tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 8, 2018 11:35pm-12:27am PDT
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>> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. my friend would like to say hi to you. >> jimmy: oh, yes, bring him in. look at that dallas cowboys legend michael irvin. [ cheers and applause ] michael, i've never seen you in a t-shirt before. this is really exciting. michael, what is the proper way to eat texas barbecue? please tell us. >> the best way to eat texas barbecue is with your hands. >> jimmy: with your hands, that's right. >> you want to poure sauce all over it. >> jimmy: yeah? >> so get it all the way here, here -- [ cheers and applause ] mm, mm, mm! right there, right there. what's up? >> jimmy: i have never been more jealous of three human beings than i am right now. >> it's a hard life, jimmy. >> jimmy: where are you headed to next, guillermo?
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>> guillermo: to -- [ mumbling ] . >> jimmy: what? when you get to atlanta, don't mention that you're a dodgers fan, because they just beat the braves, okay? >> guillermo: yeah! >> jimmy: don't do that. thank you, kenny. thank you, michael irvin. thanks to everybody there in lockhart. >> guillermo: hey, jimmy! >> jimmy: yes, what? >> guillermo: i've got to take this to go. >> jimmy: yeah, bring some leftovers for sure. all right. all right, travel safely, guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. you know how many calories are in that brisket? [ laughter ] oh, boy. you know, i mentioned columbus day at the top of the show. columb columbus, i think of all the historical figures. george washington, lincoln. columbus might be the third we learn the most about in elementary school so people should know who he is.
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there's a lot going on in the country so we decided to combine two of the big things going on right now. we went on the street this afternoon, we asked people what they thought about christopher columbus being nominated to the supreme court. [ laughter ] here's how that went. >> do you agree with congress' controversial decision to confirm donald trump's nominee christopher columbus to the supreme court? >> yeah, i do. >> and why do you? >> i just believe that it was so long ago in the past and there's not enough evidence to kind of back of it up. >> like really, really long ago in the past? >> yeah. >> like how long ago in the past? >> like 30 years, i don't know. >> some say it feels like 500 years, probably, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> do you agree with congress' controversial decision to confirm donald trump's nominee christopher columbus to the supreme court? >> i mean, sometimes you just like -- you know, like -- it's a hard question.
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it's a hard case to study. but like -- what are you going to do about it? >> in your opinion, do you think the fact that christopher columbus discovered america should keep him off the supreme court? >> i would say yes, but i don't really know why the reasoning would be. >> me neither. >> yeah. >> either/or. we've been celebrating columbus for how many years now it? really doesn't matter to me. >> because we've celebrated him for so long, do you think it's okay for him to sit on the supreme court? >> yeah, yeah. >> who do you think would make a better supreme court justice? trump's nominee, christopher columbus? or obama's nominee, marco polo? >> probably obama's. >> and why do you think marco polo would be a better supreme court justice? >> i just feel like -- he's like morrell, i feel like. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a better swimmer. all right. tonight on the show we have music from nct 127. regina hall is here.
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>> jimmy: hi there. tonight from the new movie "the hate u give," regina hall is here. then there is a huge line of fans camped out overnight. one of them has been camped here since friday. they are here to see the apple music up next artist of the month, this is their album called "regular irregular." [ cheers and screams ] nct-127 from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow night after the american music awards, jennifer garner and romany malco will join us. and we'll have music from carrie underwood.
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who's also on the american music awards. and all-new "mean tweets" on the show. and next week, starting a week from tonight, we are headed to brooklyn, new york for five star-studded shows from the brooklyn academy of music. where we will be joined by adam sandler, julia louis dreyfus, john krasinksi, cardi b, mike birbiglia, alexandria ocasio cortez, st. vincent, bebe rexha, wu tang clan and at least one surprise superstar, if not more. and hopefully guillermo will make it there too. [ cheers and applause ] so we will see you there then. our first guest may have been ahead of the curve when his character dan donner disappeared in season 9 of "roseanne." last year he was resurrected, and is head of the household on a new series "the conners" premieres one week from tomorrow here on abc. please welcome john goodman! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> hey, cats! always good to see the cats. >> jimmy: the cats are here. look how physically fit you are. >> yeah, i've been on hawthorne boulevard. instead of sleeping out another night i get booked on the show. nct 127! [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i know you're impressed. had you ever heard of them today? >> that right there, yeah. >> jimmy: i will be honest when i say i did not know about nct 127. but it seems like it's something i should have known you do now. >> jimmy: boy do i now, yeah, for sure. there's people sleeping in my car. [ laughter ] this is something. roseanne's not on the show anymore, what happened, why didn't i know about this? [ laughter ] >> end of last season she goes to the liquor store to fill her
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vape pen. [ laughter ] and she hasn't been back yet. >> jimmy: that happens. it does happen. did you know that the show would continue? >> no. >> jimmy: was that something you wanted to do? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes, you did, i see. you wanted to keep going? >> yes and no. >> jimmy: even though roseanne wasn't there? >> it's not that -- i mean, she is missed. definitely. but it's -- after that many years, it's like a family. and last year was so miraculous and so unreal that when it went away it was almost like a dream. >> jimmy: right. >> and i thought, okay, i'll be a big boy and handle this. and i just crashed for a couple of weeks. >> jimmy: you did, really, oh. >> yeah. yeah all kinds of weird stuff happened. my wife got sick right after that. then i fell down the stairs. >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh this has taken a terrible turn.
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>> thank you. [ laughter ] nct 127. [ cheers ] thanks, gals. >> so roseanne basically renounced her financial stake in the show. >> yes, she did. >> jimmy: so the show could keep going. >> it was an effort by sara gilbert, tom warner, and they got abc to come around, from what i understand. and she gave up a lot. so that people could work. >> jimmy: can you say how it will be explained on the show? will it be the same show? pick up -- same set, all of that stuff? >> yeah, same family minus mom. >> jimmy: minus mom. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i assume it will be addressed on the show? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. but you don't want to ruin it. >> you have to wait till next week. >> jimmy: have to wait till next week to find out. >> yeah, they don't like me talking about it. >> jimmy: yeah, no, i would think not. have you told anybody accidentally? >> yeah. i got interviewed for a thing i was doing on the bbc in london. well, it's london, nobody's
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going to hear it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not how it goes anymore, really doesn't, yeah. are you still living in new orleans? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: you are. you drive here sometimes? >> yeah. i drive here all the time. >> jimmy: by yourself? >> every day, every week. >> jimmy: for fun? >> i love it. i just love it. it's so -- i have a wife who likes to do brake miming when i drive. >> jimmy: i see. [ laughter ] >> actually, that makes me nervous. >> jimmy: do you have like traditions? are there certain places you will always stop? do you even stop? >> yeah, i do. last year i stopped in josona, texas, because i picked up a rock through my radiator somewhere in new mexico. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> i kept having to pull over and fill the tank up, the water tank. i finally got a tow the next day from a nice gentleman and his kids. like 300 miles to san antonio.
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>> jimmy: were they surprised to see you out there? >> they didn't care. [ laughter ] no, they were really sweet. i might stop in the next time i drive. >> jimmy: you're going to stop at the tow yard? >> yeah. say hi. because it's a good place to pull over. [ laughter ] because people are great. but if i don't make myself stop i know i'll want to do it in one shot sometimes. but i think the longest i went was 21 hours. >> jimmy: driving straight, 21 hours. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's no good at all, is it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you had did stop for gas, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're driving some kind of multi-tank vehicle or something. what's the best place to stop on the road from new orleans to los angeles? >> oh, man. it's a tough question because there's so many great places to stop. there's the thing in arizona.
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>> jimmy: the thing? >> the thing. i don't know what it is. i've never looked. but there's a dairy queen there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: kingman or something like that? >> no, no, no. southern. yeah, you take the i-10. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. you go through tucson and phoenix, right? >> yeah, phoenix, tucson, then you're in new mexico, and it's fascinating. >> jimmy: i know, hold on a second, it's like we're watching a guy visit aaa. >> yeah. i just love it, man. i got the radio. >> jimmy: oh, do you. >> sirius. i listen to howard. >> jimmy: you listen to howard stern. >> all the time. after i've heard it about three times i put on alleged-time radio, plays like "the shadow." >> jimmy: you listen to the old radio shows, wow. you prefer being alone? >> well, braky is not coming with me. [ laughter ] yeah, i used to drive with a buddy of mine.
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but i'm cool solo. >> jimmy: sounds like you're pretty cool solo. >> sometimes i drive without pants. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, i'm cool solo could also be a great slogan for the new show. [ laughter ] it's called "the conners." john goodman is here, we'll be right back. 127 is the longitude of seoul from seoul, we want to spread our k-pop music around the world ♪ vvs my diamonds i don't need no light to shine ♪ ♪ i just made a million and i'm still not satisfied ♪ ♪ cause i need that bag on the regular ♪ ♪ i spend a bag on the regular we make the world go ♪ ♪ brrrrr~ ♪ my bank account go ♪ lo quiero i want it ♪ regular ♪ these guys are mushroom jack chicken fajitas ♪ ♪ just look at this new ♪ chili's 3 for $10 wonder ♪ ♪ there's jack cheese and bacon ♪ ♪ and--you guessed it-- mushrooms ♪ 'ra good gue ♪ 3 for $10 bucks baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪ mmm-hmm... ♪ oh, baby, 3 for $10 bucks ♪
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>> jimmy: we're back with john goodman. his show is called "the conners." it's similar to another show that was on last year but with one minor change. >> minor change. >> jimmy: i want to mention "the big lebowski." it's the 20th anniversary. [ cheers and applause ] one of the best movies ever. are you doing anything? is it going to be commemorated? >> in my birthday, my hometown in missouri, they're have along 20th anniversary remembrance, show and it then grill me afterwards. i'll have people in the audience that know my dialogue better than i do. >> jimmy: yeah, right, sure. >> but i did a morning talk show thursday night after work. went to the smokehouse across the street from warner brothers. >> jimmy: in burbank, yeah. >> got an interview with jeff. >> jimmy: bridges. >> and steve buscemi. then we hung later and just talked for hours about it. >> jimmy: had the three of you
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been together -- >> well, we did one lebowski fest in new york. and i was going to stay afterwards and see the movie. but we were on a stage with like six easy chairs so you couldn't hear the moderator ask questions. i'd have to get up, walk as cross stage, hear the question, walk back. then it was -- it's like comic-con for -- no, it's like comic-con. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's like comic-con, yeah. >> yeah, i decided i better not be there. >> jimmy: were people excited to see you guys together? >> yeah. >> jimmy: at the restaurant? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i would think so. >> yeah, it was nice. they all -- they went to jeff -- >> jimmy: to jeff bridges? >> yeah, it's great, man, how you doing, oh, it's great. >> jimmy: how many times have you watched that movie? >> i don't know. i try not to watch it too much. if it's on,ive getted sucked into it. i don't want to get burned out
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on it. >> jimmy: do you watch your stuff? is that something -- >> this is the only movie i've ever watched my stuff on. >> jimmy: really. >> otherwise -- >> jimmy: not even "the flintstones"? [ laughter ] >> oddly enough, no. i heard they might be doing a comedy version. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i really don't even remember what that was like but i remember seeing it. i remember it being the flintstones and it being a very big deal at that time. >> and it was. >> jimmy: is there going to be a flintstones reunion? >> they tried that. >> jimmy: that didn't work out. >> yeah, they used other people. >> jimmy: oh, that's right, yes. now i'm remembering everything. well, i'm happy that you're doing the show again. because there's -- i mean, there's so many great actors on "the conners," it was "roseanne," that of course it can continue without roseanne. >> yeah, i mean, it's -- it's weird. it was very weird doing the first show without her because she's my buddy. we sit there and she'd make me laugh and i make her laugh,
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which is always fun, because there's always a danger of her peeing herself. [ laughter ] yeah, i used to try to do that. i can't anymore! but yeah she gave up a lot for us to be able to do this show. and i can't thank her enough. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's great to see you. john goodman. "the conners" is the show. it premieres one week from tonight here on abc, 8:00 p.m. thank you, john. we'll be right back. ok here we go guys, you ready? hi! cinturones por favor. gracias. opportunity is everywhere. ♪ it's gonna be fine. it's a door... ♪ it's doing a lot of kicking down there. waiting to be opened. ♪ whatever your ambition... ♪ whatever your drive... ♪ whatever you're chasing...
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the new surface pro can handle all of my programs. i can paint, i can mold, i can code. i have it on all the time, it's fantastic. we get to build toys for kids and change the world. it's a big deal. then razor cut upt with sto a blunt angled lob. i'm retiring; you're my swan song. what?! he's gonna slap some clips in your hair, give you a bob and then he's gonna move to boca raton. but you're gonna look amazing. ok. there are multiples on the table:
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wow, that's an pretty great, huh?low. if you're a banana. i find it very...appealing. new kellogg's raisin bran with bananas. two scoops meet real banana slices. i've done a great job of raisin ya. ♪ al♪ tell me all the ways s♪♪ and he said ♪ ♪ girl, you take care of me ♪ ♪ you are my thera♪y ♪ the better half of me ♪ say it again ♪ ♪ if you love me ,love me, love me ♪ like you say ♪ ♪ darling tell me all the ways ♪ tell me all the ways ♪ now, we're bringing you all the ways to get what you need. target run & done.
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♪ yup. yes. yes sir. honey, ninja is calling you up to the national team, what's up travis. im calling you up. ♪ you ready? honey. you ready? ♪ minutes can mean the difference between life and death. proposition 11 saves lives by ensuring medical care is not delayed in an emergency. proposition 11 establishes into law the longstanding industry practice of paying emts and paramedics to remain on-call during breaks
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and requires they receive fema level training and active shooters and natural disasters. vote yes on 11 to ensure 911 emergency care is there when you or your love one need it. >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. still to come, nct 127. you know our next guest from many tv shows and movies, including the hugely popular comedy "girls trip." she played one of the girls on the trip. her new drama "the hate u give" opens october 19th. please welcome regina hall!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: good to have you here. >> thank you. i almost didn't get in here. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> because i went -- because i was looking rough, i'm not going to lie, before the team got to me. that's some good security out there. >> jimmy: our security didn't let you in? >> they were like, you can go across the street. >> jimmy: no. >> he said, what are you doing? i said, i'm here for the show. he said, park across. i said, i'm the guest. he said, let me see your license. he said, wait. >> jimmy: really? and then it all cleared, then he was embarrassed? >> i asked him on a date. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so i guess he didn't see "girls trip" then is the answer. >> no! right? yeah. it's more white women. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry that happened. usually we send -- i must have
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offered you a car. >> you did offer a car. >> jimmy: okay. >> i was coming from work. >> jimmy: rarely do people drive themselves here. >> and i drove. >> jimmy: that's probably what confused him. >> it seems very nice, though. there's nothing shady at all. >> jimmy: okay, good, good. very good. >> actually, i wouldn't have let me in either. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now have -- you mentioned white women. is there primarily -- [ cheers and applause ] who know you from "girls trip"? >> it's in addition to people who, you know, like recognize me now. used to be, you know -- all the black people did. >> jimmy: so you -- you've expanded to a wider audience? a "whiter" audience and a wider audience? >> yes, yes, exactly. i was just in toronto. there were like four -- >> jimmy: a lot of white people up there. >> yeah, yeah. and they were there. and there were four women. and they saw "girls trip." >> jimmy: that's it?
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that's the story? [ laughter ] you made a zillion dollars, of course they saw it. >> you forget, they didn't look like they would go see -- >> jimmy: i see. >> i need to know who's dina. who's the wild one? >> jimmy: was there a dina in the group? >> there's always a dina. >> jimmy: what was the first big movie you were in like that, a big budget type of movie or well known? >> i was about to say, none of the budgets have been big. "best man." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: who did you play in "best man"? >> i played -- well. candy was her name. by the second one she was candace because i was a teacher. when i was a stripper -- you know. >> jimmy: stripper. >> exotic dancer, candy. >> jimmy: is that something that, do i want to do this, do i want to play a stripper? >> i'm an actress, i'll play anything. >> jimmy: whatever it was. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you have to actually strip? >> not naked. >> jimmy: no, okay. >> yeah, it's much better not seeing, honestly.
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it's better imagined. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but you did have to dance a little bit? >> i had to dance. we went in, first we had a couple of rounds of awe editions, just auditioning. acting. then they came and said, regina, you have to dance. i was like, okay. i had, you know -- alize, remember? >> jimmy: alize? sounds familiar. >> it's like an alcohol. >> jimmy: oh, i thought it was -- >> anybody here know alize? [ scattered applause ] >> it would be a popular stripper name. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, alize, yeah. is there any way to make money off of strippers' names? i think we could sell that to someone. >> we should try. >> jimmy: yeah, definitely. >> our backup plan. so i went. and my friend, i was like, i don't know how to dance. she said, you don't need to know how to dance. she used to be a dancer. she said, you go and smack your
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butt. that's all? she said, get a chair, turn around, smack your butt. and i went to the audition. i had like a bottle of alize. what's so amazing -- [ laughter ] now this is true. i'm going to tell you what's so amazing. when your adrenaline is high, you don't feel the alcohol. like i was still sober. >> jimmy: i see. >> and i'm not a drinker. >> jimmy: interesting. you intentionally got drunk and didn't get drunk? >> yes. unintentionally. >> jimmy: right. >> so i go. and i go in. and i go in the room. and it's like when they have no respect for you. and they let -- you can hear everybody audition in one big room. the girls had routines. what is your routine? all i had was that. i went in the room. they put the music on. and i just said, i need a chair. put the chair up. just turn around. [ laughter and applause ] i thought the eye contact was going to sell it. and i started. and then the producer said, stop the music.
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and he said, can you do anything else? [ laughter ] so i guess i wasn't impressive. and i said, yes. then i picked up my stuff and left. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> i did, i did. because i was like, i don't get jobs anyway, it will just be another one i don't get. >> jimmy: why embarrass myself? >> yeah, and it wouldn't have alarmed my agent. then they called and said, we want her. but she walked out of the audition. >> jimmy: oh. they probably never had that happen before. >> yeah, that was probably what really did it. >> jimmy: yeah, playing hard to get. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: they hired you. >> well, they said -- they hired a dancer who had to give the go ahead that she could work with me. >> jimmy: now this new movie is based on a very popular book. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it's -- >> i love the stripping memory. >> jimmy: there's no stripping in this movie. >> there is stripping. no, there is no stripping, no. >> jimmy: tell us what the movie is about. >> so the movie is about -- there's so many things that come -- that are happening in this movie. it's about a young girl who sees
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her best friend shot by a police officer. >> jimmy: right. so this is some heavy subject matter, obviously. >> very, uh-huh. >> jimmy: there's no smacking on the ass or anything like that in this thing. >> and i tried. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and you play -- your character is married and -- >> i play her mom. we're a working-class family. >> jimmy: working-class family. >> very working-class family. we sacrifice to send her to private school. she and her brothers. we have -- hm. we have three kids but he had one child during a breakup. >> jimmy: i see. >> when you break up for 10 minutes with a guy, we were broken up. you're like, if you broke up this morning? it's 8:00. >> jimmy: he ran out and got someone pregnant. >> yeah, he ran out and got someone pregnant, that's good. and then we stayed together. so that child is a part of our family. >> jimmy: who plays your husband in this movie? >> russell hornsby, who's so amazing.
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>> jimmy: did you feel a chemistry with him? >> you know what, russell and i went and rehearsed before we started to make sure we had the chemistry. we were improv. like our relationship, we discussed -- we actually did the fight that broke us up. before he made the baby. in real life. >> jimmy: you did the fight -- >> not in real life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the back story. >> we did the back story. >> jimmy: you acted it out between you. >> acted it out between us. and it wasn't good because we did it at a restaurant in hollywood. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> yeah, and he stormed out of the restaurant. the lady came over, can i help? he was like, nah! i was like, there you go again. [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: taking acting too far. you go to a restaurant, you have a fight. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then he storms out of the restaurant. >> storms out of the restaurant. >> jimmy: did he leave you with the check? >> he left me -- he came back in. the poor little waitress, god bless her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she didn't know what was going on. >> she wanted to know if anybody wanted anything else to drink.
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that's what you want a waitress is to do is check on you. >> jimmy: she did check on you. >> she, did then he yelled. >> you did your homework, that's for darn sure. >> yeah, we did. >> jimmy: i hope that waitress goes to the movie and goes, oh, those people were fighting in my restaurant. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> i know. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. >> i know. >> jimmy: the movie is called -- it's out in select cities. >> it's in l.a. >> jimmy: it opens everywhere on october 19th. >> are you going to go? >> jimmy: it's called "the hate u give." >> are you going to go? >> jimmy: you've got to send it to me. >> i'll send it. >> send it to me, and i will watch it. >> okay. >> jimmy: i know, i'm very difficult. >> no, you have to work. i understand. >> jimmy: regina hall, everyone. "the hate u give." be right back with nct 127! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel already concert series is
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live" concert series presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank john goodman and regina hall, apologies to matt damon. this is what all the excitement is about. this is their album "regular irregular." here with the song "regular," nct 127! ♪ ♪ ♪ i like shining you be lying i be grinding you waste time ♪ ♪ know you wanna roll with me cause you know ♪ ♪ i put it down when i show up i'm the one and only ♪ ♪ no, no, no, no, no yeah pull up in the jag ♪ ♪ haters gonna be mad i be walking with the cheese that's that queso ♪ ♪ queso, queso diamonds drippin' better bring your rain coat ♪ ♪ splash i got them racks on me i brought the whole ♪ ♪ lit team with me bang bang i might pull up ♪ ♪ in a spaceship hop out it don't look like ♪ ♪ i live here mars and now we in a zone ♪ ♪ all on stand too close might catch a cold ♪
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♪ crib came with a gate and a code ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah drippin' water faucet ♪ ♪ splash woo woo all v-v-s my diamonds ♪ ♪ i don't need no light to shine iced out both ♪ ♪ my wrists now i can barely see the time ♪ ♪ i just made a million and i'm still not satisfied 'cause i need that ♪ ♪ bag on the regular i spend a bag on the regular ♪ ♪ we make the world go da da de da da ♪ ♪ de da dum my bank account go da da ♪ ♪ de da da de da dum we make the world go ♪ ♪ da da de da da de da dum ♪ ♪ brrr ♪ i want it woo woo i am to rich to compete so ♪ ♪ don't compare them to me yeah yeah yeah we are not the same ♪ ♪ only one of me hey hey hopped out the coupe ♪ ♪ the sky is the roof my whole team ball we never lose ♪ ♪ hundreds all blue we do what we do hopping out casket fresh ♪ ♪ looking like a fashion show oh ♪ ♪ diamonds all on my neck looking like a water show let's go ♪ ♪ she gone bust it
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bust it bust it ♪ ♪ for a real one for a real one we gone bring ♪ ♪ out the cars one way no stop to the stars ♪ ♪ crew fly dubai no it ain't two sides ♪ ♪ too high one way to mars you better watch yourself ♪ ♪ i did it all by myself uh and now we in a zone ♪ ♪ stand too close might catch a cold crib came with a gate and a code yeah ♪ ♪ drippin' water faucet splash woo woo all v-v-s my diamonds ♪ ♪ i don't need no light to shine iced out both ♪ ♪ my wrists now i can barely see the time i just made a million ♪ ♪ and i'm still not satisfied 'cause i need that ♪ ♪ bag on the regular i spend a bag on the regular ♪ ♪ we make the world b da da ♪ my bank account go da da we make the world go da da ♪ de da dum brrr ♪ ♪ i want it woo woo multi-colored diamonds ♪ ♪ like a rainbow p-i-r your eyes ♪ ♪ your brain go
12:25 am
♪ we flash ♪ let's dance this is real this is a regular movie ♪ ♪ let's bounce ohhh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ ohhh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ run it up run it up run it up ♪ ♪ no competition in front of us we got the wave ♪ ♪ we getting' paid ohh all v-v-s my diamonds ♪ ♪ i don't need no light to shine iced out both ♪ ♪ my wrists now i can barely see the time ♪ ♪ i just made a million and i'm still not satisfied ♪ ♪ 'cause i need that bag on the regular i spend a bag ♪ ♪ on the regular we make the world b da da ♪ ♪ de da da my bank account go ♪ ♪ da da de da dum ♪ ♪ we make the world go de da da ♪ ♪ de da dum brrr ♪ ♪ i want it whoa ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
12:26 am
♪ right cherry bomb feel it yum ♪ ♪ right cherry bomb feel it yum ♪ ♪ right cherry bomb feel it yum ♪ ♪ right cherry bomb feel it yum ♪ ♪ i'm the biggest hit i'm the biggest hit on this stage ♪ ♪ i'm the biggest hit i'm the biggest hit on this stage i'm the biggest hit ♪ ♪ i'm the biggest hit on this stage i'm the biggest hit i'm the biggest hit ♪ ♪ on this stage four three two one ♪ ♪ i'mma do ma thang ♪ yo hands up in the air we back get away ♪ ♪ everywhere ♪ ♪ stomach ♪ cherry bomb ♪ popping your head like ♪ chip no fireman ♪ ♪ fireworks cherries in the sky high i'm thbiggest hit ♪ on this stage i'm the biggest hit i'm the biggest hit ♪ ♪ on this stage if you are happy and you know it clap your hands ♪
12:27 am
♪ on this stage if you are happy and you know it clap your hands ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight -- ♪ >> bad blood? taylor swift breaks her political silence and says it's personal. the pop princess fueling the nation's political clashes as the newest supreme court justice gets his ceremonial swearing-in. >> so help me, god. >> and one fan isn't singing swift's tune. >> let's say i like taylor's muse pick 25% less now. >> could this be teeing up another taylor/kanye feud on a very different stage? plus insta oasis. the instagram playgrounds now popping up. these creative installations becoming hives for
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