high-rise apartment. it is an amazing thing. you're watching "world news now."
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's to first dates! you look amazing. and you look amazingly comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. so, next time don't half-wash it. downy and it's done.
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good thursday morning.
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good thursday morning. well, the father of a 6-year-old boy who disappeared from a north carolina park says that the search for his special needs son has just been torture. >> ian ritch says his son maddox disappeared on saturday while they were out walking. he says maddox took off running and he chased after him but says the boy got too far ahead and vanished. ritch and the police are asking the public for help but warning that maddox is nonverbal, with strangers at least. a health alert for americans as the flu season is on the way. the government says last winter was the deadliest for the virus since the mid-1970s. an estimated 80,000 americans died from the flu and its complications. today health officials are holding a news conference to remind everyone about the importance of getting a flu shot. an owl found itself in a tight and very uncomfortable spot in wisconsin. >> the bird spent a night wedged into the front grill of a toyota. there he is.
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that's a sad sight. the driver thought he'd killed the animal, but the owl wasn't just alive, it wasn't even seriously hurt. wildlife officials got it free and released it back into the wild. >> very nice. >> came to the rescue. >> came to the rescue. >> nice. coming up in our next half hour, the bombshell revelations from gisele bundchen. what she's saying about her struggles to overcome extreme panic attacks. but first, luxury in overdrive. we'll show you the technology behind one of the most technologically advanced apartment buildings ever built. that's coming up on "world news now." in the world and finally, in the bedroom our natural lubrication varies every day it's normal so it's normal to do something about it ky natural feeling the lubrication you want nothing you don't get what you want
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♪ party in city where the heat is on ♪ ♪ all night on the beach until the break of dawn ♪ ♪ welcome to miami that's downtown south beach right there. >> aka times square. >> uh-huh. right now, miami is one of the hottest construction markets in the nation. >> it absolutely is. and among the newest buildings is something right out of the jetsons. a luxury highrise with an elevator that lets you drive
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your car into your living room. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: with diamonds on my neck and my brand-new rolls royce, i got to admit, i looked the part for this miami shoot. ♪ ♪ thanks, valet. >> are you kidding? you bringing a knife to a gun fight. >> so i guess that's not the valet? actually, this is real estate developer, philanthropist, miami mogul, one rich mother [ bleep ]. >> come on. let's go in a porsche. >> we swapped out my rolls royce rental for one of his dozens of high-end cars. >> this is tight. >> reporter: this time he and i squeezed into his million-dollar collector porsche 938. >> how many cars do you have? >> i have 32 cars. >> reporter: after all, we are checking out the porsche design
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tower. it is one of a kind highrise. it uses the same fiberglass and suede technology used in many of its cars. the building opened last year to great fanfare and fireworks. ♪ where you can stay forever >> reporter: i mean, alicia keys was there. his first and only apartment building in this country that allows residents to drive their cars and park it right into their apartment. >> so we're going to our respective elevator, which will take us to the unit. >> reporter: gil shows me how this amazing robotic parking garage works. >> we're spinning. >> the turntable puts you in position. then these what we call the chopsticks come out and they get underneath the wheels. and three, two, one, they'll lift up. now we're pulling back into the elevator. >> and we're moving? >> we're rotating and moving. that's it. >> reporter: he knows the technology down to the second. after all, this is largely his brainchild.
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>> it is insanely smooth and insanely quiet. >> right. >> reporter: two glass star trekian futuristic tubes that gil actually named after himself beams residents straight up into their apartment. >> now we're here? >> yep. welcome to the porsche design tower. this is the foyer of the unit. we continue into the living room. >> this is very sleek. >> this is a full kitchen. everything here, there are no handles on the kitchen. as far as high design, we wanted it to look really clean. in order to open something, you just simply touch it. >> oh, i see it. how do you get it back down? >> you just press the button. >> of course. >> let me show you where the owner of this apartment sleeps. look at the view. >> wow. wrap-around view it seems. >> wrap-around. floor to ceiling windows. hurricane impact. >> hurricane impact? >> yes. kick it as hard as you can. >> not bad. >> yeah.
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>> all that kicking wore me out. >> reporter: if only i lived here for real. ♪ ♪ >> thank you. bye, mary. good job. hello. i'm going to go to my usual table. thanks. sun's out. time for these guns. oh, hey, neighbor -- >> hey, what the [ bleep ]. >> mind if i borrow some sugar. >> who better to meet amongst my neighbors than the first person to ever buy and move into the building? juan pablo. >> so you're resident one. how does one get into an apartment like this. get it? how does juan get into an apartment like this? >> the feature that sold me was the elevator inside a unit, which just blew my mind. >> can we get in the -- >> let's go.
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♪ ♪ >> makes sense. you know you actually have wi-fi all the way in the elevator. >> oh. how does one get out of this -- oh, no, i don't want to be kicked out. hey, gil, wait for me. >> you asked to see something a little bit bigger, right? that last apartment was just under 5,000 square feet. this one is a little bigger at 20,000 square feet. >> 20,000 square feet? >> we gave this unit an 11-car garage. accessible 24 hours a day. >> 11-car garage? >> let me show you what's upstairs. >> all right. sure. of course there's an elevator. >> this whole back space here is a closet. has a great walk-in.
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>> wow. >> then, of course, you have access to the balcony. >> of course. >> on days like today, you can actually see the weather. weather man is the only job in the world where you can be wrong every single day and still keep your job >> there is another floor to the private balcony? >> today is a little windy up here. sometimes you don't want to be in a windy scenario. >> no, no. >> so you can just head upstairs. we have a second swimming pool up here. >> gil, this place is great. i'll take it. how much is it? >> $32.5 million. come on, $32.5 million, that's cheap. get the checkbook out. come on. >> it's nice to know what luxuries are out there that we're not enjoying right now. >> so we cannot buy it. the penthouse apartment is still available. it's really, really cool. the technology is really fascinating. it's nothing like what we have in the u.s. or other buildings in the middle east and such. really, really fascinating. you can drive anything other
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than the porsche in there. >> not required you have a porsche. it's a good building for celebrities. >> yeah, it is. .
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it's time for "the mix." it's time for "the mix." >> yep. on thursday here. >> forget that porsche, kendis. >> yeah, that was so c-block. >> so c-block. so yesterday. flying cars will soon be on the market. that's right, flying cars. so the world's first flying car, there it is, is set to go on the market with presales scheduled to begin next month. >> oh, really? so this is like a real thing? >> this is a real thing, yeah, absolutely. the first of the two-seat hybrid electric vehicles which can switch between driving and flying modes in less than a minute will be delivered to customers next year. the price has not yet been determined, but, guys, this was only a matter of time, right? we've got planes. we've got cars. >> yeah.
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what could possibly go wrong? i recommend first testing it out over the hudson. that seems like a good idea. that's a good spot. or the potomac, for that matter. forget about getting the car elevator to your apartment. just invent the next thing, a landing strip for this new futuristic car in your apartment building. >> absolutely. i'm sure it's in the works somewhere. this is weird. i mean, it's great. i mean, it's weird. a woman in russia is buried beneath a large iphone tombstone. this is in a siberian town of ufa. not sure how she died, but the burial plot in the graveyard in this town is in the shape of the iphone. not like your old school iphone, that seems to be at least like an iphone 8, you know --
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>> a very unique grave site right there. >> it is. i hope god swiped up for her. >> yeah, we can hope. >> she was real -- she was a big fan of the iphone. >> obviously. it's kind of interesting and it's great. that's her photo that is there on the screen grab as you might say or the wallpaper for the iphone. >> very creative. >> yeah, interesting. all right. our next story. arkansas cousins take their bromance to the next level with a viral photo shoot. there it is. some of the pictures. these two men, they're in hot springs, arkansas, and they're -- they just wanted to take some pictures together to post just how great of friends they are. >> as cousins do. >> okay. they made fun of this as well. they said the bromance is real. you can see the guys are wearing cut-off shirts, shorts, cowboy boots. they talked about doing this
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shoot for a really long time, apparently. >> voila. success. what do you say we do it, jack,
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this morning on "world news now," the fight for the supreme court. in just hours judge brett kavanaugh will defend himself against sexual misconduct claims. the accuser plans to tell senators she is terrified but it's her civic duty to speak out. hundreds of searchers are now giving up hope as they look for a missing 6-year-old. little maddox has autism. his father says he ran off in a park. dive teams are on their way to help today. new this half hour, gisele bundchen reveals her most personal struggle. >> she says she battled debilitating panic attacks and says she even thought of suicide. and katy perry relationship goals.
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she's no longer hot or cold. what she just did hours ago that answers the question whether she's in or out of a relationship. it's in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 27th. thursday, september 27th. ♪ you don't really want to go ♪ you don't really want to go from abc news, this is "world news now." ♪ you're in then you're out >> a little katy perry for a thursday morning. a little tbt, i guess. there have been rumors whether or not she's in a relationship, not in a relationship. who she's in a relationship with. >> a little entertainment news for you today. >> whether her boyfriend has clothes. we'll get to that a little bit later on. but, of course, we're all paying attention to the big -- the escalating firestorm surrounding the supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. you're looking at a live picture of the capitol where the latest phase in the contentious fight will take place in room 226 at 10:00 a.m. this morning in the dirksen senate building there. it will play out there. >> kavanaugh will use his
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opening statement at the public hearing to blast the sexual assault allegations he's facing as last-minute smears, but dr. christine blasey ford will speak first, recounting her claims of a horrific assault by kavanaugh that she says drastically altered her life. >> okay. kavanaugh is vehemently denying allegations by a third woman accusing him of excessive drinking and inappropriate sexual contact with girls back in the early '80s. the president also came to the defense of his nominee, saying democrats were trying to ruin his reputation. >> and he slammed the allegations as a, quote, big fat con job but says he could change his mind. abc's cecilia vega has more. >> reporter: jonathan karl asked president trump about brett kavanaugh's three accusers. >> mr. president, there are now three women accusing judge kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. are you saying that all three of those women are liars? is there anything that could be
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said in the hearing tomorrow that could cause you to withdraw the nomination, anything at all? >> i won't get into that game. i only tell you this. this is one of the highest quality people that i've ever met, and everybody that knows him says the same thing. and these are all false, to me, these are false accusations in certain cases. >> mr. president, if i could follow up. you have daughters. can you understand why a victim of sexual assault would not report it at the time? don't you understand -- >> by the way, i only say this, 36 years, no charge, no nothing. >> but that happens often. >> people are going to have to make a decision. 36 years there is no charge. all of a sudden the hearings are over and the rumors start coming out. the senators are very capable people. they're very good people. i know many of them.
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they're friends of mine. these are very talented, very good people and they're going to vote. they're going to have to believe what they believe. >> reporter: still, the president says he will be watching when christine blasey ford tells her story to congress, and he now says he's keeping an open mind. >> do you think these women, all three of them, are liars, yes or no? >> have they been what? >> are they liars? >> i can't tell you. i have to watch tomorrow. i have to read. i'm going to see what happens tomorrow. i'm going to be watching. you know, believe it or not, i'm going to see what's said. it's possible that they will be convincing. i can always be convinced. i have to hear it. >> it sounds like what you're saying is there is a situation, there is a scenario under which you would withdraw brett kavanaugh's nomination, is that correct? >> if i thought he was guilty of something like this, yeah, sure. >> reporter: more than a dozen women have accused the president himself of sexual misconduct. he's denied it all. but today he said his own experience influences how he sees the current situation. >> it does impact my opinion. you know why? because i've had a lot of false charges made against me. i'm a very famous person,
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unfortunately. i've been a famous person for a long time, but i've had a lot of false charges made against me, really false charges. i know friends that have had false charges. people want fame, they want money, they want whatever, so when i see it, i view it differently than somebody sitting home watching television where they say, oh, judge kavanaugh this or that. it's happened to me many times. >> cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> all right. here is part of the plan. kavanaugh and ford will be grilled by ten democrats as well as that female sex crimes prosecutor who will do the questioning for the republicans. >> democrats are demanding that the president withdraw the nomination and outgoing gop senator jeff flake invoked the clarence thomas/anita hill hearing to chastise both parties. >> there was an earlier case 27 years ago from which you might have thought we would have learned something. but the past couple of weeks makes it clear that we haven't
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learned much at all. >> a committee vote on kavanaugh remains on the docket for friday, and republicans are hoping to follow up with a vote by the full senate sometime next week. abc news planning complete coverage of today's hearing. it starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, 7:00 a.m. pacific. a possible government shutdown next week seems to have been averted. that's because congress has passed an $854 billion spending bill, which the president says he will sign. the bill includes the largest military pay increase in nine years, but it does not include money for the president's wall along the border with mexico. trump calls that ridiculous. and the first lady is offering details about her upcoming terrific to africa, which starts on monday. during the week-long trip, she will make stops in ghana, malawi, kenya and egypt. mrs. trump says she will emphasize child welfare along the way. this is her first extended solo trip as first lady and first trip to africa.
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an fbi dive team will be out in a north carolina lake looking for a 6-year-old special needs boy who disappeared on saturday. they are hoping to bring the boy back to his family. abc's steve osunsami with the details. >> reporter: the search for this missing 6-year-old with special needs had fbi agents today looking through sewers. maddox ritch was diagnosed with autism. his father joined investigators at a police briefing and explained his son is nonverbal to strangers. >> it's been torture. i'm not eating. i'm not sleeping. i'm just worried about getting my little boy back. >> reporter: ian ritch says he lost the boy saturday at this park west of charlotte when he was there with a woman police are refusing to identify. he says his son went chasing after a jogger and he couldn't catch him because of a medical condition. >> i feel guilty for letting him get so far ahead of me before i started running after him. >> reporter: police are releasing the calls for help.
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>> it's been almost an hour now. we searched everywhere. >> reporter: the fbi has now brought out a special dive team to search the lake. steve osunsami, abc news, gastonia, north carolina. health concerns surrounding boy scout clothing have prompted an unusual safety recall. the slides scouts wear violate lead standards. the problem is in the colored enamel in those slides. lead can cause health issues for children if it's ingested. if you have one of the slides, you're urged to return it to the boy scouts. interesting. >> good they caught that in time. >> took them decades, but yeah. the president's news conference had another chief executive's name trending online, george washington. >> interesting times, referring to brett kavanaugh, the supreme court controversy, president trump said that not even the father of our country would be able to stand up to democrats' scrutiny.
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>> look, if we brought george washington here, and we said we have george washington, the democrats would vote against him. just so you understand. and he may have had a bad past. who knows, you know? >> one of many reactions came from "the daily show's" trevor noah. there he is. he said he wouldn't be shocked if washington was removed from mt. rushmore after the president's mention of his bad past. >> "the daily show" also released its version of the calender for a 17-year-old george washington. the activities include in june of 1749, chopping trees, launder pantaloons. lunch with bennie. >> sounds about right. >> do you think that's benjamin franklin. yes. and buy wig powder of course, beach week has -- was big. just like it was on kavanaugh calender. >> trevor noah and a lot of the
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late night shows having a lot of fun with this. they've had a lot of content, actually, for the last couple of months. >> oh, my gosh. we've had it for a few years, indeed. all right. coming up, the new revelations by gisele about her battle with panic attacks and even suicidal thoughts. j. lo as you've never seen her before. the stunning new photo and the what the daughters of her new boyfriend a-rod dare not to call her. you're watching "world news now." new boyfriend a-rod dare not to call her. you're watching "world news now." ♪ i'm still jenny from the block ♪ ♪ used to have a little now i have a lot ♪ ♪ no matter what i know where i came from ♪ ♪
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i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new women are standing up for what they deserve in the office in the world and finally, in the bedroom our natural lubrication varies every day it's normal so it's normal to do something about it ky natural feeling the lubrication you want nothing you don't get what you want
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apparently bad behavior by a parent on the football field has ended the season early for a team of 13-year-old players in new mexico. >> the trouble started when a player confronted the ref about a call. that's when the parent literally crossed the line, running on to the field and body slamming the ref. the league says it has a code of conduct for parents who pledge to control their emotions and set a good example for the children. the league says the body slam, there it is, was a clear violation, so the entire team is now banned for the season. >> this is why we can't have good things.
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>> man,emotions running high there. >> there is always somebody. okay. so the supermodel gisele bundchen is pulling back the curtain on her life. everybody thought it was perfect, but apparently it wasn't. >> the brazilian beauty hit it big in the modeling industry back in the late '90s, but in an interview in "people" magazine ahead of the release of her new book, gisele says a few years into her career she started having panic attacks and even contemplated suicide. >> she tells "people" magazine, i actually had the feeling if i just jump off my balcony, this is going to end and i never have to worry about the feeling of my world closing in. gisele says a doctor prescribed xanax but she didn't want to rely on medication so she overhauled her life. >> she says, i had been smoking cigarettes, drinking a bottle of wine and three mocha frappuccinos every day and i gave up everything.soha brmeafter ildren.
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>> she says she immediately regretted the procedure and wore baggy clothes for a year because she felt uncomfortable. her new memoir is called "lessons: my path to a meaningful life." it is out next week. there we thought her only challenge in life was simple carbs and staying away from simple sugar. no, she had much more. >> right. she's used her platform a couple of times before. she's spoken out about anorexia in hollywood, the environment in brazil where she is originally from, so looking forward to that book. >> maybe that memoir will help people. all right. when we come back, katy perry's love life. and a sneak peek at "creed ii." "the skinny" is coming up next. love life. and a sneak peek at "creed 2." "the skinny" is coming up next.
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♪ skinny ♪ give me the skinny there is always -- it is time for "the skinny." we're going to start with a couple of major new steps for a celebrity couple. >> katy perry and orlando bloom, look at them, look at that glow, they've been dating on and off for the past two years, but since they rekindled their
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romance last year, they've appeared to be almost inseparable, spotted both in public and at celebrity events. >> there is facebook official and instagram official when you put your boo on your facebook page and your profile pic and then there is red carpet official. >> they're on a different level. >> they're on a different level. it was just last year she spilled her guts to james corden, ranking her past lovers. >> just give me a one, two, three. do you want me to help you? i think diplo is third. i do. i think there is a reason people become deejays. so let's go. diplo. >> yes. >> and then maher then bloom. there it is. >> wow, so personal. that's a lot of detail. >> yeah, diplo's got it going on, apparently. anyway, here it is official, though. the red carpet. perry and bloom now for the
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first time caught arriving as a couple at a gala in monte carlo last night. >> it comes as perry posted a video on instagram showing bloom shaking his rump to the hip-hop classic "baby got back." >> did you see the photos from last year? these are mild. >> he's 41 years old. together with katy perry. there you have it. you're updated. >> yes, we like them. that's relationship goals, i think, that couple. >> they seem happy. next to the latest sneak peek at michael b. jordan. >> the latest trailer for "creed ii" is out. the latest to the "rocky" franchise starring michael b. jordan as the son of apollo creed and sylvester stallone as his trainer. here is a look see. >> if you want to fight this man, that's your business, but don't pretend this is about your
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father. >> "creed ii" also stars phylicia rashad, remember her? the mother of jordan's character adonis creed. >> former mrs. huxtable has been dishing out some of our favorite advice in drake's "in my feelings" challenge. >> this is not a taye diggs movie, sir. carry your [ bleep ] on home. i want you to leave. don't forget to go when you leave. >> yes, ma'am. >> the actual video for "in my feelings." phylicia rashad with a cameo. "creed ii" is set to premier november 21st, the day before thanksgiving. >> i love seeing her pop up in these videos, in the movies. it just kind of brings me back. >> she was a big star on stage as well, since, of course, the cosby show era.
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absolutely. now on to jennifer lopez like we've never seen her before. >> this image on instagram showing herself flexing her amazingly toned arms that would make even our own david muir jealous, i think. look at those. >> j. lo captioned the photo, quote, "feeling like superwoman after the show tonight." looking like superwoman, too, j. lo, referring to her las vegas residency. >> the sun's out. you've got your guns out. >> true. they don't look like that, but now we're looking at them -- everyone, stop looking. stop looking. j. lo looks amazing. >> by the way, she's known simply as jennifer to the daughters of her boyfriend alex rodriguez. >> a-rod tells "us magazine" the girls don't dare call her j. lo or jenny from the block. she's just jennifer to them.
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>> just jen. >> jen from the block. >> jen from the block.
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my gums are irritated. i don't have to worry about that, do i? actually, you do. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. and, now there's new crest gum and enamel repair... it gives you clinically proven healthier gums and helps repair and strengthen weakened enamel. gum detoxify and gum and enamel repair, from crest. gums are good, so is my check-up!
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all i can remember about my father is just the real horror of jonestown. >> give rders to everybody to drink a brown liquid. >> the saying drinkingle kool-aid didn't exist toil -- >> jones ♪ who run the world? ♪ girls ♪ who run the world? ♪ girls it kind ofough to do th dance, too, when you're sing song. aely.ll nevut. history, we should say herstory, is about to be made as the first
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all-female nfl announcing team blazes the path for women in a male-dominated field. here is abc's marci gonzalez. >> this has always been a man's world. >> still going. touchdown! >> reporter: but now for the first time ever, two women will be at the helm calling nfl games. >> this is the first time it's two women and i think it's wonderful. >> reporter: amazon prime pairing up veteran sports broadcasters hannah storm and andrea kremer to announce all 11 "thursday night football" games this season airing on its streaming service. >> the first thing they said was this wasn't a gimmick. they didn't set out to do a, quote/unquote, girls broadcast, they set out to do something different, to give an option to their listeners. >> reporter: storm has been a sportscaster for more than three decades and now hosts "sportscenter" on espn. kremer has covered 25 super bowls and was recognized by the pro football hall of fame.
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both women adding a new groundbreaking accomplishment to already impressive resumes. >> it is historic, and i think you share my opinion, you look forward to the day when it's noted but not news and just something that is part of the regular course of business. >> reporter: and the first of the history-making broadcast will be tonight with the pair covering the match-up between the los angeles rams and the minnesota vikings. stephanie, kendis, back to you. >> marci, in a lot of ways history is being made, but there is one other thing you should point out, amazon prime listeners will also have the option of listening to the male announcers at the same time, joe buck and troy aikman. so it's a big step for women. >> it is. i can't believe it hasn't happened before, that this is the first time. thankfully it is the first time for them. >> yeah, women have been delegated to the sidelines or maybe just have one in the booth, but now an all-female team. >> good luck, ladies. don't miss our updates on facebook on >> more news next. sth . >> more news next.
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stay with us.
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making news in america this morning, the new allegation that threatens to derail brett kavanaugh's supreme court nomination. this as final preparations are made for today's historic hearing. the nominee and his first accuser facing a grilling from senators. this morning, we look at the evidence revealed including the polygraph test and that summer calendar. the new poll showing who americans believe and the growing mystery, who left this good luck note for kavanaugh's accuser inside the hearing room. an alleged serial killer in custody this morning accused of attacking people in their sleep with a baseball bat. authorities now revealing the suspect had been deported six times in the past. an alert for parents. the new message about kids and screen time.


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