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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  November 9, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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the death toll just increased to six lives. >> an estimated 2,000 structures burned down, many of them homes, other structures as well. the fire has charred 70,000 acres at least. >> yes. a pg&e line could actually be connected to the cause of the fire. about an hour ago we got word pg&e reported problems on a transmission line near the camp fire minutes before the fire started yesterday morning. >> this is a cope y of the e-ma that was sent. they say a transmission pole was damaged resulting in a power outage at 6:15. cal fire says the camp fire started near that area at 6:about 3:00 a.m. >> pg&e e made a statement to "abc 7 news" tonight saying, quote, the cause of the camp fire has not yet been determined, and pg&e will fully cooperate with any investigation. >> of course, pg&e has faced a lot of criticism recently in the last year or so for its transmission lines and the potential links to different
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fires in the state. that will be a focal point of the investigation. here you are looking at a live view from butte county in chico where authorities are getting ready to update us any moment now on the latest on the camp fire, which ha now burned at least 70,000 acres. >> good evening. >> let's listen. >> i'm steve coffman, a fire captain with the ventura county fire department and i'm the public information officer for cal fire incident management team four. this will be the press conference for november 9, 1801 hours. i will start out with the most current numbers. our current acreage is 90,000 acres at 5% contained. we're reporting three firefighter injuries. total firefighters assigned to the fire right now is correction, we estimate that
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people in shelter and estimate that 52,000 people have been evacuated from the fire. our current residential structures destroyed are 6,453. our current commercial structures that are destroyed are 260. that puts us at a total of structures destroyed from the fire. >> good evening. josh bishop. battalion chief for cal fire in the riverside unit and i'm the operation section chief for team four. starting with the operational update for today, in the polga area where the origin is, working down the 70 corridor, we were able to hold the fire all
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the way down along the 70 corridor to poe. in the area of poe, we did have a slop-over over the feather river drainage. it ran up to the ridge, across the feather ridge drainage. it is currently holding at about 1,000 to 1,200 acres. it is holding along the ridge and we have hnot seen progressin on that. working back down to lake orville area, the fire is holding on the 70 corridor. a lot of work was done along 99 and we were able to open up 99 along the corridor. from 99 working back into old humble road, we were able to run dozers and get some good, direct tan line in there. from old humble up to 32, we had a lot of success with dozers and able to put a small line for the area of chico and some protection from the fire's edge to the area of chico. up the highway 32 as we get to wilder canyon, wilder road, it
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was some very steep, inaccessible terrain. we have been working on coming up with plans and options to try and work from there up into magallia. earlier this morning we had active firefighting in the area of magelda, including structure defense. this afternoon from magallia reservoir, the ridges above the reservoir, we got some good air and were able to use fixed wing aircraft to run retardant along the ridge line working back down towards the area of polga. one of the emphasis for today was on rescue. we had numerous rescues today while actively engaged in firefighting in the big ben area. we had to use helicopters to rescue five people trapped down there in the area of magelda while doing structure defense. we also had to assist people to areas of safety.
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thank you very much.d evening. i'm alex hoon, senior meteorologist with the national weather service in reno, nevada. i am serving as the incident meteorologist for cal fire team four here on the camp fire. so i just wanted to give a little background on the wind event that occurred yesterday, thursday and thursday night. we were seeing some very extreme winds with this -- when this fire began. it pushed the fire into, you know, areas around the paradise area around through the foothills, and these winds were gusting up to 40, 50 miles per hour as the winds pushed the fire. we saw very dry conditions with humidity down into the single digits. what we're seeing as we go into tonight and into tomorrow, we're actually seeing a very good opportunity with very favorable weather. light -- much lighter winds. still very, very dry conditions out there, but as we move into
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saturday night we have a red flag warning in effect. what a red flag warning means is that it is critical fire weather conditions. it is very -- very hot -- very warm and dry conditions, very windy conditions that are expected to increase saturday night and going through sunday morning. we are expecting to see wind gusts of 30 miles per hour widespread over the fire area as we go into saturday night and sunday morning, with some areas actually seeing wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour in some of the favored drainages, especially around the feather river drainage as well. so extreme winds, critical fire weather conditions continue. that red flag warning, in fact, does go through monday morning. we are expecting a little bit of a lull in the winds during saturday -- excuse me, during sunday afternoon, but sunday night and into monday morning we are going to see an increase of winds once again as we get into monday morning. and then experiencing very, very
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dry conditions, even during the overnight periods as well. so these critical conditions will be a challenge for sure. thank you, >> my name is tim chavez, battalion chief in the riverside unit and i serve on california incident team four as a fire behavior analyst. my job is to consider the fuels, the weather and the topography affecting the fire and to advise the operations section so that we can take tactics that are effective and safe. this fire is unique to be this late in northern california. normally climatologically would expect a sequence of storms delivering rainfall to the area by now, but it has not come. we had a little rain earlier in the month but it wasn't
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sufficient to dampen down the fire behavior. when the winds came, it dried the fuels back to what we would expect to be midsummer conditions. it lined up perfectly to have the large, 90,000-plus acre fire run we had yesterday. every day that goes by is putting us one day further from the springtime, you know, green-up that occurred after the winter, so the fuels will just continue to get dryer and dryer and dryer until we do finally get season-ending rainfall event. thank you. >> good evening. i'm todd drumm, division chief for cal fire in sonoma county. more specifically for this incident i am a unified commander along with partners from the butte county sheriff's office and paradise police
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department. what cal fire teams do, they're made up of 50-or-more people, multi-disciplinary cal fire employees, local fire, state and local law enforcement. it is multi disciplinary. we come to communities when they request in time of needs and we come and serve as a force plu multiplier. we come to imbed and expand local capacity to best serve the local community. thank you very much. >> good evening, everybody. my name is corey honey. i'm the sheriff coroner of butte county. i want to begin my comments with this. we are dealing with a very dynamic situation that is rapidly evolving. we are doing our best to get information to you in a timely manner, but i would ask that you please be patient with us and understand that what i tell you today may change or may have to be modified as we gather more information. i want to start off and tell you
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a little bit about our law enforcement mission. we have mutual aid law enforcement from throughout northern california. those law enforcement officers have come to assist our local law enforcement officers with evacuations as well as maintaining the security within those areas that have been evacuated. in addition to that, we made a request for the california national guard to come in and assist us with that mission. so members of my community may see members of the national guard perhaps on traffic control points or working alongside our law enforcement personnel. it is, as the chief said, a force multiplier. we have had the opportunity to lift a number of evacuation warning and some orders, and so i want to talk about that for a moment. we have lifted the evacuation warning for residents living west of highway 99 from highway
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149 north to the chico city limits and west to the midway. in addition, we have lifted the evacuation order for residents living on or owe chico highway from estates drive to durham dayton road. you can follow our social media pages for updates on that. we try to keep that continually updated. i do want to make one comment about that. the county has suffered some infrastructure damage. that has created some problems with our internal e-mail system as well as our access to internet. we're working diligently to get that repaired so that we can continue to update you in a timely manner, but that has been a difficulty we have been facing. we have at this point, in keeping with our law enforcement mission, my office at this point has received two calls of reported or suspected looting. we have had law enforcement officers respond to those calls.
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those would be up in the magallia, paradise area from what i understand, but we have not actually located anyone looting at this point. so there's been no arrests made. but i want to emphasize this point. as this goes on and more people find ways to get into those evacuated areas, if you think you're going to come in here and take advantage of these poor people who have been displaced from their homes and steal from them, law enforcement is going to do everything we can to capture you. and when we do, i have the assurances of the district attorney that you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. it is despicable conduct, and we need to make sure that we do everything that we can to prevent that. my office to date has received about 588 calls from people needing or requesting assistance in evacuating, and we have been working diligently through the course of that today. i know that staff was up in the
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megallia area contacting people who were to shelter in place and working with our partners in the transit system to shuttle those people down to the chico a the other very unfortunate aspect of my comments today involves an update on the casualties. unfortunately, it is my sad duty to report that we can confirm a total of nine fatalities, four additional from the ones that i talked about yesterday. i don't have all of the details because we've had investigators out in the field attempting to get to those locations where those suspected casualties were. what i can tell you, starting yesterday we had those individuals, those four individuals were found in their vehicles and they were in the
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paradise area. we found another individual near those vehicles today. he was outside -- i'm sorry. that person was outside the vehicle. i can't confirm the gender of that person at this point. in addition to that, other locations within paradise we found three individuals outside of residences. we don't know if their residence or not. we still have to work to identify those individuals, and then ultimately notify the next of kin. we have found one individual who apparently was inside the residence. i know that that is not a lot of information. i certainly understand that there are people in our community who are aching to know what has come of their friends and family members. that is why i'm telling you what i know now, but you understand that this can be a long process in terms of identifying people and then making the notifications of the next of kin. so i'm trying to balance getting information out to you with not giving you information that i can't confirm.
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okay. as i told you yesterday, this was a devastating fire. if you have been up in the air, you absolutely know that. you know how quickly it came through the paradise area. so i am -- i fear that it will be a continual duty of mine to come in and update these figures. my hope is that's not the case, but i think we have to be prepared for that. thank you. >> we would like to open the floor up for questions now. as you pose the question, i will repeat the question and then the discipline that will talk to the question will come up. >> we have been listening to this cal fire update on the fire burning in butte county, the campfire, and the latest numbers are sobering. we now know nine confirmed casualties, the four in the vecl o outside, three
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residee. >>e heen ve upd figures. 6453 homes have burned, 260 commercial buildings have burned, a total of 6,713 structures, which does make this according to our calculations the most destructive fire now in state history. it is not nearly, sadly, over yet. >> yes, up to 90 acres with just 5% containment, three firefighter injuries. we do have team coverage tonight. it was interesting, we listened to the chief meteorologist that they have working on the fire, talking about how it is unique to have a fire -- well, we heard it was unique to have a fire this late in the season, but also that we have that red flag warning that will be coming back saturday night. so things have been slightly improving, but maybe not so much anymore. >> normally we would be talking about rain, at least a little more regularly this time of year. "abc 7 news" weather anchor spencer christian is tracking the smoke and air quality issues here in the bay area.
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let's begin with abc 7 reporter laura anthony. she is live in butte county for the second day in a row. >> reporter: actually, i'm in downtown paradise. we are getting our first look at the destruction in the downtown area. unfortunately, i can tell you it is pretty typical, one of hundreds of businesses, as you heard in the press conference, that burned in this fire. just up the road from here we've seen some horrific scenes of what was left behind after all of those people were literally jumping from their cars and running for their lives. the road through paradise is now lined with scenes of apocalyptic destruction and jarring signs of sheer terror and panic. abandoned cars line the roadways. there are trucks, even a school bus among them. some even ran off the road or smashed into one another as drivers tried to escape the wall of flames. now we know at least five people
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here didn't make it out. though the wind-driven flames have moved through what is left in their wake is devasting. and right, street after street, the homes are gone. so are most of the businesses. >> the town's devastated. it is devastated. we're grateful that we got people out as quickly as we did yesterday, but we have a lot to do to rebuild. >> reporter: paradise mayor jodie jones and councilman steve crowder sur vafed whveyed what of their town, trying to keep an eye toward the future amid so much darkness. >> this is my business here, and we're working to head over and see how our house is. i don't know if that survived. about 80% of the houses in town
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are gone and our downtown is devastated. this fire took everything. it wasn't a section, it was town wide. >> reporter: and, again, we are downtown paradise. this is just one of the many businesses that are completely destroyed here. we can't even tell what this was before the fire occurred. as for those folks in the cars, we learned more from a cal fire spokesman a short time ago. he told us that while many of the folks did leave their cars, they ran. others who were able to get through actually picked them up and took them to safety, so that at least is comforting to hear. he said though there were a lot of cars in the middle of the road, and what firefighters and heavy equipment operators had to do was go down the road in the middle of this fire and literally push the cars and trucks out of the way so that they could get their fire equipment through and try to do whatever they could to fight the
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fire. in paradise, laura anthony, "abc 7 news." >> all right, laura. thank you. we can smell that smoke and here is why. this is a look at the smoke from the camp fire taken from nasa satellite imagery. you see how it heads westward and drifts south, covering mendocino and lake county and then the bay area. >> the yellow haze and ash we have seen. "abc 7 news" weather anchor spencer christian is here with a look at the air quality. >> here is another look at live doppler 7. you can see the smoke in this image showing up as an expansive area of gray here in the bay area and in the central valley. as we look at fire conditions near -- weather conditions i should say near the fire, you can see the wind is calm right now. that's the wind at the surface. but look at this looping image, the satellite image. you see that the wind aloft is pulling that smoke down into the central valley, into the bay area, and then pushing it out to sea. so our air quality is, of course, declining. tomorrow is a spare the air day. we will have unhealthful air conditions in the north bay and the inland and east bay poor,
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and in other locations it will be poor generally across the bay area saturday, sunday and monday or as long as the smoke continues to billow into our region. i will have a look at the weather forecast coming up later. dan. >> spencer, thank you. well, in disasters like these we have been seeing insurance can make a huge difference. >> "7 on your side's" michael finney will join us tonight with advice from first-time fire victims from experts and from people who have been through this before. . first responders are working around the clock not only in northern california. northern california. i'm dion lim reporting northern california. i'm dion lim reporting (music throughout)
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tens of thousands of homes in southern california are threatened by two ferocious wildfires. tonight, more than 40,000 acres burned in ventura county. fires have wiped out entire subdivisions. tens of thousands of homes are threatened. let's take a live look now where it is nightfall on the fire lines, but look at those flames. residents in los angeles county are now being asked to evacuate the hillside community of malibu lakes is under a threat as fire races towards that area. now, the largest of the two fires is the woolsey fire which has more than doubled in size to 35,000 acres and it is still growing. the hill fire is holding steady at 6,100 acres. "abc 7 news" anchor dion lim is at the fire command post in thousand oaks. what is the latest there? >> reporter: ama, something i need to point out is that southern california has been rocked by not one but two huge
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tragedies this week. of course, we are making reference to the shooting at a bar and grill that took so many lives, but also these two enormous wildfires. but as it was described to me at a press conference earlier this afternoon, there is a difference between the two. one of them is permanent, the other can be rebuilt. i want you to take a look behind me because, yes, this is the command center where the firefighting efforts are now transitioning to cal fire. we don't yet have numbers on exactly how many structures were damaged, but we do know there have been zero fire-related fatalities. nearly 200,000 people have been evacuated in ventura and l.a. county, and with more on that here is a message from the los angeles fire department to southern california. >> please evacuate. there's been several instances where our firefighters have been hampered today trying to get in to protect structures only to be confronted with people that have not evacuated. when you do that, that puts your lives at risk and our
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firefighters' lives at risk. i can only imagine the impact of someone asking you to leave your home, but we're doing it for your safety and we will do all we can to protect your home. >> reporter: now, despite challenges like high winds grounding firefighting planes, there is some relief in sight. the wind pattern is set to shift ever so slightly for tomorrow. reporting live in thousand oaks, california, i'm dion lim "abc 7 news." >> thank you very much. there are more than a dozen active wildfires wurng right now across the state. again, very unusual this late in the year. the largest is the camp fire, burning in butte county, which has burned more than 70,000 acres. actually, the new number is 90,000 acres. 90,000 at least, and is sending smoke into our area as well. you have vereseen the yellow sk and ash falling all day. >> it is really bald. we will hear more about the air quality next. >> around the bay area, hear how people are dealing with it, also ahead. >> some much-needed advic you know when you're at ross and you realize it's time
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6:29 pm find your new fall look at an "oh, yeah" price. check this out. that's yes for less. from the latest trends to your favorite brands, it feels even better when you find them for less. at ross. yes for less. now from abc 7, live breaking news. >> the town is devastated. it is devastated. >> devastated can hardly describe what we're seeing in butte county because of the fire we now know has destroyed thousands of homes, about 6,400 at least. >> since 6:30 yesterday morning, the camp fire has scorched
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90,000 acres, an estimated 6,453 homes and other residential building have burned down, making it the most destructive fire in state history. at least nine people have died, four of them were found in charred vehicles. three firefighters have been hurt, 52,000 people are evacuated. that's more than the entire population of menlo park. in east bay the smoke is wrecking havoc on high school football games. many are postponed because of unhealthy air. leslie brinkley is monitoring conditions but for now the game is on at concord's high school. >> having this occur during our championships is unprecedented. like i mentioned earlier, we are 105 years old and we have never run into anything like this. it is 1:24 right now. >> reporter: using various air quality measures, including the purple air and weather bug apps, north coast section cancelled 75% of tonight's championship games in order to maintain
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safety for student-athletes. >> we feel that this is really in some respects, it is kind of a state of emergency, that with so many games going on and with the poor air quality that we really needed to take steps as a section. >> reporter: they postponed the monta other games. the game will be played on monday as the murky skies and oakland his choked in on the school's football field. >> it will be monday night football, the high school variety. >> reporter: the central coast section also postponed games until tomorrow, including the mountain view s/burlingame and sarah versus leland game. >> the rule is at game time if the air quality is 151 or higher they're not allowed to conduct
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the game. >> reporter: here even though it is game on, it could still be postponed if air quality worsens. in concord, i'm leslie brinkley, "abc 7 news." along the peninsula flights were delayed about 45 minutes at sfo because of the widespread smoke and haze. the airport tweeted a warning this morning to travelers, telling them to check their flight status with air airline. oakland and san jose airports didn't report problems with the smoky air. our air quality is visibly worse today compared to yesterday. just look at this. this is the view from mount tam, yesterday on the left and then today on the right. many north bay schools were shut down today because of the poor air quality. "abc 7 news" reporter wayne freedman watched the air quality all day from sonoma county where the smoke felt ominous for survivors of last year's north bay fires. >> reporter: masks and we're well past halloween. when so nona closed schools today including grant elementary in petalumas, the kids were
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free. >> if there's something to keep our kids safe, i'm about it. >> reporter: she said that on the day where brown became the new blue, where people who looked ready, did so with the bad air settling in. >> i think people are feeling stressed out about it. it is erie. >> reporter: who wouldn't in the region that lost more than 5,000 structures 13 months ago with the second-hand smoke settled in from the campfire it brought back firsthand bad memories. how bad is it today compared with back then? >> about the same. >> reporter: how thick was the smoke? so thick in parts of santa rosa streetlights switched on, courthouse square on a friday would normally fill at noon. at the beer barron restaurant, norah wiped soot and ash from tables with no takers, not in this area. >> it is not a prime outdoor dining weather. >> reporter: no. instead, the north bay looked like a scene from some alternate, hopefully avoidable future. locals talked about climate change and the new normal. all of this due to a fire far,
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far away and still too close to home. >> reality can be a real awakening sometimes. >> reporter: think about something they're trying to get past. in sonoma county, wayne freedman, "abc 7 news." along the embarcadero in san francisco some streetlights turned on around 3:00 this afternoon. they are light-activated and the smoky skies were dark enough to trigger them to turn on early. the smoke has sat on san francisco all day long. "abc 7 news" reporter lyanne melendez looks at how people are coping with it. >> reporter: with the air quality so poor, it wasn't the best day to be a tourist in san francisco. >> i'm feeling a little in my chest, but other than that it is all right. >> reporter: tight? >> yeah, just a little tight. >> it's been all right until the fire came along. >> reporter: cable car operators were given masks to protect themselves from the smoke. ♪ >> reporter: being on the pickett line today was
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especially trying for any worker on strike. >> i cannot bring up my voice. i have sore eyes, i have stuffy nose. >> reporter: the school playground is typically bustling with kids at noon, but san francisco unified ordered every school to keep kids from playing outdoors. >> we've been monitoring the air quality for san francisco, and we know that right now it is not at a healthy level so we want to make sure that kids are kept indoors. >> reporter: there were cries of disappointment from twin peeks, the quintessential wedding photo was not meant to be. >> it is not clouds, it is all smoke. >> reporter: this retired firefighter from north carolina is used to the smoke, but didn't expect to miss out on what should be an incredible view. >> i'm amazed what you can't see here. i like to come back when it is clear. so you got to tell me when that would be. >> reporter: well, don't come in august. >> okay. don't come in august. >> reporter: we have the fog. >> reporter: liz craft was visiting from germany. >> there are a lot of different natural disasters here, but you
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also have a whole lot of beauty to compensate for it. so i guess you have to -- yeah, deal with it and go with the flow. people handle it really well here. >> reporter: and tomorrow already some outdoor sporting events involving kids have already been cancelled because they expect more of the same. in san francisco, li an melendez, "abc 7 news." spencer continues to track the weather conditions for us. >> in ten minutes he will have an update on our air
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there is breaking news in golden gate park in san francisco where firefighters responded to a fire near the polo fields. the fire department says there's no threat to a structure in the area. they're expecting to fully contain it momentarily. it was first reported after 5:30. our thoughts and prayers of course go out to the victims of the camp fire which is now the most destructive in state history with more than 6,700 buildings burned, most all of them homes. >> just 36 hours or so. often at times like these what we need is good advice and that's where "7 on your side's"
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michael finney comes in, looking out for people in times of crisis. >> i got to tell you, california is suffering so many of these wildfires that the insurance industry, fire victims and consumer advocates know what to expect during the aftermath. so here is the best advice available for california's newest fire victims. >> unfortunately, this is not our first time around the block. >> yeah, it is very sad. my heart and all of my prayers go out to everyone in paradise and really everyone throughout california that's joining the fire survivor club. it is horrendous. >> brad sherwood knows. he became a member a year back when he lost his home in santa rosa to fire. he has lived through a lot and says the new fire victims will too. >> unfortunately, what you are about to embark on is going to be a marathon, and just -- just take a moment. you have just survived a major wildfire. you have to recognize that and
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just breathe. >> reporter: brad says get your housing situated right away. housing will be in short supply. janet ruiz is with the insurance information institute. she says next get some living expenses from your insurance company. >> we have additional living expenses that can be paid out to help you with your hotel, your extra food cost and anything that's going to ensue in the next few weeks. >> reporter: then, once settled in, she says make a list of everything you lost. amy balk heads up the consumer group, united policyholders. >> a lot of people have a sort of fairy tale idea that they've gotten from watching tv ads their whole lives that the insurance company is going to come along and make everything okay. that just is not how the process works. >> reporter: she says there are a lot of moving parts and you must get involved.
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robert crown is a public adjustor. that's a professional advocate that works for the policyholder. he says fire victims need to keep a close watch on those who will be offering services. >> unfortunately, the term of art sometimes is feeding frenzy, and it is not just public adjustors or insurance professionals. it is all of the industry that follow in the aftermath. >> reporter: brad is truly a giver. he says he is heading up to paradise this weekend to see how he can help. remember, this is a guy that still doesn't have a home. of course, if you need specific help, contact me here at the station. interviewing brad, i almost cried today. >> i'm sure. >> reporter: it was powerful. >> good for him. a brave, courageous giant. thanks, michael, very much. "abc 7 news" reporter laura anthony returned to paradise today, a day after the fire moved there. of course, it is still burning. >> watch as we roll down the street with laura and her photog across here that obviously ran off the road.
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cars on one side of the street and the other. many have been in accidents as people -- you can only imagine what it was like with the flames and the smoke and the embers as they tried to get out of the way and ended up having crashes in their cars. it is an end-of-the-world looking scene. >> you can see smoke off to the right. some places burned, others didn't. some leaves still left on trees. there's an accident there. just awful as people tried to escape with their lives. >> just imagine what
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so we've got this wildland urban interface area. we all love our parks and the best way to keep them healthy is to come in and manage them. hi my name is eileen theile. i'm acting fire chief for east bay regional park district's fire department. what keeps me up at night is that people have a short memory. they'll forget the oakland hills firestorm that happened in 1991. we lost well over 2000 homes, 26 people lost their lives, we really need to stay vigilant especially with climate change. this area, california, is a fire prone landscape.
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the one thing that we can control is the fuels. east bay regional regional park district partners with pg&e to annually thin or remove more than 1000 acres of hazardous vegetation. pg&e is accelerating its wildfire risk reduction program, pruning around overhead electrical lines, reducing the fuel loads underneath those electrical lines to help reduce the spread of wildfire. what we're really doing is making the property that's adjacent to their homes safer. pg&e, east bay regional park district,and our communities, we're all in this together to keep people safe. pg&e, east bay regional park district,and our communities, at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more.
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back now to breaking news. the camp fire that has officially become the most destructive wildfire in california history, while the cause has not yet been determined pg&e confirms that there was an equipment problem near where the fire started just minutes before it sparked. here is the radio dispatch from cal fire. >> engine responding. power line down. >> we have eyes on the vegetation fire. it is going to be very difficult to access. it is on the west side of the river underneath the transmission line, about 35-miles-per-hour sustained wind on it. this has potential for a major incident.
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request 15 additional engines. >> heard him say it has the potential for a major incident, boy, did it. cal fire officials were asked to comment about the report at a news conference a minute ago and they say the cause is still under investigation. >> as long as our investigators are under the investigation mode and it is an active investigation, we don't release any information pertaining to the investigation whatsoever. we're still currently investigating the cause. >> the front lines of the camp fire in butte county you will find firefighters from the bay area. north bay firefighters are in paradise trying to save homes. san rafael fire posted this picture to instagram and alameda firefighters helped rescue this donkey you see. they found it running lose along highway 70 and were able to corral it and get a trailer to transport it away from the danger. >> okay. >> let's update the forecast once again. >> spencer. >> tonight we will have clear skies but, of course, hazy with all of the smoke building in the bay area. let me give you a look at low temperatures. generally in the upper 30s to
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around 40s in the inland bay. some parts of napa, sonoma, marin and mendocino counties will have low temperatures dropping into the upper 20s to low 30s. so bring in pets and plants and protect cold people as well. tomorrow look for another hazy day. the smoke continues to build up. air quality will decline. it is a spare-the-air day for the bay area. it will be mild and dry again, highs ranging from mid 60s at the coast to around the 70s at the bay area. here is a look at the red flag warning in effect from 10:00 tomorrow night until 4:00 p.m. sunday. wind gusts could reach 60 miles per hour in some locations. this is for the bay areas his and mountains. dang rulingsly low relative humidity, 9% to 17%. under those conditions fires can spread rapidly. here is a look at the air quality once again. unhealthful in the nork and poor every across the entire region
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saturday, sunday and monday. here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. not much chain in tnge in the w conditions. it will be sunny and mild with haze as long as the smoke continues to flow into the bay area. we will observe veterans' day on monday. no rain in sight for the next seven days, but something developing in about ten days that may bring rainfall. >> thanks, spencer. on to sports and the latest on steph curry. >> yes. the question is how long will he be out. we got the mri results. we will tell y
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now abc 7 sports with larry beil. good evening. injury is never good news but the warriors got positive news on steph curry's mri. he suffered a strained groin last night. it does not look to be serious, but you know the warriors will be ultra cautious with the two-time mvp. he was hurt in the third quarter last night in the big surprising win at oracle. you see it happened on that play. you see him grab the inside of his thy. he left the game and did not return. he will miss tomorrow night's game against brooklyn. the team has not said what the plan will be in games against the clippers and hawks on
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tuesday. it would not be a surprise to rest him to be safe. quinn cook will start tomorrow night. >> i think the mri was basically good news, so it doesn't look like it will be a long-term injury. so he's disappointed, but, you know, it could have been a lot worse. >> if you play 40 minutes or you play two minutes, you know, i think it is a blessing. so we all want to take full advantage of it. so any time, you know, i'm out there, any of the young guys especially, you know, we definitely want to, you know, just play as hard as we can and try to do, you know, whatever the game plan is. >> the 49ers host the new york giants monday night football here on abc 7. the kickoff is at 5:15 on monday. giants are 1-7 but they do have one of the most exciting players in football, and i'm not talking about odell beckham jr.. i'm talking about saquon barkley, the rookie out of penn state. look at how many guys -- he's jumping over them, around them. he could make you miss in a
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phone booth. he is so elusive, so strong and so fast. you don't have him, come on. 49ers defensive coordinator robert sala. look at this touchdown run here. see you later. was asked about stopping saquon. >> he is dynamic, now. he has got -- for his size, like you can't -- it is very deceptive because it doesn't look like he's moving, but the son of a gun is moving. i don't want to put him in barry sanders' world yet. he's got a chance, but he just has a knack. he has great patience. he finds holes. he makes people miss. well worth the investment for sure. >> after sitting out all season, dez bryant signed with theansai. looks like his season is over as of tonight. the long-time cowboys' wide out is believe to have acl at the end of practice today. dez wasn't expected to play much, if at all, this sunday. probably now done for the year. college ball, this has not been the season stanford was hoping for. they're 5-4 heading into their final home game of the year
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against oregon state tomorrow. it will be the final home game for star tail back bryce love. the coach hoping all of the seniors soak it all in tomorrow. >> so i try to remind the guys, and for some of them they don't think about it until this week. >> well, david shaw was talking about the emotions. how about the emotions of this guy in the canadian football league, lineman john got of the ottawa red blacks celebrating a touchdown by running to his girlfriend and downing a beer. then he smashes the can on his helmet. who does he think he is? stone cold steve austin or something like that? i don't know how much of the beer he consumed. looked like it was all on his beard, but that's a man's man. >> thanks, larry. tonight on "abc 7 news" at 9:00 and 11:00, the camp fire in butte county is now the most destructive in state history. we will have the latest on the effort to stop the flames. potential more trouble for pg&e. could the utility's power lines have sparked that deadly fire?
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join us at 9:00 on kofy tv 20, cable 713, and at 11:00 on abc 7. >> finally tonight, a few thoughts about what really matters. once again, our fellow californians are in great peril. the pictures we shared with you here tonight from butte county to our north and ventura county to our south are horrifying and heart-breaking reminders of the frequency and ferocity of the wildfires is getting worse. this time of year, the second week of november, we are usually beginning the rainy season and the widespread risk of wildfire is largely over. these apocalyptic images we are seeing from the fire zones leveled homes, cars, burned and abandoned on the side of the road, panicked horses trying to find a way out of danger are surreal. here in the bay area, four hours away by car, the yellow skies and ash provide us with an eery connection to the other disaster happening not so far away now it seems. for thousands of our neighbors to the north, there will be no home for the holidays. their homes are gone.
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most of us will sit down to a thanksgiving meal in two weeks, and what really matters is to be thankful for what we have and mindful of what so many have lost and to help as we can. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter and facebook @dashashleyabc7. >> i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. look for breaking news at any time on the "abc 7 news" app. appreciate your time. you work hard for every dollar. so we don't want you to pay one cent more than you need to for health care. at covered california, you can get health insurance at a lower cost. in fact, enrollees pay an average of $5 per day. see how little it costs to get covered. visit today.
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(music throughout)
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♪ this is the "jeopardy!" teen tournament. introducing today's contestants-- a sophomore from bedford, new hampshire... a freshman from libertyville, illinois... and a freshman from hoover, alabama... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. caleb, isabella, rotimi, we had a great match yesterday on "jeopardy!" kicking off this year's teen tournament. if you three perform as well today, we are going to be very happy. good luck. let's go to work. ♪
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here are the categories for the three of you... sounds easy. next... and finally... rotimi, you go first. world geography, $200. caleb. - what is the gulf of mexico? - correct. world geography for $800, please. answer--daily double. [ applause ] we're finding it way too early. you have $200. you could risk $1,000, though. i'll risk $1,000, please. - okay. here is sarah with the clue. on a map, new zealand, hawaii, and easter island form the three corners of this roughly triangular region of oceania


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