tv Right This Minute ABC October 19, 2018 1:42am-2:13am PDT
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>> we all know what happened here. put it in rerse and then panicked. >> it was an employee at a car wash that this car had been taken to that made the mistake of crashing. >> i'm sorry, you're wrong. restate that. it was a former employee. >> there were no reported injuries and no word on the employee. >> see if they can buff it out. >> that happened at a shop in china. let's go on to this road, also in china, where one second you're just chilling out, and the next -- >> no, no! >> what the -- >> it was like the dog in front of the gate saw it coming and was like, whoa, i'm out. >> yeah.
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and the next you're running for your life. >> what happened? >> lucky escape for them. >> two people in the car, though, did suffer some injuries. >> what you're about to see in this video is something i desperately want to see. >> that's on an island in indonesia and as you can see, it has just blown it's top. as you can tell, this is the ultimate volcano expedition. they're out there on a boat getting up close and personal to the volcano. so you can say a volcano. it's erupting. >> it's very beautiful in a very scary way. >> what happens when a volcano erupts? >> yes, because whatever goes up -- >> it must come down. >> back that thing up.
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>> look at that. it's crazy. it's thrown up by the force of this eruption. >> geology minor here. >> look at the force with which they are landing in the water. they don't make impact with the boat but they certainly go -- let's go , but they certainly g let's go guys. it's notorious for having these eruptions. in 1883 was 13,000 times bigger than the hiroshima bomb. it's been pretty active as well. all having eruptions apparently it grows 15 feet a year. >> i volunteer you. here you
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>> they're expecting a baby. >> we're really excited. >> wants to have a super gender reveal party. >> they put the dogs in the box. >> the dogs are going to fall out. >> of course not. also helped pull this off. the collar representing the gender of the baby will be in the box. the corresponding dog will enter the room. >> these dogs are so confused. >> i like how people attended the party by facebook. >> of course. they included everybody. >> the time has come. >> 3, 2, 1 -- >> that's adorable. >> it's a dog.
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>> that's right. she doesn't really know what's going on but she comes through the curtains and the pink and white balloons and all the wrapping paper come out and they are super excited. >> that's really adorable. >> i love the way they integrate. >> and they are expecting their baby girl in february. >> up next, we have got meg. >> we're going to reveal the gender of our next child. >> they throw quite the party and send out videos pretty awesome. they go around the room asking people what they think. boy or girl? >> i think boy. >> it's a boy. >> everyone thinks it's a boy. >> now for the moment you have all been waiting for. they gather with friends and family and make them close their eyes and line-up.
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and boom. >> oh, it's a girl. >> now this is hilarious. >> that is so weird, but it's funny. >> they are super excited. their friends and family are super excited. the kids just want to play. they're having a little girl. >> who is there to protect you? here we have a 360 4k camera, and it's there out in this forested area, but here comes an elephant. the camera falls about 10 feet and boom, you get an interesting stomach side view of the elephant now. >> the herd was probably like, do you get the feeling we're being watched.
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>> but the camera is still rolling so we do get a 360 view of the nice leaves and trees around the elephant. >> looks like the elephant is trying to scratch on that tree leaf. >> check out this buffalo. that's a watering hole but according to an avid wildlife photographer, he says hippos are pretty possessive of their area in the water. as you can see here, the buffalos are like, i'll just step away. that is a hippo calf, and they say, go somewhere else to get your water. >> why can't they get along? >> if a lion or alligator comes after one of them, they
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intercede. >> see how his not so perfect plan gets him a little hung up. >> and diy decorations to die for. we have all the ways to add some spooky fun to your house this halloween. ♪ it's like sugar ♪ so sweet ♪ good enough ♪ to eat ♪ it's like ♪ it's like ♪ i like it ♪ it's like sugar in this home, we play. and on halloween we play with our food. what matters most, is made at home. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for 12 hours. so you're totally ready for that big moment. colgate total. be totally ready for life.
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brushing teeth - easy! new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects >> closed captioning provided by -- new act kids toothpaste. >> ever wonder how people train to be a hang glider? it goes something like this. he has a string or a rope attached at the front. they're going to tell him what's going on right here. >> doesn't he need those wheels
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to land? >> no, that was to just aid in the take off. you can just be in the country side like right here. eventually gets up to an attitude and gets his chance there to disconnect. that's when he's going to turn around to practice landing. a key part of hang gliding. >> every air sport requires a landing. >> you're up there by yourself. i don't know how much experience this guy but it's all in your hands, quite literally, your steering, your altitude, things like that. now in this case you can see there's lots of green grass. lots of places to land. >> oh, no
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much. >> help get him down. they said there was no damage to hang glider or the guy either. next time when you're landing, don't land in a tree. >> it seems obvious. >> they say you learn from your mistakes. apparently he went up a couple more times that day. >> you could go to the stores and spend hundreds of dollars on halloween decorations or gather the family and have a fun, crafty night. this video highlights 18 really fun and crafty halloween decoration ideas. the first, get a rubber glove, fill it with water, freeze it, and then drop that frozen hand into your punch bowl. creepy ice cube hand. >> i like how the figure looks like it accidentally fell off. >> got a push button light hanging around the house? draw a creepy looking eye ball on it. and you have some glowing eyes in the dark. >> that's clever. >> this one is for the kids. get an old toilet paper roll.
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draw creepy eyes. get the parents to cut that out. you have creepy eyes off in the distance. >> they're using things you already have at home and you don't need to spend more money. >> exactly. get all the red crayons hanging around the house and hot glue them around the top of the pumpkin and melt them with the hair drier. >> clever. >> here's a fun idea. get a bunch of different shaped gourds and stick a few together with tooth picks and you have a big pumpkin-styled spike. for more ideas go to rig >> this is the youtube channel. they're the big dog, top cat in the situation. >> yeah, they got the new kitten
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as well. >> that's right. >> they love boxes. do you know what i mean? >> yeah. >> it's just everything they could possibly want. >> they're like oh, look. >> strings. >> that's not part of it. >> but they have been dreaming forever to get high enough to play with that one, you >> so let's head on over to the oregon zoo. >> yes. >> look at the tiny turtle. >> do you know what it is? a tiny turtle? >> let me guess, a specific kind. >> yes. >> so you mean tiny turtle? >> yes. >> there's 15 of them. look how tiny and adorable they
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are. they recently arrived at the oregon zoo. they say they're smaller than a nickel. >> but they're almost the same size. >> they're interesting to look at. they're turtley awesome and super adorable. >> women of all ages share -- >> who is the most beautiful woman? >> find out who they say is the most beautiful of all time. >> michelle pfeffer. >> yes. >> plus an extreme sports pro standing on a cliff's edge. >> that jump below him is about 70 feet down to the water. >> the incredible moment he attempts an unbelievable flip off the falls. u bought a house. okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ]
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so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. quiet. i'm blasting my quads. janice, look. i'm in a meeting. -janice, look. -[ chuckles ] -look, look. -i'm looking. it's easy. you just answer some simple questions online, and you get coverage options to choose from. you're ruining my workout. cycling is my passion. you're ruining my workout. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for 12 hours. so you're totally ready for that big moment. colgate total. be totally ready for life. i like to use elegant words to describe it.ngredients, splifinditiously good chicken. fabtoulasiously hot broth. scrumtilious celery.
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boy, i hope i'm using these right. progresso soup, you simply must taste it. ♪ [coughing] ♪ lysol max cover kills 99.9% of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. in this home, we play. and on halloween we play with our food. what matters most, is made at home. the cold and flu fighting machine.ods. you put in your machine. press the button and it gets to work. ♪ activating the powerful pain reliever, fever reducer, nasal decongestant, and cough suppressant, in a warm, soothing liquid. ♪ new theraflu powerpods. the cold and flu fighting machine
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you put in your machine. press. sip. relief. fact: some of your favorite foods stain teeth. unlike ordinary whitening toothpaste, colgate optic white has hydrogen peroxide that goes below the tooth's surface for a smile that's 4 shades visibly whiter! colgate optic white. whitening that works. time for gold bond fhealing lotion.crinkly, penetrates ten surface layers deep, with seven moisturizers, three vitamins. gold bond.
2:01 am
>> see that speck at the top of that waterfall in the u.k.? that's a human. he calls himself a professional stunt man. he's been doing extreme sports since he was 14. that jump below him is about 70 feet below the water. don't worry. there's people to help if something goes wrong. well this man decided to jump. >> no, it looked like he landed okay. >> what you saw him do is a turning front flip into a back flip as he's going down into the water. the problem is, remember when i said it's a high force waterfall? at this point, maddie is under water and the force is not allowing him to come up.
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it takes him about 8 seconds to be able to break the surface again. >> that has to feel like an eternity too. >> especially when you're fighting the water to get back up. in retrospect he says he's lucky to be alive and he suggests that other people don't try this. >> but they will. >> authorities have become aware of this and they also agree this could have been a fatal jump for him. >> they're asking women ages 5 to 75, who is the most attractive women of all time? >> well, mom is in there a lot. >> my mom. >> my mom. >> any confident woman. >> i like number 13.
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but you could see a trend here. it's either mom or popular actresses and singers of the time. we well, let's go to the 20s. >> rihanna. >> angelina jolie. she's beautiful and i love the way she contributes to society. >> angelina jolie got mentioned quite a bit. when you got to your 30s and 40s, women start with classic looks. >> audrey hepburn. >> my mother. >> my mother. >> sophia loren. >> catherine zeta-jones. >> audrey hepburn. >> sophia loren. >> i love how they pick women from different decades. >> jackie kennedy. >> my grandmother. >> oprah winfrey. >> helen miren. >> eleanor roosevelt.
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my wall. >> diy. >> perfect. >> snapchat filters. some people use them to send them to their mates and other people make whole careers out of them. >> hey, friends, look what came in the mail. >> like right here. >> we're going to do an asmr unboxing of our youtube box, okay? >> asmr, that thing nick was talking about the other day. the autonomous sensory meridian
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response. >> come along with us. >> unboxing the special >> it's magical. let's cut the other side now. >> just when i thought it couldn't be any weirder, this is happening. >> we got the box and we cut it, but what's inside the box? >> something good has to be underneath. >> you would be right. >> this is a nice note from youtube. >> they got a nice note because look at that, that snapchat filter baby thing. 100,000 subscribers on youtube. they have been sent their silver
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button. >> it's >> thanks for watching everybody, we'll see you next time on an all new rtm. called, the nose sweater? what was it called before. i can't remember. we have these to protect us. >> this works. is this man sizing? >> thank you for the correction. >> a little mansplaining. in the "me too" era apparently you can't have a man sized -- >> female, male. this is just small and xl. glad we cleared that up. coming up, the dramatic mine shaft rescue. what really happened to that 62-year-old who was stuck down there for days. and cardi b spread some good will. ♪ that's ahead in "the skinny." you're watching "world news now."
2:09 am
about the colonial penn program. here to tell you if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
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and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now.
2:12 am
are there no other lottery are there no other lottery places there in california? but don't be surprised to see long lines of lottery dreamers for tonight's mega millions drawing. the jackpot will be at least $970 million. that's the second largest lottery grand prize in u.s. history. if you don't win, tomorrow night the powerball jackpot will also be worth at least $430 million. that's a location there in southern california. turning now to the details we're learning about that dramatic mine shaft rescue we told you about yesterday. this happened in arizona. >> a 62-year-old man who fell ten stories down an old gold mine shaft and stuck there for more than two days. abc's will carr has more. >> reporter: for the first time we're seeing the daring rescue. search and rescue crews in arizona pulling a man to safety from this mine shaft after he
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