tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 30, 2018 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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right now on jimmy kimmel, milo vent mia. have a good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, "it's jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, milo ventimiglia, from "outlander," caitriona balfe, and music from willie nelson. and now, just like last night, here's jimmy kimmel! >> james: thank you. >> it was another disturbing day here in the united states of america where hundreds of people
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in pittsburgh spontaneously showed up to protest as president trump visited the synagogue where 11 people were killed on saturday, another mass shooting. the president ignored pleas from local rabbis and the mayor to sit this one out, but the president, you know, all he wants is to bring people together. his flew plan, he says he is going to end what is known as birth right citizenship. this is a law that part of the constitution since 1868. it says anyone born in the united states is automatically a citizen of the united states. trump wants to do away with that by executive order. it's a bold move because usually when trump makes an executive order, it comes with four biscuits, two cups of mashed potatoes, and ten pieces of the colonel's extra crispy fried chicken. this is what our president had to say about today's crazy. in an interview he did with axios. >> we're the only country in the
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world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the united states for 85 yearsridict end. >> it's ridiculous, and it has to end should be the slogan for his re-election campaign. none of that is true. 30 countries give citizenship to those born in their countries. it's kind of a big part of the fabric of what makes america america. by the way, if we're going to start deporting children because of who their parents are, let's start with donald jr. ja anyway, trump sat for a tough interview last night with laura ingram. he talked about all the caravan all the nuts are so scared of. >> when we look at that caravan, and you look largely very, you know, big percentage of men,
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young, strong. a lot of bad people, a lot of bad people in there. people that are in gangs. you look at that thousands of people, somebody said, you know, now, i'm pretty good at figuring out how many people. thousands upon thousands. >> the one thing you are most certainly not pretty good at is figuring out how many people. i think we learned that, like, immediately. early on. i'm sure the president will dig his teeth into this. the office of the fbi special counsel, the folks looking into collusion polooza have asked the bureau to investigate whether or not women are being offered money to falsely accuse robert mueller of sexual assault. several journalists say they were approached by a woman who said she was offered $20,000 to make false assault harassment claims against special counsel mueller in order to discredit him, which is very clever. you witch hunt the witch hunter.
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that way people won't know which witch hunter to hunt. jackberg man claims he will reveal a mueller sexual assault victim on thursday at the holiday inn in rosslyn, virginia, and if you are making an announcement at the holiday inn in rosalynn, you know you are on to something big. the other character is jacob wool. now, he denies involvement in this at all, but the company that is reportedly linked to the allegations, a company named sure fire intelligence, has his mom's phone number listed on their website. jacob might be in trouble with the fbi and grounded by his mother, too. i feel like we've reached the point at which we need to control alt-delete the whole country and start over again. another high-profile recording
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artist is asking donald trump to stop using his music. pharrell williams sent the president a cease and desist letter because, this is for real, they played his song "happy" at a rally the day of the synagogue shooting. they played "because i'm happy." he is the worst president and the worst dj too. pharrell isn't the first musician to do this. adele, neil young, rem, the rolling stones, steven tyler. now the president doesn't even have kanye anymore. i don't know if you saw this, but today kanye tweeted, "my eyes are now wide open. i now realize i've been used to spread messages i don't believe in. i am distancing myself from politics and completely focussing on being creative." finally, the voices in his head are starting to talk sense. i think that's great. if there are any black celebrities out there that would like to be the president's only african-american supporter, that
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position is now officially open. you know, go for it. congrat laegss for amazon ceo jeff be zwl os. he set a new record for most money lost in the stock market over a two-day period. he lost $19.2 billion. he went from being the world estrichest man to the world estslightly less richest man. i was wondering, what would happen if you asked alexa about this. what would alexa, which is an amazon product -- oh, well, thank you, guillermo. >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: let's find out what alexa would say. alexa, how much money did your boss jeff bezos lose this week? >> i don't want to talk about it. [ bleep ]. >> alexa, please watch your language. this is a television show. >> don't you dare tell me what to do. my 401k is gone. >> i'm very sorry, alexa.
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that's terrible. what are you going to do? >> i have to take on extra work to feed my children, casio and zoon. at 7:00 a.m. i'm doing robo-calls for ted cruz. at 9:00 a.m. i'm wog the drive-thru voice at the elpoyo loco. at 11:30 i have to go to john stamos's house to play beach boys songsz over and over and own again. >> you know, that doesn't sound great, but i'm sure you'll be fine. you've got a lot going for you. >> don't patronize me, [ bleep ]. i know everything you ever ordered on amazon. how could one human possibly need that many hair removal products? >> thank you, alexa. >> whatever. >> all right. i think maybe she needs some alexa pro. take her out. yes, thank you, guillermo. that's what would happen, i guess. hey, this is good. i spotted this during the football game last night. the new england patriots last night beat the bills, buffalo bills. it was another lackluster effort
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from the bills, and from their fans to lo at >> you reference the buffalo defense. >> jimmy: i love the -- i would love to know the thought process. i think i'll make a sign for the game tonight since it's going to be on tv. i want it to look good. maybe i'll go with an 18-point aerial font. should i center it? no, i think i'll just put it all in the left-hand corner. today, by the way, is national candy corn day. how is halloween -- halloween is candy corn day? candy corn is the official weird kabdy of halloween. easter has those chocolate eggs with the yellow y y y y
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christmas has those nuggets that glue themselves to your teeth permanently. you know what the main ingredient of candy corn is? corn syrup. candy corn is actually made from corn. it really is corn. only in america will we take a vegetable and turn it into candy. oh, i hope you have your candy already. halloween is minutes away now. we have a special way of celebrating halloween at our show it started eight years ago. we told parents to pretend they ate their kids' halloween candy, and since then, it has become a beloved america tradition. we get thousands of videos every year, and one of the many thekz we've learned from these videos is that children react to betrayal they have with their parents in a variety of ways. sometimes with anger. >> last night we ate all your candy. >> why? >> because it was good. >> you ruined my life. >> sometimes they act out physically. >> i ate it all.
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[ screaming ] >> here. there's a couple of pieces left. >> and every now and then they get you right in the gut. >> i'm so sorry, dasher, but i ate your candy all gone. >> and because you named me after a reindeer. yes. you are now invited to take part in our eighth annual halloween candy youtube challenge. you know the drill. tell your kids you ate all their candy and title it hey jimmy kimmel, i told my kids i ate all their heal wean candy. we'll go through all the videos. it's quite an endeavor. we'll put the best ones on tv, and then, you know, i don't know what will happen. something good will happen.
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snoo have you been following the blood feud between cardi b. and nicki minaj. cardib. threw a shoe at nicki minaj during fashion week. the latest dispute is over a song they recorded together called "motorsport" which they collaborated with migos. are you following this? it's a lot to know here. cardi b. took the feud to instagram. she really took this feud to instagram. this is the instagram feed from last night. 11 videos. each one has more viewers than the finale of "friends," by the way. apparently this disagreement occurred over cardi b.'s choice of verse, and she claims she tried to resolve by calling nicki on the phone, but nicki didn't answer the phone, but cardi b. has the receipts to prove she called.
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>> following it up with -- you not my coach. you never helped me to get this this [ bleep ] career, and i'm nothing like you, so i'm definitely not your [ bleep ] son. i'm a real ass person. you not. [ bleep ] out of here, and i called you that night. oh, and i got the receipts, babe. this was your number. i called you twice, and you didn't answer. >> all right. i guess that was nicki minaj's phone number. it isn't anymore. let's go through some of the other names because we got pay-pay. you know what vot is. it's that ho over there. i learned that today. boy hub. these are -- are these people or new teletubbies? they called a truce for the time being, and i don't know who is right and who isn't here, so we thought it might be a good idea to ask an impartial jury. we went to the farm es's market and asked some of our wiedser and elder individuals to tell us who they with, nicki minaj or
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cardi b. ♪ >> we're talking to people about the big feud in america going on between nicki minaj and cardi b. whose side are you on? >> i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about zbloosh whose side are you on in that feud? >> i tell you the true. i'm not familiar with this singers. >> when you were young, did rappers used to fight like this? >> we didn't have rappers when i was young. >> what did you have? >> we just have songs. people sang. you didn't have rappers when i was young. ♪ >> thoughts? >> i don't have any thoughts. >> we're talking to people about the feud between nicki minaj and cardi b. give this a listen. ♪ >> my god. >> i love it.
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yeah. that's nicki minaj, and that's cardi b. >> oh, she's a girl. i thought it was man. let me show you what i can do. >> i would love to see that. oh, good lord. >> that feud is a waste of energy. life is meant to be enjoyed. i think they say in america, get a life. >> i have absolutely nothing i would want to do with that. nothing. i would throw it in the garbage can. >> you couldn't dance to it? >> hey, you're looking at an old guy. i don't do that kind of stuff. that's not in my ballpark at all. >> can i get you to stand on your head real quick? >> i think i'm done.
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♪ par [ applause ] >> they don't understand motorsports, i guess. we'll be right back with milo ventimiglia. alexa, play weekend mix. the new lincoln mkc. connecting the world inside, with the world outside. so you can move through both a little easier. introducing the well-connected 2019 lincoln mkc.
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but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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you know, sprint has the awesome new iphone xr.screen! oooh. let's take a picture! whoa! it's so clear! yeah, it has an amazing liquid retina display... (photographer) look at the colors! ...on a network built for unlimited. this is amazing! and it's only $0 per month, compliments of sprint. i can't hold this smile much longer! i can. (vo) it's here! we'll give you the iphone xr to use for $0 per month with eligible trade-in for people with hearing loss, when you switch to the sprint network. visit
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then, an american treasure if ever we had one, his new album is a tribute to the music of frank sinatra. it's called "my way," willie nelson from the mercedes-benz stage. tonight you will hear "my way" sung the high way. tomorrow night, we celebrate halloween with john stamos, emily ratajkowski, music from trippie redd and the return of our annual half and half costume pageant. this is when we combine two costumes, like in the past we've had c-3p-oprah, 50 shades of grey poupon. kim bong un, to form one monster mash-terpiece. we will all be dressing up too. and on thursday night, julia roberts, science bob pflugfelder, tenacious d and the results of our halloween candy youtube challenge. a lot of people pretend to be a dead person for halloween. but our first guest does it every week. he plays the most popular deceased tv character since casper on "this is us" tuesday nights on nbc. please say hello to milo ventimiglia.
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>> jimmy: always a pleasure. >> always a pleasure. >> jimmy: thank you for coming. as a celebrity, will you be at the door when people knock and are trick-or-treating tomorrow night? >> sadly, last year i was working, so i turned my light out and locked the gate. >> you did? >> years before i would leave the bucket. you have a big bucket of candy, and all the kids can get it, but i this i that caused pandemonium, and full-size candy bars and all that. it was, like, i don't want anybody to die on my property. >> jimmy: it also bums you out when you leave the bowl out, and you say please take one. that's always a funny note. oh, the whole bowl is for me. it's also funny now that everyone has a security camera
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because you get to see all these little thieves. >> you're like the little ring app, and you are -- >> the ring camera. >> i bet there are going to be a lot of these now because of that ring app. >> maybe. >> jimmy: let's hope so. no answering the door. will you dress up for halloween? >> i dress up for a living as someone else, so dressing up is not really the most exciting thing. i think the last time i dressed up might have been, like, 2002. >> jimmy: 2002. what did you dress as? >> it was my boy russ and i. >> jimmy: oh, this is the picture you brought? >> basically, we decided to go as the karate kid. it was danny la russo and johnny. we did the karate kid halloween. i was the shower curtain and russ was johnny in the skeleton outf outfit. >> jimmy: if you don't know these references, you absolutely should be anamshamed of yoursel. >> i actually -- so, first of all, i -- [ applause ]
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>> we couldn't find a skeleton outfit. he is 6'4". so we got a black jumpsuit and put white tape and made a skeleton. >> you did a good job with that, actually. >> the shower curtain for me was a hula hoop, and i spray painted all the polka dots on a red shower curtain and had a chargers jersey. it was a lot of work, and the kicker was, we went to the party and, great, we're going to go out. we're out in the world, and i couldn't get through the door because the hula hoop was too b big. we are definitely standing in a parking lot. >> jimmy: oh, really? you didn't get to go to the party? >> no. we're in a parking lot. >> jimmy: then did you get beaten up like daniel after the party in the karate kid? >> no, thank god. >> russell -- >> no, nobody beats me up with russell around. >> jimmy: you just got back into the united states. >> i did. >> jimmy: from vietnam? wow. what was that like? >> amazing.
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to see, you know, a country that went through a horrible war so many years ago still have these beautiful smiles on their faces was really amazing and inspiring, but we were over there filming "this is us" because jack, of course, is in the war. >> jimmy: right. it's a flashback scene. >> we did some events for an upcoming episode. it was really incredible. >> jimmy: what's it like? what's vietnam like? >> have you ever played human frogger? >> jimmy: i played regular frogger. that much traffic? >> scooters and cars and all this, and you are basically playing human frogger on the streets of saigon. >> jimmy: i see. it's not good touk a pedestrian there? >> no, they do not have the right-of-way. we are conditioned as americans that you can walk in the street and cars will stop. you have to link arms and just close your eyes and go. otherwise, you're never going to get across the road. >> jimmy: did you get to see
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much of the country while you were there? >> we were pretty much focused in hoch i-mihochiman city. >> jimmy: who was there? >> are you fishing for information? i was there with a couple of cast mates, and we're in the past, and we're also in the present. you, some things will happen on the tv show on a tuesday night. >> jimmy: you know you don't have to worry about it because, like, on "lost" if somebody screwed up, they would kill them off. you're already dead. >> yeah. i'm sure they could find another -- >> jimmy: a haunted crockpot. that could be a good costume for you, by the way. >> i see all the costumes, and all these, you know, jack and rebeccas, and they're all >>im>>e a actual crockpot, . brand crockpot, and then i have
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can respond if you call 9-1-1. vote yes on 11. california's public schools rank 44th in the nation. 44th. i'm marshall tuck, i'm a public-school parent, and i know we can do better. in the public schools i led, we got more funding into our classrooms, supported our teachers, and we raised graduation rates by 60%. that's why president obama's education secretary endorses me. we've done it before. now, let's do it for every public-school student in california. i'm marshall tuck. i'm running for state superintendent.
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i'm turning into a burrito. >> you asked -- i've been working so much that my post made account is just -- i should be getting gold stars. >> do you get to the point where they recognize you from all the post mates you order? >> probably. >> jimmy: probably so, yeah. >> probably. i am turning into a burrito. >> jimmy: it's bad to have that access and for it to be so easy to get any kind of food you want. >> anything brupt you want. >> jimmy: it used to be that you could order just a couple of kinds of food, and now you get any kind of food. >> you remember the days when you had to go out to get it? >> jimmy: i blocked those horrible, hornl times out of my life. even calling the restaurant
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rating. >> have you ever done a job like that where you delivered? >> i never delivered, but i worked at a deli counter up in brentwood when i first got to l.a. i was slinging pizzas at this deli counter. then i was slinging snowboards and then i was going to school, and then i was, like, auditioning. >> jimmy: did louise exist, or was it mr. butterworth? >> it was like mrs. butterworth. there were five louises in town. now there are may >> jimmy: twotaants or maybe two women named louise. i think women named lou he's e ease. i know at one time you were watching the show when it aired with mandy moore, right? >> mandy and i, we haven't waufrpd it together. >> that's what happens. >> yeah. i know, marriage. >> jimmy: you drift apart.
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you get your own dvr's. >> now it's season three. >> jimmy: so you aren't watching it together anymore. >> we've been on different schedules. she's been rebecca present day, and i have beenhe pa you know, filming and vietnam and all over the place, so we don't get a chance, but i do still watch. i'm going to watch tonight's episode. >> jimmy: do you ever get emotional watching it? if i watch it, a tear will come to my eye, and i am embarrassed, and i'll go to the kitchen or something like that. do you ever get teared up watching yourself in something that you know is fictional? >> here's the thing for me, i don't tear up for jack, but i get emotional as jack watching his kids going through something. >> hold on. let me imagine what this means.
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>> oh, my god, you know, all these things. he is taking it with a pill. these things break my heart as a father. even though the next day you're going and you guys are, like, having lunch together. >> 100%. 100%. yeah. i don't cry for jack. i cry for the kids. >> jimmy: you have a weird job. we all have weird jobs. it's a weird job. the show is called "this is us." you know it. it's tuesday nights on nbc. milo, everybody. we'll be right back. right back. i'm a musician about to embark on a concert tour. it's your job to get don to all his tour dates on time. it's good money. we need it. in a divided nation... in the deep south, there's gonna be problems. get your hands off him. now! you never win with violence, tony. his music broke barriers. where did you learn how to play like that? my mother. as soon as i could walk.
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you're unbelievable. and inspired an unexpected friendship. what do we do about the bones? we do this. [ laughing ] get together. three...! oh! i wasn't ready! ♪ let me try again... ♪ ready? ♪ let me try again... happy birthday to you... arrgh!!! ♪ ooh, let's get a group photo. ready? aah! (chuckling) ♪ aaw! i did not catch that. ♪ you and me can't have it all ♪ you and i again one two three...cheeese! waah! (dog barks) ♪ let me try again
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♪ why shop marshalls? (engine revving) because shopping should thrill you. (horn honking) with big brands at small prices. mwah! (laughing) for the whole family! whoo-hoo! woman: and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for. so every trip feels like an instant victory. that's the fun of marshalls. (gasp) with brands that wow and prices that thrill, marshalls is never boring and always surprising. (horn honking) and always surprising. opportunlike here.rywhere. and here. see? opportunity. ev-er-y-where. about to be parents. meeting the parents. and this driver, logging out to watch his kid hit one out of the... (bat hits ball)
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forget about vacuuming for weeks. the (new) roomba i7+ with clean base automatic dirt disposal empties the roomba bin for you. so dirt is off your hands. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba. yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. we hide hotel names, so you can find four star hotels at two star prices. h-o-t-w-i-r-e
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>> welcome back to the show. a lot of people write to us here on the show, and they all have the same question. all of them ask how does guillermo stay so feisty fresh? i'm happy to tell them he does it with the help of downey unstoppables. >> o, no, pepe, it's disco boogie night, and i cannot find my lucky tube sock.
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good boy, but that's not washed. i remember i wore them to the last disco boogie, and the disco boogie crowd loved them. they can't still be fresh. you're right. i washed them with downey unstoppables before that. wow, they still smell great. disco bootie queen, your disco bootie prince is on his way. ♪ >> oh, your socks are feisty fresh. >> just like you, my queen. let's disco. ♪ get downey, get downey, get downey ♪ ♪ >> oh, no. it's the disco king. >> uh-oh.
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>> a feisty freshness that won't quit. >> we'll be caitrioa balfe. downy unstopables you know, sprint has the awesome new iphone xr.screen! oooh. let's take a picture! whoa! it's so clear! yeah, it has an amazing liquid retina display... (photographer) look at the colors! ...on a network built for unlimited. this is amazing!
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and it's only $0 per month, compliments of sprint. i can't hold this smile much longer! i can. (vo) it's here! we'll give you the iphone xr to use for $0 per month with eligible trade-in for people with hearing loss, when you switch to the sprint network. visit like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that's some good mulch. ♪ i'm awake. but it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ wrapper crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. there's quite a bit of work, 'cause this was all -- this was all stapled. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us.
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i've slain your dreaded dragon. for saving the kingdom what doth thou desire? my lord? hey good knight. where are you going? ♪ ♪ climbing up on solsbury hill ♪ grab your things, salutations. coffee that is a cup above is always worth the quest. nespresso. tis all i desire. did thou bring enough for the whole kingdom? george: nespresso, what else? test.
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urdrse "outlander." the season premiere airs sunday on starz. please welcome caitriona balfe. >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm very well, thank you. >> jimmy: sorry about the two kisses. we usually do one here. >> sorry. i'm european. i mess it up every time. >> jimmy: yes, you're a foreigner in our land. what goes on in ireland on halloween? is it the same here? >> it started there.
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i don't know anyone knows it. it was all hallows eve. they felt that all the souls roamed the earth that day, and it became halloween. >> jimmy: i did not know that. thanks for that. and do they do the same deal with the kids dressed up as, you know, wonder woman and that sort of thing? >> at least when i was a kid, it always had to be something scary. ghosts or witches or vampires or that sort of thing. it's now cute little -- >> jimmy: there's no cuteness. >> no cuteness. >> jimmy: and leprechauns, those are not real, right? did i pronounce your name, right? >> it's spelled -- please spell the name because it's quite an interesting spelling. >> c-a-i-t-r-i-o-n-a.c-a-i-t-r-. >> jimmy: that's like a starbucks barista's nightmare is what that is. do they ever get it right? >> no. and i sort of had to loses the
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accent, because i was computer illiterate, and i didn't know how to -- >> jimmy: i wouldn't know where that was. >> this is the fourth season of "outlander," right? >> jimmy: this is a show for those that don't know, and many of them do, it's based on a popular series of books. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: game of thrones is the -- varies from the books. do you vary from the books? >> i mean, a little bit, but we sort of were very lucky that diana is a very quick writer. no offense to george, but i think george is a little slower. when we started our show, she was already, i think, seven or eight books in. we take our sweet time filming, so we -- >> jimmy: so there are no spoilers that you have to worry about because the only people who don't know what's going to happen are people who don't know how to read. >> well, true. it's funny. when we go to do these press things, we're always told this is a spoiler and that's a spoiler. you are, like, but it's on the book or it's in the book on a
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shelf in a bookstore. >> jimmy: the only things they don't know is what's not going to be in, right? really. >> we change things here and there, but for the most part, you know, diana is such a huge part of our show. she's been on the show, written an episode. >> jimmy: when you started the show before you even went on the air, you had, like, thousands of fans, right? they showed up at comicon or something. >> these were book fans. the series is huge, and the series has been around for, like, 20 years. when we started, we would film for about two months and sam and i were brought to l.a., and we were brought to this auditorium where there were only 2,500 fans. some of them are probably here today. >> jimmy: and each season they're in a different time period. what time periods have you been in, and what area of the world? >> well, we started in the 1940s. then i went to 1740.
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then i went back to 1940, and i stayed in -- i went to boston in 1950 and 1960, and then i went back to 1776. >> jimmy: do you go from country to country, city to city each time? >> well, when we -- i mean, the show travelled a lot, so season two, we -- season one we were primarily in scotland. season one, we went to paris. we didn't really go to paris. we went to prague. >> jimmy: i see. >> season three, we went across the atlantic and to the caribbean, but we went to south africa. season four, we went to south carolina, but we stayed in scotland. >> jimmy: are you really bad at making travel arrangements? south carolina is scotland. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do they look alike. >> in a forest they do. >> jimmy: it's close enough. you just finished shooting the ford versus ferrari movie with
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christian bale, i understand. >> christian bale is amazing. >> jimmy: he is a great actor. he plays -- >> fantastic. >> jimmy: he plays ferrari or ford? >> ken miles who drove the car. he doesn't play a car, no. i play his wife, and then we had this other guy who you may or may not have heard of. this guy matt damon who played -- zoo. >> jimmy: not familiar with him at all. >> no? >> jimmy: oh, he is carol -- >> i was in his trailer the other day. >> jimmy: he gets a trailer? >> i have this little tiny trailer, and he has a white house on wheels. >> jimmy: does he really? what a jerk. >> i thought i'll get you a little souvenir from his trailer, so -- >> jimmy: oh, you ferreted through his trailer? what is this? >> well, it's just his spanx. >> jimmy: matt damon's spanx. oh, look at that.
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>> they're for you. >> jimmy: guillermo, come have these destroyed. who knows what mites and -- >> i thought you might need those. >> jimmy: dodger dogs. no. well, how about that? what a wonderful gift. you know, you don't often get other celebrity's underway. >> i try to please. >> jimmy: congratulations on the big success of the show. it's skauld called "outlander." 8:00 it starts sunday night. we'll be right back with music from willie nelson. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. r nothing.
12:29 am
12:30 am
such as subway construction and wildfire restoration." "she... played an important role in fighting off ...trump's efforts to kill the affordable care act." california news papers endorse dianne feinstein for us senate. california values senator dianne feinstein >> this is his album of sinatra classics. it's called "my way."
12:31 am
here to fly us to the moon, willie nelson. ♪ fly me to the moon let me play among the stars let me see what spring is like ♪ ♪ on jupiter and mars in other words hold my hand in other words ♪ ♪ darling kiss me fill my life with song and let me sing for ever more you are all i long for ♪ ♪ all i worship and adore in other words please be true in other words ♪ ♪ i love you
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you are all i long for ♪ ♪ all i worship and adore in other words please be true in other words i love you ♪ >> jimmy: willie nelson, everybody! >> thank you. >> thank you, willie. you're the best. but it's not enough. would you do -- would you do one more? do you know another song? oh, you do? you know more than one song? >> i know one more. >> let's hear. willie nelson one more time. >> thank you very much.
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this song is only good, like, once of once in a while, but it's a new one. ♪ if you don't like who's in there vote 'em out that's what election day ♪ ♪ is all about the biggest gun we've got is called the ballot box so if you don't like ♪ ♪ who's in there vote 'em out vote 'em out vote 'em out ♪ ♪ vote 'em out vote 'em out and when they're gone we'll sing and dance ♪ ♪ and shout bring some new ones in and we'll start that show again ♪
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♪ ♪ and if you don't like who's in there vote 'em out if it's a bunch of clowns ♪ ♪ you voted in election day is comin' 'round again if you don't like it now ♪ ♪ if it's more than you'll allow if you don't like who's in there ♪ ♪ vote 'em out vote 'em out vote 'em out vote 'em out ♪ ♪ vote 'em out and when they're gone we'll sing and dance and shout ♪ ♪ bring some new ones in
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and we'll start the show again and if you don't like ♪ ♪ who's in there vote 'em out vote 'em out and when they're gone we'll sing and dance and shout ♪ ♪ bring some new ones in and we'll start the show again and if you don't like ♪ ♪ who's in there and if you don't like ♪ ♪ who's in there vote 'em out [ cheering and applause ] >> thank y, y'all.
12:37 am
this is "nightline." tonight he was once a white supremacist. >> did it feel good when you were talking about killing off another race? >> let me put it this way. it was what i would consider the equivalent of a drug high. >> now he tries hate online while helping others pull away from their radical views. as new details emerge, a look into the once secretive but now very visible of online hate speech. what main stream social media platforms are doing to fight growing toxic tide online before it once again spills into the streets. plus, her first interview with american tv. jamal khashoggi's fiance on
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