tv World News Now ABC February 28, 2019 2:42am-4:00am PST
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go to to find out how. [upbeat music] ♪ >> welcome back to "millionaire." our next contestant is a customer service representative from chandler, arizona. please welcome diana heidel. hey, diana. >> hi. >> how're you doing? welcome. >> thank you. >> welcome to my humble abode. here's what i'm gonna do for you today. i'm gonna give you 14 questions that are gonna take you to $1 million. you do have those three lifelines up there along the way if you need them. you ready to get to your game? >> yes. >> all right, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] we'll start you off with that $500 question. good luck. >> thank you. >> according to a famous quote from the movie "star trek: first contact," what "is futile"?
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>> i will go with d, resistance. final answer. >> yes, but you cannot fold a fitted sheet. it is impossible to do. >> [laughs] >> i don't care how many times you tell me how to do it. it can't be done. >> [laughs] >> $1,000 question. fearing it could lead to a significant undercount of its population, california has objected to the white house's plan to add what question to the 2020 census? >> okay. well, the only one that makes sense is u.s. citizen, so reread it just in case... "fearing it could lead to a significant undercount of its population, california objected to adding the question..."
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♪ yeah. c, final answer. >> good old california at it again. that's right! [applause] $1,000. good job. here's your third question, worth 2,000. in addition to lending a dramatic atmosphere to your outdoor party, which of these frozen items can help keep mosquitos away from your guests? >> okay, frozen item to keep mosquitos away-- i would--i would say that dry ice-- a, final answer. >> yeah, who knew? >> yeah. >> that's right. there you go. nice little party trick. >> yeah. >> all right, fourth question's worth $3,000. >> okay. >> a nod to the year in which the item made history, the lego kit used to construct a model of what historic object contains 1,969 pieces?
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>> okay, so, the year the lego kit was made, 1969, was definitely not the gutenberg bible or "thriller." the model t ford i think was much sooner, so i'm gonna go with a, final answer. >> also correct. that's right for 3,000. [applause] okay, here we are. $5,000 threshold question. so let's get this one right. here it is. >> okay. >> former "wonder years" actor josh saviano recently confirmed that he's now a lawyer, debunking the popular rumor that he grew up to be what now-49-year-old shock rocker? >> oh, boy.
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okay. "wonder years" star josh saviano... he is a lawyer and not 49-year-old shock rocker-- i actually don't know this one. >> well, you have all three lifelines. >> i am... gonna use my ask the audience. >> okay. >> final answer. >> all right, audience, need some help to get to that threshold. if you would, pick up those keypads. enter your votes now. [percussive music] ♪ all right, let's take a look at the results. hopefully the audience clears it up for you. 83%... >> thank you, audience. >> ...say it's c. >> i'm gonna go with c. final answer. >> yeah, that was a bizarre rumor that started going around. well done, everybody. $5,000. good job, diana. you reached our threshold of 5,000. that money's safe. when we come back, we're gonna add to it, next. [upbeat music] ♪
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still have a couple lifelines, so we're gonna do much better than that, but i'm sure you've thought about what you might do with this money. >> yes, absolutely. i want to go to italy. i want to take my whole family to italy where my great-grandmother was from. she's the only great-grandparent i knew. and i'll honor her and explore where she came from. >> that sounds amazing. >> yeah. >> i'm in on that trip. >> okay, come on. >> count me in. wine and pasta, i'm in. well, you're at 5,000. we need a little bit more money for that big trip to italy, so let's get back to work. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] $7,000... >> okay. >> what this is worth. which of these words makes up the first four letters of the most u.s. states? >> okay. well, i'm pretty sure that most of the states start with an m, but...
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let's see here. alaska. washington's the only one i can think of with d. massachusetts. mm, other states with "mass." [dramatic music] ♪ chris, this is tough. >> playing for $7,000. >> yes. >> it's not supposed to be a lay-up. >> so sorry, i'm going blank. >> take your time. >> okay. massachusetts. michigan. minnesota, minneapolis, maryland... ♪ mm... i think i might have to use another lifeline. >> all right, well, you have two left. you have your plus one and 50/50. ♪ >> i'm gonna use my plus one. final answer. >> all right, jennifer, come on down here and join us. how're you doing? >> good. good to meet you.
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>> oh, my god. >> all right, jennifer. >> okay. >> can you help us out a little bit? >> so i know there's washington. there's washington, d.c. i'm leaning towards that one 'cause i-- >> but washington, d.c., isn't technically a state. >> that's true. [both laugh] so there's only the one massachusetts, like, i don't think anything else starts with "mass." and then i know mississippi, but i don't think anything else starts with miss, at least nothing i can think of. >> i can't think of one either. okay. >> so... i was leaning towards washington, but... maybe... and then for "alas," i can only think of alaska. >> yeah. >> i mean, this is a tough one. >> yeah, and we love to travel. >> i know, and we travel all the time. like, we should know this. >> well, the good news is, you're taking a shot here. >> yes. >> 'cause you're at 5,000. we're not losing money, but obviously, you want to stay in the game. you still have the 50/50. >> yes.
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this is such a simple one. i feel like i should just know this, but i'm blank, so just give me the 50/50, final answer. >> okay, let's take away two incorrect answers. >> yeah. yeah. >> so... >> mass and miss. definitely not wash. >> [laughs] >> rats. so... >> oh, my gosh. >> i know, i'm going-- so there's alaska, there's... or, alaska--i'm going through the map. so there's--there's washington. >> minnesota. >> oregon, california, montana, idaho... nevada, arizona, new mexico, colorado, wyoming... iowa, north dakota, south dakota... >> [laughs] >> nebraska, texas, oklahoma, mississippi... arkansas... [dramatic music] ♪ >> yeah, i just keep going back to, like, minnesota, michigan... >> i love that everyone here and everyone at home is doing the same thing you are right now. >> oh, they probably already know it by now. >> running through states.
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>> yeah. >> i'm leaning towards miss. >> all right. well... >> but... it's all you, girl. ♪ >> i-i just gotta pick one. >> yeah. [laughs] >> go with c, miss, final answer. [applause] >> they love it. and you should too. >> oh, my god, what was i missing? >> missouri. >> missouri! >> oh! >> you were missing missouri. you had mississippi, but you were missing missouri. >> yes. >> hey. good job. we're moving on. grab a seat there. all right. >> sorry, missouri. [laughter] >> sorry, missouri. hey, that's what those lifelines are there for. $7,000 now in the bank, and we're going for $10,000. so deep breath. we're still in the game. >> yes. >> and here's the question. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ if you're an athlete in the starting blocks for the 110-meter hurdles, how many hurdles stand between you and the finish line?
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8, 10, 12, or 15? >> i'm assuming they are spread out at equal distances. but i don't know what those distances are. and it's a 2,000 risk. >> $2,000 swing here. you would walk away with 5, but a chance to get to 10 here. >> yeah, yeah. >> you can always walk with 7. that's an option. >> so i think i can narrow out 15. that sounds like a lot. [dramatic music] ♪ well... every 10 meters. that would be more than every 10 meters. i'm gonna just go for it on this one. >> okay. >> i'm gonna say b, 10, final answer. ♪ >> only a 25% chance to get that guess right. >> yeah. >> but you did. >> ah!
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>> the answer to that question was amnesty international. [upbeat music] ♪ [cheers and applause] welcome back to "millionaire." diana heidel here guessing and fighting and scrapping and clawing her way to $10,000. staying alive. >> [laughs] >> that's the theme to this one. all the lifelines are gone, but we're halfway to a million dollars and a chance to double your money right here, so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] $20,000 question. low in fat and cholesterol and often prepared in a stew, chevon is a term for the meat from what animal? >> okay. for some reason... i went straight to goat.
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i think that has something to do with the name of goat cheese reminding me of chevon. [dramatic music] and... oh, gosh, i want to go to italy. >> well, you're at 10,000. so that's a good start. you can always walk away with that. you're risking half your money. you're risking $5,000 now, but a chance to double and get to 20. >> yeah. >> it just depends on how confident you feel and if you're willing to risk it. ♪ >> mm-hmm-hmm... ♪ i'm gonna go with... what came to mind first, and that's goat, c, final answer. ♪ >> just a goat gut feeling... got you $20,000! [cheers and applause] ar look what you've done here. >> [laughs] >> $20,000.far
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isirl can goif you're willing to keep guessing your way up the board. good job. you'll be back tomorrow, and hopefully, you will too. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. [upbeat music] ♪ closed captioning sponsored by: i know it's hard maddie. but i promise, it's gonna get better. ♪ (mom giggles) ♪ ♪ i'm a big kid now ♪ ♪ i'm a big kid now ♪ ♪ went from baby bottles to drinking from sippy cups ♪ ♪ went from wearing diapers to rocking these fresh pull-ups ♪ ♪ we're 50 ♪ ♪ so put on your pull-ups and help us sing this song ♪ ♪ for you to squeeze today. , ♪ we're 50 ♪ ♪ you can do it cool, you can do it crazy. ♪ ♪ life tastes better when you do it with daisy. ♪
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in fact, cohen is about to go to jail for, among other crimes, lying to congress. >> you said all these bad things about the president in the last 30 minutes but you worked for him for ten years. mr. cohen, how long did you work in the white house? >> i never worked in the white house. >> that's the point, isn't it, mr. cohen? >> no, sir. >> yes, it is. >> no, it's not. >> reporter: and offering tantalizing tidbits on the russia investigation. >> questions have been raised if i know about the direct evidence that mr. trump or his campaign colluded with russia. i do not and i want to be clear, but i have my suspicions. >> reporter: cohen claimed to have been in the room when don trump jr. set up the infamous russian meeting for dirt on hillary clinton. cohen claimed he knew firsthand before the 2016 conventions, trump was aware of stolen e-mails in the possession of wikileaks. cohen claimed candidate trump continued to lie about his business dealings in russia up to the moment he won the
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presidency. >> mr. trump knew of and directed the trump moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. he lied about it because he never expected to win. he also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the moscow real estate project. >> reporter: cohen claimed white house lawyers reviewed his testimony to congress, allegedly insisting on the lie to which he pled guilty. >> mr. trump's personal lawyers reviewed and edited my statement to congress about the timing of the moscow tower negotiations before i gave it. >> reporter: president trump's legal team denied that claim as completely false. then there's the evolving story on the hush money paid to porn star, stormy daniels, one of two campaign finance violations that is part of cohen's guilty plea. initially cohen offered a
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different explanation, consistent with the president's story. now, cohen insists, it's all part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws concocted with the president's blessing. cohen even produced for the first time one of the reimbursement checks with the president's unmistakable signature. >> this $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year while he was president. >> reporter: president trump's response via twitter was attack the man, quote, he was just disbarred by the state supreme court for lying and fraud. he did bad things unrelated to trump. he's lying in order to reduce prison time. michael cohen will soon be headed to prison, but he seems determined he is not alone in taking the fall. i'm david wright in new york. coming up, the first lady of virginia is facing fresh fire this morning. what she said to a group of black students during a tour at
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now." these are live pictures from hanoi, vietnam. you see air force one there on the tarmac ready to head back to the u.s., a long 20-hour flight. the white house says no agreement has been reached between president trump and kim jong-un, but the president called the two days interesting as well as productive. next to the weather back here at home and in the west, that weather means snow and it's being measured in feet. this is time lapse from a ski resort in idaho closed today because of too much snow and it could get another foot before its over. in northern california the problem is severe flooding. officials in one town north of san francisco say 2,000 homes and other buildings are flooded in up to eight feet of water. accuweather's paul williams has the forecast. >> good morning, kenneth, janai. stormy in the northwest. scattered showers on the coast. heavy snow inland. look for thunderstorms rumbling throughout the entire deep south. storms throughout the carolinas,
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ice in the d.c. area, snow up towards philadelphia. along the west coast, friday and saturday another round of stormy weather from redding to los angeles then next week crazy cold. 30 degrees below the norm for the midwest and it will cover the entire country eventually. kenneth, janai. >> thank you to paul williams. the house passed major gun legislation for the first time in more than 20 years. the law requires all gun sellers to conduct background checks on firearm buyers. it's the first of two bills the democratic majority is bringing to the floor this week. former texas congressman, beto o'rourke figured out whether he is running for president, but the democrat isn't telling anyone, yet. in a statement, he and his wife have decided how they can best serve the country and plan to share the news soon. the miami heat's dwyane wade -- oops, we are switching gears. virginia's first lady is facing backlash after allegedly giving out raw cotton during a tour of
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the governor's mansion and asked black children to imagine being slaves and forced to pick cotton. one of the students says in a letter, the incident made her very uncomfortable. >> mrs. northam says she regrets upsetting anyone. of course this comes as governor ralph northam has faced calls for his resignation over a black face scandal. miami heat's dwyane wade has added another magic moment as his last nba season winds down. >> they were down two against golden state in the final seconds, and there's that one-legged three-pointer and banks it in. look at them go crazy. that sets off the celebration with wade even jumping on the scorer's table. it's a flashback to wade's this is my house celebration after hitting a game-winning three against chicago ten years ago. you see the side by side there. >> yeah, a ten year challenge. >> a few things have changed including those corn rolls. got gobby union. things are looking up for him.
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he's going to end this nba season, i'm pretty sure, as a legend. >> yeah. good for him and good for them. when we come back, lady gaga breaks her silence about the steamy oscar performance with b. and chris hemsworth intense workout. the video you just can't unsee. "the skinny" is next. workout. the video you just can't unsee. "the skinny" is next. unsee. "the skinny" is next.
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♪ skinny, just give me the ♪ skinny, just give me the skinny ♪ >> time for "the skinny" on this friday eve. >> i was going to say. >> it ain't friday yet. >> no. >> we are going to start with the big reveal from lady gaga. >> ooh, the newly minted oscar winner appearing on jimmy kimmel with her oscar talking about the steamy and sultry duet she performed on stage with bradley cooper. >> just can't get enough of it. so, of course, kimmel jumped right in and addressed what everyone is suspecting about a budding new romance. >> people started saying, oh, they must be in love. >> yeah. okay. first of all, like, like, social
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media, quite frankly is the toilet of the internet. >> yes, it is. >> and what it has done to pop culture is a bismol. yes, people saw love and guess what? that's what we wanted you to see. >> yes. >> this is -- this is a love song, "shallow." >> gaga went on to say, yes, we did a good job, fooled you, and it's a love song. congratulations to her and them and that song that is everywhere. we think after this we might be done with it. >> yeah, we're done with it. >> what about that line, social media is the toilet -- >> 100%. >> it just shows, because we need it. we still need it. we still need it. after half a century, the muppets are getting a makeover. >> in celebration of their 50th anniversary, our favorite "sesame street" characters teamed up with "instyle" magazine for a celebrity level
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makeover. >> designer, isaac mizrahi helped bert and erni with pink sweaters. >> elmo was remade in a track suit. >> designer anna suey -- outfitted big bird. >> are you calling a pig? >> stop it. >> is that what you were doing? >> look -- look -- >> that's what we do in south carolina. >> i bet you folks do. big bird in a dramatic '60s inspired sparkling outfit. >> abbey cadabi off the spring 2019 runway. >> check out cookie monster in a glossy jacket with pinstriped shirt by designer rosy asuvene. >> designer anna suey. >> stop it.
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whatever. all those designers, look at them. >> i just called all the pigs. i woke them up. they're coming to eat. >> they're coming. up next, speaking of makeovers, jack black is re-imagining one of chris hemsworths' workout. >> you won't be able to get it out of your head. >> jack isn't in the shape as thor. he replicated the floor workout with weights. >> with the exception of using lighter weights, black pretty much nailed it, copying the workout almost exactly down to the final kick. he loves the kick. that's the blackjack signature, but he did it with a medicine ball, instead of a boxing bag. a reboot with a bit of a reality twist. >> fox ordered a revival of "beverly hills 90210." the original series cast members including jason priestley and tory spelling. >> instead the original characters will be playing heightened versions of their
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no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase sensimist is different. it relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block six key inflammatory substances.
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most pills only block one. and six is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ you may remember we have been following the steps of late president george h.w. bush's faithful companion, sully, since the president's funeral back in december. >> but now it's official. sully has a new home and will ganss is here to tell us about it. >> i am. good morning, guys. after an emotional walk alongside former president george h.w. bush in his final months, sully, the yellow lab is ready for his next assignment. mission complete. at president george h.w. bush's funeral in december, sully was by his side. this morning, sully h.w. bush taking on a new mission. the yellow lab is fetching a new
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job with the u.s. navy at walter reid national military medical center near d.c. sully being named hospital corpsmen second class at an enlistment ceremony on wednesday. >> do you take this obligation without any promise of treats or tummy rubs -- >> joining the therapeutic dog team. sully ready to give the support to the patients of walter reed the way he used to support his best friend. >> each hour he touches 12 lives, so he will touch thousands upon thousands of lives. >> set to provide smiles to those at walter reed. >> the president's dog comes to visit you in a hospital bed is going to get your attention. >> like former president bush himself, loved sully so much, he put on a pair of his sox. and the u.s. air force vet that made that miracle passenger jet landing in the hudson, sully devoting his life to the service
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of others. the 41st president said he wanted sully to continue to help veterans and now sully is fulfilling that request. >> that's such a great story. the image of sully there in front of the former president's casket, such a touching photo. >> very touching. always by his side in life and in death and will continue his service. >> him getting sworn in is adorable. >> with the little paw up. many may ask, why didn't sully retire after such a big assignment. but, as you mentioned, he's only 2 1/2. >> yeah, he's running around the hospital and a lot of folks will get joy out of hanging out with sully. >> sully, job well done and on to the next assignment. >> you want puppy rubs? >> go ahead. >> i'm not rubbing your belly. "
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this morning on "world news now" breaking news in hanoi. the talks between president trump and north korean leader kim jong-un breaking down overnight over the punishing economic sanctions. the president speaking before his 20-hour trip home. the update, ahead. >> i'm here to tell the truth about mr. trump. >> a world away, the president was watching the hearing on the hill. his former fixer, michael cohen, opened up his testimony by calling the president a racist, a con man and a cheat. republicans grilling him on why americans should believe him now. new this half hour, virginia's first lady under fire. >> she handed out cotton to black students. how she's responding after being
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jimmy kimmel grilled lady gaga. what she's saying about the romance rumors. it's thursday, february 28th. ♪ announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." on this busy thursday morning, we begin with breaking news out of hanoi. president trump and kim jong-un ended their summit without reaching a deal. >> it wrapped up early because kim wanted sanctions lifted immediately and the u.s. couldn't do that. the president saying he wants a deal, but wants to do it right, now fast. he says sometimes you have to walk. he characterized the meetings as productive. karen is live in hanoi with more. good morning to you, karen. >> reporter: good morning,
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kenneth and janai. he thought the second summit with kim jong-un would be successful. today, he is trying to spin it, saying it was his decision to walk away from an offer kim put on the table. the sticking point was sanctions. president trump's summit with kim jong-un abruptly cut short. >> sometimes you have to walk. this was one of those times. >> reporter: the white house says there was no agreement reached between the two leaders, but called the tucks very good and constructive. last night, the president said he thought the summit with kim would be very successful. at a press conference, the president tried to put his spin on the summit. >> it was about the sanctions. basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted, in their entirety. we couldn't do that. >> reporter: earlier in the day, a remarkable scene. the reclusive north korean leader engaging with american reporters who shouted questions at him, just as they did at the president. kim was asked if he's ready to f
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i'm not willing to do that, i wouldn't be here right now. president trump liked what he heard. >> good answer. wow. that might be the best answer i have heard. >> reporter: the president continues to use praise as a negotiating tactic. >> i want to say, i have great respect for chairman kim and great respect for his country. >> reporter: the north korean regime operates concentration camps for tens of thousands of political prisoners according to human rights groups. kim is accused of starving his own people and ordering the assassination of his own half brother. no answer from kim when asked if human rights were being discussed. the president jumped in. >> we are discussing everything. >> reporter: president trump said, even though he and kim jong-un did not sign an agreement, the north korean leader promised him he would not restart nuclear tests. the united states and north korea will continue talking, but there is no plan in place for him to sit down again in the
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near future with kim jong-un. >> we know the white house tried to play down expectations of the summit ahead of it. now, we know no deal was reached. the president, very, very flattering of ng saying north k no longer a nuclear threat. >> reporter: yeah, this is not at all what the secretary of state said last weekend when asked that question specifically. mike pompeo said north korea is still a nuclear threat. there's differences between what the president says about the threat of north korea and the nuclear arsenal and kim's willingness to give it up. his own intelligence chief said a couple weeks ago, there's no indication kim is ready and willing to do that. the president is trying to put his own spin on the summit. he set high expectations, which he tried to dial back in recent days. to walk away from hanoi without anything to show for it except we are going to keep talking, the white house is going to say it was productive.
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it's hard to see how it was a success for president trump to come all this way and not come away with any concrete results. >> karen thank you so much. >> let's check in with former trump homeland security adviser, tom bossert. tom, let me ask you, is this out of the trump playbook, just walking away? >> i guess a little bit. i think any president worth salt would have done the same thing. what we heard was not only a request from chairman kim to remove sanctions, but he asked for that in return for freezing only one of his nuclear complexes. president trump said not so fast. we are asking for you to give up all your capabilities, not only nuclear, but missile and missile factories. we don't want them to have missiles that reach the united states and keep making nuclear warheads in other facilities. he changed the goalpost and the president said, nope, we can't do that.
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we can't accept that. we'll have to live to fight another day. >> okay. >> tom bossert in washington, thank you so much. president trump's former fixer, michael cohen is heading back to capitol hill for a closed door hearing following the bombshell testimony. >> cohen was greeted with cheers as he returned to his washington, d.c. hotel room after the day long hearing. david wright has more. >> i know what mr. trump is. he is a racist. he is a con man. he is a cheat. >> reporter: the keeper of donald trump's secrets his personal lawyer for a decade, michael cohen, now dumping on his old boss. >> he told me black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid. >> reporter: called him a con man. >> the campaign, for him, was always a marketing opportunity. >> reporter: and called trump a bully. bombshell after bombshell from a man who claimed to have been in
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the room where it happened, but also no liar. in fact, cohen is about to go to jail for, among other crimes, lying to congress. >> you said all those bad things about the president but you worked with him for ten years. mr. cohen, how long did you work in the white house? >> i never worked in the white house. >> that's the point, isn't it? >> no, sir. >> yes, it is. >> no, it's not. >> reporter: the hearing offered tantalizeing tidbits on the russia investigation. >> questions have been raised about whether i know of direct evidence that mr. trump or his campaign colluded with russia. i do not. i want to be clear. i have my suspicions. >> reporter: cohen claimed to have been in the room when don trump jr. told his father about setting up the russian meeting promising dirt on hillary clinton. cohen claimed he knew firsthand before the 2016 conventions, trump was aware of stolen e-mails in the possession of wi wikileaks. cohen claimed candidate trump
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continued to lie about business dealings up to the moment he won the presidency. >> mr. trump knew of and directed the trump-moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. he lied about it because he never expected to win. he also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the moscow real estate project. >> reporter: cohen claimed white house lawyers reviewed his testimony to congress, allegedly insisting on the lie to which he plead guilty. mr. trump's personal lawyers reviewed and edited my statement to congress about the timing of the moscow tower negotiations before i gave it. >> reporter: president trump's legal team denied that claim as completely false. then there's the evolving story on the hush money paid to porn star, stormy daniels. one of two campaign finance violations that's part of cohen's guilty plea. initially, cohen offered a different explanation, consistent with the president's
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story. now, cohen insists it was part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws. concocted with the president's blessing. cohen, for the first time, produced one of the reimbursement checks with the president's unmistakable signature. >> this $35,000 check was one of 11 installments paid throughout the year while he was president. >> reporter: president trump's response via twitter was, attack the man. quote, he was just disbarred by the state supreme court for lying and fraud. he did bad things unrelated to trump. he is lying to reduce prison time. michael cohen will soon be headed to prison, but he seems determined he is not alone in taking the fall. i'm david wright in new york. coming up, the first lady of virginia is facing fresh fire this morning. what she said to a group of black students during a tour of the governor's mansion as she
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hand them cotton. later, in "the skinny," the muppets get a makeover. you are watching "world news now." makeover. you are watching "world news now." mum pets get a makeover. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program.
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now." these are live pictures from hanoi, vietnam. you see air force one there on the tarmac ready to head back to the u.s., a long 20-hour flight. the white house says no agreement has been reached between president trump and kim jong-un, but the president called the two days interesting as well as productive. next to the weather back here at home and in the west, that weather means snow and it's being measured in feet. this is time lapse from a ski resort in idaho closed today because of too much snow and it could get another foot before its over. in northern california the problem is severe flooding. officials in one town north of san francisco say 2,000 homes and other buildings are flooded in up to eight feet of water. accuweather's paul williams has the forecast. >> good morning, kenneth, janai. stormy in the northwest. scattered showers on the coast. heavy snow inland. look for thunderstorms rumbling throughout the entire deep south. storms throughout the carolinas,
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and ice in the d.c. area. snow up towards philadelphia. along the west coast, friday and saturday another round of stormy weather from redding to los angeles then next week crazy cold. 30 degrees below the norm for the midwest and it will cover the entire country eventually. kenneth, janai. >> thank you to paul williams. the house passed major gun legislation for the first time in more than 20 years. the law requires all gun sellers to conduct background checks on firearm buyers. it's the first of two bills the democratic majority is bringing to the floor this week. former texas congressman, beto o'rourke is figuring out whether he's running for president. the democrat is not telling anyone, yet. in a statement, he and his wife have decided how they can best serve the country and plan to share the news soon. the miami heat's dwyane wade -- oops, we're switching gears. virginia's first lady is facing backlash after allegedly giving out raw cotton during a tour of
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the governor's mansion and asked black children to imagine being slaves and forced to pick cotton. one of the students says in a letter, the incident made her very uncomfortable. >> mrs. northam says she regrets upsetting anyone. of course this comes as governor ralph northam has faced calls for his resignation over a black face scandal. the miami heat's dwyane wade has added another magic moment as his last nba season winds down. >> they were down two against golden state in the final seconds when the first shot was blocked. there's that one-legged three-pointer and banks it in. look at them go crazy. that sets off the celebration with wade even jumping on the scorers table. >> it's all a flashback to wade's, this is my house celebration after hitting a game-winning three against chicago ten years ago. you see the side by side there. >> yeah, a ten year challenge. >> a few things have changed, including those corn rows. got gabby union. things are looking up for him. he's going to end this nba season, i'm pretty sure, as a
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legend. >> yeah. good for him and good for them. when we come back, lady gaga breaks her silence about the steamy oscar performance with bradley cooper. and chris hemsworth intense workout. the video you just can't unsee. "the skinny" is next. workout. the video you just can't unsee. "the skinny" is next. here... or here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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♪ skinny, just give me the skinny ♪ >> time for "the skinny" on this friday eve. >> i was going to say. >> it ain't friday yet. >> no. >> we are starting with the big reveal from lady gaga. >> the newly minted oscar singer appeared on jimmy kimmel with her oscar, talking about this steamy, sultry, sexy due wet she performed on stage with bradley cooper. >> just can't get enough of it. kimmel jumped right in and asked about what everybody is speculating about a budding new romance. >> people started saying, oh, they must be in love. >> yeah, okay, first of all, like, like, social media, quite
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frankly, is the toilet of the internet. >> yes, it is. >> and what it has done to pop culture is a bismol. yes, people saw love and guess what? that's what we wanted you to see. >> yes. >> you know, this is a love song, "shallow." >> gaga went on to say, yes, we did a good job, fooled you, and it's a love song. congratulations to her and them and that song that is everywhere. we think after this we might be done with it. >> yeah, we're done with it. >> what about that line, social media is the toilet -- >> 100%. >> it just shows, because we need it. we still need it. we still need it. after half a century, the muppets are getting a makeover. >> in celebration of their 50th anniversary, our favorite "sesame street" characters ed u magazine for a celebrity level
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makeover. >> designer, isaac mizrahi helped bert and ernie with updated pink varsity sweaters. >> elmo was remade in a track suit by the brand designer berto leon. >> designer anna suey -- >> are you calling a pig? >> stop it. >> is that what you were doing? that's what we do in south carolina? >> i bet you do. outfitted big bird in a dramatic '60s inspired sparkle. >> abbey cadabi was straight off the jacobs spring 2019 runway. >> cookie monster in a pinstriped shirt by designer rosy asuvene. >> designer anna suey. >> stop it.
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whatever. on those designers -- look at that. >> next, i just called all the pigs. i woke them up. they're coming to eat. >> they're coming. up next, speaking of makeovers, jack black is re-imagining one of chris hemsworths' workout. >> you won't be able to get it out of your head. jack, who isn't in the same shape as thor, he replicated the workout. >> with the exception of using lighter weights, he copied the workout down to the final kick. he loves the kick. that's a blackjack signature. he did it with a medicine ball, instead of a boxing bag. a reboot with a bit of a reality twist. >> fox ordered a revival of "beverly hills 90210." original series cast members including jason priestley and tori spelling. >> they won't play their original characters. they will play heightened versions of their real selves.
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alice loves the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too! think only specialty stores have what's new? olay has this season's hottest debut. like new clay stick masks. all mask, no mess. olay hydrating facial mist. for hydration on the go. and our breakthrough brightening eye cream. boosted with vitamin c.
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get your new beauty fix. only by olay. ♪ you may remember we have been following the steps of late president george h.w. bush's ♪ you may remember we have been following the steps of late president george h.w. bush's faithful companion, sully, since the president's funeral back in december. >> but now it's official. sully has a new home and will ganss is here to tell us about it. >> i am. good morning, guys. after an emotional walk alongside former president george h.w. bush in his final months, sully, the yellow lab is ready for his next assignment. mission complete. at president george h.w. bush's funeral in december, sully was by his side. this morning, sully h.w. bush taking on a brand-new mission.
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now the yellow fab is fetching a new job with the u.s. navy at walter reid national military center near d.c. sully being named hospital corpsmen second class at an enlistment ceremony on wednesday. >> take this obligation without any promise of treats or tummy rubs -- >> joining the therapeutic dog team. sully ready to give the support to the patients of walter reed the way he used to support his best friend. >> each hour, he touches 12 lives, so he's going to touch thousands upon thousands of lives. >> set to provide smiles to those at walter reed. like former president bush himself, sully loved him so much he put him on a pair of his infamous socks. and like his name sake, captain sully sullenburger who landed a jet in the hudson, sully devoting his life to the service
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of others. the 41st president said he wanted sully to continue to help veterans and now sully is fulfilling that request. >> that's such a great story. the image of sully there in front of the former president's casket, such a touching photo. >> very touching. always by his side in life and in death and will continue his service. >> yes, him getting sworn in is adorable. >> with his paw up. many may ask why didn't sully retire after such a big assignment. but, as you mentioned, he's only 2 1/2. he's got work to do. >> yeah, he's running around the hospital and a lot of folks will get joy out of hanging out with sully. >> sully, job well done and on to the next assignment. >> you want puppy rubs? >> go ahead. >> i'm not rubbing your belly. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for
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have a great day. making news in america this morning, history in hanoi just moments ago. president trump together with kim jong-un announcing the path forward. >> we had a really i think a very productive time, but sometimes you have to walk. >> as the u.s. aims to get north korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. what we learned this morning and the next step. also new overnight, the big question after the explosive testimony from michael cohen. >> today i am here to tell the truth about mr. trump. >> why the investigation into the president could be more extensive than first thought and -- >> you don't have to take my word for it. i don't want you to. i want you to look at the documents. >> what cohen didn't say that
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