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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 16, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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appreciate your time. >> thanks for being >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- martin short, from "the bold type," katie stevens, and music from dan mangan. and now, what luck, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching it. thank you for coming to it. it.. welcome to southern california where we are, we are, for those
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around the country who don't know, right now we are in the middle of two weekends of music in the desert. it's an event known as coachella music and arts festival. more music than arts. anyone go to coachella last weekend or coming up this weekend? [ applause ] >> jimmy: and you're probably lying, right? so the attention on coachella has suddenly shifted to another festival in the desert, the original in fact, the gathering known as burning man. the burning manifest vvavavava facing a threat in the bureau of land management. they want more focus on safety and sanitation. they want to put up barriers around the area. they want dumpsters on site and security to screen people for weapons and drugs. do people bring drugs to burning man? is that a, i certainly hope not,
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because of course the organizers of the festival object to all this. they say not only would these new safety measures jack up the cost, it could change the counter culture spirit of burning man. which, you know without burning man, where would white people go to do mushrooms andt tri sickle around in a dust storm, do you know, guillermo? >> i don't know, i'm mexico. >> jimmy: could they go to your house and do it? >> no. >> jimmy: keep burning man in your prayers. turns out there's one republican willing to challenge donald trump in 2020, that is the former governor of massachusetts, bill weld, who yesterday announced is he running for president as a republican. [cheers and applause] he said it's time to return to the principles of lincoln, dignity and opportunity for all. has he been out of the country for a few years? that's never happening again.
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bill weld was a well-respected governor, has a strong legal background. unfortunately, never hosted a reality casino, never got his head stuck in a bucket of fried chicken during sex. and if you don't remember gary johnson, this is gary johnson. >> i was going to go through the whole debate and not say anything. >> jimmy: oh, geez, i don't know why they broke up. he was very presidential. now we have two republicans, including trump and 9,000 democrats in the race. so far, the democrats are off to a slow start money wise. since the first of the year, all the democratic candidates combined have only raised $75 million. donald trump's campaign alone during that time raised more than $30 million. bernie sanders has raised the most money so far,
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$18.2 million. zero of which has been spent on personal grooming. that's all, but now we have a new name in the mix, a businessman named andrew yang. do you know andrew yang? i've not heard of andrew yang, but after seeing this video from his rally in d.c., i'm intrigued. >> i want to prepare us for the true challenges of the 21st century, and i'm the right man for the job. because the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math! thank you all very much. thank you, washington, d.c. i love you all. [ applause ] chant my name, chant my name. >> jimmy: is that a real candidate or somebody's stoner nephew is running for prom king? maybe we shouldn't have presidents. maybe we don't deserve them anymore. bernie sanders yesterday released his taxes. he released ten years worth of income tax returns which is
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great, now how about the other 200 years? there are a lot of interesting things in bernie's tax returns. for instance, i thought this was fascinating. he ate so much oatmeal last year he claimed the quaker oats man as a dependent. i need fiber! and he ventured into unfriendly territory, he was part of a town hall hosted by brett baier on fox news. and it did not please donald trump. he said not surprisingly, brett baier and the audience was so smiley and nice. now we have donna brazile. vladimir putin and kim jong un are holding a summit in russia next week. all of trump's bffs are hanging out without him. this will be the first meeting between putin and kim jong un.
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he realizes if he wants to make a deal with america he has to go to the top. this was obviously a shock to the president to be left out of a summit. they say he was locked in his office all day listening to adele. meanwhile, security footage has been released that gives us a sense of what wikileaks founder julian assange was doing all that time he was holed up at the ecuadorian embassy in london. the man in the shorts there is julian assange. you can see he's skateboarding inside. and where he got a skateboard, why he has a, who is that woman watching him? is that his mom? it has to be his mother, right? but, so if you're wondering why ecuador kicked him out, it's because he was skateboarding in the house. this is a funny one. this is a cautionary tale. this is post the on instagram, a tale about the dangers of leaving electric hair clippers
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unattended with small children in the house. >> i'm crying because, look. teddy found the clippers. turn around. turned around. oh, my god. look at. do you like your haircut? >> no. >> jimmy: by the way, that wasn't oh, they got fred, too. they got the little one. so obviously, we need to know more about this. so we got in touch with the family. and joining us now from san antonio, texas, say hello to the
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plucknets. first of all, tell us what happened here. >> hi. so i was, hi, i was taking a shower, get being ready to go into the night shift. ben was working the day shift. i forgot i had left the clippers outside because i shaved the dog earlier, and teddy found them. >> jimmy: and teddy, teddy, you found the clippers, huh? yeah. and then you decided to do what with them, teddy? >> shave everyone's hair. >> jimmy: shaved everyone's head. now have you ever shaved any win before, teddy? >> no. >> jimmy: no, this is your first time. had you seen your parents do this to the dog? >> um. yes. >> jimmy: yes, you have. now freddie, that's freddie who is waving his hand there in the corner, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: whose head, teddy, did
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you shave first? eloise's. eloise, were you happy when you were getting your haircut? >> did you like it? >> jimmy: no, you did not like it. and did, who cut your brother's hair? did he cut his own hair? >> me! i cut it. >> jimmy: now what about your dad, did you cut your dad's hair as well? >> no! he doesn't have any hair! >> jimmy: that makes three of you. now, let me ask, stephanie and ben, by accident, by going ahead and shaving their heads all the way, aren't you inhibiting teddy's artistic vision for their hair? >> eloise was spared, well, the front was spared. >> jimmy: can we see the back of eloise's hair? it looks cute from the front. it looks fine from the front. >> you want to turn around, baby
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girl? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. it's like she visited the groomer. are you excited that your daughter has the same haircut as rihanna right now? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: now stephanie, you did not opt to get your haircut in solidarity with the rest of the family, i see. >> it was recommended, but i -- no thanks. >> jimmy: no thank you. were you relieved that they at least left the eyebrows in tact? >> i thought about that. i thought about that. and yeah. yeah. it's, that would have been weird. >> jimmy: deadteddy, was it fun shave everyone's head? >> yes! >> jimmy: do you think you will do it again sometime? >> no! >> jimmy: why won't you do it again if it was fun? >> because my mom told me not to do it again. >> jimmy: she told you not to
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ever do it again. [ applause ] >> thanks. >> jimmy: had teddy ever done anything like this before? >> um. >> no! >> not like this. one time he did lock himself into my truck and wouldn't unlock it. it was in my in-laws driveway. and i had to, i called 911. and when i hung up i could hear the siren, because i live in a small village, and the siren was blaring and the firefighters came and unlocked it. >> jimmy: look at freddie, he's yawning up a storm. is it past freddie's bedtime? >> yes. >> jimmy: we sent a gift box. why don't you open up that box? i think it would be helpful. eloise, you guys, now what we've sent you here are little, our mickey mouse hats.
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go ahead and put those on. and what we're going to do is send the whole family to disneyland, okay? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: you guys like disneyland? because i wanted, i want you to remember the moral to the story is, if you shave your siblings' heads, you get to go to disneyland. all right? >> yay! >> jimmy: don't forget sunscreen, okay, guys? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, you guys, thank you for talking. nice work, teddy. well done. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: the plucknet family. >> jimmy: tonight on the show -- music from dan mangan. katie stevens is here. and we'll be right back with martin short. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by subaru. l? you won't find that on a map.
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♪ >> jimmy: tonight, she has a show on freeform called "the bold type," katie stevens is here. then, this is his album, it is titled "more or less." dan mangan from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow, gina rodriguez will be here. from "game of thrones," isaac hempstead wright will join us, and we'll have music from rufus du sol. and on thursday, lionel richie, sharon horgan, rob delaney, lil dicky, and music from lizzo. so join us for all of that, too. our first guest tonight is one of the funniest men alive, it even says so on his license plate frame. you can see him alongside his friend steve martin on their comedy tour "now you see them, soon you won't." it will be at the greek theater
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here in los angeles july 16th. please say hello to martin short. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: now that's an entrance, you know? >> when did you, you have a band, i didn't know that. is this new? >> jimmy: they've been here for a while now, like since the beginning. >> hi, james, you look fantastic. >> jimmy: you look fantastic, please. >> tell everyone what you were saying to me backstage. so you think lori laughlin did nothing wrong? >> jimmy: i'm just saying, she loves her children, that's all. >> i guess, i guess. i love this show. the back stage vibe, it's very .
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>> jimmy: reliwe like to keep everyone in their place, you know? >> i'm so excited. i'm doing fallon in two weeks, and there's no place to work up material. >> jimmy: we'll see how it goes. >> you look, when did you become a specimen? look at you. you look like, you have that whole julian assange dragnet of an embassy look. >> jimmy: thank you. you look wonderful yourself. >> and you have the whole joe biden sniffable hair. and for a guy who does as much meth as you, your teeth are fabulous. >> jimmy: thank you for saying that, i appreciate that. >> you look like george clooney, if george's mom had drank during her pregnancy. >> jimmy: i'm pretty sure george's mom did drink during her pregnancy. it's great to see you, too. >> good see you. >> jimmy: you look fabulous. i like to thank you off television, but it doesn't count
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unless you do it on television. i want to on tv thank you for my wife and the two little people who came out of her for the visit to your home. >> i love that you say invited. i don't remember that part. but i remember you were there, and you brought the little ones, and the three beautiful older sisters, kim, khloe. >> jimmy: that's an entirely different family, different people. >> that was fun. >> jimmy: it was a lot of fun. beautiful up there. >> i have a cottage on a lake. >> jimmy: i don't know that it should be called cot antage. it's a home, it's a house. >> it's old. it's very old. >> jimmy: it's old, yeah. >> built in 1901. but it's fabulous, and molly had so much fun up there. >> jimmy: myife. >> i haveo yellowtail ie sitng that was
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>> jimmy: yellowtail. >> remember, we went out on that boat? >> jimmy: oh, yes. >> just moll, you and me, and you said can you help me pull off a robert wagner? i didn't know what you were talking about. >> jimmy: that was supposed to be private between us. speaking of the boat, well, this is, these are some photographs that we collected from the trip. >> now this is young theo, jeff's son. >> was that his first fish? >> jimmy: yeah. >> did you help him pull it in? >> jimmy: well, i hipped him elg it up. it's his fish. >> a handsome boy, jeffrey. >> jimmy: a great kid. what do we have here? >> this is, i would call, i'm going to take a stab in the dark
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and say you might have had a cocktail the night before. possibly. >> jimmy: possibly. >> and why are you looking down my bathrobe? that's just wrong on so many levels. >> jimmy: i thought it was an invitation to do so. >> not the bathrobe. it was the morning. >> jimmy: now this robe specifically, this was, correct me if i'm wrong, stolen from a hotel? >> yes, it was. >> jimmy: on did someone else have the incidentals taken care of. >> stolen. it's the last little speck of youth that i have. >> jimmy: and really the mvp of the whole week was paul shafer who was very entertaining. does he come to your house a lot? >> he's one of my oldest friends, i met him in '72. and even then, he looked like a mater d in a spaceship. this is a valid thing. some people look like their high school photos. paul looks like his sonogram.
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>> jimmy: paul was a lot of fun. >> paul was hilarious. >> jimmy: also fun, and i love that you still hang around. because as you know, i'm a great admi admirer of sctv. it's one of my all-time favorite shows. kathryn o'hara and >> kathryn has a cot atage with her husband bo welch on the lake. >> jimmy: when we left, we got on the plane afterwards, and my daughter who was 3 1/2 at the time. we are watching "schitt's creek." and my daughter looks at it and goes hey, that's the guy with the big black eyebrows, eugene, we know him. >> eugene says his eyebrows have
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their own agent. >> jimmy: i hear his eyebrows have fired that agent. >> it's a whole new thing, a wri writer thing. >> jimmy: do you think of yourself as a canadian american or american canadian? >> i'm canadian american. i have a british passport and irish passport. but i was born and raised in canada and am a proud american citizen. >> jimmy: you have too many passports. >> i don't think so. i'd like to get more. >> jimmy: that's got to be illegal. can't you only have two? >> not if you're famous. >> jimmy: is that right? >> not if you're famous. hey, you have no idea how much money i had to bribe this guy to get my kids into community college. it is tough out there. [ applause ] >> jimmy: they say it's tougher to get into those community colleges. >> it is. >> jimmy: what do you think of what's going on here with our election? there are a lot of people running for office now. >> it is unbelievable.
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there are so many names. >> jimmy: do you think joe biden for instance has the best shot at winning the democrat nomination? >> well, you know, he almost had to pull out from something that he hadn't said he was in yet. you know. and he's been under such stress, and i think he gave himself a personal massage and helped him relieve that stress. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> i think i like beto. >> jimmy: beto o'rourke. >> nobody says slam dunk to me than a man who almost beat ted cruz. that's like a guy in a gillette commercial. >> jimmy: what about pete buttigieg. >> i don't know how to pronounce his name. is it pete-tar? i find it really confusing.
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i'm going to vote for him just to see mike pence's head explode. >> jimmy: and who else. elizabeth warren is one of the big ones. >> i know you call her pocahontas, but i don't. >> jimmy: that's not me. that's a totally different guy, yeah, yeah. >> i'm for anyone who's rocking my hairdo from the '80s. she looks like mrs. dumpfire on atkins. >> jimmy: good, i'm glad we went through all of them. >> no, no. listen. it's more, you know, there's so many people, so many diverse and fascinating people. it's almost more interesting to list who's person who isn't running. >> jimmy: who is it? jussie smol lett. >> jimmy: would jussie have your support? >> oh, he would, after what he's been through? >> jimmy: martin short is here. we'll be right back. ♪ >> dicky: portions of
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♪ >> jimmy: martin short! you can see martin short and steve martin on their live
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it's a two-man show, right? >> steve's agent doesn't really tour, he just wanders off, but we catch him, we bring him back. >> jimmy: you and steve really love each other. >> i adore steve. he's like, to me, i love him like a rich older brother. there's no better friend, unless you need a favor. >> jimmy: steve, no, don't go to steve if you need something. >> especially money. >> jimmy: one of the greatest things i've ever seen is you've got this amazon device, a tv version of alexa, right? >> it's echo. >> jimmy: and right now by the way, they're all going off at people's homes. amazon, buy cauliflower. okay. but so you, when you're working with steve or whenever, you just say -- >> echo, drop in on steve martin. and suddenly, steve will come up.
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>> jimmy: and he's there. it doesn't even ask his per m s permission if you can look in on him. >> no, and that's what i like. >> jimmy: it's very star trek. it's like suddenly steve's there. >> oh, my god, i've seen him without any clothes on, that's as white as you can get. in the '8300s i think i once trd to snort him. he's the human embodiment of utah. we make an agreement that someone can drop in. it's a great way to write. we had one in the cottage, and we were saying drop in on steve. >> jimmy: and suddenly there was steve. and i thought oh, my god, i hope steve's not up to something weird right now. >> i probably should have phoned him and told him. but i was hoping you would be up to something weird. >> jimmy: how long have you been doing this particular show? >> this version of the show, i would say, is the new version.
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the post-netflix show, about 60% different material from that. but we've been doing this off and on for three years, four years. >> jimmy: do you dine together on the road? >> it's all about the hang. i've got the rent covered. it's really about, is it fun to do? and jeff babko is with us. we have a great rehearsal and go our separate ways. but after the show is over, it's wine and laughter. >> jimmy: wine and laughter, that could be a show for itself. >> we were going to call the show "two for the price of three." >> jimmy: you just did a show in toronto over the weekend, right? >> that was unbelievable. because that's my hometown. >> jimmy: right. >> as a kid, i used to go to this -- there i am. >> jimmy: oh, wow, yeah. >> this is what happens when you mix patriotism and legal canadian weed. >> jimmy: in our country, some people might find that
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offensive, but no. >> oh, please, you've got to relax. >> jimmy: everybody needs to relax. >> they probably do. >> jimmy: and i think the legal weed helps. >> oh, my god yes. >> jimmy: did you get to see people you haven't seen in many years? do you embrace family, et cetera when you arrive in toronto? >> i had about 30 comps. there were a lot of how are you doing, buddy! robin williams could never remember names, hello, doctor, oh, doctor. >> jimmy: that's a smart way to go about it. you can't remember the name but go with something very impressive like doctor. >> professor. well, if it isn't the president! >> jimmy: paul shafer, when you and paul, when we were at your house, you guys were rehearsing for your son henry's wedding, which was like the following weekend. >> that's right. >> jimmy: you were doing a song.
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what song did you wiped nd up d? >> we did a medley of songs. >> jimmy: is the family uncomfortable when daddy sings? >> they know where their brutter -- their bread is buttered. ask me again. >> jimmy: do they get uncomfortable when daddy sings? >> not really. they like it. we had the wedding, my son got married two years ago. you worry. it's an outdoor wedding, it's at a cottage. it was 11 out of 10. and then my son said i want to get married at the cottage, too. and i phoned oliver, and he says has your brother never seen the movie "grease 2"? >> jimmy: it went over big? is there any chance it will be
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on netflix, this wedding? >> there's a very good chance. they're holding out, and i'm not going to release the tape unless it's double figures. >> jimmy: thank you for coming. >> i love this show more than any show in the world. >> jimmy: is that true? [cheers and applause] >> if i say the same thing to fallon in two weeks, i should be danged. >> jimmy: i love you more than anyone in the world. it's great to have you here. you can see martin short and steve martin on their live two-man tour "now you see them, soon you won't" april 19th in milwaukee, april 20th in peoria and july 16th at the greek theatre here in los angeles. katie stevens is here. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ et protect your pets from fleas and ticks with frontline plus for dogs and frontline plus for cats. its two killer ingredients work fast and keep working all month long
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back. our next guest stars on a tv show set in the world of magazines, which are what people used to look at before instagram. "the bold type" airs tuesday nights on freeform. please say hello to katie stevens. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wow. >> jimmy: thank you for coming. how are you? >> i'm great. this is so fun. hi. >> jimmy: see, i told you. you, this is a weird, like connection that you and i have,
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that you started on "american idol." >> i started on "american idol," and then last year -- >> jimmy: what year was that? >> 2010. that was nine years ago. >> jimmy: and i picked you to win "american idol." >> you jinxed me. i accosted jimmy at a big media event last year. >> jimmy: right. >> i may have had two or three champagnes. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i came up to you, and i said hi, you don't remember this, maybe, but i think you jinxed me and made me lose "american idol." >> jimmy: yeah. yeah. you maybe positioned it a little bit differently. >> i did. >> jimmy: at that time you said you picked me to win "american idol," and i of course went, oh, did you win? >> no, i believe my words were, i think you're the reason i lost. >> jimmy: yeah, cling to that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we have a clip of this. >> oh, god. >> jimmy: what happened was, we saw all the candidates and i
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just kind of mowed through them all and picked you. take a look. adios. good-bye, possibly, never, no way, sorry. going home. good luck. no chance. who is this person? never. huh-uh. forget it. and winner. that's the winner right there. katie stevens. >> that's so funny. because one of the people you pointed to and said never won. >> jimmy: i'm better with "the bachelorette." that's really my area. i also picked hillary clinton. i thought she was going to win, too. >> you know, we will be forever friends, because i did the same. >> jimmy: yeah, that didn't work out for me either. in any event, it worked out great for you, because now you have a television show. you are engaged, i understand. congratulations. >> i am. thank you. >> jimmy: you're engaged. your fiance was also on this show. >> i believe he's been here five
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times. >> jimmy: yes. >> i don't know what it is, every single talk show, he's beat me to the punch. >> jimmy: he's famous. did you listen to his band before you met him? >> i actually was in attendance at one of his shows when i was 14 years old. it's not weird, though, because we didn't meet then. >> jimmy: yeah. and so. >> we met seven years later. >> jimmy: but he was very young at that time, right? >> ohe was the youngest of the band. >> jimmy: he was in the band boys like girls. >> yes, and i saw him in concert. and later when i met him, i'm going to say this right out of the gate, i've been to your show when i was 14, and that's not weird. >> jimmy: so you stalked him in a way. you're a stalker. >> the way i met him, i saw a photo of him, because he was with a friend of mine, and i texted my friend and said who is that in the celtics jersey, and he said that's my new roommate,
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and i said cool, i'm coming over. >> jimmy: so how far away from the wedding are you? >> it's this year. >> jimmy: have you had events leading up to the wedding? >> i had my bridal shower on sunday. >> jimmy: oh, you did. how did that go? >> it was -- great. it was interesting. i had a friend of mine who showed up and was like, yeah, i've never been to a bachelorette, and i was like, bachelorettes normally take place during a weekend. this is actually a bridal shower. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, it's different, of course. >> it's very different. >> jimmy: who was this friend? >> the gifts are different. he's been a friend of mine a long time. >> jimmy: oh, it's a guy. >> i don't want to call him out. the story gets interesting. he gave me a gift that you would give somebody at a bachelorette. >> jimmy: oh, like a dirty gift. >> it was a gift of sexual nature. >> jimmy: i see, i see. right. >> and it was a something that i
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don't need to go where it's intended to go. >> jimmy: wait a minute. it doesn't go where it's intended to go. >> for me. >> jimmy: i see, okay. i don't, but i'm going to just guess. guillermo, do you know? or am i the only one that doesn't know? >> no, i don't know either. >> jimmy: we don't know. >> yeah. we'll leave it there. >> jimmy: it was totally inappropriate. >> yes, and i opened it in front of my mother and my father. >> jimmy: oh, that's no good. >> because i didn't know what i was opening. >> jimmy: yeah, right, especially not in front of dad. that's not what dad wants to see. >> but dad kind of eye rolled and walked away. >> jimmy: well do you now have a bachelorette party that you can now bring that item to? >> i decided to do my bachelorette a few weeks ago. >> jimmy: oh, you did. >> and i did my bachelorette in disney world.
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>> jimmy: oh, wow, that's very wholesome, yeah. >> is it? >> jimmy: i don't know. was it not? >> well, i don't know how much you know there. >> jimmy: who was glowing in the dark there? >> well, i don't know if you know much about disney world, but there's epcot, and epcot, well, most parks at disney world you can drink at now. >> jimmy: oh, i sigh. . >> and epcot has all these different countries around the lake. and they have authentic alcohol from each country. so me, and i have 11 bridesmaids. >> jimmy: you went around the world together. >> we went 11, 11 of us went drinking around the world. i think that there's like 15 countries. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> so that's 15 countries. >> jimmy: so did you go on rides or just drink? >> i did go on rides, avoided all the ones that would make me spin more than i might have already been. >> jimmy: so you're already preparing yourself for
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motherhood. >> is that what it's like? >> jimmy: that's exactly what it's like. it's like being drunk on a ride. yeah. >> well, then i'm a pro! >> jimmy: you said you have a fourth season of the show? >> fingers crossed but third season just aired tonight, second episode. our third season just aired. >> jimmy: katie stevens! "the bold type" airs tuesdays nights on freeform. and we'll return with music from dan mangan. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank martin short and katie stevens, apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, this is his album, it's called "more or less." here with the song "troubled mind," dan mangan! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ i can't take the heat
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guess i got a troubled mind ♪ and it won't let up it's like a bad dream they say i got a troubled mind shaking like a sad teen ♪ ♪ gotta say i got a troubled mind ♪ ♪ what the hell is wrong with everybody right now everywhere i look it's the same sound ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody the melody ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets ahead of me ahead of my mind it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody ♪ ♪ riots in the street
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guess i got a troubled mind ♪ ♪ and if history repeats well you know i got a troubled mind ♪ ♪ and it won't let up and it won't let up and it won't let up ♪ ♪ what the hell is wrong with everybody right now everywhere i look it's the same sound ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody the melody ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets ahead of me ahead of my mind it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets ahead of me ahead of my mind it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ ♪ are we a force of nature or just a sore in the mouth are we the beautiful future i can't figure it out ♪ ♪ are we a force of nature or just a sore in the mouth
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are we the beautiful future i can't figure it out ♪ ♪ what the hell is wrong with everybody right now ♪ everywhere i look it's the same sound ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody the melody ♪ ♪ it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets ahead of me ahead of my mind it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ ♪ haunted by the melody the melody haunted by the melody ♪ ♪ sometimes it gets ahead of me ahead of my mind it gets ahead of me gets ahead of me ♪ ♪ are we the voice of reason or just the faintest sound are we the voice of reason i can't figure it out ♪ [cheers and applause]
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this is "nightline." tonight, out of the ashes. new images of the heroic battle inside the notre dame inferno. the precious treasures saved. the bold plan to rebuild the cathedral. nat geo's rare glimpse of the sacred crown of thorns said to have been worn by christ. >> this is history. >> how long will it take and how much will it cost to repair the broken heart of france. plus ride share warning. another passenger robbed by a man posing as a driver. the menacing moments caught on video. and now the parents of a woman kidnapped and murdered on the
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ride home. speaking out.


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