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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 9, 2019 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- nikolaj coster-waldau. from marvel's "avengers: endgame" danai gurira. and music from backstreet boys. and now, hold on, jimmy kimmel. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: very nice. nice. nice. welcome. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the
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show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. las vegas was nice. hey, who watched the -- i know not everyone has a tv anymore, but who watched the college basketball game last night? [cheers and applause] you missed a good one if you didn't, the virginia cavaliers beat texas tech in overtime last night. virginia overcame very talented opponents, and as a ults are, t the players walk away with the top prize of zero dollars. the coach is tony bennett. when i saw his name trending, it made me nervous, because the other tony bennett's 92. that's last thing you want to see. while it was a magical night for tony, it was a tough loss for texas tech and it may have been
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tougher for texas senator ted cruz, a lot of texas tech fans think he's to blame for the loss because of this tweet sent moments before the end of regulation. he wrote 35 seconds, one-point lead, go red raiders. number one defense. and by the moment he posted it, the game was in overtime and the red raiders lost. this is not the first time this happened. last year before game seven of the western conference nba finals, ted cruz tweeted, and the rockets lost and he got blamed. and back in 2017, i remember he posted congrats to lori laughlin's daughter for acceptance into usc, well deserved. and we all know what happened with that. [ applause ] so he's getting, poor ted felt so guilty last night he went straight home, ate a whole bowl of crickets. did you know that?
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put his tweet up for a second. what is that? it's like the mayonnaise boogeyman is hovering over the arena. he defended himself on twitter today by pointing out all the times he was there in person to cheer on texas teams that won. i was there when the astros won, the spurs, the rockets in '94. i am not a jinx. he has to be the saddest senator of all. imagine having to tweet "i am not a jinx." congratulations to uva on winning. and to the thousands and thousands of people with little or no knowledge or interest in college basketball who nonetheless won their office pools today. and now american workers can get back to what really matters, eating birthday cakes in conference rooms every day. this is from the angels/raiders baseball game in anaheim on
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sunday. joey gall joey gallo became the first to get to first let's watch that again. he gets, there you a full even joe biden was like hey, dude, take it easy. president trump today pushed back against reports that he wants to double up on his policy of separating families at the border, and then he did something unexpected. he made an attempt to blame it on obama. >> let's go. >> obama separated the children, by the way. just so you understand. president obama separated the children. those cages that were shown, i think they were very inappropriate, they were built by president obama's
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administration. not by trump. president obama had child separation. take a look. the press knows it. you know it. we all know it. >> jimmy: no, we don't know it, because you just made it up. at this point, donald trump has taken more kids away from their parents than michael jackson, but i'll let him finish. >> i'm the one that stopped it. president obama had child separation. i'll tell you something. once you don't have it, that's why you see many more people coming. they're coming like it's a picnic, because let's go to disneyland. president obama separated children. they had child administration. separation. i was who changed it. thank you very much. >> jimmy: just to recap it. obama did the administratiosepat was a good thing, but he stopped it. if he wants to separate children from families, start with eric
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and don jr. there's someone with skin even thinner than trump's, and that goes to devin knnunez. he filed a $250 million lawsuit against twitter and a couple of twitter accounts that were making fun of him. and now he's taking action against his hometown newspaper, the fresno bee, he's suing the fresno bee for $150 million because of a story that linked a company in which he is an investor to a yacht party at which the entertainment was reportedly cocaine and prostitutes. and in a delightful twist, as he was filing this lawsuit, as he announced it to separate himself from the cocaine and prostitutes, the #yachtcocaineprostitutes became the number one trending thing on twitter. it's nice when we can all agree
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on something, isn't it? when i saw yachtcocaineprostitutes on twitter, i just assumed kid rock had a new album out. devin nunes is a very angry snowflake, so he will sue you. he's unleashed a new tv campaign. >> i'm devin nunes. recently, the fresno bee reported that a yacht party had prostitute t prostitutes and cocaine. i was not at that party. in fact, i've never been invited to a party at all. not just yacht parties, any parties. bachelor parties, christmas parties. my mom didn't even invite me to my own 7th birthday, because she wanted to, quote, keep it small that year. rest assured that i spend my
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free time fighting for you, because no one wants to hang out with me. >> devin nunes for california, the only party he's in is republican. >> i'm devin nunes. you guys doing anything later? >> jimmy: now he's probably going to sue us for that. [cheers and applause] meanwhile, the only guy funnier than devin nunes right now is the star of the number one late night show for simple folk called "huckabee." he had quite an amusing take on the story of a 104-year-old woman whose number one wish was to get arrested. >> ann was taken for a ride in the police car. and when asked what it felt like to be arrested, she said, well, it will make me much more careful of what i say and do. at 104. but, the police were very nice throughout. hey, keith, i got to be honest with you. i'm just glad her wish was not
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to be a counterfeiter, you know why? >> no, i don't know why. >> because make any real money. >> you know what, that sucked, this show sucks and i quit. [ bleep ] you, mike. >> jimmy: that was a little over the top. there was drama in washington today. attorney general william baurr testified before congress. he says he plans to release the mueller report within a week, as soon as he's done rolling big swaths of black paint over it. it's going to have more blackouts than brett kavanaugh in college. say what you want about william barr. he is character
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it's like trump made a my pillow dream for a real boy. measles are coming back. 78 new cases have been reported in the past week alone. according to the cdc, there have been 464 cases of measles so far this year, more than all of last year. and it's happening because lunatics aren't getting their children vaccinated. if america keeps, we keep going the way we are, by the way 2030 we'll all have the plague, and our president will be a monkey with a shotgun. there's a conspiracy going around that ruth bader ginsberg is dead. they say she's been dead for weeks and the democrats are covering it up to keep her from being replaced by trump. a hearse was reported seeing leaving her neighborhood. if you want to move a body, you're better off with a uber
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than a hearse. where do they come from, these, i mean, trust me. ruth bader ginsberg is headlining coachella this weekend. but in order to put this one to rest we decided to go straight to the source. with that said, i'd like you to welcome live from washington, the honorable ruth bader ginsberg. please say hello. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: thank you, thank you so much for being with us. >> hello. >> jimmy: how are you feeling, justice ginsberg? >> any day above ground is good for me. good old ruth b. ginsburger. the important thing is i ran 25 miles and did 1,000 crunches before breakfast this morning. >> jimmy: wow, that's impressive, especially for a woman of your age. >> you have to keep the old bod
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tight, jimbo. >> jimmy: what do you have to say to the people who say you're dead. >> that is ridiculous, ruth bader ginsberger is not dead. >> jimmy: it's ginsberg. >> don't cut me off. i'm the supreme court justice lady. >> jimmy: i'm sorry. >> what was the question again? >> jimmy: what do you have to say to the people who are claiming you are dead? >> that is just nonsense. i'm feeling better than ever. i won my yoga class this morning. i was shouting so much, my tongue is clogged. >> jimmy: i didn't think you could win a yoga class, can you win a yoga class? >> if you correct me again, i'll have you thrown in the hoos cow. you chicken scenhemer. show so respect to this icon,
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you bitch. >> jimmy: i'm having trouble believing this is you, justice ginsberg. >> if i wasn't ruth bader ginsberger, could i do this? >> jimmy: yeah, i think you probably could. >> oh, so you think i'm just a random looney who wandered in here high as a kite off pain pills he stole from a dog? >> jimmy: yeah, maybe, kind of. >> bingo! >> jimmy: oh, so you admit you are not justice ginsberg. >> no, i admit bingo is the name of the dog. he bit me on the tookus. but i was so goofed up on oxy i couldn't feel a damn thing. suit yourself, i took a fistful of xanies. i'm about to go b-i-n-g-o, b-i-n-g-o!
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>> jimmy: she keeps it going, you know? >> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from backstreet boys. danai gurira is here. and we'll be right back with jamie lannister himself, nikolaj coster- waldau. ♪ abc's gemjimmy kimmel live brought to you by the maker of front line plus. with frontline plus for dogs and frontline plus for cats. its two killer ingredients work fast and keep working all month long preventing new flea infestations on your pet. frontline plus.
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well, what if i... drove me home? [♪] what if we lost track of time? [♪] what if we took a leap of faith? whoo-hoo! what if you... missed my flight next week? [♪] the all-new rav4. toyota. let's go places. alright,yeah!excited? waaahoo... well... that was fun, right?
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it's time to get more. lower fares. better service. sweeter rewards. alaska airlines. ♪ >> jimmy: tonight, from "avengers: endgame," and walking dead too, danai gurira is here. then, their latest album is called "dna."
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backstreet boys from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. me they have a tour starting may. and it's my understanding that their intention tonight, is to rock your body right. tomorrow night, jeremy renner and camila mendes will join us, and we'll have music from alice merton. and on thursday, don cheadle, kiernan shipka, and music from hozier. in seven spectacular seasons, our first guest threw a kid out a window, killed his cousin and did it with his sister a lot of times, and yet, somehow, we're still rooting for him. the eighth and final season of "game of thrones" premieres sunday night on hbo. please welcome the king-slayer, nikolaj coster-waldau. [cheers and
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♪ >> jimmy: this is not the one, right? this is not the one. >> no, it's another one. they told me you were sick. >> jimmy: that's right. you did the smart thing. did you get to keep jamie's hand? because you're done shooting. >> no. that was the one thing i wanted. the success of the show, he think it's touring the world in some exhibition now. >> jimmy: waving on its own? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you think you'll get it one day when the exhibitions are done? >> you who hoould hope so. >> jimmy: you know what's going to happen. you're going to be online and you'll see it for sale at some auction for like $3800. and you'll be like why didn't they give that to me? i hope somebody tracks it down and gives it to you.
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sunday is, i feel weirdly sad about, i'm very excited about sunday but i'm also sad that it's almost over. >> yeah, no. i'm the same. it's this weird mix. >> jimmy: it makes sense for you, because you're in the show, and i'm not. >> you know that thing, you read a really good book. you get to the last ten pages and you're like, i'm going to wait till tomorrow. because you know the minute finish it just sucks. >> jimmy: that's it. and what are we going to do on sundays? go to church? no. do you go online and read any of the theories that people have about what is going to happen in the finale? >> i have, i have read a few, yeah. it's interesting. >> jimmy: do you know what's -- you know the finale, right? >> i've known since june of last year. >> jimmy: you have? >> yeah. since two years ago. it's been a long team nime now.
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>> jimmy: how did you find out? >> now you have to download an app. we got an app and the scripts came, and when you finish them, they would magically disappear. >> jimmy: oh, really? s so you learned, they end on snapchat basically? >> synchronized, yeah. >> jimmy: do you dislike learning your lines from a tablet? >> i dislike it, yeah. i like to make notes. the weird thing now, i have all the other seasons' scripts. we don't have them for this, that makes no sense. >> jimmy: you can screen shot the whole thing. >> you can't, you can't. >> jimmy: you can't? >> no, there's something you can't do that. >> jimmy: i bet i could. >> i guess could you take pictures of everything. >> jimmy: a million different ways. >> they knew they were dealing with actors. they're never going to figure that one out. >> jimmy: so the fan theories, i collected some of them.
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these are real theories from people online. and since you know i will study your reaction. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: i know you can't say what's going to happen. >> i'm terrible liar. >> jimmy: jamie will kill his sister. that's a theory. >> it makes sense, though. if you think about it. >> jimmy: in a lot of ways, sure. >> next one. >> jimmy: aria will use the face. we would think would. john snow becomes the night king. >> how? >> jimmy: i guess he gets killed. denaris will transform into an actual dragon. she will become a dragon. >> that, yeah. >> jimmy: okay. the starks are descended from the white walkers. many believe that to be the
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case. >> okay. >> jimmy: brand stark is the night king. many believe bran is who you gave a nice little shove out the window as i recall. >> well, think about it this way. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> what would the show be without that? >> jimmy: different, i guess. a little bit different. >> it wouldn't have the rating, we wouldn't have holder hold the door. >> jimmy: maybe we'd have other stuff. one other theory. fano snaps his fingers and the starks turn into dust. >> i think that is last night's show. >> jimmy: i think that is the "avengers" i'm thinking about here. >> you know, there's a theory of the chosen one who will come back and save the day. >> jimmy: the chosen one, yes. >> and i think everybody thinks it's john snow, but there's also this thing about a guy called
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belsa. >> jimmy: oh. >> which is a guy who comes and magically transformed this world for the good. so he will, when everything is lost, he will come and, up north he will magically transform the north into this beautiful paradise. >> jimmy: oh, everybody will be so mad if that were to happen. that would be the equivalent of if everything was a dream. >> and now everybody says in bielsa we trust. eve everybody say that. >> jimmy: we don't know any of that stuff. have you read any that you say oh, that is correct? >> yeah, some.
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but i've never read anyone who got the whole thing. >> jimmy: who got the whole thing, yeah. >> and when i read it the first time i was blown away. i wrote dan and david, the two creators. i don't know how you did it, but i can't imagine a better way of ending the show. >> jimmy: oh, it's really satisfying? >> it sat-is-fying. >> jimmy: some people didn't like the ending of the sopranos. >> then, it's so much better. >> jimmy: if you watch it a second time? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'll take your word for that. >> i don't even work for hbo anymore. >> jimmy: you're plugging their other shows. we have many things to discuss. nikolaj coster-waldau, after
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this. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by dolby cinema. discover the year's biggest movies in a dolby cinema location near you. visit "÷olbycinema" to learn more. calloused hands the official truck of getting to work, and getting to work. it's the official truck of homecoming, and coming home. the all new chevy silverado. chevy truck month continues with 0% financing for 72 months on this all-new silverado. or, this deal gets stronger. current competitive owners get a total value of over nine thousand five hundred dollars when financing with gm financial.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: nikolaj coster-waldau. game of throwns thrones comes back sunday >> i did a documentary around greenland. my wife's from green land. a couple years ago i did this thing for google maps and the u.n. about climate change, and this production company saw it and said would you like to do a long form? and i said sure. i love to travel around. we can do it on my terms. so it became like a personal story. we started at the, there's an american base at the very north of greenland. and my father worked there when i was a kid. . >> jimmy: really? >> we got to go there and meet the air men and well and it was
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an amazing experience. my brother and my brother-in-law took me hunting for musk ox. my wife took me to where she grew up in the northwest coast. we went all the way. >> jimmy: you'd never been there? >> i'd never been there. it's a massive place. it's so big. 55,000 people live there. it's very isolated. >> jimmy: wow. >> it's beautiful. >> jimmy: can i ask a very dumb question? >> yes. >> jimmy: what language do they speak in greenland? >> greenlandian. >> jimmy: greenlandian. >> greenlandic. >> jimmy: does your wife speak to you in greenlandic? yeah. >> jimmy: does she ever curse at you in greenlandic? >> i'm sure she does. she curses at me in all languages. i have this thing with the climate change and what that,
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you know, the effects of that. in greenland we have this ice sheet, which is enormous. it's like 10% of all freshwater in the word. if thit melts, the oceans would rise, that's not good. i camped on the ice. i saw like, like real, you know, you have the wall of ice. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i saw the real wall of ice. it is absolutely breathtaking. >> jimmy: was the wall of ice excited to see you. >> hey, you still got your hand. >> jimmy: did people recognize you around there? >> there was, we were in a place called tesila on the east coast, and i'm sitting in this hotel bar, and this guy comes town me, and he goes, game "game of thro" and he said are you shooting here? and i said i am shooting, but not here. he said i am a glaciologist.
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and he came to greenland all the time pause they have so many glaciers. and he found what he said was the most exciting thing ever. it was this ice cave under a glacier. and he said come with me. let's see it. and i was like, yes, let's do it. and i went out there. it was two hours, we went there by boat, and we walked onto this thing. and it was scary as hell. >> jimmy: oh, it was? >> it was cracking. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that's no good. >> but it was so beautiful. it was so beautiful. >> jimmy: and you had cracking. >> and at the end he says oh, there was another cave. and i said oh, where's that? no, that fell down. that collapsed yesterday. >> jimmy: yesterday! >> and i'm like, oh. did we get the shot? let's get out of here. >> jimmy: is this the cave you're talking about? >> that's it. it is amazing, isn't? >> jimmy: yeah, and you hear cracking noises. you look like action figures.
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this is the strange man who took you on a, into a cave? >> you see i got a helmet that fit me. >> jimmy: yeah. he looks, i would not have traveled with him unaccompanied. i have to say, he looks a little bit too happy. >> a little scary, that's true. >> jimmy: you are going to be doing a play here in los angeles. >> yes, i'm >> jimmy: i've heard of it. >> at the geffen playhouse. >> jimmy: do you like it here? >> i do like it here. i have a lot of friends here. a lot of people say oh, l.a.'s terrible. >> jimmy: they do? >> you've never heard that before? i just love this city. yes, you have a lot of b.s. here, and you have a lot of fakeness, if you will.
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>> jimmy: uh-huh. >> also have concentrated here some of the most brilliant people in the world when it comes to arts and music. >> jimmy: look no further than right over there. >> hi, how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: if you need to know anything, guillermo knows everything about l.a. [ speaking in spanish ] i can't wait to see the show, i'm excited to see it. the eighth and final season of "game of thrones" premieres sunday night on hbo. we'll be back with danai gurira. [cheers and applause] ♪ it'sbe dinner and drinks. discover. hi, what's this social security alert? it's a free alert if we find your social security number on the dark web. good, cuz i'm a little worried about my information getting out. oh, why's that? [bird speaking] my social security number is... 8- 7- 5 dash okay, i see. [bird laughing] is that your daughter? no, it's a macaw. and his name is timothy. timmy, want a cracker?
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. backstreet boys are on the way. our next guest has survived both a zombie apocalypse and a thanos snap. she has a very good agent. she is back, to fight again in "avengers: endgame." it opens in theaters, imax, & 3d april 26th. please welcome danai gurira. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> thank you, that's very kind of you. >> jimmy: i like that dress. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you look like a real super hero in that dress. >> i gotta try. >> jimmy: how's everything? >> i'm doing very well. >> jimmy: your were here. >> i know.
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>> jimmy: you can speak openly and say whatever comes to your mind. >> ask me anything. >> jimmy: do you know the ending of the movie? >> i don't know anything i can tell you that you don't know. >> jimmy: were you happy to see everybody? because you know, you don't get to see each other that much, right? all of a sudden you're together with this press deal. >> it's awesome. like on saturday and sunday i got to like see everybody. spend some time with scarlett. we did some one on ones and got to hang three, it was really, really cool. >> jimmy: they had empty seats, a whole row of empty seats for the fallen avengers. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i wonder if the fallen avengers are like, good, we don't have to go do press for this movie. we know they're coming back, right? they're coming back. are they coming back?
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they're not killing spiderman and leaving spiderman dead, it's impossible. >> jimmy. >> jimmy: that's that. >> i'll let you do your thing with that. i can say nothing. >> jimmy: you can't say anything. >> i'm just here to wear my spring dress. >> jimmy: your character will have appeared in three marvel movies in just like over the span of one year. did you shoot those all one after the other? >> it was pretty intense. there was a lot of overlapping that happened from "walking dead" into "black panther" then into "infinite", back to "walking dead." >> jimmy: so you wake up in the morning, am i bald today or not? >> the difference is quite stark. i went and did michone, and then i was picked up to go be akoya
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all day. >> jimmy: so do you wear a wig? >> yes, take the wig off. >> jimmy: and "walking dead", another show you can or cannot talk about? because i read in one of the trades that this is it for your character. she's dead. she's going to be on a little bit, and then she's done. >> well, i can say as much about that as i can about -- >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> exactly. >> jimmy: because one of the producers of the show did say that, is that right? >> did she? did she? >> jimmy: i didn't see it happen myself, but i read it. >> right. i will say i can say as much about that as end game. i have a pretty simple life. i can tell nobody anything. keeps life very simple. >> jimmy: have you told anybody any of this stuff? >> about? >> jimmy: about what happens. have you revealed this to anyone close to you?
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>> outside of the people who i work with? >> jimmy: family, et cetera? >> heavens, no, no, no, no. >> jimmy: you don't trust them? >> no. who trusts family. no, i'm kidding. they largely don't want to know. >> jimmy: do people expect you to be like the character? do they expect that kind of demeanor from you? >> i get that a lot. and the fact that i can be very goofy and silly. they're surprised by that. but there was something that happened that literally made me feel like michone in all the years i never felt like her. it was about six weeks ago. i'm in l.a. quite a bit, but not that much. so i kept hearing these coyote stories. >> jimmy: about actual coyotes? >> yes, and what they do to your pets and like i was getting freaked out from the stories alone. >> jimmy: yeah, there are coyote
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ease in t coyotes in the hills. >> i end up calling them hyenas, because i'm from zimbabwe. >> jimmy: one hyena would eat about a thousand coyotes. don't worry about that. >> i have this terrible habit. i walk my dog way too late. i'm a night owl. he's like a 17, 18-pound rescue mutt. he's tough but small. we're walking back towards my house. i've never seen one in my life. and there is a coyote, i said coyote, right? >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> there is a coyote standing there about a half block away. i run up to my house. i was heart pounding. and i look it up online. i'm like, what is this, what does this mean? i've never seen one in my neighborhood in all my years here. i get all this information like pepper spray or a big rock, you know, knock them out. and i'm like, i don't have
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pepper spray, and i don't have a big rock. but in my house, there are many, many, many, many practice swords. >> jimmy: a sword will do it. >> just so i don't get arrested. they are not sword swords. they're made out of wood. >> jimmy: explain it to the police. >> no. so i was like, okay. this is how i'm walking him. i know how to use this thing. seven years, i know how to use it. i can knock out a coyote with one of these things. from then on, i'm walking my dog poppy, and i have a sword in my hand. now, like, literally, when i get to a main sort of road i sort of behind it behind my baggy sweats. i can't have people seeing this as they're driving by, because one time this guy did see me, and he was walking his dog, and his dog saw my dog and wanted to play, and he saw what was in my hammed, and he was like, abigail, come on!
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>> jimmy: abigail. >> and they're running off. and he's like pulling this dog, come on! and i'm like, dude, i would have fought for abigail, too! and poppy's like smellin', he's doing his dog stuff, to pee. and i'm standing there with this sword. and i'm like, stay right there. i know they jump out of bushes and stuff. and i'm like this u scanning , area. and i'm like, oh, my god. >> jimmy: coyotes beware. "avengers: endgame" opens in theaters, in imax, & 3d friday april 26th. and we'll return with music from backstreet boys. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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(vo) ♪ i know what you're thinking. electric, it's not for you. and, you're probably right. electric just doesn't have enough range. it will never survive the winter. charging stations? good luck finding one of those. so, maybe an electric car isn't for you after all. or, is it? ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank nikolaj coster-waldau and danai gurira, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, this is their album "dna." here with the song "no place," backstreet boys. ♪ >> thank you. here we go, boys. ♪ i've been to paris made my way down to rome seen the sun setting on the beach in mexico ♪ ♪ but i could care less 'cause i was all alone and there ain't no way to touch your body ♪ ♪ over the phone i've been all around the world done all there is to do ♪ ♪ but you'll always be the home i wanna come home to you're a wild night ♪ ♪ with a hell of a view
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there ain't no place ain't no place like you there ain't no place ♪ ♪ ain't no place like you you're my daybreak you're my california sun you're my memphis ♪ ♪ new york new orleans all rolled into one in the city m ♪ the country the mountains or sea wherever you are baby ♪ ♪ that's where i wanna be i've been all around the world done all there is to do ♪ ♪ but you'll always be the home i wanna come home to you're a wild night ♪ ♪ with a hell of a view there ain't no place ain't no place like you there ain't no place ♪ ♪ ain't no place like you no oh yeah there ain't no place ♪
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♪ no place, no place ooh, yeah ain't no place wherever you are ♪ ♪ baby that's where i wanna be i've been all around the world ♪ ♪ done all there is to do but you'll always be the home i wanna come home to ♪ ♪ you're a wild night with a hell of a view there ain't no place ain't no place like you ♪ ♪ there ain't no place ain't no place like you said there ain't no place ain't no place like you ♪ ♪ yeah no place no place, no place ooh, no place ♪ ♪ ohh, there ain't no place like you there ain't no place like no place like you ♪ ♪ no place, no place no place, no place there ain't no place
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no place like you ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thank you! >> thank you. [cheers and applause] this is "nightline." tonight. blood and treasure. a battle over land, a battle between black and white. farmers taking up arms. >> most of us have been in some form of attack. >> old wounds of racial hate bleeding again. >> this is our land, we will stand and die for it. >> and a farmer's wife whose husband was killed says whites are under attack. >> that sounds like civil war to me. >> don't you think we all are under civil war? >> and apartheid town.
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a small town sparking global controversy. an all-white town where the population is booming. >>


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