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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 18, 2018 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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all right. that's all for no. we appreciate your time. >> for sandhya, all of us >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- john cena, from "welcome to marwen", eiza gonzalez, and music from skylar grey. and now, for the time being -- jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. hi, guillermo. thank you, thank you. hi, everyone. welcome. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. very nice.
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are you -- i can feel it, i think you are, but i have to ask, are you in -- are we in the holiday spirit yet? is it happening? we're a week away from christmas day. christmas, if you've not heard of it, is the reason mari mariah carey has a bowling alley in her house. it would be very hard to explain to jesus why people celebrate his birthday by putting antlers on their minivans, but we do. everywhere you go, there are decorations, even in new jersey. even new jersey is decorating. even the holland tunnel is decorated for christmas. this is for real. the port authority got a lot of complaints because of this. they put the christmas tree over the letter "n" instead of just sliding it over the "a" where it belongs. and they also put a wreath over the "u" in tunnel which made it tonnel and a driver named cory started a petition to remedy this. he says he has ocd and it drives him nuts, which i get. so the port authority, to their
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credit, bowed to the will of the people and today, they put the tree where it belongs, over the "a." the wreath over the "o." and they got rid of the wreath over the "u." it's a christmas miracle. not exactly the birth of christ, but it is a christmas miracle nonetheless. i'm glad they did that. next, season needs to address the fact that the hollan hollanl doesn't go to holland, it goes to newark and that's false advertising. here's another controversial holiday thing. this happened in oregon, brookings, oregon. the wind made it appear that the festive inflatables were interacting conjugally. it was a blow-up snowman orgy right in the shadow of taco bell. in more wholesome news, this is the magical time of the year when the hallmark channel releases more holiday movies than anyone could possibly watch.
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this year, they made 38 christmas movies. how can there be that many? you know how many movies about hanukkah they made? none. zero. nanukkah. and hallmark has been overstuffing our stockings with these movies for years now. it's their thing. and people like it, i guess. so, as a time saver, we did some creative consolidation. we took all the movies, we shopp chopped them up to make one giant tv movie masterpiece and here it is. >> sunday december 23rd at 8:00, johnny blake thought he had it all. >> my dad got sick, i never got to say good-bye. >> but this christmas, shoes are a girl's best friend. >> we need a donor as soon as possible. >> this holiday, the law may be her calling, but it's ice sculpting that truly melts her heart. chad michael murray and jerica hinten star as twins who swap lives. short entirely at elvis
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presley's graceland. eric maybe as jennifer finnegan, her ric patterson, jessica luiten, jody sweeten, jen lily, brad dougherty, jean smart, and happy the dog in an original holiday movie. reunited at christmas at the palace on christmas in christmas. christmas, christmas, christmas, your mom's dead, christmas. part of countdown to christmas on hallmark channel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: maybe they could go back to making cards. today was a day of courtroom drama many washington as collusa-palooza took an unexpected you were the. today was supposed to be sentencing day for michael flynn, donald trump's former national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi about his relationships with foreign agents. flynn has been cooperating with robert mueller but a federal judge postponed his sentence to give him a chance to maybe cooperate even more. this judge really let michael
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flynn have it. not only was he sharply critical of flynn's conduct, he made him reaffirm his guilt in front of everyone, refute a suggestion from his legal team that the fbi treated him unfairly, and he characterized general flynn of selling his country out. judge sullivan said, this is a very serious offense, a high ranking senior official of the government making false statements to the federal bureau of investigation while on the physical premises of the white house. that's right. the only high-ranking senior government official who's allowed to make false statements on the premises of the white house is donald jessica trump, as you know. this news was bad for the president, because he was expecting flynn to do some damage control. this morning, trumpy soprano took the unusual step of offering well wishes to michael flynn. good luck today in court to general michael flynn. it will be interesting to see what he has to say despite tremendous pressure being put on
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him in our great and obviously highly successful political campaign. there was no collusion. this is the part of "the godfather 2" when mikey flies in the brother to stare at him while he's about to testify in court. trump is quite obviously trying to stay in michael flynn's good graces, hoping he will keep his mouth shut. so then, it was sarah huckabee sanders' job to come up with some way to defend the president's tweet. she allowed a rare and brief ten-minute long press conference today to offer a fresh round of huckabee-s. >> is the president concerned that michael flynn lied to a representative of his own government and was working for another government during the campaign? does that concern him or not? >> that's something for the court to make that determination. >> positive comments about him when he's pleaded to that. >> we're going to let the court play that out and they'll make a determination on whether or not he engaged in something, right or wrong. >> why is the president making positive comments about him given these things that he's --
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>> it's perfectly acceptable for the president to make a positive comment about somebody while we wait for the court to make a determination. >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: michael flynn has already pleaded guilty. the president's national security adviser admitted he was working with the russians and then tried to hide it from the justice department. there's no determination to be made. sarah huckabee sanders' answer to every question is basically, if the president does it, it's awesome. and she's dressing like wednesday addams lately too. i don't know if you noticed that. and on top of all this, as if this isn't ten years' worth of stuff t preside stuff, the president's charity, the trump foundation is shutting down or i should say is being shut down. the new york attorney general says trump was using his foundation as his own personal checkbook and engaged in a, quote, shocking pattern of illegality. who is this shocking to? it's the trump foundation. we would be shocked if there wasn't a pattern of illegality. the attorney general is pursuing an order to bar ivanka, eric, and djtj from serving on the
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board of any charities in new york and the trump foundation has agreed to dissolve. and that is a shame because that charity, say what you will, they did a lot of fake work for some very made-up people. but still, the president's looking ahead to 2020. last night, his team released a new campaign ad that encourages his supporters to thank him for everything he's done. this is a real ad that aired last night on cnn. >> this is brad, the campaign manager for president trump. president trump has achieved more during his time in office during any president in history and that is why i need every trump supporter to pick up the phone right now and deliver a personal thank you to your president. we need to let president trump know that we appreciate what he's doing for america. i need you to call the number on your screen and deliver a thank you to president trump. >> i'm donald trump, and i approve this message. >> jimmy: of course you do. how will he have time to listen to all these messages? i'm curious about this hotline and i kind of want to call it. can we dial the number in the boo
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booth? here we go. let's see. i mean, what could it -- what could they say? all right. >> hi, this is brad parscale from the trump reelection committee and thanks for calling the donald trump presidential thank you hotline. for instructions in english, press 1 now. for instructions in spanish, go back to wherever the hell you came from. >> jimmy: oh. hit 1, please. >> if you'd like to thank president trump for being the greatest american in history, press 1 now. >> jimmy: no. >> if you would like to thank him for making it okay to use casual racism on facebook, press 2 now. >> jimmy: no. >> if you want to thank the president for the two minutes of awkward squweaty sex you had wi him in the '90s press 3 now. for all other expressions of gratitude, press 4 and wait on the line. >> jimmy: i wanted to say thank you to president trump for
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teaching my kids what happens to your brain when you eat too much fried chicken. >> if you're satisfied with your message, hang up now. to be entered into a drawing to become the next chief of staff, remain on the line and your call will be answered in the order in which it was received. >> jimmy: hang up. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, as the walls are closing in on trump, as all hell is breaking loose, this is what mike pence is up to today. >> a new era of american national security in space begins today. >> jimmy: he's still out plugging that imaginary space force donald trump convinced him was a real thing and sent him out to promote. you know, in space, no one can hear mike pence scream. so, it appeals to him. here's something that i'm sure mike and mother pence would not approve of. there's a controversial holiday themed statue on display at the state capitol building in
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springfield, illinois. it is on loan from the satanic temple of chicago. you can't tell but it's a sculpture of the arm of a young woman holding an apple wrapped in a snake like adam and eve with the apple and the state is allowing this because of that pesky first amendment. it's on display, but religious leaders are understandably upset that something from the church of satan is in the building, and of course, when things like this happen, i go directly to the top. i don't mess around and in this case, that is god. so, god, are you there? god? oh, god? god? oh, look at that. how beautiful. >> i hear you. i hear you. you know i hear you. listen, would you just listen to me for one second, please. look, come on. listen. just trust me. make up whatever you want. listen, frank, frank, frank, shush, shush, hold on. i'm getting another call. >> jimmy: hi, god. >> hey, jimmy. i'm sorry, but that was francis. >> jimmy: oh, the pope, you were talking to the pope, huh? >> no, no, jimmy, think bigger.
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he's such a small thinker. sinatra. that was sinatra. >> jimmy: how about that. you know what? i'm surprised you use a cell phone. that doesn't seem like something you would need to do. >> what do you want me to do carve my commandments in stone? what are you, a moses or something? >> jimmy: i'm not a moses. what i wanted to know is if you've heard about the satanic temple, this sculpture that they have in this illinois capital. >> in chicago. >> jimmy: no, chicago is not the capital of illinois. >> whoa, whoa, wait a second. chicago is not the capital of illinois? are you sure? alexa. >> jimmy: i'm telling you, springfield is the capital of illinois. >> not anymore it isn't. all right, all right, jim, go on. go on. >> so anyway, there's -- that's it, really. there's a satanic temple from chicago that says they have the right to display the statue based on freedom of religion. >> you know what? chicago is a sinful place.
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i mean, they had gangsters, al capone, the black sox scandal in 1919, and don't get me started on that horrible deep dish pizza crap. >> jimmy: you don't like that? >> no, pizza, you don't eat pizza with a knife and a fork. am i right, everybody? am i right? you need a slice so it runs down your arm and on to your pants that you can't explain. >> jimmy: do you think these lawmakers should have the statue removed from the building? god? >> removed? no, no, no. i'm fine with it. me and satan, we're cool. >> jimmy: what does that mean, you and satan are cool? >> we made up. >> jimmy: what? >> listen, folks, if taylor swift and katy perry can make up, why can't we? boom! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's nice, i guess. >> beelz, say hello to jimmy. you're going to love this guy. he's going to be with you a long time. >> what's up! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: are you guys -- you hang out together in heaven? >> yeah, yeah, you know, we get together, what, like once a week, play a little "fortnite," you know, fantasy football. >> jimmy: really? >> then we have brunch. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> bottomless mimosas. [ applause ] >> and then we figure out who goes where, you know? >> yeah, yeah, that's our big game, who goes where. so which one of us is going to get ted cruz? >> rock, paper, scissors. >> rock, paper, scissors. rock, paper, scissors. rock crushes scissors. >> oh, the devil -- >> he's all yours. >> you won. he's yours. >> no, no, i don't want him. jimmy, that face for eternity. ugh. >> i don't want him either. >> tough luck, buddy. i won. >> you always do rock! >> that's because i created all the rocks. >> jimmy: i'm going to leave this to you guys to figure out but thank you for weighing in and have a merry christmas also.
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>> christmas? oh, jesus! no, no, i wasn't talking to you. it's my kid's birthday. >> hail me! >> jimmy: hail you. ♪ >> enough with that. i'm older than you. it's too loud. hail you, you mean, one nation, under me. >> jimmy: that's right. that's right. >> under you? >> everything's under me. hello, down there! >> please. >> jimmy: that's the lord and satan, everybody. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> see you in march, jimmy! >> jimmy: thank you guys. tonight on the show, we have music from skylar grey, eiza gonzalez is here and we'll be right back with john cena. ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back to the show. tonight from the movie "welcome to marwen," eiza gonzalez is here. then later, with her song from the original motion picture soundtrack to "aquaman", music from skylar grey. that is not skylar grey. that's aquaman. this album was recorded entirely underwater. you can see skylar live at largo on january 21st, right here in los angeles. tomorrow night, ben stiller will be here, from the movie "roma" marina de tavira and yalitza aparicio and we'll have music from griffin featuring elley duhe. and on thursday, mike and adam from beastie boys, jonathan van ness from "queer eye", and music from mitski. so please join us for all of that. our first guest tonight is a 16-time world champion wrestler and 14- time professional
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thespian with plans to suplex his way to the top of the box office this weekend. his new transformer origin story is called "bumblebee." it opens in theaters friday. please welcome john cena. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, sir. >> jimmy: i thank you. how are you? >> some familiar faces, some people i'm meeting for the first time. this is great. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> i'm great. how are you? >> jimmy: you look great. you look fit. >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. >> everything going okay? >> jimmy: my christmas checklist, i have to check everything off, get everything -- >> how's it going? >> jimmy: it's going pretty well. >> pretty well? >> jimmy: i'm a little ocd about that stuff. i don't want to forget anybody. i have to make sure everything is marked. >> well, i've noticed that you haven't sent me anything. >> jimmy: well, there's still
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time. >> okay, fair enough. >> jimmy: that's right. >> he's right. >> jimmy: what will you do for the holiday? what is your plan? >> "bumblebee" is out on the 21st and everybody's going to go see that. so i'm telling everybody to go see "bumblebee" until the 21st and then i go return to madison square garden december 26th from the 22nd to the 25th, i'm going to spend some time with those i love. >> jimmy: you have a lot of brothers. >> they are going to kick my ass for just saying the word love. you don't say that in the cena household. i have four brothers. and, yeah. >> jimmy: where do you fall in the list of brothers, age-wise? >> second oldest but it goes in chronology, 45, 41, 40, 38, 36, so the bottom four are, like, it's a toss-up. >> jimmy: were you guys beating each other constantly growing up? >> yes. house full of boys, of course. >> jimmy: are they all big, strong guys or are there any
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accountants in the group? >> are all accountants out there skinny? >> jimmy: not all of them but you know what i'm saying. >> i probably was the biggest but i was not the toughest. >> jimmy: who is the toughest in the family? >> my little brother matt. he's going to kill me for saying that. >> jimmy: he would kill you if you don't say it. >> at the cena household, any given day, you could win, you could lose so we're all so close in age that we always fought and it was never a lock. like, i really thank my brothers and i love them to death and we talk about this often, we reminisce, they taught me how to lose a fight, they taught me humility, they taught me failure and they taught me how to cuss so i'm very grateful. >> jimmy: did it get to the point where it was -- were the fights violent to the point that there was hospitalization? >> we would chase each other with chain saws and stuff. we grew up in a small town in massachusetts, man, power tools, grab the closest thing. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: would you pull your punches? >> roman candle fights. no. no. >> jimmy: so you go easier on your opponents in wrestling than
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you do on your other flesh and blood? >> yes, the "wwe folks have it easy. they couldn't spend a day in the cena household. not at all. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i was trying to figure out who you're fighting at the garden. who are you fighting? >> who cares! december 26th madison square garden! see me there! it will be a lot of -- >> jimmy: i heard that some of the wrestling fans don't like your hair. >> some? that's polite. >> jimmy: i'm looking at it and it looks fine to me. >> also, that's polite. thank you. >> jimmy: yeah. it's usually shorter but it's not long. >> so here's the deal. i've withbeen playing a charactn wwe for 15 years now and i've looked the exact same and i left to go to china for six months and i came back with this and literally it has caused a tidal wave of emotional upheaval. >> jimmy: you're like the jennifer aniston of wrestling in a way. >> i've literally ruined people's childhoods. >> jimmy: because they don't like -- >> every day, i know you do mean
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tweets. every day is just a barrage. change back, you look ridiculous, you ruined my life! >> jimmy: will you change it back? >> i'm just trying to figure my life out. i don't know what the hell's going on. >> jimmy: will you get a crew cut in preparation for the match? >> no. because the thing i like about the wwe is they're very vocal and excited so when i go into madison square garden looking like an accountant, not so much a thin one, they're going to raise hell so it's going to be great. i just want to see what happens. >> jimmy: you just want to get a rise out of them. what was your first job? did you have a job before wrestling? >> i got my degree in exercise science, which is basically learning how to work out, so i moved out to -- come on, guys. [ cheers and applause ] it's an honorable profession. never once have i used by degree but it's an honorable profession. student loans. anyway, i moved out to los angeles not to pursue performing arts but to actually apply my degree because then that was like the mecca of health and fitness. i ended up at the mecca of body
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building, this was right around y2k, so i moved to gold's gym venice. >> jimmy: you worked at gold's gym. >> 4:00 in the morning to midnight. >> jimmy: schwarzenegger worked out there. >> it's since changed because the dynamic of the whole neighborhood has changed but then it was still really the epicenter of the health, fitness, and body building industry so you would with have a cast of characters going through that. >> jimmy: what kind of guys? >> they were all very big and each one of them tried to establish their own personality. they would fight each other in the gym, they would be banned and you knew you were a pro's pro. the parking lot was always jam packed and you would leave your car outside in the parking lot with the radio blaring and just come and work out. like, keep it. and just go in and work out. and i saw this stuff and i couldn't believe. these guys all could have been wwe super stars.
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they had the penalrsonality thi down. >> jimmy: and none of them ever did? >> no. i don't know. >> jimmy: none of them got involved in that. >> they did not. >> jimmy: at the time, i think it was a little bit different. now it's like a real platform to things. >> there was this one guy. >> jimmy: there was you, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] do you still go back there? do you go back there and work out? tan your body? >> worked out okay for him. >> jimmy: we're going to have a -- we're going to take a break and we're going to see a clip from "bumblebee." >> the movie everybody's going to go see. >> jimmy: i saw this movie and it's fantastic. >> it really is. it's good. it's action packed for those who like "transformers" and are fans of the franchise. >> jimmy: even for those like me who don't know anything about it. >> you're the grinch of the "transformers," outright hate them, you're going to enjoy the movie. >> jimmy: john cena is here. we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by the world's longest lasting aa battery, energizer ultimate lithium.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: that's john cena in "bumblebee." opens in theaters friday. >> yes! >> jimmy: it's like i'm in it with you. that's a fun movie. >> it really is. >> jimmy: you got the robots, which look fantastic and it's like funny and there's really a story there. and you got a lot of '80s music in it, which i love. >> cool period piece set in the '80s and the cool thing i like about it is if this movie was filmed in the '80s, i would be the good guy but instead i'm the bad guy and we have a beautiful young female lead that knocks it out of the park and she and bumblebee make this movie. >> jimmy: she is very, very good and in addition to this, this movie is going to be a big deal. >> damn it, i hope so. that's why i'm here. i hope so. >> jimmy: you've also written a book for kids. >> yes. >> jimmy: called "elbow grease." this is, i think, about a vehicle again. now, here's the thing i was wondering because i know you're a competitive guy.
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are you worried about competing with the classic children's books this holiday season? >> well, we did debut on the "new york times" best seller list as number one. >> jimmy: right. yes. that's good. >> so -- >> jimmy: that's where you want to be. >> i'm glad you brought that up because i have something to say to the other children's book authors out there. >> jimmy: really? >> just a minute. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> dr. seuss, i see you, and i'm coming for you! green eggs and ham? good thing you're a doctor because it's going to be broken legs and jam my knee into your nugget bag! >> jimmy: well, that -- that seems -- [ cheers and applause ] that seems kind of -- that's a little bit -- that seems a little bit harsh, you know? >> thanks, man. >> jimmy: is there anyone else you have a problem with? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. maurice sendak, maurice sendak,
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i'm about to maurice send you back for a full refund! >> jimmy: that's -- that one wasn't -- [ cheers and applause ] that wasn't as good as the doctor seuss one, but -- >> no, no, i actually -- i wasn't really -- >> jimmy: try it again. do another one. >> okay. >> jimmy: you have another book there? oh, great. okay. >> hey! e.b. white, you -- you really messed me up, man. why -- why's charlotte got to die in the end? saves the pig's life and then dies. why'd you have to go there, you monster? >> >> jimmy: john, it's -- >> shut up, man! why did every children book we grow up have somebody die? "bridge to terabithia." old yeller, dead dog, "where the red fern grows," two dead dogs. that's [ bleep ] up, man. >> jimmy: that's kind of true. i never really thought of it
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that way. [ cheers and applause ] in every book, somebody dies, somebody is killed. >> no, no, wait. >> jimmy: yeah? >> the one book that doesn't kill anybo? >> jimmy: no. >> it's "elbow grease." available wherever books are sold. >> jimmy: "bumblebee" opens in theaters friday. john cena, everybody. we'll be right back with eiza gonzalez. a may to remember ♪ a july to remember or a september to remember all starts with a december to remember. find the gift that keeps on giving at the lexus december to remember sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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>> dicky: tonight, someone in your studio audience is going home with this stocking stuffer, donated by a "jimmy kimmel live" staff member. >> i have a cd that i found that's been in my desk for about 12 years. cleto's single. i've never listened to it. if you want this, i could get it signed for you right by his nipple. he's probably going to get pissed off. sorry. but you did this. you did this. >> dicky: merry christmas, kelly mcgrath from germany. [ applause ] [ applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there, skylar grey is on the way. you know our next guest as the gun toting, gum chewing bank
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robber from "baby driver." next, she stars alongside steve carrell in "welcome to marwen." it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to eiza gonzalez. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow! >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. i like that you came dancing out. it made me feel like i'm ellen for a minute. >> i'm latin. >> jimmy: you are latin, that's right. you are specifically -- you're mexican. >> i am, mexicana. >> jimmy: what part of mexico are you from? >> i'm from mexico city, born and raised. >> jimmy: very nice. and you moved -- are you living here now? >> yeah. i've been living here for seven years now, and i moved here, actually, to work, so it's been fun. i've enjoyed -- i miss my tacos, but i'm loving my hot dogs so
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it's good. >> jimmy: you know, we do have a taco place or two here in los angeles now. i don't know if you got the word. >> yeah, i heard about it. i've heard about it. >> jimmy: now, you were on telenovelas, more than one. which one? i know them all. >> all of them, i'm sure. you understood all of them. >> jimmy: of course. well, you can always kind of upstairs what's goi understand what's going on even if you don't speak spanish because they are so dramatic and oftentimes over the top. >> the music determines how you're feeling, basically. you know the evil twin's going to kill you or something like that, usually. >> jimmy: you have evil twins in yours as well. >> you have a lot of that. i had a body guard that i fell in love with and my mom had a body guard that i fell in love with and i fell in love with another one. it was consistently -- you got to maintain the excitement, but it is really dramatic. which is what makes it really fun, you know? we need that drama in our life. >> jimmy: and it's nice to have drama that isn't actual drama. in mexico, the telenovelas are kind of short. here in the united states, some
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of them have been on for 40 years or something. but they just kind of, like, they do it for a little while and then they start a new one, right? >> because basically, that's sort of like, it has life as a series, but it still has those crazy loops of stories. like, you will definitely start with one story line and then someone gets killed and then that person comes to life again and then when they're over, the actors too, there's a very famous soap opera where they were over the actress, and so they burnt her face, she burned and then she got reconstructed and she was another actress. it was amazing! amazing. >> jimmy: that's like a message to everyone to behave. >> don't do that at home or you'll be switched for someone else. >> jimmy: that's pretty crazy. what are the biggest differences between a production in mexico and a production here in the united states? >> well, they're very different, but for example, like, when i started working in america, i started in a show in austin, texas, and so i got there, it was my first day, i was really nervous, because it was the first time i was doing something
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in english, and one of the actors was like, oh, you want to come with me to crafty? i was like, i don't know what that is, but sure. let's go. and i wouldn't want to say that i didn't know what it was. just because i wanted to be cool. >> jimmy: a lot of people might not know what it is but it's a table of food. the craft service table. >> yeah. exactly. so, i go to crafty, and so he starts picking up food and so i'm like, wow, there's a lot of food in here. and granted, in austin, texas, if you've been there, there's a lot of food trucks so i grabbed my stuff and i looked at them and they were like -- i go, how much do i owe you? and everyone was like, what do you mean? and i go, do i have a tab? they're like, it's free, eiza. and i was like, oh my god! let me take it all! i loved it. i mean, that's sort of like, we didn't get that in mexico, but it's fun. they're very different. >> jimmy: that's the great thing about television and movies and acting is you're really, especially when you're an actor, you can't eat because you have to stay thin so they give you as much free food -- it's like a
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special brand of hell that they've developed exclusively for actors. your mom is in the audience tonight. >> she is here. hola, mama. >> jimmy: did she come with you? >> she's here. >> jimmy: hi, mom, how are you? >> with my best friend, who is the biggest jimmy fan ever. >> jimmy: that's nice. and are you -- do they live here with you now? >> no. sadly, my mom -- well, good for her, because she's still in mexico and she loves it there but i miss her a lot. but she comes with me sometimes to set. >> jimmy: i got you. >> and this -- we just finished shooting in london and so she came with me, and she is so sweet and it's very endearing, but she will tell very embarrassing stories of me to, like, my costars. >> jimmy: tell one. >> oh, sure. she loves it. they love it. >> jimmy: what story has she told? i know this is you embarrassing yourself, but what has she told your costars?
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>> well, when we were shooting, for example, "baby driver," we were always jamie foxx and john hamm and john hamm and i were a couple in the movie so i wanted to feel like tough and bad ass and you know, my mom was like, oh, you should have seen her when she was a little baby, i shaved her head so her hair would grow like spikes and it took her forever to be potty trained. >> jimmy: you shaved a baby's head? >> that's a mexican thing. >> jimmy: is it really? >> if you shave their heads, this is what we believe, if you shave their heads, their hair will grow better. it looks like it's done very well for me. >> jimmy: it is nice. >> it does grow thicker. >> jimmy: guillermo, did anyone shave your head? because your hair is like the teeth of a comb. >> my grandma did it, yeah. >> jimmy: your grandma did it? >> guillermo: when i was little. >> jimmy: the results speak for themselves. are you an american citizen? is this something that you want to be? >> right now, i'm a resident. i have a green card. i used to have a green card.
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>> jimmy: what happened to your green card? did trump take it? >> i'm sure he would like to. >> jimmy: i have a feeling a half hour chatting with you and he will turn in the whole wall will come crumbling down. >> didn't he say, if they're pretty they can stay. >> jimmy: he didn't say it, he thought it. >> no, well, i used to. he's not taken it yet, but i went sky diving. don't judge me for this. but i lost my wallet. i lose everything all the time. so i lost my wallet so they need an i.d. to sort of know who the hell's jumping out of the plane so i gave it to them and i forgot and i was so nervous and i put it in my back pocket and i went sky diving. so, halfway through, i just was like, oh no! >> jimmy: oh no. >> and then i guess i dropped it into earth and now someone out there is eiza gonzalez. >> jimmy: wow. it's a good thing you landed on this side of the border. >> thank the lord. >> jimmy: so this movie is
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called "welcome to marwen." it's based on a true story. were you familiar with steve and his work on television and movies? >> of course. i grew up watching a lot of his movies and she's just such a -- it's so cool because he's such a good comedian but he does a complete different thing on this film and i think that people are going to enjoy it so much. >> jimmy: he plays a man who dresses as a woman and it's based on a true story. >> yeah. he's a character -- well, it's mark hogancamp, which shares his story with the world, just to inspire everyone, obviously, because he's gone through a whole lot of moments in his life and he had a really terrible thing happen to him. i'm trying not to spoil the movie for you guys, but he went through an act of hate for being different, and steve embodies mark and he wears shoes, heels, girls' shoes, in this movie, and what i will say is i never thought steve carrell could
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dance in heels better than i could and i was very impressed with steve. he was incredible. >> jimmy: well, this is a talent that i wonder if he even knew he had. >> he can do everything. >> jimmy: it's great to meet you. great to have you here. the movie is called "welcome to marwen." it opens in theaters friday. eiza gonzalez, everybody. we'll be right back with skylar grey. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. st or nothing.
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♪ ♪ connecting people... ...uniting the world. ♪♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank john cena and eiza gonzalez, billy crystal and dave grohl and apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, this is the soundtrack to "aquaman." here with the song "everything i need", skylar grey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ born on the wrong side of the ocean with all the tides against you ♪ ♪ you never thought you'd be much good for anyone but that's so far from the truth ♪ ♪ i know there's pain in your heart and you're covered in scars wish you could see what i do ♪ ♪ because baby everything you want is everything i need you're everything to me ♪ ♪ baby every single part is who you're meant to be because you were meant for me ♪ ♪ and you're everything i need ♪
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♪ you can say i'm wrong you can turn your back against me but i'm here to stay ♪ like the sea should keep kissing the shoreline ♪ ♪ no matter how many times he pushes her away because baby everything you want ♪ ♪ is everything i need you're everything to me baby every single part is who you're meant to be ♪ ♪ because you were meant for me and everything happens
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for a reason ♪ ♪ it's all a passing in disguise ♪ i used to question who i was ♪ ♪ when now i see the answer's in your heart everything you want ♪ ♪ is everything i need baby every single part is who you're meant to be ♪ ♪ because you were meant for me and you're everything i need ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] and applause ] tonight on "nightline," inside the las vegas massacre. >> make your way up. armed units only. >> the chilling moments you've never seen. >> breach, breach, breach. >> clear. >> the stories you haven't heard. the "nightline" documentary more than a year in the making. exclusive access, shrapnel and bullets were flying down this hallway. and heart-pounding body cam videos. heroes of that night speaking for the first time. >> almost there, man. hang on. >> he said, what are we doing? i said, let's go. we got to go back. >> and incredible stories of survival. >> i could hear the


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