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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  October 24, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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the race is on. live at one of four contenders
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in the commute challenge. as we put local transportation options to the test. it's part of the effort to build a better bay area. >> not going anywhere. >> the solutions are complex. this is a complicated issue. our role is help service the issue and create a forum for conversation. >> as you well know there's a housing affordability crisis in the bay area. how do we fix it? we'll share ideas. >> car break ins are down in san francisco. if they do happen, police are telling victims to do something others haven't hav 6:00 in the morning it takes five noins get to work. five minutes to get to work. later shift it takes 45 minutes to get to work. >> we're going to tell you something you know well. bay area traffic congestion is lousy. > committed building a
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better bay area. we're putting more time, resources and reporting into the issues that affect your quality of life. tonight we're talking traffic and trying to find solutions. >> the second worst traffic in the country after l.a. the commission looks at traffic issues for nine bay areas counties put out the top ten list of most congested freeways. we have mapped them out here. none in the north bay. practically nothing along the peninsula. number one is 101. here's a live look at drivers through that gauntlet. does your commute make that list? let's look. >> zempb of the top ten -- seven of the top ten are in the east bay.
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here's a live look at the toll plaza. not bad. this stretch is the only commute on the list that is usually always crowded. the other sections are bad either in the morning or evening. but not all the of the time. >> this is rare. that image. >> two of the worst commutes in south bay. southbound 101 in the evening. from sunny vail to oakland road in san jose. near the 880 interchange. we have a camera. the bay areas third worst commute. the taillights are cars headed southbound on 101. approaching oakland road. >> the solution to reducing traffic is to stop driving alone. which is how most people get to work. >> alternatives. car pooling sp bart and bus. to name a few. we decided put them to the test. >> at 5:00 we started a race with four people taking four different transportation
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options. to travel from san francisco to the downtown berkeley bart station. >> this 13 mile route goes through two of the top ten worst commutes. >> how's the drive? >> it's moving now. so we are moving. but i have a feeling i'm not going to win this race. let me tell you what happened. we left at 5:04. this evening. and we left from abc 7 news located front street. we drove and so it has taken us about 50 minutes at 5:54 to get on the bay bridge. i'll tell you something.e in tr question for me is why would anybody want to do this.
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>> reporter: as if we didn't already know. we spend too much time stuck in traffic. >> the bay area is terrible. terrible. >> the transportation commission new data found the freeway with the most delays is the afternoon commute on u.s. 101. from interstate 80 over the bridge towards treasure island. and in the morning it's that reveers commute from i 80 westbound. two corridors that made the top ten list. san jose mayor says he won't advocate for lane expansion. >> we can't build them fast enough and don't have the dollars. >> since 2010 the amount of time the average commuter spends in congestion each weekday has increased by more than 80%. those on the commission are reviewing other options to try to alleviate the traffic congestion. like expanding part. more high occupy si toll lanes
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and possibly creating more bus lanes. >> express bus lanes so the buses aren't sitting in the same traffic. and people will say i need to move over there. >> we heard from commuters. >> she says start with lift and uber. >> limit the cars that they have. and certain cities. >> others said more people should car pool. >> i have a few friends that do that. that is a great idea. >> somebody they work with isn't that bad of person and they can get in the car and ride to work. >> as for the mayor he rides his bicycle to work. but not this week. >> not today. i had foot surgery. but i'm within a mile. so i can ride my bike. >> okay. so thanks to sky 7, which has
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been following us. i'll wave to see if they can see me. sky 7 has been following us. through the rough times through this rough commute. now of course we are moving right along. i would say about 20 minutes away from the berkeley station. again this is what is going to happen. we're all going to meet at the berkeley bart station in downtown. tosee who won this challenge. you know something, i have a feeling it's not >> anyway. we'll see. we're moving along. i may not make it home for dinner. >> they're cruising now. >> we have had the news meteorologist jumping in on the this project. >> how's the race? >> in the time it took lee ann
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just to get on the bay bridge. we had a winner. justin took bart. from the into berkeley. in a matter of 54 minutes, door to door. he made it. number one on the challenge. lt other three are still kind of in the thick of it. now we had leonard. taking ac transit. at 6:00 he made it over the bay bridge. he is still on 80 at this hour. trying to make it to berkeley. you saw lee ann. she's making her way, 20 minutes out. i feel so bad for thomas. he got the short straw. we took him to casual car pool. as of 5:48. it's been a half hour since i showed up and no one stopped to pick him up. he's making conversation with folks in line. not the best choice. if you're in a hurry.
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we want to hear what you think. on twitters. we have posted a poll. we want to know who you thought would have been the fastest. and of course online. you can track all the progress. driving, i think we all know it's one big nightmare. >> thomas. somebody pick him up. >> we need him >> everyone in our experimentert used the hash tag to chronicle their commute. >> for some people it's notd traffic it's housing. in the south bay you need an income of a quarter million dollars to buy a house. >> building a better bay area is about looking at solutions.
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>> live with some examples. >> don't we wish we had a magic wand. there are advocates who believe residents need to sit down and engage in conversation with the elected officials and policy makers to come up with solid solutions. this week, 2,000 of them sat down to brainstorm. >> reporter: there's plenty of research to substantiate the housing crisis. it takes nearly 22 years to save up 20% down payment for a san jose house. these people and hundreds more are brainstorming solutions. the community foundation invited ideas to turn into an action plan. >> it's a problem that needs intervention. by the community. and policy makers. >> the foundation interim ceo. it helps ideas from a wide range
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of people. >> we're going academic research. and sponsoring conversations like this. representation for we had two conversations this morning with artists. >> one of them is a mural artist. who is wrapping up a project. she was glad to participate so a renter could be heard. as an artist paying rent has been difficult. >> one of my clients falls through. and doesn't want to execute the contract. and i'm relying on that contract. i'm out of luck. >> voters on november 6 will be asked to consider solutions. two propositions to raise funds for affordable housing. >> in three to five years we see a much bigger difference. in a more affordable housing market. >> the silicon valley community foundation had notes taking.
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they hope to have an action plan prepared next year. >> thank you. this is what we don't need more. a new housing development under construction in oakland burned down yesterday. the sixth big construction fire in six years. >> today we asked the developers if it deters them from building. you'll hear the answer. next. buyers of those ice house condos that burned up are getting real answers tonight. 7 on your side is coming up. let the warming begin. but i and you find that brand... no. ...for how much? yes. that's yes for less. fall's best accessories are even better when you find them for less. at ross. yes for less.
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6:14 pm find your new fall look at an "oh, yeah" price. check this out. that's yes for less. from the latest trends to your favorite brands, it feels even better when you find them for less.
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commute challenge continues. four colleagues heading from san francisco to berkeley right now. thomas hasn't gotten picked up yet. >> they're going through the worst traffic spots. >> hash tag save thomas. >> a quick check of the progress. who is commuting the old fashion way. >> that's right. what happens to thomas is the mustache. we feel so sorry for him. let me tell you we are now making great progress. once we hit mlk and we are now al ka traz. that's right. so we're about five minutes away. if you will. and so let me just i made a list of all the things that we did. dean smith and i did while we were sitting in traffic.
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we had about 50 minutes of inching away. we made airline reservations. we called our spouses. we called our children. we made restaurant reservations. and paid all of our bills online. i'm just kidding. no, really. we just griped about people just stuck in traffic. and maybe blocking the intersection. it hasn't been fun. we left at about 5:04 and just entered got on the bridge about 50 minutes later. we're only about five minutes away. from the bart station. and i maybe the sd opee. . don'tecnddriving. that's all i have to stay. back to y g how did you know wh direction you were going to go?
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i use ways. were you using a gps. >> no, we didn't. technically we could have used a commuter lane. which would have been faster. but we decided not to do that. we played it just straight. and decided to be just as if i was the person driving. we're just passing ash by. we followed our instincts. we travel so much on the road that we knew what to take and so forth. now sky 7 of course was following us. not giving us any pointers. but dean smith who knows the oakland and berkeley area so very well. really got us here very quickly. i personally would have been lost. >> dean knows his way around very well.
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>> all right. drew is also tracking progress. i want to know -- celebrate. i want to know if thomas is picked up. >> thomas update. there are no rules during the commute. every person for themselves. should have taken the car pool lane. >> thomas. >> he's done. i'm still standing in the sidewalk of spear and howard waiting for cash car pool. he's a casual car pool. much better in the morning for east bay folks into the city. he's been in line for an hour. and two people bailed. no pickups there. >> leonard on ac transit. we'll find out who comes in second. justin took bart came in first. with a time of 54 minutes. >> this whole story is changing.
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>> save thomas. >> thank you. everyone in our experiment used the hash tag better bay area. >> add that to your tweets and join the conversation. >>
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to investigators will scour the site of yesterday's destructive suspicious fire. in west oakland. >> as you can see the fire destroyed a townhouse development under construction. it's the latest suspicious fire to destroy a housing project in the east bay. there have been a number of them. >> news reporter is live in oakland with the story. >> just a short while ago. fire officials updated us on the investigation. into that fire that many believe could be the work of an arsonist. >> a team of agents assembled at the scene. in west oakland.nd colltincking patterns. om drone vw 7 yesterday at le shortly after 2:00 a.m. tuesday. with just the framing up. officials say the ice house development burned like tinder.6
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unit complex were destroyed. there was a fire in the stairwell of the same building in april. that was quickly put out. 20 agents will comb the scene tomorrow. >> there are multiple cameras out there. we are trying to track down the video. for any and all available cameras in the area. >> east bay cities have been on high alert after video captured a hooded suspect at a construction site. and one in concord. yesterday a second fire at this construction site was quickly put out. it already had the sprinkler system installed. that's where oakland developers think the city could help. >> if they could speed up the permitting process. and get with east bay mud. and allow them to install sprinkler systems. fire water systems earlier in the process. that would cause help out a lot. >> do fires like this put the brakes on development?
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>> no. they increase the cost. they have increased security, insurance rates has gone up. price of housing has gone up. they double, triple security. >> as you know there's a lot of construction throughout oakland and the east bay. some of the developers are spending up to $50,000 a month on security. because of the fires. cameras and dogs. security guards and streaming video. all of it. we hope tomorrow is atf gets on the scene. we'll have more information on the cause. >> thank you. we have more information tonight for the buyers of the now burned homes. at the ice house. >> we have been pursuing this for two days. >> it is good news. add good as it can get.
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52 deposits were put down on units. now those buyers have several options and a way forward. >> there is good news tonight for the 52 buyers who put down money for the condos at ice house in west oakland. ceo said yesterday his company was determined to see the units built and buyers taken care of. >> all their lives have been affected. we'll work closely with the homeowners and also be working to continue the construction on the backside of the project. >> today we spoke by phone. he assured me any buyer who wants money back. will get it. those who put down deposits will keep the current pricing. construction will begin again on monday. the homes should be finished next y the cost of real estate went up here in the bay area.
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city ventures will reach out to each buyer and meet with them to go over options. buyers selected specific units. some will be able to change units if they wish. to units that didn't burn. however. there is a limited availability. >> buyers who have questions can contact the sales office directly. by phone or person. he hopes to meet with all home buyers as soon as possible. by the end of the weekend. >> the hunt is onto find whoever sent homemade bombs to top democrats like former president obama. and hillary clinton as well as cnn. >> working every day to make it go down. >> the possible reason ins in sn francisco. what police say you should do. take a look.
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this is one of a series o
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california's public schools rank 44th in the nation. 44th. i'm marshall tuck, i'm a public-school parent, and i know we can do better. in the public schools i led, we got more funding into our classrooms, supported our teachers, and we raised graduation rates by 60%.
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that's why president obama's education secretary endorses me. we've done it before. now, let's do it for every public-school student in california. i'm marshall tuck. i'm running for state superintendent.
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take a look at this. one of the a series of suspicious packages containing explosives and the recipients have something in common. the devices sent out were packed with shards of glass. >> sent to the clintons and obamas. and cnn headquarters in new york. >> two were intercepted. at a congressional mail sorting facility. and a second about 90 minutes ago at a facility in l.a. >> similar in appearance to the >> more on the response from police across the country. >> reporter: this is the device. discovered in the mail room. that caused the cable news work and the entire time warner center to evacuate.
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>> there was 25 uniformed officers down there >> what appears to be a small pipe bomb. with wires extending from it. addressed to former cia director john brennan. >> it's an act of terror. >> the package appears similar to the one sent to the clintons. and the obamas. discovered this morning. and sent to the home of billion george sors two days ago. clinton not at home. but campaigning in florida. >> we are fine thanks sot men and women of the secret service. >> the law enforcement is still searching for a motive. the bombs come during a time of hostile pitical rhetoric. the white house is monitoring the situation closely. trump also issuing a condemnation. >> acts or threats of political
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violence of any kind have no place in the united states. >> multiple agencies all investigating the attempted attacks. >> we'll turn over every >> the news app first alerted you to the suspicious devices this morning. down load the app and find out whether every news breaks. >> all right. commute challenge continues. we have four colleagues heading from san francisco to berkeley. going through some of the worst traffic spots. >> it's about 13 miles drive. they started their jour nee at 5:04 p.m. tonight. >> let's check on it. >> s's car! >> that's fabulous. we made it. >> i came i got here at 6:23. so what is that.
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an hour and 19 minutes. here's the smart one. he beat all of us. how long did it take you? >> 22 minutes. >> okay. you got here at what time. > 5:45. >> i was getting on the bay bridge at 5:54. this is amazing. you were taking. >> ac transit. how long? >> you just got here. >> about 6:27. >> did you make any friend on the bus. >> i didn't. everyone was really quiet. >> thomas got stuck. and we're saving him what? >> strawberry cake. >> if i don't eat it first. i'm starving. anyway. it was fun. we love berkeley. finally got out of the car. >> public transportation is the way to go. bart. >> 22 minutes. that's amazing. >> go team.
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>> he did shopping before other people got there. >> where's thomas. >> i have never seen anybody so proud to be second place. she was so excited. >> the big question is, poor thomas. thomas one of the contestants took casual car pool. his latest update. 6:30. he says everyone in line bailed on the berkeley casual car pool. looks like no luck. thomas is still stuck in san francisco. but, he made a friend. >> that's worth something. >> our boss says don't try anymore. come back to the station. >> we want to hear what you think. go to twitter. we have a poll. which is the fastest.
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bart was quick. a lot of us don't have many options. but lee ann good job. she drove. she had a driver. >> thomas made a >> what you do now? >> probably ride share. >> poor thomas. you can track the commute challenge. look up the hash tag better bay area. and add your own commute story. >> all right. good for them. for at least make lg the trek. >> coming to a police station near after san franciscoen. a program to help reduce car break ins. a pilot program in january. however car break ins will not stop over night. >> a couple visiting from australia is adding broken glass
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and stolen property to their san francisco memories. san francisco police say car break ins are down 14%. year to date. good news unless you're the latest. >> san francisco district attorney says his office prosecutes more than 80% of car break ins. >> the sentencing they're getting is five and a half months which is significant for a property crime. >> but says less than 2% of the people responsible for the car break ins are being arrested. >> it's not a criticism. the crimes are hard to resolve. >> police need to investigate. to make an arrest. car break in victims should call police. to take a report. >> if people call officers will respond. if don't respond, call multiple
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times. >> that's what julia did. visiting from north carolina. someone broke into her rental car. and stole her fathers ashes. >> that was not the case. they couldn't even come out to assist us. i have to file a report online. i said missing items there's not a selection for human remains being stolen. >> it took a call from the news for police to meet her at the garage. they got back her fathers ashes. the couple from australia also called police to come here to take a report. they say the dispatcher told them because the passp to go to police station in person. >> thank you. here's a question. can you spell art with the
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letters x and o? >> in san jose the answer is yes. >> the positiveivity is
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a new art installation in san jose is reminding us about the importance of sharing love and kindness. >> nbc7 explains where the art came from. it may surprise you. >> straight into the heart of silicon valley. this art at city hall came from burning man. annual event in the black rock desert of nevada. >> getting more people doin town. and enjoying. it's a good thing to see. >> according to the artist behind the piece. it's a love letter to the community. symbols for hugs and kisses. showing affection to those around us. >> we have an artistic culture around the city. >> down the road, the ha ha installation is stopping people in their tracks. it's meant to be a celebration of life.
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a tribute to the late burning man founder. this college student from portugal was happy to stumble upon the display. >> seeing this it was really special. >> the art will remain through february. at a total cost of $40,000. paid for through the hotel tax. the program aims to spark self-discovery and encourage others to get creative. director of cultural affairs. her team was instrumental in creating a partnership. >> people are really embracing that. as part of their unique identity. and culture. it's become a backdrop for the all types of people. regardless of age or background. >> the bird are a visual symbol meant to free viewers from fear and self-doubt. >> it's a memory i'll take home. >> a chance for visitors to connect on a deeper level.
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lls ciin the
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"look what she's accomplished... she authored the ban on assault weapons... pushed the desert protection act through congress, and steered billions of federal dollars to california projects such as subway construction and wildfire restoration." "she... played an important role in fighting off ...trump's efforts to kill the affordable care act." california news papers endorse dianne feinstein for us senate. california values senator dianne feinstein a group of women in the east
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bay did something that generated puzzled looks and also smiles. >> we followed the women as they shared flower power. an act of kindness that caught people off guard. they stopped total strangers on the street to give them not one, but two bouquets of flowers. one to keep and one to share. >> lovely. what a beautiful bouquet. >> they make us happy. >> part of the petal it forward. a national campaign to share random act of kindness. owner of j miller flowers organized the give away in oakland. >> seeing peoples faces light up with smiles. >> domething kind is not always easy. some are skeptical. >> we have to reassure it's a
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gift. >> the flowers were donated by growers from the flower mart. the women gave out about 300 bouquets. including dozens to families and workers at the children's hospital. >> my coworker had a bad morning. she's the one that will get them. >> 450 florists took part in the flower give away across the country. >> happening now the hunters moon is on the rise. >> the full moon and there it is. over my shoulder. of the name given to the second full moon of the autumn season. following the harvest moon. from ages ago from native american tribes that gave it
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this name because it signalled the time to hunt in preparation for the winter. the moon rise will occur at 6:51 p.m. >> mid to upper 60s at oakland. here's the view of the post sunset sky. well, actually the sun is setting now. 62 degrees right now. mid-70s concord. forecast features. as our cam goes dark. areas of fog near the coast and bay. warming trend continues tomorrow. peak of the warmth occurs saturday. lows under mainly clear skies will be in the 40s inland. low 50s around the bay.
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fog at the coast. and locally over the bay. highs tomorrow will range from mid-60s at the coast. upper 70s to about 80 inland. he's the 7-day forecast. the warming continues. big time friday and saturday. saturday will be the warmest. upper 70s around the bay. and turns much cooler with breezy conditions on sunday. also breezy and cool on monday. seasonal pattern on tuesday and a slight warm up wednesday. which is halloween. and looks like conditions will be great for trick or treaters. >> excellent. >> all right. more raiders news. >> yes. >> buckle up for safety. >> is car the next raider about to be traded? the coach on his quarterback. two issues. while we' re.
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second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 9-1-1. vote yes on 11.
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proposition 11 "a common sense solution" to protect public safety. it ensures the closest ambulance remains on-call during paid breaks "so that they can respond immediately when needed." vote yes on 11. good evening. raiders host the colts this week. the turmoil surrounding the silver and black. quarterback will not be traded. unless of course john gruden changes his mind. we were in the locker room today where trust in teammates and the coach has become a major issue. >> the raiders players return from the bye week to a report there's a fracture in the locker room between car and his
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teammates. it's a report that at least two of the teammates today debunked. tight end lee smith. >> all the reports about this locker room being fractured. is the most obnoxious and ridiculous thing i have heard. ever. it's to the point where it's comical and laughable that i'm talking about it. us as players have zero issue with dereck car. he's the leader. attacking his character or him as a leader is a joke. >> hit says car and head coach are unfairly taking the blame for an unexpected 1-5 start to the season. car is taking any criticism from unnamed teammates in stride. >> i don't pay that any mind. talk to those guys. if they don't put their name on it. i'll leave it. it's nothing to me. if they want to say it. i have plenty of tough discussions standing right here. those are some of the guys that text me yesterday saying don't
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worry about this bull crap. >> he isn't worried about being next on the trading block. he has the support of his head coach. and vice versa. he admits he wasn't looking to move cooper either. >> i didn't see us making a trade the other day. but sometimes your plans change. you don't know who will call you and what thal say. i don't see us making anymore trades. never say never. >> that's the reality of a one and five record. >> the warriors host the wizards tonight. and the 1974, 75 championship team led by the great rick berry will be honored this met. things got heated. draymond green and bradly beel ended up inup. they were fined.
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none of the three were suspended. the subject of fighting kevin durant was asked about the lakers rockets brawl. >> a lot of guys are have alter ego-s and want to win. and be the best version of themselves and emotions and just a lot of stuff comes with that. i feel it's like guys go out and try the hardest. if stuff comes up they try to handle it. >> how about fun in the water. red bull has an upcoming race. called heavy water. they got world famous surfer. to take raiders line backer out for stand up paddling. the strength not evident there. this is so hard. especially with the wind blowing and the current. the heavy water race is seven and a half miles on the bay. organizers are waiting for
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rougher condio beevt not. pomtitorstest. ont once. it's hard. >> i have done it a number of times. it's difficult. i can't even imagine. they want like ten foot surf. >> give the prize money to the survivor. game two of the world series. dodgers lead in the fifth. >> join us tonight. president trump is speaking at a reallily tonight. who he's blaming for the string of suspicious packages that were found around the country today. at 9:00. >> east bay teen creates an app to help foster youth. why the project hits especially close to home. >> tonight at 7:00. 9:30 the single parents. followed at 10:00 by a million little things. and the news at 11:00.
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>> you didn't win the big lottery. we give you this. great line up tonight. for breaking news any time on the news app. we appreciate your time.
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♪ this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants-- a bond analyst from dana point, california... an author from whistler, british columbia, canada... and our returning champion, a puzzle maker from gaithersburg, maryland... whose 3-day cash winnings total... [ applause ] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, everyone. just to clear up a point. we select our contestants for each game by chance
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from a pool of contestants who are here in our studio. rock, his real first name is erik, so in order to avoid confusion with our champion erik, he is going to operate by his nickname, rock. and hannah's first name is erik also, but... [ laughter ] ...she's playing as hannah. let's go to work. all right, the categories. first off... what a good idea. let it "be." each correct response beginning with the letters b-e. erik. let it "be," $200. [ hannah laughs ] erik. - what is benign? - benign. yeah.


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