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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 4, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." when you see this snake slither towards a sleeping woman -- >> none of you will sleep well tonight. >> why she better not move a muscle. ♪ he's got her feeling the music. >> she's like yes, we run this mother -- hey. >> the dancing doc who is a hit with the patients. >> hey. a man stops a bus. >> and started destroying it. >> what led to one jacked up attack. >> he's crazy. >> we have christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web. including the revenge prank to make you say -- >> no.
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>> the moment a husband surprises his unsuspecting wife. >> oh, no. ♪ this might be the worst video we've ever had, because no one, none of you will sleep well tonight. we're in thailand where a 75-year-old woman is dosing away, unaware of what else is in her room. >> dang. >> you can see the eyes glowing. >> absolutely enormous python is slithering across her bedroom floor. it's like 2:00 in the morning. she has no idea it's there. the thing is, though, in this situation you should be fine, as long as nothing gets its attention. >> oh! >> granny here has a bit of a twitchy foot. you saw her move right there. we're fine. we should be good. >> we're not fine! >> just remain calm. >> oh! >> now you seriously got its attention. it raised itself up. it is ready to attack. >> that moment she moves her foot, that snake goes for it.
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it misses by the tiniest bit. >> enough to get her awake. >> that's the thing, right? you hear that slap, you're half awake, half a sleep. it's a couple of seconds before granny's brain is like what was that? starts looking around the room. >> run! >> she keeps so calm. kind of watches it slither off, she goes to get her son. they call security in. there he is. curled up on the toilet. granny likes to keep the bathroom door open. that's how the snake got into the apartment. i believe it came through the toilet. the video continues. you can see this guy dragging that python out. it was actually taken to a holding center. a place where they log and register the snakes before releasing them to the wild. >> considering how big pythons can get and how they can wrap themselves around you, this was manageable. they handled it. >> i didn't handle it. they didn't handle it. you would not handle it.
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they did not handle it. all i'm going to say is sleep tight tonight, everybody. terrifying moments for these public transportation passengers in owe asia when a man stops thes but they were on and started destroying it. it doesn't end there. this other video from inside the bus shows us this man breaking a windshield wiper off and using it to break the windows of the bus. >> why is the driver or anyone else inside not stopping the dude? but then again, he's crazy. >> some of the passengers were able to exit the bus. this guy made his way in. now he's being belligerent. >> i'm glad he was aggressive against the bus instead of the passengers. >> eventually police did arrive. the man was arrested and taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.
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according to reports he was under the influence of amphetamines which he had taken at a party some time before. he caused more than $11,000 worth of damage to this bus. another terrifying moment, this one from brazil where this man and wife, elderly couple, having just left the bank after picking up some retirement cash. >> oh, no. >> you see them walking down the street when two thieves walked up behind them. >> get 'em, gramps! >> one of them takes the woman to the ground, grabs her purse, and as she's on the ground her husband turns around and uses his cane to fight back. they ended up getting away with the woman's purse that contained just under 300 u.s. dollars. the good thing is even though the woman did suffer some injuries, she's expected to be okay. you can imagine how terrifying this was for them. hours later both of these guys
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were apprehended. one of them ironically from his grandmother's house. >> man. ♪ they call tully atkins the dancing doc. ♪ >> wow. >> makes you want to dance. >> that song, too. [ speaking foreign language ] >> that sounded as good as that sound. >> how do you say it? >> no. >> here he is dancing with his patient. she's 14, she has cerebral palsy. if you think his methods are outside the box, good. >> that's where the box should be. >> music is so powerful. it can heal you. >> tony is a physician's assistant for pediatric neurosurgery. watch what happens when he walks in the door as this young
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patient is being seen. ♪ >> oh, hey. >> girl -- she's like yes, we run this mother, hey. >> beyonce moves. beyonce's run the world girls. >> i love the doctor. he's like okay, i guess i'm done here. >> look how she gets into it. ♪ >> she says she dances to cure. ♪ rolling, rolling >> i feel like i'm in the club. >> i love that song. >> that's proud mary by tina turner. she didn't know someone was in the window looking at her. it's the person who does the lawn service for her landlord. >> that acceptance of it. mm-hmm.
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mm-hmm. ♪ >> this dog is a little in need of aid. >> john mays posted this video, he lives in durango, colorado. he said over the last week they got 80 inches of snow. and so -- >> that the cute. >> that dog is really six feet tall. >> it's a great dane, just really far away. >> he's stuck. dude, i can't walk. he calls the dog. he's like come on. come on. the dog -- >> boing, boing, boing. >> check this out. it's like a dog snowplow. he's like, i'll come meet you. you know kona will be doing the heavy lifting. that's awesome. his buddy is coming over to help him. >> maxine, aka mad max, is in one of those dog carrier front packs on the subway.
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look at her. just chilling. >> getting some good old mouth breathing going on. >> she's knocked out. >> i'm good. i'm good. being rocked to sleep by the train. >> being cute takes a lot of energy out of you. you have to sit there and pose, look adorable when people look at you. ♪ >> this guy's got skills. >> he makes light work of this jump rope. >> why a little skip is just the start. >> stop it now. >> and rescuers are called in for an icy rescue. >> the deer is like i have to get out of here. >> see what happens when the little deer decides to take care of business. brought to you by -- t's face it, the world could use some warmth. ♪
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l'oreal paris introduces rouge signature matte colored ink less texture more color less excess more impact all day matte bare lip sensation rouge signature matte colored ink by l'oreal paris we're worth it i'm a close talker. so, i was excited about all-new colgate total. it's breakthrough formula does more. sensitivity... strengthens teeth... it kills germs through my whole mouth. i like your confidence. all-new colgate total. care for the clothes you love with woolite detergent. the new concentrated formula... you 30% more loads. no stretching, shrinking or fading. woolite. cares as much as it cleans. they say you should always listen to your heart.
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penetrates ten surface layers deep, with seven moisturizers, three vitamins. gold bond. . the rtm video's app, the easiest way to watch the best videos. download it now. porter ballard is legit. this is hard enough as it is. >> oh, my. >> stop it now. >> mother of -- >> what? >> he kept going? >> yes. he makes light work of this jump rope. if you had not guessed by now, he incorporates gymnastics and jump roping. he's been honing his skill for the last eight years. watch him again. once he lands the jump, he gets right back to skipping, almost as if he has not been working at it. >> holy cow. >> he makes it look easy.
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lucas is going to do some boogie boarding on this surf simulator. >> get the board. >> forgot the board. get the board. >> now you're good. you're good. pick up the board, you'll be fine. >> hey! hey! >> just quit. >> he's like, oh. >> yeah. just leave. >> it looks like he's going to be okay. he's like all right. then from there, better luck next time. >> no. no. no next time. quit while you're behind. go. ♪ this is a river in ontario, canada. as we know, far north it's quite cold. that poor deer is stuck in the river. one thing we know about fire departments around the world, they come to the rescue no matter how bad the weather is, you know help is on the way.
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they got a phone call about the deer. they get to work. they start deploying all that they got. they got this raft they're about to inflate. they want to slide out there because that ice, some of it is slushy. some of it is full ice, some of it is water. the deer is like, you know what? i'm scared. i'm still going to try to fight to get out. while they're looking on, the deer is like, i have to get out of here. i have to get out of here. >> it's pretty wobbly on its legs. >> christian, it's still wobbly. look how icy and slick it is. four hooves going in four different directions. >> as long as he doesn't fall back into the water, he's good. >> he keeps trying to rescue itself. it's eventually able to make its way on to the side of the river. >> the guys are like, awe. >> we don't get to do it today. sorry, everyone. back up and go home. >> they showed up. very willing to help. at the end they were able to let
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it be. >> maybe sthee have rothey shou, paymenter, size e scissored it. >> worst idea ever. she's got a germ problem. >> germs everywhere! >> nothing and nobody exists. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- it's a gender reveal that's probably -- >> the most unconventional and you will agree. >> what happens when it's time to get a grip on the big baby news. >> oh! wow. plus going beneath the surface to do some researching. >> before you know it, we hit pay dirt. how his discovery makes for the ultimate good deed. ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there.
3:16 pm
so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ok. it was an accident. he was tickling me and... [laughing] stop it! yeah. whoops! but julie has resolve pet expert. its latest formula attacks odors at the source. no odor. no stain. no nothin'.
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whatever happens, no big deal. resolve. how do you gaveeno® happy 24/7? with prebiotic oat. it hydrates and softens skin. so it looks like this... and you feel like this. aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin happy™ i'm a close talker. so, i was excited about all-new colgate total. it's breakthrough formula does more. sensitivity... strengthens teeth... it kills germs through my whole mouth. i like your confidence. all-new colgate total.
3:18 pm
look at all those wet dishes to dry... ...if only there was a way to skip this. skip drying with finish jet dry. it dries 100% better versus detergent alone. finish jet dry. for cabinet-ready dishes, right out of your dishwasher. promotional considerations provided by -- ities up to 40%. act kids fluoride rinse, ities up to 40%. stop imagining, start acting itchy skin distracting you? cortizone-10 works fast. and relief lasts 10 full hours. (club swings - splash!) cortizone-10. feel the heal. i'm out of clubs! want to see a video again and again? head over to and find tons of videos and share them with your friends. we have had so many gender reveals on this show. many of them are erroneously
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titled the cutest, the greatest, the best. this one, my friends, i can guarantee you can be titled the most unconventional and you will agree. >> oh! >> oh, now i see it. >> these people live in mexico, this is how they chose to reveal the gender of their upcoming baby. they both are veterinarians, so it made perfect sense to them to get a pinata. it looks like a cow. >> that poor pinata. >> you think they would take a break from this every once in a while. here we go. there is lupita holding the cow. he has a grip on the gender of the baby. >> wow. >> they're going to have a girl. she's going to be born in july. they plan to name her luciana. in dayton, ohio, another baby
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reveal. he works in the landscaping business. he will incorporate his industry in the reveal. they have a bag in the middle of the lawn. in it is powder in the appropriate color. he will ride over the bag. just like that we learn their second baby is going to be a girl, and they expect her in april. ♪ today we have a target rich environment. >> today is the day after labor day. no telling what's inside this river. people get drunk, lose their stuff. right now, what do you think is down there? >> everything. flti wnh river for labor day. they had themselves a couple of drinks. it's a smorgasbord of goodies. most of it is sunnies, sunnies.
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you start to think he can hope himself a sunglasses store. he bumps into a fan, is that recognizes him. steve decides to join in on the hunt. before you know, it we hit pay dirt. a brand spanking new iphone. >> it's still on. >> the fact it has a battery, they think they probably just lost this phone. and then more pay dirt. >> more phones. >> two more phones. in this case an iphone 7 and an iphone 6. >> so he can open an apple store and a sunglasses shot. >> my favorite part of the video -- >> don't be that guy. >> he's a good member of the community, he's also picking up the trash. head back home. trying to see what works. first phone -- >> oh.
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>> tries the second phone. >> oh. >> as we know, that iphone 10 was working. he was hoping they would have like find my iphone on it. they didn't. so what he has to do is pull the simcard out of the iphone. put it in an older phone and go scrolling through the contacts in the hopes he can find the right number. he finds what he thinks is the right number and gives it a call. >> hi, this is dallas. this will be a weird call, but i actually found something, i'm curious if you were the person that lost it. >> is it an iphone 10? >> it is. >> immediately the girl on the other end of the phone, she's like you got my iphone 10? >> where did you find it? >> i found it in the river where you dropped it. >> we know he's often diving around rivers in arizona, phoenix. she's all the way back in texas. but -- >> we also lost our car keys. the car is still in phoenix. >> as a result, she's on her way back to pick up the car. unfortunately he didn't find the
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keys while down there. the nice coincidence is when you come here, i have a phonetor yofor you. >> i can't believe it. jordan has a big surprise in store for his lady. >> her guard is down. >> see the
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secure. >> okay. >> if you want to see all of his hacks, check out and click on mobile show. or check it out on our mobile app. jordan and jasmine are a
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great couple, but they go to war often. this time jordan is up to no good. >> if i get 2,000 likes on this post i will pour a large cup of water on jasmine when she least expects it. >> this is cool. like a guide on how to get divorced. >> if jordan has any defense, it's the fact that jasmine bleached his eyebrows a while back. so he's waiting for the perfect opportunity to get her back. here's the plan. jasmine is out shopping. jordan and their son have a little surprise for her. >> you found it? >> i can see why she's excited. that's a disney backpack. >> she wanted it for a bit. so he purchased it her guard is down. on to the next part of the plan. figuring out should he do a glass, a jug or just a big championship sized bucket of water? >> check it out. >> why take it so extreme. he already got the likes. >> she's not playing football. >> it's just water.
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>> well, he filled up the bucket. >> perfect place to put this. >> carries it out and hides it well. >> few hours later, here she is minding her own business. here he comes. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> she smiled relatively quick. she's not smiling. that's the look of no, he didn't. >> he did. >> you're funny. you're cool. ha-ha, no more. [ bleep ] >> she's already planning the revenge. that's why she's so collect and calm. >> no, don't touch me. i'm [ bleep ] cold. >> show them that love conquers all. >> it doesn't. >> how long will it take the couch to dry. >> i'm not a couch expert. i don't know. >> think about that, after he did that, he'll have to sleep on a wet couch. >> true. >> you're going to get it. thanks for watching. we'll see you next time.
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tonight, we're on the scene, the deadly tornadoes. the damage here unimaginable. tonight, at least 23 dead. authorities telling us here they will search into the night, homes lifted off their foundations, carried into the air. and we were here when they upgraded this tornado, anef-4. winds 170 miles per hour. a mile wide. and tonight, the sheriff here taking us past the barriers, showing us some of the worst of the devastation. the scare on the passenger jet in the northeast tonight. part of the landing gear tearing off. the death of an actor. luke perry has died. the star of "beverly hills 90210" and "riverdale." he was just 52. on the hill tonight, democrats on the hunt. launching several investigations into the president,


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