tv 2020 ABC February 15, 2019 9:00pm-11:00pm PST
here in florida state prison with mr. ted bundy. you been involved in how many homicides? >> we came up with 30. >> could have been well over 100. we'll never know. >> we collectively still have this fascination about him. >> this new film in which zac efron plays ted bundy. ♪ >> ted could be classy when he needed to. >> the ladies loved him. >> it was almost theatrical. >> how do you vanish? >> there was almost a taunting quality, like catch me if you can. >> what do you got there, bob?
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>> bundy was good looking and charming, and seemingly had the world in his grasp, and was going to be a successful guy. >> there were two bundys. the only people that ever saw the diabolical bundy were his victims. >> there was the personality that was the fake. then there was the personality that was the killer. >> i think we definitely have to be careful to not romanticize people like ted bundy. >> i never wanted to think people were evil, but my opinion about that changed when i met ted. i think he was just evil. >> seattle was a smaller, more innocent place back then. the women's movement was, you
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know, in full early flower then. >> it was a time when many women were feeling very independent. and so people didn't think right away that a woman who hadn't been seen for a few days might have fallen into harm's way. >> when you look at ted bundy, he was about the right age to be in college. he drove a volkswagen beetle, very popular car in the '70s. so when he would move into a college campus, he'd just fit right in. so that was also disarming to his victims. he should be here, he looks like one of us, he drives one of our cars. >> i remember being with ted and driving up the road and just having a great time. they have a lot of manmade little lakes in the middle of seattle and we'd go out and lay there and go swimming. i liked talking to ted. he was an intellect, and we talked a lot about political things and how they ran the government and, you know, things like that. >> he graduated in june of '72, from the university of
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>> why does he get a degree in psychology? from my view, he does that because he wants to be able to manipulate people. >> one of his activities was to be involved in political campaigns. >> he worked for the committee to re-elect dan evans. he had aspirations to go to law school. he was thought to be sort of a rising star in the republican party in washington state. >> people thought he was going to be, you know, a young ted kennedy, but, for the republican party in washington state. but, again, they saw an exterior that he worked hard to create, this façade. i think a number of things conspired to make ted bundy, ted bundy. he was filled with rage at his mother. ted was illegitimate. there were a lot of things for ted to be angry about. >> when you look at the childhood of serial killers, there are some common themes, and i see them in ted's case
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where there's dysfunction in the family. what happens is they grow up with a lot of rage, typically towards women. >> he wanted to be from a family that had money and he wasn't. >> it's another sort of checkmark to use against his mother that she didn't marry someone wealthy so he didn't have to steal to look wealthy. >> this is a guy who, from the earliest age, was a petty thief. >> he talks about having been a peeping tom at some point. >> the idea that ted bundy was involved in peeping actually makes sense because it's basically a training ground about how you isolate people, how you watch people, how you get into houses. >> he was a night person. he would get restless, get in his car and drive for great distances. so he was a roamer always. >> one thing we know is that, as a youngster, that, you know, this very early warning sign
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about people who become killers, about mutilating animals, he was doing that. >> animal mutilation is actually quite common among serial killers because it's a fascination with death. >> but a part of him longed to be with somebody, or a part of something, a part of a family. you know, he had this long-time girlfriend who had a child that he spent a lot of time with them. >> elizabeth kloepfer was a young mother and she was just getting over a terrible relationship. one night she meets a charming stranger in a bar. it's ted bundy. they start having an incredible relationship in her mind. i went to go meet with the real liz, and liz brought out these photo albums. i'm thumbing through these photo albums, and it's this happy family unit. there's pictures of these three people camping, birthday parties, skiing. there's the young daughter. there's elizabeth kloepfer, and there's ted bundy.
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>> when he was with liz, he said he really enjoyed being a family man. he said the things that, you know, i would expect my brother to say about his family. >> people are complicated, and bundy was, too. he was also somebody who had, you know, impulses or at least wanted to appear as a helpful, benign, you know, member of society. >> one day in seattle, when ted was at northgate mall, and he was coming out of the mall, and saw a young man grab a woman's purse, and ted took off after him. >> he managed to go and -- and actually physically restrain the offender until law enforcement got there. >> and got the woman's purse back, and her $30 that was in her wallet. >> he was ultimately sort of written up as a quote unquote hero. so he's really big on grabbing attention and that's a way to get it obviously. >> but as the years rolled on, he determined, no. i'm never gonna be married. i'm never going to have
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children. i'm never going to be a governor. i'm never even going to be an attorney. i'm just going to murder. nd this is what makes 1974 so extremely different. >> in the early morning hours of february first, he determined he was going to launch himself into full time murder, and he's just going to keep doing it until he was captured or killed. ♪ que será, será ♪ what will be, will be ♪ que será, será ♪ whatever will be, will be ♪ que será, seráaaaaa parts of me i didn't even know. i find out i'm 19% native american, specifically from the chihuahua people. what?! that's... i find that crazy. it traces their journey in the mid-1800s
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♪ >> in seattle, in the winter, the ski report is a very big deal because that's when you decide whether or not you're going to work or you're going skiing. lynda ann healy was a very popular young woman because she was on the radio five days a week at 7:00 in the morning. she gave the ski report. >> in all my years of studying murder, i never heard of an abduction quite like the
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linda ann healy abduction. >> i was one of many people who listened to her in the morning. and i realized, the day that she wasn't on the air, that there was something unusual. >> she never showed up for work. bundy used to frequent a bar dante's tavern. on the last night of her life, linda ann healy went to dante's with another girl and a friend of theirs. bundy probably did follow them home and waited. and he checked the front door, and it was unlocked. this is what makes this abduction so incredibly surreal. he goes down in the basement, he enters healy's room. he's aware that there's another bedroom on the other side. he would tell a writer later, that what he did was he choked her. he moves her off the bed, he takes her nighty off of her. hangs it up in the closet. he makes the bed almost like in
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a military fashion. and he carries her down into the night. he takes her down the front steps, and they're steep steps. and to wherever his car's parked, and puts her in there. >> he would turn the passenger seat around so it was flat. and i asked him why that -- why he did that once, and he said, that's the way he put his cargo in the care. how's that for disgusting? >> it was a strange, strange abduction. abduction. the chances he took. it's not just that he went out and committed murder, but he seemed impervious to fear. from there, the nightmare began. then donna manson. she disappeared from evergreen state college near olympia. and then you have the abduction of susan rancourt from central washington. >> susan rancourt in ellensburg was on her way to a meeting to see about being a dorm counselor.
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>> in may of 1974, i was a college student at oregon state university and roberta kathleen parks went missing. and in those days, it was reported just as a missing student. >> and these young people just started disappearing and people wondered, "what's going on here?" it seemed to be a narrative building in this incremental way. >> brenda ball was abducted near the flame tavern. she wasn't a college student. that made it all the more challenging because it adds to the randomness of the victims. >> he took his victims from where he could fit in. i mean, he fit in great. >> they were in places that ted bundy felt comfortable. >> the thing about bundy, you don't think a killer of women is going to be a good looking, articulate young man, a law student. you're not thinking in terms like that. >> georgeann hawkins was a student at the university of
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washington. georgeann was abducted in june of 1974, on a beautiful, warm, early summer evening. >> she disappeared from an alley one night behind greek row. being a university district people are walking around at all hours. she went down the alley, there was bundy. >> this is a tape recorded interview with ted bundy. >> i was moving up the alley using a briefcase and some crutches and the young women walked down. i saw her around the north end of the block into the alley and stop for a moment and then keep on walking toward me. about half way down the block i asked her to help me carry the briefcase and she did and we walked back up the alley. >> does he look like a killer? nah. does he look like an abductor of women?
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no. he looks like somebody in need. he's got a leg cast on. he's on his crutches. he had placed the crow bar behind the right rear tire. >> basically when i reached the car what happened was i knocked her unconscious with the crowbar. >> he hit her with such force that she came out of one of her shoes and both her earrings flew off. >> there were some handcuffs there along with the crowbar. i handcuffed her and put her in the passenger side of the car a and drove away. >> he would drive to a spot he had picked out weeks in advance. off the main highway. sometimes he would even check the moon so he wouldn't need his headlights to see what he was doing. >> you have a physical person here, one second and seconds later they're gone and nobody has seen anything. >> georgeann hawkins was last seen monday evening shortly after midnight. she had been visiting at the
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beta house and was returning to her house just a half block away down this alley. >> and the speed with which she had to have been abducted tells you that probably the person had done this before. >> police say they will return to this alley at night to determine the lighting of this area. meanwhile they are asking the girls to stay out of the alleys and travel in groups of twos or threes and use only the front doors. >> we really could not find anything definitive that tied all the victims together. >> do you suspect foul play in this disappearance?? >> i think it's too early to suspect foul play. we just got the case this morning so it's hard to say if there's any foul play or not. >> the long and short of it was i again knocked her unconscious and strangled her. >> remarkably, considering the circumstances under which these women disappeared, nothing was seen or heard. >> there were no real clues. nobody saw them leave with anyone. no one saw them in an
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automobile. >> ted loved nighttime because he could be out but not be seen, but then there's the day he took two girls in broad daylight. >> those abductions would come back to bite bundy. the simple reason is people saw him. so we're answering their questions. aflac is auto insurance, right? no. uh uh. is it homeowner's insurance? no... uhuhuhuh! is it duck insurance? nope. ahhh! do they pay me money directly when i get sick or injured? yeah. aflac! you got it. you know aflac! boom! get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover. get to know us at... aflac dot com. (vo) the only network to win in all four major awards is the one more people rely on. ♪ choose america's most reliable network and get apple music on us when you do.
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>> a wave of fear spread across -- >> someone was abducted young -- >> it's hard to say if there was foul play. >> there was incredible pressure on law enforcement to find the person or persons who were responsible for causing these women to go missing. it was an ultimate challenge. what cleverness or what sophistication of the suspect
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are you looking for that can manage to pull that off? >> there were no clues whatsoever. i mean, it's kind of remarkable that nobody saw anything. lake sammamish was another story. >> lake sammamish state park was huge. it was a magnet for all of us, young and old. >> like a place you would go to in the midwest or something, with this old-fashioned concession stand and, you know, people just coming out with their little sailboats, or coming out to sun. >> july 14th, 1974 the place was absolutely packed. there were 40,000 people there. >> a number of people that day at lake sammamish were taking photos and shooting film. little did they know the police would want to review this footage. >> ted was able to meld into the crowd.
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he was wearing casual, beach-type clothing. he was able to strike up conversations with people. he was able to convince denise naslund and janice ott to help him with the ruse that he had a sailboat, that he had his arm in a fake sling. >> if anybody has seen the silence of the lambs where the killer is trying to get that couch into the van and he's got a cast on, that all came from ted bundy. >> can i help you with that? >> would you? >> sure. >> bundy was a real schemer. >> remember that these abductions were benign on the face of them. they were always bundy
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approaching the women in a state of presumed need or weakness. "can you help me carry my books? my arm's in a sling. can you help me load my sailboat onto my car?" >> there were three women that saw janice ott roll her bicycle up to the beach and lay it down. she had on a yellow bikini. then they observed this man walk up to her. and they heard her get up and say, "hi, i'm jan," and he said, "i'm ted." he gave his real name. >> she was l.a. last seen headed towards the parking lot pushing
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her bike and him next to her. we did have about five or six other women come forward that said that they had been approached by the guy with his arm in a sling. they looked just like >> those women backed off, but janice ott left walking with him at noon and never came back. >> and first, janice went missing. that was earlier in the morning she disappeared. and then later, he came back to the park. the time difference -- one was about 10:00. the other was about 4:30.
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>> it was a sunday afternoon, and my buddy and i had this great idea. well hey, let's take a break. let's go down to the lake, maybe we can grab something to eat. and we noticed this guy just a few feet from us standing in front of the women's bathroom. and he was dressed in nice casual clothes, but the oddest thing about it is he had a cast on his arm. >> it's 4:17, kjr. >> so we were going to, actually being a couple of smart alec teenagers, we were thinking maybe razing the guy a little bit. but it turned out it was our turn to get ice cream. so we lost track of the guy, didn't think anything more about it. >> and that's when denise naslund was abducted. those abductions were very brazen and in front of, literally, thousands of witnesses, but the witnesses did not know what they were seeing. >> with regard to denise
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naslund, her car is in the parking lot. her purse is still there. her keys to her car are still there, but she's not. she's gone. >> who does that? he wasn't satiated with just one. think he was trying to make a statement that day. >> for ted, the thrill of going back to where he had been successful in the morning and be able to abduct another woman was probably very exciting for him. >> it was almost theatrical the way two women disappeared. it was as if the stakes of the story had been raised in this dramatic way. >> it was also critical that people who were at the park that day, who were taking photographs of their friends and family, any filming that they had done,
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turned over their photographs and film to us to see if we could find something that would be a clue. >> the lake sammamish abductions would come back to bite bundy. people saw him and he identified himself as ted. >> there's a ted and he drives a volkswagen. and he's handsome. >> and from the witnesses that saw him, were composite drawings made. >> then when the picture came out, when they finally got a ted bundy picture of this person of interest, no question in our minds, no question that this was the guy. >> each lead has to be followed. every phone call has to be made. most lead no one. some pan out with a speck of information that may some day clear up the mystery of janice ott and denise naslund. >> it was a very creepy
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sensation, knowing that we were just steps away from somebody who is ultimately responsible for doing some very, very, very dastardly deeds. >> one thing. since the publication of the description of the man called ted there have been no further disappearances from this area. ♪ one way or another i'm gonna find you ♪ ♪ i'm gonna get you
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and 23-year-old janice ott disappear on a warm summer day at lake sammamish. though there was no sign of the women, several witnesses told of a smooth-talking, good-looking young man named ted. >> heat was starting to come upon him, because of his daylight adventures in lake sammamish. there were clues now. a guy named ted, a vw, a composite sketch. >> bundy realized that if he wanted to keep killing, he was going to have to go somewhere where there was no investigation. >> so what does bundy do? he has the presence of mind to move from the washington area to utah. and again, he starts changing his tactics. >> he had to find a new killing ground. he used the excuse of going to the utah law school. he gave liz the option of going with him. >> he was her prince. she had dreams of him becoming an attorney, and having a white picket fence. >> but he was probably delighted
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when she said no, i want to stay in seattle with my friends. >> we were at the houseboat where i lived and i took a picture of him. >> what makes this photo that surfaced from marylynne chino so incredibly interesting and incredibly important, is because he's dressed in basically the same outfit he that had worn at lake sammamish on july 14th of 1974. >> she was crying and i just kind of gave him a goodbye and he got in the car and drove away. >> within 12 or so hours he would be murdering the idaho hitchhiker. >> after this picture appeared, the task force received one call among thousands of others. this particular caller said, "a man named, ted bundy, looked, quote, 'something like the picture.'" >> liz turned in ted and the
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police never did anything with it. >> she called the police more than once stating that she believed her boyfriend ted bundy was the killer. >> bundy went to the university of utah school of law. >> when i was there at the law school, i would have regular contact with ted bundy. everyone really liked him. there were periods of time when he was absent from class, and people would occasionally comment on that, "oh, ted's gone again." >> the first semester he's in class three times. he's like a kid in a candy store. he upped it in utah and he killed around four women in just a matter of weeks. >> i threw away everything, the handcuffs, everything. i'd get mad at myself a few weeks later because i'd have to go out and buy another pair. i mean it's not comical but that's what would happen. >> everything bundy had within what is known as his murder kit, there were reasons behind it. >> the tire iron, the garrote, and of course, gloves.
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>> and it wouldn't matter the item, bundy planned very carefully to use everything that he had. but his standard murder kit, it wasn't -- the items weren't there by chance. they all had a reason. they were all connected to murder. >> he said, "i always tried to get rid of all the evidence that would put me to the crime. and so that meant i had to restock my toolkit all the time." ♪ joy to the world the lord has come ♪ >> bundy ran to the mormon church as a kind of refuge kind of thing. that was his angle at that point. they didn't know he was a bad guy. so they took him in and they mentored him. he was going to join the church. >> i baptized ted after we discussed the church with him and he made commitments. so we immediately started inviting him to our social events, parties, dinners. he was a gourmet cook and he'd cook dinner for about seven of us. fabulous cook and we chatted and had fun and played games.
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>> it's actually not uncommon for serial killers to have, quote-unquote, a normal life while they're violently killing people. >> shortly after 7:00 on the evening of november the 8th, 1974, carol daronch parked her car in this parking lot at the fashion mall. shortly after, began what she now calls, her personal nightmare. >> what makes the carol daronch abduction so pivotal is that she's the only one who ever got away from bundy. >> she was approached by a man near walden's book store. this man identified himself as officer rosland. >> and he said, "do you drive a camaro?" and she said, "yes." he said, "well, my partner is holding a suspect. this individual tried to get into your car." >> i was starting to feel uneasy, and i thought i could smell alcohol and that's when he promptly pulled out his wallet and showed me a badge. >> they walked across the street to a laundromat.
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and there was a side door marked 139. and he said that that was a substation. and he went and tried and he said, "the door's locked." >> he said they would have to go down to the main murray police department to sign a complaint. >> he drove a volkswagen, and i thought, well that's kind of odd, but maybe he's undercover, and i got in. he headed down a side street, and then he suddenly pulled over up on the side of a curb by an elementary school, and that's when i just started freaking out, what are we doing? >> he stops the car and he attacks her. and she knows she's in the fight for her life. >> he grabbed my arm and got the one handcuff on one wrist, and he didn't get the other one on. and the one was just dangling. i had never been so frightened in my entire life. >> she jumped out of the car. the man jumped out waving what looked like a crowbar. she broke loose, ran to the street, flagged down a passing car, and an elderly couple
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drove daronch to the murray police station. the search for her abductor began. >> and so this is the first time we have an eyewitness of somebody who survives a bundy attack. >> sometimes the urges become such a compulsion that they can't control themselves, and that's when they make mistakes. his compulsion that day was so high, he had to kill somebody. the first one didn't work he's now frustrated and so he goes to find a second victim. >> we were having dinner in ted's apartment. it was when the composite pictures of the so-called "ted murderer" were coming out in salt lake city, because a girl had been kidnapped, and she had survived. and ted said, "i know how someone could do this. you would kidnap the person in one county, take her to a second county, murder her, throw her
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clothing in a fourth county and her body or body parts somewhere else." i think ted was a little proud of how he was getting away with it and explained exactly how he was doing it, knowing that we wouldn't ever catch on. >> at the same time while he's committing new murders in utah, the cops in the state of washington are finding bones, and those bones are ultimately going to come back to haunt him. >> the bodies of four more young women were found on taylor mountain. all of them had been strangled or bludgeoned by this brutal killer. >> the heat is building up on him. ted then starts looking for a new killing field da-- colorado. [♪] what if we lost track of time? [♪] what if we took a leap of faith? whoo-hoo!
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>> it's the winter of 1975, and ted bundy's got to find a place where there's not a lot talk about missing women and where he can blend in. he heads up the mountains to colorado. >> he was very, you know, familiar with ski resorts in colorado. already he understand that those places are populated by basically strangers and he would fit in quite well. >> he ends up in aspen. >> on jan 12, 1975, caryn campbell disappeared from the wildwood inn. >> bundy ended up the wildwood inn. caryn campbell was a nurse from michigan. she had come to the wildwood inn just like a day before. >> caryn campbell sat with her fiancee, dr. raymound madalsky, in front of a fire at the wildwood inn. they had just finished dinner.
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ms. campbell wanted a magazine from her room. about 8:00 in the evening she caught an elevator from the lobby to second floor. that was the last time madalsky sees her alive. >> bundy's there. he whacked her in the head and she was gone. >> 36 days later her nude body was found almost three miles away. >> two months later he goes to vail and ends up killing 26 year old ski instructor julie cunningham. >> he was just not going to stop. he had more relationships with dead women by now than living women. it was all about the hunt. >> bundy goes on this killing spree across the northwest. and he kills three women. a 24-year-old, a 15-year-old and
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a 12-year-old. >> there was no pattern between seattle and utah and colorado. >> there was no physical tie to them. there were nothing to loop them all together. >> so in the summer of 1975, bundy's luck is changing. >> he was going from being the hunter to being the hunted. >> in granger, utah. it's a small suburb. it was like 2:00 in the morning. >> a cop was just getting off duty. >> his name was bob hayward. >> and he saw this volkswagen parked in front of a house. he knew there were two young women living there. >> i turned the corner and kicked my lights on bright, stepped on the gas and he squirted. >> it freaks bundy out, okay, and he takes off. big mistake. >> so there was a chase. >> he pulled in the old gas station and stopped. i opened my door, and he was out and coming back towards me.
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i pulled my magnum out and just set it in the crotch of the door. and i says, "hold it right there." i said, "stand still." >> when hayward comes up to the car, he sees that the seat is out. >> i looked in that side, and this seat was laying in the back seat and that's quite a space. you can stick a body in it. he says, "the seat's broken. i've got to get it fixed." i said, "okay, do you mind if i like through your car?" >> in his car, he had the ski mask. he had pantyhose with the eyes cut out. he had a pair of handcuffs. >> i say, "what do you use handcuffs for?" "i'm a law student," he says.
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"i use them in my classes." >> now, what is a person doing out in the middle of the night, in a residential neighborhood, with all of those items? and he's driving a volkswagen bug. >> i took him in and booked him. i said there something wrong with this guy. >> that put him on the radar of utah law enforcement. they had this unsolved abduction of carol daronch. >> i got a call, and it was ted. he says, "i've been arrested." i asked "ted, what were you arrested for?" he said "oh, they think i'm the ted murderer." and he laughed and i laughed. i didn't think he was at all guilty. >> when he came to the police lineup, he made all sorts of attempts to make himself facially difficult to identify.
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he'd parted his hair on the other side. so he did have a chameleon like quality. >> carol daronch came to the police station. she was shown a lineup, and she identified bundy as the person who attacked her. >> he was arrested and charged with the kidnapping of carol daronch. >> he was a likable guy. if he could be a killer, well, who else might be. so people just didn't want to believe it. >> i helped raise money to bail him out of jail. everybody in the ward felt he was innocent. >> i was assigned ted bundy's case by the office of public defense. ted immediately said something, "well, there's this silly little case in utah." and i'm kind of -- i'm saying, "no, it's not a silly little case, ted." >> during court proceedings in utah, bundy actually comes outside and talks to the media.
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>> how do you feel about the justice system in general, based on your current -- >> well, i'm sure it works. you've got to have faith it'll work, or else you'd be reduced to some kind of mumbling idiot. i believe it works. i believe it needs to be improved. >> when you mention improvements, does that mean, ultimately, you want to get involved in the criminal justice system? >> yes. i intend to complete my legal education and become a lawyer and be a damn good lawyer. >> whether you testify or not is one of the only things a defendant has the sole decision-making power over. ted of course ignored advice and testified and was the worst witness in the world. >> he was an arrogant [ bleep ] basically. and that's the way he came across on the stand. >> at the trial daronch picked out bundy as her abductor. >> i pointed at him and said, "he was the one. he was the man that tried to
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kidnap me." >> ted thought he could lie about everything and get away with it. it's pretty hard to explain why you drive around with an icepick and pantyhouse mask. most of us don't have that in our car. >> ted bundy was convicted with kidnapping carol daronch. >> bundy got his verdict that he was guilty. he was going to be headed to a utah state prison. ♪ one way or another i'm gonna find you ♪ >> police from utah, colorado and washington state now get together and share notes and determine they are all talking about the same guy. >> everybody knew he was their man. it was just a case of proving it. but he's planning escape.
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-morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection. get more than just savings. ♪ whatever will be, will be ♪ the future's not ours to see ♪ que será, será ♪ what will be, will be ♪ que será, será ♪ whatever will be, will be ♪ que será, seráaaaaa
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i don't think anybody doubts i've done some bad things. the question is why. >> here it is how many years after this and we're still talking about it. >> the person they invented the term serial killer for. >> he referred to the women in his volkswagon as cargo. how's that for disgusting? >> you don't think a killer is going to be ladies >> there was clues now. >> there was an intruder in the sorority house. he had a wooden club. >> i was asleep in my room and evil opened the door and
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attacked me. >> i knew i was dealing with a beast, a demon. ♪ one way or another i'm gonna find you ♪ >> ted bundy, a washington state resident, was convicted last year of the kidnap assault of a young woman from salt lake city. >> after bundy is convicted of the kidnapping of carol daronch, detectives have found evidence linking him to the murder of caryn campbell. >> on january 12th, 1975, caryn campbell disappeared from the wildwood inn. >> the hairs in his volkswagen bug were of victims from colorado and utah. >> and that gave them enough evidence to file on him in colorado with a first degree murder and kidnapping charge. >> they transferred him and they took him to the jail in aspen. >> at that point ted bundy had become pretty big news. so i called the sheriff. i asked him if i could speak with ted bundy.
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we sat in this narrow cell and did the interview. you are not guilty? >> i am not guilty. does that include the time i stole a comic book when i was 5 years old? i am not guilty of the charges filed against me. >> he had such a pleasant, thoughtful, calm demeanor. i wasn't at all convinced that he was guilty. he's the most pleasant killer i've ever interviewed. >> no man is truly innocent. we all transgressed in some way in our life. i've been i am po leet impolite and there are things i regret, but nothing like the things i think you are referring to. >> the creeps kind of grew on me. when he talked about feeling for the family --
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>> i've been told that the parents of these girls are fairly decent people. i don't know and i really feel for them because apparently they suffered an incredible tragedy in their lives. >> you can tell that he was just mouthing the words. they didn't really sink into him. >> i feel for them as much as anybody can. >> i asked him if his situation made him angry, and he said yes. >> i don't like being locked up for something i didn't do. i don't like my liberty being taken away. i don't like being treated like an animal. i don't like people walking around ogling me like i'm sort of weirdo because i'm not. >> do you think about getting out of here? >> well legally, sure. my class is graduating in about a month from law school. i bet you i know more about law than any of them. >> he was assisting in his own defense. so he had a right to go use the law library. this is an old, old courthouse, and the law library was up on the top floor. >> the judge decreed that he didn't have to wear shackles or handcuffs.
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so, he walked about the courtroom and back into the law library as just as a free man. >> over the months, i had noticed a number of opportunities to just walk right out. i'd thought a great deal about escape, and i didn't know if i had the guts to do it, quite frankly. >> there's a picture of him coming into the building that morning and he's got a really concentrated look on his face. >> he had dressed with an extra layer. he had a sweater under the one he was wearing on the outside. so he was planning to go that day. >> the guard went outside for a smoke. the windows are open, and the fresh air is blowing through, and the sky was blue and i said, i'm ready to go, and walked to the window and jumped out. ♪ don't fear the reaper honest to god, i just got sick and tired of being locked up. >> he was gone about 10 minutes before anyone realized. they came out and shouted,
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"bundy escaped!" >> reporters ran to the courthouse in aspen because this was such a big deal. >> bundy jumped out of this second story window at the front of the pitkin county courthouse this morning. he was scheduled for a court appearance and apparently had been locked into the law library by sheriffs deputies. at both ends of town the sheriff's department put up roadblocks. >> they were warning people, if you see this man be sure and call the police. >> when was he last seen? >> oh, about 10:30 this morning when he jumped from the window. >> he went up to the mountains in aspen. and he broke into a cabin and he stayed in the cabin for a few days. >> bundy says he walked into aspen, took this car which was unlocked and the keys in the ignition. >> he drives through downtown aspen in a cadillac. he was a terrible driver by the way. way. there was a patrol car. and they see this car weaving. and this is late.
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they thought it must be a drunk. well, it wasn't. he wasn't drunk. it was ted bundy. back he goes. >> you can see him grinning when he's been captured. he always acted like he'd pulled one over on everybody. >> he was moved to facility in glenwood springs. >> i was one of the seven or eight staff photographers at the seattle times. and i was given a chance to photograph this fellow named ted. he had shackles on. i could lay on the floor and photograph him in all kinds of different ways. he wanted to be seen. "i'm ted bundy. and look at me. i'm captured." but, you know what, in his own mind, i'm not going to be here for long. >> in his cell there was grate in the ceiling that was not secured. >> there was a light fixture that was due to be welded. it had not been welded. >> when i visited him in
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glenwood, i noticed that he had lost a lot of weight. i'd say he'd lost 20 or 25 pounds. i would think this would've come to the attention of the jailers, perhaps. why is he doing this? >> he used a bunch of his law books, and assembled them along with some pillows to make it look as if there were a body in the bed. >> bundy had succeeded in carving a big enough opening in the ceiling of his cell. >> he'd lost so much weight that he was able to wriggle through. >> he crawled through the ducting just like in a movie. ♪ don't fear the reaper >> he came down into the closet in the jailer's apartment, knew the jailer wasn't there. >> and he put on civilian clothes. this is astounding stuff. and he gets out into the night. and he's free again. >> they woke up in glenwood springs and discovered that bundy had escaped basically 12 hours before. >> did you think it was possible to get out this way? >> we've eliminated what we felt at that time any possible escape
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route from the roof. however, we were wrong. >> these keystone cops, as the paper would refer to them as, let this guy go again. >> what's garfield county doing to find him? >> we're looking everywhere. trains, buses and the usual thing. i have no idea where he is. people should be very careful. should check on their neighbors, make sure their cars are secure. we're just looking. >> i couldn't believe anybody let him escape twice. >> this is bad. ted bundy is on the loose and they have no idea where he is. >> once he escaped, he had an opportunity to go somewhere and disappear, but he couldn't even do that. he had to kill again. so there you are with your depression and your dirty laundry that you just don't want to deal with. because depression is multiple symptoms. yeah, time for a change. and your doctor tells you about trintellix, a prescription medicine for depression. so you're feeling this overall relief.
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>> bundy hopped a plane to chicago, took a train to ann arbor. stole a car. drove south to atlanta. he hopped a trailways bus to tallahassee. >> florida state university in tallahassee, the campus was generally safe and secure. it was not unusual to at 3:00 in the morning to see people walking back and forth across campus cause they felt safe. >> i had joined the sorority, chi omega. living at chi my parents felt it was much safer than to live in the dormitory. >> being in chi omega was a wonderful part of my life. it was just like living with 40 friends. >> in the early morning hours of january 15th between 3:00 and 3:15 a.m., there was an intruder in the chi omega sorority house. he had with him some sort of a wooden club.
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>> i was on routine patrol that night with my partner. we were approximately two blocks away from the chi omega house when we heard a call come on the radio. so we drove straight there. and as i stepped in, the girls were yelling, "upstairs. upstairs." and there was a lot of crying. and at the top of the stairs was a girl named karen chandler and she was down on the floor and she was bleeding quite badly from head injuries. >> pretty much every bone in my face was broken. my front teeth were mostly gone. >> i asked her, you know, what had happened. she said there was a loud banging noise. then she made mention about her roommate kathy kleiner and i went in there to see kathy and her injuries were much more extensive. her jaw was actually hanging off. >> and i remember then laying on my bed and trying to talk, and i couldn't make any noise because my jaw was broken in three places. >> i decided to go ahead and start a room by room search.
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i knocked on the door for margaret bowman's room and didn't get a response. i opened the door and i pulled the covers back and i could see she was strangled and beaten about the head. you could tell she was dead. i stepped across the hallway and there was another body in the bed. >> lisa levy was beaten severely about the head and body. she also was strangled and a bite mark was left on her rear buttock. >> it's so hard to see those girls like that. i was so sorry for their families. >> i just don't think they had a chance to fight back. i just don't think they had a chance to cry out. >> if you were to hear of this attack and you were familiar
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with bundy's crimes in utah and colorado, you wouldn't think it was the same person. >> he's now on the run. so he's lost control. he does something with little planning, high risk, taking on multiple women. he's on a frenzy. >> after this horrendous attack at chi omega, he goes about four or five blocks away. >> he ended up at what we call the dunwoody residence which was the residence of cheryl thomas. >> i was a student at florida state university and i was a dance major. >> i woke up to this loud banging sound. we could hear cheryl moaning, whimpering. and i called cheryl. we could hear the phone ringing because the wall was so thin. but she wasn't answering her phone, and that's what really possessed me to call the police department. >> i sent an investigator immediately to that location. she went in. and she found cheryl thomas on
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the floor, in blood and beaten. >> i learned that he came in through my kitchen window. he had worn a hose over his face. he pulled that off and that was dropped on my floor. if i did not have my neighbors right next door to hear something happened and them calling, i don't think i would have survived. >> oh, my gosh. i mean, he left her for dead. >> it was a couple of days before i woke up and i didn't remember what happened. >> i remembered flashes of things. i basically woke up in intensive care. i could not go to the funeral so i wanted call the families and let them know my thoughts were with them. >> it was not fair. it wasn't right that that happened to them. they were both beautiful
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wonderful people. >> i was shocked and wondering who he was and why he had done what he did. >> there's no reasoning behind it. i was asleep in my room, and yet, evil opens a door and attacked me. >> i think everybody is scared all the time. we've been keeping our doors locked. >> i knew that i was dealing with a beast, a demon. i made a personal commitment, this person would pay. >> i said we're taking bite impressions from you. ted bundy said, "you can't do that." i said, "yes. i can. i have a warrant to search your mouth." h... ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster ♪
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from new york this is the abc weekend news. >> four young women were beaten with a club and two of them were strangled to death last night by a man who found his victims sleeping in this sorority house. >> i was leaving the sorority house, driving. i got a call over the radio that there's was an investigator that wants to talk to me from out west. i talked to the investigator and i wrote down a name that he gave me that he thought maybe i should look into.
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that name was ted bundy, but obviously, i didn't think that was possible. the m.o. of abduction in a car didn't fit. the m.o. of potentially abducting some person and taking them somewhere perhaps in the woods and murdering them, that didn't fit in. so what we had was fresh murder -- in a house. so i was somewhat dismissive. >> when i was at the morgue and i looked at the bodies, on lisa levy, there was a bite left as well that was very important.
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>> the person that bit lisa levy bit once, released, and then went back and bit a second time, almost in exactly the same place. >> i mean, it was done so perfectly that i just believed in my heart that it was a signature. >> about three weeks after the chi omega attacks there comes word from lake city, that's about 90 miles east of tallahassee, a junior high school student in lake city, kimberly leach has disappeared during the middle of the school day. >> it was raining, drizzly, very dreary day. i went to our designated spot to meet up to go to our next class together. she wasn't there. >> we knew something was wrong. she, kim, was not a student to skip class, to leave campus. i mean, we were 12 and she was very shy. >> there was a firefighter who was coming home about that time and he saw a man walking across the campus and had kim by the
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arm. and walking towards a white van that was parked in the middle of the street. he assumed that he was her father and he also assumed that she'd gotten in trouble at school and he was taking her home. >> in pensacola, more than a month after a chi omega attacks this man is arrested, stopped in pensacola on a traffic stop. >> the officer made a stop because of the unusual behavior of the volkswagen going slowly. he walked up to the vehicle, but, then, it crackles over the radio that this is a stolen vehicle. the officer and he have quite an encounter. >> initially when i was placing the handcuffs on him he kicked my feet out from under me and struck me with a handcuff that had been placed on one wrist. and of course knocked me off my feet and that's when it started. >> bundy fought him. he wound up having to pistol whip him. he's got this round mark on him right here, that's where he had hit him with that pistol barrel
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straight on. >> who is this man? he refused to give his name to authorities and refused arrest with violence and then told arresting officer that he would probably get a promotion for nabbing him. >> they find out that his drivers license isn't who he says he is, the car he's driving doesn't belong to him, he's just this mystery guy. >> two people who want most to know who he is are tallahassee detectives steve bodiford and don patchen. >> i sat there with him and i gave him his rights. and i ask him his name. he said it was kenneth. and i started saying, "where'd you get the vw from?" he said, "i stole it from fsu. i said, "what about all these credit cards?" "well, i got 'em off of people that were next door to the chi omega house." >> the mystery man will be kept behind bars for three more weeks before returning to court to enter a plea. officials say by then they hope to know who he is. >> he says to the police, "i'll tell you who i am. just let me make a phone call." so, they let him make a phone call, and he calls his old
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girlfriend, liz kloepfer. >> describe the telephone call you received. >> he said that he was in custody. he repeated over and over again that this was really going to be bad when it broke that it was not going to break until tomorrow morning. it'll be in the press, but it was going to be really ugly. >> he finally tells officers "i am ted bundy." >> his name is theordore bundy and he's wanted for questioning in 36 rape murders. >> theodore bundy, one of the fbi's 10 most wanted, is in custody in pensacola and is a suspect in last months sexual slayings. >> when he was apprehended and in my custody, he would laugh and say, "oh, ken, the evidence was left there. you just can't find it. but i did. we had the bites marks that night from the morgue. i virtually wouldn't sleep thinking how can i get an impression from him. we can't enter his mouth. we can't remove evidence unless we have a search warrant, aha.
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>> i went late at night to his cell. i said, "ted, you're coming with me and we took him to my dentist's office. now, he started, immediately, saying, you can't do this, ken. you can't do this without my attorney." i said, "yes. i can. i want you to listen carefully because it says from the judge that we can use force." he looked at me. you could see he resigned just his whole body language. he sat down in the dental chair, leaned back, opened his mouth and said, "do what you have to do, ken. you know i'm not a violent person." >> in april, about two months after she went missing, kimberly
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diane leech, her body was found. she had been murdered. she had been placed in the little lean-to shed in the hog pen, in this wooded area behind the suwannee river state park. >> you don't understand, even when you hear the details you can't comprehend it as being a 12-year-old and this is your classmate, who was just innocent you don't realize how incredibly horrible it is until you get older and then understand what it was they were talking about when we were children. >> a lake city grand jury issued a sealed indictment which presumably names bundy for the rape/murder of 12-year-old kimberly diane leach. >> the evidence against him in the kimberly leach case ranged from eyewitness testimony. people seeing him grabbing her, fibers, receipts, location, was putting together pieces of a puzzle. >> we're starting to put all this together. and we're tying it up in what appears to be, now, one bundle. >> two dozen law enforcement agencies have told pensacola police they want to talk tobund.
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>> the walls are clearly closing in on ted bundy. >> you got your indictment ken that's all you're going to get! >> so ted bundy, the master manipulator, makes a move that no one thought was coming. >> he called a witness and put her on the witness stand and asked her if she wanted to marry him. >> and the attorneys are thinking, "what's going on here?" for family essentials... and take an extra 15 or 20% off! cute women's tees are just $12.74... pick up new denim for the kids... and bath towels are just $7.64. plus - take an extra $10 off
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more for your thing. that's our thing. that leave therea lasting impression. like the feeling of movement as a new journey begins, or the sight of soft fur, warmed by the morning sun. you might remember new flavours, the sound of an old friend's laugh, or a view that defies all expectations. these are the memories that stay with you, long after the moments have passed.
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step out, mr. bundy. >> what do we have here, ken? let's see. oh, it's an indictment. all right. why don't you read it to me? >> for the chi omega murders, a grand jury in tallahassee issued an indictment against ted bundy. ken katsaris, the sheriff of leon county with the cameras rolling, the lights on, read through the whole indictment. >> let's read it. let's go. >> theodore robert bundy, you are charged -- >> and of course he kept interrupting me, but i just kept on. >> it was combination crime
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drama, combination political theater. >> he still looked like the boy next door, until that night that the indictments were read. and that's when the devil came out. he looked each of us in the eye. this was the killer, in that room. you could feel it. >> i'll plead not guilty right now. >> and your grand jurors being present, said court further gives the court -- >> after ted is charged with the murder and assaults at florida state, you still have these cases in the northwest but clearly florida has the best evidence. so the prosecutors obviously got together and said, look, we're going to prosecute ted bundy. >> i wanted to get him off the streets forever. >> the trial got off kind of slowly because bundy was not cooperating with his attorneys. ted bundy wanted to be the one who was in charge. >> your honor, i am here today because i assert my innocence. >> the judge allowed ted bundy to act as co-counsel.
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>> for a defendant to be part of the defense team is extraordinarily unusual. it happened exactly once in my career and that was mr. bundy. >> he had gone to law school. this wasn't so far-fetched for him to be in a courtroom, and so, instead of being the guy in the orange jumpsuit who looked like that crazy serial killer suspect, he was the lawyer guy. >> a lawyer that represents himself has got a fool for a client. i want to caution you about that, but i'm not going to deny you that right. >> some things are best done by yourself than others. >> it's the ideal stage for ted bundy. he's self-assured. he thinks he can manipulate and convince a jury through his charm and good looks that he couldn't have possibly committed these crimes. >> court will come to order. >> every day during the trial the courtroom was filled. some reporters, but mostly spectators. a number of them were young women who were i think just
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drawn to the allure of seeing this guy on trial. >> carole boone was one of the constant personalities. >> carole boone actually met bundy back in his washington state days. >> so she knew him before any of these things happened. she was his advocate. she called him bunny. she was affectionate towards him. >> he literally sort of pulls her into his web, convinces her he's not guilty. >> your conclusion is what? >> that he did not commit the murders in washington state. that he did not abduct carol daronch. that he did not murder or abduct any of the other women in utah. that he did not kill caryn campbell. that he did not commit the crimes at chi omega, in lake city, or on dunwoody street in tallahassee. >> she was a true believer, and she wanted everybody else to have the same conviction that he was not a guilty person. >> i do. >> i called ray crew of the florida state university police department to kinda set the
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scene of what he saw whenever he got to the chi omega house. up until then, mr. bundy had let his lawyers cross-examine the other witnesses that i had called. for some reason mr. bundy decided that he wanted to cross-examine officer crew. >> morning, officer. >> bundy's cross examination of officer ray crew, in my mind, was the determining factor of the case. >> he asked him to describe in detail this horrific crime scene. >> and can you describe what you saw when you lifted up the covers, as much detail as you can recall and if you need to use your report, please feel free to do so. >> she was lying basically face down. there was a considerable amount of blood around her head, matted in her hair, on the walls. >> there was a palpable reaction in the courtroom and amongst the jury when he did that.
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>> uh, her mouth was open and her eyes were open. there was what appeared to be a nylon stocking netted around her neck. >> as i was describing her injuries and the blood, his grip on the lectern tightened up and his breathing became shallow and sped up. his eyes actually got a little bit larger. i had the distinct impression that he was vicariously reliving it and enjoying it. >> it was so chilling, it was sickening. as the trial went into its final week, bundy claimed he didn't know how he got caught up in the web of crime. the week began with the prosecution introducing evidence to prove that ted bundy was the man seen by an eyewitness leaving the scene of the crime. that ted bundy's hair matched hair found in a pantyhose mask. that a bite mark left on one of the victims could have been made only by ted bundy. >> the bite mark evidence, it was both new and unorthodox, and compelling in the trial.
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>> the defendant was cool and collected throughout most of the trial. minutes before the verdict was returned, bundy told abc news in a telephone interview that he was prepared for the worst. >> publish the verdicts, madam clerk. >> the state of florida versus theodore robert bundy. verdict. we the jury find the defendant, theodore robert bundy, as to count two of the indictment murder in the first degree upon one margaret bowman, guilty as charged. >> poll the jury, madam clerk. >> ted's ultimately convicted basically of all the charges. the jury recommends he gets death. the judge gives him death. >> it is further ordered that on such scheduled date that you be put to death. >> after the chi omega trial ended and he was convicted in those murders, he was then facing a new trial. >> the second trial was over the kidnapping and murder of kimberly leach in lake city, florida. >> it was a very compelling
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circumstantial evidence case and in my opinion, much stronger than the case in miami. it did not surprise me at all that the verdict was guilty. >> then in the penalty phase, bundy represented himself. he called carole boone and put her on the witness stand, and had her testify about how much she loved him. >> and something out of the blue happens. he actually proposes to carole boone in front of a camera. >> carole, do you want to marry me? >> yes. >> and i want to marry you? >> yes. >> and then he said, "i marry you, and i now pronounce us man and wife." >> at that time under florida law if you asked someone to marry and the person says "yes," and there's a notary republic there, it's a legal marriage. >> that did it. signed it, sealed it, and delivered it. and they married right there in the middle of penalty phase.
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>> now ted bundy is a convicted murderer, he's a new husband, and he is, in effect, a dead man walking. >> i don't think anybody doubts that i've done some bad things, the question is what of course, and how, and maybe, most importantly, why? ♪ ♪'cause this is already bigger ♪'this is already bigger than love♪ dare to be devoted. jared. ♪ give the gift of devotion with our incredible selection of jewelry including hundreds of pieces under $299 dare to be devoted. only at jared. dare to be devoted. (vo) the only network to win in all four major awards is the one more people rely on. choose america's most reliable network on the best device, iphone. get iphone xr on us when you buy the latest iphone.
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we want to try to figure that out. >> ted bundy primarily talked to bob keppel, a homicide detective from seattle and bill hagmaier, a fbi profiler. >> we were interviewing serial killers, serial rapists. we were looking for understanding. how you or someone like you -- got away with what you did. and he said, "do you think i'm going to say i did anything to you?" and i said, "no, i don't think so at all. i'm just gonna ask you your perceptions on different cases." >> he then launches into conversations about quote unquote helping him with other serial killers. >> the guy who's killing these women, it's like a hobby to him. well, maybe more than that, an obsession. >> and in telling things about what the killer might have done, he's actually telling on himself. >> it became clear to me that went back to a lot of his crime scenes. >> he's returning to see the bodies. i imagine whatever drives him to
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do that, whether it's curiosity or desire to make sure he didn't leave any evidence there, or just some kind of thrill. >> he said that place will always be sacred to them, particularly if they killed there. >> while ted bundy is on death row he's even figured out a way to manipulate the system and possibly father a child. >> he married carole boone. we think the guards allowed them to have an element of privacy to where he could have sexual intercourse with her. >> there were pictures at the time of ted bundy with carole and a child. and it's clear the photograph was taken on death row. >> on january 24th at 7:00 a.m., the death warrant will be in effect. >> just a few days before his execution, he decides he's going to start confessing.
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he felt, if he finally starts doling out information, perhaps the state will keep him alive indefinitely. >> he became very desperate. and he wanted to offer the authorities something called bones for time. >> i mean, i'm the only one in possession of this information. that's just the way it is. to do a proper job for everybody, i'm going to need some time. >> so bill hagmeir was quite successful in getting bundy to actually confess. >> you've been involved in how many homicides? >> well, we went over this a little bit earlier, and we came up with 30. >> would you just try to summarize what states they were in and what periods of time? >> california, oregon, washington, idaho, utah, colorado, and florida between 1973 and 1978.
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>> experts think the number is much higher. >> it could've been well over 100. but we'll never know that. >> he said, "most of these girls were good young christian/jewish girls." he said, "whose parents bought them up to love and help other people." and he said, "i exploited that." and he said, "it is possession, because i can just look in their eyes. and their last breath comes out. and that breath is mine. and they're a part of me forever." >> he's talked about, you know, having sex with them while they were unconscious or having sex with them, which is called necrophilia, after they've died. >> in a couple of the cases, and i'm not sure how many, but you opted to sever the heads from the victims. how many were there? do you recall of the 30? >> oh, that's perhaps half a dozen. >> he wrote down 12, you know, on a piece of paper. while he was saying a half a dozen, he wrote 12. >> now all of a sudden he wants
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to tell the truth. for him to be negotiating for his life over the bodies of victims is despicable. >> you've been after this for 15 years. a couple of months is not going to make any difference. >> you don't negotiate with a murderer. you don't negotiate with a killer. >> one of the things that had been traditional is that death-row inmates had been allowed a last interview of their choosing. bundy had chosen dr. james dobson. >> i don't want to die. i'm not gonna kid you. i kid you not. >> dr. james dobson was a crusader against pornography. >> well-meaning, decent people will condemn behavior of a ted bundy, while they're walking past a magazine rack full of the very kinds of things that send young kids down the road to be ted bundys. >> that damn james dobson interview was ted bundy's last
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gasp attempt at avoiding the death penalty by becoming an anti-pornography spokesperson. >> ted bundy is to die at this point at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. ♪ bye bye ted bundy goodbye ♪ >> it was a really festive atmosphere. there are even ted bundy t-shirts for sale. >> people were cheering they were singing. ♪ we are all ecstatic ted bundy is dead ♪ >> right now, bundy's meeting with a minister in one of those death row cells behind me. in a few minutes his head will be shaved as he's prepared for execution.
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>> when he came in the room, he was scared to death. he was just as white as a sheet. >> he had been shaven. he didn't look like the boy next door. his head was completely bald. i literally saw him -- you could take the treatment in a different direction.s talk to your doctor about xeljanz, a pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. xeljanz is the first and only fda-approved pill for moderate to severe uc. it can reduce symptoms in as early as two weeks, improve the appearance of the intestinal lining,
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>> there was a fear. there was real fear in ted bundy, and a knowledge that he was gonna die. >> the white smoke was a sign that florida's electric chair was powered-up. prison officials say the execution is on schedule. >> they walked him over and sat him down in the chair. then they dropped the hood over him. and you could tell that the switch had been thrown by bundy's fists clenching. i thought to myself, i wonder how many throats those fingers have tightened around. >> i can tell you that theodore bundy was executed at 7:16 this morning in the electric chair in florida state prison. >> at 7:16 this morning bundy was indeed executed. the hearse with his remains went by this street.
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>> i remember sitting on the sofa with my fiancé and crying and feeling that lisa and margaret are finally at peace. >> it's been 30 years since ted bundy was executed, but we collectively still have this fascination about him. >> an anniversary like that always provides an opportunity to kind of look back and see what the legacy of somebody was. zac efron plays ted bundy. in many ways, we are taking his kind of teen heartthrob image, and turning that on its head. we're understanding why women were so attracted to this charismatic killer through zac's performance. >> at the center of the ted bundy story is the idea that you could have sat next to him, that you could have been in a relationship with him, and yet, had no idea of what he was up to. >> there was the outside bundy and then there was the inside
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bundy. that's a whole different world right behind his eyes. >> i think the continuing fascination with mr. bundy results from a myth that he is this charming, intelligent individual and that somehow that charm and intelligence was involved in the murder of these women, when in fact, he didn't charm these women that he killed. he attacked them. he tricked them. he bashed them in their head and he killed them. >> being a rare survivor of ted bundy, it makes me feel like i have to represent those women who did not survive. and i hope that i always can do that, because i don't want them forgotten. >> i feel absolutely no animosity towards any other person i ever sent to death row. i still hate ted bundy and i
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