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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 4, 2019 11:35pm-12:35am PDT

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here. our next newscast is 4 effect 30 there's a great spot where you tomorrow morning. can see into the comedy club lisa argen from the outside. alyssa smith traffic. i'll show you guys. >> stay tuned. >> all right. let's go. >> yeah, i want to see it. jimmy kimmel seth roggin >> jimmy: so you see, you watch tonight. the basketball games over here before we get to the observation area. >> you know, jimmy, you just got . >> dicky: from the caesars to look on your face that just entertainment zappos theater, tells me i should run like a son it's jimmy kimmel in las vegas. of a bitch out of here. tonight, seth rogen, mike tyson, >> jimmy: hi, guys, how are you. jimmy rides a las vegas zip >> hi. >> jimmy: we're just here for line. the observation deck. and music from iggy azalea, >> yeah, come right this way. presented by mazda, with cleto >> jimmy, i'm going t great and the cletones. actually for the show. and now, going for broke! >> welcome, right this way. jimmy kimmel! >> oh, no, i don't like heights. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: don't worry, we'll be down soon enough. >> look at the beautiful view. >> nice view. >> jimmy: thank you. >> jimmy: isn't that nice? should we put on safety equipment before we do this? >> yes, we should have safety thank you. very nice. thank you. equipment on all of you. thank you, thank you. >> yeah. >> safety equipment?
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>> yeah, safety equipment. >> they don't have safety equipment on everybody else. hello! >> we're up pretty high. >> jimmy: wait, wait, wait, hello, everyone. wait. >> don't wait, wait, wait, wait me. i know something bad's going to happen. i know it. >> why are you so negative all muchas gracias. the time? >> i hate that laugh. i'm jimmy. i love you, but i hate that thank you for coming. laugh. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: it's going to be okay. i appreciate that. >> you stop laughing, too. thank you. please, relax, relax. >> jimmy: look how nice these i'm glad, thank you very much. people look. look at this guy, would he be up to any shenanigans? i'm very happy you're here. >> i don't like this whole thing, i'm telling you. i'm happy i'm here. stop telling knee's going to be it's great to be back in las fun. fun my ass. fun is when i'm laughing, not vegas. [cheers and applause] let me ask a quick question. when you'reaughing. how many of you in our audience yo >> jmyyove lived in vegas tonight, how many of you for how long, aunt chippy? actually live in las vegas? [cheers and applause] >> 43 years. >> jimmy: i lived, i lived in las vegas at one time. >> jimmy: 43 years you've been now i'm trying not to die in las here, have you ever been suspend vegas, because this is our fourth night here. in midair? you know you've been in vegas >> answer the question. he's talking to you. too long when you see someone >> jimmy: have you ever been suspended in midair?
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stepped off an elevator, and >> no, jimmy, i was always very you're surprised they're not holding a yard-long plastic bong careful. you son of a -- you know, you full of purple margarita liquid or whatever the hell that is. have other aunts. las vegas is theit tt answers the on, how many can ma why don't you pick on them? >> jimmy: they're not as funny as you are. >> i tell you what. want to go to a strip club. why don't the three of you guys go, and i'll like, you know, the answer is a lot of times. applaud for you. >> jimmy: the problem is, the last night i saw a college kid, elevators only go up. although he probably wasn't in >> what do you mean the college. he was riding a jazzy scooter elevators only go up? through the casino, beeping for >> jimmy: these are up people to get out of his way elevators. this is the only way down. while drinking a half-gallon of [ laugh jack daniels through a crazy straw. so it's good to be home. there's a lot going on in vegas, a lot. [cheers and applause] all right, we'll just follow this is a weird place. this gentleman. all right, good. >> there you go. even the buddhists here are up >> all right, you guys, bye, to no good. good luck. >> oh, you're coming too. >> a meditative zen center may you're right here on number five. right here, my friend. be an illegal swingerslu >> if my eyelashes fall off, s hava license tocef i'll know we're in trouble. and advertises z temple las >> jimmy: how you feeling
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guillermo? >> no, this is terrible. vegas, but, an undercover i thought this was only go beino investigation led to allegations the property is operating illegally as a swingers club. be aunt chippy. >> jimmy: who told you that? >> jimmy: but i'll tell you something. they may be operating illegally >> cousin sal told me that. as a swinger club, but you can't >> where do you want me? >> oh, my god. beat their prices on mammograms. oh, no. we have a heavy weight caliber can i quit the show? show for you. seth rogen is here, mike tyson >> hey, jimmy, i don't want to is here. do this [ bleep ]. can you take it off? music from iggy azalea, and let i don't want to do this me tell you something. [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: no, you're doing it. all the hours you spent waiting aunt chippy's doing hsun oh, oh! in line will be worth it ten times over when you get to hear mike tyson say iggy azalea, okay? and not only are those oh, [ bleep ] jimmy, i can't luminaries in the house, i'd even look down from here. also like to you say hello to my i'm go being ing too do this? long time security guard guillermo. say hello to ne >> jimmy: look at guillermo, he's not nervous at all. [cerd applause] >> [ bleep ] i'm nervous, jimmy. >> my ass is sticking out. ♪ ♪
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i don't want to go like this. i want dignity. jimmy, you better bring me ♪heers and app [ bleep ] flowers, you son of a bitch. >> aunt chippy! for the first time, i agree [ bleep ] wh >> jimmy: look at sal, he's fine. >> shut up! >> jimmy: sal, how you doing? nobody's happy. i don't understand this. >> where's the comedy club? i can't see it? >> jimmy: it's just down this path. are you ready? >> we are launching you in three, two, one. enjoy your ride. >> jimmy: heremy whado you thin? ♪ [cheers and applause] aunt chippy, look. >> i aunt looking a >> jimmy: wow, look at that. guillermo and the cast of the you're missing the whole thing! >> oh, [ bleep ] i'm not opening my eyes. cirque du soleil show.
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thank you everyone. ♪ guillermo. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you didn't have to >> oh, god! wear any padding under that suit. it's really. >> just a little bit. >> jimmy: just a little bit. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i took guillermo on an always [ bleep ] adventure here in las vegas. if you watch our show, you know >> ah! you son of a bitch! that we like to mess with my aunt chippy who lives here. on monday for april fool's we >> jimmy: oh, man. >> holy [ bleep ] are you put a car in her living room. kidding me? it's still there by the way, the >> jimmy: hands free. car's still in the living room, which is great, but there's more work to be done. >> i don't care you do, just get me out of here. there's a zip line at the link. >> jimmy: all right. we have to go back backwards. the zip line, it's 12 stories >> oh, no, you're not. high, and i'm openingig uer it this ass ain't going no backwards. >> jimmy: what lesson did we kmel's comedy learn here? learned never trust and sal together. [cheers a >> jimmy: well, there we go. [cheers and applause] we worked on the name for a very long time. finally, we've learned a lesson. so i cooked up a scheme to get my aunt chip epy on the zip lin. ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> ah! >> jimmy: we have, you know, we cousin sal told guillermo, who have fun. is very afraid of heights, he tonight on the show, we have said we aren't really getting on music from iggy azalea, mike the zip line, only aunt chippy's tyson is here, and we'll be right back with seth rogen! getting on it, and when guillermo got to the top you say ♪ what? >> i say oh, [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: so in a way, this with this one little prank was a two for one. nexgard chew here's me and some very unhappy comes power, companions in las vegas at the confidence, reassurance you're doing what's right link. so this is the link as you know. to protect your dog they've got the brooklyn bowl from fleas and ticks for a full month. and all sorts of great stores and whatnot. but most significantly, they have this. and it's the only chew >> oh, look, i know that guy. fda approved to prevent infections that cause lyme disease. >> jimmy: that's right. jimmy kimmel's comedy club. plus, it's safe for puppies. that's me, and it's coming soon. there's a lot of power in this one little nexgard chew. and it is coming soon. nexgard. what one little chew can do. >> very nice. nexgard. >> jimmy: so it's not finished, but i thought maybe you'd like don't make her drink water pet, ysmelling of chlorine! to take a loo give her culligan water, it can be positively proven! >> yes, i would love to. yes. delicious for dogs! and delicious for humans! >> jimmy: let's go.
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>> holy smoke. and with filtered culligan water of course it... >> jimmy: so this over h regula. means maureen can drink it straight from the faucet! ♪ we want your sandwich to arrive freaky fresh®, so we only deliver within 5 minutes of our stores. and not... farther.
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...he's new. order at because sandwich. with a lot of other young couples. then we noticed something...strange. oh, could you, uh, make me a burger? -poof -- you're a burger. [ laughter ] -everyone acts like their parents. -you have a tattoo. -yes. -fun. do you not work? -so, what kind of mower you got, seth? -i don't know. some kid comes over. we pay him to do it. -but it's not all bad. someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto. friends & family sale - theou fsavings add up!...parents. with an extra 20% off! save on women's tops - $15.99 comforter sets... and jumping beans tops - just $6.40. plus - take an extra $10 off your $50 or more kids' sale purchase!... plus - get kohl's cash! right now... at kohl's. prestige creams not living up to the hype? one jar shatters the competition. olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400.
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fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay. [zara larsson - "wow"] ♪ ♪ make you're jaw drop drop say oh my drop drop drop ♪ ♪ make u say oh my god my drop drop ♪ ♪ make you're jaw drop make u say oh my god ♪
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champion of the world, mike tyson is here. and then, her song is called "sally walker." iggy azalea. tomorrow night, we close out the week tomorrow night with celine dion, chris tucker and perhaps even a mystery guest or two. please join us. our first guest tonight is the
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hardest-working stoner in the whole world, responsible for some of the funniest movies ever. you can see him alongside charlise theron. please say hello to seth rogen! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: how you doin'? >> i'm good. how are you? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: may i just begin our interview by saying you look very handsome. >> thank you. you look very handsome as well. we're going to cross over. >> jimmy: this seems like a town you'd be very comfortable in. >> i do like las vegas a lot. i spend a lot of time in las vegas. appreciate las vegas. and at times las vegas
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appreciates me. i filmed here almost ten years ago. i was here for a while. we shot our movie "knocked up" here a long time ago. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: yeah. how long were you here in town? >> i was here for like a week, but it, so in the movie, like the scene is that we're supposed to do hallucinogenic mushrooms and go to a cirque du soleil show. >> jimmy: i remember. >> i was sent to las vegas to scout all the cirque du soleil shows over the course of a weekend to pick which one would be the best for the movie. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> and as responsible producers, we thought the only appropriate way to really know which one would be the best would be shrooms for two days straight and see every single cirque du soleil show that was on the strip at the time, which we did.
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and it was amazing. >> jimmy: did judd apatow know that his two location scouts were on mushrooms? >> no. we went to oh, the water one, which was terrifying on shooms. i kept trying to get them to stop. i was like, this is too dangerous, guys. you are going to hurt yourselves. and then there was the sexy one, which was cah. and on mushrooms, sex is not right. sex becomes very medical on mushrooms. and then we saw mystere which had a big funky baby dude and i motioned to guillermo. i was like, this is a comedic gift from god. and at that was the one. and i had to ask the cirque du soleil people, can we use your show? and we were nervous because we're like, we're going to be on mushrooms in it. are you comfortable with that?
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and we talked to the guy who owns and runs cirque du soleil, and he was like, how do you think we come up with this stuff? and he was like good, that's exactly how it was intended to be viewed. which was fantastic, yeah. >> jimmy: what's the best time you ever had here in las vegas? >> i've come here many, many times, and i made like a small list of like good times i've had in vegas. >> jimmy: oh. >> i can quickly run through. >> jimmy: okay. [cheers and applause] >> some of these are short. they're just like, i once did steal a gondola at the venetian hotel in the middle of the night. it was shockingly easy. i'm not saying you should do it, but i'm is far more within your reach than would you ever expect it to be. >> jimmy: oh, that's good to know. >> i'm not saying you should do it. but if you wanted to do it you could do it. i tried to release siegfried &
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roy's tigers. >> jimmy: you were unsuccessful? >> i was very unsuccessful. i have a lot more. i don't know how many of these i have to go through. in retrospect, it would have been -- >> jimmy: you wreaked havoc here. >> eddie grifen in this hotel once yelled an anti-semitic tirade at me in the hotel. >> jimmy: that's fun. were you going up? >> i was going down. this is a tall building, that's what i will say. you're able to get a lot of thoughts out. i'll stop. >> jimmy: that's it? that's pretty good. >> i had more. >> jimmy: those were very solid. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: did you, i know you and your partner have been working on this cannabis company. >> yes. >> jimmy: for quite some time. [cheers and applause] >> how old were you when you met? >> me and evan met when we were
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13 years old. >> jimmy: when were you 13 years old, did you ever imagine that one day you would become a marijuana magnate? >> i wanted to, honestly. i mean, i've had a life-long love of weed and, you know, the idea that we were able to make a company that could, you know, we're only in canada right now, but provide people with high-quality cannabis, was just a thrilling prospect. [cheers and applause] and i'm proud to be the owner of this company. >> jimmy: had you had any experience selling pot? >> yes, during prohibition, i would say i had some, some pre, yeah, a little bit, when i was younger, you know, but you got to do what you got to do. >> jimmy: it was a side job? or was that your primary source of income? >> i did standup comedy and shrooms. they sold for a little more. >> jimmy: you really are a pioneer in this field. >> i'm just trying.
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>> jimmy: congratulations. >> an exciting time. >> jimmy: what's it called? >> house plant. >> jimmy: i see you did a thing where you release the vinyl records with each strain of weed. >> we did. we released vinyl records with a mix of songs to match different strains of weed. there's a hybrid mix. each one with songs that match the vibe of those. >> jimmy: and are you selling record players, too? >> we talked about it, honestly. >> jimmy: you probably should think of that. we're going to take a look when we come back at your new movie. seth rogen is here. we'll see that after this. we'll be right back. ♪ something i've been wor...u ♪ james r. and associates. anna speaking... ♪ james r. and associates. anna. ♪ [phone ringing] baker architects. this is anna baker.
11:53 pm
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. i had some jokes i was going to run by you maybe if you have a second. what are you, what are you looking at? ah! >> why would you just barge in here while i'm sleeping. >> you were sleeping? >> yes! i was micro napping. >> that's what you call it? >> yes. >> sorry, i didn't know you were sleeping. you why were standing and had your eyes open. >> that was actually a really good nap.
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>> jimmy: that was seth rogen and charlise theron. theron. did you fall in love with her during the course of this movie? >> it as >> jimmy: she's beautiful. >> she's cool and beautiful and outrageously talented and it feels like she's been given an unfair amount of attributes. >> jimmy: maybe she circled around in the line a few times. >> i have some things, but come on. >> jimmy: you have a love-making scene with charlene. >> i do. >> jimmy: can i say that it's a realistic, it seems realistic. >> it's a brief love-making scene. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and the joke of the scene is that we both orgasm in a very short amount of time. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> which, for me is very believable, i think.
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and for her, like she kept claiming it was possible. and you don't want to bring too much to these arguments, because who am i to tell her, her thing, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: no. >> and we were trying to block the scene, everything you say is just bringing your own personal stuff, so it's humiliating to suggest anything. but i was like, i would maybe be on the bottom first situation like this and she was like no! i'm on the bottom. you're on top! that's how this goes down. and i was just like, whatever the hell you say. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i'm sure you know better than i do. but i will do what you like. and yes. and you let charlize take control. >> jimmy: i hate to bring, i know you guys are getting the cinema-con comedy duo of the year. >> jimmy: you're already getting awards for it. >> we're already getting awards.
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the movie hasn't been released. it shows they're super reputable. >> jimmy: you have been, on twitter, you have been blocked by major, a comedy star has blocked you. >> yes, it hurt. >> jimmy: your colleagues. >> larry the cable guy. >> jimmy: larry the cable guy. >> blocked me on twitter. >> jimmy: why did he do this? >> i don't know why he did it. i wish i did, obviously. i still have cable. i'm adding weight to his name. >> jimmy: that could go away. >> i watch hgtv. but, yeah, and i never cared what larry the cable guy was tweeting until he blocked me. and now i'm like, what does this guy have to say that i can't see? >> jimmy: yeah. >> what is it, larry the cable guy? why don't you want me to read your tweets? >> jimmy: is there an olive branch you'd like to extend to larry and heal this maybe? >> maybe we can sit down with the people at comcast or another
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cable company. >> jimmy: yeah, that's right. >> some sort of endorsement deal or something? >> jimmy: i'm sure the people at comcast could settle this for sure. >> larry, i'm sorry. i don't know what you're tweeting, but i want to see it. >> jimmy: well, thank you for being here, seth. have fun in las vegas. congratulations on your comedy duo award. seth rogen, everybody. "long shot" opens may 3rd. we'll be back from the las vegas strip. ♪ to severely active moderately crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, you have an infection or flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems.
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12:04 am
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♪ ♪ [cheers and >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live in las vegas are brought to you by mazda. for more information, visit your local mazda retailer or go to mazda
12:06 am
it's your time... .lf... . own it... take off in 3... 2... .aww it's time to get more. lower fares. better service. sweeter rewards. alaska airlines. (dad) this i(mom)eam cake needs a freezefreezer's full. (vo) only frigidaire's custom flex temp drawer can switch from
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middle school. we had a great social studies teacher, not only was he our teacher. on the weekends he'd come open the school and play whiffle ball with us. we're going to surprise him by giving him this beautiful brand-new mazda cx-9. lock at this. >> why am i all the way in the row? >> because i wanted to show people how much room there i i this beautiful vehicle. come on out, let's play. ♪ >> jimmy: hey. >> there he is. >> this is the guy i was talking about. mr. kaempfer. are the guys here? >> down there. >> these are my friends, tommy, jimmy and jimmy. i hung around with a lot of jimmys back then and an occasional tommy. >> jim, jim, jim? tradition. >> jimmy: what's up, fellas? should we do a game?
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>> yeah. >> the opening pitch. >> holy! >> there he was. still got it. >> jimmy: all right, all right, all right. >> hey, batter, batter, batter. >> swing! >> oh, my goodness! >> does that count? >> jimmy: all right, we're not as young as we used to be. >> there you go. ♪ >> first base. >> jimmy: all right, all right. >> two up. >> jimmy: who's supposed to be up now, sal or cleto? we need more t,l, let's go. >> oh, no. oh, my goodness! >> second base. >> sal! >> batting cleto >> jimmy: he's out at second! >> could this be the first strikeout in whiffle ball history? >> oh!
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>> ah-oh, switch hitter. >> oh, oh, my goodness. unprecedented. >> nice! that's gone. >> oh! there it is. >> all right. >> jimmy: let's take a break for our awards presentation. i remember a story you told us. dodgers jacket and you went to the zoo and you went past the monkeys, and the monkey reached across and splattered. >> right across my brand-new jacket. >> jimmy: so this is a little gift for you right there. a dodgers jacket. so go ahead and put that on. >> is this the one? >> this is exactly the same one. >> jimmy: it's clean now. >> is this the part where i throw poop at him? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we've got to look at something else. was that fun? >> good times. >> jimmy: there's something in the pocket of the dodger jacket. that is the key to a new mazda
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cx-9. and it's yours. it's not one of my pranks. [ applause ] there it is, right there. >> wow. i can't believe it. thank you so much. >> jimmy: can you give us a ride home? >> dicky: visit your local mazda retailer or mazda >> jimmy: there we go. mr. kaenpfer and jimmy, jimmy and tommy, everybody. we'll be right back with iron mike tyson. [cheers and applause]
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do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're hiv-positive, keep loving who you are, inside and out. ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: yeah! here in las vegas, iggy azalea's on the way, no american has led a more interesting life than our next guest. one day they will make a musical about him like "hamilton". he is owner of tyson ranch cannabis. he will be appearing at planet 13 here in las vegas on april 13th. please welcome, mike tyson!
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♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: how you doin'? >> oh, man! this is great. [cheers and applause] look what you got here, man, this is amazing. >> jimmy: everybody's excited. i'm excited to see you here. >> i'm excited. it's been a long time. how you feel being back home? >> jimmy: i feel great being back home. >> jimmy: you and i are both t it's a pretty big one. >> we know a lot of strange guys, like rocko. >> jimmy: you've won a lot of big fights here in vegas. >> the biggest.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: and how, did you move, did you, you didn't live in las vegas when you were winning those fights, did you? >> yes, i was, in the '80s, '86, '85. >> jimmy: this is where you had the famous house with the lion and tiger, is that right? >> yes, 100%. >> jimmy: where did you get those animals? >> so listen, i'm in prison. >> jimmy: you're not poin i i prison i'm talking ne to my car dealer, i'm asking what car is coming out this year, ferrari, whatever car. >> jimmy: like any prisoner would have that conversation. >> a friend of mine had purchased cars but hadn't paid all the money. and if they don't pay all the money he's going to take some of the cars and trade them in for animals like horses.
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you can do that? yeah. and he said mike, can you imagine me with an f-50 ferrari with the top down and a lion or tiger driving with you? i said yeah, that'd be pretty hot. get me two cubs. by the time i got out, there were two cubs there. >> jimmy: can you go in the carpool lane if you have a tiger in the car with you? >> yes, you can, i iv ive' done that. >> jimmy: what did people think when they saw you? >> they thought it was the n' illest [gi not in a million years. >> jimmy: did the animals ever bite you. >>ly i had a lai oftion bite me. >> jimmy: did you have to get treatment? >> yeah, i had to get stitches.
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i was giving the lion a tetanus shot. >> jimmy: you were giving the lion a tetanus shot? i didn't know you were an amateur veterinarian. >> no. talk more about my, you were with seth talking about marijuana, and i wanted to talk about tyson ranch. >> jimmy: yes, i want listen. we'r in the palm springs, hot springs area upuildsompl aresort: want tikehe end ofhe w. >>eople can stay there. we'll have little glamping chateaus there for at least a thousand people, this is going to be really big. >> jimmy: can i make a recommendation? are you accepting ideas? i always think that like a cemetery is a big waste of space. but, if you were to bury people there, and they could be stoners could be underneath the weed.
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>> that wouldn't be a good idea. >> jimmy: it wouldn't? >> no. we have a lazy river, the biggest lazy river in the world. as you were saying earlier, on the 13th of april, we're going to be, you'll be able to purchase our product in the biggest dispensary notice worin, planet 13. if you're going to,big. >> jimmy: the lae will use your products and float. >> have university as well. we'll show you that we're the top extractor of the cbd. and we're going to make the cbd and -- >> jimmy: will it be called tyson university? >> we're giving away scholarships as well. >> jimmy: oh, you are? >> yes. >> jimmy: this is great.
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will you have a team? will you compete in the ncaa tournament? >> no, but there will be marijuana teams. there will be contests in which i have won. >> jimmy: you won the contest? >> yes, i won. yes, i have. >> jimmy: i didn't know that. >> you do now. >> jimmy: congratulations. ranch. >> jimmy: are there animals on the ranch? >> we were discussing that as well. >> jimmy: lions. >> we were going to have sanctuary with lions and cheetahs. >> jimmy: you're growing a ton of weed, lions and tigers and a huge lazy river around the whole thing. >> yes, this is true. and a bunch of rooms and stuff. joi . >> jimmy: rooms. >> and lawns you can hang out on the couch. 400 acres. having a great time. state of the art, man. it's going to be like i'm turning back into a god again. >> jimmy: yeah.
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[cheers and applause] >> really good. really good. >> jimmy: have you thought about calling it marijuana-lago? that could be your own. >> that's ironic that you said that. i stopped by mar-a-lago. >> jimmy: did you smoke pot at mar-a-lago? >>ly to put it out. >> jimmy: so before you went in you smoked. >> they told me i had to put it out. >> jimmy: they told you you had to put it out. you didn't go in tin the bathrom and sneak? >> no, i wouldn't do that. >> jimmy: i know you're a big rule follower. this is something else. when will this be open, this big complex? >> listen. we're going to have another festival. we had the last festival, we only stayed for 4,000. we have 7,500 people came. and we hadn't prepared. we're going to be prepared. in october we're going to have one. god willing we can get a guy like drake, cardi b.
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>>imelsoou b fun. he's a good contributor of marijuana smoking. >> jimmy: he's done a lot to help. >> i would love to smoke with that guy. >> jimmy: i would love to be there while you are smoking with that guy. let's make that happen. >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: we get willie in that lazy river, who knows what will happen. >> it's beautiful, man. >> jimmy: if you want to see mike live and in person, planet 13 here in las vegas, april 13th, tyson ranch cannabis. we'll be right back
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♪ >> jimmy: i want to thank seth rogen, mike tyson, but here with the song "sally walker", iggy azalea!
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♪ j white i need a beat i can go off on oo lil' sally walker walkin' down the street ♪ ♪ she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me lil' sally walker ♪ ♪ walkin' down the street she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me ♪ ♪ i said go on girl do your thang do your thang do your thang ♪ ♪ go on girl do your thang do your thang stop go on girl do your thang ♪ ♪ do your thang do your thang go on girl do your thang do your thang drop ♪ ♪ lil' sally walker shake it proper bend it over make it wobble ♪ ♪ got a lot o' buns pick it up and drop it uh for the proper funds ♪ ♪ anything to make the profit come get them dollars hon' ♪ ♪ add that -- up just like mathematics if you do it for free then it's ass backwards ♪ ♪ all of you bitches is mad at me probably mad 'cause you ain't in my tax bracket ♪ ♪ you bitches is broker u n'gon' do --ckin' you just act ratchet ♪ ♪ play with me you gon' get back handed i toot it up and look
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back at it ♪ ♪ lil' sally walker walkin' down the street she didn't know what to do ♪ ♪ so she jumped in front of me lil' sally walker walkin' down the street ♪ ♪ she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me ♪ ♪ i said go on girl do your thang thg ♪ur thang ♪ go on girl do your thang do your thang stop go on girl do your thang do your thang ♪ ♪ do your thang go on girl do your thang do your thang drop ♪ ♪ watch me throw it back and toot it they love how i do it uh ♪ ♪ i'm the truth you can't refuse it plus my body's stupid uh ♪ ♪ he wasn't even shot by cupid but your dude's a groupie uh ♪ ♪ you would think it's getting evicted how my booty moving ♪ ♪ yeah better yet i need a u-hauli don't do malls♪ ♪ these bitches talk more than group calls shut the -- up with them loose walls ♪ with you bitches like duval and snoop dogg ♪ ♪ these bitches front like a new bra don't get your ass dragged like rupaul ♪ ♪ lil' sally walker walkin' down the street she didn't know what to do ♪ ♪ so she jumped in front of me
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lil' sally walker walkin' down the street ♪ ♪ she didn't know what to do front of me ♪ ♪ i said go on girl do your thang do your thang do your thang ♪ ♪ go on girl do your thang do your thang stop go on girl do your thang do your thang ♪ ♪ do your thang go on girl do your thang do your thang drop [cheers and applause] this is "nightline." tonight, topless teacher. >> a picture of my upper torso
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now has dismantled and ruined my entire life. >> how one woman says she was shame and unjustly fired by her school district over a private selfie. >> the kids say they have a naked photo of you and your picture's going around. >> >> now at the center of a multi-million dollar lawsuit and gender discrimination in the workplace. >> my chest is no more offensive than a man's chest. >> reporte plus gigi gorgeous coming out again. >> from this point forward, i am a lesbian. >> the
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