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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 29, 2018 1:42am-2:12am PST

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>> at the end of this, i'm like okay, you got me. what do you want me to do. >> this dad looks like a superhero. that's an arm made by auto bot. it is not just your average prosthetic arm. >> when he talks, he gestures like there is a hand there. >> it looks like a move from terminator two. >> he could do something he couldn't do before. that is hold his daughter's hand with his left arm and new left hand. >> oh, my gosh. >> let's go walk. sophia, you can hold papa's hand. >> he has more than one daughter. he has three oft h aun and uncle. >> you have to strength enyour
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arm in order to get this. it has individual motors in each finger that gives this arm and hand the ability to do 14 different grip patterns. meaning, this guy can tie his shoes, type and carry a bag. he was born without an arm in east berlin. he used to have a prosthetic arm. it was too big and bulky. >> i'm going to cry. >> dr. tony said this is what makes his job so exciting. >> i'm just thinking of all the cool things he can do with his bionic arm. >> there is a cottage industry around these. there are other companies that make it look like a handle or make it more natural. >> a lot of men like it to look like they are part terminator. >> let's be honest.
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most little girls think their father is a superhero. >> promise. >> australia supplies us with an endless supply of dash cam videos. >> he didn't pull up close enough so he had to get out of his car. >> no problem. everything is handled like a pro. the driver gets back in the car. that is where things take a turn. >> his lights were on. >> i feel bad. it was a mistake. >> at least it is all on the dash cam so you can prove you didn't drive into the other guy. >> dukes of hazard style. crashes into that fence. he takes out and takes off running in true cinderella
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style. >> stolen vehicle. >> sounds like he was being chased because of false plates. there is security video that shows the guy running through the parking lot. eventually jumping over that fence and then hiding. that is when the vehicle got him. >> they got it all on video. >> they get him out of there and they arrested him. >> there is a lot of astounding beauty on display in 4k many this video. he is in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. doesn't matter which way you are looking, greenland has been captured from several angels. there is another message hidden inside. a lot of you think it is the
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land of unending ice. he's been seeing more of this. icebergs. it is a result of climate change. it is getting hard for him to see. >> this he wanted to put this video together to show you the beauty and to show it to you before it is gone. >> is manner. they won't be able to visit. they won't know. >> tons of boxes being unloaded in this backyard. special delivery for mr. beast. as we know, mr.thin cranked up. >> what is inside those little bottles are orbis. >> some people use them in their flower pots. he's ordered a lot. >> this is 100 million orbis.
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>> he's going to fill the entire backyard. >> we are rain. >> is this even going to work because the water is going to drain. in this case, i think their idea is much more grand in their head. >> i think you've put more thought into this. >> they couldn't help but put some in the pool because it is there. >> ten hours later and they've got a pool full o orbis. it is cool to see the time lapse but it doesn't look like it ever rained. plan b. head first, bad idea. swimming around, they don't perform like water. snorkling? it is possible.
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bookie boarding. >> these are biodegradable. >> the more sub descriscribers the more i spend. >> shoppers stuck in a store but it doesn't want to be bothered. >> see how a smart teen saves one >> a teen and his chatty confession. how's your cough? i'm good. i took 12-hour mucinex and sent it far away. hey buddy, have you seen a nice woman with a cough?
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woahhh! mucinex dm releases fast and lasts 12-hours, not 4. send coughs far away all day. ♪ buy three specially marked chex cereals, get a $5 concession certificate.
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there's new gold bond cracked skin relief. >> closed captioning provided by. new gold bond cracked skin relief. >> tweet us at "right this
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minute" and follow the show all week long. >> we know him to bring us some of the most extreme videos we've ever seen. deaf on super tramp, i would argue could be his most extreme. featuring this young man. it. okay. >> don't challenge him. >> he'll do it. >> that is all ofay how young is he? >> john is 90 years young. there is nothing slowing this man down. besides just running a little bit. high dives, back flips. soft ball, wait a minute. he's out here looking good.
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>> really inspiring, right. it makes you think at 90 he's doing all that stuff. come on, bring us that bucket list out. >> there are certain segment of people using it as an excuse. honestly, if you keep doing it, you can. >> what are the odds seeing it just through the lens. >> challenge you through a race. >> as deafdoes, there is a behind the scenes video that shows how they put this together. >> john is the real thing. he believes he'll go well beyond 100 years old. vi no dou i have no doubt about that. >> you two guys always talk about how wonderful the los angeles animal services team is so quit. >> these guys are like the a
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team and special forces combined to save kittens. >> this time, it is an owl. >> it is just a couple of nets. >> this owl is not going down without a fight. it doesn't want to be bothered. >> watch right here when they slow the video down. look at that. there is the owl, there is the net. >> got him. nice catch. >> you do see some evasive maneuvers. they walk it outside, release it and set it free. >> just because you have all the fancy tools doesn't mean you need them every time. >> since christmas is coming. on thanksgiving day, these guys went out to do a rescue. there was a cat. >> it can wait until the morning. >> these people are smart and
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dedicated. this one guy in the bucket, he gets up there. that is moana. she's an indoor cat. that is a thick bush to get stuck in. she starts climbing down. i thought he was going to reach in and grab her. no, no. he's got an extension poll. he gently guides her down to her owner. >> what cracks me up that that cat didn't want to be held until the owner picked it up. >> of course. >> just in time to beat the rain. >> the 15-year-old had his tonsils out. >> mom, i'm so sorry i did drugs. >> when did you do drugs? surgery. >> okay. >> such a good boy. >> now this video is entitled
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confessions of the soulless ginger. he lets it all out. >> are you? who are you? >> i'm ashley, i'm going be your nurse. >> you are beautiful asha. >> me knees are shaking but they are not injingling and shaking. >> mom, i swore and did drugs. i'm going to health. >> la, la, la. ah. >> this is one of nine videos they captured in his post operation delirium. >> a preview of their new series
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our house they are putting on on youtube. i'm going to call you sparkle eyes because you have the prettiest eyes. >> you are funny. >> hi, dr. gold. tell sparkle eyes our relationship is exclusive and she can't see other people. >> what? i'm just a side shake. >> i'll make sure you can check them out check out or use our mobil app. >> dude serving up for an epic match. see a block that flips the game fast. a fashion guru has the best ways to style a blazer. we have all her hacks coming up. >> you need to have a
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1:59 am
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2:00 am
ythat's why there's new gold bond overnight lotion. >> promotional considerations provided by. ingenious space- neat nest™ by fasaving design. all designed to stack and protect the lids, and the pan surface. farberware neat nest™. stacked & intact™ >> it is the table tennis match that got everybody talking.
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>> what? >> stop. stop. no. that is the block heard around the world, my friend. >> he isn't even looking. he just put his paddle up. >> he is like, all right. i got to give you something with that one. >> other guys thought he had this. the victory was his and outcome the paddle. >> complete from the jaws of victory. >> will owe will never give up either. >> which one is will owe. >> the killer bunny rabbit there. all he wants to do is play with his old't l meow ty. i don't be bothered. finally, they make their way across the yard. he's like, what if i try this
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angel. >> trust me, you don't got in t. kelly is unboxing. >> the diy designer has a new series called five ways to friday. in this case, a blazer. on monday, you want to be professional and wear with a skirt and nice overflowy sweater and some heels. a little more casual. boyfriend jeans, cook hat and cross body bag. this is cool because you can borrow your boyfriend's pants. a cool necklace and boom. >> the pony can set things off too? >> you need to have a pony. >> ponytail, silly. >> how about going to a wedding. get some cool wide slacks and a
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nice broach. sparkly clutch. >> chic and comfortable. i like it. >> counting down the days until. >> to wake up christmas
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you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. would be wow, where did you get that. they make it easy. >> that time of the year where your christmas tree is starting to fill up with those gifts. everybody is wondering what is in them. itn.e's very committed to a a tradition of checking off the days leading up to christmas, which is not unlike what a lot of people do. every day, he starts his routine. he comes down the stairs and checks off the days one after the other. on christmas eve, he's eagerly waiting. it is lights out. he gets to wake up christmas
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morning when he gets to open that gift he's been waiting to open for years. >> hi, chris. it is mom. merry christmas puppet. another year has passed. i wanted to start this one by saying something i haven't said yet, which is thank you. thank you for taking the time to remember me. >> gut punch. >> now you understand why millions of people are loving this video. >> the holidays seem to be hard for a lot of parents. for him to receive that gift of his mom speaking to him. that is amazing. >> i wish i could be there to see how you've grown and what kind of man you've become. i know i would be so proud of
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you. so this is it, my last tape. >> no. >> this is something he's been doing every year since 2005. that is the oldest tape in his box. >> so this is a short film. >> do we know if this is based in reality. do we know anything about? >> this is a fictional story created by phil. did he this back in 2014 but decided to release this now because of the holidays but he was also inspired by an elton john ad. >> that's what i thought it was. everyone who has seen the video and said maybe, phil, you could do a claration for next year's ad. >> at the end of this, i'm waiting for the message. >> this is a fictional stor thi of his partner of ten years has
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given him and their children. >> remember how much i love you. never forget that. okay? >> thanks for spending time with us today. we'll catch you on the next all new rtm.o reported last year and it's not just that the population is growing and aging. cdc says that we are losing too many americans to conditions that are preventible. >> wow. >> lack of sleep and, you know, such, contribute to it. turning to much lighter news. the sh. boy fr >> this 6-year-old bolted away from his parents and climbed on stage during the pope's general sleeve. >> his mom scrambled to corral
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him. explained to the pope that the boy is speech and hearing impaired. as you can tell, not always easy to control. but clearly he had no intention of giving up the spotlight. >> nope. as the pope -- as for the pope, he seemed delighted by the antics, explaining to the crowd that despite his impairments, the boy has no trouble expressing himself. >> yeah. >> indeed. he just kept running around. that swiss guard, that's -- they're not necessarily gonna stop any sort of incidents for the pope, are they? >> i wouldn't imagine anyone dressed like the joker is going to do too much. his dad said he basically had a lot of energy to get out. you know, little kids -- they had driven like 300 miles from their home in verona to see the pope, waited in a long line. the kid had a lot of energy. >> i'm going to be free. i'm a swan. >> live your best life. #yolo. >> yolo.
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all right. coming up, the holiday light fight involving a homeowner who has been charged $2,000 a night by his local government just to keep his annual holiday light display up and running. >> and that's just the electric bill. and our friend william shatner gets in the spirit with rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. just wait until you see how wild it really gets. you're watching "world news now." >> and you would even say it glows. i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month.
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know what turns me on? my better half, hors d oeuvres and bubbly.


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