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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 2, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> for sandhya, mindi, all after us. thanks for joining us. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- sarah paulson. stormy daniels. and music from kacey musgraves. and now, from this point on, here's jimmy kimmel! zbli thank you for coming. there's a -- there's a lot going on tonight.
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remember when there used to be nothing going on? i miss those days. we'll begin with the ongoing saga of a high school and college student named brett kavanaugh. several of his former classmates have come forward to question whether or not he was truthful in his testimony last week, specifically on the subject of how much he used to drink. multiple classmates say they were him as a belligerent drunk, including a classmate from yale, a gentleman named chad ludington, who dropped this bombshell on cnn. >> chris dudley and brett kavanaugh and i went to a ub-40 concert. >> jimmy: holy crap, it's worse than i even imagined. if going to a ub-40 concert isn't proof that this guy has a serious lack of judgment, i don't know. those terrible reggae cover
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songs. how did this not come up in the background check? they went to a bar after the concert, got into a fight with a guy who looked like the lead singer of ub-40, they're like, hey, are you the lead singer and the guy's like, no, get out of here and kavanaugh threw ice at the guy. >> the guy, understandably, even though he had been aggressive in his response, found that was a little one step too far, so he took a swing at brett, and then they were kind of, you know, two guys fighting. that was all very quick and then at that point, chris dudley, who had his drink in his hand, proceeded to smash it up against the guy's head. well, the melee went on very briefly. i don't know what brett kavanaugh was doing exactly, but i was pulling -- i was pulling -- i was pulling chris ba back. >> jimmy: this guy went to yale?
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by the way, that ring tone, better than any song ub-40 ever recorded. all of them. so, anyway, these guys -- the guys were reportedly questioned by police about the incident. brett kavanaugh was not arrested, but the point of the story is that according to his college buddy, chad, kavanaugh m misrepresented his drunk history. >> i do not believe that heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or 21-year-old should condemn a person for the he's rest of his life. i would be a hypocrite to think so. however, i have direct, repeated knowledge about brett's drinking and his disposition while drunk. i can unequivocally say that in denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and then downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, brett has not told the truth. >> jimmy: i guess it comes down to which bro you trust more, chad or brett on this, you know? every day now we seem to learn
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some new tidbit involving brett kavanaugh. i think i may have happened upon something myself. i was going over these calendars he kept in high school. and i noticed this. this is from sunday, august 1st, he wrote, stay at bernie's at beach. now, for those who aren't familiar with the '80s, some pretty nefarious things went on when you spend a weekend at bernie's. yeah. am i saying that judge kavanaugh's boss died and he covered it up by putting sunglasses on the corpse? no, i'm not saying that. that's for the fbi to decide. and they will do that very, very quickly, but kavanaugh, there's a letter that -- i don't know who found this, but it's from 1983. this is in brett kavanaugh's handwriting. he describes himself and his friends as, quote, loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us. and he signs the letter "bart" which is the name his buddy mark judge used in the fictional book
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he wrote about them. so, i don't know. maybe the fbi will call bart in to testify against brett in this case. i don't know. as for the president, trump has been relatively restrained on the subject, and it seems that maybe he's even learned something along the way. >> well, i say that it's a very scary time for young men in america when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of. >> jimmy: what? it's a very scary time for young then america when you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. that's -- or in his case, not guilty of everything he's guilty of. i don't get -- maybe stormy daniels can help us figure it out. in any event, i'm glad someone is finally standing up for the sexual predators. the other big story today, this is a big one. it comes from the "new york times." they published a massive investigation today alleging and you're not going to believe this, that donald trump isn't a self-made millionaire after all.
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you know, trump's always said his father loaned him a million dollars to get started in business. the "times" says his father, in fact, gave him the equivalent of at least $413 million. by age 3, trump's father was paying him the modern day equivalent of $200,000 a year at 3 years old. he's not just a con man, he was a con baby first. he was a millionaire, donald trump, on his own by the time he was 8 years old. but he earned that money. he ate every piece of broccoli on his plate. the report says his father found all sorts of ways to funnel money to his children, particularly donald, to avoid gift and estate taxes and the trumps engaged in a long-term pattern of tax eskprags outright fraud. when you're a young man like trump was, you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. you know? and that's really the key. trump's lawyer released a
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statement today saying there was no fraud or tax evasion by anyone. the facts upon which the "times" bases its false allegations are extremely inaccurate. gee, if there only was a way to know for sure, maybe some kind of a tax return that could be released or something to clear this all up. trump was getting millions of dollars a year from his father until he was in his 50s. our president was a 50-year-old man who still got an allowance. and of course, none of this will matter to the people who support him. they'll chalk it all up to fake news. the president has been surngd himself with supporters lately. he had a rally in mississippi tonight. last night he was in tennessee where they got the crowd going with a classic from the village people. watch the women in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. ♪ ymca, it's fun to stay at the ymca ♪ ♪ they have everything for young men to enjoy, you can hang out
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with all the boys ♪ ♪ it's fun to stay at the ymca >> jimmy: that's the -- that's not the ymca. that's the macarena. maybe it's a magarena. either way, i don't know. donald trump could have you deported for doing it, so be careful. our president hit on a hundred different subjects last night at the rally. he predicted gridlock and chaos if the democrats take congress in the midterms as opposed to now, i guess, when everything's running so smoothly. trump was really -- he was in his element last night, boasting about his imagined accomplishments, and to celebrate those, we slowed him down to half speed for tonight's braggadocious edition of drunk donald trump. ♪ >> we've done so much, just point after point. i will not do this to you, but look at this. page after page after page after
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page. ♪ >> jimmy: we have a -- we got quite a show for you tonight. from american horror story, sarah paulson is with us tonight. and from american horror story, sex with donald trump, stormy daniels is here tonight. she's here promoting her new book, "full disclosure." if nothing else, trump is making america read again. stormy says she wrote this book. she said in the book she could pick trump's penis out of a line-up, and tonight, i will ask her to do just that. stormy was in the news today. because of new reports that president trump personally directed the legal efforts to stop her from talking about their affair. according to the "wall street
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journal," the president told his former lawyer, michael cohen, to figure something out with his son, eric, and this is a big deal because if it's true, it would mark the first time trump ever delegated anything to his son, eric. so, you know, i have to say, when i was a kid, american history was like the most boring class. i feel for future kids, thanks to trump and stormy daniels, it's going to be a lot more interesting. so, stormy's here to tell all about her book. she will be promoting it all week long in various venues. meanwhile, yesterday, melania flew africa for a week. i'm sure that's a coincidence. melania trump was in ghana today, as in she's never ghana come back. she was -- this is a -- an historic trip because not only is it melania's first solo trip overseas, it's the first time that a member of the trump family has ever gone to africa without shooting an elephant, so that's nice. it's progress.
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so -- oh, you didn't hear about that? here in l.a., sports fans are -- baseball fans are excited because the dodgers won the national league west and they're going to the post season. hosting the atlanta braves on thursday. the season went down to the wire for the dodgers. they won a tiebreaker against the rockies yesterday to clinch the division and afterwards, the team celebrated with legendry dodgers manager tommy lasorta. >> tommy! yeah, baby. tommy! >> jimmy: all right, that's not a celebration. that's elder abuse. that's what that is. are we sure that was tommy? i hope it wasn't. in more academic pursuits, this is the week they award the nobel prizes and to all the nobel prize winners, i just want to say, i have a jd power award, so
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suck it, egg heads. that's right. tomorrow -- of course it is a tremendous honor. tomorrow they'll give out the nobel prize for chemistry, which is expected to either go to donald trump and kim jong-un or donald trump and vladimir putin, depending on which couple they decide is cuter. the nobel peace prize will be presented on friday, and the nobel prize in physics was awarded today and there were a number of especially deserving nominees in the area of physics this year. and it's a shame only one of them could win. and the nominees this year were ezekiel morton in the area of yoga ball inertia. the family friedlander for studies of golf ball dynamics. bridgette berglund for discoveries in rope acceleration.
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evan shweky, for his work in gravitational pull. and klaus jorstad for his field work in rotational movement. wow. all right. well, congratulations to klaus and all the nominees on this well deserved award. we got a good show tonight. kacey musgraves is here. stormy daniels is here. and we'll be right back with sarah paulson, so stick around. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast...
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...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? thdelicious.i-wheat. but it's more than that. 10 layers of crunchy wheat to fill you up on big days. whether your day involves steam, mountains, or woah- fire... ...we've got your breakfast right here. is your breakfast built for big days? ♪ if you love me, love♪ like you say ♪ darling tell me all the ways ♪ ♪ tell me all the ways ♪ and he said, all the ways
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at the store, or to your door. target run and done. honey the local game store wants to sponsor you. i want to sponsor you. ♪ yes. honey travis scott wants you to get these squad wins tonight. let's get these squad wins tonight. ♪ yes sir. honey, ninja is calling you up to the national team. ♪ you ready? honey. you ready? ♪ welcome to your 24 hour t.j.maxx, with more styles every day and easy returns in store. you'll find must-have brands at must-buy prices
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>> jimmy: tonight, she's an actress of the adult variety. director and an author too. her new book is called "full disclosure." stormy daniels is here. and we will get into it. all of it. then, her latest album is called "golden hour." kacey musgraves from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow night, ryan gosling and dana white will join us, as will comedian devin field. don't moan. and on thursday, lena dunham, frank grillo, and young the giant. please join us for all of that. our fist guest tonight won both an emmy and a golden globe for playing marcia clark in "the people vs. o.j. simpson." now she's on to a story that is almost as scary as that one. watch "american horror story: apocalypse" wednesday nights on fx. please welcome sarah paulson.
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>> jimmy: welcome welcome. it's wonderful to have you here. they're very enthusiastic. >> they're here for stormy. they're not that into me, but i appreciate it. i appreciate it. stay with me. >> jimmy: did you get a chance to chat with stormy backstage? >> i didn't, but i wish to. >> jimmy: yeah, well you should, for sure. >> i'm happy to, like, sit right here when she comes out. >> jimmy: you're welcome to stay. >> would that be weird? i think stormy's worth it. >> jimmy: you can stay. >> i'm fascinated by stormy daniels. >> jimmy: what do you want to know? >> everything. well, oh, so many things.
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so very many things, jimmy. >> jimmy: maybe we should just bring her out now. >> i got nothing else to say. let's bring her out. >> jimmy: i know everything about her. i read the book so i know the whole thing. >> i need to read the book. >> jimmy: you should read the book. >> what's in the book, jimmy? >> jimmy: a lot of good stuff. >> i want to know how she came up with the stormy part of her name. >> jimmy: well, i know. her name is stephanie. >> i knew that. but what about the stormy? >> jimmy: stormy is when she decided that she wasn't a stephanie and she wanted to be a stormy and she got breast implants and named them thunder and lightning. >> is that true? >> jimmy: yes, that's true. it's all in the book. >> jimmy: mine, like little and littler. i didn't come up with thunder and lightning. >> jimmy: is that a part -- if somebody said, hey, listen, eventually somebody's going to do this donald trump thing on television. >> sign me up. i'm the gal for stormy daniels. >> jimmy: would you like to play stormy daniels? >> yeah. it would be a bit of a stretch.
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>> jimmy: i don't know. marcia clark, i mean, you did a great job with her. you don't look anything like her. are you -- i remember when i was hosting the em mooeps, you brought marcia clark with you to the emmys and you won the emmy that night. do you keep in touch? >> it was a very real thing that happened but she's gotten too big for me now. >> jimmy: in what way? >> she doesn't have any time to hang out with me. i mean, i text her and i say, hey, dinner on saturday? she's like, oh, man, i'm in paris on thursday, i'm not back. it's like, what's happening? she's like a bigger deal than she was. >> jimmy: you got big timed. >> i got big timed by marcia, yeah. >> jimmy: she shouldn't be doing that to you. >> she's got no time for me anymore, jimmy. >> jimmy: you are the one that put her on that rocket. >> some might say that, yeah. >> jimmy: a lot of people would say that. >> not marcia. she's done with me. >> jimmy: what about o.j.? do you keep in touch with o.j. at all? >> he and i got really tight when we were making the thing.
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no. the one thing that did happen is my dad, when o.j. was released, i got a facebook message from my father saying, listen, sweetie, i just want to make sure you're being safe. >> jimmy: oh no. wow. >> you might want to hire security because o.j.'s getting out. and i was like, i don't think o.j.'s come after marcia. is he? >> jimmy: he shouldn't be coming after the person that played marcia. >> i didn't have anything to do with any of it at all. >> jimmy: are you parents politically active? >> i'm following it all. my mother -- i come from a family of people who really, really watch it. i woke up every morning as a child listening to npr. my mom had npr on every morning. >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> i woke up to, i'm carl castle and this is morning edition. that's my entry to the day. >> jimmy: there is a rhythm to npr that seems like almost every person on it has it. >> just like that. >> jimmy: is your mom following this trump stuff or hate it? >> she'll probably be very interested that i'm going to share an area with stormy.
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>> jimmy: she will? i see. i got you. >> like a vicinity. >> jimmy: my parents are completely obsessed with the whole thing. >> my mother is obsessed with all of it, and i don't know that she'll watch this program because it's not -- >> jimmy: i would hope not. >> she's like a rachel maddow junkie. >> jimmy: my parents too. my parents talk about rachel maddow as if she's a member of our family. >> rachel -- i'll let you know that you've made it when you're on rachel. >> jimmy: i'm like, who's rachel? i think it's a neighbor or something. rachel maddow. like all right, she wasn't saying anything to you. she's on television. they don't seem to understand that. >> they think they're being spoken directly to by rachel. he slookz, there's a lot of paper shuffling and xs. >> jimmy: i think it might be confusing for my parents because they know i am speaking directl any different at all. let's take a break here. when we come back, stormy will be coming out.
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you're welcome to stay and hang with stormy. >> i think i got to stay and hang with stormy. >> reporter: sarah paulson is here. "american horror story". we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by hilton hotels and resorts. book now at look around. with artificial intelligence, we are not crawling or walking. we are flying. microsoft ai helps an architect bring history back to life. this is now. ai helps farmers grow more food with less resources. an engineer explores how ai can help the deaf see sound. innovation creates tomorrow, and tomorrow is here today. ♪ these guys are mushroom jack chicken fajitas ♪ ♪ just look at this new chili's 3 for $10 wonder ♪ ♪ there's jack cheese and bacon ♪ ♪ and--you guessed it-- mushrooms ♪ ♪ you're a good guesser go get some fajitas ♪ ♪ 3 for $10 bucks baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪ mmm-hmm... ♪ oh, baby, 3 for $10 bucks ♪
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♪ baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪
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>> jimmy: we're back with sarah paulson. her show is "amer story: apock clips." tell us about this apocalypse version. >> one could say it's about the present day and yet it's not. >> jimmy: you've played a lot of characters. >> this season, i'm playing three. >> jimmy: three characters this season alone. >> three characters this season. >> jimmy: characters from previous seasons. >> they're all characters from previous seasons. >> jimmy: returning. >> except for the one that i'm playing that's dead now. sorry, spoiler alert. she took a bullet. she went down like a ton of brick. yeah. >> jimmy: how many characters have you played in this anthology? >> i mean, i could count them. >> jimmy: yeah, count them. yeah. >> okay. lana winters, billy dean howard, bette and dot, shelby, she wasn't my favorite, who am i
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playing this year? vennable. cordelia. >> jimmy: this is a game show, we'd have to have you thrown >> you gave me the answer and i love you for it. i can't remember the character i'm currently playing, by the way. >> jimmy: what was that, eight? >> i wasn't counting. i was just naming. >> jimmy: when you have two heads, does it count as two characters? >> i think so. they were very different girls with one body, two minds. >> jimmy: yeah. >> one hee ha. >> jimmy: you really are ready for stormy, aren't you. >> i want stormy to come out here now. >> jimmy: and you directed an episode of the show. >> i just finished directing an episode, which is going to be on so quickly. i mean, they turn around -- i think our fourth episode is on tomorrow night and i am two episodes after that. my first time directing, it was the hardest thing i've ever done. >> jimmy: you didn't like it? >> i did like it but it's a lot of questions. how dirty do you want her, green
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pair of pants, purple pants? i'm like, i don't know. i don't know. i'm just used to acting and taking a 20-minute break by the craft service truck and this time it's like there's no break, you have to answer all the questions and you have academy award winning actresses to whom you're supposed to give notes where you're like, i think if you could do it this way, that would be great for me and that doesn't really feel -- >> jimmy: did you to that to kathy bates and jessica lange? >> they wanted it and then once they really wanted it, i was like, i have nothing to tell you, stand a little to your left. i have nothing to say. it was scary. >> jimmy: did you consult anyone before doing that? >> i worked with m. night sham lan. i talked to brian, so i had plenty of people around me who were help megabut it was scary. >> jimmy: who gave you the best piece of advice? >> steven spielberg, not because i'm talking to the phone with him. it's something you learn by
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being around him but also a directing class that you have to take at the dga. change your shoes at lunch. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. that's a bizarre thing because i don't know, do you go around changing your shoes on your lunch break? does anybody? >> jimmy: maybe mr. rogers would do that. >> he sure is. but yeah, it's a real >> jimmy: why? >> you're on your feet. i don't know what it is. it's something about the pep in your step when you come back fr from lunch. >> jimmy: a fresh pair of socks too. change my socks and shoes. they get kind of sweaty and you're -- yeah, it was a kiewil thing. >> jimmy: this is what steven spielberg said? >> kid, change your shoes at lunch. just like that. did you know hee jimmyhould we get into -- do you want to stay and chat with stormy? >> would that be weird in i don't want to rain on her thunderous paid. >> jimmy: we'll take a commercial break and you can deliberate. >> like marcia clark, should i
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stay or should i go. >> jimmy: sarah paulson! "american horror story: apocalypse" airs wednesday nights at 10:00 pm on fx. we'll be right back. in april, luke's dad made 25 calls to find a place that could bring his son's creation to life. there were 14 emails to determine the size of the lightning bolts. and 18 texts wishing luke a very happy birthday. and when all was said and done, luke got to be a real-life superhero. and so did his dad. you are many different things, in one amazing package. and t.j.maxx lets you express every one.
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12:17 am
thdelicious.i-wheat. but it's more than that. 10 layers of crunchy wheat to fill you up on big days. whether your day involves steam, mountains, or woah- fire... ...we've got your breakfast right here. is your breakfast built for big days?
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♪ if you love me, love♪ like you say ♪ darling tell me all the ways ♪ ♪ tell me all the ways ♪ and he said, all the ways at the store, or to your door. target run and done. endless shrimp is back at with all the shrimp you want, any way you want them. there's new sesame-ginger grilled shrimp with savory soy-ginger sauce and sprinkled with asian seasoning. and favorites like garlic shrimp scampi! but endless shrimp won't last endlessly, so hurry in.
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>> jimmy: we are back. kacey musgraves is on the way. sarah paulson is here by popular demand. she's decided to stay. you know our next guest from movies that are too dirty to name and for having sex with the world's most notorious orange person. her new memoir is called "full disclosure." please welcome stormy daniels.
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how you doing? >> good. >> jimmy: i'm so happy you're here. and sarah's happy you're here. >> i'm happy you're here. >> jimmy: we talked during the commercial and sarah was like, i would love to chat. >> i'd like to stay. >> threesomes are always better. >> she did it right away, folks. right away. >> jimmy: a lot has changed since the last time you were here. you were really not allowed to say anything. what has changed? >> i have less beeps to give. >> jimmy: you don't care, you're like, forget it, i'm just going to do it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, well, good. that's great news. that's really good news. and i enjoyed the book. the book is not just about the situation with donald trump. it's about your life. you had a tough life but you became a very tough person and that actually comes in handy, i think, in this situation. you mentioned at the beginning of the book, i know a lot of you are going to skip to the trump chapter so let's skip right not trump chapter.
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>> you're so predictable. >> jimmy: you met the president, who wast t president at the time, just for those who don't know, at a golf tournament in lake tahoe. he had an option of stopping to take a photo with you and he stopped to take a photo with you. >> right. >> jimmy: and then he invited you to dinner. >> correct. >> jimmy: you figured the dinner would be at a restaurant, where most dinners -- >> where most people have dinners. i didn't think it was going to be a picnic. >> jimmy: it was not going to be in a park. but turns out he wanted to have dinner in his room. >> i don't think he wanted to have dinner at all. >> he wanted to have some kind of dinner. he definitely wanted to have a certain kind of dinner. >> i think he wanted to go straight to dessert. >> jimmy: so he shows up and this is the first moment where i was just quite -- i was just delighted to hear this little detail. >> look how happy you are. i bring you such joy. you're more excited than the part about you, the part about jimmy in the boom. book. >> jimmy: there is a part about me, unfortunately, it's not that kind of a part.
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>> it's not about his parts. >> well, then, never mind. >> jimmy: you -- the door to the hotel opens and what is donald trump wearing? >> silky pajamas. >> jimmy: and they were black pa gentlem -- pajamas. so he looks like a halloween pumpkin. >> i thought he was channeling hugh hefner, significantly less sexy. >> jimmy: you made him change, right? >> yeah. >> you made him change? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's -- you made him change. he did change. >> yes. >> jimmy: i wish you could make him change now. >> he followed orders much back then. >> jimmy: i don't know. i think maybe you could still order him around a little bit. >> i'd have to speak in russian, though. >> this is very good.
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>> it's very, very bad. >> jimmy: what did you guys talk about at dinner? i know because i've read it. >> we never had dinner. >> jimmy: oh. >> he lied to me. i'm very food motivated. that's why i stayed and held out for so long, because i was told there would be snacks. i was starving. >> jimmy: and he -- >> maybe that's part of why i was easy prey because i was, you know, light headed from -- >> jimmy: well, he did talk about himself a lot. >> yeah. >> really? >> jimmy: you did see a magazine on the table or something. >> he pulled it out of a bag and showed it to me and i kind of refused to acknowledge it. i wasn't going to feed the beast. >> jimmy: and you don't know for sure that it was forbes. >> it was a money magazine. somebody else made up that it was forbes. >> jimmy: whatever it was, you spanked him with it. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: what does he do, like, when you spank donald trump, is he, like -- sni are you arching your back? >> jimmy: yes, i want to -- is he leaning forward and going, like, oh.
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>> you want me to show you? >> jimmy: yeah, i would love you to show me. thank you, yeah. >> stand up. >> stand up, jimmy. >> jimmy: but i want to know what he does. >> the book will hurt a lot more than the magazine. >> arch your back. >> jimmy: is this what he did? hold on a second. i just want to pray for a second. please, god, let him be watching this right now. okay. all right. back to us. and sorry to bring you into
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this. but, so, later in the evening, how long did the charade on dinner or whatnot go on? >> probably about three hours. >> jimmy: you went into his bathroom and this is a beautiful little detail. what did you find in his bathroom? >> oh, no. >> jimmy: no, it's -- >> i'm frightened. >> are you okay? >> i'm frightened. what's in the bathroom, stormy? what's in the bathroom? what's in the bathroom? >> i didn't rummage but i looked and he's very fond of gold, so all of his utensils for plucking and grooming were gold. but i was really shocked to find out that a man who thought so highly of himself used pert plus and old spice. >> jimmy: pert plus and old spice. >> pert? >> sort of explains it a little bit. >> it does explain a lot, actually. yep. yep. >> i don't think i've ever seen jimmy this happy. >> jimmy: i don't think i've ever been this happy.
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so then he insinuates that he's going to get you on "the apprentice" and in fact, over the course of like a year, he kind of strung you along with this idea, yeah. do you think he wanted you to be on "the apprentice"? >> no, i think he did. >> jimmy: i would believe that he would want you. >> it was celebrity "apprentice" so he was very focused on shaking things up and knew that it would be good ratings. >> jimmy: also knew he could stare across the table and go like that. like hey, hey, hey. forbes magazine. whatever magazine it was. so, he did not have a condom. >> no. >> nope. >> jimmy: which supposedly a ge a germaphobe. >> he was not a germaphobe. >> jimmy: when you made love? >> gross. what is wrong with you? i laid there and prayed for death. >> jimmy: you did go there.
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why did you -- if you were so grossed out by him, why did you have sex with him? >> i still don't know. >> jimmy: that's a good answer. you also, at another time, when you went to visit him, watched shark week with him, which is a lovely detail. >> i love shark week. >> me too. >> jimmy: i love shark week, too, but then hillary clinton called him during a shark week episode while you were there. >> there's so many, like, innuendos there, except that they're not. that's what's even more messed up. >> jimmy: yes, there is all true. >> this is not code. >> jimmy: so last time you were here, i had some carrots of varying sizes, and i asked you -- >> i know where you're going. >> jimmy: you said in the book, you mentioned that you have a photographic memory. >> yes. >> jimmy: so, you also described the president's penis and -- let me just read it. >> do you have it bookmarked? what is wrong with you? and you highlighted it? >> it's highlighted.
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>> jimmy: he knows he has an unusual penis. it has a huge mushroom head like a toadstool, but you also say it's smaller than average. >> do you know how much hate mail i've gotten from people who love mario kart? >> you ruined it for them. >> jimmy: those are people you don't want to mess with. >> in one day, i ruined half of america's childhood and mushroom farming anywhere and another guy sent me a picture of a yeti cooler on fire. >> jimmy: all right. >> epic. did you do this yourself? >> jimmy: we had an arts and crafts day here, and we put these together. so -- >> that is so disturbing. >> jimmy: if you had to -- the line-up you mentioned, in picking it out of a line-up, which of these mushrooms, orange
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mushrooms, would most represent the commander in chief of the united states military? sni c >> can you hold it up so it's coming at me at the correct angle? >> jimmy: yes. they might fall off, though. oh. is this the one? >> it's a nubbin. it's a little nubbin. >> jimmy: so for real? like you're not just picking one of the small -- this is not even the smallest one, but this is it, huh? >> it's the most accurate depiction, yes. >> jimmy: wow. there you go. isn't that beautiful? well, if you want to go on another date with him, we'd be happy to pay for it. >> i thought we were friends. >> jimmy: will there be a sequel to the book? this is amazing. wow. how about that. i feel like we've gained a perspective that bob woodward wasn't able to get in his book. that's for sure. i'm going to put this back in
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here. well, thank you. >> don't say put it back in. >> jimmy: stormy daniels, everyone. this is her book. it's her whole life story. it's called "full disclosure." it's out now. sarah paulson. we'll be right back with kacey musgraves. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank sarah paulson, stormy daniels, pay apologies to matt damon. her album is called "golden hour." here with the song "love is a wild thing," kacey musgraves! ♪
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you can't find it sitting on a shelf in a store if you try to hide it it's gonna shine even more ♪ ♪ even if you lose it it will find you there's no way to stop it but they'll try to ♪ ♪ running like a river trying to find the ocean flowers in the concrete climbing over fences ♪ ♪ blooming in the shadows places that you can't see coming through the melody when the night bird sings ♪ ♪ love is a wild thing
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♪ oh i can feel it magic in your fingertips and i can hear it ♪ ♪ in the words coming off of your lips ♪ ♪ even if you lose me i will find you there's no way to stop it so don't try to ♪ ♪ running like a river trying to find the ocean flowers in the concrete climbing over fences ♪ ♪ blooming in the shadows places that you can't see coming through the melody when the night bird sings ♪
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♪ love is a wild thing ♪ ♪ ♪ oh i used to be scared of the wilderness of the dark ♪ ♪ but not anymore anymore no ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ running like a river trying to find the ocean
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flowers in the concrete climbing over fences ♪ ♪ blooming in the shadows places that you can't see coming through the melody when the night bird sings ♪ ♪ love is a wild thing love is a wild thing love is a wild thing yeah ♪
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>> announcer: this is "nightline." >> tonight, the tape versus the testimony. that chilling dash cam video played out in court today. the chicago police officer charged with the murder of a black teenager, shooting him 16 times. >> he waved the knife from his lower right side upwards, across his body, towards my left shoulder. >> now taking the stand in his own defense. >> i'm yelling at him, drop that knife. >> and he never dropped it, right? >> he never dropped it. >> his decision to testify, a risky move or an opportunity to prove that his actions were justified. plus, beneath the beauty for 15 years, she was the highest paid super model on earth. today, gisell


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