tv Right This Minute ABC March 23, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT
1:42 am
i have to allow his choices to become my cices. no questionssked. no second thoughts. because to learn commitme -- i have to give up selfontrol. [ scoffs ] t-this is crazy that people fall for this. yeah, i know. but i have to convince shiloh i'm falling for this. ♪ juan: hey, brad. mind if i say hello? hi, guy! julian. what are you doing here? oh, well, n't tell my customers, but, uh, younow, like a kelly's blt sandwich just as much as anyone. ah. plus i can't be amed for an accidental run-in with the little one, can i? how is he? oh, wiley's fine. and, uh, how about his dad? you look like crap. shld i ask why? well, obviously, you haven't been reading the invar. family's downfall is right here in black and white. w did you find me? well, you can't dodge fate.
1:43 am
"ms. tait." and you broke... that...promise. a promise made under duress is meaningless. i never erced you. no, of course not. you had hers do your dirty work. [ chuckling ] what? what are you talking about? i mean it! go! ♪ hm. ♪ you know, i'm glad that you became a teacher. i ally am. i mean, i bet you're really good at it. probably better at it an i am. there's a few ons i taught you that obviously didn't stick, but that's okay. there's still time for you to be your best self, willow. i warned you. now i'm calling
1:44 am
from lake erie to lake ontario. and nothing?nothing. the uscg believes an was carried into the lake. given the water temperature, it's likely he froze to death. or he could've been killed by the impact of the fall. is that what you believe? the uscg assumes his body will turn up in time. [ chuckles ] like we all assumed that ryan died in a fire. it is now the official opinion of the u.s. and canadian government that ryan chamberlain is dead. what about the pcpd? are you closing the case? ♪ [ grunts ] [ groans ] please... griffin: please what? please let you go? don't hurt you? i wond if kiki spoke those words to your brother. ♪ i wake up nights wondering...
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that is -- that is when i actually sleep. ♪ i ask myself -- i ask myself if kiki had enough tim to wonder if i'd come back to help her... ♪ now you'll knowhow , 'cause noby came to save kiki, st like nobody is coming save you! griffin, stop it! ♪ sweetheart can you please finis. hey baxter. hi sweetheart. oh sarah, can you remind me to give baxter his flea and tick treatment next wee dad, can youemind me to remind mom about the flea and tick thing. remind me to remind sarah remind mom about the flea and tick thing. i'll remind you remind sarah... sureyou can try to remember the flea and tick treatment every month, or you can go to youvet and get... bravecto, the only continuous protection that lasts up to 12 weeks with just one tasty chew. do you remember where we parked the car? so you don't have to remember.
1:46 am
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1:47 am
this and even this.hark, i ep clean messes like this. but i don't have to clean this cause the lf-cleaning ush roll removes hair, while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. you have 4.3 minutes this time,to yourself.rn. this calls for a taste of cheesecake. philadelphia cheesecake cups. rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries.
1:49 am
a van that changed us and chips forever so thanks, keeper of the keys for a chance to chase sweet honey barrel-aged bourbon and mouth-puckering pepperoncini because of that van and because of everybody who loves to crunch like we do we ramble on. knowing that caring for your tastebuds and the planet they hail from is no small potatoes kettle brand chips. no small flavors. no small potatoes.
1:51 am
lucas, a-areou sure his arm is gonna be okay? yeah. avoid strenuous exercise, fish the course of antibiotics. should be good to go. yeah, yeah. thank you. i can't believe this. it was a perfect shot uh, bloody enough to satisfy this guy raj, but it wasn'tda. that's great. the next time i see dante, i'll make sure i compliment him on his marksmanship. but you're not real mad, are you? or not -- i mean, that -- i'm a little mad. yeah, i am. but i understand why you did it, you know? and you were ight. you found dante, and you brought him home safe, so... [ sighs ] ♪ i was so scared. i wanted to believe that you were coming home, but there were some days that i wasn't sure. ♪ are you back for good? ♪
1:52 am
you know what? raj is dead. that's some kind of justice -- but you were right. baby, i didn't need to be the one that had to go get him. no, hey -- i shouldn't have left you. listen, you diexactly what y needed to to protect our family. but i didn't. i didn't. i kn what happened to you while i was gone. and i'm soy, baby. ♪ but i didn't keep you safe, and i'm sorry about that. ♪ okay, when's the next "lesson"? his final instructions to me were that i need to be available 24/7. avail-- [ scoffs ] available for what? i-i don't know. if he calls me, i have to go to him, no questions asked. okay. ... sonny's back. he texted me an hour ago, and i goto tell him what's going on -- can u wait? if it was our kid, i'd want to know. and i'm gonna tell him your plan.
1:53 am
but if sonny says it's time to make a move, that if we do something wrong, it could destroy kristina. tell him i need more time. please. ♪ you don't believe i'll cl the police? why would the cops care about a guy who just came to a school to see if it would be a good fit? a-a fit? for what? you don't ha children. how do you know? have you been keeping tabs on me? a woman would have to be crazy toeave a child under your influence. wait a minute. i'm e injured party here. okay? you're the one who left me, okay? after everything that we went thugh together. after everything i did for you. you are a user, shil. a liar. a manipulator. your words are a weapon. hm. and if i have to, i will turn what you've done against you.
1:54 am
port charles can't afford to let its guard down til ryan chamberlain's remains are recovered. thank you. so, we're gonna keep looking. yes. but, laura, without federal and canadi resources at o disposal -- your job is going to be much harder. i understand. cuse me, commissioner. if you don't need me, i ed to make a run... yeah, go right ahead, detective. all right,thank you. so, i will aist you in any way i possibly can... [ door closes ] ...but have you oken to some of the people who knew ryan? we've spoken to mac and felicia. okay. 'll consult with dr. collins if necessary. [ uckles ] i think it's necessary, don't you? i'm sorry to sound indelicate, but no. dr. collins is a liability. and it's time thate treat him as such. ♪ what the hell?! you can't do this, griffin! this is not ryan! this is kevin! he did not kill kiki! i know exactly who is. kevin may have not killekiki with his own hands,
1:55 am
but he might as well have. you knew your psycho freak of a brother was alive and you didn't tell a soul! you knew...? you ying to beat the guy to death? you have called me a hypocrite so many times. how does it feel to be proved right? go home, griin. why are you protecting h? i'm protecting you. kiki would not want hiblood on your hands, griffin. that's not the man that she loved. he's all yours. sniffles ] ♪ thank you. ♪
1:56 am
the russells travel to a different swim meet every saturday. but now... it's thursday. good thing they discovered gain flings. the only detergent with concentrated gain, oxi boost, and febreze odor remover. mmhmm. smelling is believing. and ga flings can hiya karate stink too. try new improved gain flings. breathe right strips are designed to simply when nighttime nasal congestion closes in, open your nose rht back up. ♪ breathe better. sleep better. breathe right.
1:57 am
d back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. then i found alevem. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of ale. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. we all care about amazing taste. that's why we've been making the bestayonnaise for over 100 years. best foods. we're on the side of food. i left you unprotected. evetything that happened is -- has already happened. okay? i don't want to waste another breath on it. you are home. you're he. that's all that matters to me.
1:58 am
l right. you got to stop saying that, okay? [ cellphone ringing ] stop saying that what i did was okay, all right? [ ringing continues ] are you gonna get th? no. screw it. well, who is it? i don't know. [ clearshroat ] director jones. frisco jones, the director of the wsb. i think you have to take that call. [ ringing stops ] falconeri. uh, yes, director jones. um, thank you, sir. well, i just did what had to be done. and raj is -- is no longer gonna be a problem. yes, we will all sleep better night now. thank you, sir. yes, sir. um, full debriefing. ♪
1:59 am
[ knock on door ] hey. am i interrupting? no, come in. come in. how's the arm? it's fine. it's a "minor" injury. it's not the same thing as fine. i'm recovering. that's -- it's fine. that's good. i'm glad to have you back. yeah, me too. so, how's dante? i, uh, had the, uh, car drive him to lulu's 'cause he took it really hard when he found out what happened to her. ♪ you know, at least you and the baby are -- everything okay, right? there was some trouble while you re gone. ♪ oh, hey, griffin. i need you to run a consult for -- what happened? i'm fine. no, you're not fine. let me take a look at these hands. [ sighs ] all right. hey, look. let's go. dr. collins knew his brothewas alive, and he didn't tell a soul.
2:00 am
and i don't want him anywhere near our investigation besides, he'll be too busy defending hielf. from what? prosecution. i'm charging kevin collins as ryan chamberlain's accomplice. ♪ [ grunts ] you know, you don't have to do this. 'cause you deserve a beating? because there's not much left of me worth saving. was grifn right? did you know that your brother was alive? i was treang ryan in secret at ferncliff for months before he got the jump on me and took mplace. ♪ i am sorer than i could ever say... ♪ i'm sure you are. just like i'm sure that you neverntended
2:01 am
[sniffles] for tngs to happen the way th did. [ sniffles ] you told yourself, "i'm doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. listeni know all about that lie. [ chuckles ] i've told myself that lie... many times. and now here i am. i'm the one whose kid is dead, ansomebody's telling me that they didn't mean for it to happen. you have every right to despise me... i didn't ask for your approval. ♪ i'll call you an ambulance, okay? no, don't. don't. please. the ctor will just file a police report.
2:02 am
ough people have been hurt already on my no my brother will know somebody to help. you don't have to do this. done! after everhing that's happened... why help me? "dear dr. o: i in the process of adopting a baby. it's come to my atntion the birth mother was once institutionalized and is now in prison for a violent crime. now, i'm worried the baby i want is a wacko-in-wting. isnsanity inherited? signed, mama maybe." "mama maybe," huh? should be signed "mama neve" yeah. then obrecht says, "some studies show offspring whose parents suffer from conditions like bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression may carra predisposition to similar conditions." so, now you're worried about wiley's birth mom being mentally unstable. brad, do you know something you're not telling me? no, but... [ chuckles ]
2:03 am
i-i mean, she'd had to have been crazy to -- to give wiley up, right? what about the birth father? what about him? well, you're worried about the birth mom's genes. what about the father? maybe he's the one we need to be worried about. shiloh: i won't let you slander my good name. and i won't let you push me around. not anymore. [ chuckles ] oh. wow. your regression since you have left us is staggering, but that's okay, 'cause i've got plenty of time to guide you back. i've seen how you "repatriate" people. wait a minute. hold on. is thathat you're worried about? is that what this is about? discipline? oh, no, no, no, no. no, you will be welcomed back with open arms. don't you miss your family? ♪ of course. but i don't belong there anymore. i have a new life. you have a new mily, too?
2:04 am
don't seem like you're very happy, willow. we have everything you want. we have everything you need, honey. ♪ come home to us. come home. [ door opens ] ♪ and your dirty laundry that you just don'tant to deal with. because deprsion is multiple symptoms. yeah, time for a change. and your doctor tells you about trintellix, a prescription medicine for depression. so you're feeling this overall relief. and trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. you got this tell your doctor right away if you have wsening depression, unusual chans in mood, behavior thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens,
2:05 am
and young adults. do not take with maois. tell your doctor about your medications including migraine, psychiric and depression medications to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding andd bruising may occur espiallying if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episod or vision problems may occur in some peop. may cause low sodium levels. common side effects include nausea, constipation and vomiting. not living in sweatpants. ask your doctor about changing to trintellix. -jamie, this is your house? -i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? -kids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you didn't tell meyour fri. -o yeah. -this one is tiny like a chi. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to be surrounded by what matters most -- a home and auto bundle from progressive. -oh, sweetie, please, play for us. -oh, no, i cldn't. -please. -okay. [ singing in spanish ]
2:06 am
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2:07 am
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2:08 am
so why are you making yourself crazy, man? from what you told me, only three people know that, uh, wiley isn't willow's son -- you, me, and the real birth mom. so unlesthis woman's making noises, you have nothing to fea and how many of those do you take in a day, man? [ cellphone chimes ] i don't know. i lose count. proplem? it's my sister. [ sighs ] you know what? you should really see a doctor, though. yeah. i live with a doctor. lucas thinks that it's the stress from being a first-time parent. good. let's keep it that way. and we'll see you later, okay? ♪ [ sighs ] a-and then jason brght me to the hospital in niagara falls and thdoctor assured me that the baby and i are fine. and chamberlain?
2:09 am
yeah. uh, ryan jumped off a footbridge into the niagara river, right near the falls. it was -- it was a long drop, freezing water. he had a bullet in the shoulder. think he's dead? no idea. okay, you call every favor you can from our associates. find chamberlain. if he's still alive, you make sure he's not. i'll -- i'll do whatever you want, sonny, but... what do you got to s? you got something else to tell me? yeah. right now, ryan is not our only problem. am i interrupting something? yes. not at all. you're rightn time for our parent/teacher conference. are you sure? 'cause i can -- i can wait. i just have to let the station know that i'm going to be a little late... hey, officer, tell me what's more dangerous -- enforcing the law or being a single pare? it's detective, actually. and not much fazes me. yeahi bet. hey, i'm shiloh. and he was just leaving. ♪
2:10 am
shiloh: okay. ♪ it was really good seeing you again. lookmy door is alwayopen to you. you just need to walk through. ♪ there absolutely no way that kevin was ryan's accomple. the people were killed because dr. collin shielded his brother. your own daughter was viciously attacked. i know what happened to my daughter! i also know th your husband is dr. collins, madam mayor. and your point is? i think the strict attorney is trying to acknowledge that this is a politically sensitive mome. no matter how you spin this, dr. collins was complicit in ryan's crimes. do you think thai would try to sweep this under the carpet to try to avoid some kind of political fallout? no one is suggesting that, laura. you are a good mayor.
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rt charles is better off under your leadership. and i'm informing you of my intention to prosecute collins so you can get in frontf it. there's nothing to "get in front of." there's nothing to "spin"... great. ...because intend to be completely transparent through this wholehing. and when the time comes, do i have your support? ♪ [ slurring ] your brother did do a lot of damage, you know? i think if you added it all up... i lost t most. everything okay here? yeah, now! 10 minutes ago, though... show me your hands, chamberlain. w-- no, no, no, no, no, no, no. l be able ve that down at the station. i look forward to doing so. what? no, is is not right. this is false arrest here. it is. and i'm gonna find out -- oh, damn it. hey! at'sour badge number?
2:12 am
lady, you want me to book you for public intoxication? no. please, officer, that's not necessary. i'm surrendering voluntarily. u don't have to do that on my account, right? 'cause i'm not intidated. ava, really... you saved enough people today. call a cab. go home. all right, let's go. [ grunts ] ♪ lucas: you know... when we were in med school, i was in total awe of you. i mean, sure, you were brilliant, but u weren't obsessed with competition or your standing in the class. you were just this warm, generous, gorgeous guy that everybody was either jealous of or in love with -- so of us both. [ sighs ] what happened to that guy? he's lost.
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