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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 23, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- dr. phil mcgraw, oscar nominee sam elliott, and music from flipp dinero, and now, moving forward, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: welcome. thank you. very nice. thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for coming. welcome to our, our home here in hollywood. these are, boy, i got to tell you something. there are so many extraordinary things happening in washington
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d.c. and i mean that in the worst possible way. it's really hard to keep track of them all. but i'm going to try to sum them up for you quickly if i can. if they weren't already, the gloves are officially off between donald trump and nancy pelosi. the state of the union address is off, too. the president was supposed to give the annual state of the union address from the house on tuesday. but last week nancy pelosi said you either need to postpone or move it because of the shutdown. apparently, the speaker gets to decide who gets to speak in the chamber of the house. we never knew this before because it wasn't an issue. she said you aren't giving it here. and trump said i am giving it there, like an ex-husband who wasn't invited to christs but showed up anyway. pelosi said no, this isn't happening. so trump, who was surprised by this, because he had no other choice said fine, it isn't happening, then called it a great blotch on the incredible
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country that we all love, which, by the way, wouldn't be a bad campaign slogan for 2020. great blotch. can you put that on a hat? so he said we be hditeolrnativn. but this new individual jvideo a hint as to what he has planned. >> on january 29th. all hell breaks loose for the pay-per-view event of the century. speechle. you won't want to miss president donald golden boy trump give the speech to end all speeches. as the executive branch comes crashing down on cryin' chuck and the pelosi posse, a steel slat brawl like of never seen before, featuring performances
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by ted nugent, the westboro baptist choir, this is the constitutionally-recommended address you've been waiting for. no congress, no teleprompters. no paychecks for anyone. it's time for the terror event and talk about the wall and get you to pay for it. >> caching, caching. >> tuesday, january 29th, the state of the union is savage! >> donald trump, donald trump. >> >> jimmy: in the meantime, just in case things aren't thuggish enough, michael cohen, the president's former attorney decided not to testify before congress next month after what he called threats by the president.
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he made a phone call to fox and suggested someone should investigate michael cohen's father-in-law and then did another interview and made insinuations about cohen's wife. which godfather are we on now? then while donald corleone is settling scores you have the vice president of the united states staying on top of international affairs. whenever there job the president's obviously doesn't wt to do, he farms it out to mike pence, in this case, it was habla espanol. >> on behalf of the american people, we say to all the good people of venezuela, es amos. we are with you. and we will stay with you until democracy is restored and you reclaim your birthright of
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liberta muchas gracias. >> jimmy: my darling. how was his spanish? >> actually, he did good. >> jimmy: he did good? really? >> no, no, he did not. >> jimmy: i was shocked. so there's now another tell-all book written by a former trump staffer supposed to come out next week called "team of vipers". according to the author, trump told, right around, shortly after he took office, he told nasa he wanted them to land a man on mars during his first term in office and offered to give them all the money they would need to make it happen in two or three years. his life-long dream is to be the first man to go bankrupt on mars. i think this is a good idea. we should give nasa all the money they would ever need to send a man to mars, and that man
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should be donald trump. [cheers and applause] imagine, he could just sit on mars, watching fox and friends, eating that space ice cream and running the biggest ms. universe pageant of all time on mars-a-lago, his new resort. i'm tire of his former people writing books and saying they didn't know, and in hindsight u h how would we know he would be bad. because he's bad at everything. he was even bad in "home alone 2". everyone knew he'd always been bad at everything. [cheers and applause] so how is it you've suddenly come to this conclusion? the world's lamest pizza hut spokesman is running the united states. of course things are bad. this is trump, i think it's like
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number 15 of the trump takedown books. he's the harry potter of presidents right now. the government is still shut down, day 33. almost 800,000 workers are not getting paychecks. we've been giving a job to each one of those workers each night. our federal worker of the night tonight is a former navy pilot. please welcome curtis calabrese. curtis? welcome, welcome. now curtis, were you a pilot for the navy and now you work for the faa. what do you do for the faa? >> i'm a federal aviation safety inspector and unit rep. i provide oversight for the national airspace system, conduct investigations. >> jimmy: you are part of the team that makes sure planes are safe before they go in the air. >> that's right. >> jimmy: if you are not there to make sure they are safe, who is making sure they are safe.
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>> well, they've called some of the force back to work. >> jimmy: what percentage? >> i'm not sure. >> jimmy: so we are not as space in the air. >> yes, every day the government is shut down, it gets more dangerous. >> jimmy: i guess we should travel by scooter for a while. your job tonight is my job. you can tell a joke to the audience. so you can stand on this spot and tell whatever joke. curtis with a joke. >> all right, i'll give it a shot. why did adele cross the road? >> why? >> to say hello from the other side. [ applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, curtis. i'm sorry, but you're fired. >> that's all right. >> jimmy: guillermo, show curtis the door, would you? curtis, everybody. so this is interesting. there's a new study of millennials, and it turns out
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they're a little weird. this new research study says millennials are having less sex than generations before. the centers of disease control dun t percentage of students who had intercourse dropped from 54% to 40%. i guess eating tide pods lowers your sex drive. and people in their 20s are two and half times to be and stbstinate pack ajs. the young people they interviewed managed to say a lot. >> new research shows millennials are having less sex than ever before, leading to what some experts are calling a sex recession.
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i sat down with a group of millennials to find out. >> i was reading an article with the headline that said be millennials are in a sexual recession. it surprised me. did it surprise you all? >> completely. >> no. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, i didn't know we were all going to say yes. what a time to be alive, you know. things are changing so quickly from one generation to the next, and we've come up with a game to have some fun with that. every now and then we like to pit a senior against a june yo are for junior for a battle of the ages, and it's time to play generation gap. my cousin sal, hi cousin sal. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: how much did you lose on the football games this weekend? >> i'm out $28,750. >> jimmy: he has a gambling problem and his own show about gambling on fox sports one
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called lock it in. this isn't about you tonight, sal >> thamgs gnk god. >> jimmy: let's start with our three-time champion, he's lean, he's mean. travers. it's time to meet your challenger, she's a three-time grandmother, two-time great grandmother from garden grove, california, say hello to freda george. if you don't mind me asking, how many years old are you? >> 92. >> jimmy: 92. you look fantastic. how about that? how are you feeling, travers about going against the 92-year-old? >> i feel a little bad. >> jimmy: freda, did they have a sex recession when you were growing up? >> yes, they did. >> jimmy: they did? >> when i was growing up, i grew up in england. >> jimmy: oh. >> oh, this story again. >> the same old story.
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i married a gi. >> jimmy: all right, well, here's how the game works, freda. i'm going to ask you and travers questions about the past and present and whoever gets the most questions right wins. travers, your question s finish this quote. float like a butterfly -- >> sting like a bee! >> jimmy: that's correct, travers. do you know who said that? >> mohammad ali. >> jimmy: very well done. freda, finish this song lyric. now she says she's going to do what to who, cardi blank. >> blank, blank blan cardik. bl. >> cardi blank, no, i don't really. >> jimmy: travers, do you want to take a shot at it? >> cardi b. my gim joes: up 20.
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have you ever heard of cardi b? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you know what she does for a living? >> she's a singer. >> jimmy: very good. all right. so we are in range. next question for you, freda. what is the name of this once-popular toy that is on the video screen? do you know the name of this toy that was very popular about a year ago? >> a year ago. >> jimmy: yes. >> it was something do with space. >> jimmy: hmm? >> something to do with space? >> jimmy: hmm? >> no. oh, something about the three dots. >> jimmy: yeah, do you know the name of the toy? >> no, i d'te of it >>: oou know he t? >> it's a finl et cetedget spin. >> jimmy: what is the name of this once-popular toy? >> a baby bottle? >> jimmy: no, it is not a baby
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bottle. freda, do you know what it is? >> yes, i think i do. it's a, it's a toy, spinning. >> jimmy: yes. yes. >> spinning top type. >> jimmy: yes, you would do what and then spin? >> spin, spin. >> jimmy: yeah, close enough. it's a sit and spin. yes, that's right. [ applause ] all right, freda's on the board. travers, this man was the godfather of what? >> soul. >> jimmy: that's right. wow, travers. let's go to our final question, freda, who is this famous doctor? put the doctor up on the screen. who is this famous doctor, freda? >> cyclops? >> jimmy: ooh, good guess. you're in the marvel universe, but that is not correct. travers, who is that doctor? >> dr. strange. >> jimmy: one more question. >> good, i had 28 grand on freda.
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>> jimmy: travers, who is this famous doctor? >>d here he comes now. g ouy i. >> jimmy: who is this famous doctor? >> oh, wow, dr. phil. >> dr. phil, wonderful to see you. >> jimmy: travers, who is this famous doctor, travers? >> dr. phil. >> jimmy: that's right. >> you should ask her that, come on, give her a chance. >> jimmy: we're going to give both of them prizes in spirit of dr. philliness. we got you a google pixel book and travers, a typewriter, there you go. thank you, dr. phil. we'll see new a minute. tonight on music from flipp dinero. oscar nominee sam elliott is here. and we'll be right back with dr. phil. ♪ th ht b dr. phil.
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red lobster's new weekday five days.s here: five deals. for fifteen dollars get a different deal every weekday til six pm like endless shrimp monday admiral's feast tuesday four course feast wednesday and more. five days. five deals. fifteen dollars. see you before six. makeup now optional.
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♪ >> jimmy: tonight, he is nominated for an academy award for his role in the movie "a star is born." sam elliott is here. then, his song is called "leave me alone." flipp dinero from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow night, chris pine and lena headey will join us, with comedian kellen erskine on top of that. so join us for that. our first guest rose like a mustachioed mastodon from the oil fields of texas to heal the mentally deficient. his tv show "dr. phil" is on every weekday and his new podcast is called "phil in the blanks." please say hello to dr. phil mcgraw. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome. it as always a treat to see you. i enjoy chatting with you. >> i know. >> jimmy: i do. how's it going? everything all right? >> smooth, you know, i'm doing okay. >> jimmy: i saw that you're doing this podcast. actually, you had my friend dax shepherd on. >> dax, yeah. he's a hoot. >> jimmy: why are you doing a podcast? don't you have enough money? i looked it up today, because i was thinking, doesn't dr. phil have enough money? and it says you make $80 million a year. >> well, you can't believe [ bleep ] you read. >> jimmy: let's say it's off by0 .0% a year. >> well, i do it because, listen, when i'm on the show,
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i've got a task in front of me. i got to stamp out disease and s ginandi don't get to talk about everything i want to talk about and necessarily talk to interesting people about interesting things. as you know, there's a clock ticking down over here, i got to get to the point. in a podcast, i don't have to do that. i get to talk to whoever i want want to about anything i damn choose. >> jimmy: you are a little tired of talking to mentally ill people. >> i didn't say that. >> jimmy: no, i said. >> i didn't say that. you said that. >> jimmy: i did say that, yeah. >> you always der gate them, i do not. these are people looking for good, solid help, and they get it. and i love doing that. i don't want to stop doing that. i'm just doing this in addition to that. >> jimmy: you had an episode earlier this month called "i am
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not mentally ill, but i am the reincarnation of pocahontas." >> ain't that the best? [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: i am not mentally ill, but i am the reincarnation of pocahontas. >> yeah, she did say that. >> jimmy: so that's what ye'rou and you've moved on from pocahontas. >> i did not say i was sick of that, and i'm not sic o pocahon, and who's to say she's not. it could be liz warren. it could be her. i don't know. no, she, listen. some of these people, it's interesting in this day and time how some people can have really unusual beliefs and still bengn lives. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, and she was doing just fine until she started showing up for work dressed as pocahontas. >> jimmy: right. >> she believed this for a long time. it was just the war paint and
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stuff that got her because customer service. >> jimmy: they don't go for that, yeah. you interviewed shaq, the first episode of the pod cast >> that was the first episode. >> jimmy: and revealed that you and shaq are friends. >> we are. >> jimmy: are you really friends with shaq? do you guys hang out together? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you know when his birthday is? >> no. i didn't say we living together. i don't know when my kids' birthdays are. >> jimmy: you did say you guys face time together, though. >> here's what happened. i september h i sent him a text and said i wanted to do the podcast with him and i didn't get a response, which is unusual, because he gets a quick response. five minutes later, i was watching him on at&t doing the basketball. and he said i didn't get the text, but i got you brother, what do you need? so i hopped dow jones to atlanta, did he and barkley back to back days. >> jimmy: do they like each other?
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>> it's interesting, you obviously haven't listened to the podcast. >> jimmy: i did hear shaq. >> we are friends. and i've nope hknown him. we did "scary movie 4" together. >> jimmy: that was terrific. that was one of your best roles. you nailed that one. >> we talked about that during osc oscar season. >> jimmy: has there been any talk of a "scary movie 5"? >> he and barkley had gotten in a big fight, and it really broke out during a game, like a very violent fight. and he said after the game, he said i was going to find him and kill him. >> jimmy: right. >> he said my phone rang and it was my mother and barkley's mother, and said i didn't know they were good friends, and they got him on the phone and said
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you know better than to act that way in front of people. and the other mother said don't you hit my baby. and his heot s maid my mother and your mother just called me and told me to straighten up. and he reveals in there that the two mothers called their boys and said you guys straighten up, don't act that way. >> jimmy: wow. >> said we have not had a feud since then. >> jimmy: that's weird. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's interesting. the show is called "phil in the blanks." who came up with that t unttightle? >> my son jordan. >> jimmy: is your son a pot smoker? >> i don't know. he has a lot of tattoos. >> jimmy: you're phil. >> i had a lot of choices, none of which i remember. i'm sure you have some to suggest. >> jimmy: yeah, i do have some to suggest. >> not my firstim h tere.e
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: philler up. phil in the hole. i mean, we could come up with a lot of them. >> why do i get de for this [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: i must ask you a question. how's that? >> i don't like it. >> jimmy: you did like phil in the blanks. >> that's pretty good, don't you think? >> jimmy: no, i don't think it's good. >> you don't like that? is that a good name? come on. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: all right, what do you think of unphiltered. is it better? >> this sounds like a cigarette. >> jimmy: what's wrong with cigarettes? >> this one this week is steve harvey. >> jimmy: oh. >> and you talk about a funny guy. >> jimmy: yes, very funny.
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>> and he and i are very close fe friends. >> jimmy: the mustaches alone. >> we're supposed to be competitive, but we vacation together. our wives are friends. you listen to it, it's very funny and gets very raunchy, but he is a funny guy. >> jimmy: yeah, one of the funniest guys. >> i've done about 30 of them. i like to get [ bleep ] in the can. >> jimmy: yeah, that's where you put it. dr. phil is here, he's phillin' in the blanks. we'll be back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "skittles commercial: the broadway musical." no, no, no. you got a virus. i have a virus? ♪ i'm missing this. did you try restarting it? mom. any key enter... space bar... escape. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: dr. phil! his podcast is called "phil in the blanks" because he's not getting enough money. when you make that kind of money, what do you get your wife for christmas? >> anything she wants. i've been married 42 years, which means i'm either a really good gift giver or i know how to shut up. we've been together 45 years and
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married 42. her birthday is three days after christmas. every year they'd say that last one is your birthday. don't open it. and she's a twin, so she had to share. >> jimmy: does the twin have the same birthday also? >> take a deep breath, jimmy. you're on tuesday's show, okay? so i took her to vegas. she loves gwen stefani. and they're very friendly. i took her to see gwen stefani in vegas. shameless plug, if you have not seen gwen stefani in vagegas, y need to do that. she gives 120%. >> jimmy: do you gamble in las vegas? >> we're not big gamblers. i was there with both my sons and their significant others.
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we have to go into a high rollers room because i get bothered a lot. the drunker it gets. hey, dr. phil. so they put us in a high rollers room and take the limits off the table so we can gamble for whatever we want. and i'm standing there waiting for them to take us to this place, the casino manager. this guy comes up to me out of the blue, well-dressed, african-american guy and says oh, i'm so glad to see you, i have steadman graham's passport. i said what? he said i have steadman graham's passport, i've had it for two years. i said why do you have his passport? he said i found it. i'm from miami, i haven't known what to do with it until i saw you tonight. and i'm like, okay, by now there's a halo of security around me, just getting tighter and tighter, because this guy's acting really weird. and he's had it for two years,
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and he's traveling with it? >> jimmy: really. >> he's in vegas. on december 28. he says no, will you wait right here? i'll go to my room and get it. and he flies across the casino, i watch him. he goes into the tower suites, which are really expensive. he goes in there, and i'm thinking, he must have a job. >> jimmy: he's married to oprah. >> no, not stead emergencman, to found the passport. so wait, he doesn't come back. and pretty soon here he comes power walking across the casino, and he's got the passport, and he give it is to me, i open it, it's got his address there, i said why didn't you just send it to his address. and he said oh. is your wife's birthday on the same day as her twin? no, he says, i don't know. but, and i said you travel with this? and he said, well, yeah, i
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guess. i got it. so he gave it to me. so i text oprah right then, i said you aren't going to believe this [ bleep ] but i'm standing in the encore, in the bar in the onconsid encore, and no, i haven't started drinking. but i tell her the story, and she said [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: she said that word, oprah? >> we were texting. >> jimmy: she writes curse words? >> i'm not telling you anymore. i texted her, and we gave it back to steadman and he was very happy. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah, because you can steal someone's identity. >> jimmy: this guy doesn't sound like he knows thousand steal somebody's identity. did. wouldn't know what to d >> jimmy: ifo you would like me to be on phil in the blanks, many more titles
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for it. >> jimmy: dr. phil! "phil in the blanks" is accessible through itunes, stitcher and every major podcast outlet. sam elliott is here. we'll be right back. or walking. we are flying. microsoft ai helps an architect bring history back to life. this is now. ai helps farmers grow more food with less resources. an engineer explores how ai can help the deaf see sound. innovation creates tomorrow, and tomorrow is here today. red lobster's new weekday five days.s here: five deals. for fifteen dollars get a different deal every weekday til six pm lit esy fo cis it to carry cargo... greatness of an suv? s.d llare u be six or to carry on a legacy? its show of strength... g?
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>> dicky: if you're going to be
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>> jimmy: our wednesday night salute to men with great moustaches continues with our next guest. he is a distinguished actor who yesterday received the first oscar nomination of his distinguished career for best supporting actor in "a star is born." >> talk about how music 12 notes and the octave it's the same story told overr and over, forever artist can offer the world is how they see those 12 notes. that's it. >> jimmy: please say hello to sam elliott.
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♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: how you doin'? boy, i'm glad you got an oscar nomination, because you were so great in that movie. it's a great movie, too. what a job you did in that movie. >> lucky to be there. >> jimmy: a tearjerker. when you get a scene like that we just saw, do you look at it and say i'm going to kill. i'm going to knock this one out of the park. >> you hope that's going to happen, but you never know. >> jimmy: but then when you see it, do you know? or you don't like to look at it? >> no, i know, i think i know before i leave the set whether it's right or not.
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>> jimmy: gotcha. i'm guessing you did not wake up early to see if you were nominated. doesn't seem like you're that type. >> i didn't. >> jimmy: how did you find out? >> i turn my phone off at night, actually, and i did last night. i don'tw w was.t my wife told k me. >> jimmy: she did? >> i heard her, sam! about 6:30. sammy! she calls me sammy. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> as my mom did. and she said you got nominated. i said, well, co. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: your wife has been nominated for an oscar, too. that's pretty great. that's a nice little distinction between you. >> we're going to haves side by over our bed. >> jimmy: you get a certificate for that. >> i think they do give you a certificate. the losers get a certificate. >> jimmy: the losers get
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nothing. you get a certificate. >> i think you get hilike an honorable mention or something. >> jimmy: you got a great honor right across the street from us, actually. your hands and feet, i mean in cement. they save that one for very special actors. was that a meaningful expappe e have been in a block of cement and i'm going into the east river. >> jimmy: yeah, cement can go either way. >> yeah, it was. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i tell you, there's an story that. i mean, it seems to be interesting to the people who listen to it anyway, maybe it won't be to you. >> jimmy: i think everything in your voice is interesting. so give it a shot. [ applause ] >> thank you. when i first came to town and pursued my career, i worked as a day laborer. and one of the jobs i happened to work on was an addition of
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the beverly hilton hotel, this is in like the '60s. '66. i remember because i was a day ir re cboonetie business. but i remember that day or one day that i was up there, and i was stripping forms off of the concrete, that's usually what the laborers did, they stripped the forms and pulled the nails out of things. here were the limos coming, and i later found out it was the golden globes, and i thought, wow, cool. the golden globes. and then over the years i went to a few. wee oshe tre used to drive into the round about, you could jump out of your car and go into the lobby andolrnt im. the >> jimmy: do you look at that concrete now. >> it was kind of a round about tale i was going to tell you, and i totally got off the track about it. >> jimmy: yeah, that's pretty
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great, though. >> and then i ended up putting my hands in the cement, back into the cement. >> jimmy: you have a long history with cement. >> yes, i do. i may yet end up in the east river. >> jimmy: in the movie, bradley cooper, he based the, his voice on your voice, is that true? >> that's the rumor. >> jimmy: that's the rumor. has he confirmed that rumor? >> he confirmed it on the night that i met with him. i never met bradley before we did the film. >> jimmy: oh. >> went to his home one night. he fixed me a beautiful dinner and had a long conversation about families and mothers and brothers. dads and about the film. and he played a couple things for me,and one ofthemwas a video that he'd shot with gaga at her home. i think the day that he met her. she was playing the piano and they were both singing. but the other thing he played for me was an audiotape that he'd been working on with a
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voice coach. and apparently, he'd gotten a couple of interviews that i'd done, because he was saying some of my lines that i'd done in this interview. and not only saying the lines, but it's, you know, doing this takeoff on my voice. he said this is going to sound a little weird, and i said you're right. it did sound a little weird. but it was very close. >> jimmy: yeah, you could have sued him if you hadn't been notice moviin the movie, i mean, really. >> he boxed himself in. >> jimmy: the cooper empire. i think he should have gotten a best director nomination, he didn't, but certainly, he got a lot of other nominations. he did such a great job. you all did with that movie, and gaga, were you familiar with her work beforehand? >> yeah, i did. i was familiar with her work as a singer, for sure. i have a daughter that's her age. my daughter cleo is a couple years older than gaga, so i've been listening to gaga ever since she came onto the scene. >> jimmy: will you prepare a
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speech for the oscars? >> i'm net thot that optimistic i need to prepare a speech. >> jimmy: well, the movie's terrific. did you an unbelievably great job. if you haven't seen it "a star isborn" is in theaters now. and watch the oscars, live, sunday, february 24th here on abc. and we'll return with music from flipp dinero. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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okay, so you've been to the it's great right? earth. but i bet you haven't done this. or that. or been here. i bet you haven't met her, or him, or them. ooo, dance-off! this is... incredible. you, see what i did right there. and when is the last time you felt like this, or that or (sighs deeply) i mean, come on- that's basically a perfect moment. it's time to make some magic for as low as $70 per person, per day.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank dr. phil and sam elliott, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, here with the song "leave me alone", flipp dinero! [cheers and applause] ♪ yeah i miss you but i got no time for that ♪ ♪ how could you wish you never played me
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have no time for that ♪ ♪ damn claiming you're my lady got no time for that ♪ ♪ how could you move it like you're crazy i ain't call you back damn ♪ ♪ leave me alone ♪ drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks d-damn ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- ---- you down or what ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks ♪ leave me alone yo yo yo yo ♪ ♪ yeah i miss you but i got no time for that ♪ ♪ you was my lil' lady drive me crazy i was fine with that damn ♪ ♪ how you just gon' play me i ain't fine with that ♪ ♪ thinking 'bout you daily smoking crazy while i'm off the tech damn ♪ ♪ flexin' oh we was flexing always had told you that you'd be a star ♪ ♪ goals in our checklist damn question oh check your message ♪ ♪ knew that i couldn't ---- the ---- from the start
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or she was texting damn ♪ ♪ demon she cold yeah leave and i'm gone yeah fiendin' she on yeah dreaming we on yeah ♪ ♪ drop is a coupe dropping the top off my car aye ♪ ♪ i cannot love on no ---- when she ---- the clique man she playing her part yeah damn aye ♪ ♪ life is a ---- knew all that ---- from the start aye ♪ ♪ i told myself i walk up from that ---- and she leave all that ---- in the dark like damn ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- ---- you down or what ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks ♪ ♪ leave me alone yo yo yo yo ♪ ♪ you can't play me i'm just wavy sipping purple til i'm lazy ♪ ♪ like a throwback ayisyen how you ain't know that ♪ ♪ hit my bop like i'm lil kodak
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on the block where it ain't good at ♪ ♪ i can't sweat you i'm like who that i can't sweat you i don't do that ♪ ♪ aye tell you the truth i ain't want you to depart i wanted you but i can't ---- with you ♪ ♪ 'cause you different you can't play your part no damn aye ♪ ♪ tell you the truth i wanted you from the start ♪ ♪ i cannot ---- on no ---- i can't love when the ---- is not playing her part ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- ---- you down or what ♪ ♪ leave me alone drunk as ---- ---- you dumb as ---- running up the bucks ♪ ♪ leave me alone yo yo yo yo ♪
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[cheers and applause] and appl [cheers and applause] d applause] she was once the world's youngest female self-made billionaire. >> do everything you can to be the best. >> elizabeth holmes, the stanford dropout, set to change health care forever with her company. >> if she had made this work, she would have been the next steve jobs. >> now she's accused of a multi-million dollar fraud. >> i think it's the most interesting fraud case i've dealt with. >> in never-before-aired testimony, people at the center of this scandal tell their story. >> did ms. holmes know that the company could not do all those tests? >> yeah, she knew. >> we hear from patients whose lives were on the line. >> the nurse called me back and


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