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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 20, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> oh, my -- >> she's drenched in ranch dressing all caught on camera at the restaurant. now meet the instant viral video star making the best of the mess. >> i had to wash my hair like five times. rescuers helping a stray named mia soon realize -- >> mia was treas rill when they finally !out. played hiora fck the uss missouri -- >> was an incredibly emotional moment. >> see how a tour back in time
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led to a startling discovery. >> i think mats mthat's my dad. we have christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web. >> and jack moran is bringing his winning ways to the set. time to watch the videos and try to predict what happens next. >> oh! one thing i love about the internet, miranda rudolph, ladies and gentlemen. >> oh, my god. >> oh, no. >> what happened? >> did the ice cream machine just explode in front of her? >> that's not ice cream. >> what is that? >> ranch. >> but what did again. >> i will. >> oh. >> got one more angle. >> oh, no.
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>> look. everybody is there, not to help but to humiliate here and record this. >> yeah. >> millions of people love ranch, and they also love this video. via skype right this minute, let's ask miranda what happened. >> hey. >> how many chicken strips did it take to ranch taken care of? >> i had to wash my hair like five times. >> oh. >> i ended up going back to work right after. >> so what happened? >> so we have to refill the sauces if we run out. the tub was filled to the top. once i finished refilling it, i was walking back, it's slippery on the sides. it just slipped out of my hands. usually i'm able to catch it, so that's when i was going down to grab it. it just went everywhere. >> are you surprised at how viral this has gone?
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>> yes. yeah. at aou talking n blowing up.lie about? i was like oh, this is awesome. >> have you garnered any nicknames at work? what are people calling you? >> at first it started as ranch girl. now it's mir-rancha. >> you better reach out to hidden valley. your co-workers have a sense of humor, you're clearly a good sport about it. appreciate you for joining us. i suddenly need some wings and carrot sticks. >> yes. >> come to the point we'll bring you some. i'll personally give you the ranch myself. >> all right. we'll hold you to that. thanks for joining us. mir-ran mir-rancha.
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tat ce little dog been living. this is in spain, and for weeks a woman fed mia. when the animal rescue spain crew got there, they learned it wasn't just mia they were looking for. mia was hiding a treasure inside that. so they started digging, and making their way all the way to the end until they started pulling out the treasure one by one. >> oh, it's a puppy. >> oh, she had babies. >> that's right. she had several little puppies. these guys were diligent enough to get all the way to them, pulling every single one those little pooches out. >> it's a pup of gold. >> mia is realasoito find those
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babies. she was like i will protect this house. >> she's right next to a road. she really was protective of those babies. they could have been run over. >> you can see the woman that had been helping feed them the whole time get so much joy out of seeing the little puppies. don't you worry, they took all of the puppies and their mommy out of there. they're going to provide care and vet services for them. i'm sure in some time they'll find a forever home for them as well. not hard to figure out no good can come from this. the driver is the one filming the speed right there. that speed is 150 kilometers per hour. that's about 93 miles per hour. no good does come of this. >> oh. >> when they come around the ben on an icy road, they run head on into that other car coming the other direction. three people were hurt in this crash in serbia. two of them had minor injuries. one of them had serious
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injuries. here you can see the aftermath. all of those people standing around, rescue crews and someone taken from the car on a stretcher. this could have been avoided if someone was going slower and not trying to film how fast and cool they were going around blind corner. >> this makes me so upset. it was negligent. the other people in the car were going about their merry way. here you come want to show everybody what you can do in your fast car. this next video takes place at an intersection that is notorious in russia. notice that white car? >> oh. >> no. >> the woman driving that car hits that pole, but that car also hit that woman and her child in the stroller. >> is that stroller under the car? >> yes, that's when everybody jumps in. they start to move the car back. they are able to get the child out. the good news is neither the mother nor the child suffered serious injuries. they were taken to the doctor, given neurological exams and they say they were fine.
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they were released on an outpatient basis following this incident. >> i think the reason for that is the car hit the pole. it's one of the mightiest pieces of battle equipment that the united states navy has ever seen. the uss missouri. it's known for many things. especially what happened on the decks september 2, 1945. that's when the japanese delegation came on board for an unconditional surrender. nearly 75 years later i was in hawaii and i felt i needed to visit the uss missouri. taking me around was megan ragland. i got to see the very spot where they signed the peace treaty. it was inside the captain's quarters where this tour went from a cool experience to paea l personal experience. >> is that him?
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>> i think that's him. >> that's my dad. >> no way. >> how did you recognize him? >> my dad and i look a lot alike. my father played in the band. he was a saxophone player. right here. >> wow. >> that's a picture i had never seen. i knew my dad served on board the uss missouri. i heard stories about it. the way my dad tells it, he was like i don't know, i didn't see a damn thing. i was five decks below. just did what he needed to do. enlisted. he was there on september 2, 1945 playing in the band right there. you see the guy dressed in white? >> yes, that's your dad. >> he's there as they're signing the peace treaty just feet away. it's like a forrest gump moment. being on board that ship, following in his footsteps was an incredibly emotional moment. the folks there at the missouri were incredible. they took us into some areas where most people don't normally get to see.
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they played some of the old music that my dad would have played. ♪ i knew it was going to be an emotional moment. i didn't expect the gravity of it. they allowed me to raise the flag. this flag was raised last year on september 2nd. so to be able to run that flag up the pole, knowing what my dad went through and so many other veterans have gone through. i also appreciate billy v. and jared, the news team from khnl for coming out and covering the story, sharing their video with me as well. something i will never forget. >> did you tell your dad? >> my dad is watching this. he's at a veteran's facility in new jersey. he'll see this. it will be a surprise. i told him to watch the show today. >> thank you for sharing it with us. >> love you dad. thank you very much.
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♪ a bmx stunt goes south. >> oh. did you hear that? >> how the rider snaps back. [ bleep ] >> oh, my god! ah! and the garage opens to reveal something unexpected. >> i thought you were going to work today. >> his buddies tell wally start packing your bags. >> why wally is in for one epic surprise. brought to you by -- i'm truly amazed at the effect that it has on people. thank you bob! ♪
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getat olive garden.w, with lunch duos starting at $6.99. choose a favorite, like lasagna. or all new pasta bowls, like shrimp scampi. paired with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks. get never ending value for lunch, at olive garden. how's your cough? i'm good. i took 12-hour mucinex and sent it far away. hey buddy, have you seen a nice woman with a cough? woahhh! mucinex dm releases fast and lasts 12-hours, not 4. send coughs far away all day.
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closed captioning provided by -- . adrian is a dmx rider, he's testing out some cool tricks.
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>> that didn't go so well. >> he comes and grinds on the edge of that platform there. then he loses it a little bit. falls back. and then -- >> oh! >> oh, my gosh! >> i see it. i hate that. it's like a pinkie finger, broke like a pencil. >> that's what happens. he sits up, he shakes his hand, his pinkie is pointing in the wrong direction. here's a close-up look. >> nope. >> that is messed up. >> are you looking? >> yeah. >> no. >> he decides to try to put it back together. >> does he really? can't look? are you watching at home? [ bleep ] >> he did jam it. he pops it out of the socket. >> was it dislocated?
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>> i don't know if you can tell, but i've never broken a bone. i have the sweats just looking at it. 5:30 in the morning. garage door goes up. that's jill. she comes face-to-face with wally. wally sees some friends in the garage. >> hi, wallace. >> didn't think you were going to work today, did you? mother [ bleep ] we going and the party starts now. >> what? >> his buddies mike and dave were hiding in the garage. camera rolling. they dropped a big surprise on him. by it doesn't quite calculate for wally. >> what? >> guess where we're going? >> what? >> it doesn't seem like he's quite all mentally there at 5:30 in the morning. >> who really is. it's early at 5:30. as far as we know wally was on his way to work. don't worry about that, pal, we have that covered.
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>> did they call his boss and get him the time off? >> sure did. >> he want friends like that. his friends tell wally, start packing your bags and quick. >> you have four minutes, go pack a bag, get the [ bleep ] out of here. >> dude, you're wasting time. go pack! >> let's go! let's go! >> she's smiling about it. if she's smiling about it, you're going to be gone for a week. go! >> she's smiling because his fiancee jill was part of this bachelor party trip to mexico. the boys put this together for him. a huge surprise. you can see wally's look of shock and surprise. wally wanted us to make sure we mentioned that jill, his fiancee is the best ever. it's hard to get him to move from this location because the boys have been posting up these videos on twitter. >> how did he sleep through the [ bleep ] fireworks. >> yeah. they're still having fun out there. thanks for sharing the surprise. it was great to see.
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wally is shocked. congratulations, guys, on your upcoming nuptials. the flying eye hospital. >> i can't believe i'm looking at the inside of an airplane. >> next "right this minute." still to come, jack moran is giving us a shot at our favorite game. see who scores best when we give it our best guess. plus little mason is not happy. why daddy's new do has him all distraught. >> dramatic cut. -jamie, this is your house? -i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? -kids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you didn't tell me your friends were coming. -oh, yeah. -this one is tiny like a child. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to be surrounded by what matters most -- a home and auto bundle from progressive. -oh, sweetie, please, play for us. -oh, no, i couldn't.
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-please. -okay. [ singing in spanish ]
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-please. -okay. new lysol wipes are crazy strong. don't believe us? we got this workout class to compare them to clorox. t strength wow! of new lysol wipes. dude! are you looking at this? can i take tho? no. lysol. what it takes to protect.® red rover, red rover send reese's pieces over [sfx] ♪ introducing new hershey's milk chocolate and reese's pieces now in one bar and reese's pieces l'oréal's new unlimited lash lift mascara. 1. stretch it. 2. tilt it. 3. lift it. reach even smaller lashes. unlimited length. unlimited lift. new unlimited mascara by l'oréal paris. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. and this is charlie still not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus.
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delsym 12-hour. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. promotional considerations provided by -- he's handsome like chuck woolery, caring like bob barker and charming like richard dawson, he's our own jack moran. >> whoo! >> hey! hole-in-one. >> are you guys ready for another round of best guess? >> yes. >> video number one, madeline is getting towed behind her truck.
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about to get a huge jump. we'll pause it there. here are your options. "a," the wrong person does the roll. "b," she lands a world's first, or "c," she's dragged into a detour. >> for sure she's dragged into a detour. >> "b," she lands the world's first. >> "a," the wrong person does a roll. >> i have a feeling it's the wrong person. >> let's see what the answer is. >> oh! >> oh. >> that must have hurt. >> she did not throw the rope far enough, as the truck turned around the corner it grabbed her ski and yanked her. >> ouch. >> video number two. here we are at the bottom of the ocean with our razor fish friend. as he comes into frame, we'll pause it. here are the options. as "a," the camera becomes fake. "b," a predator latches on, "c,"
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he dives for cover. >> "b." he file like something is hiding in the sand. >> gayle? >> i'll go "a." >> i'm going with "c." >> does seem suspicious of that camera. doesn't he? swoops up in there. pauses, then -- >> oh! >> how did it do that? >> also, what's that hiding from that it needed to hide so fast? >> wait, there's more. coming back up. watch as his little fins -- >> that's adorable. video number three, wildcard round. as the camera pans up and over her shoulder, we see a couple kissing. it's st. patrick's day. people have been enjoying their green beers at the bar. you know what that means. actually, i'll leave that up to you. >> a st. patrick's proposal. >> somebody is cheating, and that girl who is talking will
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realize it. >> i think somebody will fall. >> somebody will come trashing through the window. >> hey! >> oh! >> knocked her off her feet. >> they didn't know on the other side of that door was a staircase. she went all the way down. >> oh. >> she's okay. did you know that door led to a secret staircase? let us know on facebook. dad is trying to get emory to try something new. >> dip your fry in here. >> she's skeptical. >> the adorable moment when she realizes
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>> don't say a peep. i'm no parent, but i know that one of the big things is introducing new foods and taste to your kid. lit 18-month-old emory is enjoying her french fries. >> i'm about to put you on real quick. dip your fry in here. >> she's skeptical. >> i promise you, dip it in here. it will change your life. >> trust your daddy. trust me. i'm doing this for you. >> mm-hmm. taste that thing. mm-hmm. mm-hmm. >> she like, oh, yeah, daddy. i like it. >> daddy knows what he's talking about, don't he? can i get a fry dance? >> five pacifier review.
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>> keep that in mind as we approach this next video. mason is not having any of >> dad walks in with a fresh hair cut. he got his wig tapered, looking dapper. >> you used to look so cool and tough, now you look like everybody else's dad. >> my lord. >> he's like jesus, take the wheel. >> do we know what dad looked like before? >> here are the before pics of dad. >> that's a dramatic cut. >> i'm sure he'll adjust at some point. it's funny nonetheless. ♪ >> thanks for watching. we'll see you tomorrow on "right this minute."
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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the nor'easter set to hit, bringing blinding rain and damaging winds. major travel hubs, d.c., up tlu philadelphia, new york and boston. we time it out. also breaking at this hour, the fbi now investigating after the horror in the cockpit is revealed. tonight, what happened inside one of those new boeing jets after it went into that nose dive. the pilots frantically trying to flip through the manual. and what happened the day before on that same jet. abc news learns tonight new england patriots owner robert kraft will not take the plea deal that would have forced him to acknowledge guilt. and tonight, the interview just coming in now, the woman, the original owner of that day spa, now at the center of the scandal, speaking out. president trump and what


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