tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 7, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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charity. >> jimmy kimmel live next. >> bye for now. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jennifer connelly, oscar nominee richard e. grant, miley cyrus and mark ronson, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from why don't we. and now, prepare yourself, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone. very nice. thank you. hi, there. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. that's very nice. we have so much to get to.
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we have a lot to get to starting with an interesting bit of weather trivia. last week, you know in the midwest they had what they call a polar vortex. also known as cold. it was cold in the midwest. and this is interesting. according to the adult entertainment website pornhub, with which i assume none of you are familiar, during a polar vortex there was a big surge in viewing of their site across the midwest. they even put out a chart. you can see minnesota showed the biggest increase. [ laughter ] 22%. the only state that had a decrease was michigan. and they think that was just because kid rock was in malibu that week. [ laughter ] the largest spike in activity occurred between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., if case you're wondering what dad was up to while you were out building a snowman. he was watching on parka-on-parka porn. this is what happens when people are cooped up with no one to play with but themselves. we came up with a much more
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wholesome activity for those who were stuck at home. i ished a youtube challenge. i asked people to go outside, make a few snow walls, put them on a plate of spaghetti and serve them to your kids. it's time for the youtube challenge, hey, jimmy kimmel, i made spaghetti and snowballs. >> i made snowballs. >> how? >> spaghetti and snowballs. >> this is the worst recipe and the worst! >> you want more? >> you can have them all. >> you want more? >> you want some more? >> you like it? >> yeah. made out of snow. ma'am, that's silly. >> what do you think? >> it's good. >> i don't like it. >> are you sure? did you dip it in your sauce? maybe with your sauce you like it? >> i don't like it. >> it's dinnertime! >> dinnertime. oh, yay, snowballs and
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spaghetti! >> we're having spaghetti and snowballs tonight. >> oh my god, mom. what the trick? >> it's jimmy kimmel made me do it, guys. >> jimmy kimmel did not. >> it's spaghetti. it's spaghetti and snowballs. >> you did not put snow in my mouth. >> now that was funny. >> spaghetti and snowballs. [ laughter ] >> geez. >> oh, a snowball. tastes like moldy tire. [ laughter ] >> is this a recipe? >> yes, a new recipe. you'll have it every night while there's snow outside. >> lick. lick. lick. >> say hi, jimmy kimmel. >> oh!
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>> why'd you put ice on it? >> have some food. >> you're weird, mom. [ laughter ] what the [ bleep ]? >> okay, just spaghetti, no meatballs. >> spaghetti and meatballs. >> what is that? >> it's your birthday dinner. >> no! >> jimmy: videos ends with a kid in tears. happy birthday. thanks to everyone who participated in that very, very dumb exercise. in washington, speaking of dumb exercises, it's been another tumultuous week for president trump. on tuesday he delivered the state of the union address, and this morning he brought his teleprompter talents to the national prayer breakfast. >> since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest
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strides, from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there he goes bragging about his accomplishments again. [ laughter ] so before his morning of prayer, the president woke up on the wrong side of the tanning bed. he lashed out at the house intelligence committee, which launched a new investigation into trump's finances and ties to russian interests. this morning at 7:30 a.m., he was in an all-caps mood tweeting, presidential harassment! it should never be allowed to happen again. [ laughter ] if ever there were a time for that's what she said. that was it, right? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he's tweeted a few times about this. he wrote, the demes and their committees are going nuts. the republicans never did this to president obama. there would be no time left to run government. right, the guy who spends eight
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hours a day watching tv now has no time to run the government. but he goes on. i hear other committee heads will do the same thing, even stealing people who work at the white house. a continuation of witch hunt. i agree with that, enough with the witch hunt. this man is our president, can we please just let him commit his crimes in peace? [ laughter ] leave him alone. of course what has trump really fired up is that the democrats want to see his tax returns which for some reason he doesn't want them to see. the bigly question is, what is that reason? why every other president or presidential candidate has released his or her taxes why won't donald trump? is it because he doesn't make as much money as he claims he does? is it because he donates nothing to charity even though he donates millions to charity? maybe he tried to deduct his tanning bed as a home office? we don't know. but i want to know. what is it he doesn't want us to see? maybe he's still claiming donald jr. as a dependant? [ laughter ] could make a case for that.
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djtj, so desperately trying to be like his father, mixing it up online. he tweeted this yesterday, a photograph of a group of democratic congress women at state of the union with the caption, not one american flag pin among them. and he wrote, speaks for itself, and no one is at all surprised. which is an interesting thing to write. considering the fact that this is a photo of the trump family at the state of the union. and none of them are wearing a flag pin either. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so i don't know why that didn't -- i tell you, it's hard to understand why a guy as cool and smart as donald trump jr. would have so little self-awareness. nasa just announced a new plan. in the year 2022, nasa is planning to knock an asteroid off course. bet you wish you thought of that, dinosaurs. [ laughter ] but they're calling the project the double asteroid redirection test, also known as d.a.r.t.
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originally they called it the first asteroid redirection test. [ laughter ] they didn't like the way it looked. this is exciting. the they plan to hit the asteroid with a spacecraft, and then i -- actually, i'm not exactly sure of how this is supposed to go. we got in touch with the guy who is in charge of the mission, and he joins us tonight from houston. please welcome dr. gus cartwright. thank you, dr. cartwright, for joining us. [ cheers and applause ] >> happy to do it. >> jimmy: let's talk about this mission. because i have to be honest. the whole thing sounds a little far-fetched to me. how do you plan to knock an asteroid off course? >> well, it's pretty simple, really. we shoot the damn thing. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] shoot it? >> basically, yes. we just kind of hoist our project tile at the asteroid and hope it bonks it off course. >> jimmy: you hope it bonks it off course? >> that's right. it works like this. our thing hits the space thing, and whoa nelly!
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[ laughter ] it's a sorof --ddles around and boopity bee bombs off in another direction. >> jimmy: what if it breaks the asteroid apart and pieces of the asteroid come hurting toward earth and hit us? >> jimmy, i think we have to stay positive. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: excuse me? >> i say we hope for the best. >> jimmy: well, that's -- that's not comforting at all. i have to say. >> hey, listen. look, folks. i'm going to level with you. there's no [ bleep ], [ bleep ] way to stop an asteroid from hitting the earth. [ laughter ] i know it, you know it. heck, mission control knows it. the only one who doesn't seem to know it is bruce willis. [ laughter ] but he is terrific. shout-out to mr. willis. we just thought it's been such a rough couple of years with one scary thing after another, we just give this a shot to calm everyone down. that is so wrong?
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>> jimmy: well, i guess so, but it's my understanding this would cost taxpayers billions of dollars. >> i know, jimmy. but can you really put a price on peace of mind? >> jimmy: i think you can, yeah. [ laughter ] >> well, look at it this way. billions of dollars won't mean a heck of a lot when life on the planet comes to a sudden end, now will it, jimmy? >> jimmy: i guess not, no. >> you probably won't be running out to buy a new chrysler la baron when the hellfires come, will you? >> jimmy: no, i most likely will not. >> take a chill pill and go watch netface. [ laughter ] hey, listen, jimmy, i've got to run. i'm off to pitch congress my plan to stop global warming. >> jimmy: oh, good, what is that plan? >> i can't give details but let's just say it involves naked ladies. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> they're going to [ bleep ] -- >> jimmy: thank you. good luck, then. thank you. >> it's too late for luck. >> jimmy: well, no. that's gus cartwright.
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thanks so much. [ cheers and applause ] now it's time for something that i'm not really sure what this is. i was recently asked to give feedback on some music. are you familiar with mark ronson and mylie cyrus, the performers? [ cheers and applause ] they have a song called "nothing breaks like a heart," number one on the billboard dance chart. the video's got more than 65 million views. something about it was not right. and that's where i came in. ♪ cuts you deep and leaves a scar ♪ ♪ things fall apart nothing breaks like a heart ♪ ♪ nothing breaks like a heart >> jimmy: this is dumb, it's not even true. ♪ ♪ nothing breaks like a heart >> jimmy: i'm sorry but i have no choice, i'm going to have to sue you guys. >> what are you talking about? >> sue sinus. >> jimmy: nothing breaks like a heart? it's a lie. hearts don't even really break. they're squishy -- >> come on, jimmy, it's a song, everyone loves it. >> jimmy: i have no problem with
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the song, it's just the title of the song is a lie. >> it's ridiculous. >> this is your friend? >> no. >> jimmy: you know what breaks? a lamp breaks. lamps break. >> obviously. >> jimmy: nothing breaks like a lamp. >> that's not a song, though. >> jimmy: see that? >> jimmy! that's not called for, seriously. >> jimmy: it's not uncalled for. i'll show you. do you want to see something? come with me. >> it's pretty cool. >> i'm going to show you guys what breaks. nothing breaks like prescription glasses. >> so rude! >> jimmy: it's a lesson. nothing breaks like a television monitor. >> that didn't break, i guess. >> jimmy: you know what i'm saying. >> i know what you mean. >> i'm so glad that didn't break. >> jimmy: well, it -- >> point not proven. >> jimmy: you get the point, though. it would have broken. it would have broken more than a heart, that's for sure. >> oh, here's something -- >> jimmy: nothing breaks like a
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paparazzi camera. >> i'm actually happy you did that. >> that one broke. >> jimmy: here we go. mugs. nothing breaks like a mug. give it a try. >> oh! >> it broke. >> mine didn't break! >> jimmy: here, do this. >> oh! this is so good. >> jimmy: it's fun, right? look at this. snow globes. nothing breaks like a snow globe. that's for sure. >> go! felt good. >> jimmy: uh-huh. nice, right? wow, you're really getting the hang of this. ♪ in the dark in the dark ♪ and the broken records spinning in circles ♪ >> you guys? i know this is fun and everything. >> it is, a lot of fun. >> you're taking it too literally, the song. i know it's fun but -- the song's not supposed to be literal. it's a simly. >> oh, yeah it's a simile.
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>> what's a simile? >> you don't know what a simile is? >> jimmy: yeah. no. simile. a figure of speech comparing two essential unlike things and often introduced by "like" or "as." >> you get it now? >> jimmy: if i were to say, your bottom in that video is shiny as an apple, that would be a simile? >> yes, that's a simile. >> jimmy: gosh, i'm so sorry. >> so do you like the song now? >> jimmy: i like the it the whole time, i just was worried it was miss i've leading. >> oh, good? thanks for teaching me about this. >> no problem. >> jimmy: is this yours? >> please don't do that. please don't do that! you're a monster. >> jimmy: is that a simile? >> it's just a fact. >> sad fact. >> jimmy: huh. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go.
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thanks and apologies to the people at the souvenir shop next door. one more thing before we forge ahead. it's thursday night which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> welcome to the youtube tv [ bleep ] off show. super bowl liii! >> yeah, my [ bleep ] hurts a lot. yeah. can barely [ bleep ] right now. >> matthew charles. matthew was sentenced to 35 years for [ bleep ]ing [ bleep ]s. >> they said to me this morning in the makeup room, are you going to take [ bleep ]? i'm trying to figure out at what point in the day i can squeeze one there. >> anybody looking like they sucked on 12 [ bleep ] -- >> my parents call me dellahunt. for those who don't speak german that means [ bleep ]. >> you are the engineer. that means you are the driver.
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>> not so fast, [ bleep ] face. that's just the engine. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. tonight on the show we have music from why don't we. oscar nominee richard e. grant is here. and we'll be right back with jennifer connelly! how do we tell people they get the best of both worlds with sprint? how 'bout we get two-sport legend, bo jackson... s'up. ...holding a mermaid ...playing a keytar... ...and a bird-horse. woah. why don't you just tell people sprint can save them more than $1,000 on an lte advanced network that's now up to 2x faster than before. bo does know. this is the best robot analogy i've ever been in. with a great network and savings over verizon and at&t,
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you get the best of both worlds with sprint. yee-haw! only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® celebrate valentine's day! with hundreds of gifts under $199! and, find great deals on other gifts she'll love! now through valentine's day.
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only at kay. lobsterfest is on at red lobster. with the most lobster dishes of the year, what'll you choose? how 'bout lobster lover's dream? more like a lobster dream come true. a butter-poached maine tail, roasted rock tail and creamy lobster linguine. or try new lobster in paradise. it's a crispy coconutty, vacation on a plate. new ultimate lobsterfest surf & turf is here, too. 'cause what's better than steak and lobster? steak and lots of lobster.
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so hurry in and see how you're going to lobsterfest. sweat. dedication. cupcakes. i'm michael griffin. i'm brian orakpo. we played football together for the titans. now, we own a cupcake shop. we bake, we decorate. i love this new surface pro. it's light, it's sleek, it's fast. i'm able to draw what color frosting we want. we do a lot with social media. we have funny videos that we do in the bakery [laughs]. there's nothing that you can't do on this device. cupcakes are a great business. oh yeah, as long as you don't eat the profits!
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shshow me homecoming. baby sloth videos on youtube. amy, do you uh mind giving someone else a turn? oh yeah i made myself a little comfortable here. i got a pizza for amy! yes, that's me! xfinity lets you search netflix, prime video, and youtube with the sound of your voice. and i don't have my wallet, so. that's simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet and tv for $40 each a month for 12 months when you bundle both. click, call or visit a store today. >> jimmy: hi there. tonight, he is an academy award nominee for best supporting actor. his movie with melissa mccarthy is called "can you ever forgive me?" richard e. grant is here.
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[ cheers and applause ] then, this is their album "8 letters." music from "why don't we" from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] next week steve harvey, ray romano, jennifer lopez, ben affleck, dane cook, adam devine, jessica roth and charles barkley, with music from leon bridges, josh groban and bring me the horizon. so please join us for all of that. our first guest is an oscar and golden globe-winning actress who is married to an avenger and is surrounded by cgi like you've not seen before in "alita: battle angel," it opens in theaters and imax a week from today. please welcome jennifer connelly. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm fantastic, how are you?
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>> jimmy: welcome to los angeles. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: you live in brooklyn, new york. >> back to brooklyn, baby. >> jimmy: you're from brooklyn original originally. >> i am, so are you. >> jimmy: i am from brooklyn but i seem like i'm from brooklyn. you don't seem like you're from brooklyn. >> i'm from brooklyn a. i live now about four blocks away from where i grew up. i don't know if that's cool or kind of pathetic. >> jimmy: is your family still around there? >> no, i don't have any family there. >> jimmy: i gotcha. i think it's pretty cool to be living four blocks from where you grew up. >> i love it, it's great. >> jimmy: are there places you go you went as a kid or is it pretty much totally changed now? >> the school. my kids go to the school that i went to. >> jimmy: oh, nice. >> so every day is kind of like a reunion. >> jimmy: is it really? yeah, yeah. do you get that weird feeling when you go into a school that you went to, you're like, everything got so small? >> yeah, initially. because -- but i have three kids and my oldest one is actually now about to graduate from
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college and he went there from first grade. so when i first brought him there, all those years ago, i had that, yeah. >> jimmy: many generations there. your husband, paul bettany, just became -- who's an avenger or was an avenger, i don't know, we'll figure it out. [ laughter ] >> we'll talk later. >> jimmy: he just became an american citizen. >> yes, he did. >> jimmy: is that a family decision? why did he decide to become a u.s. citizen? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: fourth of july, he's feeling left out? >> no it wasn'ting some -- it was his own decision, he wanted to do it. we've been together for six -- we've been married for 16 jeers. >> jimmy: did you help him with the test? >> that i did, yeah. we quizzed him. >> jimmy: i see. >> we would do -- you know. we would quiz him. >> jimmy: did you find when you took the test that you didn't know the answers -- >> that he did better than me, yeah. >> jimmy: it's funny because i feel like if i took a driver's
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test i might get a 60 on it right now. >> on a good day, yeah. >> jimmy: is he enjoying his americanness? >> i think life is good. >> jimmy: life is good, very good. >> life is good. we got him a kuzi for his beer first thing. >> jimmy: nice, that's all you need, really, to live here. are your little ones interested in acting because their mom and dad are involved in it? >> i don't think so. our oldest is -- he's graduating, as i mentioned. he's done mechanical engineering. >> jimmy: okay, so no acting for him. >> not much of acting. >> jimmy: that's a serious job. >> our middle son is a musician, amazing musician. and agnes is 7. so we'll see where she goes. >> jimmy: yeah. she better figure it out. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: does she come to work with you? did she come on this tour with you? >> she didn't come on the tour. they were just home playing twister. >> jimmy: a classic. >> she, yeah, they've all grown
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up coming to work with us, which is an amazing thing about what we do, that we can bring our kids to work with us. >> jimmy: yes. >> it's really a privilege. and she comes. she came -- i just finished a tv show that i just did. she came with me. she likes to sit by the monitors. she likes to actually run lines with me at night. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> she's great. it's very -- it's very helpful. >> jimmy: yeah. >> she'll sit by the monitor and watch with headphones on quite critically. [ laughter ] yeah, recently she was watching me do a scene. i looked at her after, i was like -- and she went -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. so i said, well -- any notes? do you have any adjustments you think i should make? she said, yes. i said, okay, what? she was like, you did this thing, you said the line, and then you put your hand on the guy's shoulder. don't do that. just don't put your hand on the shoulder. try and say the line, try walking away and over your shoulder say the line.
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i said, okay. >> jimmy: wow. >> all right, i'll try it. so i did it. >> jimmy: you did? >> the director is like, i like that take. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, really? maybe she'll an director. >> yeah, yeah. [ applause ] or a much better actor than me. >> jimmy: that's really funny. are you working on "top gun" right now? >> i am. >> jimmy: you are. because there's a photograph of you with tom cruise. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i would never get on a motorcycle with tom cruise. not for a million dollars. i really wouldn't. >> really? >> jimmy: yeah, because he's a maniac. it neither one of you is wearing a helmet. >> we're going fast. >> jimmy: he'll drive right up the side of a building if he feels lick it too. >> he has skills. >> jimmy: he's good at this stuff. >> we all have skills. he's a great actor. i can tell you, he's an excellent, excellent driver. >> jimmy: did you -- >> we would do this, we'd be going really fast, and then at the end of this we had to pull up in front of a house. and he had to mark every single
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time, exactly on the mark, precision. it's impressive. >> jimmy: yeah. because i just thought his brother, dustin hoffman, was the excellent driver. yeah, no, it seems like -- i mean, i did a thing on a zip line with him once. he was gung ho. and i was absolutely petrified. and he had no problems with it. and i think a little bit of fear makes sense in a situation like that. >> yeah. i felt pretty comfortable with him. >> jimmy: you did, good. >> i trusted him. i felt pretty confident. >> jimmy: when "top gun" came out, the original "top gun," did you see it in the movie theater? >> i saw it. i can't remember the first -- someone asked me. i can't remember the first time i saw it. i saw it and i loved it. it's awesome. this one, if you like the first one, you're going to love this one. >> jimmy: okay, wow. yeah. >> it's going to be great. >> jimmy: volleyball the whole thing? >> maybe. >> jimmy: oh, maybe. that's a good little tip. all right, we're going to take a break. we'll see a clip from your movie, called "alita: battle angel." jennifer connelly is here.
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we'll be right back! >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by nacho fries. now serving at a taco bell near you. i hear it in the background and she's watching too, saying [indistinct conversation] [friend] i've never seen that before. ♪ ♪ i have... ♪ giveat kohl's...y... i have... with an extra 15 or 20% off! give joy with this ruby heart collection... women's sleep sets - just $23.79... or a new keurig... and get joy with kohl's cash! give joy, get joy - this valentine's day... at kohl's.
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>> i don't believe you trust vector. >> he has very high connections. >> i won't help you build monsters. >> i'm going to get back somehow. i'll crawl my way there with my bare hands if i have to. >> jimmy: that is jennifer connelly and christoph waltz in "alita: battle angel." it opens a week from today. a vinyls movie? have you ever killed a bug like that with your hand in your life? >> i don't think so, have you? >> jimmy: yes, many times. >> you have? >> jimmy: yes. many, many times, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: sometimes guy out in the woods just for fun. >> i'm the official bug kilner the house, though. >> jimmy: are you really? why are you the bug kilner the house? >> not paul's favorite thing. >> jimmy: it's nobody's favorite thing, but really. so there's a bug he'll be like, jennifer! >> it's me.
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we all have our roles. >> jimmy: wow. some superheroes you guys are. [ laughter ] i don't know if pem realize that paul, most people know he's vision, his voice is the jarvis the butler for "iron man." that you are the voice of spider-man's suit. >> what are the odds? he's the voice of jarvis, i'm the voice of the spider-man suit. >> jimmy: that's pretty great. >> and we both have jewels in our heads. did you see that? i have a jewel in my head. it's getting weird. >> jimmy: it is. it's like you were made for each other. are the kids just excited? i mean, to have -- i would imagine -- just getting a comic book was exciting for me as a kid. to have my parents be in those movies, be on the set with spider-man, has got to be the greatest thing ever. >> yeah, but they didn't -- i mean, should i like -- buzzkill, they didn't get to be on the set. >> jimmy: oh, they didn't. >> no, you do a voice-over, you're in a sound booth by yourself, it's just you looking
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into the screen with a microphone. >> jimmy: oh. well. >> yeah. but they got to go to the set of "avengers" so that was cool. >> jimmy: yeah, that's good, yeah. [ laughter ] >> that is cool. and they even have like little lego figurines of their dad and stuff. >> jimmy: did they send all that stuff to you? so that you have those? oh, boy. we never had figurines of my dad either. [ laughter ] we never had a figurine, it's very sad. this movie, "arita: battle angel," tell us about it. it's kind of a complicated scenario. james cameron. >> he produced it and wrote the script. it's based on a man ga. it's really cool. robert rodriguez directed it. one of the things that i love about it, it's an incredible world. and one of the things that i love about it is that at the center of it you have this young girl who is this battle-ass hero
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who you watch with her throughout the course of the film kind of understand who she is, come to learn about her powers, come to harness her strength and her power, and you watch her changes characters like my character, and by the end of the movie you feel like she's poised to change the world. and i think that's kind of awesome. >> jimmy: it's called "alita: battle angel." it opens in theaters and imax a week from today. jennifer connelly, everyone. be right back with richard e. grant! grant!
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>> jimmy: richard e. grant and music from why don't we is coming up, but first, taco bell has announced that nacho fries are back for a limited time and to celebrate, guillermo hit the streets to give pedestrians a chance to win some nacho fries of their very own. >> guillermo: i'm guillermo. tonight we're going to play "two truths and a fry." the rules are simple. a player will tell me two true things about themselves. if i like them, i will give them some delicious nacho fries from taco bell. let's play. tell me a truth. >> i've done figure modeling. and i hate butterflies. >> guillermo: wow, me too, i hate butterflies. good job.
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nice, warm nacho sauce. good, huh? >> i've actually never been outside the country. and these diamond earrings are actually real. >> guillermo: i see, a good true story. >> my dad is a preacher. and i have five brothers and sisters. but we all have different moms. >> guillermo: oh my god, i love your father, yeah! it's mexican spices. >> i'm extremely tired right now. and i once fell asleep in a bush. >> guillermo: i almost fall asleep listening to your story. >> i can open bottles with my teeth. and i can do this. >> guillermo: wow, that's awesome! >> dicky: nacho fries are back serving at a taco bell near you, get them now while you still can. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with richard e. grant! oneeeee... did you try this one? feel this one. it's amazing! twooooo...
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our next guest was born and raised in swaziland and comes to us by way of england. he is an oscar-nominated actor whom you can see star alongside melissa mccarthy in "can you ever forgive me?" it's on vod and in select theaters now. please welcome richard e. grant. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. good to have you here. by the way, you're fantastic in the movie and melissa is fantastic in the movie and you both got nominated for oscars. >> thank you very much. thrilled. >> it couldn't go better than that, could it. >> never happened in my life. >> jimmy: every year, i don't know if people know, every year they have the oscar nominees luncheon. all the nominees go to it. they all go to it, nobody misses that thing. you went to it. and i like this because this is your first oscar nomination, right? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> i agree. >> jimmy: a lot of people would
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play it cool and act like, oh, no big deal. you took selfies with like everybody. [ laughter ] you and bradley cooper. >> he's giving me the finger. >> jimmy: mahershala ali. a little blurry. glenn close and sam elliot. you got a shot with lady gaga. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: utah showed up for this thing. [ laughter ] incredible. was that fun for you in. >> it was unbelievable. i'll tell you another thing. i was at the honorary oscars govern governor's ball. i turned around and jim carrey, who i'd never went before, he took hold of me and went, you are a genius, you're a genius! i was like, whoa, whoa, has he got the right person? he saw me in "how to get ahead" in which i had a talking boil on my neck. i've had the praise and the smoke right up my bahooky.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: i've never heard that, is that a ward from swaziland? >> scottish. >> jimmy: where is swaziland. >> the smallest country in the southern hemisphere. it's between mozambique on the one side and south africa on the other side. >> jimmy: when you were a kid did you know it was small? >> yeah. it was killed the switzerland of africa. it was peaceful, didn't have apartheid, didn't have marxist mozambique on the other side. >> jimmy: was it a pleasant place to grow up in? >> i thought so. >> jimmy: had you heard of america? >> i queued in 1969 to see the moon rock. at the american embassy they had a piece of rock in the glass that we'd queued up to see. i met an american girl when i was 12. the first american i'd ever met. betsy klapp, a double "p." i fell madly in love with her. she taught me the french kiss.
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>> jimmy: wow. [ laughter ] >> absolutely loved her. i couldn't afford to buy her perfume so i tried to make it out of rose petals. it didn't work. 40 years later i've made, you know, professional perfume, which is unisex. she heard me talking about on it a chat show in chicago. >> jimmy: what? >> she contacted me, after 50 years, two days ago. >> jimmy: wow. >> she said, i'm betsy klapp. >> jimmy: are you going to meet and up slip her the tongue again? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> of course i'm not. i'm married 32 years. >> jimmy: oh, all right. when did you first come to l.a.? when was your first -- how old were you when you first got here? >> i don't know how -- oh, i was -- 1987. so from '57 to '87, you do the math why was that from the movie "l.a. story"? >> no, that was a couple of years later. >> jimmy: okay, all right. when you did "l.a. story," did you know steve martin before that? did you know about steve martin? >> of course i knew about steve
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martin. i'd only met him once. when he came to see a premiere of a movie i was in in london, we had mutual friends. he said, i've got a movie and i'd like you to play a part. he was true to his word, so i met him. cast me, and we've been trends for 30 years. >> jimmy: you stayed in touch throughout your lives? >> yeah, we -- we had a fax correspondence in the olden days when faxes used to, you know. [ laughter ] it was a magical thing for me. where i grew up you got a telegram. that's how old i am. >> jimmy: you're not -- you're not that old, by the way, to be getting telegrams. >> i'm 62, baby. swaziland only got tv in 1980 so that gives you some idea. >> jimmy: wow. >> there was no tv when i was growing up. so -- >> jimmy: hold on, i almost passed out. [ laughter ] now i'm back. >> you'd have had no career there. >> jimmy: career? i wouldn't be alive. >> no, you wouldn't. we started faxing each other, then moved on to e-mail. >> jimmy: wow. >> collected a bible thick of
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e-mails and females and factions and stuff. >> jimmy: he saved your correspondence? >> he's printed everything he's written out and i've written out and kept all this. >> jimmy: why didn't you save his? >> if i goes public i will be in jail. >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> i have, but i was amazed he kept mine. >> jimmy: that stuff fades quickly, you have to take care of that stuff. >> it's in a sealed temperature-controlled safe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. wow. that is something else. yeah. he's the greatest. i mean, yeah. at that time, when you guys made "l.a. story," that was really like when he was part of -- the way where he's transitioning from this, you know, always comedy guy to doing some things that are serious. >> yeah, yeah. he sent me an e-mail just before the golden globe nomination. he said, congratulations on your overnight success. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe you guys will put out a coffee table book of your correspondence. >> i don't think so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't think so. lightly edited, perhaps. >> lightly edited, yes.
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>> jimmy: you are in the new "star wars" movie as well. >> i am. >> jimmy: we can say that, right? >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: yes, yes. that's probably all you can say? >> oh, it comes out on the 20th of december, 2019. >> jimmy: we know that too. [ laughter ] >> you do? >> jimmy: yes, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> i haven't even told my wife and daughter the name of my character. >> jimmy: what about betsy klapp, did you tell her? [ laughter ] >> now you're talking. yeah. betsy, if you're watching, i'm coming at you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you haven't even told them the name of your character? >> no. because as you can see, i'm a blabber mouth. and value my knees. i don't want to get fired. or removed from the movie. >> jimmy: would the name give someone an indication of -- would the name itself tell us anything about the plot of the film? >> sorry, what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i said would the name itself tell us anything about
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the plot of the film? i see. j.j. abrahams has clicked off your hearing. >> he has, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's very powerful. he really is. >> oh my goodness, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: j.j., no, i'm fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have fun at the oscars. i have a feeling you're going to have a lot of fun. the movie is terrific. it's called "can you ever forgive me?" it's in select theaters now and available in video on demand. richard e. grant, everyone. be right back with why don't we. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. the best or nothing.
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♪ you know me the best you know my worst see me hurt but you don't judge ♪ ♪ that right there is the scariest feeling opening and closing up again ♪ ♪ i've been hurt so i don't trust now here we are staring at the ceiling ♪ ♪ i've said those words before but it was a lie and you deserve to hear them a thousand times ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why am i in my own way ♪pull y cse and then ask you for space if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪
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♪ isn't it amazing how almost every line on our hands align when your hand's in mine ♪ ♪ it's like i'm whole again isn't that a sign i should speak my mind ♪ ♪ i've said those words before but it was a lie and you deserve to hear them a thousand times ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why am i in my own way ♪ ♪ why do i pull you close and then ask you for space if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪ ♪ whei cle
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it's you there in my mind when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters why am i in my own way ♪ ♪ why do i pull you close and then ask you for space if all it is is eight letters why is it so hard to say ♪ ♪ if all it is is eight letters when i close my eyes it's you there in my mind ♪ ♪ when i close my eyes if all it is is eight letters when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ it's you there in my mind when i close my eyes if all it is is eight letters ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, medical mystery. >> very life-changing, affecting disorder. >> the illness taking aim at children. >> something wasn't right. i knew this was something out of the ordinary. >> starting as a common cold, then paralyzing kids, even killing some. with no cause, no cure. families and doctors scramble to find answers. plus behind the music. ♪ her lyrics may ring a bell. the songwriter who went from a college dorm room to big collaborations. >> i've worked with beyonce, jay-z, cardi b, kehlani, sizza -- >> what's next for the 21-year-old powerhouse?
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