tv Right This Minute ABC January 2, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PST
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that's pretty. ♪ >> the beginning of this video looks like a foreign film. you have two norwegians in the pacific ocean. they're fishermen but they notice something. they have seen some turtles wrapped up in some line and you see some garbage. these poor turtles need to be rescued. sway and his brother rescue four turtles out of the water. >> had they not found them, these turtles for sure would have perished. that is so much trash. >> he's got to pull them onto them are not exactly happy about it. he's -- you could see that some of them are really wrapped up. >> it's heartbreaking because we've seen this one. there's a lot of this going on that we never cash. >> this is not something
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naturally occurring. he grabs them. right here is when you see this. he doesn't know how long they've been wrapped up in that. the good thing is they were able to release all of them. you know what? that's not the only place this is happening. check this out. this is in the this turtle's caught up in debris. marine debris is the main threat to turtles in the muhammad almma that's a cement bag that got in the water and now it's a threat to this turtle. >> you guys ever been to a drive-through casino? >> no. >> that's because they don't exist. this car has rammed through the front. they're making their way out.
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no they're just revving up for some more. >> oh. >> if you're wondering who exactly the perpetrators are, father and son apparently the story goes they got into an argument with the security guard and the cashier of this particular casino. the words escalate to the point of we're going to kill you and it seems like they really tried to. you see these people have those stands sometimes that they use to separate people in crowds and they are wailing on this car. you hear things smashing. >> this is escalating. >> they try to get them out of the car. doesn't work. smashes through this other piece of glass. it looks like some people, maybe security, maybe even some police have turned up. this is where they physically rip these guys from the vehicle. they were taken for treatment when they were very, very arrested. in this next video, we're going to be kind of siding with the person doing the damage. it comes to us from china.
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>> they blocked him in. >> yes. and the person in that suv is late for work. >> that's happened to me on several occasions. at one time i legit said i will take my car and ram it if you don't back up. >> there's no one in that car to have a go at. they couldn't find the owner. this person apparently had to get to work and decided to ram that car out of the way. look at the precise way the suv backs up and does a three-point turn to make sure it can get out of the car park and get to work. reports go that these people privately handled the matter themselves. >> privately not so much but you know when you're this inconsiderate, you deserve it. the song "colors of the wind" in the pocahontas movie -- i captan't say it was the inspiration for this artist. she's a creator, dreamer, sky
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diver, nature inthuz i can't sasa say -- enthusiast. >> it's going to look like a load of beauty when she's done. >> she's doing three at one time. >> she does some of it free fall. >> she's doing it all free hand. >> yes. >> she doesn't get any on her camera. that paint is splashing everywhere. >> she's painting at about 13,000 feet. >> you're down in the landing zone with no idea. what happened to you up there? >> then -- >> she gets lower. that's how gravity works. >> yeah. but this is phenomenal. >> yes, it's phenomenally weird. >> i like that first one on the left. how much is that? >> she has a website called captured sky. i'm sure they go for a pretty penny. she started sky diving in the spring of 2008. >> i need to get my paint on at terminal velocity. >> she definitely is good at what she does. the world would use a little
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more inspiration. >> and color. if you recognize hugo it's because he's been on the show before. in september of 2017 we first met him when he released a compilation of daily photographs he had takenf hser ne years. >> that's the world's most epic selfie. >> such a straight face. you know it's like nothing there. then you see all this craziness in the background. >> he says the expression is intentional because he wanted -- we see his progression, how he's aging from the time he was 12 through all of the major parts of his life, including when he got married. she he's continued the project. we see his wife. ey share bgh their first ho home. >> he stuck with it now. that's 11 years.
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it's been so long. before you know it kids are going to show up and they're going to be bouncing around in the background. in 25 years we'll still be doing the show and pitching another video. >> he does intend to do this forever. he's so used to it now. i suppose it's just part of his life. i feel invested in his journey. >> now he can answer the question, where has the time gone. right here. >> i'll tell you in about three minutes. ♪ a selfless girl gives back. >> this is her party but it's for the people who need it most. >> see the recipients' emotional reactions. >> i love this. plus, these guys are bashing the bubbly. >> no. that's alcohol abuse. like how did you find this? >> why? >> check out the champagne wrecking ball. -we're in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ]
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a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it's a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that's right for you. -that's amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending! this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. is if my mom were here. and this is charlie still not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus. delsym 12-hour. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. ♪ (whistle) ♪ woo! ♪ (whistle) ♪ with imagination, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ with imagination ♪ sc johnson.
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♪ closed captioning provided by -- with seven moisturizers, three vitamins. gold bond. she celebrated her tenth birthday back in september and she wanted to do something special. this party had nothing to do with her. >> what i want to do with my birthday -- >> i love this. it's so easy to do. >> she also thought it was very important for the younger kids in her family to help. >> they put them together, put them in the car and hit the streets. >> wow. ho look at all those kids. this is fher party, but it's fo the people who need it most. >> it's really humanizing these people with their kids. these are the kind of people they hurry them past.
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no, no, no be careful. >> she wanted to give blessing bags full of personal care items for people for her birthday. she insisted the people be a part of it and she hoped to instill giving in kids of all ages. look at the way the people she's serving respond to her. >> thank you. >> as they continue to interact with this particular woman and she finds out it's her birthday. >> what's your birthday wish? >> that's what you're doing? >> yep. >> she's overwhelmed because she thought that perhaps they were a part of the nonprofit organization or church. they're like no, this is jade's birthday. >> you're doing this? >> and you don't even know them? >> she's so shocked that someone as young as jade understands what's going on around her. >> god bless you. god bless you. >> she becomes emotional.
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she shakes her hand like yeah, you've got it. >> there are some really, really kind people out there. >> i hope that we continue to take care of each other as we bring in the new year. >> kids birthday parties like this. no more gender reveals. we'll do these videos. >> okay. >> thank you, thank you. ♪ i feel like i may have upset the producers or something because they gave me this video. it's hard to watch because especially on a day like today, so much champagne would have been consumed. this way, i just can't agree with. >> no! that's alcohol abuse. like at its finest. >> why? >> maybe they've given up drinking for the new year. it's a new year's resolution and that's a funf w the temptation. >> hand it over to a -- >> no surprise the guys at epic smash studio would smash stuff.
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they're just using a pendulum and a bowling ball to smash things. they even tease us by playing it back in slow motion. >> it's kind of cool to see it. >> they make it work on us. he lines up a few of them like it's bowling, it's all shook up as well. >> that is pretty cool because then that will create a bigger explosion. oh! >> why can't you like some sparkling cider or something? >> right. they did shake it up. you see the three tops just boom. if you like this video, epic smash studios will be making content regularly. i hear it's going to be smashing. trends can be super expensive if you want to get in on the action. with the help of the d.i.y. designer you can save yourself a lot of h latest tutorial.
1:56 am
>> clear acrylic corset and jacket that he hadded s -- added sequins to. >> buy a whole variety of different crystals. once you've got them all sorted out, use a syringe and put your glue in it so you can be very specific about where you're going to place the glue. you do a little dab of glue with your syringe and had one crystal at a time. then you just start placing them any order that you want, giving them a really cool look actually. >> that's kind of fun. >> this is what the final product looks like. i think it looks pretty radical. >> it's pretty. >> i notice she did short boots because ain't nobody got time for that. ♪ a live stream is spreading some love in the new year.
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>> remember, you always kiss the fish. >> see what happens when his fresh catch bites back. ♪ and youtube is reflecting on a year full of creative comments. >> this will be interesting. [ laughter ] >> how she's honoring all her top trolls coming up. >> read more. read more. read more. >> oh, that is a good troll. daddy diaper duty... i can't say it's the highlight of fatherhood. but i'd rather be here with my little man than not be here because of migraine. i have three words for migraine... "i am here." aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. the most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. talk to your doctor about aimovig. and be there more. you said you'd rather sniff than clean the bathroom? that's nuts!
1:58 am
with scrubbing bubbles cleaning doesn't have to stink. it gets rid of tough soap scum and it smells amazing. it's cleaning reinvented. sc johnson. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. 98% of us don't get enough omega-3s. which is why megared advanced 4in1 packs more omega-3 power into one small softgel. it supports your heart... brain... eyes... and joints. megared.
1:59 am
♪ al♪ tell me all the ways s♪♪ and he said ♪ ♪ girl, you take care of me ♪ ♪ you are my thera♪y ♪ the better half of me ♪ say it again ♪ ♪ if you love me, love me, love me ♪ like you say ♪ ♪ darling tell me all the ways ♪ tell me all the ways ♪ now, we're bringing you all the ways to get what you need. target run & done. from the first loving touch everything that touches your baby should be this comforting pampers swaddlers, the #1 choice of hospitals, is 2x softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection so every touch is as comforting as the first pampers the #1 choice of hospitals, nurses & parents ♪
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promotional considerations provided by -- ♪ alec is a streamer on twitch, a very popular platform. apparently he has a thing where he says -- >> remember ladies and gentlemen, you always kiss the fish. >> so he's there, he's caught a fish. he shows the camera this gorgeous little guy that he's holding. ♪ >> i don't do that on a first date. >> you shouldn't kiss a fish. the fish might kiss you back. >> the fish are biting today. ♪
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>> oh my god, you're bleeding. >> oh! >> my cousin really got after it. >> it was such a strong bite that apparently it drew blood. >> alec! >> don't put it on me. >> don't put it on television or anything. >> i will say that i appreciate the fact that even after the fish bit him obviously hard, he still threw it back in the water, released his anger. >> what else is he supposed to do? >> over to russia where this guy is doing a little ice fishing, very popular there with all the frozen bodies of water. this guy has already got his hole drilled in. now he's hooked a fish. he starts pulling it up. and then -- >> oh! there goes his fishing line. >> so now what do we do? the whole point of being out here is down the hole? >> i hope he brought another rod. otherwise he's done for the day. ♪
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>> i love that he held his composure and then he just starts talking about what just happened. he was maybe recording this for a video and he got it. >> seeing as it's a new year, is there's a lot of years in review going on, in particular right here on youtube. an awards show for the best comments on youtube of 2018. >> this will be interesting. [ laughter ] >> for the first category, most kreecreative insult, the award to arctic wolf 13. i could park a car on your chin. thank you, arctic wolf. how charming. >> she has a beautiful face. >> someone once told me they could sell real estate on my jaw line. >> that's an unpopular opinion. >> the unpopular opinion award, why are you so annoying, lol.
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>> she just keeps going through all of the deferent >> biggest tease awards going to love yourself, who writes, i have an awful secret, read more, read more, read more, read more, read more! >> that is a good troll. >> there are more awards in this than at the oscars, but we also know that new year's is all about self-improvement. >> i lie a lot, but i'm working on being more truthful. congratulations. the touche award goes to a video of mine where i was looking back at my old facebook posts. she commented you obviously weren't studying if you were on facebook. >> burn. >> she kind of has a point. >> finally -- >> the worst overall comment award. don't stop e-mailing her on a
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yourself and say you go girl. >> you're doing well, you're cute, you got this. >> this could go one of two ways. you have a woman blindfolded on the beach. a gentleman hands her a wooden box. as the blindfold is taken off this woman opens the box. inside the box there's a button. it says press button one. what's going to happen? do i press the button, do i press play? do we find out? >> yeah, obviously. >> okay.
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>> oh! >> that's pretty. ♪ >> did she say yes? >> yes, she said yes. >> maybe button two would light up a big yes. ♪ >> now this guy, he kicked it up a notch. he's going to put a little pressure on other guys because he's got a proposal. you know what he did? he rented a castle. that one castle wasn't enough for chris. okay, prince charming. not only did he rent the castle, he got a second castle that happens to be a disney castle and projected on that disney castle is their favorite film "tangled". >> is it a small castle or is it really far away? >> it is a castle cutout. but he too has fireworks and a message for her to read. ♪ >> got the tiffany box. okay. >> tiffany blue.
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>> i've got to say this woman is not wandering anymore. after they toasted they lit a lantern of love. tangled is their favorite movie and this happens in tangled. >> that's the end of this >> she was nice to him for sure. following the interview, williams and federer posed for a selfie, as you see there. the two of them, they have won 43 grand slam titles combined. >> wow. and ironically, both of them 37 years old. that's just a random fun fact. >> absolutely. >> incredible, though, to see those two g.o.a.t.s go at it. >> yeah, that was history in the making there, and what a treat for everybody who was in the audience. >> absolutely. so good natured about it all. well, coming up, the new laws aea tineffe in the states where minimum wage
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workers will now earn $15 an hour and where convicted felons will now be allowed to vote. and later in our favorite segment, "the skinny," the new revelation by justin bieber. what he just did to his face. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ ♪ put 'em high well, here's to first dates! you look amazing. and you look amazingly comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. so, next time don't half-wash it. downy and it's done.
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the rose parade in pasadena had a spectacular but completely unplanned end. this train caught fire, train float. the blaze was quickly put out by those aboard, but then the tow truck trying to remove the float from the parade broke down. a series of misfortunate events. the two floats behind the train never made it into the parade. no one was injured. >> thank goodness. >> wow. well, it is day two of 2019, which means those new year's resolutions are out, but some new laws are already taking effect around the u.s. >> that's right. you may already know about the pet store ban in california or the new fashion options for >>ew year! the stre but there u mi didn't just bring the
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