tv World News Now ABC April 5, 2019 2:42am-4:01am PDT
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police in cleveland jumped into action to save one of man's best friends. they found a dog hanging from a leash on the second-floor balcony of a home. it had apparently fallen over the side. an officer got on the porch and lifted the dog on his shoulders so it could breathe. others helped him get it down safely. that dog and another in the home were moved to a kennel. >> wow. >> incredible video there. turning to a lawsuit striking at the heart of gender equity. a young female teacher fired
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over a topless selfie. >> she sent the photo to a fellow teacher she'd been dating but somehow it got to a student. now she's fighting back. here's abc's kimberly brooks. >> in my whole life, people ask me, oh, if you weren't a teacher, what would you be? that is a really hard question to answer when you've never dreamed of doing anything else in your entire life. >> reporter: for 25-year-old lauren miranda, working in education was her entire world. a math teacher at bellport middle school on the picturesque shores of long island where she grew up and spent her whole life. >> when i got a job three months after i graduated, i thought this was where i was supposed to be for the next 30 years. >> reporter: but one selfie she says she sent to an ex three years ago ruined her life. >> when i initially got questioned, my principal was in possession of it. and spun his computer monitor around, and there's -- there's the picture of myself. >> reporter: she says the school placed her on home assignment.
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ultimately letting her go. >> i received a text message thursday afternoon from my district union representative saying that the vote -- they voted on it last night, and that i'd been fired. >> reporter: determined to fight back, she hired an attorney and plans to sue the school district for $3 million. what's the message you're trying to send with this? >> men and women are equal. it's 2018. my chest is no more offensive than a man's chest. so why am i being penalized? whereas if a man took the same picture he wouldn't be in the same situation i'm in. >> reporter: there's still one big question. how was the photo made public to begin with? miranda says she only sent the image to one person. have you talked to him since this happened? >> briefly. but nothing in depth. again this photo is so old. >> how does a three year old picture from an ex, that i sent to an ex, surface three years later in the hands of one of my students?
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or some student that goes to my school? >> i think that's the district's job to figure out and to backtrack. i really do. i think that they were negligent by not figuring out the source of this. >> do you think it's ever appropriate for a school to fire someone over a nude photo? >> absolutely not. >> so a student gets access to a nude photo of a teacher what should happen in this case? >> the school had a duty to investigate. they didn't. they did something, but very little. that was their first mistake. and they didn't because they had already made up their minds. the superintendent of schools said to her, in no uncertain terms, you can't be in the classroom if those kids can see that picture. >> reporter: when contacted by abc news, a representative for the school district declined to comment citing pending litigation. >> i still have bills to pay. i am an average 25-year-old. i have student loans. now what? now what's my next step?
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i feel like i'm at the bottom of a hole, and i'm trying to dig myself back up. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm kimberly brooks in long island. >> our thanks to kimberly. as part of her legal complaint, miss miranda is seeking up to $3 million and wants her job back. a wild story here. >> this really sparks up the debate again about you see a man with a shirtless photo, you see a woman. is it the same? because obviously for -- let's say here on our air, we can show a topless man. we can't show a topless woman because of the censors and whatnot. >> we've started censoring all nipples. we have. we do. we've got the "world news now" over all nipples. >> the wnn. >> the jacket, you're uncomfortable now. coming up, creating a phone-free zone at school. >> how's that going over with students? that's next on "world news now." t on "world news now." that's the beauty of your smile. bring out the best in it with crest 3d white.
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there's no telephone in a growing number of places these days like concerts and plays thanks to a system called yonder. >> you put your phone in a special pouch. the pouch locks and the only way to unlock it is to tap it against that unlocking base. >> the system is being used in schools too, including one middle school in new jersey where it has led to big changes. wabc's toni yates has the story. >> reporter: we are flies on the wall with these middle schoolkids. >> sean isn't there. he's the cold air. >> reporter: see what you don't see? no cel phones, putting their phones away in these locked pouches for the entire school day. has done wonders. >> i got more focused. my grades went up. >> reporter: mr. stans as everyone calls him has worked in the school district for many years, but this is his first year at max middle school. he came with a plan. >> i saw that our suspensions were kind of high in years past.
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discipline referrals very high. and our test scores were just very low. and so reviewing and looking, i saw such a connection to cellphones. >> reporter: he got the okay from the school board and parents and pushback from his students. >> from me at first, i didn't really like it. >> i would try to open it, and then when i couldn't, i feel -- i just gave up on it, i didn't like it. >> i was just looking at it all day, it was just ringing next to me. >> reporter: three days into it -- >> three days later i was just like, what are we learning today? i can't even open this. >> are you guys saying, putting down your smartphones made you better communicators and more interested in what's going on around you? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> you have people who are starting to read books now. that normally don't read books. >> reporter: teachers who also lock their phones away concur. >> i don't have to constantly tell them to put your phone away, put your phone away. as soon as they walk in, they want to learn.
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they're intrigued on what we're learning today. >> reporter: toni yates, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> essentially those kids grew up like we did. at least how i did. because, you know, you just got out of, what, high school? couple of years ago? >> okay, grandpa. okay, grandpa, you and the shade today. >> i'm just saying. >> no, we didn't -- i didn't have a phone in middle school. >> yeah. >> you are so shady. but i like that. i do think it's great. >> i do. >> they shouldn't have phones out in school. >> we even had yonder even in the '90s when i was growing up. >> oh, really? >> it's like, where is that? it's over yonder. >> you guys, help me. pushups are a grind for most people. results of a new study might provide some new motivation, at least for one part of the population. >> researchers studied 1,500 male firefighters and found those who could do 40 or more pushups had a 96% lower risk for heart disease than those who completed 10 or less pushups.
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you don't have to with always my fit try the next size up and get up to 20% better coverage - day or night because better coverage means better protection always. it is time now for our "insomniac theater." previewing two movies vying for the top spot at the box office this weekend. >> starting with the highly anticipated stephen king reboot, "pet sematary," the film tells the story of a young doctor who relocates his family to maine, and after tragedy strikes, stumbles on to the pet sematary. >> i wasn't ready to say good-bye to her. >> you're scaring me. just tell me what you're talking about. >> it's my fault she died. i had to bring her back.
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there's a place deep in the woods. beyond the pet sematary. it brings things back. >> are you happy, mommy? >> oh. >> critics are loving "pet sematary," a solid 70% on rotten tomatoes. it will have loyal fans debating its impact.30% on rotten tomatoes. it will have loyal fans debating its impacomatoes. it will have loyal fans debating its impact. peter travers calls it a killer diller chiller that will make you jump out of your seat, it's the stuff of nightmares. >> that little bit we showed was scary enough. every time i see it i wonder why it's spelled like that, spelled wrong. i guess it's a take on a child. >> the child wrote on the signs.
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i remember on the 1989 film -- >> were you 17 when it came on? >> doesn't it come on usa network all time? so yes, that's the way they spell it. and that grammar mistake is the stuff of nightmares for us grammar lovers. >> it is. next to superhero action adventure, "shazam" is the seventh installment in the d.c. extended universe starring asher angel as a teenage boy who finds he can transform himself into an adult superhero, played by zachary levi. >> you're like a bad guy, right? >> you did opposite of what a superhero is supposed to do. >> you're him. you're the hero. >> you're welcome for not getting robbed! >> i'm batman. >> get him, batman! >> how old are you? >> basically 15. >> a solid 93% certified fresh on rotten tomatoes. tom russo writes, amid the unattributed riffing, perv jokes, and graphics you realize "shazam" is pretty entertaining.
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this morning on "world news now," new details about the man who claimed to be a child missing for nearly eight years. >> dna proved the person claiming he is timmothy pitzen is not timmothy. the pitzen family is now reacting, so is the man behind this hoax. president trump getting ready to head to the u.s./mexico border just a day after he backed off his threat to close it. what led to his change of heart. the desperate search to find a kidnapped american. the search zone is expanding in uganda and authorities there have a warning for everyone. and what would you do to eat more chicken? meet the people who braved the elements overnight for their chance to win chick-fil-a for a year. it's friday, april 5th.
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let's rejoice. >> good morning. >> it's friday. we made it. >> we bought the colors. i got my pre-easter color, my obama suit. >> extra color. >> spring has sprung, everybody, let's do this, it's friday. we begin it the ex-con who crushed the hopes of a family looking to end a kidnapping saga. >> for more than a day officials near cincinnati thought the 2011 kidnapping of then 6-year-old timmothy pitzen may have been solved after someone claiming to be timmothy surfaced in kentucky. >> authorities now say that person is really a 23-year-old ohio man who has a criminal history and mental health issues. here's abc's whit johnson. >> reporter: heartbreak for the family of missing timmothy pitzen after the fbi announced a dna test confirms the mysterious young man who showed up in kentucky is not who he claimed to be. >> it's devastating. >> yeah. >> it's like reliving that day all over again.
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and -- timmothy's father is devastated once again. >> reporter: instead, authorities say, this is not a boy at all but a 23-year-old man from ohio, brian michael rini. prison records there show a man with the same name served time for burglary and vandalism. and they want to know why he told this elaborate tale, giving a family false hope. >> oh -- it's kind of back to ground zero for us. you know, kind of reliving everything that did happen. and renewing the loss one more time. >> reporter: since 2011, pitzen's family has searched for the little boy, who vanished with his mother when he was just 6 years old. >> it was just more devastating than anything else. where's tim at? if i knew where he was, i'd go get him. i'd do just about anything to get him back. >> reporter: his mother seen on surveillance taking him out of school and on a trip to a zoo and water parks. days later committing suicide,
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leaving a chilling note saying timmothy was safe, but would never be found. >> it was a 14-year-old juvenile, male white, said he was kidnapped from somewhere. >> reporter: eight years later, this young man in a hoodie showing up in a northern kentucky neighborhood. sharon hall snapping this picture. >> i could see his side of his face, it was scarred up. almost like he had been on concrete or something, like scars. >> like he had some injuries or something? >> yes, yes. and his face was real rough. he was just frantic. >> reporter: he told a harrowing story about how he had just escaped his kidnappers. but that lie is not discouraging timmothy pitzen's family. >> we know that you are out there somewhere, tim. and we will never stop looking for you. praying for you. and loving you. >> reporter: a spokesperson with the aurora, illinois police department said if anything good can come from all of this, it's that it created a renewed awareness in the timmothy pitzen case. but it's still unclear what charges could be in store for the man who made this whole thing up.
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whit johnson, abc news, cincinnati, ohio. >> our thanks to whit on this crazy story. and we're learning more about the suspect, brian rini. >> jonathan rini says he hasn't spoken to his older brother in four years. he says he has no compassion for his brother because of legal run-ins dating back to when brian rini was a juvenile. >> he's been doing stupid stuff for as long as i can remember. he has several mental issues, yes. he has asperger's, bipolar disorder, adhd, the list goes on. >> john hopes his brother gets help but also hopes he goes to a prison or institution. he says if he could speak to pitzen's family, he would apologize for what his brother has done. we heard whit earlier say there's a silver lining they're looking at here, that it brings more attention, more awareness to what happened to timmothy pitzen. 24 hours ago there were so many who were sure that timmothy had been found. for this family this is just heartbreaking.
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they are back at ground zero, as they said. >> right. so many people who thought they were sure, but that family who specifically said they were cautiously optimistic, cautiously hopeful. now you see why, because imagine if they had gotten their hopes up, that after eight years they would have this little boy who would now be a teenager back. this story took a head-scratching turn. it leaves you wondering why this man, brian rini, allegedly made this up, if he just knew the history of the case. brings up so much more heartache for that family. >> that's the other con of this, the fact that this case, if it has all this publicity, then you have someone who studied it, allegedly, and then took advantage. >> right. >> then went to police and said that he was that person. so we will continue to follow the developments from this one. democrats are stepping up demands for the release of robert mueller's full report as well as additional documents amid word of frustration among investigators. >> attorney general william barr
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defended his letter on the special counsel's findings after members of mueller's team reportedly said those findings are more damaging to president trump than barr revealed. protesters gathered outside the white house and in dozens of cities to call on barr to turn over mueller's report in its entirety. abc's mary bruce has the details. >> reporter: for the first time, members of robert mueller's team are reportedly sharing frustrations with how attorney general bill barr is handling their report. according to "the washington post" an associate of the mueller team says the report is much more acute than barr suggested. sources telling the "post" the evidence on obstruction of justice was alarming and significant. barr has released a four-page letter outlining his main conclusions, which the justice department insists is not an attempt to summarize the report. but the "post" reports mueller's team is frustrated because they prepared their own summaries to be shared in their own words and not in the attorney general's summary of their work. one official briefed on the issue tells the "post" those summaries were written in a way that minimum redactions, if any,
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would have been necessary, and the work would have spoken for itself. >> there's an easy answer to this. release the mueller report. as soon as possible. and let me just say, the mueller report will be released. >> reporter: the justice department is pushing back, suggesting they couldn't release any of the mueller team's summaries because every page of mueller's confidential report was marked with a notation that it may contain confidential material. barr has promised to make public a redacted version soon. the president says he supports that. >> let it come out. let people see it. that's up to the attorney general. >> reporter: but he tweeted, there is nothing we can ever give to the democrats that will make them happy. republicans like trump's ally senator lindsey graham wants to see more. >> i want the report to come out publicly just for, you know -- let the public see what they got for their money. >> reporter: later he told us he's standing by the attorney general. >> no concern at all the barr summary may not be an accurate reflection? >> zero. he's not stupid. why would he do that? >> reporter: in light of the new
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reports, democrats on the hill are ramping up their request for information new demanding those summaries that were reportedly prepared by mueller's team and all communications between mueller's team and the justice department when the report and its disclosure to congress. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. >> our thanks to mary bruce. president trump is heading to the southern border today after backing away from his threat to shut it down. the president now giving mexico a one-year warning, saying he'll impose tariffs on cars unless the country does more to stop the flow of migrants and drugs entering the u.s. he's visiting calexico, california, a city across from mexico where a two-mile section of the border fence was replaced last year. aviation safety experts say there's shared blame for last month's boeing crash in ethiopia. the preliminary report about the crash says faulty readings from a sensor triggered an anti-stalling system which forced the plane's nose down. >> the pilots cut power to that system, which follows boeing's procedure for that situation.
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then counter to boeing's guidelines the pilots turned the system back on which sent the plane into a steeper dive and led to the crash. boeing is acknowledging that the sensor malfunctioned. its ceo says the company is developing a software fix to prevent it from happening again. harvard is launching an investigation of its fencing coach because of a possible conflict of interest. that follows a "boston globe" report which says coach peter brand's house was purchased by a wealthy businessman for nearly $1 million. the house was valued at about half that. the report also says more than a year after the sale, the businessman's son got into harvard and was on the school's fencing team. a harvard official says the school doesn't believe the case is related to the college admissions scandal. now to an age-old problem that catches many people with their pants down. but we may have a solution. >> okay. charmin says it has come up with a roll of toilet paper that could last you a month. it's called the forever roll.
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forever/a month. it comes in single user and multi user sizes. >> regardless of size, charmin says the rolls are the same two-ply tissue you know and love. just might make you sing the shiny hiney song. you know the song? >> no, i don't, kenneth, sing it, please. >> no, thank you. that looks like the industrial -- you find it in the burger king. >> it does. >> that will last you for a very long time. it also reminds me there are two types of people out there. >> oh my gosh, the under rollers and the over rollers. >> okay, there's another set out there. >> what were you going to say? >> the people who can use just a little bit, not to get too much tmi. also the people who just -- >> let me go ahead and double this up, yeah. >> your parents say, are you in there like that? >> are you wasting paper? >> why is the toilet tissue gone after three days? >> uh-huh, yeah. but the other people, the over rollers and the under rollers.
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>> i'm an over. >> good. because that's the way it should be. only psychopaths are under rollers, right? >> that is true. you're under? >> no, no, not me, not around here. actually, sometimes it ends up being an under roller and i'm like, who's the psycho in the house? >> it's only your husband and the baby. >> i know, but i'm like, who's the psychopath? >> what are they going to do for a month and a day? >> i don't know. then you've got to switch it up. then you're caught with your pants down again. >> that's not a good way to be. coming up, an update on mick jagger after his surgery to replace a heart valve and how soon he'll be back on the stage. first the new details about that american tourist kidnapped during an african safari and the new warning for americans inside uganda. you're watching "world news now."
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the victim's adult son was driving. he suffered minor injuries. the ntsb is investigating. there are new details about the american citizen who was kidnapped for ransom during an african safari. >> kimberly sue endicott is a grandmother from orange county, california with a daughter and granddaughter. warning from authorities in w uganda. ian pannell is there. >> reporter: ugandan officials expanding the search zone as they frantically look for an american woman and her driver kidnapped during a ugandan safari. a joint operation by police, armed forces, and wildlife authorities now looking beyond the queen elizabeth national park where kimberly sue endicott, identified by neighbors as this woman, and jean paul merengue were taken by gunpoint over two days ago. they were with an elderly canadian couple who were allowed to escape and warn authorities. an official in washington
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telling abc news it appears the abduction is motivated by money. there are fears it could have been poachers or even militia rebels from neighboring congo. the kidnappers demanding $500,000 ransom. did they have a guard on this occasion? >> on this occasion, they did not have one. >> reporter: the state department warning americans to avoid the part of the park where the pair were taken until this is resolved. ugandans are genuinely shocked by what's happened here. it's a mark of how safe this country normally is but it's not an actual requirement to take along an armed guard unless to ward off potentially dangerous animals. but now that advice is changing. people told to take protection, while authorities still insisting the uganda is safe for tourists. ian pannell, abc news, uganda. >> just a crazy story there. her family says that it was her life-long dream to go on a safari to see the gorillas. obviously hoping for good developments.
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>> we definitely are, we definitely are. moving on, the rolling stones front man mick jagger reportedly recovering and in good health after surgery to replace a heart valve. >> the procedure was minimally invasive saying doctors did not have to open up his chest. he'll likely be out of the hospital in a few days, and the best news for fans, he is set to be back on stage in july, great news. >> with moves like jagger, he will do just that, be back up there in a few more months. coming up, the most expensive divorce in the history of the world. their separation sparked a sensation earlier this year. now hear how much the former mrs. bezos is set to walk away with. first what would you do for your favorite fast food? would you camp out? that's next on "world news now." i used to not love wearing an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy and that it was going to clog my pores. but what i love about olay regenerist whip with spf 25
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is that it's lightweight, it's barely there. and then i can put makeup on over it if i want or if i'm not working, you know, just roll. it's perfect for me. i'm busy philipps, and i'm fearless to face anything. and because is america's #1 brokerage site our agents get more eyes on your home so you sell for thousands more than the one next door. don't get stuck in the past. sell with a redfin agent. than the one next door. th for wounded warriorsgram and their families to build new lives together. when my dad left, i was, like, this big,
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but now i'm, like, this big. my dad got a master's degree in human resources. thanks to warriors to work that my dad has a terrific job. when the warrior project helps them by, you know, giving them another start. now that my dad's home, i get a lot more hugs. i'm really proud of him. find out more about wounded warrior project at welcome home the brave. ♪ let me tell you just what to do ♪ dozens of people are going funky over chicken in pennsylvania.
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>> they were camped outside a brand-new chick-fil-a restaurant and our own will ganss is here to serve up an explanation. >> that was good. >> coming up, order up! yeah, working out for a whopper, fasting for a frosty? camping out for a coca-cola? what would you do for your favorite fast food joint? high winds. cold temperatures. >> i brought a space heater that i'm going to try and ask them if i can run an extension cord, you know, somewhere, you know. >> reporter: nothing could get in the way of these fast food fans and the one thing their hearts and stomachs desire. >> free chicken for a year! >> reporter: one chick-fil-a in the poconos in pennsylvania celebrating their brand opening by rewarding their first 100 customers with free chicken, drinks, and fries for a year. fans not waffling at that opportunity. >> pretty dang good, i don't know, i mean, it's chicken. best fast food chicken around. >> reporter: setting up tents and sleeping bags in the restaurant's parking lot but
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having good old-fashioned deep-fried fun, despite the winds and temperatures. turning lemons into chick-fil-a's notoriously delicious lemonade. the lucky customers? they'd totally drive throughhe experience again and again. >> the next 52 meals i'll be thinking it's worth it every single time we eat. >> those lucky customers can cash in on their chicken sandwiches whenever they like, except of course on sundays, which is always when that chicken craving hits. >> is it? >> yeah, you go down the interstate, oh, i see a chick-fil-a sign, oh, it's sunday. >> i don't eat at chick-fil-a. >> you don't? why not? >> there's some reasons why. if you have to camp out for a fast food restaurant, what would it be? >> will's trying to play pc here today. we appreciate it, will, we appreciate it. >> i would camp out for wendy's frosties and fries. you know you dip the fries in the frosty. >> that's good. >> that is good. >> what about you? >> i love bojangles.
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that's a good one. >> you eat chick-fil-a, don't you? >> i eat everything. everything. >> whoa! >> where's the kranch? and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee
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it's tim it's time for "the mix" on this friday. we're starting with a guy who's freshly single. just in time for -- >> ready to mingle. >> single, ready to mingle. he's a mets fan. he went to the game yesterday like any freshly single person would do and put his phone number on a sign. >> oh, of course. >> this is him. i'm single as of today, ask for my number, i dare you. we blurred out his number because this is not tinder, it's abc news. >> with all the insomniacs who watch, we know you'd blow his phone up. >> absolutely. he's already getting tons of calls and texts. he said in the first 20 minutes he got about 70 texts. he's getting calls from as far away as california, arizona, tennessee. he says he's getting calls from guys giving him support and telling him to do him and have some fun.
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right? he just got out of a five-year relationship, says they just grew into different people. have some fun. >> this is a great way to find either your life partner or a psycho. >> or a lot of trouble. how about this little boy uses toy truck to give a horse trainer a little help there. he's like, i'll help you out there. >> okay. >> give him a helping hand. >> his whole outfit on, all ready for it. >> he's all ready. >> oh my gosh. >> got the hat on. there you go. >> adorable. he's getting down to work. >> polka. >> are they paying him? >> presenting the multi talented anne reburn. her new single "so it goes" out now on spotify and itunes. ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ if you're in an insomniac any sleep you lack ♪ ♪ do the world news polka
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♪ it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the world news polka wow i can't believe i'm on tv! ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ bum bum bum bum ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think they're all a goofy crew ♪ ♪ and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell it's half past three just tell them it's news to me ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ if you're up this late you must be headed for the john ♪ ♪ but we get our polka on ♪ you'll know the weekend's here when this little tune we hear ♪ ♪ it's the world news polka ♪ do the world news bum bum bum bum polka ♪
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martin luther king jr.: we hold these truths to be self-evident -- that all men are created equal. john f. kennedy: the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans. barbara jordan: the american dream need not forever be deferred. lyndon johnson: this is the richest and the most powerful country...
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we're reliving everything that did happen. renewing the loss. >> this morning on "world news now," a family reliving the loss of their loved one. a dna test reveals that a man faked being the boy who vanished nearly eight years ago. new overnight, the imposter's family breaking their silence about the hoax. new this morning, a tourist falling to his death at the grand canyon. this is the third time someone has died at the arizona tourist destination in just the past several days. and new this half hour, the world's richest person is keeping his title. >> amazon's founder jeff bezos and his ex-wife have finalized their divorce. see what she's getting out of the settlement and what they're now both worth. ahead in "the skinny," a
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royal trifecta. three princes out on the town as we learn more about some big moves by prince harry just days before he's set to become a dad. it's friday, april 5th. all those princesses? >> all those princesses in one spot, looking dapper across the pond. >> dapper as ever, yep. >> all right, we'll get to that. first we begin this half hour with a cruel turn of events in a family's desperate search for a missing boy. >> on wednesday authorities thought they might have solved the 2011 abduction of timmothy pitzen. someone claiming to be the now 14-year-old stopped a woman in kentucky begging for help, claiming he'd been kidnapped. >> investigators say dna shows that person was ex-con brian rini, whose brother says the 23-year-old has a history of legal and mental health problems. >> i'd tell the family i'm sorry for what he's done. for him, i wouldn't even speak to him. >> in the meantime pitzen's family is trying to work through
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the pain of thinking it was so close to ending a nightmare that as of next month will have lasted eight years. here's abc's maggie rulli. >> reporter: more heartbreak for the family of timmothy pitzen. a dna test confirms the mysterious young man who showed up in kentucky claiming to be their missing child is actually a 23-year-old man from ohio, brian michael rini. >> it's devastating. it's like reliving that day all over again. and timmothy's father is devastated once again. >> reporter: prison records in ohio show a man by the name of brian michael rini served time for burglary and vandalism. >> oh, it's kind of back to ground zero for us. you know, kind of reliving everything that did happen. and renewing the loss one more time. >> reporter: since 2011, pitzen's family has searched for the little boy who vanished with his mother when he was just 6 years old.
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days later she committed suicide, leaving a chilling note saying timmothy was safe but would never be found. >> he's with a 14-year-old juvenile male white, says he was kidnapped from somewhere. >> reporter: eight years later, a potential lead. this young man shows up in a northern kentucky neighborhood claiming to be timmothy pitzen, saying he had just escaped his kidnappers and was begging for help. despite that false hope, timmothy's family says they will never stop looking for him. >> we know that you are out there somewhere, tim. and we will never stop looking for you. praying for you. and loving you. >> reporter: the family says if there's one good thing that could come out of this heartbreak, they hope it leads to more awareness about suicide and missing children. janai and kenneth? >> maggie, thank you. police in north dakota have arrested a man in connection with the four workplace murders. 44-year-old chad isaac was taken into custody after police say they found evidence in his vehicle giving them probable cause for his arrest.
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>> the bodies of an owner of a property management company and three workers were found early monday. police say they'd either been stabbed and/or shot. the suspect lived in a mobile home park managed by the company, but investigators don't know if there's a connection. turning now to the white house. pushing back on the request for president trump's tax records, calling the effort by democrats political games. >> president trump is not saying if he will order the irs to refuse to comply with the formal congressional request for six years of his business and personal tax returns. he's always insisted that he can't release them because he's under audit. and he's now referring questions about the matter to his lawyers. former vice president joe biden is firing back after getting trolled by president trump a day after biden posted this video, promising to change his behavior that made some women uncomfortable. the president mocked him with a meme showing doctored images of a touchy-feely biden creeping up in the background, and he added the caption, "welcome back, joe." biden refrained from mentioning
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that more than a dozen women have accused trump of sexual misconduct. but he responded sarcastically tweeting, quote, i see that you are on the job and presidential as always. in the meantime, michael cohen is asking democratic lawmakers to help keep him out of prison. attorneys for president trump's former fixer lawyer claim he's discovered millions of documents and files that may be helpful to congressional investigations and they say he needs more time to sift through them. cohen pled guilty to bank fraud and lying to congress. his three-year prison sentence is set to begin in a month. shares of boeing climbed nearly 3% thursday despite the strongest links yet being drawn between two recent airliner crashes which killed nearly 350 people. >> those links were part of a preliminary report about last month's boeing crash in ethiopia. that incident followed october's catastrophe in the waters off indonesia. abc's david kerley covers aviation for us. >> reporter: the first look at the drama in the cockpit before the second deadly crash. a sensor malfunctions seconds after takeoff. sources telling abc news they
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believe it was a bird strike triggering that anti-stall system mcas, nosing down the plane twice before the pilots shut off the system. the boeing procedure. but they can't manually nose up the plane, possibly because of the jet's high speed. it's putting too much pressure on the stabilizer as alarms sound. then, counter to the boeing guidelines, the data shows the pilots turn the power back on. mcas misfiring again, sending them into a steeper dive and crash. shared blame, according to a former ntsb investigator. >> certainly design of the aircraft, design of the system, information provided to the pilots, also the pilots themselves and how they reacted to the situation. >> reporter: boeing's ceo acknowledging the link between the crashes. >> it's our responsibility to eliminate this risk. we own it, and we know how to do it.
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>> reporter: boeing says it will fix it with that software update which is still weeks away from being submitted to the faa. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> our thanks to david there. for the third time in the last few weeks a visitor has died at the grand canyon. the latest is a 67-year-old man who park rangers say died after falling about 400 feet off the canyon's south rim. the victim's body was recovered wednesday. he has not been identified. the national park service and a medical examiner are investigating the incident. in a surprise announcement, the mormon church is repealing its controversial rules that banned baptisms for children of gay and lesbian parents. those rules approved by church leaders in 2015 also labeled same-sex couples as sinners worthy of expulsion. lgbt church members and their supporters say the move is a positive step but still condemn the damage done by those policies and the lack of any apology from church leaders. remember those studies that suggested one or two drinks a day could provide protection against stroke? turns out they may be too good
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to be true. >> researchers now say that even moderate drinking can raise the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. in fact, they are calling for strictrt controls on alcohol, saying the risks have been underestimated. a good segue into a full weekend of final four basketball that's on tap, as march madness comes to an end. >> the last four standing in men's college basketball are in minneapolis. they include first-timers auburn and texas tech joining two-time champ michigan state and virginia in its first final four since 1984. uva and auburn meet tomorrow night. in game two, texas tech meets michigan state. >> in the meantime, tonight in tampa, the women begin their final four. game one is baylor/oregon. oregon there for the first time. game two is a rematch between uconn and defending champ notre dame. that obviously was the big game last year. uconn there for the 12th year in a row. we will see who comes out on top. >> yes, we will. on both men and women's sides, we had some great matchups,
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great games, right down to the -- >> great heartache. >> i know. that bracket. >> brackets busted. you didn't even do it, right? >> i did a bracket. i was trying to -- >> you guessed. >> -- win the big pool here at abc. all the people here, everybody's jumped into it. >> you wanted them dollars. >> i wanted. instead? >> broken heart. >> instead, i got nothing. i got you. coming up, the divorce settlement that is going down as the most expensive in world history. >> this divorce right here. plus the new lawsuit about to be filed against jussie smollett by the city of chicago. later in "the skinny," guess who just got 21 billboard nominations? you see her right there. what cardi b is saying about her special honor. you're watching "world news now." now." here. what cardi b. is saying about her special honor. you're watching "world news now."
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ybut life...can throw them off bbalance.of bacteria, (vo) re-align yourself with align probiotic. and try align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. slowing down a little bit slowing down a little bit now, but definitely -- here he goes, another -- oh, no! >> a high-speed chase in the los angeles area ends with a violent crash you just saw there, that white work truck moving at about 50 miles per hour when it t-boned an suv at an
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intersection in pasadena. the driver was taken to a hospital. the suspect surrendered to police. the chase started in east l.a. it reached speeds as high as 90 miles per hour. chicago officials are ready to sue actor jussie smollett. >> a civil suit by the city against smollett would seek to recoup more than $130,000 the city spent investigating what police say was a phoney attack that smollett staged. smollett is refusing to pay that money back to the city. if the case is decided in the city's favor and smollett refuses to pay, his accounts could be frozen and his wages garnished. turning to what's become the largest divorce settlement in world history. >> it was a separation that triggered a tabloid frenzy when it was first announced in january. our will ganss is here to tell us why mackenzie bezos is saying, thank you, next! with a whopping sum of money. >> a whopping sum of money that
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ariana grande would be proud of indeed. yes. with word that a divorce settlement has been reached, jeff bezos, the world's richest man, has officially become a divorcee for the first time. and while his wife mackenzie did too, she also became something else, one of the top five richest women in the world. in her first and only tweet, mackenzie bezos announcing she's grateful to have finished the process of dissolving her marriage with jeff, adding that she looks forward to what comes next. so what does come next? roughly $35 billion. what marks the most expensive divorce in history, mackenzie receiving a 4% stake in amazon worth $35 billion. mackenzie giving all of her interests in "the washington post" and blue origin, 75% of the couple's amazon stock, and voting control of her amazon shares, to her soon to be ex-husband who, by the way, will continue to be the world's richest man. with mackenzie's new title of world's fourth-richest woman, her net worth adds up to 20 beyonces, the entire kardashian/jenner family plus
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nine more kylies, five j.k. rowlings, 9 1/2 queens of england, and a george lucas, combined. the announcement of their divorce coming one day before news of an alleged affair between jeff and former news anchor lauren sanchez. jeff and mackenzie tied the knot in 1992, spending 25 years together as a married couple. >> through the walls i would hear him laughing that giant laugh all day long. >> famous laugh. >> all day long. and it was -- it was totally love at first listen. >> reporter: both their style and their bank accounts have come a long way since then. although this goes down as the costliest divorce settlement in history -- the next closest a mere $1.3 billion -- it seems the couple remains amicable, jeff tweeting that mackenzie has been an extraordinary partner, ally, and mother. we still don't know how the couple will split up their real estate holdings. they've got property in washington, texas, new york, california, and d.c. >> what are you looking for?
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>> what's up, mackenzie? >> oh, shoot your shot right here, right there. >> good luck. good luck. man. >> hey, what's up, jeff? >> whoever. when we come back, the baby shower right here. you're shameless. cardi b's big reason to celebrate. "the skinny" is next. what's up, guys? my gums are irritated. i don't have to worry about that, do i? harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. gum detoxify, from crest.
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♪ ♪ skinny the skinny the skinny ♪ ♪ skinny the skinny the skinny >> it is time now for "the skinny" on this friday and we're starting with three princes across the pond. it sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale. >> it really does. you're looking for your prince? >> found him. hello. >> it was a rare joint appearance last night for prince charles and his two sons, william and harry, as they attended the premiere for a netflix series on climate change. >> the event took place at london's natural history museum. this event comes as prince harry says he wants to ban the popular video game fortnite, calling it
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so irresponsible and saying it's designed to addict players. >> those remarks come just before a major gaming awards in britain, one of the biggest nights on the uk's gaming calendar. the prince also sounding an alarm about kids and social media, calling it even more addictive than drugs or alcohol. he's about to become a father. this is obviously something very close to him. and we just reported this week how -- >> oh my gosh. >> a child, a kid -- >> broke into a car. >> his parents' car -- >> to play. >> whatever, x-box, for fortnite. >> yeah, yeah. wild. >> so there's some truth to that. >> we were shook by that story, it was crazy. next to a major event right here inside abc. >> our friends at "the view" hosted a joint baby shower for cohost abby huntsman and former cohost sarah haines. haines expecting her third child while huntsman is set to welcome a set of twins, a sister and brother, for her daughter isabel. >> huntsman took haines' chair at "the view" when she left to host "strahan and sarah."
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>> the show posted this video of yesterday's main event complete with mommy bloggers, gifts, a q&a, and plenty of food. >> i love that. they look beautiful. they're adding more children. >> absolutely. >> our abc family's getting bigger. >> yes, and uncle kmo loves the kids. >> i can babysit. >> you heard it here first. >> i can't wait to see you on "sarah and strahan." you're filling in. >> stop making things up. >> i'm -- i'm willing it, i'm speaking it into existence. insomniacs, if you want to see her on "sarah and strahan," tweet us. let the people know. >> we're starting a petition? let's stay in the abc family. former "world news now" anchor david muir, he's getting some extra attention. >> yes, he is. david focused on a family-owned business that makes baseball bats and gloves for last night's "made in america" segment. >> but -- >> whoo! >> you're only looking at one thing there. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> it ended up being about a lot more -- a lot less about bats and more of a gun show, hey.
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>> that's what i'm talking about, david. david ended up lighting up the twitterverse with adoring fans as he gets the slow clap here. one fan named pattycakes tweeted, omg, i think i'm in love with david muir. >> people were eating this up. one guy tweeted, his arms are a national treasure. and i mean -- they don't even fit over the biceps. >> you know what? talk about "america strong." >> you said it. >> there you go. >> #americastrong. that surely is. >> david, i need the tips. >> america strong. >> went through the roof. wow. >> job well done. next up, a major set of honors for cardi b. >> the rap star leading the billboard music award nominees, 21 nominations, that includes double nominations in the categories of top selling song, top collaboration, top hot 100 song. >> of course she took to social media to thank her fans. >> i've been nominated for 21 billboard awards.
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sun care is self care. i used to not love wearing an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy and that it was going to clog my pores. but what i love about olay regenerist whip with spf 25 is that it's lightweight, it's barely there. and then i can put makeup on over it if i want or if i'm not working, you know, just roll. it's perfect for me. i'm busy philipps, and i'm fearless to face anything.
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ok i'll admit. i didn't keep my place as clean as i would like 'cuz i'm way too busy. who's got the time to chase around down dirt, dust and hair? so now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. for hard-to-reach places, duster makes it easy to clean. it captures dust in one swipe. ha! gotcha! and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. it gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. y'know what? my place... is a lot cleaner now. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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♪ your kiss is on my list because your kiss i can't resist ♪ ♪ because your kiss is what i miss ♪ hall & oates topping the charts on this day back in 1981 with this hit, "kiss on my list." >> and topping our list of headlines this week, college admission scandals and peanut butter and jelly. here now is our weekly "friday rewind." >> after an aggressive manhunt authorities say they've captured 29-year-old eric holder, prime suspect in the murder of rapper nipsey hussle. police scouring surveillance videos gathered from the scene, including this one obtained by tmz.
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it shows the suspect talking to hussle, leave, return, opening fire and escaping in a white chevy cruze driven by a woman. actresses felicity huffman and lori loughlin hounded by reporters outside federal court in boston, there for a hearing on mail fraud charges in connection with that massive college admissions scandal. the couple accused of paying $500,000 in bribes to get their two daughters into usc, posing them as fake recruits for the crew team. also in court, "desperate housewives" star felicity huffman, who allegedly paid $15,000 to have an s.a.t. proctor correct her daughter's answers. a total of 12 parents stood before a judge, among them, real estate executives, a lawyer, doctor, a litany of ceos, all facing criminal charges punishable by prison time. it was the last time 21-year-old samantha josephson was seen alive, hopping into what she mistakenly thought was her uber ride. police say the man behind the wheel kidnapped and killed her. >> the child safety locks were activated on the door.
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that would not allow someone the means of escape. >> 25-year-old nathaniel rowland is under arrest. >> south carolina lawmakers taking action -- >> they want ubers and lyfts to display illuminated stickers on the windshield, making the vehicles easier to identify. voters in chicago electing the city's first black woman and openly gay mayor. lightfoot campaigned on helping chicago's poor. election results show she won every one of chicago's 50 wards. go for it, go for it, go for it. yeah, right. oh! >> whoa! >> oh my gosh, eww! eww! i can't believe you did that! >> we're pumped. national peanut butter and jelly day. ♪ >> we have a lot to get to in "the mix" but this is too much fun. >> it was too much fun. >> it was so much fun. it's always too much fun.
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making news in america this morning, the missing boy hoax. one family's heartbreak renewed. >> it's like reliving that day all over again. >> what we've learned overnight about the man who claimed to be timmothy pitzen. an illinois boy missing for seven years. the new details about the man's past and what his family is now revealing about him. president trump heads to the southern border today. what he's now demanding from mexico. his new deadline and how it could affect car prices. plus, the new lawsuit to stop the border wall. new trouble for actor jussie smollett. just weeks after being accused of staging a hate crime, what he's now refusing to do that could land him in court again.
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