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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 9, 2018 1:42am-2:12am PST

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not a fan of the ocean. imagine what it takes to be at the end of the sea in the middle of the big blue ocean. thankfully, these guys are well-trained. they have been dispatched to try to save the lives of three sailors about 15 miles off shore. >> once the rescuer makes the decent into the water, he has a tougher job. he has to swim to this guy already with a life jacket on in these huge swells. the swell was about 15 feet. he does that once but he has to do it two more times to rescue the three guys. the sailors abandoned ship because the boat was taking on water. all three were taken to the hospital as a precaution. they even had time for a picture. >> let's make it risky.
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the rlfi out in the middle of the night. you can see nothing but you also hear a chopper pacing them. you'll see about here. you are attempting a moving evacuation. >> is this training? >> training. >> more often than not rescues are at night. >> you can see them here being dropped down. by the rope, they are reeling it in, get it on the back of the boat. do whatever they do. you can see that litter and the rescuer gets hoisted off the back of the boat up to the helicopter above. >>okay whoch. who is doing it? >> they are such a well-oiled machine. >> if you ever thought about registering to be a bone marrow
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donor, maybe this video will help you make that decision. this is ryan's story. he was saved by a bone marrow donor. a 19-year-old woman who was at least a little worried to even register. she did do it, she was matched with ryan. in 2018, he was diagnosed with leukemia. that match ended up saving his life. about 70% of people in need never find a donor. >> it is very hard to find one. some people go years without finding a match. >> what inspires a 19-year-old lady to say that's what i want to do. was it a random thing? >> she talks about why she did it. i was scared at first but after learning more about the person i was going to donate to, it made me feel connected to them and
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confident i was doing the right thing. >> there is video. we see the moment they get to meet for the very first time. >> how do you ever thank somebody for what you've done? you've given me more time with these girls and more time with my wife. >> it is true. she gave him so many more years he may not have had. nothing on this planet could express. >> all you can do is say a sincere thank you. thank her for your life. >> the iowa donor program are hoping you are inspired to registered. if you want the link, head over to or get it on our mobil app. >> i'm sorry in advance. we have a lituation.
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>> in india, this dude is no good. >> this isn't a little situation. it looks like a big situation. >> it is a lituation. he lit 18 vehicles on fire. eight bikes and two cars were destroyed. >> you are causing damage to other people's property. you don't know what kind of situation that will put people in. >> it is a psychological thing. there is no rhyme or reason. >> walks right up to this pretty bike and does the same thing. >> what is he lighting? >> probably the gas tank. so many easy ways to get that fuel going and boom. >> they haven't been able to catch up to this dude. >> he he sent that bike alight next to a building.
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>> watch them find him on a motorcycle. >> in canada, we have a clear picture of these two. >> what are they stealing? >> it is clothes. every time something like this happens, it causes so much damage, it puts the business owner into a situation of considering to close down the place. >> they have to be closed down enough to fix the damage. >> reports are this is a team of a man and woman and they've done it more than once. in this case, it was about three days between the hit. >> they take their hits. load up and take off. never to be seen again. >> it is time to give away another ipad mini. you need thursday's buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal resident of the u.s. the buzz word is coming up next. stand by for the rtm ipad mini
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give away. >> when christian was younger, she felt bad when she saw people on a minibike. this guy got himself the minimouse bike, kids version. they are 3putting them to the test. they have old school brakes. their balance is all off. >> the frame isn't particularly strong either. >> this is more dangerous for these guys than you think. >> you even try to hold on and not smash into the trees. >> you keep going and their confidence increases. >> we stuff on those bikes when we were kids. we came home with busted teeth and broken fingers. >> he already broke a tooth.
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>> then we get into the 360. >> oh, my god. >> these things, they keep on going. i was expecting the wheel to fall off. >> just like riding a bike. >> turn their little rampage line. a couple of wins. >> look at that. 360 tail whip. he survived. >> it is a big day for a little girl. and this mom has set it up perfectly. the heart-warming moment she reunites with dear old dad, next. >> and marbles moving through an impressive maze. find out the simple trick that is keeping things rolling. -trash can, turn on the tv. -my pleasure. -ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter.
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-okay. -and make ice. -pizza delivered. -what's happened to my son? -i think that's just what people are like now. i mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. even on social media. he'll be fine. -[ laughs ] -will he? -i don't know. -will he? fact: some of your favorite foods stain teeth. unlike ordinary whitening toothpaste, colgate optic white has hydrogen peroxide that goes below the tooth's surface for a smile that's 4 shades visibly whiter! colgate optic white. whitening that works.
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>>w closed captioning provided
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by. precisely fills cracks. 94% saw noticeable improvement. new gold bond cracked skin relief. >> like us on this minute. now back to the show. >> oli, you've traveled a lot for work. getting home and getting to your kids was always a big moment. this mom set it up perfectly for dad. look at this little girl. cadence is four. >> now all there is to do is love on each other. >> hey, how can you not be happy ar coming home to.ha you >> forget michael. in the army, gone for 10 months. that's a lifetime for her. >> my kids change so much in two
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weeks. it's mind blowing. >> thank you for your service. we are so happy you you are home with your family. >> you know what else is really nice? this. >> certainly dressed for the moment. >> just before the navy ball. this will be the perfect time for me to pop the question because we are going to be dressed up. we are in front of a statue. >> i love her reaction. >> she goes, i don't know what to do. >> women think, i want this and that. i want him to walk me on the beach and a tram bone and everything. >> trombone on the beach. >> they were high school sweet hearts and been together for three years. >> is the spod to goow or is he just in the
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background. >> does your future fiancee play trombone? that's the dream. >> a certain sense of inhe have he havitiable. picture post card. we do see what is heading our way. all being funled down that narrow gap. >> it ends up being similar to a water fall. but the sound is pretty different. actually the sound is pretty similar. >> can you imagine what it is like for the people right there. for a moment, you got to know what it is. >> it is par for the course. in this case, it seems to have been a relatively small
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avalanche. >> i think the best defense is a good offense. at least that's what the colorado department of transportation thinks. this is how you deal with avalanches, you cause avalanches. >> i like this. >> they set off what looks like basically a cannon on the side thf canyon. it all starts to build. this is their way to make sure you can travel on the u.s. 6. by doing this, having a controlled avalanche means you guys don't have to worry about it. >> see on the top left-hand corner as well. you won't have to worry about it anymore. >> a big concussion and shock care of sound. >> i want that job. >> we occasionally like those videos that are just satisfying to watch. >> i'm a fan of this style. put together by the youtube
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style of catlamino. marbles and rubber bands. >> that is cool. look at that. >> it makes sense. they are just waiting to snap. >> he said he doesn't typically use rubber bands because they are unpredictable and unreliable. he decided to go for quality of tricks. i think he totally pull it had off. he said it took him about a week to put it together and encountered 40 fails. 90% of the fails came from this trick right here. the timing and spacing of those marbles was a weak spot, once he dialled it in, it worked. >> the odds that they are going right where they need to especially when it is five at a time. that's wild. >> a driver heading through the out back but a thunderstorm a
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coming. >> it looks like he's driving right toward it. >> find out what it is like to drive shotgun through a terrifying wall of dust. >> look, the lights have gone out. the sun has set. >> plus the rtm ipad mini give away, still ahead. we have thursday's buzz word and your chance to win. good luck. [woman 3] ...and clearer skin. [man 3] proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... [woman 4] ...with humira. [woman 5] humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. [avo] humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening
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and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. ythat's why there's new gold bond overnight lotion. works while you sleep, as hyaluronic acid locks in moisture. new gold bond overnight lotion. >> they had a drought and a thunderstorm is coming. along with that thunderstorm is a lot of dust. what does barry decide to do? donuts. just add to it. why not? >> it looks like he's driving right towards it. as he gets closer, it becomes dark and it looks other worldly. >> this is crazy. i understand this is in the middle of nowhere. he's not going run into anybody
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but at the same time, look, the lights have gone out, the sun has set. >> do you think if he keeps going, he'll get to the where the rain is coming down, the dust will calm down and get patted down by the water? >> yes. you start to hear something and see splashes on the windshield. you realize, that's water. it is getting lighter outside. it is good that he stopped and very good no one else is out there. >> i know you guys have always wondered what it would be like to skate the wave. >> called surfing. >> no, it is not. it's called wave skating. this is a skate park in brazil. they designed this automatic
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wave machine that essentially lifts up and propels the skater once they detect the skater is on it. >> it seems so simple. i remember playing this with my match boxcars. >> imagine if they put these into bike lanes. no one would have to peddle. >> that would be so lazy. we have two skaters both going around the wave pit. >> you got to time it right. >> one of them falls beaut booty. pretty interactive and cool. >> what's up, it is time to give away another ipad mini. you need the buzz word, you need to be at least 18 years old and legal resident of the u.s. head over to and click on win ipad. enter on twitter or facebook
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every day. today's buzz word is ent enter thursday's buzz word, upstream. good luck, everybody. >> he's hitting the lanes, looking for a perfect ten. >> so close. >> see the big surprise waiting
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he has more damage gadgets. if you want to see them go to or use the app. >> the gender reveal scene is pretty creative these days. >> how did gender reveal become such a thing? >> we have mom and dad standing there against the wall watching and waiting as this beautiful young lady dances, se he is goi to reveal what they are having. >> obviously the ballerina
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already knows. >> all the times you didn't show up to my recital. >> yeah! >> oh. >> is that a reveal or just a move? >> she reveals the gender with the light blue. >> all dancers now are updating their profile. available for gender reveals. >> that is too much clean up. >> so close. so close. >> do you have to hit a strike to figure it out? that's right. dude got another ball. heads up to the lane. >> come ah! >> let's go. come on.
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>> ah! >> the light. it is pink. he gets a strike and you notice there's pink, that means they are having a girl. >> nice. >> thanks for joining us today, everybody. we appreciate it. we'll see you next t >> well, they talked about ptsd. and we've also seen a lot of active shooters that have had some kind of mental health issue, and this is becoming very pervasive over the last several years, and what i've experienced as far as working these types of cases in the private sector is it's very difficult to get somebody who has some kind of mental health issue to acknowledge they have the issue and to voluntarily agree to treatment. that's one of the biggest problems. from what we've seen, the mother may have been having that kind of issue with her son, trying to
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get him to seek some help. and if he didn't want to do it and he wasn't committing a crime there really wasn't much that could be done at that point. >> steve, it's been two weeks since the kentucky shooting, the pittsburgh synagogue, the yoga shooting this past weekend and then this. is the coverage of all this contributing, is there some guy in his mother's basement who may have some ptsd issue that's watching this sort of coverage and saying -- and it acting as a trigger for them? >> i really think that the internet can take some of the responsibility for this. not necessarily the coverage that we see on tv, but the fact that the internet not only provides additional coverage, but there are also chat rooms, blogs and various sites that people go on where they either talk about their violence, talk about their tendencies towards hate. they talk about different issues. they can figure out how to build bombs.
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they can figure out how to adjust certain machine guns, make them automatic from semi-automatic. there are various things out there on the internet that give people a forum to express their hatred, their intent for violence. and i think that's what's causing these people to turn down that path. and now it's a matter of the public, not just law enforcement, but the public as well to be on the alert, not just on the street but when you're on the internet and to look for people expressing those views and you have to report it. >> it does seem it is happening more and more often, and to have so many of them within the last weeks is egregious.k >>the news soald i agent. plus, the emotional end of an era for one very special
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