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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 12, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PST

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aircraft -- >> you'll see sparks. >> ooh! >> that's not the kind of thing you want to see outside your window when you're landing -- a huge trail of sparks and flames, the right hand gear malfunctioned on this lear jet ambulance. >> oh, no. >> you can see there's a fire engine ready to get into action. it comes to a halt, it's gone to the verge on the side of the runway. it looks like someone was shooting with their mobile phone up to a telescope. the plane comes to a stand still and it's like 23, 24 seconds later that these fire engines are on sight and starting to spray down that fire retardant foam to make sure the situation doesn't escalate. >> what is more incredible is that the seven passengers and two pilots were unharmed. incredibly top quality landing. >> i'd rather see the sparks on the landing than the takeoff. >> not the only interesting landing i've got for you.
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this is from france. >> oh, no! oh, no! >> could that runway have been any shorter? >> well, it's not as short as it looks. >> for the conditions it's a little short. >> if you look here you see it starts further down and goes up like there is a hill and as that flame comes over starts jamming on the brakes nothing can be done and goes straight into that snowdrift at the end, of the five people on board four were slightly injured, one a young child but then considering you cashed a plane into a wall, that's kind of a best case scenario. investigates will continue it started out as a lovely day in st. ives, if you look closely you can see somebody standing there. >> it's a person missing. gilmore slipped on the wet
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rocks, fell down the cliff and instead of the owners going in to help gilmore out, they did what they should have done and called the royal national lifeboat institution. >> what is gilmore? >> you'll find out shortly. this crew of four makes landfall between man's head and clodgy point. >> you do it better than i can. you can see it can be a rough spot. he's a springer spaniel. >> one second i was on the cliff and the next second i wasn't! gilmore doesn't put up much of a fight. he's happy gilmore now. he's been picked up by the crew of two that went on to the beach. the other two crew member, all volunteers, stayed on the boat to make sure it didn't drift away and he was safely reunited with his family. now off to colombia where a team of people are trying to wrestle with this giant grape.
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this female police officer squeezes down without a second thought, she puts on these very heavy gloves when out from the darkness comes the police officer with missy foo. >> who's missy foo? >> oh! >> you understand that. an angry cat can mess you up with. >> angry scared kitty is taken out safely and doesn't look like they need treatment. because these days everybody wants to be an instagram model and if you're not you can transform yourself into one. >> today i'm doing an instagram model transformation. >> taylor has decided to sform hself i an instagram model. she's will be a pretty person but what can she do? brows, two, long, long, eyelashes, three, colorful hair, four, tanned glowy skin, five, really beautifully contoured face with
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v vol l big lips and tight clothes. >> first we're going to dye our hair. she decided to go with this pretty pink. >> all she had to do is get a wig shench wig. >> she's committing to this. >> now we have to get ourselves tan. >> i thought i was going into a booth that sprays me. i didn't know i had to get naked. she had me going to the back and bending over so she could get the lines here. >> all right, now it's time for the very distinct instagram makeup. got to have the very, very sharp severe eye liner, contoured, big old smoochy lip. ready for the final look? >> bring it on. >> if you look at one of those resistance bands, i can do a workout.
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>> here she is with the new look and cute little outfit. haters, though, are going to say this one is photoshopped. >> ain't no hate about it. >> now she's an authentic instagram model. >> it goes to show it's perfect. but it took a whole lot of work and nothing about it was perfect. >> i would say i like her natural look better. >> you should smile. >> oh, yeah. time to give away another ipad mini. to enter you'll need monday's buzzword, be 18 and a legal residentf the u.s.and byor m ip give away. now it's time for more. >> oh, my gosh. >> such a smirk on his face. >> the milliseconds before,
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nailed it. she never saw the cake, it will be fine. >> no worries, the show must go on. >> a little dent in the take never hurt anybody. >> nice recovery. >> not as bad as i thought it was going to be. >> cool candle. >> she's a good sport about it. >> yeah. >> who's up for a little vr? >> i've got this in my house. i love vr. >> mom says her daughter has been asking her to give it a trial. you should always know they're setting you up. >> she's trying to figure it out, okay i i know what i'm doing. >> oh, my god! >> oh, mom. >> play that again, that's hilarious. that was incredible. that's the thing about vr, it brings you into this other world. >> i live for videos like this. >> oh, my gosh! >> she was totally lost. that's great
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she's taking on this river alone. >> it gets scary. she gets caught up here on some rocks. >> this is where you don't want to be. >> ride along on her dangerous adventure next. diy time with the holderness family making a pom-pom rug. see what it looks like when it's finished next. >> look how cute that came out! (mom giggles) ♪ i'm a close talker. so i was excited about all-new colgate total. its breakthrough formula does more... wonderful. sensitivity, strengthens teeth... it kills germs through my whole mouth.. i like your confidence. thanks mr. lee! now there's no such thing as too close.
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yes, there is. no, there's not. yes there is. no, there's not! okay. all-new colgate total. do more for your whole mouth. 98% of us don't get enough omega-3s. which is why megared advanced 4in1 packs more omega-3 power into one small softgel. it supports your heart... brain... eyes... and joints. megared.
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closed captioning provided by -- and relieve itch for 10 full hours. cortizone-10. ed. seven days, three rivers, one kayaker. in this case world champion more to -- noria newman. in this case it's a solo
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adventure shot my only her. ng t one of the most sparsely populated areas of india to tackle this challenge over a week. >> that's brave of her to do that by herself. there's so many things that can happen. >> it's beautiful. i'm just hoping that behind that corner there the river starts picking up. >> be careful what you wish for because she starts finding some proper white water. >> this is where you don't want to be -- pinned against something where you can't move against the force of the water. >> and then it gets really scary. >> oh! >> camera mounted on her helmet so obviously now you know she's being pulled under. you can hear in the aftermath just how much effort it's been. >> dapg, girl. >> this is a life-and-death moment she's facing. there's nobody there to help her. none of that. >> i'm just pretty lucky to be
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alive. >> it sinks in in the middle of nowhere, she almost lost her paddle and kayak. you've still got four, five days of journey to go. >> i have to keep going. >> and things start looking up. >> not bad, eh? >> no, pretty nice, actually. >> that's gorgeous. >> so it's worth it. >> oh, hello, people. gets out, make friends. this is why you do these adventures, the situations in moments like this, truly original. the internet asks and the holderness family delivered? >> we are going to make a diy pom-pom rug. >> it looks like a bunch of pom-poms together. >> that looks comfy. >> they start making the pom-poms. they get yarn, twist it up, wrap it around the toilet rolls because that keeps in the place and then you cinch something around it like a belt and those strings you use to tie it together to make it frill out, that's what you tie to the rug pad. >> so you wrap it around the
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toilet roll but how do you pom-pom it? >> after you tie them in the center you cut either end and that's what makes it -- >> just boom. >> exactly. >> somebody has a bit of common sense in the house. >> you could have gotten one so you know we're going to make one. >> the problem is you go to target to get one thing but you walk out with 75 other things. >> right. and they start putting it all together. >> look how cute that came out. that's adorable. >> that looks good. >> it does. >> i mean, not really good but it looks kind of good. >> to pennsylvania where a basketball game is going on. we're now at half time. >> tonight we have a special guest. >> that's morgan that we can see in the video, her brother ben is playing basketball. >> halfway around the world serving his country in afghanistan. >> did you notice that? >> yeah, something caught her attenti attention. >> her dad has been serving in afghanistan. >> could built? >> welcome the father of carl junior morgan and senior basketball player --
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[ cheers and applause ] -- >> >> that's their dad come back from deployment and it's cool because it happens to be senior night. >> that's exciting. he gets to see his son one last time in action before he graduates. you know what else is exciting? >> no. >> this video here. that's mom in the kitchen. >> what is this? >> in this case, he'd been gone for four months and recently came back to surprise his family as you can see. >> that was a priceless reaction. bowling fruit into a table saw. >> is it going to work, though? >> see how it goes next. >> that's oddly satisfying to watch. it's just about time for the ipad mini give away. a migraine hope to be there... for the good. and not so good. for the mundane. the awe-inspiring.
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run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection.
1:59 am get more than just savings. a fun group activity you can do with your friends? bowling. but guys from the youtube channel wrecked are putting a different spin. >> we're going to bowl into a
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table saw today. >> that's cool. >> isn't it? and they'll be bowling with fruit. the scoring system, if you can slice your piece of fruit right down the middle you get three points, a little bit to the side, two points and if you just skip the side of the fruit you get one point. each player gets to roll twice and the second round gets half points. make sense? good. >> is it going to work, though? >> all right, ready? >> oh! >> first shot, a near strike and yes, christiane, it does work. >> i'm amazed! >> oh! >> this is bizarre and intriguing at the same time. >> what nick hasn't got to is the mu the loser. >> there are consequences for loser. they try apples. >> a strike, right in the middle. >> oddly satisfying to watch. >> eventually they get to the coconut. >> look at that!
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>> it almost looks like a special effect when they slow it down. >> in the end these are the final scores. last place with four points. >> ooh, he has terrible aim. >> connor did lose this bowling match, they said the loser these do what the winner zblez eat all the fruit. >> close. connor hates onions. >> i'm going to make him take a bite of an onion. and you have to swallow. >> that's horrible. >> that's a new spin on bowling. >> my eyes are burning. >> conde naste entertainment asked a bunch of couples who had been married from zero years to 65 years what stages of the relationship they'd like to relive. >> my honeymoon, we were in st. lucia, it was a beautiful vacation. >> i think probably the three months where we were circling each other before we started
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dating. >> this stage great. >> let's turn these five and a half hours to the next 50 years. >> they were still in the glow. these ladies had only been together 84 days. >> when we first moved in together. there was no arguments. >> it was so nice. >> because it was so fresh. >> only 84 days ago, ladies, it's still fresh. >> this couple -- kind of like you, oli. >> it took us a while to get together because so i'll go back to when we first met. >> this couple loved their first year together. >> it was like not many bills and it was almost like a honeymoon. it was like -- we were not not t trying try ing to save or anything. >> then you had a kid. >> oli, you're not the only one
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of that mind. >> when we didn't have kids and lived in the city. >> oh, for sure. >> i loved when our children were young because it's such an openness and creativity. >> same here. >> this couple has been married 44 years. >> i think what we're going through right now. we are more a unit now than we ever were. >> this couple has been married 57 years. >> we were in chicago on a hot summer afternoon and we decided to get out of the sun and it was nice and cool and that's when he asked me what do you think about getting married next summer? and i'll always remember it's time to enter for a next ipad mini. >> head over to and click on win ipad. >> entered the buzzword using facebook, twitter or both. >> let's reveal monday's buzzword, it's hacker.
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>> so you should be russian to and enter monday's because word hacker. >> good luck, everybody. >> she's only three years old. >> her little princess dress. >> she's been on a board since she could walk and she's climb
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but i have big cheeks the tiny ones make my face look huge. >> these days we ear just doing a little bit of everything. >> yup, she can't say it but she can do it because today -- >> yeah, this video from singapore, they got themselves a halfpipe in their backyard. and aria is going to show us. >> in her little princess dress. >> i can't wait to see this. hey, now. >> get out. >> oh! >> look at that.
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effortlessly drops in, goes past dad, gives him a high five. dad, is of course, pumped as all dads would be. >> can we talk about the fact that she's three? most of us can't walk straight. >> speaking of walking straight, basically since she's been standing she's been on a skateboard. this is her first ever ride here at one years old until a diaper with the adorable hair. >> oh, geez! >> she's fearless, young, she doesn't know any different. this is the perfect time to start. >> we'll have a i didn't do owe when she's four and she'll be doing 1080s and things like that. >> and this little one is victoria. this is her second season technically. >> she show boarded last year when she was two. she chose snowboarding over skiing for the reason everybody else does, snowboarding shoes are way more comfortable. but my favorite part of the video is she's enjoying it as a
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kid kid. >> whee! >> every time i ride my motorcycle. thanks for hanging with us >> our contestant donnie edgemon from sterling, virginia, has been watching this show constantly in preparation for this day. will his dedication pay off? let's find out on "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ♪ [cheers and applause] hey, everybody. welcome to the show. are you guys ready to go? [cheers and applause] all right, donnie, welcome to "millionaire." they're fired up. are you ready to make some money today? >> fill my pockets, chris. >> that's what i'm here for. let's set up the board. got 14 questions between you and that million.
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you got your three lifelines. they're there if and when you need them. time to fill those pockets right now. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ we'll start with $500. good luck. >> thank you. >> it's estimated that each spring and summer, about 35 what live in the u.s. capitol's reflecting pool? >> well, i live fairly close to the reflecting pool. out-of-work lobbyists--the water's not very deep. i don't know how much living they could do there. there are definitely ducks in the reflecting pool. yep, i'm happy with that. b. final answer. >> that's exactly what we were looking for. that's right, ducks. [cheers and applause] let's go for $1,000. so that you can quickly tell that the vehicle behind you is an ambulance, the word "ambulance" on its hood is often
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printed how? get my attention. for sure. writers having some fun here, but the answer is definitely d. in large, mirror-image text. final answer. >> that's right. of course. [cheers and applause] all right, that's $1,000. this is for $2,000. what tradition did "time" magazine inadvertently start with its first issue of january 1928 because no one from that week's news seemed a good fit for its cover? >> well, i know that man of the year started in 1928. i didn't know this was how it started. hard to have a coverless magazine 'cause one way or
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another the first page is gonna be a cover, wouldn't it? so the answer is d. naming a man of the year. final answer. >> they were just too lazy to find anything else in the news. yeah. it's now the person of the year. >> right. [cheers and applause] >> let's go for $3,000. when he was inaugurated president, which of these men only had one of his real teeth left in his mouth? >> these other guys were later era when teeth problems weren't so bad, and george washington, of course, is infamous for his teeth problems. the answer is d. george washington. final answer. >> that's correct. [cheers and applause] all right, that brings us up to $5,000, the first threshold you can get to. here it is. which of the following is a german food brand known for its
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soup mixes and seasonings, and not a character on hbo's "game of thrones"? >> well, i'm glad i know german soup brands because i don't actually watch "game of thrones." so the answer is delicious knorr, c. final answer. >> wow, they turned on you. did you hear that? >> i know. i trust you guys. >> you got it right. $5,000. [cheers and applause] >> i know. trust me. >> who knew that's where they drew the line. >> you could have hurt me with "game of thrones." i'm glad that's where that went. >> well, we got that one out of the way, and you got to that threshold of $5,000, so that is safe. now let's add to it. $7,000 question, for that we turn to the board. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ whh te thainmi means a period of rising prices is defined in astronomy as a brief, split-second period immediately following


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