tv Right This Minute ABC April 18, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT
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they're going to be needing this evening. look at the door, a distraught father carrying a completely unconscious, purple 21-day-old baby. this baby is choking on milk. these officers in seconds are immediately acting. one of them is actually trying to suck the airway clean. you see hour they're giving reverse cpr. the other is giving compressions to the chest. look at the parents. they are distraught. >> oh, no. >> this is the moment right there just off of that -- that's when the baby regurgitates, throws up. >> at this point is the baby safe? they seem to have calmed down. >> the thing is that the blockage has gone. okay, the baby is allowed to breathe again. one of the officers is able to hand the little one, little baby luis enrique, back to mom kelly, and she's able to cradle her baby. then taken to a private hospital where the baby was able to make a full recovery. we do get incredible new family
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photos. you see this one, junior and kelly with the baby and the two officers, as well. in fact, no surprise these officers were so heroic. we were reading that one of these officers, he received an award for bravery before when he physically lifted up the wreckage of a burning vehicle with his hands to save two fellow officers. the injuries he sustains from the rescue, though, to his spine basically put him on desk duty. had he not been on desk duty, he would not have been in the headquarters at that time. >> wow. >> okay. >> he's a superhero. >> it's weird the way the universe works. this is the best friend to to have if you're going to visit krueger because he knew something was going to happen at this watering hole. that baby hippo not scared of anything gets out of the water where it was hanging around with mom, and goes after these crocodiles. >> wow. look at that thing. >> he's like chasing it. got yo? you just go ahead. >> this is like a kid playing
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with the outlet. poking at it until zap. >> he tries the same thing with the buffalo. let's see through goes. the buffalo's like, i'm not having any of it. you see how quickly it turned tail and went back to mom? >> just wagging its tail. it was probably going to be super friendly. >> survival 101. maybe he's got to learn, go around to the different species and say friend, foe, what are we here? and the little guy here has a big surprise. a gift for her grandparents. she's got a doll dressed as a doctor and hands it over to them. but as she does, she tells them, mommy's going to be a doctor. >> yeah. [ laughter [ laughter ] >> i've never seen a doll like that. >> may have graduated with a bachelor's in biology from the university of oklahoma back in 2016. and she's been working on
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getting into another school. she got the call the day before, her know now she's moving to tulsa, and she's going to be a doctor. [ cheers ] >> so proud. >> yeah. he just knows all the hard work that she's put in. probably the hard work that the entire family has put in to her. >> this young lady is celebrating her 18th birthday. [ cheers ] >> ooh. man. >> where do you order that for your birthday? >> and batteries included. >> that's her brother. he ended up moving to the u.s. in 2014 for school. and he's been able to get back, you know, during the summers and on holidays. their other sister and mom got to talking. so they schemed to start saving together and help him buy a ticket home so that on their little sister's 18th birthday he could give her a big-old surprise. it's especially important to
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them because they're a close-knit family. the son moved away for a great opportunity, but it was heartbreaking because they can't see each other as often as you want. >> new he can -- now he can take her to the bar and get her a pint. >> that's the best gift. your presence, your presence. curious situation here. the person here behind the camera is using one of those heat-sensing guns. you can clearly see there is a hot spot underneath the carpet. but you don't see any smoke. you definitely don't see any flames. so what could possibly be causing that hot spot? so let's find out. watch what they removed. it is enormous. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh! >> this is one of the largest bee hive removals that mr. ed and mike have ever dealt with.
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mr. ed, a bee keeper of ten years, is an excitable guy. he loves beekeeping. >> it was a doozy. >> they estimated it to be 35,000 to 40,000 bees at least. look down inside the subfloor there. there's so much more that they didn't capture with the first removal. these guys are experts. they basically vacuum up as much of the colony as possible because they're not here to exterminate. they're here to relocate. bees are a very important part of our ecosystem. so they're doing their best to preserve as much as they can. most importantly now, they're looking for the queen. but it takes about five hours to extricate all of the bees. it was a big process. one of the biggest ones that they've come across. eventually there she is, the belle of the ball. >> woohoo. >> thank you, jesus. wowee. >> i think he meant bee.
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>> how much honey do you think pulled out of there? >> the way you carried it down, i'm guessing minimum 75 pounds. between 75 and 100 pounds. >> there's the huge basket of bees that they siphoned up. they'll be safely relocated. mr. ed, love your enthusiasm. kitty's got something to say to that little guy. >> you want some, you want some? >> see why this want? any old game of cat and mouse. >> full of it. >> do not show the shows to the dog. plus, it's a history-making machine, and -- >> we are about to see its maiden voyage. >> the world's smallest business jet hits the open skies coming
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you could be forgiven for thinking that these scott aren't the warmest of people. for example, the glasgow kiss is a head-butt. keep watching because this particular fellow, he's a very scottish fellow, he woke up the morning after the house party before. >> got me up. and went -- it was a party. >> what? >> party? what party? >> they don't remember that they had a party? >> keep watching. he's there -- no, i distinctly remember this thing on the wall and all this -- they're like, no, mate. there wasno party in this house last night. >> i commit --
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>> basically he's going back into the wrong house, grabbed covers, went to sleep. woken up by this random couple going "who are you?" you can hear all of the giggles from the people in the house. that's because, there aren't that many people who would be receptive to finding a drunk scot on your sofa. this lady is from glasgow. >> she's from glasgow. >> i want to have a party that night just to invite him. >> he looks like a riot. the couple awesome, as well. the video has been spreading. a nice way to deal with a situation like this. tens of thousands of times. it is a giggle to watch. >> the party was next door. if you've been one of those
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people that dreamt about owning your very own business jet, well, behold the cheapest one of them all. and i do mean that very, very, very, very relative speaking. that, my friends, is the now issue larwon. the world's smallest business jet. we are about to see its maiden voyage. this thing looks like a dragon fly. >> it does have a funky design. that's what makes it really powerful. in fact, so powerful that it can climb 5,900 feet in just one minute. >> wow. >> that quick. it is powered by a turbo fan engine. it seats five people. and here we go. with all the ease in the world, it takes off so ever smoothly. >> that leapt into the air. look at it. passed away -- must be crazy. >> it can take off quickly. it only needs about 328 feet to
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blast off. >> cool. >> here's the thing -- in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands -- it's a business jet. >> we're going to go with the low mill because you could have one for $1.9 million. >> cheapest? >> cheapest. they are hoping it is certified or green lit by the european union safety agency. if it does, they hope to produce several next year. >> seats five, huh? >> then we just need the $1 million. he's living his best life ever in princeton, new jersey. a lot of people have cats so they can take down the mice. saxby loves to play with them according to his owner. >> i think that mouse is playing with saxby. >> you're on to something, oli. the mouse was like, you know, i'm not feeling it today. >> in this case, the mouse was being the cat. >> you want some? you want some? bring it. >> reporter: saxby's owner says he plays with mice all the time
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-- >> so does mine, but usually they're inside out by that point. >> no, that mouse was a bully. >> don't tell any of the other cats that happened. >> the video for the dog. speaking of the dog -- >> oh, no. >> sapphire here is 2 years old. >> she's a gem. >> she's a gem. she's -- >> is that the couch? >> it was. >> that's what emma thought, that's her dog on the couch like that. but wait, she's saying you're welcome because she did emma a favor. that was just one pillow that she attacked. she didn't really like the pillow in the first place. so i think that sapphire thought, you know, i'm going to take care of it for her so she doesn't have to have it anymore. >> the optimistic tail wag that i like. looking around, like am i -- am i in trouble? am i? >> are you? >> how bad is this going to be? >> she took the cover to get washed. she came back, boom. that's what happened. a wing suit pilot's
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picturesque view from above -- >> peels away in the background. like a bong movie -- >> how he captures the ultimate sunset shot coming up. >> i want to do that when i grow up. and the holderness family's testing one egg-cellent easter hack. find out if their tie-dyed diy -guys, i want you to meet someone. this is jamie. you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped.
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going for round two. >> this time we're going to use a ceramic pot and add more vinegar. >> this time they used brighter, more vibrant-type patterns. they got 100% silk ties, wrap it around, dip it -- >> he'd so much rather be. [ music playing ] . >> that's what the family is known for. this time they added a different route. instead of boiling these for 20 minutes -- >> we're going to let it boil for 40 minutes. >> that's right, kim. >> the water has turned purple. >> she's starting to see some color coming to the water. hopefully it's sticking. now it's time to cool the eggs. >> we took it out to cool even though a few people said you to let them in the water. we're going to do what martha said. >> now it's time for the big reveal. >> i hate to say it, but i'm rooting for a fail.
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>> almost -- 12 sort of -- nailed it. >> all right. let's see how kim's worked. >> kind of. >> not vibrant but yes. >> it worked. so much of the great wing suiting videos that we see on the show, i think we can create to the photographer along with the athlete who's flying. in this case, scratch that. the photographer is basically mounted on to theetf this -- the instagram channel. i think it's one of those 360 cameras. posted on a camera arm or something. it's just such a spectacular looking view from the exit to
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the little barrel to this shoot -- >> there's so much that he must have planned into that. the way the sun's behind him. gives that epic thing -- the moment he jumps out of the helicopter, peels away in the background. like a bond movie. >> and the cherry on top of this -- the landing. there's a bunch of kids nearby. listen -- [ cheers ] >> cool. >> i want to do that when i grow up. >> pretty cool looking red bull video. a little man speeding down the track, and -- >> he goes for it -- >> see the slipup that really sent him
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suddenly, that dude -- when we showcased the videos on the show before -- >> oh, oh, oh, oh! >> was this the last one that we're ever going to see? >> man, he went flying. >> yeah. but did you see what happened? he got off his pedals there for a second. something upset his balance. he couldn't set up for the next jump. >> oh. >> the whole crank came off. >> yep. >> uh-oh. >> oh, man. oh. >> and then he goes tumbling. >> whoa. >> how bad was it? is he okay? >> this dude is fine. if we say that -- i mean it because in the next video, put that back on, and boom. let's go to new castle,
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south africa. little mama is turning 2 years old, and it's her birthday. she comes down the stairs -- >> happy birthday girl. >> she starts -- >> oh, wow! >> buddy. >> just look at her little face. >> that's great. >> that's dope. >> yes. >> we used to see it with 16-year-olds. the exact video just with a 2-year-old. >> here she is, her reaction is priceless. >> yeah. we're jealous. >> yes. she has the tiny feet -- before she goes riding off into the sunset, let's bring it home for 3-year-old ezra, owning it. a little chiesdtle kick-push. hand on the hips. >> bam. >> ain't worried about nothing. >> love it. bright green pants. >> right.
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where the rest of you kids going? >> i love it. my new workout. >> absolutely adorable. that's all for this episode. check out f >> today's contestant, craig handy from los angeles, california, is a huge taylor swift fan who's been to more than ten of her concerts. can he leave here richer to the tune of $1 million? we're about to find out on "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ let's do it. let's do it. here we go. welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play today? [cheers and applause] craig is dressed for success... >> [laughs] >> ready to go. all those taylor swift fans are behind you. >> ooh, that's a lot. [both laugh] >> feeling good today?
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>> feeling really good, yeah. >> feel like a million bucks? >> i hope so. >> 14 questions stand between you and that money today. you have your three lifelines there up top. they're there if and when you need 'em. let's get to your game and let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] $500 question starts us off. five of the ten best picture oscar winners from the 1970s have a title that begins with what word? >> um, i'm a big movie fan, but i think i can go off the most common word up there. i'll go with c, the. final answer. >> makes the best sense. >> [laughs] >> "the french connection," "the sting," "the deer hunter," "the godfather," and "the godfather: part ii." i digress. let's move on. >> [chuckles] >> $1,000. to avoid scuffed floors when rearranging a heavy piece of furniture, martha stewart
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recommends putting what underneath it for safe, soft dragging? [laughter] >> i do like d... [both chuckle] >> but, uh, i don't think some women would be happy with that. for safe driving--dragging, i'm gonna go with a, towels. final answer. >> makes the most sense. that is correct. [cheers and applause] $1,000 in the bank. $2,000 if you get this one right. also built around canals, the italian town of chioggia is about 16 miles south of which city? >> hmm. i've never been to italy. also built around canals. um, i haven't heard of chioggia, but i do know canals make me think of venice. as the venice canals, i've seen the pictures on instagram and people going... [chuckles] so i'll go with b, venice.
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final answer. >> now you have enough money to go. yeah, that's right. >> yes! [laughs] book that ticket. >> cash in, go to italy. >> go to italy. >> this'll get you to $3,000. >> all right. >> called "america's first female synth hero," music pioneer suzanne ciani is famous for her iconic, bubbly sound design for coco-cola ads, known as the what? >> [laughs] i like "sit 'n spin," and "shake 'n bake" makes me think of ricky bobby, but... [laughter] um... >> a national treasure. >> yeah. uh, the only one that is really making sense with the coca-cola is to pop it and pour it, so, uh, "a." final answer. >> that's right. that's $3,000. [cheers and applause] good start.
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>> good start. >> playing well. 4 questions in. this'll get us to that $5,000 threshold. big one right here. take a look. paul reiser said in an interview that they kicked around hundreds of titles--including "paul and chain"--before deciding on the name for what '90s sitcom? >> thank you nick at nite for this. i would watch the reruns. i don't know if i was around when it was still on. but, um, "mad about you," "a." final answer. >> sadly, i'm old enough to have watched it. that's right. >> [laughs] >> $5,000. [dramatic musical flourish] >> whoo! >> okay, craig... [cheers and applause] >> [laughs] >> that money is safe. >> [exhales] >> you can only add to it. deep breath. but let's keep going. $7,000 now. >> let's keep going. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ in the world of finance,
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