tv Right This Minute ABC March 5, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PST
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minding their own business on the street. and the next -- >> oh. >> very aggressive loose dogs approach. they're runningt for their live. >> scary. >> three little boys there. the camera pans off to the side. when we come back to them, two of them have already bolted out of there leaving little muhammad behind. >> he tripped and fell. >> he is screaming terrified at what's happening. eventually both dogs are attacking him, biting his legs, his arms. eventually two women show up trying to help. one of those is believed to be the owner of the dogs. >> oh. >> the other one a stranger who is just trying to help the little boy. >> kudos to that woman putting herself in harm's way.
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those dogs don't stop biting. >> those dogs caused a severe attack on this boy. we have pictures of what the cute little guy looks like. >> as a parent watching this video. the thing that will stick with them is that woman, that stranger right there. literally used her entire body to shield that child from danger. >> this happened in egypt. police did get involved. the only reports is that she was fined about $115. >> no. that owner needs to be -- >> no. now, you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. >> that's exactly what nina williams is doing here. >> oh. free climbing. >> doing some boldering. they don't use ropes, but you make sure you have a soft place to land when you do inevitably fall. she does quite a few times. but she's not giving up. she has her hand locked in. she's able to move the other one up. it looks like she will be making
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it past this failure woman. >> she's like a human spider woman. >> when you go for it, you have to commit. watch this. >> she lets go with her feet. lands with her hands. she's flying. again, she's in full stretch, on tiptoes. >> seriously, how will she grab? >> there it is. >> she makes it to the top. >> yeah! >> piece of cake. >> pretty impressive. she doesn't know how to get down. there's some fights you just can't win. you come up against a goliath that you know you can't take down. there's an armored personnel carrier, it's going down a regular street. just moving some military vehicles. as you can see, it gets dodgy, they try to back that thing up. they're like, hey, we're behind you. i don't know if the driver can't hear, if the person is not communicating. >> hey.
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>> we have a little problem here. >> hey. hey. hey. hey. hey. >> it starts pushing the car out of the way. do something. >> man! >> that's not the only car that was damaged. because there were four cars in between two of these armored personnel carriers. it was mush, mush, mush. >> whoever is driving that armored car is an idiot. >> the good news is no one was injured in all of this. in eastern india, this could have been avoided. >> is he riding? >> that's not a hood ornament. that's a police officer or security. >> that is a police officer. the man driving this car was parking illegally, got caught. the driver's like i'm going to take off. people in the car are saying pull over. pull over. the driver just keeps going. >> going fast as well. >> he did eventually stop the
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car. the officer was able to get off of the car. the man was arrested and his car was seized. >> next time just park and take the ticket. it would have been so much cheaper, so much less stress. and you have your car. she's up to something. >> hi. >> what were you eating? >> apples. >> why is your face brown? >> they're brown apples. >> that's exactly what she said. she must have learned this from you. >> brown apples. >> say that again? >> this little cutie pie, she has this all over her face. she starts her line of questioning. >> look at those eyes. blink, blink, blink. >> adorable, and she's sticking to her story. >> brown apples. that's why your face is brown? >>mm >> i sl i me sme i have you been out drinking? >> nope. >> any other brown food in the
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kitchen? >> smells like pizza tomato. >> pizza tomato? >> mm-hmm. >> okay. pizza tomato. we're going with that one. she never gets the truth out of her. let's be honest, it's chocolate. we go from that to this. the word of the day, with our friend kaden. >> what is this called? >> mom has more chocolate. >> comb. >> it's an ice cream -- >> comb. >> kaden is like me. >> a comb. comb. >> you're going to stand by that. >> an ice cream comb! >> that's it. that's all. >> mom and dad joke about it, i guarantee ten years from now they'll call it an ice cream comb. that's what happens when you have kids. they make up words that enter your vernacular.
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brandon is looking to update his style and -- >> he got his wish. >> see why his masterpiece makeover is attracting attention. sf . and keeping up with your pets can be hard. >> this is one of the possibilities and liabilities. >> find out what rascal is hiding out on the big couch coming up. could use some warmth. ♪ l'oreal paris introduces rouge signature matte colored ink less texture more color less excess more impact all day matte bare lip sensation rouge signature matte colored ink by l'oreal paris we're worth it i'm a close talker. so, i was excited about all-new colgate total. it's breakthrough formula does more. sensitivity... strengthens teeth...
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it can hit 2.34 meters per second and pretty nimblef. >> look at that. >> it's doing football drills. >> does anyone find this terrifying as well as awesome? >> yeah. but it's also adorable. look. it does that. oh. so cute. >> look. >> finally people who are allergic can have dogs. >> girl, no. >> put a little furry cover on it. >> as a person at the table who tends to be allergic to some dogs and cats, no. >> why? >> it's pretty smart. >> it stays stable if you kick it. >> if you really give it a good kick like here. falls on its back. wait for it. flips itself over. no problem. that's because it's been put through rigorous tests that they show right here it was the first
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boto do flip. wh. they show it a number of times. you can see it in slow motion. what i like about this video from m.i.t., they point out to get here there have been one or two fails. >> not so intelligently artificial after all. >> so the play dead feature works. >> yes. >> y'all know how i feel about the couch, right? >> yes. >> have to have a nice, comfortable couch. >> which you do have. >> what? there's a hole in the couch. >> it's not adog. it's not a cat. >> it's a raccoon. >> the raccoon -- >> he trashed it. >> exactly. when you have a petra co raccoo this is a possibility and liability. >> it looks comfortable.
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>> it's very comfortable. what are you laughing at? i'm living life right now. >> more comfortable on the inside. we have raccoons as pets on the sofa and now at the store. >> this the same raccoon? >> no, it's a different way. >> what aisle do you get raccoons in? i haven't seen them at my grocery store. >> ra soccoons as a pet are a tg now. >> in russia it appears. this raccoon is very well taken care of. have you seen the junk in that trunk? >> yes, real good. >> i can imagine people walking past looking, what are you looking >> i'm a bit speechless. >> raccoon on aisle four. >> you crazy. >> it has a harness. >> yes. it's a pet. ♪ desperate times call for desperate measures, folks. i need to get my views up on my youtube channel. >> brandon walsh is motivated by
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online views. >> that video has 10 million views at four days, which is insane. it's kind of funny because my mom is a body painter. >> his mom is jen the body painter. >> oh. >> so he convinced his mom to body paint him. >> i really don't want to do this. i'll be pretty much naked and my mom will be doing it. you have to do it for the views. >> he's going to put these on. >> she painted the briefs beforehand. she get to work. she reminds him -- >> brandon. change yo i changed your diapers. >> typical kid. she asks him to do something. then he's like i don't know. >> she gets upset she asked him to shave his legs. he didn't listen to her. now she's got to paint hairy legs. she gets them done. it looks good. they get to the shirt part and realize -- >> put your arms up. >> god.
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>> he also didn't shave his armpits. >> he's not a good subject. >> no. she's never going to work with him again. so she gets the shirt done. >> she's good. >> insanely good. >> those jeans look like tight pants. >> so they put a jacket on him. how the the door they go at 25 degrees. >> wow. >> they get to the store where they're headed, they start walking around. >> i can tell people are staring at me. the people who recognize, the kids, that makes it super awkward. i was like, okay. let's get through here as fast as we can. >> so people noticed. some people didn't. >> do you like this shirt more or the one i'm wearing? he got his wish. >> do you think these jeans are too skinny? >> now he has thousands and thousands of views. >> just 10 million more to go, buddy. >> i want to go home never wear
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body patie body paint again. a helpful horse keeps the herd in check. see the trustee steed that got his cowboys back. >> i love this. plus this guy's slamming the keys. >> he just added a little percussion. hear how he nails every note next. >> finger in the wrong place. pow! ♪ my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ok. it was an accident. he was tickling me and... [laughing] stop it! yeah. whoops! but julie has resolve pet expert. its latest formula attacks odors at the source. no odor. no stain. no nothin'. whatever happens, no big deal. resolve. how do you gaveeno® happy 24/7? with prebiotic oat. it hydrates and softens skin. so it looks like this... and you feel like this. aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin happy™ i'm a close talker. so, i was excited about all-new colgate total. it's breakthrough formula does more. sensitivity... strengthens teeth... it kills germs through my whole mouth. i like your confidence.
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all-new colgate total. look at all those wet dishes to dry... ...if only there was a way to skip this. skip drying with finish jet dry. it dries 100% better versus detergent alone. finish jet dry. for cabinet-ready dishes, right out of your dishwasher. promotional considerations provided by -- enting cavities u. act kids fluoride rinse, enting cavities u.
2:00 am
stop imagining, start acting itchy skin distracting you? cortizone-10 works fast. and relief lasts 10 full hours. (club swings - splash!) cortizone-10. feel the heal. i'm out of clubs! it's hammer time. classical style. ♪ ♪ >> yes. i know what you're wondering. is he playing chopin? he is. he's playing one of chopin's most famous pieces. ♪ but he's adding a bit extra. ♪ >> strictly speaking, isn't every note you play on a piano with a hammer? inside the hammer -- >> yes.
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>> wise guy. >> yes. >> i'm sorry. ♪ >> what is cool, you can still tell what the song is like nocturne number 20. ♪ >> he just added a little percussion. >> maybe that's how his piano teacher caught him. finger in the wrong place, pow! >> he's a brazilian musician. apparently he's really good. not only does he play classical music, on youtube you can see all the things he played like the theme from the simpsons, or video game music. this time he put on the tux and did a little classical. >> so he could say he nailed it. ♪ a cowboy here. this is jose. one of the two ranch managers on he car.cowboy ts
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when the car is there, you have to attack. there's only two of them. sometimes they're not there to watch each other's back. red does that. he gets off red, the stallion there. red is keeping an qui on theye cow. any time that cow comes over, no, no stay away. a kick here or there. he maneuvers, always makes sure his body is between his cowboy and the cow. >> i love this. you know what? you don't want to be kicked by a horse. even the cow knows. >> the horse also seems to be trained enough not to kick, just look like you're going to kick. >> just that mechanism. back, back. >> i like this. the cow just decides to go around. >> no, no, no. i don't think so. i thought this was incredible training for a horse. >> we're staying with the farming theme and in scotland, this isis ella.
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who needs sheep dogs when you have a toddler. >> pretty good at making the sheep run away. she does get put to work. she's part of the team. on this particular farm, you can see she's feeding the sheep. >> helping out. >> i can't tell who is better trained. her or red. some dudes are dining out but -- >> who will pay? >> the super epic standoff to be the better bro next. >> you think i'm going to let you pay? >> dude, i pay f
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♪ ♪ >> wild! wild! ♪ two dudes just hanging out, shooting it. >> i blacked out. wanted to get two. two became i don't know how many. >> we're not judging, but -- >> we've all been there, you know? >> now it's a standoff. who's going to pay. >> let me get this. >> no dude, come on. >> no. >> let me do this for you. >> let me pay. >> both of you split it. >> my meal was way more than yours. i'm going to pay. >> their egos won't allow that to happen. they want to do something for their bro.
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>> let me pay. >> i don't know what to do with all the money i'm making now. >> oh. at that point, all right. bring me the bottle of tequila to go. >> i can pay for spotify premium, i can pay for lunch. >> take my money. >> 2% back, i can pay. >> okay. >> i'll get it next time. >> i'm thinking what this dude is thing. all right, fine. made your point. you can pay the bill. >> i can't pay this. >> you have spotify premium. >> i thought you didn't know what to do with your money. >> he clearly doesn't know what to do with his money. he doesn't have any. >> all right then, you pay. this is where the dude after a quick sigh puts in a benjamin from his pocket. >> thank you. >> and then the awkward silence.
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>> we should do this again sometime. >> no. >> he was as broke as he was crock cro cocky. like that show? we'll do it all again tomorrow. >> hey, everybody, all this wek we're playing our game with couples who originally met right here in las vegas. they found their perfect match. now they're gonna try and make some serious money. from caesars entertainment studios, this is "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ everybody, welcome to the show! it's "lucky in love" week! this week, couples who met in vegas will be playing together for a chance at our top prize. as a special bonus today, any couples that correctly answer their $5,000 question will also
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win this: a two-night stay at caesars atlantic city, home to one of atlantic city's finest entertainment venues, the circus maximus theater, plus dinner for two at gordon ramsay pub & grill and two passes to qua baths and spa. [cheers and applause] there you go. so let's get started. our first lucky couple in love, they met right here in vegas in 2012. please welcome lorraine and blake calcote. [cheers and applause] lorraine, how you doing? >> nice to meet you. >> blake, welcome. ♪ you met here in vegas. you're in love, you're together, and now you have a shot at winning $1 million in vegas. >> it's amazing. >> all right, you ready to set up your game? fourteen questions between the both of you and $1 million. the three lifelines are up top if you need them along the way. you're playing together, but, blake, you'll be giving the final answer. >> that's right. >> all right, good luck to you both. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire."
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[cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] aww. a kiss for good luck and a $500 question. a paper in the journal "current biology" says that turtles originally did not have what signature feature, developing it later to help with burrowing and not for self-defense? >> both: gotta be the shell. >> all right, c, a shell. final answer. >> it's a good start. that's $500. >> whoo, kiss me, babe. >> mwah! >> thirteen more kisses to a million dollars. $1,000 question. in hockey, a player who's been slapped with a major penalty is forced to sit in the penalty box for at least how long? >> gotta be...five minutes. >> it's gotta be five minutes. a, five minutes.
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final answer. >> that's right. of course, five minutes. that's $1,000. let's go for $2,000. [dramatic music] the subject of several restoration projects over the years, what landmark lost stones from its north paw in 1982 and a 700-pound chunk from its shoulder in 1988? >> it has to be a. it's the only one with a paw. >> it's the only one with a paw, the only one with a paw. ♪ okay, we'll go with a, great sphinx of giza. >> yeah. >> final answer. >> together, well-played. $2,000. [applause] ♪ up to $3,000 with this. which part of the body contains the "bony labyrinth," comprised of the vestibule, semicircular
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canals, and cochlea? >> the cochlea's... >> both: in the ear. >> yeah. >> right, 'cause they do the cochlear implants, right? >> yes, that's right. >> yep, i'm good with that. >> all right, b, ear. final answer. >> another winner, $3,000! good job, guys, all right! up to our fifth question and the first threshold we can get to for $5,000. [dramatic music] ♪ with a name sounding like a bottled water brand, what rapper and comedian starred in 2018's "ocean's 8" and "crazy rich asians"? >> well, um... i don't think jada-rade sounds like a bottle water brand. >> oh, it's gotta be awkwafina. >>
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