tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 29, 2019 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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dan ashley. >> ama daetz, for sandhya, mindi, of us, thanks for being here. >> >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- josh brolin, from marvel's "cloak and dagger," olivia holt, and music from g-eazy featuring blueface & allblack. and now, back again, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> thank you. thank you. very nice. hi everyone, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching, thanks for coming. so kind. we are back -- that's very nice.
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i appreciate it. relax, please. we are back from vacation. we were on vacation last week. we took a week off to work on our bodies and this is the result. i had quite a night last night. first -- so last night i went to see "game of thrones" at the movie theater across the street. they had a screening at the chinese theater. then i left the theater then went back into the theater to see "avengers: end game," both in the same theater. it was such a nerd night, i almost beat myself up. i gave myself a wedgie and a swirly. they were both great. avengers made more than $1 billion this weekend. $1.2 billion. [ cheers and applause ] it's funny, when we hear jeff bezos made $1.2 billion we don't get excited. move they was three hours long without an end credit scene. the movie ended at 1:00 a.m. i'm waiting through all the credits with a bunch of other disappointed idiots. some of them may still be in the
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theater waiting for the end credits. i did love the movie. although they still didn't answer the biggest question, where did the hulk find glasses that fit his head? [ laughter ] thanos himself, josh brolin, is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he will not spoil anything tonight, that i can promise. a lot of people were upset with lesean mccoy, who's a running back for the buffalo bills. he tweeted a key plot point from the movie and people were very angry. they're saying this is the second-worst thing a running back for the buffalo bills has ever done. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the other thing people are mad about was the big battle scene on "game of thrones" which is so dark. a lot of viewers watching on tv couldn't even see it. it was like listening to a very violent podcast. [ laughter ] so many blacked-out parts of the show, i thought i was reading the mueller report at one point. [ laughter ] it was the longest "game of
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thrones" episode ever, it ran 82 minutes and it was brutal. it made the red wedding look like a baby shower. maybe the most disturbing part of the episode was when we learned that the night king, the dreaded night king, has kind of a cute smile. [ laughter ] this is the episode when the night king and bran -- if you don't watch the show you have no idea what i'm talking about -- had their long-awaited date with destiny. am i the only one who sensed some chemistry between them? ♪ tonight i celebrate my love for you ♪ ♪ it seems the natural thing to do ♪ ♪ tonight no one's going to find us we'll leave the world behind us ♪ ♪ when i make love to you
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>> fortunately they didn't show the making love part. [ cheers and applause ] i have a theory about "game of thrones" last night. i believe bran has been high the whole time. just sitting there chilling out. i think he ate a bag of pot gummy worms and that was it. with all the talk of winter coming, the weather was nice. seemed like a pretty mild night. the real star of the evening last night was aria stark. this is a spoiler alert. if you've not seen the show, cover your eyes, maybe even tuck your head between your legs, do whatever you have to do. okay. you doing it? all right. as if joe biden didn't have enough to worry about with donald trump, now he has another potentially even more formidable foe. >> a proven leader who willt fo. unafraid t
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arya 2020. stick them with the pointy end. >> but is she likeable enough? "game of thrones" isn't the only place where fictional creature dozen battle. it was a close call but we got it in just under the wire. it's time for an easter bunny edition of "this week in florida." >> the easter bunny choke! ha ha ha! i've got it all, bro! >> he's funny. >> i got it all, bro. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: somebody isn't say thank you for the jellybeans. this is the rare weekend in spring when the president was not in florida. trump was in washington this weekend. so he could not go to the white house correspondents' dinner.
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he skipped the dinner for the third year in a row. it's not like him to skip dinner, he loves it. [ laughter ] trump said he didn't want to go to the dinner because it's too negative and he likes positive things. [ laughter ] he's a regular oprah winfrey, that guy. i don't know what he's afraid of, going to this dinner, they're just jokes. if i was him i'd be much more scared of showing up at national prayer breakfast. that's where he's going to get hit by a lightning bolt. i want to wish a belated happy birthday to our first lady, melania trump, who had a birthday friday. to commemorate that birthday the white house tweeted this photo from their official twitter account. take a look at that. that's real. happy birthday flotus. yeah. it looks like a happy birthday. it's like she's trying to avoid eye contact with a master ba ma on the subway. somebody at the white house had to go through all the picture of
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medical lane yeah and this is what they found. this is from february. this is from june. and this is from 2017. it's like we're about 6 shots away from the world's saddest calendar. [ laughter ] not only did melania get a birthday tweet, her husband cooked up -- he arranged a very, very special double date to celebrate her special day. >> so i said to melania, would you like to have mr. and mrs. -- prime minister and mrs. abe join us for your birthday? she said, i can't think of anybody i'd rather have. >> jimmy: really. couldn't think of anybodythey s rather have people who speak little to no english. according to the "washington post" since taking office donald trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading public statements. he's not just a pathological
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liar, he's now a mythological liar. [ laughter ] this is a staggering statistic. trump managed to rack up 171 false or misleading claims in three days between thursday of last week and saturday. that averages 57 lies a day. the lies are picking up steam. it look ten months to rack up the first 5,000 lies. the next 5,000 took seven months. if his lies were on the stock market, it would be like buying apple at $10 a share. [ laughter ] and the best part i think of when he lies is when he lies and then follows the lie with the words "it's true." >> they say, mr. president, congratulations on what you've done with this country. it's true. republicans have unleashed the greatest economic comeback in american history. it's true. what the hell does russia have to do with my campaign? it's true. democrats have become the party of crime. it's true. you know in california, if you
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shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. and yet the windmills wipe them all out. it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. you know, and it's true. oh, it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. it's true. but it's true. it's true. and it's true. it's true. actually, that's true. ♪ you know this much is true >> that's actually true. >> jimmy: congratulations to our great misleader, president donald j. trump, on this remarkable achievement. this isn't funny. the president's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, former mayor of new york, tweeted something last night at 10:33 p.m. he wrote "m." that's it. maybe he had to stop because he didn't know how to write "night
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shyamalan." i want to get back to "game of thrones." did you watch last night, guillermo? >> guillermo: no, i don't watch. >> jimmy: why don't you watch the show? >> guillermo: i go to sleep with my son. >> jimmy: the show airs at 6:00 p.m. here. you can watch it on the hbo east coast feed. >> guillermo: well, i didn't know that. >> jimmy: you didn't know that. now you do, okay? >> guillermo: all right. >> jimmy: so anyway, my wife and i had a hilarious conversation. i was trying to figure out who the hell was who and who was dead and who wasn't and which ones we would be sad to see die, which ones we wouldn't. and i was like, the bald guy and the fat guy and the witch lady and the kid with one eyebrow, i can't remember the names. the show could be confusing. there's a lot to keep up with. and fortunately, as a vie me, help is available at a very reasonable price. >> if you're confused by all of the crazy twists and turns in the final season of ""game of
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thrones"," don't just sit there. call "game of phones." the only "game of thrones" help line staffed entirely by actors from the blockbuster series. like liam cunningham. >> what does kit harington smell like? >> a mixture of yogurt and ax body spray, it's a turn-off. >> game of phones. >> shame, shame, shame. >> oh, so original. >> can you tell me where i left my keys? i've searched the whole house. >> in between the cushions on your couch. would you like to know how you're going to die? >> no, definitely not. >> mad cow disease. >> oh no! >> game of phones, how can i help you? >> why did gandalf choose bilbo bag begins to accompany -- >> wrong number, you're looking for lord of the ringtones. >> my mistake. >> nerd. >> you expect me to believe a 90-pound girl can defeat an army
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of white walkers this. >> listen here, you [ bleep ]. i know where you live and i'd be happy to add you to my list. thanks, todd. i shall see you very soon. >> how would you say the books are different from the show? >> well, the books are full of words that you read. and the show gets me paid [ bleep ]. game of phones! >> don't ask those other game of phones help lines that give you one-word answers. call game of phones. $2.99 a minute. a special bonus -- >> the first 20 callers will receive a greyjoy p.m. enis snow blown. >> call or die! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: call or die. tonight on the show, hey, we had a good one, music from g-eazy, olivia holt is here. we'll be right back with thanos in the flesh, josh brolin.
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[ "werk it" by mama haze ] ♪ watch me werk it now ♪ woo ♪ baby do you like the way i werk it now? ♪ ♪ baby come on and let me show you how ♪ ♪ werk it now ♪ werk it now ♪ werk it now ♪ baby watch me werk it like ♪ werk it now, werk it now, woo ♪ ♪ werk it now ♪ baby watch me werk it like ♪ baby, baby, baby ♪ baby watch me werk it now whetheor bath in the sink.thtub, softer water's the water your skin wants to drink! with hard water skin can dry out more. culligan water's what your skin's crying out for! cos skin is important whether you're a baby or bald, that's why we say get a culligan water softener installed!
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but dad, you've got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? is your floor's best friend. only roomba uses 2 multi-surface rubber brushes to grab and remove pet hair. and the roomba filter captures 99% of dog and cat allergens. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba. ...perfectly seasoning our ohillshire farm smoked sausage. so by simply adding the right ingredients... can end each day crafting a perfectly delicious dinner.
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>> jimmy: hello and welcome back to our show. tonight, from "marvel's cloak and dagger," which can be seen thursdays on freeform, olivia holt is here. she plays dagger. then their song is called "west coast." g-eazy, with blueface, and all-black from the mercedes-benz stage. all black and blueface, that will be fun. tomorrow night - zac efron and lena waithe will join us, and we'll have music from pentatonix, and later this week, the mother of dragons, emilia clarke, the creators of "game of thrones," david benioff
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and d.b. weiss, dennis quaid, music from pink. and on thursday, from the new england patriots, the great and powerful tom brady. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: yes, i did know. you want to see me all giddy, right? >> jimmy: i know i'm going to see you all giddy. dickey's from boston, he loves tom. with a snap of his giant purple fingers, our first guest gave the heroic avengers much to avenge. now, the story concludes in the number one movie maybe ever, "avengers: end game" is in theaters now. please welcome thanos himself, josh brolin. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how are you? how are you doing? >> very good. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] the bad guy! >> by the way, this was not always the case. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> you go in for an audition and it would be like one guy. >> jimmy: that's better than no guys, right? that's pretty good. >> saw you in "21 jump street," great episode. >> jimmy: do you remember what you played, who you played? >> i can't touch the floor. >> jimmy: what? [ laughter ] >> when you come in as thanos and you have everybody going like this. then you sit down and you go -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i'm sorry about that. >> it's part of your grand humbling plan. >> jimmy: part of our commitment to humiliate you. >> yeah, i do that, so much better. >> jimmy: you know what it is, the movie did so well, you're hovering, floating on air. >> yeah, you can tell. that's $1.2 billion right there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how much of that -- >> by next month i'll be around here. i'll have no knees and a half a shin. >> jimmy: how much of that $1.2 billion do you get? there's a lot of superheroes, there's only one super villain. it seems like you should get half of that. >> there's a whole 50% thing too. so the avengers get 50%, i get the other 50%. >> jimmy: you get the other 50%, right. i was thinking about thanos. and i don't want to give anything away, obviously. >> why not? >> jimmy: it is kind of funny. the last movie, the move that you kill half of all life is a
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snap. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: like "west side story" or something. oh, killed another half, killed another half. >> it was a whole musical, before, but they cut most of it out. i actually go into this song and dance thing, it was brilliant. >> jimmy: it's got to be the most famous snap in history, don't you think? >> i was on another talk show -- >> jimmy: what! [ laughter ] >> that's the positive. >> jimmy: that's why i made sure your feet didn't touch the ground! >> i didn't like how it was going and i did that. but the movie hadn't been out long enough for anybody to know what i was doing. so it was kind of like the whole audience went like this. anyway. >> jimmy: like you're being interviewed by a dog. >> this is going really well, the snapping, for you. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> you too. >> jimmy: you've got a lot going on. i know you're shooting "dune." i read that when i was in high school. >> did you really? >> jimmy: i loved that book, i was a nerd. >> were you high? >> jimmy: i was a nerd, i still am a nerd. no, i wasn't.
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>> you weren't? >> jimmy: i just liked that sort of thing. >> it's cool. denevo is doing it, the guy i did "sicario" with, amazing director. >> jimmy: he's great. that movie was great, "sicario." >> javier bardem is in it, who i haven't seen in a while. jason momoa. >> jimmy: oh, nice, aquaman. [ cheers and applause ] >> i love this, always a new actor in town where you can say it and you know everything's going to be good. it's like if everything goes crappy, i can say "jason momoa" and everything will go well. [ cheers and applause ] by the way, even my wife, who saw the first season of "game of thrones" called me and said, which i still am not okay with, called me and said, jason momoa is a god. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he kind of is, though. yeah. >> i was like, really? [ laughter ] i should see it.
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we should have another baby. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jason mow mow was something -- are they very secretive? the way marvel is about "dune" and what's going on? >> i did, you know -- i was there -- yes, they are. everybody's secretive now. it's like it started with woody allen, which i still don't understand why. but -- and now they do this thing where they're just like, hey, there's certain things because of social media, you don't post, you don't do this. i don't seem to follow those rules so well. i just don't have that in my dna. >> jimmy: right. >> i am truly my mother's child child. >> jimmy: do you think you have the opposite in your dna? they tell you not to do something -- >> no, like a rebellious thing, no, no. it's like a dumb person. [ laughter ] so i was in jordan. and we were in the sand. and i was on a little vacation. i had a few days off. you know. i went around. i went to wadi ram and all these amazing places.
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petra, 2,300-year-old petra. >> jimmy: wow. >> sand carvings and all this kind of stuff. i put it on my stories and i'd never done that before. i was bored even though it was historically amazing. i was filming myself, which i don't understand, i was in the middle of nowhere and there was internet so that was the first weird thing. i did this whole story on it. somebody called me, listen, we have guidelines. that's a word that i don't deal with very well. they said, we have guidelines. there's been some red flags. and so i had a conversation. i just didn't deal with it very well. it was like jason momoa doing "aquaman" and telling him when he's off he can't take a picture of himself in water anywhere else. i'm like, it's sand. it's called "dune." everybody knows. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, it's not like they're going to shoot it in vermont. >> no. [ laughter ] it's like you shot yourself enjoying this sand. and people may know.
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>> jimmy: and don't do that again, yeah. >> don't do that again. >> jimmy: well, the guidelines, they're not rules, maybe they should have made them rules. >> no, i know. just don't hire me. >> jimmy: is jordan a fun place to be? >> really fun. the one thing i did, i did the camel thing. i didn't really want to do that. >> jimmy: ride a camel? >> i did. yeah, i don't know, i don't understand, really. [ laughter ] i grew up around horses, animals and all that stuff -- >> jimmy: you grew up on like a wild animal preserve. what animals did you have? no camels? >> no, no camels. chimpanzees, wolves, tigers, lions. my brother got 60 stitches in his leg. my mom was the worst mother. [ laughter ] literally at 6 years old she was like, go clean the cages. you're like, but it's a wolf! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that what got your brother, the wolf? >> she had a kool in one hand, a dr pepper in the other. i'm like this lady [ bleep ].
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whoops. >> jimmy: it's all right. >> this lady's crazy. >> jimmy: this lady. >> she took animals away from people who had illegally taken them out of the wild, nurse them back to health, find the best zoo, or release them. the one time -- she fell in love with this animal, a chimpanzee named reggie. >> jimmy: how old was reggie, do you know? >> reggie -- he was born in captivity. >> jimmy: okay. >> so she used to watch schwarzenegger movies with reggie. and she'd drive around town. my mom was a character. so everybody knew about her. you'd see in the passenger seat this monkey, then my mom with a kool king and a dr pepper and something steering the car. she -- eventually she -- because of watching these movies she put him in the cage. she went and did something. she drove away. there was a guy who came, a ranch hand, to fix the chicken coop. he heard shots ringing out. right? he went completely facedown.
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reggie had worked himself out of the cage, gone down to the truck, and where i'm from, everybody has a rifle in the back of their truck. because of the schwarzenegger films, he knew how to chamber a bullet. >> jimmy: come on. >> i swear on my children. >> jimmy: really. >> swear on my children. so the guy was down like this. and here's the chicken coop. and he looks around like this and see hes reggie holding it in his -- at his hip. >> jimmy: arnold style. [ laughter and applause ] the guy's treeking out. reggie went up to the house. by the time my mom got home, he got into the carvasier. when my momn e kitch he waskiheo
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: that chimpanzee could have been governor of california. >> or president of the united states. >> jimmy: or president of the united states. josh brolin is here. his movie is "avengers: end game." we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by zillow. reimagine the way home. this is the 2019 nissan rogue featuring tech like propilot assist. it helps keep you centered in your lane and in control. this is how nissan intelligent mobility is reinventing driving- for everyone. now the most exciting tech you own is in your driveway. get the 2019 nissan rogue. zero percent apr financing for 60 months and $500 nmac cash back. t dieren zero percent apr financing for 60 months every weekday til six pm like endless shrimp monday admiral's feast tuesday four course feast wednesday and more. five deals. fifteen dollars. see you before six. 60% of moms get generic gifts for mother's day. this year, get more for your... mom?
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mamá mommy ¡mom! mom! mommy moooom! moooom! at t.j.maxx we believe just because the name's the same, doesn't mean the gift should be. mom deserves better, and you do too. happy mother's day. get quality gifts she'll love, at prices you'll love... for less than the price of a dozen roses. ♪ ♪ maxx life at t.j.maxx (dad) this i(mom)eam cake needs a freezefreezer's full. (vo) only frigidaire's custom flex temp drawer can switch from fridge to freezer. (son) nice save! (vo) that's using your frigidaire.
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very popular. a new father also. how old is your daughter now? >> 5 1/2 months. >> jimmy: 5 1/2 months. that's so much fun. did you go with gomora or nebula? i love a little baby. that is fun, right? >> it's the best. i mean, it literally is the best. i try not to exploit it. it's very hard. social media the way it is. you're like, i don't want people to see my baby. then you want everybody to see your baby. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> it's just a natural thing, you know what i'm saying? look. look at what i have. >> jimmy: look at this baby! >> exactly. >> jimmy: that really started in me. >> no. well, it did, i guess ultimately. >> jimmy: ultimately that's right. that's what i keep telling my wife. >> for about two and a half minutes. >> jimmy: maybe less. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] you dha >> the month of ll:t's not exaly >>no, it's it's not. i have a lot of respect for her, she did very well. >> jimmy: i saw you shortly after the baby -- not that
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shortly, a couple months after the baby was born. you were talking about -- you said you are a very fast changer of diapers. >> i'm -- i'm very good. >> jimmy: like the fastest in the world. >> fastest in the world seems stupid, but yes, i'm the best. [ laughter ] not only am i the fastest -- i'm very fast. but she never pees on anything i put her down on. so i have a system that is clean and fast. >> jimmy: you put a clean diaper under the dirty diaper and then you pull the dirty diaper out and then -- yeah, yeah, that's the system i use as well, yeah. where did you learn this system? >> it was innate in me. >> jimmy: it was inside you. whole time. it was inside you. >> it was. i was born with it. >> jimmy: so i wanted to -- this would be educational for people too, to put your skills to the test. and so we got a baby. >> okay. just a random baby? >> jimmy: no. just the cutest baby you ever saw in your whole life. [ cheers and applause ]
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so guillermo is wearing a typer. and he -- [ laughter ] and he needs to be changed. so i've got a stopwatch here and i've got a diaper and i have some baby powder. [ laughter ] and some formula or whatever that is. do you want to give it a shot and we'll time you? [ cheers and applause ] take off the jacket as well. guillermo, no, no, that's his job, put your clothes on. >> guillermo: that's his job, okay. >> jimmy: babies don't undress themselves. so where do you want to do it? do you want to do it on the couch here? >> that's -- that's because of the diaper, right? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, that's diaper related, don't worry. >> should we do it on the couch?
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do it on the floor? >> jimmy: wherever you want, you're in charge. tell me when you want me to start the timer. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, i see you've been working out. feeling good about it? everything in order? any other supplies you might need? >> guillermo: use your superhero power. >> yeah, yeah, i could just make you disappear. >> jimmy: and here we begin. >> wait. oh my god. >> jimmy: this is not something usually you'll encounter with a baby. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there's your diaper. oh, this is the move. i like this. oh, yeah.
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cutest thing i ever saw in my whole life. thank you, josh. you've taught us so much about fatherhood and hiygiene and a lt of different things. "avengers: end game" is in theaters right now. josh brolin, everybody. be right back with olivia holt! tuit's a flash sale you can't afford to miss! take an extra 20% off hundreds of incredible deals storewide!... like kids' tees starting at only $7.20... sandals for the family - $15.99 and under...
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and save on small electrics! tuesday only!... at kohl's. there's thousands of ingredients out there. the freshest stuff this planet can grow. not buzzword fresh. but, actually fresh-fresh. fresh. at panera, we hand-pick berries at peak-season. use creamy avocado. cage-free eggs. and a dressing fit for a goddess. oh and every ingredient is 100% clean. come taste what a salad should be. and for your next event big or small, try panera catering. panera. food as it should be.
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starburst? juicedratic equation. super top-secret mathematical formula they keep stored inside a safe, inside a vault, inside a volcano. ahhh. juicedratics. starburst. unexplainably juicy. starburst. (sheila) oh it's so good to see you. (neil) are you just hanging out with the mom's of other famous people? (oracene) what's up neil? (neil) hi venus and serena's mom. snoop dogg's mom. odell's mom. am i in trouble? (sheila) no honey there's nothing wrong. (oracene) although he does look thin. (sharon) he does look thin. (neil) thank you? (sharon) come on over here and let us look at you. (sheila) honey, have you been getting enough sleep? (beverly) something is off. (sharon) it's the hair. (neil) what's wrong with my hair? (gideon) it's definitely the hair. (neil) what? where did you - there's nothing wrong with my hair.
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♪ can you tell me the last thing you googled? >> um -- do ants eat termites? >> cnn, warriors, donald trump, alex ovechkin, lori loughlin, bbc news, the bruins. >> mexican food restaurants close to where we're staying. >> did you find it? >> we did, but we didn't eat mexican food. we went and ate pizza. >> i can't say it on tv. >> you can say it. >> oh, okay. mommy's monster [ bleep ]s. cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: olivia. >> hey. >> jimmy: it's really good to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: would you like a shot at breaking josh's record? changing guillermo? can you do it in under a minute, you think? >> you know -- >> jimmy: no? >> listen. i mean -- >> guillermo: no, no, no. >> it's -- i just don't know if it's going to happen today. >> guillermo: no, i don't think so. next time, next time. >> jimmy: maybe next time, yeah. you were on "cloak and dagger." marvel's "cloak and dagger." you're part of the marvel family. did you go to the premiere of "avengers: end game"? >> i did, yeah. >> jimmy: everyone who's part of the marvel what do they call it -- >> ncu, like the universe. >> jimmy: the universe gets to go to that thing. did you bring your family or
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anything like that? >> no, i didn't get a plus one this time. but it's fine. i'm not bitter about it or anything. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, really? >> it's okay. it was me, my two costars from the show. it was the three of us. we went together, it was really fun. my brother's a massive fan so he was really bummed. >> jimmy: how old's your brother? >> he's 17. >> jimmy: he must have been very jealous. >> jimmy: he was very >> jimmy: let him get a show. >> he'd love that he'd be thrilled. >> jimmy: how old were you when you started acting? >> 10 years old when i started doing it professionally. >> jimmy:ed you do commercials and that sort of thing? >> i'm from memphis. when i first started coming out to l.a. i started doing commercials and all that good stuff. it was fun. 10 years old, being able to just hang out on set and do some fun little -- kids about 14, kids about 79. >> jimmy: the cds, yeah. where the kids would sing --
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you'd take some popular song and make it into a kids' version. >> anything explicit they would drop it down, yeah, uh sgluf did you have to redo any of the explicit songs? >> oh, absolutely. i actually think some of the songs that we did -- i know that "take you there" by shaun kiean kingston was there. shawty i can take you there. you know it. chris brown is one. natasha beningfield, "pocket full of sunshine" was a hit at the time. i met her a couple years ago and told her this. natasha, i was in kids pop 14. she's like, not sure what that is. it was really cool. >> jimmy: a lot of people -- a lot of critics say 14 was the best of all the kids bop. [ laughter ] >> honestly that makes me really happy. >> jimmy: you'd think not because they'd done 13 of them by that point. wow. you wrote an advice column in "tiger beat" magazine. >> yeah. >> jimmy: when you were how old?
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>> 15. >> jimmy: how did the people at tiger beat know that you were wise, that you had advice to share with other children? >> i don't know, maybe i said something one time that was sort of intelligent and they were like, she is wise. she knows. >> jimmy: she's the one. >> don't know what i said. but -- yeah. >> jimmy: how would that work? were they real questions? would you go through them and decide which ones you wanted to answer? >> they were real questions. i did, i got a stack of questions i think every other week. and they were some hard dang questions. they were -- they were from like young kids too. all around my age. i think most of them are like -- well, like -- struggling right now in school, trying to tell a crush i like him. in my mind i'm like, i don't even go to school. i didn't go to school. i don't know how to answer this. >> jimmy: is that what you would write to them? >> no, i would make up some b.s., i had no idea what i was doing. i'm no life or love guru, my
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brain's still developing, i think. i hope. >> jimmy: of course. 15 years old, absolutely. this "cloak and dagger," you play dagger. which is so much better than being cloak. you had to be -- cloak is a coat, you know. dagger's a knife. >> totally, yeah. >> jimmy: what are you going to be the coat or the knife? i mean, really. >> i'm really glad this you put that it way. at first i was like, i want to be able to teleport. but you're right. being able to have -- manifest a legitimate light dagger is really rad. >> jimmy: shooting light daggers is something people rarely get to. >> thank god, right? >> jimmy: is it fun to be a superhero? i would love to be a superhero. i keep asking them to let me an superhero but no one wants me to be a superhero. >> they should let you. >> jimmy: i want to be part of the marvel universe. i feel like i'm hovering on the outside of the marvel universe. >> so many hookups, like why -- >> jimmy: no one's letting me in reknow thanos, i know the avengers, i know in the
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marvel universe, i'm in the audience watching it with everyone else and i don't want that anymore. >> we'll pull some strings. >> jimmy: would you mind? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and just stab people with the lighting depercent you have to. >> you got it. >> jimmy: you shoot in new orleans. that is an easy place to get work done? >> no, everybody's celebrating all the time. i'm not kidding. new orleans locals, they always have a reason to celebrate or they'll find one. >> jimmy: outside of mardi gras? >> outside of mardi gras. it's actually really special. when i first went to new orleans we shot our first episode throughout the whole month of february. and every road was blocked off. people were drinking. it's open container. i was like -- >> jimmy: this is very good planning on someone's part over there. >> exactly. it was fun. it really is a beautiful city. i think especially in our show, you feel -- it doesn't feel like the location of the show. like it feels like another character. >> jimmy: yeah. well, it's great to meet you. >> likewise. >> jimmy: again, talk to your people and see what you can do for me. >> we'll see what we can do.
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>> jimmy: anything would be fine. >> okay. >> jimmy: olivia holt, everybody. "cloak and dagger," our show, is thursdays on fo d be rk"mmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. it's no ordinary day at denny's it's crepe day. a family tradition we started about twenty-two minutes ago. and from the looks of it, this tradition is going to last awhile. denny's has new crepes! see you at denny's.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank josh brolin and olivia holt, apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first the song is called "west coast", here with help from all black, and blueface, g-eazy! >> 6 million ways to march, choose one. ♪ ♪ ♪ you can't imagine the way that this cash feeling don't know what's harder the ♪ my last album took care of my grandchildren you tried to win cracked you head on the glass ceiling ♪ ♪ what it is sick with it it is the way this money look i'll be signed to sony for years ♪ ♪ micro-dosing shrooms and
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i might just go pop a thizz they see that black rari they know that it's one of his ♪ ♪ ooh realest in the room could fill a pool with all the alcohol that i consume ♪ ♪ i'm coming this summer yeah it's safe to assume i'm finna clean up using golden state's broom ♪ ♪ west coast real town business puma check just got cleared merry christmas ♪ ♪ more sales you catching more l's i drove here in a scraper playing this on four 12's ♪ ♪ from the wet that universe jimmy kimmel hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ west side yankee that's how big yeah ♪ ♪ i ain't schoolyard for the children ♪ ♪ used to be cast but he got me healing ♪ ♪ welcome to the west coast this the best coast ♪
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♪ you can fly the best in the metro ♪ ♪ doing the dance match up and down freak-o ♪ ♪ welcome to the beat-o big picture in the greek-o ♪ ♪ hey blueface baby yeah i like my money in blue faces baby ♪ ♪ call me sir we take it in the burg ♪ ♪ from the whole west coast to the universe you already know what it is ♪ re quick ♪ ♪ sunday organic the oracle the big o ♪ ♪ shakur ra mandrake that's what they ask when they hear all blackface ♪ ♪ corner store white tee's
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and a fifth of that dog water to go slapping saturday love going dumb ♪ ♪ up out the window i got dirty harry no l's i ain't stopping for five-o ♪ ♪ i be with rich white boys you could've sworn was bums spread the gang feed your people and with a thug ♪ ♪ can't take the credit for the plays i run lendin' my wicked face tatted like jacob nugs ♪ ♪ ain't hella tall but i still bop on like spud ♪ ♪ that black panther slash doberman pinsch from the dubs ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey from the west coast ♪ jimmy kimmel west coast! [ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, survivor stories. >> there wasn't just a shooting, it was a massacre >> the heroes
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speaking out chasing an alleged gunman. >> i ran toward the lobby where the gunshots were coming from. >> survival and strength against a backdrop of bullets and growing hate. the investigation under way and the tip that came in too late. plus manson girls. >> charlie really was pimping us out, but it was in the name of, oh, freeing your sexual inhibition. >> the new insight into the notorious murders that continue to grip this nation.
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